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Faustian ago

You unilaterally changed the scope of an entire sub against the desire of its userbase. If there's one takeaway from the admin's announcement, it's that people who do not use this sub still recognize that it has a userbase you cheated and screwed on a whim, and voat, as a whole, is not okay with it. If you wanted rules for mods, as O, you could have made them with userbase input. This was not about ideas or some lofty scheme to get rules for mods. You did this for attention. You fucked over all of this sub's subscribers for attention. Step down.

WhiteSoIMustBeRacist ago

You didn't read this did you -->

Changing the scope of the sub was bullshit if you hadn't figured that out yet.

Faustian ago

You linked me to a useless monologue trashing voat and wasted my time.

Changing the scope of the sub was bullshit

It's a fact you changed the scope of the sub. Why you did it is irrelevant.

My previous comment stands. Step down.

WhiteSoIMustBeRacist ago

It's a fact you changed the scope of the sub.

So where is it written that the top mod of a sub is forbidden to do this? Show me that rule in a guideline or rule for mods that is readily available for me to access that is approved by the admins and some group of mods/users, and I will step down immediately.

Maybe instead of going off of unwritten rules that nobody knows about, you should put some rules defined in writing and make them readily known. Until then, I'll do as the admins ask and nobody else.

Faustian ago

Why does it have to be written? You know the users are the ones that contribute the content and without them you have a dead sub. You didn't make this sub; it existed before you became O. The userbase submitted content here in line with the sub's purpose. You come in, change the scope, spit in the faces of the people who built this place all because no one wrote you can't? It's stupid shit like this that never ceases to amaze me. Some dipshit somewhere needs to be told in writing not to pour *scalding, hot water on themselves because it will result in 3rd degree burns.

WhiteSoIMustBeRacist ago

Why does it have to be written?

Because then the mods don't know what those rules and guidelines are, and if you don't know what they are and don't have a way to find out then how can you follow them. And when somebody punishes you for not following them, then how do you know they aren't just making shit up to punish you for?

Jesus Christ are you really that fucking stupid that you have to ask this? Seriously, are you really that fucking stupid? As I said, average IQ of 95. In your case, probably 80.

In fact this comment is so fucking stupid, taking stupid to a whole new level of stupid, that I'm finally done. You all deserve each other. I'm out of here for good.

Also, the funding finally dried up.

HarveyKlinger ago

Good thing you went on that moral crusade to bring civility and love to VOAT. It seems to be an obvious life lesson you picked up someplace. Congrats on your constant civility even when times get tough.

Now go give your life partner a big naked man hug.

Bilbo_Swaggins ago

You hit the nail on the head.

I don't fucking get these people, mods who go on power trips. The only thing that changed for me since I became a mod is that now I ban antiracist's alts instead of reporting them. I'm a glorified janitor!

Faustian ago

You should throw your name in the hat then-make a sub-request. I have no history in this sub, so I don't know what kind of mod you were. The userbase here does, and they will likely comment on the request. This place definitely needs someone who is not ban-happy or power hungry. Good luck.