Shes2FAT4ME ago

Not sure what that's in reference to and I'm not looking thru 126 comments to find it.

Kneegroid ago

I have not logged in awhile been dealing real life shit. And niggers. Whata going on here.

thelordofcheese ago

Consequences will never be the same.

BlackInferiority ago

Can a nigger-hater get the tl;dr version of whatever the fuck this is about?

mrdunhill ago

You done goofed!!!

Runaway-White-Slave ago

@WhiteSoIMustBeRacist HA HA FUQ NIGGER!!!

ExpertShitposter ago

You just keep blocking every time a new one pings you.

ExpertShitposter ago

He has closer to 50 i think.

piratse ago

I feel like someone took this account over, because it did a 180 from a month ago.

FreeBreivik ago

Buh bye cuckmod.

ExpertShitposter ago

Try blocking them all.

ExpertShitposter ago

I suppose you may know more since i try to mostly ignore these people rather than pay close attention to them.

lmkevin ago


I guess I should ask why you had a change of heart in a single morning? I have not seen anyone else ask that.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

whatever, just pack your shit

3derp5you ago

Fuck off

WhiteSoIMustBeRacist ago

No, I already knew.

WhiteSoIMustBeRacist ago

I abandoned it on my own about six hours ago. If you look I explicitly state in the sidebar that I abandoned it and why.

1nv1ctus ago

Getting spooked and no longer wanting to be associated with the shit you purvey (as an infiltrator or otherwise) is one thing, but trying to impose your personal SJW crusade on the rest of the site like a tyrant, and then having the gall to repeatedly say shit like "It's your site, and your call" reeks of false diminution and hypocrisy. You invited vitriol and censure when you showed that you're nothing but a two-faced liar on a power trip. For me, this has much less to do with this sub, and everything thing to do with your character – you seem to think you possess a lot of it, but your actions and words indicate otherwise.

ShitArchon ago

Normies using it is one thing. Voat regulars using it is a red flag.

Artofchoke ago

Fucking took me longer to let go of imgur than it did leaving reddit itself. :/

ShitArchon ago

Especially given that Voat has inline expansion for imgur albums and lots of images were lost entirely in the domain shift from to may be a better site, but imgur is guaranteed to work.

ShitArchon ago

Unfortunately the user base are a bunch of ignorant hate-mongers with an average IQ of about 95.

Notably, that's the average IQ of stateside Native Americans and higher than the national IQ of most countries that are not European or East Asian, and especially higher than countries like Saudi Arabia and Pakistan. You aren't a racist who hates Native Americans (which included a number of regulars on the old Reddit sub), are you?

Shes2FAT4ME ago

As someone who's dealt with defamation in real life, it's no joke when someone fucks with your reputation wrongly.

WhiteSoIMustBeRacist ago

TL;DR: Much redditing; much hurt

Faustian ago

You unilaterally changed the scope of an entire sub against the desire of its userbase. If there's one takeaway from the admin's announcement, it's that people who do not use this sub still recognize that it has a userbase you cheated and screwed on a whim, and voat, as a whole, is not okay with it. If you wanted rules for mods, as O, you could have made them with userbase input. This was not about ideas or some lofty scheme to get rules for mods. You did this for attention. You fucked over all of this sub's subscribers for attention. Step down.

WhiteSoIMustBeRacist ago

You didn't read this did you -->

Changing the scope of the sub was bullshit if you hadn't figured that out yet.

Faustian ago

You linked me to a useless monologue trashing voat and wasted my time.

Changing the scope of the sub was bullshit

It's a fact you changed the scope of the sub. Why you did it is irrelevant.

My previous comment stands. Step down.

WhiteSoIMustBeRacist ago

It's a fact you changed the scope of the sub.

So where is it written that the top mod of a sub is forbidden to do this? Show me that rule in a guideline or rule for mods that is readily available for me to access that is approved by the admins and some group of mods/users, and I will step down immediately.

Maybe instead of going off of unwritten rules that nobody knows about, you should put some rules defined in writing and make them readily known. Until then, I'll do as the admins ask and nobody else.

Faustian ago

Why does it have to be written? You know the users are the ones that contribute the content and without them you have a dead sub. You didn't make this sub; it existed before you became O. The userbase submitted content here in line with the sub's purpose. You come in, change the scope, spit in the faces of the people who built this place all because no one wrote you can't? It's stupid shit like this that never ceases to amaze me. Some dipshit somewhere needs to be told in writing not to pour *scalding, hot water on themselves because it will result in 3rd degree burns.

WhiteSoIMustBeRacist ago

Why does it have to be written?

Because then the mods don't know what those rules and guidelines are, and if you don't know what they are and don't have a way to find out then how can you follow them. And when somebody punishes you for not following them, then how do you know they aren't just making shit up to punish you for?

Jesus Christ are you really that fucking stupid that you have to ask this? Seriously, are you really that fucking stupid? As I said, average IQ of 95. In your case, probably 80.

In fact this comment is so fucking stupid, taking stupid to a whole new level of stupid, that I'm finally done. You all deserve each other. I'm out of here for good.

Also, the funding finally dried up.

HarveyKlinger ago

Good thing you went on that moral crusade to bring civility and love to VOAT. It seems to be an obvious life lesson you picked up someplace. Congrats on your constant civility even when times get tough.

Now go give your life partner a big naked man hug.

Bilbo_Swaggins ago

You hit the nail on the head.

I don't fucking get these people, mods who go on power trips. The only thing that changed for me since I became a mod is that now I ban antiracist's alts instead of reporting them. I'm a glorified janitor!

Faustian ago

You should throw your name in the hat then-make a sub-request. I have no history in this sub, so I don't know what kind of mod you were. The userbase here does, and they will likely comment on the request. This place definitely needs someone who is not ban-happy or power hungry. Good luck.

WhiteSoIMustBeRacist ago

My previous comment stands. Step down.

I'm waiting to find out who the admins want to give it to, or if they choose to sunset it.

WhiteSoIMustBeRacist ago

And who the fuck cares if people see niggers when they search voat. Free speech m I rite?

Exactly, and that is why I don't really care anymore. This site is never going to go anywhere because of that. It will be where people go to spew hate and that is all. It sucks, but it's where the owners want to take it and it's their call. I'm having my final bit of fun before I am gone for good.

golgotham ago

But you really wouldn't KNOW, would you, because you never really look up from your own ridiculous, hypocritical cloud to see people actually discussing things elsewhere. You might try purchasing a mirror, and take a good long look in it.

eagleshigh ago

This website does suck. It isn't going to go anywhere because people still use Jewitt not because of v niggers.

Fuck you nigger.

WhiteSoIMustBeRacist ago

Thanks, love you too. Good luck on your blog.

eagleshigh ago

Love you too. Thank you.

One question. Were you a mole? Or did you have a change of heart?

Tor1 ago

He was Clueless-Joe-Jackson. Something rustled his jimmies so he created the spite alt identity WhiteSoIMustBeRacist.

Now he's deleted his initial login and is trying to inflict retalliatory damage.

His subs were:

Chicago moderators Naperville

He likely already has a third login or will soon.

There is no substitute for voat and you can only throw a tantrum for so long.

Fagtardicus ago

he also responded to a six month old @antiracist ping

Tor1 ago

yep. 32 posts to v/niggers. another alt.

eagleshigh ago

I'm out of the loop. Who is clueless Joe Jackson?

european ago

He was the wsmbr alt mod of /r/Chicago that changed the rules to only positive stories .

eagleshigh ago

So against reality. Good to know.

eagleshigh ago

I din du nuffin.

WhiteSoIMustBeRacist ago

You are just butthurt that there is a recourse for people to push back on your power trip.

Fuck you're a god damned retard.

First off, where the fuck are the guidelines for how a mod should behave, and how is that communicated to them? You've been doing this 'ProtectVoat' bullshit for a while now .. and you haven't had the foresight to think that maybe instead of just being a reactionary instigator who uses brigading and harrassment to get your way, you at least first try to get mods to understand what are best practices to be a mod?

Look, I admit I made a mistake. And if people had been civil and talked to me about it after I did it, I would have listened to them. I had a pretty good discussion with AOU (an actual contributor to the sub) in PM about this. And from that discussion I changed my position and asked the community what they wanted.


Now be a good little boy and do as I said. Or does this get your penis hard and that's why you don't take a more rational and logical approach to improving voat?

Keep talking to me if you want. I made my point I have nothing further to say to you.

@atko and @puttitout - food for thought

alternaterightality ago

Kys faggot

WhiteSoIMustBeRacist ago

I made a mistake. I admit that.

You run a sub whose sole purpose is to act as a brigade hub to intimidate and harass other subs who do not follow your unwritten rules. You have an ongoing pattern of making willfull acts to attack other subs in order to force them into behaving in the manner you see fit.

Again - you are the worst of reddit. I hope that @Atko & @PuttItOut recognize that as such, and take appropriate action to prevent it from happening again.


Thank you for unbanning everyone.

Please reset the CCP voting threshold to 0 so that this subverse appears in v/all


WhiteSoIMustBeRacist ago


I'm not putting in the 'googles' CSS because that's been played to death, and served its purpose. It's in niggerssandbox. And assuming you get this sub, i'll transfer that over to you.

WhiteSoIMustBeRacist ago

I've only posted in your shithole as CJJ and WSIMBR when your fuckfaces attacked my sub.

You are part of a long list of impotent bullies

Yeah, you're the last person who should be accusing anyone of being a bully. You're a shitty batman wanna-be who creates shit to get your own way.

You are the worst of reddit.

WhiteSoIMustBeRacist ago

Also dumbfuck read the attached message. I was the mod of /v/chicago. I made some changes to the sub on Saturday morning and, while I accept now they were bad changes, your fuckfaces began a brigade of my sub minutes afterwards. That is where this all started.

Again, average IQ of voat users: 95.

mleczko ago

average nigger's IQ is what, 65? thanks for reminding me.

lmkevin ago

95 Isn't that bad. could be worse.

Islamiscancer ago

its still higher then even a clever nigger.

Ser_Snow ago

Average nigger IQ is 60-85, so yeah, it could be worse even if it were true.

WhiteSoIMustBeRacist ago

I banned you and everyone from your sub after your brigade began. You and your little army of instigators never went to /v/chicago before and, instead of acting civil, your little shit-stain sycophants brigaded my sub because they had their panties in a tizzy over percieved injustice.

Hey asshole, if you actually want to do something positive to build up voat, prepare some helpful guidelines and get the community together to support them and make sure mods know. Instead you're just a reactionary vigilante who corrals up a group of shit-stains in your sub to go harass and bully people into doing what you think is best.

Fuck off - you are the worst of reddit.

golgotham ago

You DO understand you are revealing yourself to be an unbelievable hypocrite in all you say, yes?

ExpertShitposter ago

Hes not antiracist. Antiracist is too dumb to string together a few sentences. This guy might be EugenNix tho, a few things point to it. Doesn't matter in the end, its a case of Joos gonna Joo.

eagleshigh ago

He ain't EugeneNix.

ExpertShitposter ago

But definitely isn't antiracist ether. Just another Jew.

Shoahshekelmeister ago

That just means he went up from the basement and told mommy the "internet nazis" have said means things to him.

ShitArchon ago

"Anita Sarkeesian bravely defied harassment by trolls and bullies!"

eagleshigh ago


Shoahshekelmeister ago

Wow, what a pathetic faggot. He must have sobered up after a nigger-cum drinking orgy. (BTW the downvoat ban is still active, nice)

ExpertShitposter ago


Nobody here buys your story for one second JewugenNix.

EugeneNicks ago

This is my acct.

WhiteSoIMustBeRacist ago

If only we had 48 more of you, and it might help offset the damage @antiliberalsociety does to that number.

Broc_Lia ago

You open with

"Unfortunately the user base are a bunch of ignorant hate-mongers with an average IQ of about 95."

and then expect people to believe you were just joking about hijacking the sub and turning it into an SJW safespace? Lol

And fuck off with your "if they hadn't brigaded I wouldn't have done anything." Your own userbase organised on protectvoat because you fucked up their sub. Them coming back here to complain is hardly "brigading."

TheStapler ago

Still two standard deviations above sub-Saharan Africans

Broc_Lia ago

Holy shit though, his CCP went from around 4500 to -944 in only a few days.

WhiteSoIMustBeRacist ago

"Your own userbase organised on protectvoat "

Two of 325. And then the rest of that sub came in and brigaded. I spent three hours because 'kimmycunt' or whatver their name was kept creating new accounts to post shit. A user who never stepped foot in th sub before.

You don't know shit child. This is why I no longer give a fuck about this site. The user base are all fucking retarded as fuck.

Broc_Lia ago

Two of 325

Yeah, I'm sure only two people from a sub called "/v/niggers" were pissed that you wanted to turn it into an SJW safespace. Your lies aren't even realistic.

I spent three hours because 'kimmycunt' or whatver their name was kept creating new accounts to post shit.

Oh poor you! Your banning spree couldn't keep up with the hundreds of people you pissed off? I'm so so sorry for your troubles.

This is why I no longer give a fuck about this site

Still trying to keep up that persona I see. No one's buying it. It's transparent as hell you're not the original owner of that account.

WhiteSoIMustBeRacist ago

Not a very bright one. You should read the whole thing before opening your mouth and letting the world know you're an ignorant fuck.

Broc_Lia ago

I've read the whole thing, twice! It's hilarious.

WhiteSoIMustBeRacist ago

Thank you. I am thinking of making it into a broadway musical. Or at least a play.

So if you read it twice, why did you think the brigade i was talking about was from /v/niggers when i said 2 of 325? Ah because you're a voat retard.

alternaterightality ago

You can tell you're a reddit powermod from how you argue. You say dumb ass shit that makes no sense while throwing a tantrum like a little whiny bitch because you're used to always getting your way and always having the power. Kys faggot.

Broc_Lia ago

"Your own userbase organised on protectvoat "

Two of 325. And then the rest of that sub came in and brigaded.

Clearly you were trying to suggest that only two /v/niggers users were involved on protectvoat. That was the funniest part imho. Comedy like that writes itself.

WhiteSoIMustBeRacist ago

So then you missed the part where I said that I was the mod of /v/chicago, and protect voat brigaded that sub. For someone who read it twice, your reading comprehension sucks.

Broc_Lia ago

So then you missed the part where I said that I was the mod of /v/chicago

This is literally your first time mentioning it, either in this thread or in your OP.

Anyhow, it's a pretty small sub, so if two active users were against your changes then that's a fairly strong indictment.

WhiteSoIMustBeRacist ago

This is literally your first time mentioning it, either in this thread or in your OP.

There is an imgur link with the emails I sent to puttitout. It is the very first thing at the very top of what I posted. Are you fucking blind?

Broc_Lia ago

Not in this post there isn't. I'm not trawling through everything you've written in the past few days in case there's a point in there somewhere.

WhiteSoIMustBeRacist ago

Yes there is. It's the very first line of the post. I even updated the post with a "Read This ->" because people seem to be blind.

Broc_Lia ago

Nice try, that was not there when you wrote that.

WhiteSoIMustBeRacist ago


The reason I don't feel bad, and I am laughing at you, is that I realized a few weeks ago that I just don't like any of you.

But yes, you are right. You got me. I am anti-racist. I'm a joo nigger cuck fag whose been ban evading myself for months just for ... ?

And you wonder why I don't think many of you are very bright.

sbt2160p ago

Pro tip: images of text like that should be saved in PNG format, not JPEG.

WhiteSoIMustBeRacist ago


scrimmmy ago

Take you boohoo shit back to Reddit nigger

Mumbleberry ago

Dailymotion=rampant faggotry.

WhiteSoIMustBeRacist ago

LiveLeak was my first choice, but they removed it within 10 minutes on copyright grounds. I've had shit removed from YouTube as well. Got a better site?

mleczko ago

@WhiteSoIMustBeRacist thanks for unbanning me. Also you're a faggot, and fuck you.

WhiteSoIMustBeRacist ago

Love you too.

nutflix ago

You use imgur?

Get out.