spliff_tolkien ago

I like it here

The_Rev_Rover ago

Mm...any of yall got them upvotes...

Mackdv ago

Humor#SpeakFreely#GabFam#Hillary #Trump Hillary Clinton asks where is Donald Trump's trousers?


Thomascro83 ago

Right on

Cbradio ago

@atko @puttitout GOT a hacker, stalker, thief on here. Twice my oms are hacked and erased, my subverses all taken off, and some comments. Wtf? Has this illegal crap happened before? All.on voat should and need to do that there is a creepy, stalker, thieving hacking skank pussy on the loose on voat. What good is free speech if some pussy is hacking thieving harassing members and their private property accounts??? Please assist asap..this is TWICE NOW..I wrote about it on your merchandise subverse about a week ago!!!! Urgent!!! Beyond illegal and CREEPY!!

blackbandit2011 ago

Hey you're doing a great job mainly because your NOT Facebook or Twitter!! No complaints here, I myself am new to social media even though I'm not young and am happy to of found this alternative. Thank you

AyammayA ago

Not much different than an actual conversation, isn't it?

AyammayA ago

Thanks for all the work you've put into this! May you achieve all your worthy aims.

AyammayA ago

Put a few coins in the coffer.

ParkingLotRanger ago

New goat here. Checking the place out and saying hello. I like the nightmode.

lorlipone ago

If you were one dude, I'd say "You're the man." Being two dudes.. . I dunno. "You're the men" doesn't feel right, but it's what I think.

JanMichaelVincent ago

Haven't you sought investment? Or don't you want to? I find it very hard to believe you can't find investment for a site with this much potential and growing traffic.

FuckYouReddit- ago


chris ago

Have you thought about celebrity endorsements from Jay-Z?

6921528? ago

Anyway to donate with paypal or a site using paypal to donate here...don't like having to enter my credit card info here

eBev ago

Here's a ring! Are we engaged? :)

Hooligan86 ago

Woohoo! Let's get this party started!

eBev ago

:( All I wanted to do was give someone a smile and a nod in the form of an upgoat. :( How can I share my agreement without the joy of an upgoat?

Cynabuns ago

Show me some spam and I'll take a look.

pseudome ago

I dropped by here a while ago. Didn't think I'd be coming back because of the exodus, but I feel it's time to make this place the new home.

The blue goat is mine. His name is Fernando, and he'll fuck you up if you mess with him.

basedFinn ago

I'm starting a full time job soon and would love to have a past time. Brand new to voat, willing to get started in helping develop the site.

Trooper27 ago

Nice to be here as Reddit is under full censorship. Would love to help you guys out in any way that I can. Cheers!

Mental_False ago

limited up votes? Whats that about? I am new and already out....shameless plug for upvotes? Thanks!!

faux-speech ago

If there was true free speech there'd be a /v/jailbait but you banned it just like reddit. In sum: You're just as bad as Reddit.

path ago

Freedom of speech doesn't allow you to break the law. Say what you want though.

faux-speech ago

Jailbait pictures aren't breaking the law.

path ago

I was under the impression jailbait meant kid porn. Clearly I'm not nuanced enough in the realm of paedophilia know the difference between looking at nude children and fantasizing about them being nude.

faux-speech ago

I'd be interested to know your opinion on a book by the famous feminist Germaine Greer called "The Boy"?

Would you consider that paedophilia?

path ago


Yeah that's gone be a no for me, dawg. Feminism is a spiritual abomination that destroys both women and men while enriching the elite through a double workforce and ignorant, unlearned children. Women are no longer feminine, and men are no longer masculine. The duality exists for a reason and cultures for millennia have exulted in it. Ying and Yang, etc. So a self-proclaimed feminist already loses credibility in every aspect due to a fundamental perversion of spiritual energy, which perverts every other aspect of her worldview.

faux-speech ago

Well it seems we agree on something!

Consequence-Earned ago

Now that i have read this and i recognize the sites creators need to squeeze every penny they can, I make sure adds can come through. Just now I clicked on a Fat dog and got Rick rolled. Dammit. I love you guys. Happy Thanksgiving. Dont forget to load up the salt in remembrance of the greatest self shitting the world has ever known. Yes you Dems.

DonmaticAK47 ago

Appreciate the hard work the both of you have put into this site. If a mass migration happens we all need to be prepared for the volume of traffic this site may incur.

kopfkino ago

I'm here just for the goats

eBev ago

I wanted so much to upgoat you...but I'm upgoat-poor!

Use0nceDestroy87 ago

I'm new to Voat. First time user, from Reddit.

loxodon ago

Thanks! Ready to Voat!

Strat0 ago

I think I am going to start using this site a lot more now!

virtualstates ago

Where is the share on Voat? I want to put on my Facebook, Pages I managed and Twitter, Happy Thanksgiving USA!

eBev ago

I think Facebook will cut out your heart if you post from here. They're having issues.

Stellaris ago

Thank you, I am getting used to the workings of this website!

grubbypixie ago

Voat is a great platform for those freedoms and I appreciate all that you do. Freedom of speech is the right to say stupid, unpopular and evil things that go against the grain of society. I've seen way too many swings of the pendulum to think that censorship is in any way a good thing. Your deeply held belief, great love or pet project today might become the object of scorn and in danger of becoming illegal tomorrow.

eBev ago

Oh, how I wanted to upgoat you. :\

Chemaz ago

Just created an account and like what you've done with the place.

lawofzero ago

I used to be a regular here before the double whammy of the @She saga and this place becoming /r/fatpeoplehate2.0 for a while left a bad taste in my mouth and left around that time. I've often wanted to come back but cannot remember my original password or even which email address I originally used (I change all that stuff every now and then and now have completely different email addresses) so that has been holding me back. But I think its a good time to just start completely afresh with a new account now anyway, let the old one be a thing of the past.

I was stupid to ever leave in the first place, there honestly isn't a better place for raw honesty and truth without vote fuckery and insecure twats in positions of authority. Haven't really had a place to shoot the shit in a long time. I've been using Reddit on and off but 99% just to discuss pro wrasslin', a community that is still unfortunately unmatched anywhere else. But I haven't been able to trust the place in a long long fucking time so honestly when it comes to discussion, I've been without a home for a while. The reason I left Reddit for here back in the day is because they were censoring the Ed Snowden / NSA saga in /r/worldnews. I'm glad that another eye opening drama has happened there now but it's just a pity that people are acting like its the first time anything dodgy has ever happened there and it'll probably all be forgotten about in a few weeks.

Glad to be back! I'd rather put up with hateful honesty than prozac fuelled Reddit zombies any day anyway. Besides, I'm sure that now that the 'safe spaces' thing is in the past, discussion here will be more balanced again. Glad to see that @Atko and @PuttItOut are still standing strong here after all this time!

Vaximoz ago

Goodbye Reddit, Hello Voat!

2ndVoat ago

Is there a sub where I can ask about finding a sub related to my interests?

fuckmyreddit ago

Freedom of speech and goats. Doesn't get better n that.

eBev ago

Well, fainting goats, maybe.

Anchy ago

Not really :p

drunkdeliverydude ago

reddit refugee checking in, where's that Voat app at

rhy ago

I just use the lightning browser on f droid market. Works great.

Consequence-Earned ago

I am appreciating what we have here more everyday. I wanted to say earlier that Ive wanted to make a donation from time to time but im forced to give my phone number and I never do that. I dont know who gets that information. Im going to start doing it anyway. Please dont fuck me.

Jayrn3 ago

Glad to be here.

8non ago

What promises do you guys have that we won't see comment editing, similar to what Steve Huffman did on Reddit creating the current influx of visitors, happening here at Voat?

That aside, I can put up with growing pains for any website that is not a politically correct 'safe space'.

FleeingCensorship ago

I've been on this site for a while and am def not a shill sneaking in with the latest batch of Reddit refugees. Upvoted me? I'm tired of not being able to down voat shills.

freevortex ago

And the spez fiasco with comment editing.

sagethesagesage ago

That's the bigger issue, at least for me.

Rooted ago

Your support of Freedom of Speech is all I could ask for...well, that and actually supporting it. I hope this site flourishes! :D

Goater ago

Again, if you implemented BTC adverts you'd probably double Voats advertising budget. A lot of us don't want to link our usernames with our credit cards.

Also, you aren't doing too well with the whole badges for donating thing...I think I'm at about 6 months for $300 in total and still no useless shiny thing. Maybe you can outsource that to someone for like 1% of the donation per user.

E.g. I donate $200, u/someone allocates the badge, u/someone gets paid monthly 1% of named donations, v/badges makes complaints if u/someone isn't doing their job, u/someone gets replaced if shit.

Hell, you could even make it an honorary Voat position, with users invited for submitting quality content or comments.

That u/someone has to put up an indemnity fund of 1.5x last months avg in donations in a separate BTC wallet so they can't just run off with that months donations.

I mean, it's a lot easier to implement than the advert payments and will also give an incentive for the u/someone to organize fund raising campaigns, as the more donated, the more badges, the more they get, the more Voat gets.

ozymil ago

help I wandered in here from Reddit what do

blind_sypher ago

Hey can you sticky a centralized repository of the most damning evidence we have so far, new comers need to be debriefed before they start sifting through the links and files.

Bigglesworth45 ago

You boys better get some more bandwidth. U/SPEZ (admin) on that other site just admitted to editing user comments.

Lag-wagon ago

Unacceptable :)

Nesano ago

Keep it up, you've got a good thing going here.

Clandestiny ago

Don't worry, I will bring the sane ones here. We will donate to the cause. Reddit has been gamed for far too long by CIA and shills.

TheGunslinger ago

Thanks for the invite, I just subscribed. My name is a reference to Stephan King book but I do love guns. I don't have any at the moment; I sold my 357 before I moved outta state. Planning on getting a 30 30 soon though.

Wavey23 ago

Why is everyone's username deleted?

Totenglocke ago

So thought crime. It doesn't surprise me, that's where most of voat's users come from.

6andahalfgrapples ago

I like blue and purple better anyways. Guess this is my new addiction. Off to figure out where I can talk about cast iron pans and shit.

Totenglocke ago

What happened? Did reddit do another mass purge for "thought crime"?

PsychoDesign ago

I sure do see more annoying goats rather bugs. =\ But hey, we have outweighs what we don't have.

lakeyosemit ago

Have you considered opening up the code base so anyone can volunteer to help (if that's not the case currently)?

stickflip ago


OpusMioda ago

Don't worry newbs. After the sexual awakening you'll fit right in. Bring lube. We ran out.

B_Adder ago

New, old, and confused. Am fleddit (I think that is the term.) trying to fit in with the young wippersnappers that inhabit this site. At my current rate of learning I should be up to speed in a few years if I live that long. I find Voat interesting and will try to keep up.

Tha_Dude_Abidez ago

Nice to be here. Let me know if you need help finding that bug!

HomerSimpson ago

Wow @atko. Feature pizzagate but never fph in this year we been together? Rude

LostandFound ago

Awesome platform guys :) actually enjoy the 10second bug it allows me become better acquainted with the goat. Get more ads up in this place asap, do what you gotta do I will even click on them for you !

orange_viper ago

What is the blocking issue? Is it being worked on? It makes the site near unusable...

booleanwarrior ago

Got any more of them upgoats?

the_snek ago

Goats are way too large for me to eat. I am just a little snek. Can we have smaller meals?

dabork ago

Just use some of that mysterious funding to upgrade the infrastructure already, Jesus.

If your site stays broken like this you're going to scare off all the dissenters you worked so hard to lure here.

Lag-wagon ago

@fuzzywords you are slacking... Anything I can do to help?

GuenMakunikoru ago

At least i got a voat hoody :)

FalsePseudonym ago

I was only really ever interested in lurking Reddit for the several years I trusted it as a source of alternative viewpoints. It provided some alternative thought, but didn't exactly seem stand for what I believe in. Now it absolutely has neither going for it. Freedom of speech is worth talking about though and I'm thankful there's a rescue Voat us refugees can climb aboard.

Johndough ago

Well I wanna play!

SnakeOilSalesman ago

fuck reddit, voatgoat all the way

NesuNesu ago

Haven't been here yet, so this place is basically a more friendly version of 4chan?

AssangeSonOfKek ago

The only thing that holds me back from switching to here is getting things to look how I want. If I could make this site look like Reddit with RES with disabled subreddit styles, I'd be sold.

I checked out /v/enhancement but the links are dead, and nobody has posted there for over a year.

Cuckbot ago

try v/ave and you can disable subverse styles by clicking the gear icon at top right.

knot13 ago

"often will toggle off for about 10 seconds and then turn itself back on."

I'm an operations engineer and am interested in what's going on here, if you guys are looking for help tracking down that bug and advising on how to fix let me know (I couldn't pm you due to low ccp).

THR0W4W4Y ago

I hate Reddit and Love Goats. Fuck Yes. I can say Fuck???? Murcia!!!!!

Strelnieki ago

Can I trade my coat for a goat?

SpicySphincter ago

First ever comment. I feel free.

Donbuster ago

What's your proposal then? You can't exactly give people the ability to modify live code. Hell, even giving people l2 modlevel access is suicide. Look what happened to SBBH (or was it SDBH?) when someone ran a script to mod every account on the site...

ModernIconoclast ago

Goes the dynamite

HWY__395 ago

Bless that voater

corn_of_action ago

I'm trying to donate it says there's an error with recurring payment

varialus ago

I've had friends in Ukraine since long before the migrant crisis. My views on the EU and Russia used to be very clear and my views haven't entirely changed, but things have significantly changed in recent years and isn't quite as black and white for me as it used to be.

shayneyn ago

Hey everyone - Everything is working a lot better for me in the last hour!! I have a really good feeling about this site excelling this time!

zeebo ago

I will definitely consider supporting, but I will need to spend some time here to gauge if the free speech is truly free.

TheProphetMuhammed ago

Do you have somewhere to donate to the site? Reddit is fucking cancer and there is nothing I would like more than to see them die because of their own arrogance.

33Tqqothrow1bzrk ago

Thanks for the warm welcome. I hope that Voat becomes a true alternative to reddit and will stay for a long time.

VouvrayCabernet ago

For anyone who's missing RES, you can download a userscript much like RES at /v/AVEBeta.

Daltz ago

Just want to say thanks for welcoming the Reddit community.

Donbuster ago

You DO realize the source is up on github, right?

Check people's profiles, a good number of users have badges for having their code accepted into the codebase. Finding a single elusive bug in something of Voat's scale is more difficult than you might think.

Theophany ago

Yeah freeeeedom! It's exciting being on here to see the rise of a new Net superpower now that Deaddit is going down!

madazzahattereboot ago

What we do have:

Annoying bugs

That's the nicest thing anyone has ever said to me:~)

vandilx ago

And as always, thank you for this depot of freedom. You guys rock.

LodiLu ago

Freedom of Speech? Wow, that's a first. :-)

OldPPLRfunz ago

Actually I have, and what you shouldn't do is give people a broken product. Idiot.

OldPPLRfunz ago

So how about reverting back to the last working version of code until they fix the current issue?

That's obviously what I meant retard.

fuck_reddit_ ago

What happened to reddit... how sad..

OldPPLRfunz ago


Why not revert back to the last working version of code?

hafen ago

I'm sorry for the downvotes you're being given over a legitimate question.

EmbassyCatLady ago

Hell, my cat has annoying bugs too, but I still love her! Thanks Voat!

The_Almighty_Kek ago

Us newcomers can put up with it until you guys get it straightened out.

I dig this place so far. (I've only been here for a few minutes, though)

Bernie-Lomax ago

What a refreshing change from cuck /u/Spez.

I think I will like it here!

TimeDragon1 ago

I feel the same way.

The people are less pretentious and the formatting is a lot easier to deal with.

OneFatHick ago

Indeed, fuck u/Spez!

Anther ago

You will! This is a normal happening here at voat.

legalboxer ago

Thank you for welcoming what I hope are masses. This will be a bit of a learning curve.

Schrodingers_Spy ago

Thanks for fighting the good fight!

Never_Over ago

fix your shit is super slow



willief ago

Apparently my account is 1.5 years old, does this grant me any grandfather privileges?

deanna ago

you can sit in my my rocking chair.

DatMemeMachine ago

Why do we need upvoats in order to upvoat? :o

TheGunslinger ago

From what I gathered, it's an attempt at preventing shills from making accounts. I'm still learning though so I may not really get it.

Mick ago

It's to encourage participation. I'm not sure if it works or not though.

VoteOrDie ago

This isn't the first time on the site, but it is the first time time I've considered leaving reddit for good.

Thanks for all the hard work!

philomath ago

Absolutely....now might be a good time for a donation drive. Are they still accepting only bitcoin?

dynamiteVacancy ago

I don't know if it occurred when the new shop opened or before that, but you can "buy" a donation over at the voat shop for real money. I donated a few weeks ago and got myself a fancy $1-$5 donation badge.

philomath ago

NIce - I didn't know about that. I think it's time for me to upgrade my badge... Edit - do you have a link for the shop?

BB-3 ago

conspExec ago

you guys can also donate to /r/pizzagate's mods

link is below, verify on matrix.org if needed

http://pastebin.com/ucB8jRMv Admin Donate 1L3xqNFEkMQ7joY3jGWLjMWmgRk7p7ZUqo PizzaGatePublicB https://riot.im/app/#/room/!cLibuElOSXjCrpcPyX:matrix.org

dynamiteVacancy ago

It's in the post above but regardless, here is a quick and easy link.

Theophany ago

I need upgroats!

Anchy ago

I laughed hard when i saw the goat part, LOL.

On a side note, thank you. ❤️

solar_flare ago

  1. Is it in the plans to hire anybody to maintain and develop the site?

  2. I'm guessing financing the site is the main problem, right? If so, how much money do you see the site needing per month to be running well, and how can this funding be done transparently?

CoffeeBoy9000 ago

I am curious if there is any program to allow developers to contribute for free

whisky_cat ago

They've posted this in the past, and the number for hosting alone is over $5k a month. They've taken donations, sold merch, done ads, but I feel they still need a better boost in general.

solar_flare ago

This issue needs to be front and center, because this website has been barely usable for the past month, and won't gain any traction if this keeps up. Maybe they just don't want the website to be a real competitor, and if so I hope they make that abundantly clear. I'll gladly allow untargeted ads if need be. It's no joke, people are desperate to find a place that aren't using illiberal censorship, but it has to work. If this site continues to be completely unreliable, I'm going to start recommending other places.

Donbuster ago

This issue needs to be front and center, because this website has been barely usable for the past month

I would disagree there. It's fine. It occasionally eats a comment or two, but its FAR better than having our bits checked...

I'll gladly allow untargeted ads if need be.

We have untargeted ads. No one buys them.

Maybe they just don't want the website to be a real competitor, and if so I hope they make that abundantly clear.

You DO realize that, if they didn't want voat to grow, they would stop doing all the work they do to keep it up? Seriously, I'm sure the goats in chief would more than double their free time AND sleep by letting this place die. It's not making a profit, it's breaking even, if that, so the only reason it STAYS up is because they want it to grow, and work towards it. Sure, its a bit rough right now, but so is every website when it's growing.

solar_flare ago

I would disagree there. It's fine. It occasionally eats a comment or two, but its FAR better than having our bits checked...

Not a fan of the bit-check thing, but that's not really why the site has been barely usable. The site has an ongoing bug that hasn't been taken care of.

You DO realize that, if they didn't want voat to grow, they would stop doing all the work they do to keep it up? Seriously, I'm sure the goats in chief would more than double their free time AND sleep by letting this place die. It's not making a profit, it's breaking even, if that, so the only reason it STAYS up is because they want it to grow, and work towards it. Sure, its a bit rough right now, but so is every website when it's growing.

Okay, the financial issue should then be front and center then. Top of the website on every page that Voat is facing financial problems. If it's clearly the major problem/issue it needs to be confronted head on. I get that people can be coy and shy about financial issues, but it's not helpful. Voat is all about straight talk I think, so if they could just give it to us straight and tell us what exactly they need to make this thing run right, I think users would gladly appreciate that.

If we need to go find advertisers, that would be a nice little mission for the userbase to take on. Why not have a funding meter kind of like how reddit has? I'm tired of beating around the issue.

Donbuster ago

Not a fan of the bit-check thing, but that's not really why the site has been barely usable. The site has an ongoing bug that hasn't been taken care of.

Right, I was just pointing out that the bug in question is WAY better than bit checking was a year ago. The current state is annoying, yes, but I trust that Atko and Putt are working on it. Bughunting can be a very laborious process, and you don't really make "Progress" until it's fixed. A bug that seems to happen at random then fix itself seems like its as simple as a a greater than being greater than or equal to in the code, or a bit of code that doesn't account for the 0th case. It could literally be one character in one single line of code in the thousands and thousands of lines that make up the site. A line that looks benign and behaves exactly as wanted in almost every case. Finding a little fucker like that takes time.

solar_flare ago

Which is why websites that aim to grow and be a real competitor have teams of people to do this. Once again this is probably a funding issue, which brings me back to my initial point of the the funding thing being brought to the front and center, if it's indeed the main issue.

Donbuster ago

The problem with funding is that we have too small of a userbase. Every website these days either is started by a major company with the expectation to make a loss the first few years, or by hobbysts who build and maintain the site in their spare time. Revenue for a site comes from advertising, which is more lucrative with more users, donations or subscriptions (which again, scales with users), or via eCommerce transactions (not really relevant here, though I do note a voat store is on the way. Once again, more users means more money). In order to hire a person, you would need to garner enough cash to run the site, AND pay the person a competitive wage. Voat is breaking even at around ~5k a month to host. That's sixty thousand a year. Assuming a wage of 60k a year (which is a bit less than the median wage for a web developer here in the states) we would have to increase donations and ad sales by MORE than 100% (because stability is needed to hire someone, or for atko/ putt to quit their job to do voat full time) to even approach the point where we could have a dedicated developer. That's not going to happen without more users. Users come first, dedicated labor comes second, that's how you have to run a website; any other option makes those running the place go bankrupt.

solar_flare ago

And ^this^ is what I want to see brought front and center so the userbase and admins can have an ongoing discussion on how we solves this. The issue should be stickied on the front page until we come to some kind of agreed upon solution.

Donbuster ago

Except there's only one solution- More users. The way you get more users isn't begging for money, as that's a turn off for people not yet invested in the community, the people you NEED to attract. You do what Atko and Putt have done- you don't try to hide your financial difficulty, but you also don't go out of the way to beg or advertise that fact (which I suspect has something to do with the fact that expired ads now get shown on the sidebar when there's no ad, with a brief note below stating that we don't have ads), you work your ass off to improve the site as best you can, to ensure that potential new users who DO stumble upon the site have a good experience (hence why discussion about the bug has been front and center, as have notes that they are working as hard as they can to find the blasted thing), and you be open to ANY new flood of users (EG: this thread). The time to discuss full time employees is not yet upon us. It's an important discussion to have, but it's simply too early in the site's life for it to be an option. A goal, certainly, one that we can work towards, but they way you get there isn't by constantly bemoaning your inability to employ a developer or two.

solar_flare ago

I disagree, people love honesty and you don't have to "beg" as you put it. If the problem is finances, people will accept that, it's no secret websites cost money to run. As long as it's done reasonably transparent and accountable.

Kvoat ago

What we do have:

Freedom of Speech

Good enough for me, DONATE TO VOAT!

blackcoffeewithice ago

Thanks! You guys are really great.

digitalentity1497 ago

I am grateful for Voat and all the bugs that permits freedom and so much more, Thanks for your commitment,

HACKhalo2 ago

Throws money at @PuttItOut and @Atko to put out all the fires

OldPPLRfunz ago

Exactly. It's not like reverting back to the last working version of code would instantly fix the problem for free... Oh wait it would.

gatordontplaythatsht ago

Strings were pulled to ban you guys, never stop. Archive and document everything, leave it in pamphlets on public transit. Thankfully there are still places like voat.

TheGunslinger ago

I need upvoats to be able to upvoat?

chap_dan ago

yeah i'm trying to figure this out ... not loosey goosey as Gab.ai

SnorlackJack ago

I am at 81. I need 19 more. You're lucky to get 100 already. I have been here since alpha and I haven't gotten my downvote ability yet.



Plavonica ago

The man in black fled across the desert, and the gunslinger followed.

Had to say it.

I_like_paint ago

Where have you been?

sarmat ago

Well this put a quick end to my lurking career :(

Schrodingers_Spy ago

Upvoated. Welcome!

TheGunslinger ago

Thanks. Bit of a learning curve here for me.

MrPim ago

You have a certain number of upvoats til you get to the 20. I thinks it's like 10 per day until then.

Rotteuxx ago

You need 100ccp bfr being a vetted goat.

So get 100 upgoats on you comments & you're clear to fully participate.

We make our shills work hard on getting alt accounts going here at Voat.

sagur ago

That makes total sense. It sucks that we live in a world where the shills have made it so it kinda has to be like this, but this makes sense to me. Honest question: How can regular people help voat make it?

Kamyria ago

As much as it sucks being limited in the beginning... I think this is a great idea.

peanut-butter ago

These rules are depressing-I just wanna lurk & post when I feel like it...Can't understand why you guys make things difficult

grubbypixie ago

I mostly lurk and comment occasionally. I still have very little in the way of CCP because I'm usually in lurker mode. My occasional comments got me above the required CCP eventually. If you are just lurking having to upvoat and downvoat isn't a big deal - You can still lurk without that ability.

@Rotteuxx is right - It discourages sock puppetry and self brigading.

Rotteuxx ago

Because we encourage participation & it discourages people from creating a bunch of alts to self-brigade posts... as far as I understand the reasoning.

dtshady ago

I can upvoat even though this comment right here is literally my first comment ever. Is it because my account is so old? 1.4 years, I have the alpha badge and stuff. I have 0 CCP and SCP.

edit: Shit I should have read more. I get it now.

VS550 ago

Hello, i'm a defector from plebbit. Would you please nice goats recommend me some spicy subgoats(?) similar to FPH, the_donald, the_frauke etc? Please help me, I'm very lazy.

Rotteuxx ago

So am I... use the search iy'll be less effort for us ;-)

ginx2666 ago

We make our shills work hard on getting alt accounts going here at Voat.

It also makes brigading magnitudes time worse in consequences, but sure, let's ignore the flaws.

Rotteuxx ago

How so ?

ginx2666 ago

Okay, first of all: upvote score (or CCP/SCP) should be meaningless. Both reddit's and voat's scoring system is a glorified popularity contest. People upvote what they like/agree with, and downvote what they don't like/disagree with, regardless of it being relevant, on topic, or contributing to conversation. This is harsh truth, it will never change, deal with it.

Giving community the means to restrict/silence someone based on their popularity ranking (below certain score you have limited votes and posts per day) is absolutely the most retarded thing under the sun. It not only does not prevent brigading (which subs like fph engage in, one of the reasons fph got banned on reddit - same methods of brigading as srs, but unluckily fat fuck reddit admins sympathize with srs and not fph), it makes it valid way to silence people.
Even worse - in worst case scenario it could be used to halt influx of new users during exodus. It's only a proof of concept, but I've managed to streamline account creation process, and write python script that upvotes comments made by listed accounts. This solves problem of getting 100CCP to get full posting/voting privileges. Now, what I (armed with shitty internet connection with dynamic IP, and a single PC) can do with an array of accounts ready to vote? Well, for example target a single new account, find its first post, and instantly downvote it into restrictions. Boom - that's one new user instantly discouraged from posting because of not only apparent community backlash (which can be ignored if attributed to brigading), but also their account being restricted, which is only admins' fault for putting restrictions like those.

And that's only what I could do. Imagine an organized group, one with resources (more machines to execute account creation and validation script), time (to spread account creation process in time, avoiding tripping any flood alerts, if they exist) and skill (I wrote shitty python script using my own almost nonexistent python knowledge and "how to python" query in google - imagine someone competent attempting that) to scale up what I've envisioned, one that owns voat's competitor, one who sees voat as thorn in its side, and would benefit from it not gaining new users.

All because admins decided that popularity contest should matter.

psioniq ago

Absolutely agree, but what's the alternative?

I have yet to come across a solid/tested idea that works 'better' than the standard up/down vote system.

ginx2666 ago

Votes and scores (both post, submission, and personal) are permanently hidden and invisible to everyone (person posting and account's owner included), all a score does is bump submission/comment on sub's list. If any restrictions are to be placed on user, it's up to admins (globally) and mods (per sub), not to a bunch of bandwagon-happy, gullible, easily manipulated retarded spastic monkeys also known as community.

That way there's no incentive to whore for points (both negative and positive) other than aiming to the top/bottom of thread, following narrative and staying in the echo chamber isn't actively encouraged (like right now) seeing how you can't accurately gauge how popular a post/comment is, and you still retain the functionality of most upvoted posts/comments staying on the top, and least on the bottom. It's close to perfect "anonymous stream of consciousness" model 2ch/4ch/8ch have, without sacrificing threaded nature of comment system.

psioniq ago

How would that help anything?

The underlying system will still be the same, but with no way to gauge if a post/submission was artificially inflated or deflated.

A non-binary system with user-defined result scoring, might work.

ginx2666 ago

The underlying system will still be the same, but with no way to gauge if a post/submission was artificially inflated or deflated.

That's a side effect, but it won't matter in the long run. The main idea is to make score completely irrelevant when it comes to restrictions/privileges. This is the only important change in voat's system. As I've stated, you don't want to let the community silence someone purely because they don't like their opinion, and encourage only the way of thinking that pleases the lowest common denominator. That's a textbook definition of an echo chamber.

All visible score does is give people illusion of being popular. It encourages attention whoring and above mentioned echo chambers. This is a cosmetic change, and more of a discouragement for attention whores.

A non-binary system with user-defined result scoring, might work.

Well, -chans have that. If thread is popular, it stays active longer, until it hits either post or image bump limit. If it isn't, it dies. If post is thought provoking/popular, people reply to it. If it isn't, it goes by unnoticed. No scores, no rankings, and no accounts. If post/thread is especially good, 3rd parties will archive it. It's the closest to perfection as long as we're talking about platforms promoting discussion and discouraging attention whoring. The only thing that's lost is the threaded nature of comments.

psioniq ago

Sure, some people are total point whores - probably the majority - but I tend to view the up/down as a gauge for how informed/uninformed people are. But you're right, it quickly leads to an echo chamber.

I don't agree with the idea of hiding stats though. I'd rather find another system that is transparent and where manipulation has close to zero impact.

ginx2666 ago

I don't agree with the idea of hiding stats though.

With visible score, what's the difference between popular comment and one which has been planted and had its score manipulated? By score alone - there's none. You'd have to look at how many people have replied to both. In both cases visible score is absolutely useless for the purpose of finding vote manipulation, and only adds another unwanted element - people, who aren't commenting relevant things, aren't trying to manipulate votes, and are just hoping for bigger e-penis.

I'd rather find another system that is transparent and where manipulation has close to zero impact.

Transparency would mean revealing not only how many people have voted, but also revealing voters usernames.
As for "zero impact" system: -chans. Literally the only way to "manipulate" is to samefag, and that triggers both antispam/flood, but other users as well.

Voat's voting system is right now even worse than reddit's.

Y8goKTH959VCLKty8xIz ago

Damn. Ignorance is bliss

Fahrvergnaked ago

I have never seen a negative comment past -3, we don't brigade, 45 upvoats on a single comment is unusual. 88 comments on a single thread is large, there's no downvoat brigading. Let's keep it that way.

Pattoe ago

we don't brigade



Fahrvergnaked ago

I've seen a few downvoats here and there, but nothing on the scale of reddit. Nobody is downvoated to oblivion based on their accounts other than the obvious trolls like hecho and amalek. I have said some things, people have disagreed and moved on, nobody follows me around downvoating.

THR0W4W4Y ago

This is a brilliant idea!

Fahrvergnaked ago

We're proud of our Atko...

Stellaris ago

Makes sense to me. I am so sick of shills.

6894216? ago

I just got here, and the welcome sticky alone had me sold.

LuminaryAziraphale ago

But upgoats are so hard to come by.

Thomascro83 ago

What's that horribly popular ass song? Oh yeah..... work work work work

Cameron ago

come to a thread early enough and you'll get to 100 in one fell swoop

lastresort09 ago

Well we better make sure everyone has enough then!

Flux ago

It was much harder with less than 1000 people on the site total and it crashing all the time. You guys are lucky!

BB-3 ago


weezkitty ago

Not really. I mean I've been upvoted over 28000 times and have given over 50000

Voopin__Voopin ago

here, have one. :)

dynamiteVacancy ago

Not if you keep posting. I've been on here three months and got more CCP than comment karma on my (now terminated) 3-year-old plebbit account.

orange_viper ago

"You have reached your hourly comment quota. Your current quota is 10 comment(s) per hour."

:( - I wasn't even trying to get 100ccp, I just post a lot of shite.

Also, what does the little blue number in our profiles mean? Doesn't seem to correlate to anything...

dynamiteVacancy ago

Yeah that first part really sucks, but once you get past that you'll realise how much it keeps the spammers from ruining things. And the blue number is actually a tally of how many voats you've given out! You can see everyone's number of upvoats and downvoats to posts and comments in their pages. Pretty neat, huh?

orange_viper ago

Ah okay I see - thanks, and also it's pretty easy to circumvent. Just create a new account and upvote all your comments. Upvoting should really be disabled for new users too.

dynamiteVacancy ago

Yeah it feels like it but I guess they just want someone to not be able to do a lot of damage with a single account without discouraging new users with all these restrictions.

TheGunslinger ago

That makes sense. It'll be nice to be free from all the fucking shills.

smashbery ago

fucking shills

Beaded_Periwinkle ago

Fuck the shills.

ModernIconoclast ago

I despise shills... I'm migrating from a based subbreddit and i am currently collecting upgoats

Pear_Whelk ago

Me too, have an upgoat.

Crensch ago

That makes sense. It'll be nice to be free from all the fucking shills.

Free? NO SIR. Goats have horns on their heads for a reason; time to get your ass in the trenches with the rest of us.

Rotteuxx ago

We still have them, but they are dedicated professionals for the most part, ya know... higher standards I guess.

Don't forget to also ping @HenryCorp in you comments once in a while, keep that inbox annoyingly full.

LusciousFox ago

Whats that about @HenryCorp?

TheGunslinger ago

What do you mean about Henry Corp?

6922303? ago

Lol. There are some personalities you will get to know here. You will hear of the legend of Amalek also. If you want some voat drama lols you should check out the verse I created and promptly abandoned (left the whole internet for a short while, came back and tried to pretened it didn't happen...) - /v/theology ... I prepared myself for atheists but not what happened.

Rotteuxx ago

@CANCEL-CAT-FACTS should gladly fill you in on this tid bit of Voat culture.

TheGunslinger ago

I love cat facts though :(

Rotteuxx ago

Sorry bud, we're all about goats over here... but not in that sick muslim way, No Siree !!

And welding, join /v/welding !!

TheGunslinger ago

Welding? I'm not a welder though.

Rotteuxx ago

Well I try mt best to post interesting OC over there, always worth a few clicks !

Pumbadog ago

Then fuck you faggot

TheGunslinger ago

I just ordered "welding for dummies" because of you.

Pumbadog ago

I believe welding a skill every person should at least attempt. Make you really respect the trade, plus it's really fun once you can legit build things. Welding, brazing, soft soldering, all around wood work, plumbing, and electrical troubleshooting are all skills any person can pick up and should learn if they are able.

Ps with a response like that, you are alright.

Rotteuxx ago

I've always highly respected polymaths, imo any person who doesn't strive to be as polyvalent as possible deserves to pay out of their ass for tradesmen to fix everything for them.

Knowledge is free, basic tools are cheap, no excuse !

TheGunslinger ago

I guess I'll have to adapt to goat facts then.

Crensch ago

@HenryCorp is Voat's quintessential RedditPowerMod. He games the system to try and force his ideas on others.

TheGunslinger ago

So if I included @henrycorp it fucks him up some? Fuck man, I came here to get away from that shit.

Crensch ago

Sorry, ping means that the user will get a notification in their inbox, whereas /u/usernamehere will not notify the user.

Crensch ago

You can ping a user using @usernamehere instead of /u/usernamehere.

He is mostly quarantined to his subverses, but he occasionally opens the flood gates to shit around. Usually someone picks up on it and gives us a warning post.


TheGunslinger ago

Reading that link... I like this place.

TheGunslinger ago

Thanks for the heads up.

Crensch ago

No charge.

TheGunslinger ago

One last question: on my screen, right after my user name, there are 3 numbers, separated by |. What do they signify?

Crensch ago

SCP | CCP | Upvoats given

TheGunslinger ago

Thanks for your help. :)

Crensch ago


Avnomke ago

Yeah, it's an anti-spam measure. You can't downvoat until you get 100 CCP, and if your CCP is too low then you have to wait extra time before posting.

white_male ago

It's like a meritocracy.

whisky_cat ago

Yep, it helps block spam, have an upgoat

edit: check out /v/introductions for free voats and discreet encounters.

TheGunslinger ago

Thanks. Ditto!

BaconandEggz ago

Long time lurker, first time poster. Glad to see this place begin to get more recognition. Maybe this is the catalyst for the exodus.

TheGunslinger ago

Same for me. Made this account about a year ago but I didn't visit. Redshit just kept getting worse. Once I saw the pizzagate ban I decided enough was enough. Fuck that place.

lbruiser ago

Source is on github and they do take pul requests.

whisky_cat ago

While that is true, pull requests don't add servers.

moe ago


Slayfire122 ago

Is it.... is it really you?!?

deanna ago

well hello there! nice to see you again. virtual hugs to you.

Mick ago

It was good to hear news of your demise was wrong, mate.

DefinitelyNotPutin ago

Are Russians welcome? Asking for a friend..

DrBunsen ago

They are, mister President. For mother russia.

whisky_cat ago

I've genuinely asked for any Russian feedback here in comments and did not see any. My guess is, Voat may be blocked there. (looking at @townbike's comment I my guess might be pure shit.)


I like the russian people

varialus ago

I can't see how we could possibly be blocked in Russia seeing as how gay Voat is for Putin. I mean, it's not as bad as Trump, but Voat sure loves it some Putin. I just assume that we've got a bit of unofficial-actually-official non-governmental-actually-governmental secret-not-really-secret attention from Russia. To get a single data point I looked up a Russian web proxy and it seems to be loading Voat fine.

whisky_cat ago

That's interesting. Yea I don't know for sure, but hell on even the biggest threads I have yet to hear one announce their nationality.

varialus ago

А я не русский, честно честно. ;-)

HACKhalo2 ago

Why wouldn't they be? Everybody is welcome!

Slayfire122 ago

Except for stinkin' dolphins! They think they're so cute. 'Oh, look at me! I'm a flippin' little dolphin! Let me flip for you!'

beardeddolphin ago

Hey fuck you guy!

Jewface_Pennysaver ago

Fuck-a you, dolphrin!

lbruiser ago

It's all good. Still better than the fattening.

Can we also have another t shirt run?

Firinmahlazer ago

Please yes. :')

GuenMakunikoru ago

If there is a t-shirt run please find a european company as well. I bought the hoody for 50 euro, then received a bill from customs for another 50 because i ordered it offshore (fing bullshit rule).

By_The_Water ago

Have my babies, puttputt.

Mick ago

I volunteer for the marketing department. You'll be amazed at my marketing skills.

Mick, VP of Marketing and Demolition. Has a nice ring to it.

gatordontplaythatsht ago

@Mick lies the only thing he markets is shit posts and elaborate hoaxes.

kemiri ago

Did you mean shitposting department? Kys

Mick ago

That already runs like a well oiled machine ;)

By_The_Water ago

I think you'd be more of a "reverse marketing" kind of guy, tbh. Anti-marketing?

.... I looked up antonyms for marketing. Apparently "debauched" is one.

You're that

Mick ago

I looked up antonyms for marketing

I looked up 'antonyms.'

This new age will be better than I imagined.

eBev ago

I wanted to upvote you, but I have spent my allotment. :(