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NeedleStack ago

How often are spammers banned from reports in /v/ReportSpammers? I've seen spammers I reported 5 - 6 months ago still having a ball on voat. Will there be a process set up where spammers are banned sooner?

Edit: Evrocot has been reported 3 times (this post from 5 months ago) in /v/ReportSpammers and is still here.

AOU ago

Two mods at /v/videos have recently resigned over spammers I called out.

The remaining mod (THC) is ignoring my reports and made it clear he'll not ban him.

NeedleStack ago

That's why we need more mods in system subs. Spam is spam. If mods can't do their one janitorial function, they need to be dismissed. I was hoping Putt or a bot would deal with spammers automatically via /v/ReportSpammers. It's enough of that youtube spammer already.

Disappointed ago

As people have said its not the number of mods which is the issue it's the content policy. Moderators generally want to see their subs succeed so they are far more likely to let relevant content go rather than delete it. Then there is the whole aversion to deleting content that Voat has. On the other side you have the people who , perhaps rightly, see this as supporting the admins statement in the FAQ, which from memory is lifted straight from the old Reddit FAQ. If the admins want that line enforced they need to be clear thats what they want.

Edit: fixed some bad spelling mistakes

ChillyHellion ago

That's a really good point. No one wants to be in the position of "damned if you do, damned if you don't". Most mods will do their best to enforce the community's wishes, but some decisions are going to have unhappy users with either decision.

What's worse is that there isn't a cut and dry definition of spam, so each reader, each community, and each moderator will consider different posts to be spam. Even a mod that's doing their best to represent their community will come across as too hard or too soft depending on who is asking.

Kadynce ago

Please be aware that there was plenty discussed here concerning this issue that AOU is talking about.

Sometimes mods dont agree something is spam.

Edit: also, i think a bot would be easily abused in RS. It would need oversight constantly.

NeedleStack ago

Yes, I saw that thread days ago.

Atko and PuttItOut made it very clear what constitutes spam on voat.

We as mods are tasked with following their rules and guidelines and clean up spam because they don't have the capacity to do so.

It is not up to us to come up with our own interpretations of who is a spammer or not.