DMT4All ago

It does this through the cell development process of transdifferentiation, which alters the differentiated state of the cells and transforms them into new types of cells.

MichaelTen ago

Implement revenue sharing as soon as you are profitable and as soon as it is possible.

AngrySOAngry ago

Big hands up for reducing your costs significantly. Also with the new API will you be removing the Alpha that is scrawled across the VOAT name? That might be turning advertisers off, also if they see that you only 30 days until this site goes POOF! that might also discourage advertisers. Wish I had some money to donate :/

SpaceMonkey ago

Boats is the best app for Voat he have right now.

Agreed <3

DessertFox ago

Sounds good to me.

But for the paid no-ads model, please implement better than most. I don't think it should really garuntee no ads forever, we dont know how long that is. But, if I can do $10 or $20 per year, that is more than fair. Also, if you are able to do it as a non-recurring charge, that would be awesome. I could easily buy another year with no ads whenever I get around to it, and might want to do a month or two of the ad version if I don't use the site often.

Lack of subscription might reduce revenue, but it's more than an acceptable compromise for users in my opinion.

muffalettadiver ago

Just please keep this place. I hate reddit.

TheUnderNetwork ago

Sorry but I have no intention of supporting Voat financially seeing as how Voat inherited a lot of Reddit's censorship tactics and group-think ideologies. There are far too many ex-redditors,sheeple,retards,feminists and fail-trolls lurking around this site downvoting my content and comments.

Even if I were to advertise on this site all that would do is attract the worst that Voat has to offer and cause me nothing but problems and grief in the long run. I have already personally experienced first hand advertising on Reddit and I doubt it would be any different here.

I have no intention of investing my hard earned cash to a negative and ignorant community that has no interest in any of my services or content and only seeks out to hurt or to destroy me. This is my take in this matter and it should be taken into consideration.

You can do as you like with your money but I am no fool.

The_Terminator ago

I love the future. I will so fuck you all up in the future.

Indiana_Jones ago

I don't mind ads at all. But we need to keep the SJWs out.

I don't want to see ads from companies who then go:" MEEMEEMEE, YOU'RE VOAT IS NOT INCLUSIVE! DROP THE OFFENSIVE CONTENT"

Can you look for companies for whom WE are the target group? And not fucking SJWs?

specialinvalid ago

I'll read as many sidebar adds as you like for this website. As long as the advertisers have no control over you, and I know they won't, I'm totally happy with it. I trust Atko is no shill. xO xoo xO <3

Renegade8100 ago

I can host, hit me up

Phuffu ago

I just turned off my add blocker, thanks for everything!

Grunge ago

I'll chip in too, turned disabled ad block for

first time I ever did that

fimbulvetr ago

If more websites had this kind of ad policy, I'm sure a lot of people wouldn't be using adblockers. The ads with animations and scripts that have security issues are the main offenders.

the_narrator ago

10 ideas for monetizing voat:

  1. Ads (duh)
  2. Voat gold premium features. Payable in bitcoin for anonymity loving folks
  3. T-shirts, random shwag
  4. Subverses could sponsor an icon on the sidebar that went to their subverse.
  5. Subverses might require donations with respect to their traffic to keep being featured in the header.
  6. Members could purchase little collectible badges that would go next to their handle in comments. You could tier these and charge an annual fee.
  7. Have something where people could tip posters anonymously and voat would get a cut. This would probably only work in gonewild .
  8. Paid posting in certain subs like craigslist does with job ads.
  9. Trending meme analysis reports for Internet marketers.
  10. Have a burning man like event for voat people and charge an entrance fee.

squiremarcus ago

Atko i want to be an investor

like really really badly

also yes on the ads

thejustchad ago


That's what I think, I'm amazed that you haven't done it already, I turned of ABP for this site a looooong time ago just for this reason. Also you may want to consider organizing as a NFP or NP, this may help reduce liability. And companies hate the bad press that may come from suing a NP.

cdinvb ago

Yes. You are doing the right thing.

GethN7 ago

So long as this places no restrictions on the speech allowed by the users (outside of whatever is obviously criminal), this sounds fair enough to me.

1rash ago


I don't see the ads on my mobile.

MarkBlackUltor ago

awesome news! i love this site and want to see it stay around.

shuggermyshingle ago

I have no problems with adverts on websites. I recognise that you need an income to survive and this is a good way to do it.

Majatek ago

It's why I've got adblock disabled for Voat! Do yer' thang, sys admins.

not4kn0thing ago

This should be ever sites ad policy. It would get rid of the need for ad blockers.

RewriteFullwise ago

If we donate, do we get some type of badge or little graphic that goes with our name? I donated $50.

8Hz_WAN_IP ago

And up until recently so did reddit, that is just part of having an open online discussion board. You have to to enjoy the parts you like and not get bent out of shape about the parts you hate otherwise you end up like reddit is today policing content and the whole thing turns to shit.

powerpete ago

As long as the content remains unaltered by the inclusion of advertisements... we're good!

brix ago

Sounds good to me, nice move on the no-scipt-embedding. If I see an advert for something I'm after I'll be sure to click on it!

RIngoCar ago

"Even their dog is fat" is the best ad ever. I would come here just to see that!
On a serious note. I think Voat should start an ad-agency. Make ads that the meme starved community will enjoy. I fucking hate the polished "PR-agency" art directed crap you get in your face every day. Funny and insane ads would make me enjoy and look at them!
"Do you still like to play tongue-hockey with farm animals or have you gotten a new set of Ray-Bans?"
"This puppy don't give a shit and neither should you! Just do it!"

8Hz_WAN_IP ago

Did you happen to click the ad?

RIngoCar ago

Of cause! I would never let you down!

puppypaws98 ago

I don't mind passive side ads. It's those animated bastards that take forever to load and then blast out my speakers.

anonagent ago

Ads are fine, but you need to be EXTREMELY careful with them.

Don't allow companies to track users, by using javascript, 1 pixel icons that point to strange urls, etc.

roznak ago

So, what do you guys think? Are we doing the right thing?

Spot on. This is the type of ads were part of the web when the web was great and actually had interesting content.

Ads makes your web site a bit more colourful.

Chaf ago

It's weird how Voat and 8chan shares the same idea behind adds.

And yeah, it's the best move to do for that kind of site.

OrionBlastar ago

Just don't do what Reddit did and you will be fine.

Harvo ago

That seems fine by me.

novictim ago

I like it, atko! It is realistic and necessary to look for a stream of revenue and I fully anticipated that VOAT would need to do this. You have our trust and gratitude so do what is necessary to both keep VOAT running as a platform that honors free speech...but also (!)...

dude, make some money on this. You deserve it. You really do!

I might add one other idea: Please also have a separate parallel search for philanthropic donors (Trump? Putin's Cellist friend, Sergei Roldugin? Free Speech advocacy groups/Billionaires supportive of Free Speech?) that could plop down a cool million on your project here.

Be creative. Just putting out the request along with the VOAT mission statement might create a mad scramble for the oligarchs to display their generous concern for maintaining our liberal (Free speech, Liberty, Freedom) society.

Wikipedia's founder might also have some tips?

(Maybe Geert Wilders might have some powerful names to connect you too?)

Anyways, I like the idea of the adds. It will make me feel like VOAT has a foundation besides just our donations. Go for it!

Stabzy ago

The ads you're describing are the good kind of ads. The bad ones are pop ups, scripts and ones that play before videos. The money needed to run the site isn't going to come from thin air.

theknownuncomic ago

Keep the donations option. We don't want you to be beholden to anyone else but us.

And kudos for all this hard work, we appreciate it!

8Hz_WAN_IP ago

You can always donate by buying an ad for the day.

jwk7855 ago


jwk7855 ago

I don't really mind ads.

orandsouza ago

Answering your question YES your doing the very best thing unlike other website Your just advertising on the side bar with maintained ratio ads (1:1) Yes Yes and Yes i am a big fan of advertising since it boosts up my business and i have 3 years experience with advertising i make creative ads to get my website to the Max Potential ! VOAT is the best website unlike reddit VOAT doesn't suck and what i like the most about VOAT is the community which is friendly

voNIKONov ago

You may have a case of the retard.

UrbanFirefly ago

Do it.

OneNutWonder ago

Curious if the number of inquiries has been to your satisfaction, or even the number that have purchased ad space.

strendzer ago

Byłem tu. Polska przejmuje voat, strims umarł, a voat odradza się na nowo, ave.

softdown ago

If an advertiser is brave enough to use Voat, I would support them. Seems pretty simple here.

TheTrumanShow ago

Anything but advertising. Someone donate a kidney.

rockpyle ago

For what it's worth I think you are doing the right thing.

isshunga ago

Why shouldn't ads have animations? As long as they don't emit sound (without it being clicked on by the user), they're okay in my book.

HomerSimpson ago

Because they are distracting to the rest of the page.

isshunga ago

Dough! ^_^

Heracross ago

Seems good

penisse ago

309'000 users? That's a lot. Make an app. A free one but with (a few ads) or 4 times 1,- per year. I'd pay for that and I'm sure lots of people would also.

Also, get in touch with the guys (if you haven't already) and involve them, grow bigger.

Al_Rubyx ago

Number 5 is up to @atko and @putitout. This place is alright and I think I'm gonna stay until then. Reddit was okay in the 4b phase for years, now it's between 6 and 7.

chiatar ago

Where is a donate link?

shut up and take my money

surveys4money ago

Make some money on the side in your free time, when your bored, when your waiting for someone, it adds up fast! Sign up today (takes 2minutes) and start making easy money!

somethingissmarmy ago

I think text ads are the future. I would not mind unblockable text ads on the side of the page, if it means that it will help Voat. I know I will get deth threts from this statement.

Beeswags ago

If all Websites had an ad policy like that, i wouldn't even have an ad blocker installed.

frenchtoasters ago

This is really the only way to get things done without accepting donations. I personally wouldnt mind doing something like a paid subscription that would remove all the ads every month. Even though everyone already has adblock, ive personally turned it off for voat, but this would make people feel like they actually have some kind of stake in the site. Which as long as it always stays open and free I have no problem doing.

DrSheldon_Lee_Cooper ago

amazing article about city of the future

s3Paranoid ago

Thou needs to be shot in the head multiple times until death do part.

ChillyHellion ago

There goes the neighborhood :P

goodwood ago

Go for it. I'll make Voat a(first time ever) exception in my adblocker, and if I could buy a coffeecup, a T-shirt or something like that, I'd do that too. It's small price to pay for the quality we get.

swfreak ago

I don't expect you to do this for free or without any revenue stream, so an ad model is fine by me.

llagerlof ago

I disabled my adblock for I think everyone who loves Voat should do the same.

RedSocks157 ago

My only concern is that the downfall of reddit began with ads.

nomenimion ago

Sounds reasonable. Just don't change your free speech policies.

AnotherCuriousRedditor ago

So so happy with this news. And you @atko and @PuttItOut - man I remember the days when @PuttItOut explained it PUTTitOUT not PUTitOUT *sigh*...Oh, the WhoaVerse days!

CommiePatrol ago

As long as you remain the bastion of free speech people will come. You guys are great, keep it up.

schwanstucker ago

I will whitelist Voat. I never do this. Couldn't donate, but this is a contribution, no?

nasalite ago

8 . Site continues on as a shambling zombie, returning to devour and subsist on the brains of the living.

Northvvait ago

The current ad is A+ #1 super I love long time

Atkos_Mum ago

I need to start charging you rent

Kinther ago

Atko, would you consider also informing the subverse moderator team when a new ad is purchased directed at their viewers? A global ad is not such a big deal, but when someone purchases advertisements in a specific sub, it may be something a moderator team would want to know.

Baconmon ago

If it were me, I would only introduce ads if the donations coming in weren't enough to cover the server costs..

Pope_Roman ago

Thats a reasonable policy. If it get annoying I can always just block them anway.

Medlhed420 ago

I'm glad you have finally decided to do this. It was certainly the right move for you, and it was the right move for us as well because we want this place to stay around. I wish you the best of luck on your new business venture! I hope it turns you a nice little profit, you deserve it.

HeavyBeefCurtain ago

No popups

No sound playing on load

No flashy ads

No obstructive ads

Then I don't need uBlock tbh fam

ChillyHellion ago

You're too late: Mwahahahahah

arniecuntingham ago

of course you are doing the right thing! never apologize to anyone for trying to make money. this is fucking america, and making money is a GOOD thing (despite what some douche bags will have you believe). good luck with your new venture and i wish you all the success in the world.

FriedFood100 ago

So, what do you guys think? Are we doing the right thing?

I would just say I recommend to be as transparent and truthful about costs/revenue as possible. Maybe have a monthly report or something.

FriedFood100 ago

and both me and @PuttItOut have agreed that asking for donations is not something we want to keep doing

It seems like they just don't like asking for them, but I think they'll still accept them. I can't see why they wouldn't.

bloodguard ago

I usually send bitcoin every couple months but I don't mind non-intrusive ads. I wouldn't mind an option to disable NSFW ads. Or just have a consistent url/naming system and I'll block those and whitelist the rest.

If you could have a preference panel for ads all the better. I'm a sucker and horrific impulse buyer of all things tech.

gardellaforgot ago


SkinnyMagna ago

I think Patreon might be a good option, i'd certainly sign up for that. The problem with ad funding is that Voat could quickly start to rely on this outside revenue, which in turn gives the marketers leverage to influence things, first subtly, then openly.

Broc_Lia ago

I think donations are best, but if they're not covering the bills then this is sensible.

Zardoz ago

It doesn't bother me at all and I don't turn on adblockers on 2 condition:

If the advert is a giant cock then it has to be blocked because I don't need my mother-in-law seeing it.

If the advert is giving me epileptic seizures and causing blindness because its half the page and blasting coloured lasers.

Okay a 3rd one is - if the advert is crashing my browser or making pages come to loading bogs, crawling speeds etc.

There isn't some ethical problem but there is just one big risk: The entire point and purpose of Voat was to smash SJW's, PC correctness, call gay people faggots AND write any long hate-filled rants about corporate sponsors if someone so chose without having mods magically delete it for fake reasons.

and having said that - its triple respect for any sponsors that have the balls to advertize here. Even if they are some fag-enablers selling 'Bernie Sanders' t-shirts you know I would respect the hell out of them for sponsoring and refusing to quit. Far more than I would on any other sites!

Cobr4Comm4nder ago

Spam me with your add spunk mighty Atko. I'm ready!

Yodake ago

Why no Patreon for monthly costs?

Big_Willy_Wallace ago

I think we all care about one thing and one thing only, when it comes to ads. We don't want what happened elsewhere to happen here. We don't want outside parties pressuring Voat to push an agenda, to censor, to skew, or to shill. It looks like you are making sure to uphold those standards, so, thanks! I would love for you, @Atko (not @PutItOut, fuck him.), to live prosperously off of Voat's success. Just remember that this site is a success precisely because it is a free speech platform. Remove that, and we might as well go back to...well, you know.

Thanks for being the best, and standing up for what you know is right, for upholding the mission, and for protecting our rights across the globe! You truly are an exceptional person and we love you for everything you've done for us.

forteskord ago

I would gladly pay a modest subscription fee to avoid advertising on Voat

CharlesUlyssesFarley ago

Can't polish a turd.

xinayder ago

I think this is the first time I've seen a website say "you are always free to block our ads". It's what makes you guys awesome.

As long as the ads do not interfere in the site's moderation, it's completely fine for me.

Lopexavi ago

I really appreciate the effort you have on the site since way back, I'm ok with the ad proposition.

p2ka ago

It's gotten so big, I wonder when the loli/jailbait subverses will come back?

Otter5000 ago

I love Voat and I thank you Atko and Putitout for not letting advertising tarnish the original purpose of this fantastic free speech forum.

ChrissiTea ago

It's a fantastic ad policy to keep Voat running and free. Thank you for letting us know.

hijinked ago

Ads don't bother me at all, I'm just glad you are turning away investors who want to change voat.

HomerSimpson ago

That isn't real time though. That is just manually added.

Also what about groups/people who buy ads and aren't apart of a company?

heretolearn ago

Where can i donate for this site?

HomerSimpson ago

The ads themselves aren't even in real time. How do you expect them to make the lists real time?

goatboy ago

I love you.

daskapitalist ago

As long as you stick to your principles, I'm 100% ok with ads as long as it's clear they're ads (Reddit selling front page access for subtly sponsored content is not cool).

2716057 ago

So, this isn't a shitpost? What about this one? Or even this similar one? Would you call this one which says nothing, much like this post?

None of these provide ANY "narrative," therefore there is no narrative to be controlled. What you're saying isn't offensive because it's irrelevant... it's simply irrelevant. You're not adding to any narrative, you're just complaining about nothing, and doing so in the most irritating and irrelevant way. This is the very definition of trolling.

There are rules here to stop trolling and shitposting, and you've proven that it works perfectly: You create shitposts, then you get downvoated for shitposting, and then you fly off the handle about "censorship" when you get downvoated for shitposting. I don't see where you have a platform to stand on, because the system seems to be working.

But you keep on trying, and you keep posting, and I don't understand why... because it provides more shitposts for people to downvoat.

mustacheofdoom ago

Websites can't exist unless someone pays for them. I trust ads more than I trust Reddit investors. The ads just want me to buy something (that I might buy anyway), the Reddit investors want to change my political opinion by banning posts.

conformity ago

I think you should accept interview requests, especially once you have the income and infrastructure to handle to incoming flood wave.

The publicity that Bloomberg TV, Swiss national TV, BBC gives could dismantle Reddit. Reddit is rotten and doesn't deserve many users. I know you've said you don't want Voat to become that big, but I don't think it's Reddit's size that made it rotten, but its leadership and cabal moderators.

Btw ads are great, as long as you don't cater to any remove request from the ad buyers.

5034624? ago

The policy needs one more thing: a stick.

In order to place an ad, you've got to pay upfront +10%. Any advertiser that knowingly uses deceptive advertising, or tries to install unwanted malware onto voaters systems, or who attempts to circumvent the policy in any other way, or who attempts to enforce editorial control on the site will immediately forfeit their ad spend and their deposit, will immediately be banned from further advertising on voat forever, their company name or personal name will be placed in a publicly available "hall of shame" list, and the punitive policy does not limit further punitive actions the site may take against malicious advertisers including litigation in a forum convenient to atko.

guinness2 ago

I'm delighted for you to do whatever needs to be done to keep Voat and it's ideology of free expression afloat.

Yes, I've disabled adblock in preparation and I'm looking forward and hoping that the revenue raised is more than sufficient.

shmuklidooha ago

The best way to have control over your ads is to have your own system rather than relying on a ad serving network.

Scruffy_Nerfherder ago

How will you handle mobile devices? Sidebar ads don't work on phones.

tim_mcgraw ago


DammitMoonMoon ago

I mute Pandora and the TV during ads. I actively avoid companies and products that have been obnoxiously pitched to me in loud, annoying commercials.

So, I'm not a unicorn after all and there are others like me out there!

jwk7855 ago

I hate ads.

DammitMoonMoon ago

Yes! I knew my donation would be worth it! I have such immense respect for you both right now.

I'm good with it. Also, don't worry about turning off ads in my account, every little penny helps keep this place running and that's what I want. What I don't like are targeted ads and it seems, I'm understanding correctly, these won't be targeted.

BTW, not sure if you guys are in communication with the folks but they seem to have done something similar. And it's working.

I could have been going out every weekend blowing hundreds at a bar to drink and party but I've enjoyed hanging out here, having my drinks and talking to these folks way more than I ever did at a bar.

Rellik88 ago

I will turn off ad blocking for voat. Thanks @atko @putitout I'm a reddit refugee who has been clean for a year now. Thanks to voat. Come one people donate, even if it's small. Do it for the voat.

Atarian ago

Can we at least agree on SFW ads, unlike 8chan? Some of those ads are damned near Pizza.

equine_therapy ago

I will donate this painting to the highest bidder, payable to Voat itself, in thanks for giving me a platform.

I guess you'ld have to send your {bullion, cash, cheque, money-order, etc} to /u/Atko or however that would work. You guys can figure it out together, the winner and Voat. And they can pass on your mailing address after they've received your payment. And I'll ship it to you.

The bidding shall end in 48 hours, if you would accept my offer, that is.

Self promotion? Hell yeah. They ruined my life; gotta sell art now and save up for plastic surgery so I can change my (name and) face and move far away.

None of the money in this auction here goes to me though; just the "fame" (which shall help mitigate the discrimination I get in the Art World for criticising LGBT Nepotism).

All the money goes to Voat.

So if I can help you help me help you help me, I can feel like I've repaid a debt I feel I owe to Voat for getting out the False Flag Attack at UBC and how they framed me as a bigot hater.

And for drawing so much attention to your site. Sorry.

I'm going to shut up now. I have court in ~~the morning~~ an hour.

Well, times up. Don't know whether to be sad that noone wanted my painting, or happy because I get to keep it.

sexywomenseeking ago meeting the best bisexual women and men in the bisexual women seeking couples for dating #bisexual #dating

2716057 ago

It's not controlling the narrative, it's curbing the trolling. You have to rack up a TON of downvoats in order for this to happen, and that comes from the community as a whole.

In other words, Voat as a community doesn't want to hear your trolling, so you have lost some functionality... this is intentional. It's not controlling narrative, it's limiting trolling. None of your comments here have added any narrative, they have been offensive and pointless. Thus, you've lost enough points to lose you functionality.

You want to be part of the community, act like it. You want to shitpost, then you're going to have a bad time.

chryseos-geckota ago

5033361? ago

The site was always going to need this.

HomerSimpson ago

Don't worry. I already have that idea and I am going to use it.


Do it. Capitalist scumfaggot! Who EVN NEDS MONY?

umilmi81 ago

Ignore the stupid commie cucks. Websites cost money to run. Not only should you generate revenue to keep the site running, you both should also get paid handsomely for your time and the risk you took building the site.

Capitalism makes the world great.

tame ago

I just added to my adblock whitelist. You guys are literally the only page in it. Hope my 2c helps out!

MYSTIC_Drifter ago

This is reasonable. I didn't donate before but will there still be an option to donate later and turn ads off? If not I would still keep ads on here.

wickedkae ago

Honestly didn't realize this was an ad free place... But yes toss in the side bar ads. Would rather not lose this place.

AmaleksHairyAss ago

Like other commenters here I approve of your methods of advertising. (although I don't understand what's wrong with collecting aggregate impression numbers) but I'm worried about what the future will bring.

Ads will bring pressure from advertisers. A slippery slope. No animation, right? What happens when times are tough next year and someone offers a big contract, but only if they're allowed to use a animated .png Not scripted, not third party, but it is animated. And once you're allowing an animated ad what's the difference, really whether it's animated by the client after download one way or another? Why not allow a simple script to animate efficiently? And wouldn't it be more efficient to build a site-wide API that pushes ads to various pages? And since you already have an API why not give advertisers easier access to better choose which ads they want to put up where? Soon enough Voat will be a bloated, ad-ridden malware zone.

123_456 ago

I'm 100% okay with this. We all have to realize that even though this is a great platform for free speech it also costs money. I will happily leave my AdBlock off for, since guidelines for what can be an advert are fair, and seem to be safe.

Dont_Panic ago

I'm late to the party here and this may never be read but I plan to buy up add space for the primary purpose of being hilarious. We could all band together and instead of donations we buy up the add space and just place the rarest of pepe's there.

draaaak ago

Sounds good to me :)

EdSnowden ago


cpebach ago

If that structure actually generates the income that you need, then I'm all for it. It threads the needle. Polite ads for people who don't mind them, and no ads for the donors and the blockers. I hope it works.

BustyChicksFTW ago


Can I propose a small and stupid idea? Can Voaters all invest with donations into some form of Bitcoin making factory where every donation will go towards a warehouse where we can get weekly updates of the progression? Every bitcoin made by the cards will go to hosting and your salaries. We'd trust you and PuttItAll to fully take care of it.

I know it sounds silly at first but if we can do it, that'd be insanely cool. It would be a form of self-sustainability. What do you think? Nobody could take Voat away from us if we're self-sustainable.

omegletrollz ago

I was seriously considering helping a bit but unfortunately I don't want to use my credit card (for the ads) due to privacy concerns and there doesn't seem to be any simple way to buy bitcoins with a credit card where I'm from so I guess I'm all out of options for now.

Keeok ago

Do what you need to do. You have been square with us in the past and I along with others trust in your judgement in these things. It seems like you're being more than reasonable in how you are going about this and once again showing transparency in how clean your wording is. I don't use Adblockers and I don't intend to start because you Voat.

IamSand ago

Implement Reddit's Gold feature.

It was arguably the last decent thing they did before the fall. It has been suggested for VOAT before.

  • It creates another revenue source
  • It lets users select the better comments
  • It makes users strive to make even better comments
  • It lets you generate excess money which you can donate to other good causes. Not only it is good for everybody but it also generates a lot of good talk. The money Reddit donated to FSF et. al. is still talked about.

drunkywood ago

I appreciate your openess, however I firmly believe in the Value for Value model, put forward by the No Agenda Show

It is the only way to ensure that we do not become the product and that we can never be told what not to talk about because it might look bad for their customer base. Reliance on ads also opens Voat up to campaigns lead by the minions of shills and disingenuous people that could then leverage that reliance to submit to their will.

NedTaggart ago

Yeah, as long as you are passionate about having ads that behave, I'll absolutely whitelist Voat. I don't use ad blockers to avoid ads, I use them to avoid asshole ads.

the-gerbil-in-my-bum ago

addition to this, moot refused to accept donations and look what happed to 4chan

Goater ago

Voat is the only white listed domain in my adblocker. Would pay x$ per month though instead.

RewriteFullwise ago

I think this is acceptable, but I really like the idea of still being able to buy an ad-free experience as well as buying various flair.

On that note, just donated $50. You guys are awesome.

omegletrollz ago

A little late, actually

IT seems to me that since we had the "days remaining" thing on the sidebar Voat became much less active so you're probably right. We're in no position to complain though, since Voat is free.

Klaxon ago

Irrefutable proof!

IdSay ago

as long as you stay clean of things like the saudi, chinese and usa government, i'm pretty sure we're cool :)

2716057 ago

It's not a bug... The downvoat button works... Look at his totals...

He's just racked up so many downvoats (since he's a troll) in a day that he's locked out of a lot of Voat's options.

ChairmanCongFuckPao ago

No problems on my end. As long as the site works without censorship, I'm OK.

AnTi90d ago

This will be the only site that I'll ever whitelist.

SayTan ago

Cool with me, ese.

iusedtobeonreddit ago

do you think they'll go for it?

effusive_ermine ago

Wow, you just described every website that ever became popular.

le ebic maymays

Some of those "maymays" were pretty damn funny, and seriously worth keeping around. Personally, I can never get enough of leek-spinning-girl-with-adorable-smile. The overplayed ones like goatse and rickroll need to be allowed to die though.

Zatarain ago

I'm fine with this and will disable ublock for this site if it means Voat will stay alive. I'm just a lurker for the most part, but I love reading through the discussions here. Would hate to see this site disappear.

effusive_ermine ago

Anyone from /v/Linux could have told you so.

Qibble ago

If you think it's for the best so be it.

Subtenko ago

It cost $5k a month to run Voat? Waaaaat

Atko and PutItOut, I could help out in a few divisions and it would bring revenue to the site and help. Could one of you PM me at least or are you just working together on ideas alone? Im not sure if theres a Voat team that helps you all or if its just you two.

EDIT: The basic ideas of it without writing a lengthy post here are: Managing the Voat brand around the web, sponsored adverts (yea I know this ones tricky), and an actually voat team whoever needs to be helping out closely.

sakuramboo ago

What if the ability to turn off ads was available as a one time purchase of 5 dollars?

Are there any restrictions as to what kind of ads can be placed? (ie. what if the ad had "bad" language)

If someone buys ad space, will that information of the transaction (purchaser, amount, etc) be available by subpoena?

LoftyGoat ago

Run the ads. Running a Web site costs money, and the more popular it is the more it costs. No one will break down and weep if you run ads, as long as they aren't obnoxious. You seem to have a handle on that already, so do it.

D00MSDAY ago

I just started to give this website a chance and it honestly seems like an extension of /pol/. I've seen enough to understand that I don't relate or care enough about the majority of new discussions generated here but I sure do love this website's format. Best of luck!

Statutory_Ray ago

You're doing the right thing and I appreciate you consulting us about this. I would not object to a model where users can pay to disable mods as well. Something to consider.

Edit: And as for future features, could the ability to sort out post history's by things like "Top", "Controversial", or "Lowest", be implemented?

batterist ago

I think it's implemented so the site wont be overpopulated by trolls, downvoting everything they see fit. You need to spend a while to be able to downvote.

cynoclast ago

So, what do you guys think? Are we doing the right thing?

Yes. I think optional donation keeps users on equal footing (being a customer), but expecting everyone to be a subscriber with a paywall is the wrong way to do it.

Foralltoosee ago

You guys are great. Thanks for looking out for us and the site. No one likes ads, but everyone here likes Voat, so ads are just a bummer reality we'll deal with. Hardly noticeable as it is anyway.

Good luck making the transition to full time Voat management.

MasterZenith ago

For being honest, I have disabled ad block for Voat.

Send those advertisements my way!

voNIKONov ago

I'm in. I already have ya'll white listed. I'd pay a couple bucks a month subscription too. It'd be a pain to come up with a card that wasn't linked with my identity, but it would be worth it. If there are things advertised here that I want, even if they may be a little more expensive I'd do it. Long ramble it. I love this site.

Hoyle ago

I up for this. Great Idea Atko.

TheKobold ago

If it keeps this place alive I'm all for a little ad space. Does any one ever read the side bars anyways? Lol.

0x5f3759df ago

Well, I guess this is the beginning of the end. As all similar site before it, voat will start to go down from the moment it tries to start generating revenue.

HarveyHarveyJones ago

/We also received a ton of inquiries from investors, but for what it’s worth, we never accepted any offers as most investors simply didn’t share our vision./

It's worth everything that voat stands for. Thank You.

Also, is it too late to donate?

Capt_Dynamitebeard ago

So theoretically I could pay 25 bucks to show everybody my dog for a day?

lord_nougat ago

Could, and should!

cyks ago

You are proof that the downvoat button works.

Donbuster ago

Agreed. If one or both of the devs could post their code somewhere to kick start it, I feel like a community maintained open source app would easily be within reach, seeing as our community is generally more tech savvy than the general population.

5029925? ago

Let's keep the voat afloat.

mamwad ago

Yes. Unobtrusive ads are welcome and I would whitelist voat in a heartbeat

Weebo ago

Damn, who did you piss off to get down voted for this comment?

mamwad ago

Haters gonna hate.

Weebo ago

Nevermind, found it

mamwad ago

Damn, I felt special.

RedditCEOEllenPao ago

That's...not what I'm saying at all? His feedback is obviously valid, but that doesn't mean it's without flaws. It just baffles me to think that "other people will pay for this service I use" is something that would come out of a Voater's mind. I thought we were better than expecting some sort of socialistic "some of us will pay for all of us" view.

Guess I misjudged the demographic.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

5029810? ago

I might become a pariah for asking this, but why aren't clicks/impressions tracked? I enjoy my privacy as much as the next guy, but as long as actions aren't tied to personally identifiable information like an IP, or a region smaller than state/province/territory/oblast level, I don't don't see what the problem is?

Say_What ago

First, I want to say how much I appreciate your transparency, candid tone, and willingness to communicate with the user base. This is a piece of the puzzle you're getting very right. Being frank with the community and soliciting our opinions gives people a sense of ownership and reason to be committed as users, content creators, and investors.

Regarding ads, I think you have to do whatever it takes to keep the site up. If this allows you to make Voat your full time occupation, I think you should work toward solutions to restore Voat to an ad free or ad light zone.

$60k a year is pretty doable. You need the obvious merchandise line; t-shirts, hats, mugs, bumper stickers, plush toys, etc. If you've already got that, I missed it. This stuff not only brings revenue, but spreads your brand.

I still think Voat Cheese, like reddit gold, is a no brainer. Same vehicle, no lame subverse, just recognition and an ad free experience for 30 days.

Another Web based product you could add would be a monthly or bi-monthly podcast. Pick a few of Voat's hot topics, invite a guest, and discuss for 60-90 minutes. You could feature audio ads in this vehicle that would be less intrusive than on site ads. 30-60 second spots every 10 minutes are more tolerable than sidebar and banner ads. This has the benefit of providing unique original content to Voat, and if you're funny or charming at all your cult of personality could draw interest to the site. It could be a fun diversion for you guys. Have a subverse that helps pick topics, with their help write up some questions and points of interest to add structure, and line up some interesting guests. A little bumper music to open and close, and you're done. You don't even need prerecorded ads, just read them. It's done all the time. Suddenly Voat has its own brand of AMAesque exclusive content. Give away the first three, then sell an annual subscription for $20-$30. Then again, the in-podcast revenue might be better if it was free to listen and reached a wider audience.

I think you need to think outside the site too. It's tricky finding ways to generate revenue on the site proper. Even harder without being obnoxious. I know you're trying to transition from your day job to full time voat, but having a side business, Voat centric or not, could be the answer. Small batch microbrew, lightly-worn Swedish panties with a signed photo, escort goats rented to migrants...there are things you could sell on the side that would support Voat without wrecking the vibe.

Finally, you might try a letter writing campaign for donations outside of Voat. Free speech groups, Constitutionalists, Gun rights groups, libertarians, PEGIDA or other immigration reform groups, etc. There are a plethora of organizations who will value the open expression forum you're marketing, but you're not going to reach them through VOAT. You must cast a wider net. You're one wealthy silent benefactor away. You just have to let him know you're here and incorruptible.

RedditCEOEllenPao ago

Not quite. Here, let me fill in a few details.

>owner of site makes thread asking for feedback on ads

>user gives feedback on ads: user states voat should be ad-free, disables ad-blocker, states that other users will help keep voat afloat

>other voat user that understands that a website has to at least break even points out the entitled mentality of "I'm not paying for this, and I'm going to actively prevent the site owners from getting paid for their efforts, and I expect someone else to pick up the slack"

Nice strawman, though.

Bing11 ago

Nice username....

MrEvilPirate ago

Atko do what you gotta do brother. Everyone's gotta eat. Your proposed policy seems very reasonable. Congrats on all of your continued success. Just don't sell out!

AssuredlyAThrowAway ago

You deserve it @atko, this is what many have suggested for a while now; the only thing to ensure is that advertisers have no say over the content on the site.

Question_Mark ago

the only thing to ensure is that advertisers have no say over the content on the site.

This is just it though, brother. You simply can't do that and the last 200 years has proved it. In the relationship between advertising and media, it is advertising which is the dominant partner. Only one of the parties is dependent on the other and that inevitably causes a prison bitch relationship. To me it is just simple common sense. If I am making significant ad revenue from companies targeting white upper class soccer moms and there is one user who keeps annoying white upper class soccer moms then what do you think is going to happen? Shit, the advertisers don't even need to say a thing. You'll ban that user yourself because it is in the site's best financial interests not to risk their advertisers pulling out because of one jerkoff with a keyboard.

plebsareneeded ago

I love it. just require ads to be images (possibly animated) with no scripts or plugins

fabulousalpaca ago

Sounds good

cat-facts ago

Yes, ads are the right move. Ads were never a problem on other sites really, only limits on free speech is really.

Ads are only a problem to the extend that advertisers can pressure site admins to make sure content is politically correct. Once you go down the road of filtering (legal) content you give the impression you stand behind the content that remains. ""You removed X but not Y? Why do you support Y so much?"

As long as you openly state that Voat is simply a platform that encourages debate and legal free speech advertisers aren't put in a position of being told they support any individual subs or opinions on the website for advertising here. With free speech you either embrace free speech or embrace political correctness and almost any position in the middle is just a temporary move to political correctness due to the slipperyness of that slope.

I do think advertising is a good idea. Success of the website should seen as "great, more advertising money to do what we are doing" and not "Crap, we got more popular, how are we going to afford this?"

Anchy ago

This is cool, but what about merch? Or monthly fee? Would be good to have more options. You've done amazing things over the years and I applaud you for that. Thank you and to @Puttitout for making this place a better place for all of us.

Your policy is far beyond amazing, just keep it up with that tempo. I Am sure that in the future, every hour, tear & sweat will be paid of. Small step at a time and you will get there.

I love you both and the lovely Voat goat community we have.

Thanks for everything.

the_spectre ago

I think this is a good idea, but I think maybe you should consider a subscription option of some sort. Pay x money on a schedule and no ads.

Question_Mark ago

To this end, we will start selling sidebar ad space.

And hence will fall into exactly the same trap that every other major form of media has fallen into since media was invented. Read my lips: YOU CANNOT HAVE A FREE AND OPEN WEBSITE/NEWSPAPER/TV CHANNEL WHICH SUPPORTS ITSELF THROUGH ADVERTISING. It is a total fucking contradiction. Advertisers are not charities. They advertise (i.e. spend revenue) to reach a particular client base. Hence, once you become dependent upon that revenue, you find yourself (at first covertly, and then overtly) showing favouritism to the views, wishes and opinions of that same client base. You simply cannot afford not to.

Funnily enough, myself and a friend were talking about the future of Voat just the other night, and we both agreed it would go the same way as Reddit:-

1) People will use it because it is free, open and uncensored.

2) Because people are using it, its popularity will keep growing.

3) Once its popularity peaks, the creators will scrap the "free, open and uncensored" part because they are being offered millions of dollars to do so.

4) The creators get rich. The userbase which made the site popular (i.e. worth millions of dollars) gets screwed.

You absolutely are not doing the right thing. You can't let the Devil in and expect to keep him on a leash.

zvrk ago

If ads are what will keep this site alive, I'm all for it. No ad-block for you!

revfelix ago

You need to make money somehow. Unobtrusive, non-malicious ads seem like a reasonable way. I would also not be opposed to a store full of Voat swag.

Donbuster ago

I think Boats is now inactive. It hasn't been updated in a while, and the @SpaceMonkey account (developer) hasn't so much as posted a comment in over a month.

SpaceMonkey ago

I'm here.. I haven't done much in a while (working but didn't publish updates), mainly because most of the things I can do without an API I've already done.

Don't worry, though, I've to do other work to make money but I will always work on the app :)

Actually, there should be an update this week.

Donbuster ago

YAY! glad to hear that the dev of the best app for voat out there is still working. I was afraid the sites more crazy endearing users had scared you off...

HomerSimpson ago

You mention subverse specific ads. Wouldn't that allow companies / groups to advertise something against what the sub wants? Example. Some sort of pro-fat company advertising on /v/fatpeoplehate or am I missing something here that might make you so they won't do that?

EdSnowden ago

Relevant username....

BananaBoater ago

Transparency = awesome you guys rock

DeepFriedPickles ago

I'm totally okay with ads. As long as the ads aren't super obnoxious or clearly scams they don't bug me at all.

AtheistComic ago

Great job Atko. If only the rest of the Internet followed your example...

acheron2012 ago

It made Google worth more than Exxon. I think it is a great idea. People today too often forget the money has to come from somewhere.

8_billion_eaters ago

I'll give 50 bucks to paypal to fund this site....but how do I do that?

DrSalt ago

So, what do you guys think? Are we doing the right thing?

No-strings attached donations should never be turned away. Advertising is Edward Bernays Propaganda, and intended to alter people's behavior because money was spent to change minds. Advertising isn't free magic. People who fund it expect a return (altered social behavior) for their layout. With donations, the funding goes directly to the site and isn't promoting something else...

ThatFireFlameNew ago

If only we could come up with a system (like a subverse) where the community could vote on which ads get accepted. It seems important to voaters to integrate the community with ad many aspects of the site functionality as possible

ThatFireFlameNew ago

Just had another idea. Maybe make a subverse dedicated to trying to network funding + advertisements from companies. This way voat could try and approach like minded companies to help them grow, as well as help us. Make that shit symbiotic. Since voat decides, it minimizes shilling

RoboWarrior ago

As long as the ads abide by those rule you mention since I'm fine with whitelisting, but try not to have Candycrush (or really any mobile application game that does this), why? Because their ads open up the App Store/Play Store. I'll gladly keep this site whitelisted as long as the framerate doesn't drop to 15 FPS because of some overly complex animation/video ad.

RedditIsPropaganda23 ago

Put up ads.

Cut the fucking costs! $5K/month... you kidding me?

thanks Atko

omegletrollz ago

I have been thinking a lot of that money is the salary Atko determined for himself... Can't blame him and sounds about fair but it's expensive as fuck for a community to pay every month. I'd much rather have Atko working on it part-time, with a much smaller salary and keep Voat ad free (as far as corporate ads go at least).

jsac ago

uBlock to the rescue!

fagnig ago

If the site were to become unusably slow because of ads, sure that would be a "problem" that would probably drive users away, but I doubt Atko will allow it to ever get there.

Keep all analytics, trackers, ad network shit, off voat, just like it is now atko! We love you for it.

kurfu ago

I just white-listed in Ad-Block so I don't forget to later.

Non-intrusive sidebar ads are a great idea!

Vvswiftvv17 ago

This is good, but also don't discount fundraising. I'm a professional fundraiser. Trust me, people with much more sinister goals are out there fundraising and generating huge amounts of revenue for much less worthy causes. I think a platform dedicated to free speech in a time where other online platforms are being caught red handed censoring is a great ask. I've been wanting to donate for a while and once my husband gets back to work will do just that. Please give yourself the benefit of the doubt and talk to a tech fundraiser consultant. You are in such a prime spot right now! I'm not talking $10 donations either. I mean major donors giving six plus figure checks, businesses partnering with you philanthropicallyvto support you, etc.

fagnig ago

Seconded, for those who want to, why refuse them.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

@edsnowden is just busy destroying people in rocket league...

Bilbo_Swaggins ago

I agree with this move. This is how Voat can be funded.

That said, other users have been correct in saying that this is a similar path to what so many other websites have gone. Reddit included.

Going forward from this, you guys seem to have the right idea: reducing operating costs instead of getting more revenue. As long as we aren't inundated by ads, and as long as we have free speech here (no, trolls, child porn is not free speech), we're happy. Having the place be less monetized helps to achieve both goals.

One idea that another commenter had was paid membership to not see ads- I think it's a good idea personally. The only people who might not like it are whoever is paying you guys to host ads here ;)

Antiracist10 ago

Bilbo_Swaggins eats shit.

Bilbo_Swaggins ago

Oh, yeah, there's another thing I may as well ask you while I'm here @Atko. Does ban evasion lead to shadowbanning on this site? Is it against the sitewide rules? Because ban evasion is basically the only thing that some users do here.

VX ago

Bilbo_Swaggins eats shit.

By_The_Water ago

So, how do we get to advertise their dragon dildos on the sidebar of /v/sdbh? BECAUSE THIS NEEDS TO HAPPEN, PEOPLE.

fagnig ago

It happens rarely, ive had it.

fagnig ago

Voat hosts the ad, javascript is not allowed, advertizer doesnt even get any metrics, theres nothing fishy here. This is the way to do ads atko.

If it really came down to it (the profitability that allowed you and putt to work on voat full time), i would be ok with a letterbox ad on the bottom of the subverse/front/all as well, if it fits this non animated, no js, no ad network format.

causuistry ago

All for it.

Arotaes_Forgehammer ago

I wish I had caught this thread while it was new, but good luck guys - this is the time that will make or break Voat, and while I know that it'll all fall apart eventually, I'll be here as long as possible.

Thememeking ago

Disabled ad block.

un_salamandre ago

Absolutely, this is the right thing. It's actually way overdue.

Scine ago

As long as you vet your ads for malware (Ala Yahoo's bullshit), I have not only no issue, but I'll happily whitelist you guys in my adblocker.

idunnome ago

Given your restrictions, I am willing to whitelist ads for Voat. This is something I won't do for just anyone, because I don't think I can trust other sites' adverts. I don't know what they allow or prevent, so better safe than sorry.

Having an advert-free environment for supporters is also reasonable.

ForgotMyName ago

I'm excited about Voat's continued viability. Unobtrusive ads are a small price to pay for that.

5028649? ago

Proceed with the ads.

shill343 ago

I don't mind having ads on the side bar. I trust the admins with this since they have a track record of transparency and being open with the community about these changes. Especially allowing us to give them straight feedback.

Obviously, the ads are going to grow, but I think given how crazy most of us goaters on this website are about transparency and keeping free speech at the heart of the website will be enough to keep the admins in line if they try to go to reddit.

As some others have said, I think paying a certain amount every month to make the website ad free for single users is a good method. It gives people choice.

knightwarrior41 ago

the main problem with ads is that they are easily hack able by malicious people that would like to do harm injecting trojans and worms in to their code.does voat has a plan to combat or rather address this issue?meantime, i truly wish atko and CO. the best in their endeavors

OneNutWonder ago

If I wanted to contribute to Voat, could I buy like 3 days of ad space and just put a picture of the Voat Goat that says have a nice day? Or do the ads have to come from a company, and hyperlink to a website of some sort, and be an actual advertisement?

Lopsid ago

This is cool, I would totally display some art that links nowhere or resources that help people for free without copyright and all that.

1moar ago

I donated $13.37 last month which doesn't cover much, I know. But I am thus far happy with the progress of this site, I just hope advertising doesn't overshadow our potential future. i.e. - Don't pull a Reddit. :)

Lopsid ago

You paid for 829 other users that month!

...if all 310,000 of us paid an equal amount per month to reach 5,000 dollars.

Vladar ago

I added Voat to whitelist from the day I registered here. As I do on every other site which respects his users and which I want to support somehow. And I fully support you on this decision.

Do it, @Atko!

antiplebbitor ago

Non-intrusive text ads are acceptable.

Tommstein ago

No one could possibly have a (reasonable) problem with this.

(By the way, it's spelled "advertise," at least in American; if the Brits use a z and that's what you're going for, then ignore this.)

vince_te_ipsum ago

It looks for bleak the future of capitalism:


peacegnome ago

I would like to perhaps see some pre-made ads for things like eff or subs that people could use as their "donations" outlet. 2 birds with one stone, the site gets funded and people can show support for things they care about. It could maybe be set up by the orgs themselves, and people could "donate" to their ad campaigns on voat.

Atko ago

Sounds great. Thanks, I'd love to make this happen. Lets see what can be done.

SCP-169 ago

I don't see a better move so I fully support it.

Ambiguous_Lumberjack ago

Think of it this way: you're exploiting corporations to fund a place of free speech and thought. As long as the ads are strictly for salaries and server costs, I think it's the right thing to do.

Atko ago

I agree. If this works out, Voat will be ok for as long as me and Putts are calling the shots. I've never been greedy and I want to keep it that way.

ThisIsMyRealName ago

I understand how it works. I just don't support that system. Blockchain technology is interesting and all, but I don't believe Bitcoin itself is a very good use of it.

Natsunagi ago

There was a discussion at one point regarding how any advertising can have negative impact on freedom of speech. Basically, by becoming dependant on advertising revenue, you become dependant on what the advertisers want, not your users.

Please keep this in mind. Any ways that the users can pay for the site directly is better, if it's sustainable.

Atko ago

Fully agree. Ads will be a "free for all", so if users keep buying out the ad space, I don't see Voat getting dependent on corporations. We will also be able to offer subscriptions at some point and if this can foot the bill, I'll be more than happy to remove all ads. Time will tell.

Natsunagi ago

Glad to hear it. I'd love to see both no ads and your team able to work full time.

omegletrollz ago

What are you thinking, ideally about pricing for normal (non-corporate) users who want to advertise on Voat with a meme, funny photos and such?

EDIT: nevermind, found out it's $25/day. Quite expensive for non-corporate users.

thuvia_1 ago

i would prefer to pay a subscription fee to make it ad free, but i'll whitelist the site. until i start to see porn ads. then back on goes my ad blocker.

can we buy ads ourselves?

Atko ago

Yes, you very much can ;)

DKSArt ago

Yes, excellent work!

aaronC ago

I like it. I don't like ads but I realize that they are necessary. I also think ads like this are much better than typical ads, as they are usually for something decent and not something like weight loss pills. I'm actually considering purchasing some ad space, my only complaint is that I'd just want to focus gaming related subs. Those don't get the same amount of traffic as other ones. Are there any plans for a light version? Like you spend less but can only target a certain number of subs (like 5)? Or you can target slower subs and get extra days for the same price, or something like that? One of the big advantages of advertising on a place like voat is that you can target specific markets without invading privacy. New political youtube channel, site, etc? Hit the politics subs. new gaming site? Hit the gaming subs. It seems like voat currently doesn't allow for that.

The direction is good, I'm fond of these soft serve type of ad systems. Mainly because you end up with people wanting to advertise on the site because they are drawn to it, instead of relying on an ad aggregator to push whatever is most likely to be clicked.


I had dental work and could not eat solids, so i got the bright idea to puree my shawarma. It looked exactly like the lower photo and turned me right off from consuming it.

Donbuster ago

I think this is a perfectly acceptable ad policy, and wouldn't mind expansion in ad count, so long as they are aligned with the principals listed here

To this end, we will start selling sidebar ad space. Our ad criteria are very strict. Ads cannot have animations, ads cannot embed 3rd party scripts. We will not track ad impressions and we won’t track clicks on the ads.

With that said,

and both me and @PuttItOut have agreed that asking for donations is not something we want to keep doing; It just doesn’t feel right.

I think that the community would agree that we would prefer voat continue asking for donations, since that means that ads don't have to spread as much (since its unrealistic to assume that a single sidebar ad can support a site of this size, let alone if the site grows), plus I, for one want to show my appreciation for the site where I can afford to (i'm sure others feel the same). There's nothing wrong asking for donations, so long as one does not beg for them.

wuzizname ago

I visit Voat pretty much every day, and I spend a considerable amount of time here - and I want to keep doing it! So your need for revenue is understandable and I WANT TO HELP!

Saying this as a marketing / advertising dude: People don't mind advertising - as long as it's relevant or an interesting thing for them. We can benefit from ads, learn about new products, services, or special offers which could benefit us. Youtube has done ads right, where the user can skip an ad. And, speaking AS an advertiser, I like this feature as much as the users do - I don't want to show my ad to people who aren't interested and I will, in fact, pay a PREMIUM to any medium that can offer me a more targeted audience.

I could suggest: offer your users a method to select what kinds of ads they're interested in viewing, and allow them to "voat" on ads which they're served. If I like the ad I see, I voat it up and you track this in my profile. You can then customize what ads users will see based on profile history and you can charge advertisers a premium for this.

You'll have a unique advantage in that you can approach advertisers and tell them that you have a method to serve their ads to audiences which have indicated that they want to SEE these ads.

The advertising of the past was that you'd serve your ad over the TV and you knew only maybe 1 out of 100 viewers were interested, but you had to pay the freight to show to all those 100 viewers.

That and - CHARGE PEOPLE for high profile AMAs! If you are approached by a movie studio who wants to pitch "MALL COP 5 - PAUL BLART GET AUTISM" fucking charge them a couple grand, these studios would pay it in an instant and if you stick to your integrity, you don't have to suck their dicks and turn shill just layout the ground rules, you'll have a honest profit generator.

luckyguy ago

@atko, the dimentions are between 270w x 100h - 270x x 540h. So those are the two options or the height can be anywhere between 100 and 540. I want to be first in so get back to me quickly if you can.

Thanks @atko!! We are going to make Voat great again!!

ratsmack ago

Yes, you are definitely headed in the right direction.

You should consider allowing subs to be run by sellers to push a specific product line also, as long as they don't spam other subs. This way they get periodic front page on 'default' or if the user is subscribed. You would have to figure out how to monetize this though.

dirkgently ago

Of course, that is how reddit happened. But if you have two choices, close or take ads, you take the ads but, here is where it gets tricky. Say you start taking ads and your stance is this "if you don't like the content don't advertise here". That's all fine until money starts rolling in, and things get more expensive, and you have a staff, and you get bigger, and you need more money, then there comes a point where decisions need to be made, and they are tough decisions. now you get to the point where maybe a couple advertisers are paying big money and if you loose either one they hurt and maybe they get some nasty emails form customers saying they can't believe they would advertise at a site that hates fat jewish black people. Then they pressure @atko, and he has some really tough decisions to make, start censoring subs to appease advertisers or loose money and try to find replacements.

If you plan accordingly you can make yourself somewhat immune to that scenario but it takes some foresight, intestinal fortitude, and not becoming a slave to the dollar. Now these problems are in the future and in order to get there, you might just need to take some ad money.

riposte ago

As long as voat continues to be a bastion of free speach, I don't mind what you try to sell me. As long as you don't sell voat, we will stand behind you.

Fambida ago

I share your worries, man. Advertising is a pernicious influence. Just look at Reddit...

However, I think it will take several years before any influence starts to show. It's not an instant corruption. It takes time for the worries about how to fund the site to overtake worries about how and why the site should exist in the first place.

Redditsdead ago

I'm all for ads. Whatever to keep the site going. If they are relevant to me, I may even click on them.

One type of ads I don't mind are Amazon link ads on the sidebar. For niche subs they would be good. For offgriders there are a million cool little items that can be linked. I don't know how we'd go about deciding what items to put up but I'm sure each niche sub mod is somewhat knowledgeable on their sub topic and could put stuff up. As I'm typing this I can definitely see how it could be abused. Just a thought.

middle_path ago

The advertisement serves no purpose outside of propaganda, manipulation and the spreading of falsehood.

It serves the purpose of generating revenue for the site so Atko and Putitout can work on it full time. Server space is expensive not to mention the man hours involved. They are also being selective about the ads they choose to feature and are being very transparent about their actions. I'm getting pretty sick of people offering criticism without any constructive or practical alternatives.

peacegnome ago

People often do things because they love them or they want to make a difference in the world. Atko and PuttItOut absolutely fall into this category, but it does cost money to host a site, and to eat/live and so most are okay with this move. Money and power corrupts people as we saw with digg and reddit, and so the users here are very weary of signs of voat changing its path. You are right otherwise, i just wanted to point out that people contribute to humanity all the time not expecting monetary reimbursement (OSS for example),

shorternet ago

In a word - yes.

8_billion_eaters ago

Get your advertising base in line. Make sure you have an iron-clad contract with them.Once that is accomplished,

ThisIsMyRealName ago

I don't support Bitcoin.

Edit: Looks like the donation button is there.

rwbj ago

It got a fair amount of visibility in the state of voat post. I'm assuming Atko has seen it. If you think the idea is interesting feel free to mention it there.

eagleshigh ago

Not at all. If you think you can refute us, take a stroll to /v/Niggers, we'd love to discuss.

OcculusResurrectio ago

You guys have a lot of integrity and I love this site. I have only given $5 but havent been here long. I intend to give a few bucks every so often. Probably monthly. I can afford it, and I'm happy to help support this wonderful site. Thank you for everything you have done. Voat has made the internet a better place.

lorlipone ago

I've had my adblocker disabled on this site the whole time for this very reason. By all means; especially if you're not going to have flashy autoplay bullshit.

ChillyHellion ago

Are users able to buy ads to promote a subverse? For example, a niche gaming subverse could advertise in /v/gaming for a few days, since that space is set aside for ads anyway.

Edit: what the hey, I'll give it a try. I just bought five days in /v/gaming's sidebar for a text-only ad. I think it's a great opportunity for us as a community to support less-obtrusive internet advertising.

Voopin__Voopin ago

ditto. came because blatant censorship, and got REAL tired of seeing entire threads full of [deleted].

Daeavorn ago

I will whitelist voat for you Atko. I appreciate this place existing.

lbruiser ago

:disables ad block:

AlwaysInService ago

I'm ready to add Voat to the white list on ad block to keep revenue flowing. I think it's a good idea

xwwarriorx ago

/cheer @Atko

Thanks so much for doing all of this for all of us. Whether anyone comes out and tells you or not, I will: Thank you!

SaneGoatiSwear ago

drats. i agree it may well be a simple function of user number growth, i just figured maybe an impassioned plea from atko for some idea to come through that could hold off going ads, corporate, etc down that road so quickly. it's only really been a year.

yeah, stage3 :(

Al_Rubyx ago

Ask trump for a small $1m dollar loan?

Str8jak1t ago

Make money, don't step on or take users for granted and all is good. We are adults, we know how the world works. Keep up the good work. And thanks.

babimbang ago

I have faith you will do the right thing. I hope you will make it easy to buy and upload ads.

TheDude2 ago

So I could buy an ad that just says "blow me" for 25 bucks? I'd rather buy an ad then donate just for the lulz.

reeperpill ago

Both the site-wide and the subverse specific ads cost $25 per day. Subverse specific ads should be significantly cheaper.

kylecraig ago

Sad, but true

massiveprivilege ago

Sounds about right. Im hoping for at least 2-3 years before corporate influence, shills, JIDF, SJW... and the rest of internet cancer ruins it and enforces to much censorship.

glennvtx ago

They are already here, just that our small numbers mean they get more bang for their buck elsewhere.

Sire ago

Please include ads on the mobile site.

Momerath ago

Not a fan of ads, but I can't fault your logic. Whatever it takes to keep up the good work, keep it up.

sec ago

So, what do you guys think? Are we doing the right thing?

Yes- However I would still like to see a subscription option which would hide ads.

HorrorAndHatred ago

I understand not wanting to do impression tracking for the sake of anonyminity, but I'd count clicks at a minimum.

Right now you're offering totally blind ads with no way for the people who buy them to tell if they're working or not.

SeemsReasonable ago

Perhaps you're right, only time will tell honestly. I just do not think allowing ads has to always lead to a bad place and I think with how many viewers the site has, an ad a page may be able to keep it afloat but knowledge of advertising is far from my strong suit.

I feel that if done "right" and "correctly" (<--- then again how often do you hear that?) it can keep the site running and making money it needs to run without turning into the shit show reddit is and staying the same site it is now. I mean shit if it all goes down hill in the future because of this, I'll look back and think "damn, thejudgeofhumans was right about the ads and got hated on to hell and back for it." Let us keep on keeping on and see what the future brings eh?

thisismyfist ago

Ive just disabled my ad blocker and ill try to suggest it to others from time to time going forward. Thanks Atko!

abear ago has been on my whitelist for a very long time and this will do nothing to change that.

dirkgently ago

I would like to think I speak for the majority of non racist, non jew hating, non fat hating users who come here because reddit is a pile of shit, but it's not a pile of shit because of ads, it's a pile of shit because of the censorship. You can run ads, you can ask for donations, you can implement a gold system to help, you have a dunking booth with helpless grandparents, a cute kitten shooting gallery, or whatever else you need to do to keep the doors open @atko. You do what you think is best for the site and to help pay the bills, that is what counts. As long as you don't up and fucking sell out the user base for cash, I think were going to be ok with whatever you decide.

ClitoralCommander ago

If you're going to shit on his comment, at least give an intelligent reason.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

that was the exact cycle i was referencing, and well put! thanks :)

maybe it would be beneficial to slow that process.

would you say we just hit stage 3?

Lord--Gaben ago


Pwning4Ever ago

When you say corporations/investors dont share the same vision om voat. What do you mean specifically?

embers ago

I've been using some form of Adblock since the initial release in 2002, and today is the first time I've turned it off for a particular site. Welcome to my whitelist,

Subtenko ago

Same, back in the early days of the internet I never knew what an ad looked like xD I know what your thinking, I must have seen one (an AD AD) before blocking them. I cant remember what it looks like.


I'm with it. Cant imagine the stress of money going out with no guarantee of coming back. You both deserve compensation for your work. It's great work by the way. Thank you for everything you do here.

ThisIsMyRealName ago

Please re-enable donations. I'm not done throwing my money at you yet.

smokratez ago

I am talking about slavery done by jews.

SparkS ago

"Voat running, open, and free." define open and free. " that asking for donations is not something we want to keep doing; It just doesn’t feel right." its ok... i have adbock installed. the rest will be read later.

AOU ago

but of course you are always free to block our ads.

You guys deserve more support, and if ads can help it, everyone using voat should disable their ad-blockers.

OhBlindOne ago

As long as you guys don't go the way of.. that other place... letting profits run the site, then I am happy with ads.

Just don't let yourselves be bought out by some investor that only wants to turn the place into an ad machine like what happened to... that other place.

Here's to a long future for Voat!

MiMx ago

Yes you are doing the right thing. Welcome to running a business. Ads and subscription is the only way to make $ online (unless you are a storefront).

SeemsReasonable ago

Way I see it, either allow 1 minimalist advertisement on a page, or Voat goes the way of the dodo. What are you going to do when there's no Voat? Where else can you speak your mind without what you say being deleted? Seems like a reasonable compromise for now. I don't think Voat will require ads for the rest of eternity, this seems more like a stepping stone to keep the place up. Isn't that what we want, to keep this place running because we are free to say what we want here?

Amalek_Knows_Best ago

Voat has been mentioned in Wired UK, Business Insider, Time, The Verge, Marketwatch, International Business Times, Ilta-Sanomat, Washington Post, Forbes, The Guardian, Vice Motherboard, Le Monde, The Independent, Venturebeat, Mashable, BBC, Coin Telegraph, The Christian Science Monitor, Fortune, Daily Dot, CNET, Engadget… We have had interview requests from Bloomberg TV, Swiss national TV, BBC

Now it all makes sense. This was the plan all along because they wouldn't promote voat for nothing. The Zionist media is now taking over Voat.

With advertisements will come corporate influence. Eventually they'll control the site.

@Atko sold us out.

5027973? ago

Weren't you already leaving, Amalek?

5027488? ago

Lots of other people in this thread have suggested the same thing, though usually as a side-note. I'm glad that this will act as a basis for revenue, but is there anyway a subscription fee to avoid ads could be introduced? I and I'm sure many others would pay.

ChillyHellion ago

I think that sounds more than reasonable. Voat needs to survive, and it can stand as an example of ads done respectfully.

smokratez ago

Do you know about their slave their history or present?

SeemsReasonable ago

Stop being a dumbass please.

smokratez ago

You don't know anything about jews then?

ninjajunkie ago

You're already greenlit in my ad-blockers. No matter what happens, you gave us this place and it is appreciated.

KingMortales ago

That's not actually him, is it?

mamwad ago

No, /u/EdSnowden is a Trump supporter. Actual Ed Snowden would never support someone who wants him dead.

p0ssum ago

No, its not

etzefeck ago

What else is he going do on the toilet?

avnti ago

On toilet at present.

toobaditworks ago

Just don't leave present on toilet.

eagleshigh ago

It is.

smokratez ago

Then you should know all about how jews are the scum of the Earth.

Declined ago is now the only whitelisted site on my adblocker. Glad you guys are trying something, really hope it works. Also, meeeerch. Need voat meeerch!

crazyjuan ago

Love the ad policy, especially the no animations/scripts aspect. Perhaps you could give ad priority to existing Voat users?

middle_path ago

Okay, buddy. Glad to see how pragmatic you are.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

hey middle, let me break this in half for you:

ads are evil.

there isn't a more viable option that isn't evil unless atko can gather 5,000 bucks of subs a month for a year in advance; i mean to do that, like 8,700 members would have to pay 7 bucks for a year's subscription, o noes. i'd pay 10 bucks a year, that'll take 6,000 goats so like 18% of voat, if there are just 50,000 users, could support the rest's free use.

this is the state of things today on a much larger playing field than voat.

many have been working towards a replacement,

but so far, their working prototype is just as south park called it:

we become ads to each other

it still requires the initial washing and conditioning of the brain,

but that can be done with subconscious product and brand placement,

no need for overt conscious ads anymore...

middle_path ago

I agree with you to an extent, but voat need revenue right now. I am more than willing to pay for a monthly membership, I think most voaters are, but it would deter almost all new users.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

middle_path ago

out of 50,000 goats, do you think not 8k would pay as much as a latte to support voat for a year?

It's really hard to say. Voat's user base tends to be very pro privacy and sometimes paranoid. Not sure how many users would even want to use their debit or credit cards online.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

yeah fuck that. prepaids

edit, also, where the fuck did the progress % bar go?! we did a whole month's worth of funding in a month, didn't we? just on donations...

fagnig ago

I saw that, i thought that meant voat was gonna be viable on donations...

Its surprising to see this thread now tbh

SaneGoatiSwear ago

i thought that as well...

hey @puttitout what happened to the monthly cost donation % bar? i believe many users feel that donations feel totally right (correct me if i'm wrong, goats!)

fagnig ago

Two t's in the name! If you edit it now i dont think it sends to inbox either.

@Puttitout (see context):

hey @putitout what happened to the monthly cost donation % bar? i believe many users feel that donations feel totally right (correct me if i'm wrong, goats!)

I agree, donations should remain an option.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

and i've been saying put it out the fire for a year,

and it's putt it out like golfing putt.


thank you!

SaneGoatiSwear ago

middle_path ago

How do you think voat should generate revenue?

smokratez ago

Racist is a word made up by jews. Do you know nothing about history?

middle_path ago

Let me ask you this - if you wanted to charge a monthly or yearly fee to use voat, what would you charge? I would be more than willing to pay for like $10 - 15 a year to be free of ads with the exception of subverse ads.

Although allowing us to simply turn off ads in our setting and having ad criteria makes you fucking awesome.

rwbj ago

Again I think you're missing a huge opportunity here. Replace that ad box with a standard comment box. Let users pay $10 to put whatever they want in that box for exactly 1 hour. Automatically have a sliding scale downwards if there is no ad following. Eg - over the next 10 hours the price linearly declines to $0 to get people interested and active in using the service.

drunkywood ago

That is actually a pretty great idea

CeepsNo ago

That's a cool idea

Fambida ago

Are you trying to make Amalek go broke?

51rH0n3y84d93r ago

I hope you'll be able to hold the line once we cross into this territory as the common theme tends to be:

ads -> donations dry up -> sponsors don't like certain content and threaten to pull out -> shut down or remove content -> sponsors want native ads and threaten to pull out -> shut down or include native ads

This is just my observation and is in no way scientific. If I were in your shoes, I would attempt the FreeRepublic model where they do native ads quarterly until they hit their goal. If this were to fail, I would then pursue the ad route, but I'm a lowly badger, not the creator. :-)

omegletrollz ago

The main difference with Voat is that it's a small site run by two people and not really important in the big scheme of the web - unlike reddit, tumblr, etc. So at this point even if ads are paying Atko to work on the site full-time it's not an exorbitant amount of money which needs to sustain a 10+ people crew and dozens of worldwide servers.

What I mean is: for now it's not enough money to leverage that much pressure towards which direction the site grows into. If a sponsor wants to corrupt the site at this point it has a high chance of just driving everyone away, which would kill Voat for good - so Atko is not gonna take the risk just for a few months worth of living, he'd be much smarter to be safe and keep the site alive as it was intended to be... at least for now, if Voat does grow things could change.

pessimisticsteel ago

Yes, you are doing the right thing. Keep it up.

2716057 ago

Woah! Wait... wut?

RedViiper ago

@theJudgeOfHumans likes eating shit

Juceyriou ago

You guys are awsome

5027244? ago

Yes, particularly on two points.

  1. No 3rd party scripts (though I'd prefer zero scripting in the ads).
  2. Sidebar, obviously ads. No attempt at "sponsored posts"

Presuming they're unobtrusive, I'll white list Voat.

fagnig ago

(though I'd prefer zero scripting in the ads)

If theyre not simply images with zero js, theyre getting blocked.

Imapopulistnow ago

Would much rather have direct ads coupled with a high integrity site, rather than hidden, imbedded revenue generators based on user manipulation, so go for it but please keep the integrity at all costs.

Schmut ago

To be honest I think for the time being this is the best choice. We all want Voat to remain online but donations can't keep going forever. I'm guessing a lot of people who donated will not donate a second time so it won't be a good long term strategy. Good to see your strict rules regarding how the advertisements can be presented to the user.

I'd be really interested in alternative revenue generating strategies. Have you considered a monthly subscription? Or something like letting Voat users pay other Voat users for quality content (and then taking a small percentage as the hosting party)?

5027232? ago

I am actually wondering why you didn't do ads much sooner. Non-obtrusive image ads without scripts, trackers etc. are absolutely fine and probably the best way to cover part of the cost to run the site without draining the pockets of users with constant donation drives or becoming hostage to an investor.

bisteot ago

As long as add revenue doesn't dictate the rules to start censoring subverses i don't see any problem.

Gardmeria ago

Your policy is reasonable. If you got any merch I'll buy

SkepticalMartian ago

We have had interview requests from Bloomberg TV, Swiss national TV, BBC and about 30 other, all of which we’ve declined because we had to work hard to bring Voat back online and keep it running. Running and maintaining Voat takes time, a lot of time.

I think you declined them because you'd have to explain why the hate groups are the most popular areas of the site, and that question would be really awkward to explain without looking like you agree with their message. Honestly I don't blame you for declining. I would too.

As for generating revenue, nobody will blame you for this. Nobody expects you to run the site with nothing to show for it. Do what you have to do.

individualin1984 ago

I am encouraged by this. You almost seem apologetic for wanting to make money on this. Most of us don't mind you living a comfortable life as long as you continue to support this platform. My only request is to please be wary of your advertisers. We have all seen far to many examples where the boycott brigades have put websites in difficult financial situations.

84626433832795028841 ago

I hope you will be serving ads locally like does it to prevent 3rd parties from tracking users.

RedditCEOEllenPao ago

So, what do you guys think? Are we doing the right thing?

Advertisement is, unfortunately, a necessary evil.

Ads cannot have animations, ads cannot embed 3rd party scripts. We will not track ad impressions and we won’t track clicks on the ads.

This is good. This is very good.

As a courtesy to everyone who donated, we will allow you to turn-off ads in your user preferences (pending a software update), but of course you are always free to block our ads.

Why not another option where users can pay for an ad-free experience, so they get to both browse without ads, and don't have to feel like leeches?

SaneGoatiSwear ago

RedditCEOEllenPao ago

Ok, you and I fundamentally disagree, and neither of us is going to change the other's mind, but good god man, can you at least try and capitalize the first letter of the first word in a sentence? Your shit is infuriating to read.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

SaneGoatiSwear ago

i don't agree with you at all, but i'll defend your right to say it.

jxfaith ago

Why not another option where users can pay for an ad-free experience, so they get to both browse without ads, and don't have to feel like leeches?

I'm sure there are plenty of people that wouldn't mind setting up a monthly chip of $5-10 for that.

heili ago

Yeah I would donate like the same amount every year to subscribe to an ad-free tier.

Chance ago

I'll add the domain to my adblocker white list.

Eirene ago

Given the criteria, I'll consider turning off my ad-blocker. Keep up the good work, and good luck for your future projects.

Jinkeez ago

I think this is reasonable, I'd much rather have advertising I know is advertising, instead of the shilling, astroturfing, and viral marketing that are the bread and butter of places like Reddit.

That said, would you please consider implementing a way to differentiate ads for voater-owned businesses from other ads? I'm much more interested in supporting other voaters than a large corporation.

G4 ago

I really like what you guys are doing with the ads. I don't know if it will be enough to sustain the site, but it's definitely a start.

I know others have mentioned it, but I would definitely do some sort of monthly donation to the site. I have no problem giving $10 to the site that has had such an impact on my life. Keep doing what you guys are doing, you're awesome.

Mr_Wolf ago

I'd pay for site wide flair, and possibly the ability to change the color of my name.

fagnig ago

Pimp your account for cash! <-- Atko

pornhub_katie ago

great news, keep on keeping on guys.

HorsesHateHams ago

How are mobile apps such as Boats for Voat going to display these ads, so that mobile users can generate ad revenue for Voat as well?

ForgotMyName ago

I'm really excited about this. I want to see Voat be successful and I think you're taking a reasonable approach. I've already got you guys whitelisted on my adblocker anyway. :)

EdSnowden ago

We want to be able to work full time on Voat. We love Voat, we love doing what we do and we want to focus all of our energy on Voat.

I'm glad you no longer see this as a side project.

NeedleStack ago

I love voat. But I'm sorry to say seeing the Google ad on the sidebar freaks me out. I know you need ads to generate revenue and I'm ok with that. But seeing Google as your first advertiser (and its name in such huge font) is uncomfortable for me. Google is notorious for privacy invasion.

Voat users are extremely protective of their privacy so I find Google as the first pick to be a bizarre choice.

Edit: I just noticed that the Google ad is no longer visible. What happened? Was their logo just a test feature?

PuttItOut ago

That was just test data. It freaked me out too!

fagnig ago

That was just test data.

Thats not funny. o_o

NeedleStack ago

lol! OK then. Phew! Thank you so much for everything you do. I'm so happy to hear you guys will move to working full-time on the site. :)

smokratez ago

Too lenient on pedos and other degenerates.

carlip ago

Offer tiered site wide flair, people like flair.

Shagoosty ago

As much as Voat hates ads this is the right move. Voat with an ad in the sidebar is better than no Voat at all.

And maybe give everyone an ad free version for like $7 a month or something.

5034586? ago

I like the idea of a dual revenue stream model. Have advertising, but also have a monthly ad-free subscription.

The subscription would bring in more money on a per-user basis than advertising, and would provide a direct incentive to care about the users over advertisers.

As a long-term goal, atko could aim at getting enough money through ads and donations to become self-sufficient.

I could even see going a step further and setting up a non-profit so any income from voat would be tax exempt, (and no worries about selling out)

FeelinFroggy ago

I've been through a couple decently populated forums in my day. Best ones I ever did join were possible through paid subscriptions. I say 'best' because the quality of the community just completely skyrockets once you take it out of the "Free" bin and slap a price sticker on there.

I'm not saying Voat needs to do this, just... food for thought.

boogieman_ ago

I agree. Even a super small subscription, like $1 or $2 for lifetime membership gets rid of a large percentage of shit posts and shit users. It's not about the money, it's just trolls will generally not spend money to be able to troll. I think it was Something Awful that did this back in the day and it made the forum a lot better.

The bad part is, a website/forum/whatever can make more money by being free and using ads.

A bastion of free speech and less circle jerk shit, SJWs etc. is worth not having a "YUGE" site. That said, no one can blame them for wanting to make their passion a full time job, that allows them to make a decent living.

jwk7855 ago

ads is bad.

onezeno ago

I'd pay a subscription for voat, fwiw. Just a small fee, $2 a mo or so. Perhaps voat should be open, but to vote, comment, post, etc you must pay the fee.

FeelinFroggy ago

That's a decent idea.

the-gerbil-in-my-bum ago

the fact that you have to pay though really does force you to hold your tongue abit as getting banned = wasting your money

TremorAcePV ago

There's a balancing act though. A community without activity is dead. Needs to be a balance between high quality paid users and users who create content/activity.

Lower bar to entry = more activity by nature, I think.

reeperpill ago

Can you name some examples? I don't know a single forum with a paid subscription.

Blackmage1024 ago is 5 dollars for a username

lucifirius ago

Something Awful is pretty great. Something for everybody there, and only :10bux:

RustlingDay ago

It's great if you like safe spaces, for sure. That place is one of the saddest stories of internet decadence: what started as a mockery of early internet freaks and a haven for pranksters and creative trolling (the site even had a section detailing every legal threat that people had sent them over the years) eventually turned into the place to be for the easily offended and cause-of-the-day slacktivists. Everyone there has to walk on eggshells, prefacing everything they say with a "to be fair" or a "in my humble opinion" in an effort to be as unassertive as possible.

When you have mods banning people for stupid reasons and asking them to pay real money for the privilege of being able of getting banned again, eventually you are left with sycophants and users with little self-respect, or just afraid of speaking their minds. And the ill placed feeling of elitism that they get for posting in a paid forum makes the users with the "right" opinions even more intolerably smug.

LimaTangoNovember ago

Not exactly voat or reddit but le metropole was a paid site that had great info, with quality users who have a great deal to contribute.

pyres ago

if you want to post.

the well

are a couple off the top of my head.

FeelinFroggy ago

SA's forums were the place to be for a good, long while. There was another that was an art / graphic arts and modelling (with a touch of programming) one, the name escapes me. A few vBulletin, specialized forums as well. I think three in total, with SomethingAwful being the prime example of how the quality of the forum's content skyrockets once it switches over to a paid subscription model.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

when i can simply block the ad for free?

"voat with an ad.. is better than no voat.."

is quote of the day for me, though, no matter how opposed i am to the very existence of advertising.

but let me ask you shagoosty: do you think it will stay one ad?

or will the ad-cancer grow, like it always does?

edit: that's neat, i posted this "1 microcentury ago", or 52.6 minutes yay!

immutablegecko ago

Even if it seems like the use of ads will always spread doesn't mean we shouldn't try to do something about it anyways. It's not a futile effort. Money speaks, but we can speak too.

TH3_1D10T ago

Would you donate your own money to voat, or some viewing space?

Shagoosty ago

What's your suggestion on how to keep this site free?

SaneGoatiSwear ago

By_The_Water ago

I think you're missing the "we want to do this full time."

It would need to be a bit higher than 5k a month to keep a roof over atko and Puttputt's heads. 5k is just server costs.

RedditCEOEllenPao ago

That seems like an awfully entitled attitude.

sdgsdgsdgsg ago

In what fucking universe? Moron.

RedditCEOEllenPao ago

"I'm going to use Voat and expect other to pay for it." Yeah, not entitled in the least bit.

DammitMoonMoon ago

There are an awfully lot of entitled people here. So, yeah.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

atko said there's gonna be ability to simply turn off ads...

what original commenter said struck me as quite true, from the opposite side of the argument from me.

but i wanted his opinion on what he thinks this means for the future of voat....

yes, totally entitled attitude..

RedditCEOEllenPao ago

What you're basically saying, at least how I'm interpreting it is that all of this content and functionality should come without any form of advertisement.

Tell me, what are the other options? Pay for membership? Continue begging for donations and barely limping by? Should Atko and PuttItOut just pay for Voat out of pocket until it bankrupts them and we lose Voat altogether?

SaneGoatiSwear ago

well, with tens of thousands of users,

only a small percent would have to subscribe, for say 7 bucks for a year.

with 8,700 members doing that, they'll have 5k a month.

with the proper scale of users, a small percent of them willing to subscribe to support and maybe get a badge or something would be able to support the whole thing.

i say leave all the freely participating options on the table, such as donations, subscribership...

do you have any ideas?

Bing11 ago

Just a note: I think the 5k is for server costs alone. If Atko and PuttItOut want to work full time, I expect they'll need salaries, too. Though I may have misunderstood.

Honestly, the fact that they didn't jump at investors is a major sign of their integrity. The question is whether the community will rise in support of them or not.

RedditCEOEllenPao ago

I take it you're not familiar with the Bystander Effect?

"Oh, I don't have to pay. Someone else will surely pay!"

SaneGoatiSwear ago

RedditCEOEllenPao ago

Ah, to be young and naive again.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

ah, to be old and cynical at last.

TremorAcePV ago

"Everything old is new again!" - Peter Allen

ilovepussy ago

First off, great job both of you!

Yes, it's fine. Publish the guidelines so everyone is on the same page.

psymin ago

I think that this is a reasonable ad policy.

step ago

I agree, this seems more than reasonable.

Amalek_lives_matter ago

Amalek BONUS recording explaining the multiple layers of political censorship on Voat.


5035578? ago


BB-3 ago

Exactly this. My problem with ads isn't that they exist, it's that most of them are bad. They're loud, in your face, track your activity, spread malware, and use up bandwidth doing it. Since Atko seems to have covered most of these concerns, I'm down with sidebar ads. I'll even turn off my adblocker on voat.

KoKansei ago

@Atko, don't forget about bitcoin integration. Make it possible to top up your voat account with bitcoin and tip people as easily as you can upvote/downvote. Such a system would have the dual benefit of providing a revenue stream to the site while also allowing content creators to be more directly rewarded for their contributions.

Reddit created a new format for consuming information by leveraging the power of user input in the form of a simple voting mechanism. Imagine how much more powerful a system based on actual monetary rewards might be at incentivizing people to create great content and allowing other people to easily find and consume said content.

InnocentBystander ago

a system based on actual monetary rewards

That is a double edged sword.
More often than attracting great content, it seems to attract low effort/high reward behavior. Meaning jokes and circle-jerk. Jokes are not always bad, but they can drown out serious conversation.

If the purpose for commenting is about the rewards, I'm afraid quality would suffer overall.
I don't think the idea is all bad, but I'm not sure it would have the desired effect.

KoKansei ago

More often than attracting great content, it seems to attract low effort/high reward behavior.

You could say this about any medium where the artist is compensated. For every groundbreaking TV series, you have ten low-effort shitty reality, idol, or dancing-with-the-stars shows. For every literary classic you have thousands of low-effort, profit driven books. Every medium produces a spectrum of different quality works.

I don't think anyone knows the overall effect of implementing such a system, but it could produce novel positive effects and that's what makes trying it potentially interesting.

RumbledFeathers ago

I don't really mind ads. I'm more worried about the site remaining a platform for free speech, no matter how offensive and that you guys aren't stressed out running the site.

Indiana_Jones ago

That's my concern too. But if you had offers. TAKE those offers! But don't give in to their demands. WE are here. WE are going to see those ads. But if they're not happy with that, drop them. If you have offers for Ads, just take them. And shouldn't that be enough, you can always still ask for donations.

But don't take Microsoft or a big company like that, because the SJWs will fight that anyway.

DammitMoonMoon ago

Absolutely, re: free speech. @Atko, can you tell us if it looks as if that will be effected by using ads?

FuriouslyAdrift ago

Well, it does change the dynamic of the product being our content to the product being our clicks. Turning Voat into a non profit with advertising might make more sense and balance that dynamic. SoylentNews went through the same transformation and it seems to be working for them.

InfoTeddy ago

The only thing I don’t like about ads is how advertisers force the platform to deliver a certain message, because the platform’s costs happen to largely depend on the advertisers. If the platform has said a message the advertiser doesn’t like, the advertiser can simply threaten to stop paying the platform unless the platform takes that message down.

mukt ago

This is exactly the reason Atko gave to refuse ads on Voat about an year ago.
How things change!

a_random_sith ago

I think ads are reasonable but as @InfoTeddy said, advertisers may want to push a message or not be seen next to certain subverses. For example, an ad for alcohol and an ad for pregnancy tests probably wouldn't send the right message on the /v/jailbaitanon sub. Just examples but you see what I'm saying.

White_Raven ago

Ads come to your screen from different URLs than the one you want to look at (this is why adblockers work).

The more URLs you are accessing at once, the slower the thing you want to look at loads.

I've watched ghostery block as many as 30 URLs at once - for ONE site.

These ad services don't care what they are linking, just that each view earns them money - so malware and other harmful shit makes its way into some of these ads.

Ads cost bandwidth, and ergo speed. Why should I dedicate some of what I pay for to someone elses income stream?

InfoTeddy ago

Because some people are too lazy to get jobs, that’s why.


Voat is my absolute favorite website of all time. Thank you very much for your hard work and integrity. You are the greatest goat ever.