SearchVoatBot ago

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Thisismyvoatusername ago

I apologize for being so late to the discussion. I have had an unusual week. And I am not sure I have seen all of the comments to the prior post or to this one, but I do have a couple thoughts.

Given the “Context” section of your prior post it seemed like your internal reasons for wanting private subs truly were internal governance issues. You wanted to be able to use the platform you’ve developed for internal uses while restricting their access. That way only senior execs and finance employees have access to all the financial stuff, same with HR stuff, legal stuff, etc.

Leaving aside that Voat is a public platform for people to interact, that sounds no different than any other corporate computer system where all employees can access some things (like the employee manual) but each department also has things only they can access with different users having access to more or less based on the needs of the business.

If that is what you are intending, why not just design it and only implement it as needed for internal operational reasons. It can be piggybacked on the full Voat system without being publicly open to anyone not involved in the running of the company (though you could add any users you wanted if you wanted to let non-employee mods into a private sub or something). That way you never have any of the issues people brought up (CP private subs, turning Voat into reddit or Facebook, etc) but still get the functionality you need.

v ago

I think you could just make private subverses not count towards CCP or anything regarding account value/rankings/stats.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

Are you gonna leave that 'other place' open just in case, so we don't run amok whilst you deal with issues?

Asking for myself, friends and family.

Oh, and tremendous Tuesday to you.

24601_JeanValJean ago

Awesome. due diligence!

moviefreak ago

I just want you to know I love you guys. I'll try and post some more original content over the next couple of years. This place rocks!

PuttItOut ago

over the next couple of years

Slow and steady wins the race ;)

GoyimNose ago

Clicking on "top" from the frontpage pretend signs you out nigger

PuttItOut ago

Sometimes. ;)

GoyimNose ago

now clicking on "incoming" makes the incoming button disappear are you fucking me?

PuttItOut ago

Are you sure it's not the other way around?

Zammyanci ago

Thanks Putt.

Holonomic ago

Congrats Putt! You posted some ideas and paid attention to the users. That alone is one of the great things about the site. I didn't comment on that post, but kind of felt like it may produce animosities, but had nothing to back it up.

Is there any consideration(s) that include a way to dissuade CCP-farmers? I'll look forward to the new stuff. Keep up the great work and actively including everyone in your decisions.

C_Corax ago

Tunnel vision and over thinking things is a common theme with everyone trying to create something. To overcome that sometimes you just have to throw ideas out in the open and see how they are received. Even if they turn out to be atrocious ideas sometimes someone throws something back at you as a casual remark that will lead on to something useful. Often stupidly simplistic yet brilliant ideas.

PuttItOut ago

How true your statement is. What is hard, is recognizing when you get tunnel vision, and taking appropriate action instead of remaining steadfast on the course you are on.

But, yeah, most good ideas are seeded from bad ones or vice versa.

Appreciate your comment.

C_Corax ago

I don't know if it's important that I'm allowed to call someone a "nigger", but it is important that I'm allowed to ask honest questions and for someone to give honest answers. There are an increasingly fewer places you can do that and I am forever grateful what you and Atko have done with Voat. I think it's very important things you do :)

Attac ago

Thanks for not being a faggot Mr. Admin.

For a long time I saw this site as an alternative to Reddit. First time I came here today because the site is the less boring site on the internet.

pinklb_q ago

If I leave voat open on my phone it force logs me out. Hitting the “all” or “front” button will re log me in. If I hit log in voat does not redirect me back to any page but just gets me stuck. Not a big problem but heads up.

PuttItOut ago

Sometimes Voat gets wonky. I notice these things happen from time to time. It's what makes it fun right? ;)

Traveler ago

I kinda like private forums but that's k

Nesano ago

Speaking of subverses, can you enable some of my old subverses that got disabled from inactivity?

vandilx ago

Thank you, Putt. I appreciate everything you do for us and your transparency.

petsfolio ago

definetly i will submit same content like you i am a new follower

GapingAnus ago

For these reasons we will not be putting resources into developing out this feature.

Not publically, at least.

PuttItOut ago

It's actually a ton of work.

GapingAnus ago

I know, I was joking.

It's always good to cultivate a healthy amount of scepticism, though.

thelma ago

How will we know...they're going to be private?

Maybe they're here already.

Tell me where the private subs are !

kestrel9 ago

Maybe they're here already.

Dammit! I was just getting back to non paranoia /s

PuttItOut ago

Well start with v/0 and work up to v/xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx. If there are any private subs you will eventually find one ;)

Patti_McGreen ago

So much of this tech talk is way over my head... it is a relief that the most experienced have requested transparency. I come here to learn from you, and then share with those even less tech wise than myself!

Please keep sharing with the masses.

Thank you so much for researching and translating.

Tiessa ago

I’m glad that it’s not going to end up happening.

16583341? ago

How are internal comms going to work?

PuttItOut ago

Smoke signals and secret handshakes.

shadowwolf225 ago

Pretty sure this is still an announcement. Canary?

Dfens ago

Always does exactly what the shills want.

ThisIsMyRealName ago

I don't think it was a bad idea, but I understand, as you said was pointed out, there's potential for abuse. It would have been interesting to see it in real Voat usage though.

Chempergrill ago

Thanks Putt!

Caveman_in_a_suit ago

Thank you, for all you do

Gorillion ago

Yep, you did not want to become the new Discord and attract the sort of users that currently inhabit that shit hole.

FattestManOnMars ago

Man, this is great to hear. Thanks Putts. This site is a rare gem.

MaxAncap ago

I wanted private subs

PuttItOut ago

Well so did I and you see how well that worked out!

MaxAncap ago

Well private subs are a drop in an ocean of ''so did I and you see how well that worked out!'' unfortunately.

Dissent can be harshest when its form people you consider allies to a measure and regarding something you think is good. Stay strong.

Anyways, I also wanted discrimination rosters that can be freely created and subscribed to. The problem with reddit wasn't the lack of public scrutiny and mob rule, but the authoritarian interventions of the reddit admins. The fact that anti-spam relies on down-votes means popularity can silence opinion. Ideally, spam protection wouldn't rely on down-votes. And anyone who wants different content can simply subscribe to an appropriate discrimination roster (instead of having to put other activity down for everyone), removing and prioritizing content everywhere accordingly. That's ideal imo.

AlphaOmega ago

Thanks. Still loving this place. Keep up the good work.

antiplebbitor ago

Private subverses is a dangerous, shitty concept.

lord_nougat ago

I'd buy another one, too!

Mine is starting to get a bit worn around the edges.

glassuser ago

Hey man, your bits are your business. But please keep them in your pants.

DillHoleBagHands ago

Been a while since I have seen a good hiccup. I will prep the Scotch and cigars!

StudSupreme ago

Dear Voat developers, Are you ever going to support the embedding of emotes, inline images and videos?

YES, I KNOW - there are many problems with that: 1. It will load up your servers and storage. 2. Posting copyrighted or otherwise proprietary images is illegal 3. Some people might post truly disgusting images, and some of those images could even be illegal 4. Some people might spam images, ruining threads simply out of spite

Nonetheless: something to consider. Remember, a picture = 1k words and all that. There are bbs's that support this stuff - unevenly and unequally. These are difficult things to support, as they place a burden on bbs developers/owners to expand and maintain code for these functions, as well as generating new code to deal with individuals or things that are abusive of the new capabilities. Furthermore, the request for new emotes will be never-ending.

Still, though: something to consider.

(I realize I'm not making my case too well. Just being very frank and open.)

Goathole ago

That's nice, can we make voat a little more like reddit? I'd like that, I like reddit. Someone buy me some silver goat turds m'lady!

NosebergShekelman ago

I dont even know what's going on but praise israel and shaloms!

fuckmyreddit ago

Thank you for not aborting your little theybe, @Puttsmum. He's a Goatsend.

heygeorge ago

TODO: Make joke about how Voat is Forever Beta (FB).

Fuckin’ BETAS!

Anyway, I suppose it makes sense to just have your admin playpen elsewhere, although a bit unwieldy at times.

PuttsMum ago

Admin here, I've just had to permaben ya :D

heygeorge ago

Shit, I didn’t even get enough time in to collect a pension!

TheKobold ago

Are you still going to implement private sub verses for internal use?

PuttItOut ago

Probably not. If we did, it'd be a hack anyways as it's a bit of work to do it right to begin with.

I would make use of them though, but what I need isn't what Voat needs concerning this feature. I'm OK with this decision.

TheKobold ago

You're a good dude putt. Thank you for all your hard work

TitDirtt ago

Last canary update was 12/25/2018

Putt, if you can, we'd love to see an edit on the following post

phuk_hugh_hall ago

I just wanted to take this opportunity to say I use day mode and I like it better.

White is Might! Might is Right! May The Black Sun rise!

Goathole ago

There's a special place in hell for your kind. If I had my way night mode would be the default and the little light bulb that changes it would DO NOTHING but call you a faggot when you clicked it.

phuk_hugh_hall ago

If you prefer your nigger up your screen that's your prerogative. I prefer to be bathed in the White Light of voat gay-mode.

Goathole ago

ahhhhhhh! you're using my own racism against me! I'm Melting!

PuttItOut ago

You're a Light Supremacist

99887766 ago

I love you.

fuckmyreddit ago

Goat shirt! Goat shirt! Goat shirt! Goat shirt!

Even I would buy a goat shirt. I would not wear it, so I would like a child sized goat shirt I could put on a teddy bear. Well I could put an adult small on my old yellow lab.

I'm so happy to have our beloved Voat. It's like the good old internet pre-china-style censorship. Its fam fo sho.

Fagtardicus ago

purchase a goat, and give it the goatshirt

fuckmyreddit ago

Fagtard, My dog would like a baby goat.

BlueDrache ago

The goat would eat it.

fuckmyreddit ago

Wowie Zowie. There's something so Zen in that thought. The circle of life and death and Goat. It's all too big for my finite mind.

jollux ago

I vote for yellow lab shirt, or small shirt on a stuffed goat.

fuckmyreddit ago

Oh thank you @PuttItOut

You made the right decision. It sounds like you and your friends really do want what's best for the site. We like this crazy place warts and all. Even the bible quotes and the pretend nazis take on a homey feel after a while.

We love you Putt.

username-way-too-lon ago

It's hilarious looking at people saying "Voat is doomed" because of the private subverses post, getting upvoted by the majority, and when I said that was an over-reaction I get downvoted.

And now here we are...

PuttItOut ago

That post was the end of Voat as we know it (for the thousandth time).

wt1984yb ago

How does this site make money? What is funding it?

DrSelfAppointed ago

A mysterious investor gave Putt a bunch of money. Don't ask about what they paid for, there is reasons why it's not our business. Something about us not being used to the newness of it. Not too clear on that one.

Don't worry, although we have no idea what Voat is contractually obligated to do for this money, Putt & @Atko are still majority owners.

Far2Long2 ago

I'm still new (5 months) and I'm still a little unclear.

QRV is "private" as I understand it, so what is the issue at hand?

I value the freedom of speech on Voat and I have garnered a vast amount of knowledge - just as I used to do on reddit before the BanHammer censorship purge. What is the objection to private subverses? I think I have missed something here.

Also, how is Voat monetised? I hate ads and would happily pay to keep them away, although that would clearly mean that free speech is not entirely free, if you have to pay.

CameraCode ago

Putt I respect your decision to not develop that feature even though you have more information about development, and your decision to be open about it.

PuttItOut ago

Well, it would be a beneficial feature for me, but not for we. So, it's not on the list any longer. We have bigger problems and other more important work to concentrate on.

CameraCode ago

You could still just make the feature and only use it for development. I'm sure everyone would be fine with that. I suppose it could be not a good use of time if it's just for development.

ForgotMyName ago

Thanks for everything, as always!

a100167 ago

Wooo! Great decision, and I look forward to the new features.

tlamatini ago


alalzia ago

Although it is tiresome to edit default TOR settings (noscript mainly) just to visit a sub whatever the people want i guess . I don't know if you are responsible or not yet from the day cloudflare stop fucking with TOR users the experience has greatly improved . Big thanks to all those contributing code and the admin for keeping this last bastion of free speech running .

*I am suspecting that the "angel" doesn't want their name to be known since VOAT is too "controversial" for the North Korean establishment .

DrSelfAppointed ago

Happy to hear you are moving away from that idea.

Out of curiosity, how many of those comments that you read and reread were talking about the secret investor?

Gigglestick ago

Where the fuck are my voat bottle opener and goat stickers?!?!

ruck_feddit ago

I want a life size cardboard cutout of the man with the VOAT logo for a face wearing a suit.

Nadeshda ago

@PuttItOut is seling Voat merchandise an option in the near future?

A Voat bottle opener would be rather nice as a gift and I would love a shirt with some Voat humor on it... :)

@Rotteuxx @gabara @boukanier

ScreaminMime ago

and my Voat buttplug and Voat ax?!?!?!?

PuttsMum ago

Happy Monday to you too, great decision.

Now, go do some fucking work, mate.

PuttItOut ago

I think you're the only one to read to the very end (or maybe you just skipped to the end... hmmm). That was a test. You passed. :)

Happy Monday to you too.

lord_nougat ago

Don't you speak to your mother in that tone!

PuttsMum ago

Putt sold his account to @REDACTED.

Inaminit ago

I'm grateful for this place to speak freely and hope you make bank, you deserve it.

LDIP ago

When will automatic subverse transfer for inactive mods be finished? I'm interested in fixing up v/DarkSouls and would like to apply towards it. I have tried subverse requests already. Thanks man

PuttItOut ago

Very soon.

LDIP ago

Awesome, thanks for the response.

draaaak ago

Yeah, I regret not buying one when the shop was up a few years ago.

big_fat_dangus ago

If it makes you feel any better, they were kinda shit quality, at least the one I bought.

ruck_feddit ago

Fuck me, is my shirt that old? When was it really?

Native ago

It was 3 years ago

lord_nougat ago

If it helps, they're extremely nice and soft and comfy.

jnola2 ago

Thanks, Putt.

TimberWolfAlpha ago

I get why people objected. Even though I was in support of the idea, its great to see you take the strong input into account. keep up the good work!

keksupreme ago

dude bro.

i love you....kinda weird to say but...

i am very glad that voat is not going to become reddit!

thanks to everyone involved in this decision, you all rock!!!

PuttItOut ago

I asked you to keep your feelings private the last time we had a "situation." /s

And I think "Dude bro" is my thing. Right @Cynabuns?

Cynabuns ago

Upgoated for truth!

keksupreme ago

bro...i told you not speak about our unborn child like that :0

PuttItOut ago

Ever heard of PMs? They are a thing you know.



knightwarrior41 ago

thank you for the update and your kind works

lIIlIIllxlIIIllll ago

Who is this Unknown Sponsor who pushed you to Private Subs.

The cannary is dead, there has been no official cannary update in awhile.

I want to know.

NassTee ago

Putt, are you still updating the canary?

'Cause you haven't for over a month as of when I wrote this comment.

HateCumbuckets ago

El hefe makes a good choice!

PuttItOut ago

I don't know what's happening here.

Ina_Pickle ago


AmaleksHairyAss ago

Hey, can I please have a 1 month ban so I can focus on taking care of IRL business?

PuttItOut ago

I do believe this is possible.

TheBuddha ago

Stop showing off for the new people, putt.

(I just really fear change.)


Can those of us who have been here since the Alpha testing be given the power over life & death of all the newfags that came after us? That would be sweet

PuttItOut ago

Great idea. On it. No public discussion needed. ;)

CameraCode ago

Lol give them a smiting ability and give newfags a "smited" tag for a few weeks or something.

kestrel9 ago

I thought someone would suggest making them wear Q badges but that's already been done lol

fuckmyreddit ago

Smited tag. TBD by Thought Police. Make it into a movie.



Deathperception ago

Blow me,asshole


See, this is the type of newfag I'm talkin' about

lord_nougat ago

He shall perceive his death!

ExpertShitposter ago

Private shit is only gonna be used for CP, you'll get your self in trouble for no real benefit to 99% of users.

fuckmyreddit ago

Don't talk back when we're getting our way, Shitposter. Respect your elders.

ExpertShitposter ago

I'm gonna punch every boomer in the plexus.

PuttsMum ago

I laughed out loud mate

HeavyBeefCurtain ago


CameraCode ago

How often is it usually updated?

HST ago

Whenever putt makes a major announcement there's usually a link to it. I don't know if they've actually updated it in a while, which is pretty sketchy.

TitDirtt ago

I just checked. It was last updated 12/25/2018

Atomized_Individual ago

That's when the new partner was announced

TitDirtt ago

Is the US government the new partner and donor to voat?

Atomized_Individual ago

Someone who doesn't care about revenue

heygeorge ago

It seems he got a takedown notice, so not much reason to update it with a lie.

fuckmyreddit ago

Please explain the DMCA takedown notice for those of us who were raising children during the first 33 minutes of the show. I assume it's something about photo copyright, but Goog seems to enforce DMCAs according to a selective, occulted riddle known only to Q.

kestrel9 ago

heygeorge ago

Trademark infringement by a coffee co.

kestrel9 ago

Can't count on fair use for Peruvian coffee

GnashingOfTheTeeth ago

MUH 33

TitDirtt ago

I thought you were responding to the top level comment I left. Yeah of course don't lie about it.

TitDirtt ago

That's why I said, "if he can".

Demonsweat2 ago

O2 is at 17.9% we'll start pushing argon now.

Inaminit ago

I've got a Scott air-pack that's good for 15 minutes... Intended for escape only.

Demonsweat2 ago

Then you'll need to run the supply air too.

Kalergi ago

Thanks, keep third-party scripts out. Google already indexes voat instantly. Keep it lean.

Javik2186 ago

New Bits Soon

Hmm? Can we check them? Whenever new bits are announced we've need to check them for any subversion.

Adminstrater ago

Forever beta sounds like a dream. If a project is ever done, that's when it get taken out of your hands and someone else starts to fuck with it.

anon_5d7ad3 ago

Will the packages allow sub owners to run their own javascript?

PuttItOut ago


antiplebbitor ago

“Let’s get dangerous.” - D. Duck

lord_nougat ago

Damn it, Dolan!

antiplebbitor ago

“Damn it, Nougat!’ - t. retard

anon_5d7ad3 ago

Will they not be able to take control of your account then?

PuttItOut ago

Well, we are doing this in a controlled way, with many protections. We've fully planned for abuse in our design.

anon_5d7ad3 ago

Awesome!! Was going to say that is going to be an incredible feature!

PuttItOut ago

Magic 8ball says: Most likely yes.

bman0321 ago

Release candidate Voat coming?

FecalMadder ago

Bro, I don't mod, I don't admin. Nope. Not me.

bruddah ago

respect, brother.

Conspirologist ago

Let's cut the crap. Is Voat still free, open speech, or is it becoming like fucking Reddit?

PuttItOut ago

I'm going to go with No, simply because I've never edited a user comment before ;)

AR47 ago


They have done other things far worse than just a simple comment edit. The constant lifting of users against others and using specific communities to be seen as bad guys without their intervention as admin is likely the worse.

See SRS and even the reddit communities devoted to defamation of subverses here for instance. I get that some folks don’t subscribe to shit like the Q movement, but the consistent harassment doesn’t help them or this place does it?

anon_5d7ad3 ago

I think the only solution to the slider groups is to set it up so you can subscribe to users who will filter out spam for you.

Drunkenst ago

Atta boy

sguevar ago


I hope you can take into consideration the modification of the global rules for postings that are deleted just because moderators don't like their content or use subverse rules at convenient interpretation, even after the post is proven to be within the subverse's topics and rules.

If you want to talk about it by PM let me know but I do think is something that is needed here at Voat.

Thanks for the update.

MadWorld ago

If it is something worth sharing, you should do it in public. So we can all learn something from the discussion.

sguevar ago

Sure after my boxing class I will share.

NNdmt ago

Goddamn that is one intense boxing class. 11 hrs and counting!

sguevar ago

hahaha my bad I fell asleep after eating and just woke up.

But I am about to share, creating the new post XD

NNdmt ago

just giving you a hard time :P

sguevar ago

Nah, thanks! Hold me to my word after all is all a man has worth fighting for!

SchwazaRifleCoffeeCo ago

it is obvious the thought was not popular (to say the least), was of limited perceived value, and violated the essence of Voat.

So do brigades like PV & SBBH

MisplacedMan ago


KVD ago

Voat is forever beta; boy are my arms tired.

sakuramboo ago

That says something for this community, where our heads are at and what values we hold. It makes me proud.

Not the first time we made you proud of us, nor will it be the last.

Now, get the merch store open!

lucabrasi ago

Oh, what's this? An admin that gives a shit about the community he represents!

Now if politicians thought and acted this way...

lord_nougat ago

Politicians should learn to code!!!

fuckmyreddit ago

MEME OF THE DAY AWARD again goes to lord nougat.

daskapitalist ago


fuckmyreddit ago

Now if


thought and acted this way...

Derpfroot ago

That's the craziest thing I've ever heard.

Tallest_Skil ago

Politicians have no reason to do so because they are not threatened by the people. No one will ever do anything whatsoever to oppose their rule, so they have no incentive to do anything other than what jews tell them to do.

The site owner here ostensibly can be threatened by the users of the site, simply through a collapse in viewership (and therefore ad revenue). That is, as long as this place isn't just controlled opposition and a purposely designed release valve. In that case, it's the same as the political scenario and nothing matters to its continuation.

crazy_eyes ago

what ad revenue?

Tallest_Skil ago

That's even more concerning.

TheKobold ago

There's usually only one group that is concerned with crowdfunding Grassroots projects

fuckmyreddit ago

Speak not in riddles, Young Grasshopper, lest ye be taunted and testosteroned by fallen angels.

Battlefat ago

Good call Putt

UnknownAlias365 ago

Yes, thank you for not making private subs a thing anyway. You're awesome, Putt.

kammmmak ago

Voat remains open.

draaaak ago

Has "Voting and Packages" been explained somewhere yet? I'm unclear what exactly this is.

PuttItOut ago

One thing that suffers when you have a mile long todo list is documentation. I have some technical documentation on the preview site regarding Votes and haven't written anything yet for packages.

Once the update is done I will post what I have to v/Voat (I'd post it right now but it is using a table of contents feature that is only implemented in the development code).

fuckmyreddit ago

I'm glad draaaak understands it. Please, when you take a break from whipping your undercoders, let us know why Voting and Packages is neither a poll of "the hottest porn stars" nor a Google Map showing remote, drop-off points designated for boxes of Republican votes.

anon_5d7ad3 ago

Do votes allow you to set users who you want to "follow" and weigh their votes way more heavily? Thus allowing you to set who can shadow out spam, and give just anyone who creates an account not much weight?

draaaak ago

Ok thanks. I'll keep an eye out for it.

watitdew ago



Nutkase ago

Thanks for actually listening to your user base. This is one of the main reasons I continue to stay here

FightKevinOwens ago

Who are you?

Nutkase ago

Nutkase. Who the fuck are you?

fuckmyreddit ago

I would like to know who you are as well. I can't tell boomers, bots, and piecework shitposters from Israel or Bangalore apart. This is not meant as an accolade for piecework shitposters.

Nutkase ago

I have a profile, figure it out for yourself.

lets_get_hyyerr ago

It's an incredibly simple way of running a business: listen to your userbase and you will succeed.

A concept so many companies dont understand

FightKevinOwens ago

You lied about your military service.

ScreaminMime ago

This accusation is out of left field.

thelma ago

while I was in the US military .. I lie and say I wasn't sometimes.

Is that wrong?

ifuckdolphinseverday ago

I came here to shiptoast but stayed for the white supremacy.

bb22 ago

I came here to ship toast but ending up just shipping on your corpse. Of course, the real story is in my bio.

fuckmyreddit ago

Isaiah 13:21

  • But wild animals will lie down there, and their houses will be full of howling creatures; there ostriches will dwell, and there wild goats will dance.

Ephesians 2:8

  • For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of Goats,

big_fat_dangus ago

How would that guy have known what an ostrich is?

something_went_wrong ago

Reaches for mushrooms to replicate that ancient biblical spiritual experience

Suddenly a flashbang grenade gets shot through your bedroom window followed immediately by a brigade 20 heavily armed solders (aka "your friendly neighborhood police man") bursting through your front door, shooting your dog, and dispensing a couple of taser shots to your abdomen a few minutes later after realizing there's nothing else for them to do at that point.

ScreaminMime ago

I came here to hate on fat freaks but stayed for the chucklefucks.

bb22 ago

What if you came across a fat chucklefuck?

FrozenFire74 ago

That's referred to as a Chungus

ScreaminMime ago

No prob, unlike some goats, I keep my opinions in the verse that is suited for them.

WeekendBaker ago


bb22 ago

Not sure where the fat chucklefuck sub is.

ruck_feddit ago

There's a subverse for that!

Chiefpacman ago

No 'eating the popcorn' here.

Nutkase ago

I’ll eat all the popcorn I want dammit! Y’all said it was complementary anyway so it’s your problem not mine.

Fagtardicus ago

thats not popcorn, thats deep fried nigger blubber

ScottRockview ago

If we're forever beta, then reddit is forever incel.

lord_nougat ago

Voat is that weird kind of beta that chicks DIG!

ArielQflip ago

Thank you! It's an honor and privilege to be a part of the VOAT Vision!

HarlandKornfeld14 ago

When are the subverse transfers going to get done? I have been waiting for like two years. Just saying.

cynicaloldfart ago

I could be mistaken, but I'm pretty sure that situation is part of the Vote function that is coming.

HarlandKornfeld14 ago

I really hope so because the subverse transfer backlog is massive.

baneofretail ago

Thanks for the hard work and respecting our opinions

FecalMadder ago

If this place get any wierder?

PuttItOut ago

I'm going to take a stab and answer your question:


Hand_of_Node ago

Don't worry, it can't get much worse.

tendiesonfloor ago

Democracy simply doesn't work.

go1dfish ago

Democracy isn't sufficient justification to control others.

The idea of voting isn't bad itself, it's using democratic results as a justification for what would otherwise be unacceptable.

HorseIsDead ago

Please ban OtisT after turning over all of his subs to @system


Artofchoke ago

Thank you for listening to us, and giving us a place to speak. ♡

fuckmyreddit ago

You're choking me up, Artofchoke. This is the only website where I can get not only both sides of an issue but damn near ALL sides of an issue.

Voat is like a slice of all-American apple pie. The kind of neighborhood where I would want to live. Even the people who are just plain wrong are right about other things. Even our village idiots can put together a decent argument, an intelligent thought.

Artofchoke ago

It's so meaningful. We certainly have a broad contingent of loonies, of which I'm certainly one, but we're all entitled to speak. <3

fuckmyreddit ago

A fool thinks himself to be wise, but a wise man knows himself to be a fool.

FecalMadder ago

I know right. Who wants to listen my me? I got banned from SBBH. Also, gabby is a faggot. Thank you Put!!!

16584073? ago

It's part and parcel of being a goat by being repeatedly banned and unbanned by sbbh.

Artofchoke ago

I understand if you sing a verbal oath of fealty to Cuba, SBBH will lift a ban.

FecalMadder ago

Never posted there ever. Never will. I sing dixie and that's why they hate me.

Native ago

Go to SDBH we like Nickelback AND Dixie

lord_nougat ago

They're only slightly miffed at you because you sang Dixie slightly off-key!

FecalMadder ago

Nigger I never. I do the rebel yell perfectly.

lord_nougat ago

I didn't want to actually have to come out and say it, but their ears actually hear everything slightly off-key... so you have to go out of tune in the faggiest possible way, and then they love it.

hope this helps!