ksoulyman ago

Is ther a private subverse search besides looking through all subverse?

FecalMadder ago

As long as I get to wank it on @thelma a sub. She want's me but I am unobtaainable. Thank you Sir!!!!

MadWorld ago

Technology, like everything else, is merely a tool. It can do both good and evil, depending on who wills its power, who makes use of it, and who safeguards its longevity. You can make wonderful tools, it can be perfect. But if a large majority of the people on it is full of degenerates, full of braindead zombies, then the platform is only as good as those zombies...

I do not like the idea of private subverses, because it has the tendency to serve as an umbrella to nurture certain darkness, mainly CP being one of them. I certainly can think of something else. But then again, sooner or later, someone will come up with more cryptic way of communicating or exchanging certain "dark" materials in plain sight, where new members can join this "group" and be given a common entry key. What you are doing is making it much easier for this type of people to communicate and expand certain "darkness." For that, I hate it! However, there are also good usecases for this feature.

For one, this feature could be used for people who want to do certain documentary/diary of their journeys, without revealing to public eyes. Such fruit may be shared/submitted to the public when matured, at the will of the authors. The authors can well bring in temp users of different expertises, to certain submissions within the private subverse. The authors may as well bring in permanent users/members to assist the group. Another usecase would be for discussion of certain topics that users do not feel comfortable being exposed to the entire internet, regardless of the nature of the topic at hand. I know that people may argue that PMs are more suitable. But PMs cannot be easily shared to the new members, at will of its group members. Lastly, you can further apply the concept of private subverse into user's PM inbox. Currently, it is hard to organize the context with the private messages. There is not even a reference button to save or link to previous message of the sender. Sometimes one has to go back to scan through pages of sent items to catch the context. So it would be very nice if private messages can be organized in similar structure, even better for PMs involving multiple users. was this part of your internal reason?

Private subverses can be viewed as a middle ground to serve the needs of both extremes, one being open to the entire internet, and the other being strictly personal messages. Sure there are downsides, just like guns. But shall we ban all guns, because they can be used by bad people for terrible evil? Shall we all wear some anti-CP monitoring device, because there is a small percentage of CP freaks? I do not think so.

As stated before, the community is only as good as the people in it. So if the private subverses can be served, as the middle ground, how do we safeguard it, so that illegal contents can be exposed or minimized, while maintaining user privacy? If the number of private subverses experience significant growth, it would most definitely overwhelm site admins. If such responsibility falls into the hands of mods and mods are equally corrupt, with respect to its group members, who can safeguard the legality of its content? And how do you catch up with the race, where new private subverses are been created to replace the old ones been exposed? Maybe you could use the power of autism on this platform, to some extend. But it probably is not enough. To me, it seems that the responsibility of exposing illegal content rests on at least one of its members within the group. And with that, I hope this person does not end up on Killary's kill list :-).

PuttsMum ago

Ping me you cunt :p

ArcAngel ago

from my experience any 'private' groups will eventually get infiltrated by (((THEM))).

0100100-100110 ago

I would be worried about the CP creeps taking over voat. I know you don't host images on voatbut it would be a perfect environment for creepy groups to flourish.

It would also be a good way to catch CP freaks depending on how much access you give the government agencies. But give them an inch and they will want a mile. Don't give it to them and they will just get it themselves. Lol

SearchVoatBot ago

This submission was linked from this v/politics submission by @Schlomo-KikesDid9-11.

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KVD ago

Hey pals, when you're done freaking out over whatever Putt's talking about come visit us over at v/NotFishing. There's a cheese platter.

NotHereForPizza ago

Maybe you haven't quite figured it out yet, but there's a certain value in convincing people (especially a focused target) that you're crazier or dumber than you really are. I can't give away too much, though, so that's all you get for now.

Truthman ago

Truth: in agreement with facts. Using a free speech platform for private speech is unacceptable. Even asking about it comes from an ignorant place. It promotes lies and degeneracy. There is no places for lies and deception here on voat. I will find or create another source of truthful information if this is true.

Fullmetal ago

I want to setup a corporate Voat instance for business related concerns that will be accessible by all Voat employees and members of the community that are involved with the operations of Voat (this is called dogfooding in the software world). In this instance I'd like to have a subverse about Finances that is restricted to only company executives, as well as a Legal subverse accessible to legal council, etc.

That's an excuse, not really a justification. You could get the same functionality by standing up multiple instances of Voat (one for each department), and put them behind a firewall that will auth the user before letting them see the site.

ifuckdolphinseverday ago

The idea of a private sub goes against what draws us to this board.

Use an outside resource for your internal affairs. Not the platform. IF you do go ahead the only private sub should be for the admins and you shouldn't be referring to it as a sub. No other sub should have the ability to replicate the admin sub.

awwisnotafarmpromise ago

The idea of a private sub goes against what draws us to this board.

So does the voating/censorship, but here you are echoing in your chamber anyway.

ifuckdolphinseverday ago

Was the discussion about voting?

oh no it wasn't?

It was about private subs?

Yet here you are

Conspirologist ago

Let's talk about private parts.

KVD ago

bisteot ago

I don't like the idea tbh. There is a reason this was not implemented since the beginning and i think it will be dangerous.

What if someone chose to open one with illegal content like pedophilia to harm voat? If you can see the content it won't be truly private, if you can't it will be abused.

Either way, there are 2 things i would ask. 1. A public subverse can't be converted to a private one. 2. The private ones can't earn points.

Fuckallyoufuckers ago

I will support this idea if the first private subverse is for Crensch. And it's also the only place he can sperg. And there are no other members.

Action_Bastard ago

For the reasons of usage that you outlined and the examples of abuse, I wonder if implementing a maximum number of users limit would curb things? If its just testing and development would a private sub need more than 8 members?

Womb_Raider ago

Read only sounds most wise.

fluhthreeex ago

Who are you, by the way @PuttItOut?

Now that you are funded why not make a video introducing yourself? Why are you trying to remain "anonymous"?

I j7st felt called to ask.

ArousedYeti ago

Time to pack our shit goats.

doginventer ago

Better that than hang around making shilly comments

Lundynne ago

If you have an "internal reason" to make a private sub, then make an admin sub, where only you and other admins can post and see posts. No need to make it a general change.

RampancyLambentRaven ago

This is a really bad bad idea and gay.

lIIlIIllxlIIIllll ago

Bye, Bye Voat transparency.

Ladies & Gentlemen, that's the signal, the cannery is dead. https://i.postimg.cc/7hj3PcD6/WARNING.jpg


awwisnotafarmpromise ago

The thing about frogs is they are stupid.

Hypercyberpastelgoth ago

Putt is a CIA nigger glow in the dark nigger and an FBI nigger glow in the dark nigger.

jollux ago

And another thing. "Let's talk" is globalist corporate phrasing used in marketing. It shows.

shadow332 ago

If it ain't broke, don't fix it. There's no need for it thus far. The anon subs harbor shit and shit users for being semi private that is enough for one site, isn't it?

MaunaLoona ago

I like Voat the way it is now. I don't want change.

psioniq ago

I don't want change.

What are you, some sort of bigot?! #ChangeWeCanBelieveIn

But I agree - if it ain't broken, don't fix it.

realjewsRnice ago

i vote for private subs. its just the next logical step and would only help a few people to be less disturbed. not a big deal. im no one though, all my 3 accounts are -100

Chempergrill ago

I think its a bad idea for Voat, and not needed:

  • Voat is self-policing right now. While almost all speech is tolerated, illegal content that would get the site in trouble is reported by the users and removed. Having completely private sub-communities is how one baits law enforcement intervention by posting CP, since Voat is no longer able to self-police.

  • Its cool that you want to have private fora for Voat employees, but using a content aggregator for private finances doesn't seem like the right fit. Generally internal communications are separated by at least a DMZ from the public-facing infrastructure. (I know that may seem like a lot for a small company)

PuttItOut ago

Well, we wouldn't use live Voat for company usage, but we'd need this feature in the software, hence the question.

You're right though, it's against the spirit of Voat to have fully private subverses.

Chempergrill ago

Nonetheless, thanks for what you do, including checking in with the community about proposed changes.

Master_Admin ago

In it's current implementation, doesn't setting to private also remove any submission upvoats from a user post in a private subverse? One issue I had setting up a NSFW subverse is that I wanted to be able to let people post their own content and still feel as part of voat as a whole. In this addition, would it be possible to remove these posts from all but still have any upvoats applied be counted? I nearly wasn't able to submit on my own subverse because people just didn't like the content when they stumbled upon it in all, even though it was posted in a completely appropriate subverse!

PuttItOut ago

Lol, I knew you were that guy before I even looked! Voat cracks me up.

Your situation is worth thinking about.

Master_Admin ago

Thank you. I hope to see a submission from you some time :D

Thyhorrorcosmic103 ago

Everything is a fucking conspiracy.

Fateswebb ago




I don't understand the ping one so much.

PuttItOut ago

To the point! An endangered species.

99887766 ago

You didn't say it back.

PuttItOut ago


99887766 ago

We've been friends for a long time, we should probably tell each other this more often. I'm going to make pancakes ( container container container container container container container)

PuttItOut ago

I'm going to make things happen (function function function function function function)

99887766 ago

By chance do you have surround sound? Perhaps 7.1.2 or 7.2.2 ?

PuttItOut ago


99887766 ago

5.1? 7.1? 7.1.2? ? ? ? Have you stocked up on speaker wire in case of an emergency? I bought an electric scooter and i really love my dog but i can't change that. Google "the story of two wolves". it will help you with what you are going through right now.

PuttItOut ago

I know it's in the 7s. Am I part of the cool club now?

99887766 ago

If you have height speakers you are in the cool club. If not you are poor and dirty. First number say 5 is the number of satellite speakers. The next number is the number of subs and the last numer is the number of atmos or height speakers. I have a 7.2.2 system. ......i just cant get this poop to come out. Im starting to worry its going to be one of those really painful big ones. I'm not joking, one of those is the worst pain I've ever experienced in my life. What are you going to have for dinner? I ordered chicken fried rice from a Thai place last night and paid for triple extra chicken, there was literally two pieces of chicken in it. It wasn't even good, I'm pissed.

Onefootwonder ago

I get the feeling that some of the animosity in this post is coming from Feds, Jew shills, and SJWs that don't want to get locked out of stuff.

That being said, ironically, I am against the idea. Specifically because it can lead to the type of behavior that can give the aforementioned groups the legal opportunity to shut us down. People will start committing crimes here, thinking they are safe in private forums, or even the shills will false flag some crimes to get us legally shut down.

@PuttItOut maybe just keep the private subs available to employees and investors only.

shadow332 ago

I honestly don't think so. I think it's the opposite. The shills, feds, etc. are here out in the open right in front of us posting. If you lock people out and make a super secret clue, they surely will find ways to mask themselves and get in, so what do you really gain from that?

For me the CP issue is what kills it.

Alej2marin ago

Damn amazzing

Butterbread ago

Shut up, you worm.

xenoPsychologist ago

i dunno, i think only voat admin, if anyone, should be able to make a private subverse like that. regular goats dont really need such a thing. thats just my thoughts, though.

SearchVoatBot ago

This submission was linked from this v/ProtectVoat comment by @jollux.

Posted automatically (#21695) by the SearchVoat.co Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here.

Jaga ago

I'd be okay with this as long as subverses can only be created as private and never changed, so subs can't be shut down by higher ups in the future (as other commenters have mentioned)

jollux ago

We don't need private subverses. I suggest that you refrain from adding them at all. This will be abused to hell and back. We do not need it.

vivalad ago

when you say 'For internal reasons Voat needs to implement a private subverse feature in which only approved people have access to the subverse content (pro tip: a lot of features we work on and end up offering were/are primarily developed for internal reasons like the upcoming Vote and Packages features).' do you mean for programming & bug reporting?

i'm just a casual user mostly and not computer savvy by a longshot, but private subs sound elitist & i don't get they purpose.

PuttItOut ago

Everyone else thought it was a great idea though!

Joking, they hated it.

vivalad ago

ha - you'll have to find set up platform to smoke cigars with the insiders :)

Goathole ago

I don't really have to tell you what a bad idea this is do I? Even if you do it "only" for Voat employees it's going to be a problem, let's not even get into the private clubs that will form.

If you lock people out they're going to think, rightfully or not, that you're up to no good. That's just the way it is. If you have to, leave it open by require membership to post.

SpottyMatt ago

Thank you for updating with context and explanation of what prompted this.

EpiPendemic ago

TY for all you do👍

seems weird to leverage VOAT site functionality for an internal wiki I am sure there are a lot of cost effective options for that.

captainstrange ago

How I would exploit these if I were dishonest:

Should we have different "Private" settings like a ReadOnly differentiation so that a subverse can choose to display content to non-members but not allow non-members to submit posts/comments i.e. a read only approach?

If so, I would create a flood of shell subverses to saturate user awareness, and wherein I would post a flood of propaganda that goes uncontested.

This concern is to allow existing members to be reassured their prior content is protected.

I would advocate for this as an excuse, so I could preempt and infiltrate every subverse, post propaganda, and let it go unchallenged--it lowers the effort, resources, and man hours needed to spread disinfo.

Should private subverse content show up in front-page/sets or should the subverse content only be accessible via navigating to the subverse itself?

For the same reason, I would want this, if I were paid to promote disinformation because this could be gamed by-the-numbers with a repost flood, or a flood of new subverses.

Should pings be dropped when the target user isn’t a member?

If I wanted to fuck to harass people, I say no.

A post on future primeval talks about boundary setting, and directly applies to the questions considered. It was worth every minute of time it takes to read.


sosat_menya_reddit ago

I haven’t been around long but don’t like the idea. Hell I don’t like the anonymous subs. If you are willing to post something put your VOAT name to it. We are all anonymous after all so why do we have anonymous subs especially gigantic subs full of qtards?

HillaryClintonsShoe ago

Wow @puttitout I take back every negative thing I have ever said about you.

Win Win for transparency!

Glad you are making Voat great again.

Nadeshda ago

Ah geez double creaming is bad for your health... so where’s freshie?

o0shad0o ago

  • Should we have different "Private" settings like a ReadOnly differentiation so that a subverse can choose to display content to non-members but not allow non-members to submit posts/comments i.e. a read only approach?

I'd suggest a feature where only members can post to a subverse, the public can read, but the public can also comment. This would be more of a topical channel model.

  • What if a subverse is private and a new subscriber is added, should this new member have full access to subverse content or should all content submitted before they were added be inaccessible to them?

I'd say no. It'd complicate things unncessarily IMO, and I don't think it'd be heavily used.

  • Should private subverse content show up in front-page/sets or should the subverse content only be accessible via navigating to the subverse itself?

If it's "read-only" I'd say it'd be fine to come up in all/front/sets. If it's member-only it should be accessible to members via the front page/sets.

  • Should pings be dropped when the target user isn’t a member?

Good question. I'd say yes, but it might lead to brigading.

GoyimNose ago

Can we quarantine all the Qtards? Would be nice if those users could not shit up other subs

Crensch ago

Another nail in the coffin for any arguments against allowing people to be private and not in plain sight.

Nadeshda ago

Kev, you okay Sir?

Crensch ago

Do you mean that as another point for my side?

Ina_Pickle ago

What is stopping you, as the owner/developer, from setting up these private subs for yourself as needed without giving the rest of the site this privilege?

I can think of only a few reasons why Voat users would need a completely private sub accessed only through mod permission. None of them good. The biggest concern being that this feature is a pedophile's wet dream and we already know posting kiddie porn has become a big issue for other social media sites.

PuttItOut ago

There would be nothing stopping me from doing just that.

We surely don't need any added heat in that gray area either.

jollux ago

I wish you would ban the grey area, too. Porn is not free speech. It's a leech that follows around people who wish to speak freely.

Ina_Pickle ago

Well in that case, my vote, should it matter, is that you set up the necessary subs for yourself in the manner you think best while leaving the rest of the site as is.

PuttItOut ago

So 1 Yes vote and 637,213 No votes ;)

videocodec ago

To prevent abuse (like child porn) all subs should be visible just not postable. Helps prevent active attempts to destroy voat.

Kasatka ago

Kinda goes against the aspects of transparency and accountability that originally attracted me to the site, to be honest.

PuttItOut ago

Seems to be the #1 issue and I agree.

Nadeshda ago

:) if managing your business requires private subverses for business discussions amongst employees and you can safely protect this information from exploitation and abuse then by all means do what you need to do.

If you are asking whether opening this option to the general public to start a voat version of discord with private collaboration and scheming options I would be rather concerned about this. One thing I have grown to love about my experience on Voat is how organic some conversations and experiences have been here.

I am sure there are nefarious sorts that plot and scheme; personally I would prefer they didn’t do it on Voat.

Putt, you know I trust you to make the best decision about this but to open certain feautures to the general public will open Voat up further to potential redicule; especially if they use these private verses for illegal activity or blatant harassment of fellow goats.

Now I will read the rest of the comments and possibly cringe at how I repeated what was possibly already said. I just wanted to speak to you anyway, so there is that...

PuttItOut ago

They would be ripe for abuse if not handled correctly.

And hi!

Nadeshda ago

it’s been too long :)

inspiretk ago

"How to setup a corporate Voat instance for business related concerns that will be accessible by all Voat employees and members of the community that are involved with the operations of Voat."

I think best way is to make a post that asks this question, and get feedback on ideas, THEN suggest your proposal in another post.

Don't come up with the idea, get other people to do it for you and find the best way.

PuttItOut ago

Well Voat is already written well enough to stand up private instances.

Private subs make sense in a business context, not so much in a Voat context, as many have mentioned.

Whiteflourguy ago

We can still say Nigger right?

B-------D ago

I think it would be awesome. I can think of a few I would like to make.

Jewed ago

Let's talk about removing censors from all public subs.

DrSelfAppointed ago

speaking of things being hidden from users.... You think you can drop the deets on that back room Voat deal anytime soon?

awwisnotafarmpromise ago

Consensus is in: Voat loves this idea... Pause... Pause... Not. ;)

Well, I like the part where more people are finally catching on to what you are really all about.

aLegoInYourShoe ago


later_a ago

i really like the current private subverse thing, where it's unlisted, votes dont' count, and it's readable anyhow. i hope this option won't go away. it would really suck if this option went away.

Hail_Odin ago

Make the feature visible just to the users who need it

fuckinghell ago

I vote no. There are better alternatives for business communication that don't involve fundemental changes to Voat.

LurkMaster ago

I gotta vote no on private subs. They turn into circle jerks like /r/swampwatch....

telleveryoneyouknow ago

what the fuck did you do to putt!?!? where is he. this is a fraud. sounds nothing like him.

lIIlIIllxlIIIllll ago

For internal reasons Voat needs to implement a private subverse feature in which only approved people have access to the subverse content

What could go wrong. https://i.postimg.cc/3wGK7Hk6/picard-facepalm.jpg

PuttsMum ago

"I want to setup a corporate Voat instance for business related concerns that will be accessible by all Voat employees and members of the community that are involved with the operations of Voat"

Silk road 2.0, use a .onion

I have no idea what I'm talking about btw, son :)

NNdmt ago

unless its to make it even darker

jollux ago

Black background, black font.

sguevar ago

Hello @PutItOut

Personally I don't like the Idea for general use.

If it is for management concerns then in that case I have no issue whatsoever but regarding the general use I have to disagree.

Users, whether new to a subverse or not if they have already reach the limit of upvotes they needed to downvote content they don't like should not be limited to an ambiguous matter to "protect their content". Someone should not be limited to downvoting something they don't like just because the poster doesn't want to be downvoted. After all that is the risk of posting something in any forum.

I still haven't check if any modification have been made to Voat's global rules but I stated in previous discussions that an specific rule to respect the Freedom of Speech of users should be specific and clarified there for there is no reason why content related to a subverse topic and respecting the subverse rules, this includes posts (not only comments as it is currently) should not have their content deleted, no matter whether the moderators of that subverse like the content or not nor whether the subverse is private or not.

Freedom of speech should always be respected more so if the content posted is relevant to the subverse main or secundary topics and respects the subverse rules.

Also a clarification of rules should be made that they CAN'T be ambiguous to let the moderators interpret them as they wish just because of the convenience of their stance.

These are more pressing matters than the one you are addressing on this post.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

I'm fine with this. Invite only sub, no CCP earned, accessible to admins (though truly hidden subs reduces the number of eyes watching by 99%).

I'm not panicked like everybody else.

shadow332 ago

no CCP earned

You mean CP earned

clamhurt_legbeard ago

dude i tried to sell my account but nobody wanted it

i think its the aids

Nadeshda ago

Lol, it’s super AIDS that’s why... :p @thebuddha

clamhurt_legbeard ago

youd think big pharma would want it

or at least little pharma

Nadeshda ago

Lol... you may overthrow their business with the potency of your strain and because v/SBBH has the antidote, we could take over the world. They are not touching or endorsing this as it woukd deplatform their current model if business. It’s just too good!

clamhurt_legbeard ago


samuraichococat ago


Hey putt, My primary concerns with this are as follows;

1) CP, much like in the earlier days of voat, we had allot of people trying to slid this shit by. As FOR free speach as I was and still am, I believe with how rabidly some groups are pursuing censorship and deplatforming, voat needs to be VERY carefull in allowing what is essentially "hidden" content. For example a concentrated effort could be made to build a "hidden" sub verse and several anon accounts rapidly post illicit content. Then voat is reported to the authorities, and bad shit begins to happen.

2) agian, I love and support free speech, but the enemies of freespeach will not hesitate to use it agianst its advocates. To that end, except for site admin level and above I reccomend that a some sort of checks and balances system be designed and implemented wherein any subverse mods with an older account and reccord of non abusive behavior be selected for a bimonthly review of private subverse in a read-only mode. They also have the option to report said subverse during that time for site admin review. Make it the "cost" of being a mod. Once a month or so you get a redirect of private subs chosen at random to review through.

3) voat has been growing and maturing into a great place with a great culture. They may call you a "niggerfaggot" or worse, but most seem to adapt and embrace what has become like an "immune system" which repells those unable to tollerate real freespeach. Unfortunately, we still have brigading and coordinated campaigns born of the intent to silence certian voices. My personal view is that freespeach must be protected from those which seek to undermine it. To that end, I think we need to give special attention to subs designed with this abuse in mind.

To be Frank, I am not sure exactly how to address this safely, maybe some logic where if specific users CONTINUALLY target others in particular with downvoats, that priviledge is either suspended or they are made anonymous to that user? I keep thinking of ways in which I could abuse this and it's not pretty. However, I would like to see more done to curb this action.

4) IF you need help, I volunteer my services to you and voat. PM me if you are interested and in need. I suspect my history speaks for itself. I may be able to assist you in one way or another.

lissencarak ago

just implement full role-based permissions

Vvswiftvv17 ago

I don't have an opinion. But for the love of gawd if there is a private setting to keep subverses off of defualt and front page...can we please apply it to the Q faggots? I block and block and they are like cockroaches. I wouldn't care except they will take the same freaking article and repost it on five different subs. Then their little cult of rats all upvote it to Oblivion and the front page is the same four articles over and over. Then after those four articles it's a new set. Without really maintaining block subverse the entire voat experience is just miserable. I can't even imagine what a new user's front page must look like. Poor new goats. They aren't even getting voat, they are getting q-tards. Not cool.

Hand_of_Node ago

Let's talk Private Subverses

What about taking the next logical step and creating Private User Accounts to operate those Private Subverses? They could be like the ghosts of voat, flitting to and fro, while leaving no physical trace outside their domains.

Dfens ago

The Demo-Nazi shills hate this one. Why not just repeat the: "User ban management interface" except make it for authorizing users instead? There's no need for anyone who's not on the list to ever see what's posted there.

PuttItOut ago

A white list instead.

That's a good idea for the technical aspect of this.

Vampyregod ago

Build the Wall!!!

Only question i have, does it keep them out, or keep us in?

later_a ago

keeps out the horses, lets in the mice

Vampyregod ago

The rats

Intrixina ago

It's a bad idea, because it promotes the circlejerk powermod attention whoring bullshit that plebbit has.

2fast4u92 ago

I don't like this idea. Just a way for people to create circle jerks and keep away dissenting opinions. I don't believe that's your intention, I just think that it would inevitably be used for that in the long run. The reason I came here, was to spread my opinion when other platforms wouldn't allow me. If everyone who disagrees hides away, that destroys the entire point of it. We already have at least a couple dirty mods that delete comments they don't like. If you need one sub just for you and the mods, cool. But don't offer it to everyone else.

16516685? ago

We've tried to have sex conversations but they've quickly been overrun.

TheKobold ago

I think if you need it for internal use you should build it for internal use but allowing access to private sub verses for the common user is a bad idea as has been stated it could be a Haven for criminal activity Point farming and as a Haven for subversive elements.

RickFlairWOOOOOO ago

a Legal subverse accessible to legal council, etc.

This doesn't bode well.

PuttItOut ago

How so?

RickFlairWOOOOOO ago

As long as you don't lawyer up hard and let lawyers run things.

TimberWolfAlpha ago

I like this. I want to see this implemented.

But it shouldn't be a setting you can apply to an existing subverse. You should have to create an invite-only subverse anew.

doginventer ago

Voat Pitchfork Test: complete

Results: terrifying yet comforting

Rerun Test ?:....

PuttItOut ago

Next idea: Quarantined subs and shadow bans.

Should go over well judging by this post. /s

doginventer ago

Titanium box bro, and running shoes :D

PuttItOut ago

On it.

Justsomebullshitname ago

TLDR secret communities where bad things can happen out of public view.

ChiCom ago

Sounds useful for something I've suggested recently. Cool.

Caveman_in_a_suit ago

I like the fantastic transparency of Voat, even for Admin matters. So a No on this idear, Boss. And having multiple user PM's should work for private discussions, yeah? No need for private subs?

PuttItOut ago

Multi user PM is on the agenda for sure.

DrSelfAppointed ago

"transparency" Putt, people keep saying you exemplify that word. They must not have been around recently. But you could be like that again. You do have that power, don't ya, or is that not kosher for the new deal?

PuttItOut ago

I do have that power, Voat is under my control. I've always been selective with information, not in a secretive way, but a protective way.

Everyone involved with Voat is at risk, which is easy to not fully grasp being an outsider looking in, and as such privacy is important.

I'm sure you don't deal with the threats I deal with, so I have my reasons and none of them are malicious.

DrSelfAppointed ago

If the details of the deal are benign, then it’s difficult to grasp a reason too withhold them. If the concessions of the agreement are not benign, I so no reason why myself and others are not justifiably concerned.

You are right, I don’t deal with your issues, and have said before you are owed appreciation for what you do. Regardless, your decisions for the past few months have been suspect and have been sowing the seeds of apprehension, and distrust. Which is burning years of well earned good will.

I don’t want to come off like I’m attacking you, but I’m pissed off & upset about it.

The way I see it, you can own your mouth, but if you signed a contract saying you will eat a 3oz steak of human shit nightly to cover rent; you don’t fully own your mouth. Seems fair if the people your kissin’ want to know if there is a 3oz shit steak touching your lips or not. When asked the: I have my reasons not to tell, line isn’t very reassuring.

Germ22 ago

Threats to your well being?

PuttItOut ago

I do believe that I've experienced every threat/bribe possible at this point with the exception of a direct physical attack.

The world is a dark place.

Nadeshda ago

:/ indeed it is dear Sir... glad you are safe!

RampancyLambentRaven ago

This is the stupidist thing reddit... I mean voat has ever done. Voat is dead. Who the fuck os this secret investor Putt? Tell us now or we mutiny.

Caveman_in_a_suit ago

IDF was on furlough too? Damn, didn't know

NotHereForPizza ago

Do you understand the various types of vectors of corruption a reordering feature promotes?

I'm beginning to think you really are trying to sneak in tools for division disguised as exciting features.

Who here remembers the pattern at Reddit for "private subs"? Let me be more specific: I watched many "migrations" from Reddit to Voat and observed essentially the same pattern unfold various times - a site is promulgated through several means, makes it to a lineup for a typical MSM alt-branch where it gains more traction, the sub goes private, the userbase thins, the sub is banned, the community flocks to Voat.

Look, I'm not necessarily suggesting you're doing precisely what I describe (we both know why I keep pushing you like this. if you don't know by now, maybe explaining it to you isn't worth it), but this is the exact way we've SEEN this work out in the past.

The reason, Putt, that people are markedly opposed to this concept is because we were birthed of this cycle. I'm rather surprised this eludes you.

PuttItOut ago

A hammer can be used to both build and destroy. How it is used is the determining factor.

But you're not wrong. This is a controversial idea and thus worthy of discussion.

DarkCandy ago

Where the fuck are my 5 upgoats? I asked nicely. Nice is over.

Demonsweat2 ago

Dance nigger and you may earn them.

Mumbleberry ago

The same place as your head. Up your ass.

Dismal_Swamp ago

So Bigfoot could come on here and make an account, start a private sub for only other Sasquatch to see and we would have no way of knowing what those pesky creatures are up to... I don’t like this at all. You give Bigfoot an inch and he steals all your chickens when you’re sleeping.

nigger_plz ago

Sure man. Hell the whole site is private to 95% of the users. Out of hundreds of subs, most only go to ~5 anyway. These people sound like libs wanting everybody to have access to housing loans even though not everybody can make the payments.

Obviously if your investors or whatever wanna discuss things in private, they'll go to some Cone of Silence thing like in the Don Adams show Get Smart.

doginventer ago

And the dogfood right?

SaveTheChildren ago

Putt is a tranny

doginventer ago


PuttItOut ago

This dude must have sold his account. Where did the real kevdude go? ;)

SearchVoatBot ago

This submission was linked from this v/GreatAwakening comment by @fluhthreeex.

Posted automatically (#21670) by the SearchVoat.co Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here.

16515432? ago

Yea this doesn't sound like a good idea.

kneo24 ago

If it's only for "administrative purposes", then I see no reason why we need to be included in this. It's a simple solution, do not, under any circumstances ever, roll this out for general use.

NosebergShekelman ago

Gated Voat communities?? haha yes please shaloms

16515336? ago


Conspirologist ago

The scary thing is all the assholes who are upvoting this shit.

Germ22 ago

We upvoate things for visibility, not in agreement or disagreement. Downvoats are for spam and comments that do not contribute to the conversation

Nadeshda ago

It’s globally stickied; it visible but yeah your points are certainly valid. :p

Just good to say hello! :)

99887766 ago

When will we be asked to stop saying nigger and kike?

PuttItOut ago

Just never use them back to back please. ;)

99887766 ago

I love you.

DarkCandy ago

I just need 5 upgoats so I can make voat happy with my posts.

awwisnotafarmpromise ago

but.. "muh voat is free speech"

Ya, that's some fake news.

cthulhu69 ago

Yes we do! -4 and counting

doginventer ago

Begging for voats is more likely to result in downvoats. Reason being if you can’t think of anything to say that’s worth an upvoat then nobody wants to hear you.

awwisnotafarmpromise ago

So you should be censored, exactly like reddit does.

Dumb ass.

DarkCandy ago

I know that.

HillBoulder ago

Smells like someone trying to open the door for pedos to have their own perv corner as if there aren't enough here already. I think this is a very very bad idea that will only lead to the sick fucks among us being hidden.

fuckmyreddit ago


Can you tell us why this idea is being contemplated? If we know what your angel is trying to achieve maybe we can come up with a better way to achieve your goal.

Nadeshda ago

Business purposes or at least that is how I understood the post.

16515023? ago

I wish I could be like him. So simple-minded and easily entertained by mediocrity and misconceptions. NOT.

I haven't seen the fucker around as of late, but then I haven't been around as much as of late either.

fusir ago

My problem with it is it encourages a culture of power mods. What is a private sub for but for some mod to have his own little club house? Next they will want to turn some of their private subs public and they will want the same club house concept.

The idea of voat is that anyone can post anything to any subject as long as it is a little bit related. It's simple. Let's keep it. Your user base isn't mods, it's users.

Chiefpacman ago

Couldn't you just use email/conference calls for financial stuff?

Otherwise maybe just have your finance/voat company subs go private. And ofcourse the voting sub... to be frank I think the voting idea isn't going to work out well. Too easily abused..

PuttItOut ago

Email is horrible communication medium imo.

And we'll see how the Votes works out and make changes as we go.

Chiefpacman ago

Then maybe just one, all encompassing private sub for you and your guys? Or subgroup.

Lots of voaters, myself included, are just scared of change. If it ain't broke, don't fix it.

Appreciate you taking the time to get our opinion, and responding to comments as you do. Part of the beauty of a small community, but still says a lot about you personally.

Even those hesitant of the voat system like myself, generally trust you. So don't get me wrong, I'm ready to give it a go. And I don't pretend to be savvy on technology.. but what about VPN's, multiloggers, those that have the time and energy to thrawrt your efforts towards a self run system?

16514905? ago

MYG! Ya know he'll cream himself when he sees that.. xD

knightwarrior41 ago

honestly, a private sub sounds to me like a private club.not a good idea in my opinion because people will abuse this in order to for example doxx or smear other voaters and it also would defeat the transparency part of this site.

personally i would like everyone to access and see my subs, i truly dont discriminate on this issue.this place is about discussion and exchanging of ideas and a private access would stifle those.

btw, i predict people would use this to post very questionable content such and CP/bestiality stuff

krytter4 ago

I’ve read a lot of the commentary and I agree I don’t see a need for the private subs. You want to keep this as transparent as possible, otherwise you open yourselves to be taken down by the ‘bad user’ ‘plants’ or otherwise.

You sound like you need an internal management system, which I’m sure you software folks could build easily enough. If it were my baby, and you truly want to remain free speech for all, I would use that as the course of action for the business side of things.

shadow332 ago

You want to keep this as transparent as possible

One reason I hate those anon subs.

whisky_cat ago

You don't collaborate in an app like Slack? Pretty much what every mainstream software company is doing, you shouldn't need your own software UI threads to discuss finances. If I missed the point, feel free. e.g. Google Wave failed as it was really an internal collaboration tool, and not the product email users wanted.

PuttItOut ago

Good luck

Yeah, good luck is right. Goats will burn down Voat over a font change. ;)

But this is a good thing. I love that Goats see the potential for abuse first and foremost as sometimes well intentioned ideas can lead to corruption.

ForTheUltimate ago

Should we have different "Private" settings like a ReadOnly differentiation so that a subverse can choose to display content to non-members but not allow non-members to submit posts/comments i.e. a read only approach?


Should private subverse content show up in front-page/sets or should the subverse content only be accessible via navigating to the subverse itself?

Let the owner decide.

What if a subverse is private and a new subscriber is added, should this new member have full access to subverse content or should all content submitted before they were added be inaccessible to them? In other words, only content submitted after a user became a member is visible to them. This concern is to allow existing members to be reassured their prior content is protected.

Give Creator the option. Or even better, give every user the option, all the time, anywhere to hide their post to new users.

thebearfromstartrack ago

What is your database platform? Oracle? SQL Server? What is your server OS? Unix (ie POSIX)? Windows?

For instance, in Oracle you could dynamically pass a variable loaded with users whom the poster wants excluded from his post list. Depending on your index setup, you could efficiently employ this feature without much processor (I/O) overhead.

SIayfire122 ago

So it seems you want an "Admin Only" subverse, which should only be accessible to you and people you give access to.

Here's what I think you should do.

  • Only you and accounts authorized by you should be able to create and Adminverse
  • You must automatically have access and god rights to all adminverses
  • Only authorized accounts should be able to view the content
  • No ccp/scp should be earned by posts in adminverses
  • Employee and admin accounts should have access determined by you or whoever
  • Users should be by invite only
  • Etc. It sounds like you want an admin thing, not a user thing

Also, you could go about it a couple ways. You could have admin.voat.co/v/finance, or you could have voat.co/admin/finance.

whisky_cat ago

I'd say you have a good comment here. imo if Voat is truly open source, exposing the admin side itself is a risk (it'd potentially leak the URL signature on Github, and people would attack it).

I think the investor(s) or admins want a playground that's officially blocked to normal users. That's fine. No need to propagate that environment to the whole userbase. Again, unless users are asking for it, then it warrants user attention.

PuttItOut ago

We are developing many features that will be restricted on the site, like Votes. This would be a feature, if we implement it, that would have specific conditions relating to its use.

whisky_cat ago

Fair point that it's a feature with certain requirements. My point is if Voat's GitHub is up-to-date, it will document the code which shows access to "sensitive" content / private subs. And if it's for something like "business related concerns" you can bet people will try to crack it. FWIW I'm looking out for you here.

But to the other points being made, is there a non-admin case to have private sub(s)? I'm sure users would be curious if so. I think hiding stuff on Voat is kind of moot. Voat already gets the harshest forms of criticism and the most prolific Internet trolls and general hate-ists (don't get me wrong, I love to hate, too). So my opinion is you'd want to separate the concerns of business discussions from the actually software and database itself. Hope that helps explain what my sentiment is here, regardless of what's upcoming.

PuttItOut ago

Idea is to create features that can be benefit both user groups. Voat is a good communication platform and so we want to build out one code base to support both. Ideally.

SIayfire122 ago

Very well. You should still have an admin only side (aka /admin/whatever) that's separate from ordinary subverses. If you feel the need, you can have a mirrored version on the regular user side (/v/whatever) with any necessary tweeks.

No subverse should ever be able to transform into a private subverse and vice versa.

armday2day ago

You could just implement whatever version of "private" works for your needs in the subs mentioned in context. Everything else can be left as is.

If the option HAS to be implemented site-wide, then my suggestion is less than useful.

drstrangegov ago

No to voat gentrification!

BlueDrache ago

So ... private subverses ... invisible to the rest of the site ...

I was wondering when the pedos would show up.

drstrangegov ago

Uh huh. Interesting.

thelma ago

Should we have different "Private" settings like a ReadOnly differentiation so that a subverse can choose to display content to non-members but not allow non-members to submit posts/comments i.e. a read only approach?

Why would I want to post to a sub that would have me as a member?


^^^ Posters should not post until they are better down from their druggs. druuuuugs. Yeah, that hit the spot

Dailytacs ago

I'm still a tiny baby when it comes to voat, but I think it's a bad idea for what it's worth. I don't want to be invited to some groups private secret society giant owl be the lake midnight seance...

james780 ago

careful about leftists creating cp rings in private subs to attack voat

BaldMiscreant ago

PLEASE, make it so subs cannot be made private, except at creation. Reddit mods tend to abuse this function.

Conspirologist ago

Voat has already all the functions needed. If it ain't broke, don't fix it.

harry_nash ago

If you want to make Voat look like Reddit, this is a good start along the slippery slope. I don't like anything about it. Private sub is just another name for censorship and I don't support censorship in any form..

NNdmt ago

agreed! The new investor has already made me nervous. This is the problem with centralized communication services, they always go to shit

PuttItOut ago

Let me get this straight... An idea presented to the community for feedback equals going to shit?

We've had a lot of bad ideas. Some ideas are good and some are bad.

What we don't do is railroad changes and I think that says a lot.

Crensch ago

in fact, I bet if you did some digging on these users that are crying foul the loudest, you might find some very striking similarities between them.

Crensch ago

Check CCP.

Not a well-maintained sock puppet.

weezkitty ago

So why do you support this censorship shit? What do you have to hide?

Crensch ago

What am I supporting, exactly?

weezkitty ago

private subs. It is a bit odd how fiercely you are standing up for an idea

Crensch ago

I'm doing what I always do:

Killing bad arguments.

I'm not pro-private-subs. I'm anti-bad-arguments-against-them. I've seen some decent ones - slippery slope seems the most compelling, but "muh private communication is bad" can fuck right off. DMs already exist.

NNdmt ago

why do you think automatically that someone who doesn't comment often = sock puppet? Try smoking a little less meth.

Crensch ago


@Vindicator @srayzie @shizy @kevdude

Meth is a popular subject for which sock-puppet-using faggot?


ESOTIERICshade is the answer. I just accused this username of being a sock puppet and he basically outs himself. Please look more closely at the account names before calling it quits on your idea. I'm of the mind that goats should have a better argument against the change than they do.

Vindicator ago

Interesting. I am of the mind that whoever operates the chief disinfo operative assigned to v/pizzagate -- ES -- also operates some of the other anti-Voat folks who are most vocal. They occasionally even show up and comment in each others' threads.

NNdmt ago

Lolwut. You are an idiot

NNdmt ago

no, shady private investors and the sudden need for secret forums for internal use = going to shit

NassTee ago

Here's my feedback and concerns: Before you work on this, please make it so I don't see submissions from users I've blocked. Just make them not show up at all. I would 10000x prefer this over any other feature.

As for the private sub stuff, unlike many others here, I can see a value to it. If I wanted to run an RPG campaign (eg. roleplaying wearing MAGA hats and beating up niggerfaggot actors without actually hurting them) and didn't want to risk getting doxxed and attacked by SJWs who can't take a joke, I would enjoy the privacy. Still, I can see why others have concerns. One thing I would suggest is that the private/public option would be set at sub creation and couldn't be changed. As for everything else, I'd say favor public over private. If people really want to keep things private, an internet forum is not the right place to put them.


What's wrong with just setting up the campaign on voat and then hosting it on a different site and you pm the forum invite to people through voat? There are all kinds of places you can set up a forum for free like that.


The context for my opinion is how private subs were used on reddit to organize upvoat/downvoat brigades and propaganda campaigns as well as to share content that was of questionable legality with each other. I am also considering how anon subs like v/AnonAll are currently being used to flood /all/ for half the day and the censor-mod deletes any posts that are not in agreement with their political preferences.

Frankly, I oppose the idea of private subs entirely because it's like censorship by default where someone is only permitted free speech if deemed so worthy by the moderator. This is not why voat exists. If you want to set up a couple invite-only subs to aid in the development of the site then fine. This functionality should not be available to anyone else on the site because I believe it undermines the censorship-free mission of the site.

  • Displaying content to non-members should be mandatory, and only putt can toggle the internal subs to not display to non-members. If content does not display to non-members then it will be the responsibility of some kind of voat admin/supermod that can view all the private subs to police them to ensure they do not become hubs for illegal activity such as cp exchange or selling drugs online. There have been numerous examples of these types of groups attempting to establish a foothold here over the years. At the moment, the people who sort by /new/ are the lookouts that prevent these types of groups from establishing themselves here.

  • Private subs should NOT show up in /all/ by default, but there should be an option to include private/invite-only subs. To that point, the same could be said for anon subs. This is to avoid an invite-only sub from just being a mouthpiece for some corporation or interest group dumps content on us but does not permit any discussion to actually take place.

  • Whether a new user should see all previously posted content is moot, everyone should always see all content

  • Pings should not work for non-members. This function will be used to harass people.

Laurentius_the_pyro ago

Fuck off back to reddit with this retarded idea you fucking newfag.

aaaaand it was posted by Put... fuck.

PuttItOut ago

But I was replaced remember? All bets are off with new putts. /s

ratsmack ago

You just had to stir the hornets nest... didn't you. :)

goatsandbros ago

Upgoats for content and comments inside private subs should not count toward a users CP. Otherwise, farms-a-plenty.

bdmthrfkr ago

Without knowing the reason for the need we're all just whistling dixie here.

If you have a direct objective, i.e. you need private subs for X then there isn't any way for any of us users to recommend Y. If you let us know (in a general way, not specifically what you need these subs for) then we can be a lot more helpful.

PuttItOut ago

Added context to post.

bdmthrfkr ago

Thank you for the clarification, in this case I would make a subVoat (whole new Voat) only accessible via a separate log-in that none of us goats need to even know about.

Just my 2 cents.

whisky_cat ago

I noted it's unusual for a software company to use their own UI for confidential discussions. I actually have no opinion on private subs, and the reality is, if they wanted, they could roll out a private sub secretly and no one would be the wiser. As such, it's confusing it's a topic, unless there are users (or others) asking for it...

16513734? ago

I don't understand why there's a need for private subverses but then this talk is all above my pay grade. Encouraging private subs I can see also an encouragement for censorship as well as the approval of it. But then as I've said the concept is beyond me.

Le_Squish ago

The pedos will make you regret a truly private subverse within hours on implementation.

However, I feel adding a proper Invite function is enough. Add it to the subverse settings:

  • Open - anyone can participate
  • Mod level x - only mods or owner of sufficient privileges can invite.
  • Member/ subscriber - give members the ability to invite others.

There will need to be a limit on how many invitations a user can send out to avoid ping spam and the ability to purge/revoke membership.

Also, is there any way to see a full list of subverses on voat?

Crensch ago

Putt could very easily just have all links broken in private subverses

fuckmyreddit ago

I dont like having different factions. Along with the obvious CP problem, it feels like divide and conquer. Can we vote? Is that still under consideration?

GassyMcGasface ago

Any sub owners dedicated to subverting the jew and/or removing the sub species please invite me.

Workingsteel ago

I think this is a bad idea, transparency in every aspect of this site is what makes it self governing.

Epictetus_Hierapolis ago

I come to voat because everything is open.

I do not like the idea of private subs.

I really do not like the secret investor.

Crensch ago

Private messages already exist. How is this functionally any different?

Epictetus_Hierapolis ago

Pms are between users. A private sub is between a community.

Crensch ago

Some more eyeballs on it equals bad?

Did you know that people can send multiple private messages to multiple people in order to communicate in private?

Epictetus_Hierapolis ago

Shit son, all these years I've ignored the calls of protectvoat being reddit tier. Maybe I've been wrong when you are now calling for reddit tier private subs.

Crensch ago

Shit son, all these years I've ignored the calls of protectvoat being reddit tier. Maybe I've been wrong when you are now calling for reddit tier private subs.

I'm not. Make a better argument.

I bet She would have loved private subs.

Leave the snark to people that make better arguments.

Epictetus_Hierapolis ago

An argument requires two people making arguments. I've made an argument, you've just said no.

Give me a reason why this would be beneficial to voat. Maybe I'm not seeing something you are.

Crensch ago

An argument requires two people making arguments. I've made an argument, you've just said no.

You made a claim.

I made that claim look silly.

That's how arguments work.

Give me a reason why this would be beneficial to voat. Maybe I'm not seeing something you are.

I didn't make the claim. I'm not exactly for this idea, I've just not seen anything but really shitty arguments against it.

You do understand how null hypotheses work, yes?

Captain_Faggot ago

accessible by all Voat employees


How many fucking employees are rolling around in the background then?

PuttItOut ago

Do you have to rub it in my face that I'm all alone. :(

Nadeshda ago

Mental Note: I need to talk to Putts more!

PuttsMum ago

I'm sorry but I don't allow @PuttitOut to talk to girls. He's a good boy, doesn't need the distraction of all you floozies ;)

Nadeshda ago

Ah, dear Mam, you do a wonderful job btw! You did well raising such a fine young man, forgive me if it seemed I was overstepping any boundaries. Thank you though for ALL that you do!

PuttItOut ago

Thanks for having my back mom. This way I will always live in the basement.

Nadeshda ago

Lol... oh dear me she is going to smack we with her handbag... she has no idea who I am, just jumped to calling me a floozie.

It’s okay I apologized, hopefully we are all good now... :)

Epictetus_Hierapolis ago

I don't have a problem per se with a private sub for the financial, legal, etc purposes you need. As a former small (I'd assume smaller than voat) business owner though, I wouldn't use voat for sensitive communications like that.

Obviously you are not going to dedicate all of the time you do to voat for absolutely nothing in return but feel goods. A putts gotta eat and make sure he doesn't get bombarded with lawsuits. I do really appreciate the smaller feel to voat, vs the corporate feel of other sites.

Private subs for anyone outside of those running voat though? I think the community has spoken on that. I appreciate the fact that I can get to know someone's personality on voat because their expression of ideas isn't segregated. If I give my address to @middle_path for the seed swap, I know that I am interacting with someone that loves gardening and tranny midget porn, and not someone involved with a private sub for building bombs or sharing CP. I think the private subs break the openness and trust we have here.

PuttItOut ago

They would definitely fly in the face of transparency if used maliciously.

middle_path ago

Agreed. Except you have it backwards. Been working on a tranny bomb to convert CP offenders into mentally unstable trannies to protect children. I'm almost finished, but I need to find a non-toxic replacement for ricin.

Turns out my old model what just killing pedophiles. We can't have that if me and my SBBH cronies are going to take over the world.

PuttsMum ago

It was worth reading a billion comments in this thread, just to find this one :)

middle_path ago

Thank you. Tell your son to tell us who the mystery investor is.

Epictetus_Hierapolis ago

Hmm, maybe we do need private subs. What kind of ricin replacement are you thinking? I might be able to work on an airborn tropane alkaloid.

knightwarrior41 ago

Do you have to rub it in my face that I'm all alone. :(

you are NOT alone there are 100000 nigger faggots that are with you and voat :)

Captain_Faggot ago

Don't use voat for private business affairs, encrypted email already exists.

The second you show any ability to lock things away you'll be accountable for absolutely everything posted.

Not worth the agro.

mxcviel ago


clamhurt_legbeard ago

Don't use voat for voat business??

Is that what you said just now??

Broc_Lia ago

What niche do fully private subs perform? I'm not sure I see why they're useful.

Facebook has a pretty good categorisation for their groups:

  • Public: Anyone can see the group and see content. Members can participate.

  • Closed: Anyone can see the group. Members can see content and participate.

  • Secret: Only members can see the group, content and can participate. Invite only.

As others have pointed out, this could lead to voat being used for some pretty shady stuff. Facebook solves the problem by having paid staff patrolling groups, as well as encouraging users to report infringing content, but that only goes so far and I don't think voat can afford an army of interns.

For that reason, unless there's a pressing need for secret groups, I'd suggest making closed the most private tier.

PuttItOut ago

Seems to be the concensus. Visible but restricted interaction.

fuckmyreddit ago

Not consensus. We dont know our angel. We like openness.

knightwarrior41 ago

yup tell us who the angel or devil investor is :P

TheBuddha ago

Also, did you see my penis?

That should have been a global sticky!

NassTee ago

I know what you mean, my penis is also global and sticky.

TheBuddha ago

Mine got an 87% approval rating. I'm pretty pleased with that.

ratsmack ago

I have to assume that mods of these private subs would have to be vetted and work to a clear set of rules to prevent illicit activity.

draaaak ago

Why/how would this ever be a good thing?

knightwarrior41 ago

yes its terrible

ArielQflip ago

Only for VOAT admin like yourself @PuttItOut. If you need to collab on VOAT about VOAT, the create a 'privoat' subverse to use. Incorporating all the ideas. Please TEST it before giving it to the GOATS. I don't care either way.

baneofretail ago

Make private subs readable to all, but only approved users can participate in discussion. This would cut down on spam in some subs and allow for transparency.

If you want your communication hidden, send a DM to the user.

YugeDick ago

Except this format/feature already exists as "approved submitter" feature. So then no need for private subs at all.

fuckmyreddit ago

I see zero reasons why this would be a good idea. It also interferes with the cameradery of goaties.

baneofretail ago

Agreed. If this is for internal discussion, then bring back the chat feature and make it so you can chat privately with a group of users.

PuttItOut ago

This code is done. Hopefully soon (not like I haven't said that before).

Crensch ago

Isn't that exactly the same thing?

later_a ago

i'm actually perfectly cool with what we have now - we can make a sub that's unlisted but still viewable and no downvote brigaders can bother us hahahahhahahahahahahahaha

Germ22 ago

I don't really like the idea of private subs on voat.
What would we really benefit from hiding stuff? I can't really put my finger on it, it's more of a bad gut feeling.

16513549? ago

I can see this being beneficial for v/TraditionalWives. Would be a way we could discuss more sensitive subjects; sounds promising.

SaveTheChildren ago

Voat power user shill over here sucking up to putt. Go figure.

PuttsMum ago

Power user Coke shill here: Drink Coke :)

SaveTheChildren ago

Soda is real dumb

theoldguy ago

Soda is real dumb

Yeah, it doesn't even know the earth is round!

PuttsMum ago

Anything in moderation, friend.

16516701? ago

Don't you have trannies to hunt?


What would you do to decide whether or not someone deserved an invite to v/privateTW, have them send you a copy of their marriage photo? A nude photo with their username written on their belly? What I think is more likely is that a group of redditors who are the type who get triggered by the idea that "men prefer debt-free virgins without tattoos" make a private sub on voat where they organize infiltrate your private sub and voat brigade content to push the childfree / slut-pride type of content that reigns supreme elsewhere on the internet.

The inclination towards wanting privacy is natural and understandable, but we need to protect what we have at the same time.

16516725? ago

Valid concern.

Germ22 ago

Can you give some examples?

16516768? ago

Sure. Things like sex after children, sex drives and when to expect it to return, dealing with ED in a positive as possible way. Those kinds of things.

Germ22 ago

Whats ED?
Why do those topics need to be private? i want to learn about those things to. We don't need to be embarrassed since we are all anonymous anyway. And if someone doesn't want something tied to their account, they could use the anon option when posting (not sure if your sub allows anon posts.)
I think you mentioned somewhere it would be a good way to deal with trolls, isn't downvoating them enough?

16517086? ago

Whats ED?

Erectile dysfunction.

Why do those topics need to be private?

They of course don't need to be private but women tend to be pretty shy about discussing certain intimate topics.

I think you mentioned somewhere it would be a good way to deal with trolls, isn't downvoating them enough?

Downvoting is fine and it works but only to an extent.

Also, we've tried to allow anon twice and both times were disasters- hilarious disasters but yeah.

Germ22 ago

Maybe we can try it out on fake voat. we test everything there anyway.
I understand your arguments, i think. still don't like the idea.

Folke ago

You have things you need to discuss in private? Something so bad that regular voat users can't see or witness. Interesting!

SaveTheChildren ago

Empress is a larping tranny. Anyone who beleives empress is a house wife is straight up retarded.

fuckmyreddit ago

Can you say that in a Willie Wonka voice?

Folke ago

Johnny Depp or Gene Wilder?

16513641? ago

It would be nice to be able to talk openly and deeply about things like sex within marriage. Right now, that's just not an option- at least not serious discussions anyway.

lets_get_hyyerr ago

openly discussing sex within marriage on a open platform with strangers goes against living a traditional life. what kind of degenerate wants to talk about how their husband pegged her last night and have a bunch of other people give their opinions about that and how they want their husbands to do that too? disgusting and I'm pretty appalled you're advocating for that

16520944? ago

Is that really what you took from what I wrote? Really?

lets_get_hyyerr ago

That's what a BUNCH of people took from your comment.

It would be nice to be able to talk openly and deeply about things like sex within marriage

so you can become a degenerate and talk about your private sexual interactions with your spouse? yea, that's what I got. gross.

16521272? ago

so you can become a degenerate and talk about your private sexual interactions with your spouse? yea, that's what I got.

You're revealing your own heart and mind.

lets_get_hyyerr ago

Oh, I'm sorry. Was I the one advocating for a totally private subverse where I can talk about the sexual interactions between myself and my spouse openly to others while also running a subverse dedicated to the traditional lifestyle?

Wait, no that was you. You can try to turn this around on me or whomever else you'd like but you've already exposed yourself as a degenerate in this thread for everyone to see and you're being downvoted for it. Keep deflecting onto others. You're doing a great job at epitomizing the female mindset

16522312? ago

LOL! You're ridiculous.

lets_get_hyyerr ago

Keep going empress. Keep making it fun for me to shit on your degenerate style of moderation and advocation for totally private subs

AttackHelicopter ago

Why would you need to discuss sex with your husband with strangers? Sounds pretty degenerate.

16516711? ago

Believe it or not, not everyone has a perfect sex life and issues arise within marriage.

NNdmt ago

How is that not an option? I would gladly publicly discuss sex within marriage in a public forum, because its not like nndmt is my real fucking name or anything

Folke ago

OH, so you only want certain peoples feedback instead of a full open to everyone discussion that could result in opinions for information you don't want to be seen or heard? Sounds like what liberals love to do.

16513758? ago

Alternatively, certain well known trolls could still view the content but wouldn't be able to derail the conversation.

Sburban_Shitposter ago

just ignore them

PuttsMum ago

Nooooooooooooooo :p

NNdmt ago

dealing with trolls is as easy as downvote and move on

16516669? ago

Sure and that's what we do. But it also inhibits certain intimate discussions.

downton-stabby ago

That's not what this site is designed for. Go to reddit then.

fuckmyreddit ago

Can't you just start a knitting group on a new wordpress site?

Folke ago

well now you're just changing the goal posts. So are you for private subs only a small " IN " group can access? Or are you wanting open subs that are closed to posts by non members.

Private subs that are closed to the general public isn't something the "right" does. Its lefty BS that only can created division and destruction.

keksupreme ago

terrible idea.

this will lead to mass censorship by mods like it does in reddit

vonbacon ago

I think it's fine if certain subverse don't wanna appear in V/all but to have a hidden subscriber only subverse is just ripe for abuse. Voat prides it'self in calling out bullshit and this would give bad actors an echo chamber from being able to be called out.

I think keeping it so certain subverse aren't visible from V/all is fine and limiting your up and downvote power in subverse your not or recently subscribed to is fine but everyone should be able to see and call out bullshit.

AttackHelicopter ago

My first thought was "fuck off back to Reddit." Then I saw who posted it. Voat is doomed.

SearchVoatBot ago

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Crensch ago

Voat is doomed because a more convenient version of the already existing private messages is being proposed?

derram ago

Gotta remember, a large portion of the userbase thinks that if they should have the power to dictate what is discussed on the free speech website.

AttackHelicopter ago

I don't understand how striving for transparency is equated to dictating what can be discussed.

derram ago

I'm referring to more than just this specific discussion.This shit has been going on for well over a year now.

Apparently "free speech" only refers to ranting about jews and black people. As soon as someone makes a subverse about other shit, certain users start complaining about "forum sliding" because their posts about hating jews and black people aren't staying on the front page long enough for their tastes anymore.

And heaven forbid a mod bans them for trying to shoehorn that shit into the new subverse no matter how irrelevant it is. They'll spend weeks throwing a hissy fit across the entire site because they're victims unless they get to say "nigger" every 15 minutes.

The only transparency needed in this case is the admins, the general userbase has no need to have a catalogue of every subverse in existence across the entire site. All in all it just boils down to "but if it's private I won't be able to use it."

AttackHelicopter ago

So you're saying that private subverses would solve the "problem" of niggers and Jews not being on the front page, but not seeing it would upset the exclusively niggers and Jews focused crowd because they couldn't complain about it knocking their niggers and Jews threads off the front page? :D

I guess it just comes down to you can't make all of the people happy all of the time. That's a damned shame, too.

username-way-too-lon ago

That's a bit of an over-reaction, don't you think?

Putt has already explained the reasoning for this post. He's bouncing ideas off the community. He hasn't implemented anything, it was simply an idea. It's clear the majority of Voat doesn't like the idea, so it won't be implemented. What's the problem here?

Demonsweat2 ago

Waiting for the "You must be new here" comments.

UnknownAlias365 ago

Lol go back and check, they're in. OP delivered.

Opieswife ago

Perhaps an invite option

I like the idea of read only options for non members as determined by the owner.

Full or partial access determined by the rules/settings put in place by the owner for new members.

Initial thoughts are that if I am subscribed to it I would like to see it on my front page. If not subscribed I don't want to see it. I might have to think on this some more and may change my mind for a non subscribed private sub.

Dropping pings when user is not a member seems fine.

All access to content should be unavailable when the use is no longer a member. Exception would be their posts or comments if possible. Another exception would be if the owner wants it to be read only for non members.

Conspirologist ago

If this is a free speech site, there is no need for private subverses, unless they are perverted degenerates.

Crensch ago

Explain to me how this is functionally any different than an aesthetic change to private messages.

Broc_Lia ago

I've used private (secret) groups on facebook for a variety of regular things, like organising events that you don't want the whole world to see or internal organisation for clubs.

That said, I think you're right. Allowing people to have private forums on voat would not end well.

weezkitty ago

Facebook is like the opposite of Voat though

shadow332 ago

More of an argument that we shouldn't be taking on features that mirror it.

Broc_Lia ago

Facebook is a shithole, but they have set the conventions for some basic socnet features, like groups and feeds.

AmazingAutist ago

This. Must be an idea by the (((new investor))).

fuckmyreddit ago

It was fun while it lasted.

Conspirologist ago

Yes, of course. Changes started to happen right after the (((investor))).

NNdmt ago

this is why i am so interested in the distributed approach that nab.cx (sfw version is notabug.io) is taking. With the lack of a centralized authority it greatly improves the chances of free speech staying free

fuckinghell ago

Interesting, I'll have to give it a look.

username-way-too-lon ago

I like this idea, but I think the primary focus should be on preventing any abuse of these systems. Do not allow people to create secret communities that undermine the spirit of Voat with the protection of secrecy. This is my only concern.

showbobandvagene ago

I don't know if i like it. What do we stand to gain from these changes?

Seems to me it will breed a lot of fuckery and infighting.

Though, my mind isnt made up yet, im going wait and to check out the comments and see if anyone comes up with some positives that i haven't thought of...

Crensch ago

I'm on the other end, I'd love to see some negatives. Putt would like to implement this oh, and the only complaint I've seen is completely dispelled by the fact that private messages already exist.

Vindicator ago

Here's one negative I can see, and it's the same one as chat rooms: privacy settings create the illusion of security. They are easily infiltrated and the users conversations exposed. The larger Voat gets, the higher the proportion of normies, the greater the risk to all the naive will be.

Direct messages, by their nature, have a limited distribution. While they might be captured and shared by one of the recipients, the sender knows the risk and thinks about it when having to choose the individual recipients. There is a contemplation element that doesn't exist in a private "room", and the longer the privacy of a subverse goes on without infiltration, the more complacent and trusting (and at risk of infiltration) it's members will become.


That said, it would be cool to be able to make a private personal sub only the Owner themselves could see for drafts in progress, notes, saved links and so forth. I don't think it would be easy to abuse such a thing.

Crensch ago

Eternal vigilance is the price of freedom.

I don't really see that as a downside - you're responsible for your own NetSec, and if you don't understand that, you'll figure it out quickly.

It's not a bad argument like some, I just disagree that we should protect all those normies from themselves.

Vindicator ago

Ah...I guess my point is -- in a private subverse, security is only as good as the weakest link. People in a group behave differently than people communicating one on one...most people, anyway. Especially on a Friday night after a couple of adult beverages.

Crensch ago

I agree; I believe it is up to each individual to keep their own necks out of the proverbial noose. We do what we can as mods and protectors of Voat and PG, but there's only just so much we can really do, and hindering functionality for that reason seems beyond wrong to me.

The more these usernames pop up and argue with me, the better the idea sounds. Just my .02.

Vindicator ago

The more these usernames pop up and argue with me, the better the idea sounds. Just my .02.

I know the feeling.

SearchVoatBot ago

This comment was linked from this v/AnonTalk comment by @16514556.

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Dreegonflight ago

Read only is what approved submitters only already gives us.

All users should have access to stickies. Make it optional to the sub owner as to whether they allow access to older content to new members?

Private content should not be available on the front page or public sets.

Dropping pings would stop it becoming a source of harassment pings.

How are you going to police for illegal content on hidden private subs? Legal beagle time.

ratsmack ago

Private content should not be available on the front page or public sets.

I thought "Front" was only for the subs you subscribe to and "Default" content is system selected.

Dreegonflight ago

There is also a public front page, I mean the one you can see when not logged in.

ratsmack ago

Which is like Default, so it would not make sense to put private subs there.

dontforgetaboutevil ago

Sounds like a great way to deplatform problem subs exactly the way Reddit does. Sub causing problems for advertising? Click private and boom it's gone. Sounds shitty to me and like a step backwards. Looks like your gonna do it anyway so my feeding back is kind of a waste of time. I mean why even bother asking for feedback if you declare this is what your gonna do anyway and not even explain why this is necessary or beneficial to us users?

Us users who have heard shit like this before and been burned by it.

tokui ago

Jootube uses similar to suppress vids - they make unsearchable, no comments, etc.

ratsmack ago

Save the drama... he's just asking.

fuckmyreddit ago

He sounded like God told him to do it.

Folke ago

read what he's posting. This is just a notification of what he planned on doing. He just thought everyone would go along and he would't get any kick back.

PuttItOut ago

Damn you are new.

We've been down this road many times. You'll see.

Folke ago

This is my third account. I've been here long enough to learn how to read replies. So be pissy, but this is just something that is horrible for voat.

OH and dogfooding, is when those who created the program/website/app uses the fucking thing to hash out glitches/bugs. It's not for private convos/forums for only a select few.

It's clear by the posts defending this change you want that it's what you want. Even your update shows it to be true. So yeah Same road as always with you.

PuttItOut ago

You're wrong on dogfooding. Voat is a communication platform, it is meant for communication. Why the hell wouldn't Voat use Voat for its business purposes?

And new accounts... Always the same with people like you.

Folke ago

I forgot my password, twice. So? I guess I must be old. From the late 80's to the early 2k, Dogfooding was simply forcing the employees to use a service that was created by the company to see if it works.

To put it simply, we are user and privacy focused, and will go to great lengths to ensure there's transparency around these type of decisions.

Privacy? That's right, Voat aims to exceed expectations with regard to privacy. For example, one of the first features we implemented was the ability for our users to completely delete their accounts and associated data. That means with one click and a few ticks, all comments posted, all voting history and all personal submissions deleted. This is just the beginning, and we are open to feedback on how to take this further. We are still working on our updated privacy policy and look forward to releasing it in the coming weeks.

We have a multitude of ideas in the works and are listening to what our users want. There will be features geared toward user customization and their experience that mirrors no other aggregator site. Our focus is on including what does work and throwing away what doesn't. Stay tuned!

You are wanting to do the same thing that helped destroy reddit. Users pushed back and disagreed, now its changed to you want this for you and your lawyers and investors. Bullshit! Stop trying to do the same things reddit did.

PuttItOut ago

Go add a recovery email so you don't have to create a new account. :)

This is my idea only, as is with everything, and sounds like very few see any upside considering the risk.

This is the purpose of these posts, to get feedback. I'll mark you down for a solid 'NO'

Folke ago

tried recovery email with my last account Mimar. That feature didn't work for me. The first one that feature wasn't enabled

PuttItOut ago

True. Password recovery is often broken :(

ratsmack ago

You're reading far too much into this.

Folke ago

Read his replies

PuttItOut ago

Never once have I considered this as a way to silence subs, but with anything we need to think about things like this.

Maybe force a Vote by the community before allowing a change?

revfelix ago

Maybe don't make it a toggle switch? Have the option to make a sub private when it's created, but make it permanent so private subs will always be private and public subs will always be public.

derram ago

Technically the current implementation of private and voting restricted subs has the same effect anyway, so it's kind of a moot point.

I still say those need a rework if niche subverses are ever going to be able to survive, not everyone has been posting for years on end and has the scp leeway to handle dedicated downvoaters.

lollo9990 ago

A vote by the community would be the best thing in my opinion

Justsomebullshitname ago

So folks can form mobs and silence others?

The_Raven ago

Right, which is why he's wondering about pings not going beyond the soundproof walls. They can chat about how to destroy users. It's all fun and free speech until you piss off the brigadier gangs by questioning the mods, then you're downvoted to hell and silenced.

go1dfish ago

IMO Subs should be private/gated at time of creation or not at all.

People that post in a sub shouldn’t have to worry about the sub later going public and private shouldn’t be a way to close formerly public subs.

Maybe even give them a different prefix to avoid squatting.

/p/ vs /v/ for instance

Tallest_Skil ago

Oh, and while it’s relevant (see my other comment chain), what the fuck are you going to do about SOCKPUPPETS and LIBEL accounts. Because this is fucking bullshit and it results in automated censorship through mass downvotes.

Tallest_Skil ago

force a vote

Good goy. Democracy is your god. Don’t base it off of ideological objectivity. A simple majority vote is all you need. Ignore that several thousand accounts were created the day before and ignore that they all voted against existing users…

Blackest_Skil ago

POC might has trubble voting ands shudn't need acounts dat cud be traceded

Tallest_Skil ago

Neck yourself.

SIayfire122 ago

You need to create a new section entirely separate from user areas. You need an admin section on the website accessible to admins only. And you must retain godrights over the entire site.

fuckmyreddit ago

Yes. We dont know who our angel is but even if our investor is my dead grandmother who cant do much harm, the slippery slope is always one step away. I vote to keep Voat as is.

Plavonica ago

Allow everyone to read the subverse but only allow certain people to post?

draaaak ago

What could possibly go wrong?

PuttItOut ago

Seems to be the compromise according to people's concerns.

dontforgetaboutevil ago

Why do you think private subs are necessary? I'm curious. I can think of plenty of subs I would rather not see again but that is just me being a censoring asshole in my own head.

What does voat gain from private subs?

Nietzsche__ ago

Still no answer a to why...

dontforgetaboutevil ago

That hasn't escaped me either.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

Did you try reading the explanation he gave in the OP?

70times7 ago

Never once have I considered this as a way to silence subs

Now you have.

Please dont make voat reddit.

PuttItOut ago

That won't happen, don't freak out, this is a discussion.

jollux ago

We have no reason to believe you. The easiest way to prevent it is to never add the feature in the first place.

Wahaha ago

That's why there's the saying to never change a running system. You never figure out all the side effects. But it's just one of those wisdoms, like good intentions being the building blocks of the road to hell. There's truth there, but it's not the whole truth. My favorite saying is that for everything that is true, the opposite is true as well.

Personally I tend towards minimalism and the unix philosophy: do one thing and do it well. Don't be a jack of all trades, yet master of none. (What is it with me and folk wisdom today?) Anyway, Voat is good for people to exchange ideas and I feel that private subs won't benefit that.

So it would benefit something else, hence Voat would not do only one thing and that's why I'm against it. Eating your own dogfood doesn't mean to build something else to use. It means to use what you make yourself. As is. So if you don't like it, you'll improve it. And not in the sense of if you don't like a text editor you turn it into an e-mail client instead.

Captain_Faggot ago

That won't happen

Said every company, every time.

Russianbots ago

The Saviour......

SpunRecord ago


This is a fun road no one has ever traveled before.

SaveTheChildren ago

Put has an "angel" (ie: baphomet tranny) investor. No shady business going on here!?!!

CRKT_M16Z ago

I like the overall idea and I appreciate you asking for our input. I do think pings should be dropped when the target user is not a member, if that can be implemented.

UnknownAlias365 ago

Noooooo. That has abuse written all over it.

admin2 ago

But (((some people))) must have requested it.

Scooby_Dooby_D00 ago

The only issue I see with private subs is If some ass hat decides they don't like Voat, They make a private sub and stuff it with Cp to get Voat taken down.

theoldones ago

aged will be the cp poster.

ForTheUltimate ago

Instead of having one majoritarian CCP rule in voat, everyone can just make private subs lol

SIayfire122 ago

All private subs should be accessible to Putts and Atko at all times. Privacy from users is different than privacy of admins.

MisplacedMan ago

That makes no real difference, right? If we take Plebbit for example, the admins and owners were in bed with the top mods of karma farming and cp subreddits.

The_Raven ago

Imagine if Spez had the cannibal sub he modded private. Nobody would be any wiser.

SIayfire122 ago

So remove any ccp/scp from the subverse and prevent regular users/mods from gaining access. It sounds to me like he wants something for administrative purposes, but thinks that the feature should be for common users as well.

PuttItOut ago

Clarification: This is a feature that is essential for internal use, discussion is about if it would be useful in general and in what contexts.

ThyCultOfQ ago

Exactly why provide a platform for people to do things like this in private... bad bad bad idea.

truthwoke33 ago

What are your plans to mitigate user abuse e.g. creating a secret CP sub or a harassment sub?

Schlomo-KikesDid9-11 ago

Private subs ≡ KIKE

Meme_Factory_1776 ago

Why do they need a secret harassment sub when they already have public ones.?.

Rival67 ago

Perhaps make private subs an option that's available for purchase then.

webster_warrior ago

A simple, private, forum can be put on line in a day or two. Hosting is cheap. It is a hobby that can turn into a career. The new internet coming along sounds like a good place for it.

SaveTheChildren ago

Putt is a tranny showing her true colors. Is anyone surprised?

truthwoke33 ago

Putt, what's your opinion on users who demonstrate signs of a legitimate mental disorder? I'm, pretty serious...

SaveTheChildren ago

33 = tranny mason

later_a ago

free speech, we all deserve it, deal with it.

Crensch ago

Private communication should be relegated to a different platform. Like direct messages? Should we do away with those?

truthwoke33 ago

Maybe. It would be an interesting experiment if nothing else.

draaaak ago

private communication should be relegated to a different platform, as it is the antithesis of a public forum for open discussion.

Exactly this.

Gorillion ago

Yep, Discord was created for exactly for this gay shit. And it's become a faggot and gay op breeding ground.

The platform dictates the behavior. See also Twitter. Leave Voat as it is, or it will become Voat + Secret Gay Clubhouse Voat.

TheTrigger ago

it will become Voat + Secret Gay Clubhouse Voat

Not gonna lie: if this happened, I would have a long, hard conversation with myself about permanently leaving. Not saying that as a threat or anything: I know no one would give a fuck either way. But it is one of the early red-flags of any online community's downfall: once the shit-disturbers gain a quiet foothold, to organize and grow.

The lack of private subs unironically may just very well be the reason spammers and shills have such a hard time subverting us, as a whole. I ignored it when it happened to reddit, at the time. This time, I still have red-pills working their way through my digestive tract. Enough to see the problem with it.

GapingAnus ago

It will split the userbase into regular users who read and post for fun and a slew of "drama/srs-like" subs that coordinate brigading, harassment and other gay shit.

And then we move to the next site without those features just like last time.

Crensch ago

So, no more direct messages that nobody else can see?

draaaak ago

Private subs and direct messaging are obviously not the same thing. If for whatever reason you think they are, then why don't we just stick with direct messaging and not worry about creating a private sub feature?

Crensch ago

They very obviously are exactly what you were talking about. Your comment was very specifically about private communication here.

What is the difference between multiple private Communications between users, and a functional forum type place for those Communications?

Tzitzimitl ago

when you ask a question but the question is also the answer

draaaak ago

A. That wasn't my comment, I was agreeing with another user's comment.

B. One is private messages between individual users, and the other is a private forum. You just said it yourself..

They're functionally different types of private communication.

Crensch ago

A. That wasn't my comment, I was agreeing with another user's comment.

Your comment agreeing exactly with the words makes those words part of your comment. Are you going to act like a fucking Jew and keep arguing these stupid trivial points, or are you going to answer the question?

draaaak ago

I have answered your question by explaining the differences between private messaging and private forums. You just don't like my answer. Stop being such a dense faggot.

Crensch ago

You just did. My comment was from earlier. Stop trying to make it seem like I'm ignoring something that you've already said.

Also, your explanation was, more people seeing private messages equals bad. Congratulations, you're a little retarded.

draaaak ago

Stop trying to make it seem like I'm ignoring something that you've already said.

I don't have to try to make it seem that way:

your explanation was, more people seeing private messages equals bad.

That was never my explanation, or my argument.

Crensch ago

A forum is not okay for individuals to privately communicate, but direct messages are because...?

Crensch ago

That's exactly what you are doing. Okay so if that's not your position, then the Aesthetics is bad. It looks different, so it's bad.

draaaak ago

None of my comments have been about aesthetics, they have all focused on the functional differences between private messaging and private subs. I also haven't yet made one single argument supporting my position that private subs are a bad idea for this site. But it sounds like that's something you want, so here goes:

Allowing for private subs makes it possible for users to put the whole site at risk. Here's an example of how that could play out...

Someone, using a VPN to protect himself, creates a new account, then they create a private sub with a seemingly harmless name. This person allows no other users to join the sub, it's just that one dude. Then, this one dude posts several hundred links to CP, which no one else will know about, because these private posts won't show up on v/all. He waits a month or two, and then makes it public. Still, no one else on voat will see the posts from this sub because they are old and have no traffic or voats. Then the user reports voat, because of these posts, to the FBI. They investigate and find that hundreds of links to CP have been on voat for months, and no one has even tried to stop it. This sort of thing is only possible when there is no community oversight of the activity in a sub.

Another way private subs could hurt voat is if they are used to organize criminal/terrorist activity.

Literal shills would love private subs too, for what should be obvious reasons.

These sorts of things are still possible, although on a much smaller scale, with private messaging, but pose a much smaller threat to the safety of the site as a whole compared to if they were carried out in a private sub format.

Crensch ago

None of my comments have been about aesthetics, they have all focused on the functional differences between private messaging and private subs. I also haven't yet made one single argument supporting my position that private subs are a bad idea for this site. But it sounds like that's something you want, so here goes:

Literally, your argument has been:

A -> B. OK! A -> C. OK! A -> D. OK!

A -> Place where B C and D can see BAD.

It's nothing but a change in the way the words are placed and viewed. Aesthetics.

Allowing for private subs makes it possible for users to put the whole site at risk. Here's an example of how that could play out...

All right, listening.

Someone, using a VPN to protect himself, creates a new account, then they create a private sub with a seemingly harmless name. This person allows no other users to join the sub, it's just that one dude. Then, this one dude posts several hundred links to CP, which no one else will know about, because these private posts won't show up on v/all.

All links in private subverses are broken.


He waits a month or two, and then makes it public.

Subverses get an either-or at the beginning, and cannot change later.


Still, no one else on voat will see the posts from this sub because they are old and have no traffic or voats. Then the user reports voat, because of these posts, to the FBI. They investigate and find that hundreds of links to CP have been on voat for months, and no one has even tried to stop it. This sort of thing is only possible when there is no community oversight of the activity in a sub.

No other ways to solve that, eh?

Another way private subs could hurt voat is if they are used to organize criminal/terrorist activity.

Already can be used for that.


Literal shills would love private subs too, for what should be obvious reasons.

No. Why?

Basically, private subs enable users to violate the rules of the site because they can operate with no oversight, and this puts all of voat at risk.

Oh no! TEXT might be there!

These sorts of things are still possible, although on a much smaller scale, with private messaging, but pose a much smaller threat to the safety of the site as a whole compared to if they were carried out in a private sub format.

Remember when you owned this:

private communication should be relegated to a different platform, as it is the antithesis of a public forum for open discussion.


Are you also against private messages?

draaaak ago

Are you also against private messages?


Remember when you owned this:

Remember when the context of that had nothing to do with private direct messages, but instead was specifically about private subs?

Oh no! TEXT might be there!

Stop being a faggot.

No. Why?

Shills organizing against the rest of voat.. no potential for abuse or harm there...

Already can be used for that.

Except when a sub is private, there is no potential for community oversight.. which is my whole point, which you seem to have completely missed, somehow... amazing..

No other ways to solve that, eh?

Maybe, but not without violating the privacy of the sub. Either way, the risk is still there, and needs to be considered. What also needs to be considered, is the potential for private subs to be created en mass so as to overwhelm the staff that may be tasked with monitoring private sub activity. As it stands currently, content posted to the site is monitored by the entire userbase, and can be dealt with in a distributed manner through reporting, downvoating, and psa type alerting of other users. Once you allow for private subs, you lose all community oversight, and put the oversight burden entirely on voat employees, which could be very costly, and a big problem.

Subverses get an either-or at the beginning, and cannot change later.

Maybe, but the system hasn't been implemented yet, so you don't know that this is how it would work. Even then, the sub wouldn't need to be public to harbor links to CP, and would thus still put the whole site in danger.

All links in private subverses are broken.

Again, you don't know that because the system hasn't been implemented.

Literally, your argument has been:

A -> B. OK! A -> C. OK! A -> D. OK!

A -> Place where B C and D can see BAD.

It's nothing but a change in the way the words are placed and viewed. Aesthetics.

Nope. But it clearly doesn't matter how many times I explain it, you will continue to refuse to understand.

Crensch ago

Remember when the context of that had nothing to do with private direct messages, but instead was specifically about private subs?

Remember when they're effectively the same thing? And one already exists?

draaaak ago

Remember when they're effectively the same thing?

Remember when I explained that they weren't the same, but you completely disregarded my explanation because you didn't like it?

Crensch ago

You know what? Let me help you:

private communication should be relegated to a different platform, as it is the antithesis of a public forum for open discussion.

Exactly this.

There was no caveat to your words, nor his. PRIVATE COMMUNICATION should be relegated to a different platform.

What are direct messages?

Private subs and direct messaging are obviously not the same thing. This discussion is not about direct messaging, so what's the point of conflating the two? Sure they're both private, but they're a very different type of private.

You claim this as if it's self-evident. It is not. In fact, the opposite is true.

Private communication Not private communication
Direct Message X
Private Subverse X

Then you go on to claim this:

A. That wasn't my comment, I was agreeing with another user's comment.

When you quote someone and say "Exactly this.", you are owning those words. They become your words because you agree with them exactly.

B. One is private messages between individual users, and the other is a private forum. You just said it yourself..

Both of the points you made here apply to both forms of communication; your argument is null, because you showed no difference between them.

Are these both private messages between individual users? Private messages. Between individual users. And the other is a forum. OH NO!

They're functionally different types of private communication.

So the form. The aesthetics of how the information is conveyed. "Oh, it's not a PM, it's a FORUM!"

I have answered your question by explaining the differences between private messaging and private forums.

This is you declaring that you have done something when you clearly have not. This is your level.

You just don't like my answer. Stop being such a dense faggot.

I'm dense. Because you cannot explain how having private messages, between individual users, in a format that shows all the users meant to receive the message easily, is somehow functionally different than multiple direct messages. Got it.

This is why:

I don't have to try to make it seem that way:

Apparently, you do, because your argument is nigger-tier.

That was never my explanation, or my argument.

Your argument was so stupid, I tried to give you a way out. You couldn't accept my olive branch, because you're too stupid to see that the only halfway legitimate argument is that the private forums make multiple eyes on the communication easier.

I'm the dense one?

None of my comments have been about aesthetics

They all are. Every one of them. DM fine, forum not fine. Why? Because of its format. What is a format?

they have all focused on the functional differences between private messaging and private subs.

None. Convenience, at the very best. No functional difference that could support your position.

I also haven't yet made one single argument supporting my position that private subs are a bad idea for this site. But it sounds like that's something you want, so here goes:

You've made arguments that the two are different, and failed. You've even made arguments about aesthetics without even realizing it.

Maybe you should consider lurking.

And you got absolutely destroyed here on your position on private subs. You got destroyed in the OP you were commenting under, words written long before your comment. How embarrassing.

@kevdude @Trigglypuff @Empress @srayzie @Vindicator

Not sure who this guy is, but he argues like a fucking kike.

draaaak ago

Well look at you, calling in back up. Adorable. "Oh noes! draaaak is standing his ground and defending his position! Only a kike would ever do such a thing! I needs helps!"


You know what? Let me help you:

Thanks, but no thanks. I don't need your help, which, is in fact not help, but merely condescending cockery.

There was no caveat to your words, nor his. PRIVATE COMMUNICATION should be relegated to a different platform.


The context was not private direct messaging, it was private subs. THAT'S WHAT PUTT'S WHOLE FUCKING POST WAS ABOUT. I tried to make this clear for you right away in response to your first comment, you even quoted it just now:

Private subs and direct messaging are obviously not the same thing. This discussion is not about direct messaging, so what's the point of conflating the two? Sure they're both private, but they're a very different type of private.

But despite you just now quoting my statement, you've still somehow managed to continue acting like a faggot, and are insisting that DMs are the same as private subs. Which of course, they aren't.

You claim this as if it's self-evident. It is not. In fact, the opposite is true.

What is self-evident is that, despite them both being private forms of communication, they are still different types of private communication. This was my whole point, which flew right over your head.

When you quote someone and say "Exactly this.", you are owning those words. They become your words because you agree with them exactly.

No they don't. I was highlighting the part of the comment that I agreed with. It still wasn't my comment. Regardless, I still supported my position more than sufficiently. Maybe not sufficiently enough for you, but maybe you're not as smart as you think you are.

Both of the points you made here apply to both forms of communication; your argument is null, because you showed no difference between them.

Private messages between two individuals, messages that remain in these user's inboxes for eternity, are not equivalent to the sort of private forum that was being discussed.

Private messages. Between individual users. And the other is a forum.

You sort of act like you get it, but I can tell you're just being cheeky, leading me to suspect that you really don't understand the difference.

I said:

They're functionally different types of private communication.


And somehow you misinterpret this as meaning merely "form", and therefore merely "aesthetics". There's something wrong with you.

I'm dense.


Because you cannot explain how having private messages, between individual users, in a format that shows all the users meant to receive the message easily, is somehow functionally different than multiple direct messages. Got it.

I did, but you didn't get it. That's not my problem. ...you can lead a horse to water, but you can't make it drink...

Apparently, you do, because your argument is nigger-tier.

No no no, it's your comprehension of my argument that is nigger-tier, which is why you can't figure it out, and continue to misrepresent it.

Your argument was so stupid

Projection. You only think it's stupid because you failed to understand it.

I tried to give you a way out.

No, you didn't. But even if you did, I wouldn't care, because my argument was sound from the beginning, and I have no reason to take your "way out".

you're too stupid to see that the only halfway legitimate argument is that the private forums make multiple eyes on the communication easier.

Still misrepresenting my argument. lol and I'm the stupid one. Much projection.

They all are. Every one of them. DM fine, forum not fine. Why? Because of its format. What is a format?

Nope, because the differences I described were not aesthetic differences, they were functional differences. Regardless, I went it to plenty of detail on why I think private subs are worse than private messages in another comment. But I guess you're just ignoring that now. Cool.

None. Convenience, at the very best. No functional difference that could support your position.

^^Good example of you being dense.

You've made arguments that the two are different, and failed.

No, they didn't fail, you just didn't like them. You thought my arguments were about why I didn't like the idea of private subs, but the whole time I was just explaining how private messaging and private subs were functionally different. This is what I mean by you failing to understand my arguments, ffs, you couldn't even understand what was being argued.

You've even made arguments about aesthetics without even realizing it.

No, I didn't, you simply misinterpreted my arguments as being about aesthetics. Just as you misinterpreted my arguments as being about "more eyeballs on private messages equals bad".

Maybe you should consider lurking.

Bitch, I've been here just as long as you. Maybe you should consider not overestimating your own intelligence.

And you got absolutely destroyed here on your position on private subs. You got destroyed in the OP you were commenting under, words written long before your comment. How embarrassing.

You never destroyed me. You may want to think you did, but sorry, you didn't. And of course you didn't, as I said before, you can't destroy an argument you fail to understand. And I know you don't understand my argument, because when you try to repeat it back to me, you get it completely wrong. I'm not embarrassed, not at all, instead, I now think you're just a low IQ faggot. I didn't think this before this ridiculous argument... I also just lost a boat load of respect for you after you pinged for backup, SBBH style, because you're so stupid that you think I argue like a kike.

And with that, I bid you good night. I have much better things to do on a Friday evening that converse with a dumb dipshit like yourself.

Crensch ago

No, I didn't, you simply misinterpreted my arguments as being about aesthetics. Just as you misinterpreted my arguments as being about "more eyeballs on private messages equals bad".

Your argument was literally so stupid that it was the only remotely plausible argument. Let me quote your words for you:

One is private messages between individual users, and the other is a private forum.

BOTH ARE PRIVATE MESSAGES BETWEEN INDIVIDUAL USERS, but the ONLY half-reasonable assumption to be made here is about numbers. But you say your ACTUAL problem is with the FORMAT, apparently, because you specifically state "private forum".

And since you have NOT YET made a statement that delineates the two in any meaningful way beyond the format, then that is all one can be expected to glean from your words.

Bitch, I've been here just as long as you. Maybe you should consider not overestimating your own intelligence.

If you've been paying attention, you'd know I'm more likely to do the opposite. Then again, I suppose even if you were paying attention, at your IQ, you would never notice.

You never destroyed me.

You're the only one who would ever think that.

You may want to think you did, but sorry, you didn't. And of course you didn't, as I said before, you can't destroy an argument you fail to understand.

It's so sad that you can't even understand that I understood more of your position than even you did. How does it feel to be an NPC?

And I know you don't understand my argument, because when you try to repeat it back to me, you get it completely wrong. I'm not embarrassed, not at all, instead, I now think you're just a low IQ faggot. I didn't think this before this ridiculous argument... I also just lost a boat load of respect for you after you pinged for backup, SBBH style, because you're so stupid that you think I argue like a kike.

Why would I give a shit about respect from someone that argues like a Jew?

I ping who I want, when I want, and SBBH are full of good goats that defend Voat and actually make far better arguments than you ever could when they leave their shitposting subverses.

And with that, I bid you good night. I have much better things to do on a Friday evening that converse with a dumb dipshit like yourself.

No, you don't. You'll always be less-than, because you can't even see what I'm showing you in your own arguments, because you refuse to admit when you're wrong.

Sad fucking existence, dude. I can't imagine.

Crensch ago

Well look at you, calling in back up. Adorable.

Oh, look. You're part of that crew, aren't you?

"Oh noes! draaaak is standing his ground and defending his position! Only a kike would ever do such a thing! I needs helps!"

Ask anyone I pinged if I ping people like this for "help". I ping them so they can enjoy when I dismantle someone.

Thanks, but no thanks. I don't need your help, which, is in fact not help, but merely condescending cockery.

You're either too stupid to understand that it's more help than you deserve, or you're paid to pretend you don't understand.



And when you don't, and you don't correct yourself when shown otherwise, you make an ass of yourself.

Also, context is just one facet in myriad failures you cannot seem to escape from.

The context was not private direct messaging, it was private subs. THAT'S WHAT PUTT'S WHOLE FUCKING POST WAS ABOUT. I tried to make this clear for you right away in response to your first comment, you even quoted it just now:

Correct yourself then. Your words were a blanket statement.

But despite you just now quoting my statement, you've still somehow managed to continue acting like a faggot, and are insisting that DMs are the same as private subs. Which of course, they aren't.

And you've not shown the last sentence to be true. You just claim it as self-evident.

What is self-evident is that, despite them both being private forms of communication, they are still different types of private communication. This was my whole point, which flew right over your head.

Effectively no different, the only difference being what? (Hint: aesthetics/convenience)

No they don't. I was highlighting the part of the comment that I agreed with.

Look at the little Jew pretending agreeing - EXACTLY - with those words doesn't mean he owns them. Top kek.

It still wasn't my comment. Regardless, I still supported my position more than sufficiently. Maybe not sufficiently enough for you, but maybe you're not as smart as you think you are.

You didn't support anything. You tried to delineate between the two forms of communication and failed miserably. Both descriptions could work for both forms of communication.

What, exactly, do you believe you did right here?

Private messages between two individuals, messages that remain in these user's inboxes for eternity, are not equivalent to the sort of private forum that was being discussed.

-Private messages between (more than) two individuals, messages that remain in the subverse for eternity, are equivalent.-


"Inbox is SO different than the subverse! Look at me everyone! The UI for the text is different! Didn't I do good! I showed that mean Crensch that he was wrong!"

Are you Jewish, draaak? Because your IQ, and what you see as "winning" are both nigger-tier; your dishonesty is Jew tier.

You sort of act like you get it, but I can tell you're just being cheeky, leading me to suspect that you really don't understand the difference.

Oh, I get the completely irrelevant difference of format. It's a nigger-tier position to hold. Make a statement about the functionality of the inbox that I couldn't make about a private subverse. You can't. Because the function is to convey private text from one party to another. Guess what? Everything the inbox can do, a forum can do, and vice-versa. The ONLY difference is the FORMAT/LOOK/AESTHETICS, and the EASE with which things can be done on the subverse.

You sort of act like you get it...

No, you don't. You're entirely too stupid to get it. The two formats of communication are EFFECTIVELY, FUNCTIONALLY, and FOR ALL INTENTS AND PURPOSES, the same. The only difference is their efficiency with multiple recipients of this information... and what was the other one? OH YEAH, AESTHETICS.


And somehow you misinterpret this as meaning merely "form", and therefore merely "aesthetics". There's something wrong with you.

How fucking stupid are you? I have destroyed FUNCTIONALLY multiple times already, you fucking chromosome heavyweight champion.

I did, but you didn't get it. That's not my problem. ...you can lead a horse to water, but you can't make it drink...

You can repeat a cliche, but you can't think of a way to delineate the two forms of private messaging outside of the ways I've outline for you.

No no no, it's your comprehension of my argument that is nigger-tier, which is why you can't figure it out, and continue to misrepresent it.

I haven't misrepresented shit. You haven't even realized the implications of your own words, and that is a personal problem I've nothing to do with.

Projection. You only think it's stupid because you failed to understand it.

I understood more about your own argument than you did. You're slowly realizing it, but you refuse to admit it; don't worry, it'll sink in someday.

No, you didn't. But even if you did, I wouldn't care, because my argument was sound from the beginning, and I have no reason to take your "way out".

Literally destroyed from every angle. Your premises were all false. You couldn't even delineate the two forms of communication in a way that effectively separates them in a way that any claim you made wouldn't either apply to both, or hadn't already been demolished in OP.

Still misrepresenting my argument. lol and I'm the stupid one. Much projection.

Yeah, it's silly how fantastically unequipped you are to be having this conversation.

Nope, because the differences I described were not aesthetic differences, they were functional differences. Regardless, I went it to plenty of detail on why I think private subs are worse than private messages in another comment. But I guess you're just ignoring that now. Cool.

I'm ignoring that?


The implementation doesn't have to be retarded, moron. Every "point" you made was embarrassingly low-quality. I look back at your words and I feel fremdschamen for you. How do you live with yourself?

Do you want me to go back and respond to every one of your fantastically stupid points? I can do that. I had already answered every pitiful argument you put up previously, but I suppose I can do it again if you haven't had enough.

^^Good example of you being dense.

Good example of you not understanding that words have meaning.

No, they didn't fail, you just didn't like them.

I could apply them to both formats of communication you retarded mongrel. Which means they are null as arguments the two are different. Which means you failed.

You thought my arguments were about why I didn't like the idea of private subs, but the whole time I was just explaining how private messaging and private subs were functionally different. This is what I mean by you failing to understand my arguments, ffs, you couldn't even understand what was being argued.

I understood that you couldn't accomplish even that. I also understood that you were, in fact, about how you didn't like the idea of private subs, since the first fucking text you quoted was about exactly that.

Holy fucking balls your nose is growing, Rabbi Pinocchio.

Vindicator ago

You should start a sub and teach remedial logic. You could give awards to goats who post examples of flawed thinking and explain where it went wrong: the Golden Crensch (I started to say "gold stars" and then realized that totally wouldn't work). ;-)

Crensch ago

I like the idea, and appreciate the compliment.

I never learned any of this classically, so I wouldn't really know where to begin. I just see something is wrong and sink my teeth in.

Vindicator ago

I never learned any of this classically

All the better reason to do it. Raw talent is always improved by disciplined practice.

Vindicator ago

and sink my teeth in


Crensch ago

Remember when I explained that they weren't the same, but you completely disregarded my explanation because you didn't like it?

Remember when your explanation was completely demolished? Don't worry, everyone else can see what's going on here if they choose to read it; maybe one of them can explain how you're wrong.

draaaak ago

Remember when your explanation was completely demolished?

Nope, because you never actually "demolished" it. Instead, you repeatedly misrepresented my arguments as being "more eyeballs on private messages equals bad". You can't demolish an argument you don't understand.

Don't worry, everyone else can see what's going on here if they choose to read it; maybe one of them can explain how you're wrong.

Yet, no one has, including you. Maybe, it's because I'm not wrong.

Crensch ago

If you are agreeing with a comment, then that is specifically what you were talking about. They are all effectively private messages between individual users.

The only functional difference is being able to message multiple users with the same message and being able to access previous messages easier. It does absolutely nothing but ease that sort of discussion.

So explain to me how private direct messages are somehow okay, but private group messages are not.

draaaak ago

Posts made to private forums are not private group messages. Direct private messages between individual users produce notifications for those users, and show up in their inboxes. Forum posts do not. Direct private messages between individual users are only ever viewable by those individual users. Direct private messages remain private forever, or until one of the individual users screencaps them and posts them publicly. Posts to a private Forum, only remain private so long as the forum remains private. Additionally posts to private forums can be viewed by everybody in the forum, including people who join the forum after the post is made. These are not insignificant differences.

Crensch ago

Posts made to private forums are not private group messages.

How are they different? The format?

Direct private messages between individual users produce notifications for those users, and show up in their inboxes. Forum posts do not.

No private forums because no notifications?

Direct private messages between individual users are only ever viewable by those individual users.

Screenshots are a thing, and how is this difference then with a form? More than two people in a private message and that's no good?

Posts to a private Forum, only remain private so long as the forum remains private.

Easily addressed in multiple ways. Screenshots exist. So do video captures. Hell, this was addressed in the op.

Additionally posts to private forums can be viewed by everybody in the forum, including people who join the forum after the post is made.

Putt already threw out an easy fix to this, and you're still arguing that more eyeballs on private messages equals bad. Why is that bad? How is that any different than sending multiple private messages?

hese are not insignificant differences.

You've not shown this at all. Your argument is, more people equals bad.

draaaak ago

you're still arguing that more eyeballs on private messages equals bad.

Your argument is, more people equals bad.

This was never once my argument. What's wrong with you? Why are you so dense today? I'm pretty sure the only thing I'm arguing with you about is the differences between private messages and private forums, which you seem to be woefully incapable of grasping.

Crensch ago

That is what you're saying. You're making two very separate points here and I'm giving you the benefit of the doubt that you are arguing the one that is less stupid. You are saying the format of the communication is unacceptable? Just by virtue of the Aesthetics of the communication, it is unacceptable to you.

And you said multiple times you specifically talked about private messages being between individuals and only seen by those individuals.

Wahaha ago

Voat has private messages?

PuttsMum ago

Yep, click a username and you'll go to their profile where you'll see, among other things, an option to private message them.

go1dfish ago

Somewhat related: You shouldn’t call a service private if the operator is able to access the content at will.

“Gated” might be a more accurate term.

PuttItOut ago

This is a very good point. Every feature we dev has a negative side to it, and what you mention is one.

Maybe some way to counter/offset this perhaps?

Marou ago

I don't see how this feature can be implemented without having monitoring staff in place to prevent CP trading / terrorist planning / etc. I thought about it for a good while. So, if you create the feature - you guys use it for voat management, sure - but I don't think it can work exposed to regular users. In order to prevent it resulting a bullet that kills the site you'd have to water it down so much it no longer resembles the idea of "private subverse".

Justsomebullshitname ago

The very word secrecy is repugnant.

Crensch ago

All I'm seeing here is complaints that private messages are made easier between multiple people.

Private messages already exist. Is there a complaint about the difference between a private message and a private forum? I posit it is effectively the same thing.

If they have a problem with people getting together and brigading, that already happens from IRC, Poal, and Phucks.

I'm not exactly Pro private sub verse, but the absurdity of arguing against it when you also are not against private messages is pretty glaring.

If we are worried about vote manipulation, it's not like the jidf isn't here. If we are worried about Echo Chambers, it's not like those places don't exist. And since we already have private messages, people can get together and go to those Echo Chambers without anyone else knowing.

Honey_Pot ago

Maybe some way to counter/offset this perhaps?

Kill all the Pedos?

zyklon_b ago

indeed komrade indeed

White_pride_cis ago

Yep. When this shit happens, the pedos come out.

albatrosv15 ago

Kikes, dude, kikes.

Derpfroot ago

Yeah, that's what he said.

HillBoulder ago

Dox and hunt. Could be a nice little honey pot, relevant u/.

truthwoke33 ago

And as expected, you give non answers to softball questions.

Why are you using resources on a feature that nobody requested? How does this benefit users?

daskapitalist ago

There's nothing wrong with transparency.

Schlomo-KikesDid9-11 ago

Because the Angel Investor is a KIKE

fuckmyreddit ago

It looks like our angel wants to make Voat into his own private heaven. I dont like Secret Societies or Honeypots. My advice to our angel is to keep the formula that works. Unless you're trying to clean this house up and flip it immediately, you're on the wrong path, Angel.

PuttItOut ago

I think everyone agrees that a "clean up" isn't in the works, nor would it work in the first place.

We have no intention of compromising on Free Speech, for better or worse.

fuckmyreddit ago

I am glad to hear that. I'm working with limited knowledge about the true situation on our angel, but I think free speech is the foremost issue for a lot of us.

jollux ago

Who is "we"?

awwisnotafarmpromise ago

You'd have to first have Free Speech in order to compromise it.

Voat doesn't have that, never did, never will apparently.

Buy hey, you duped a lot of morons into thinking there is, good skill with that.

Onefootwonder ago

What restrictions do we have on our speech? Other than "don't break the fucking law" considering that would get us shut down. Unless that's what you want.... Rabbi?

awwisnotafarmpromise ago

Voat is rigged to be an echo chamber. Always was, and it has only gotten worse. A handful of alts, like crenchdude, is all it takes to censor another user via the rigged voating system.

Onefootwonder ago

Would you rather there were no voting system in place for posts and comments? Or is there a different solution?

awwisnotafarmpromise ago

The voating system is garbage. It adds nothing but censorship.

Onefootwonder ago

Just a suggestion, but have you tried staying on the anonymous Voat subs? Some don't have usernames or active voting systems for comments. Might suit your needs a little better.

awwisnotafarmpromise ago

reddit censorship faggot confirmed.


Onefootwonder ago

Coming from the guy who is obviously butthurt about his comments being downvoted and minimized. Yep, I'm definitely the faggot here.......

Stop associating your personal value with a comment scoring system. Real men don't evaluate themselves based around likes and dislikes on social media. Ignore your comment score history. It means nothing.

awwisnotafarmpromise ago

I don't give a fuck if you like what I say or not.

But stop lying about voat being 'free speech', it is not and that make you a lying piece of shit.

Onefootwonder ago

You care so much that you think that downvotes equal censorship. Maybe you just don't know the meaning of the word. Either way, I'm leaning more towards you being a kike shill though.

awwisnotafarmpromise ago

They do you retarded fuckwit. As I explained above.

Unfortunately your mother fucked too many niggers when you were in the womb, and your brain is too damaged to understand the simplest things now.

Onefootwonder ago

I kind of feel bad for how hard you have to try to talk shit. I also feel bad for you for thinking someone not liking your words is equal to censorship. I mean this sincerely: take an online Asperger's test. It's not a guaranteed diagnosis, but it might help you figure yourself out a bit. Good luck, sport.

RoBatten ago

The fact that you can say that here . . .

ratsmack ago

The whole point of this is to gather information... it's just a discussion at this point, so there s no need to treat it as being set in stone.

truthwoke33 ago

Ok but

For internal reasons Voat needs to implement a private subverse feature in which only approved people have access to the subverse content

I don't understand how this benefits voat. He specifically said 'for internal reasons' meaning this feature was not a user request.

ratsmack ago

I believe that because he want's this for internal reasons, he decided to ask the community if this would be useful for anyone... it's just a discussion.

truthwoke33 ago

That would clarify greatly. I don't however apologize for being abrasive, I won't trust voat and I will inform other users to be as suspicious as possible until we know who's funding the show. It could genuinely be a state funded honey pot, but either way we're getting no answers.

The fact that this one of the first features announced since voats purchased, just weirds me out more.

PuttItOut ago

You have a right to be suspicious. I would be too if I were you as you don't know me.

What you have to understand is I have a reason for everything I do even if it doesn't satisfy your concerns. This world is a crazy place and we have to be careful.

Justsomebullshitname ago

That line sold me on never trusting you. I’m out ✌️

jollux ago

We need more information. You're asking us to blindly trust you here. We do not. At least give a vague outline of the reason why you need private subverses. If you cannot, we will assume that you are using it to harm us.

Onefootwonder ago

It's so Voat employees can have private communication channels, like all tech companies have. The post is about whether or not we want them for ourselves as well. I'm leaning towards no. I can't see any benefit really.

Rawrination ago

Every time this happens on a forum, the SJW crowd uses them to start taking over. Every Time.

Onefootwonder ago

I'm not familiar with it enough, but I believe you They are experts at hijacking others people's work after it's complete and taking control/credit of it.

Rawrination ago

I was around when the_donald on reddit got hijacked and taken over. That's how I ended up on voat.

doginventer ago

This makes sense to me as an option you want to be holding moving forward.

While I naturally approve the dogfood scenario I do think that the culture of voat would probably be adversely affected by rolling out the feature much beyond that.

PuttItOut ago

Why are you using resources on a feature that nobody requested? How does this benefit users?

And you speak for everyone? You are one person and I take what you say as such. Back off with the absolutes and I'll take you seriously.

I said "internal" reasons earlier.

daskapitalist ago

I dont know why people are freaking out over the proposal of dogfooding by using Voat for internal collaboration instead of email.

Plenty have provided feedback that there would be unintended/undesirable consequences, but that's no conspiracy. Just valuable feedback.

CameraCode ago

He speaks for me.

PuttItOut ago

Found the alt! jk

SaveTheChildren ago

Youre a dumb tranny everyone hates your dumb idea but youll do it anyways because trannies are horrible people

lukynumbrkevin ago

What are the "internal" reasons for creating this feature?

daskapitalist ago

Dogfooding is an extremely common business practice in tech companies.

SaveTheChildren ago

Internal means... putt is gonna do it anyways so shut up you dumb plebs. Right @puttitout ?

PuttItOut ago

No, not really. I post these kinds of topics primarily to see what the negatives are as I often don't see the entire picture without feedback.

It's a tranny thing ;)

jollux ago

Nice deflection. You still haven't answered the question.

137 ago

Winkey face! So cute. Bet your t rex arms are even cuter

BaldMiscreant ago

Wait, what?

PuttItOut ago

Just tranny things ;)

STC thinks I'm a tranny

lord_nougat ago

He likes to think that everyone is a tranny. It's his fetish.

PuttItOut ago

It's the machine gun tactic, eventually you'll hit the target.

Gottmituns ago

Yeahn but he thinks actual trannys aren't trannys.

BaldMiscreant ago


NNdmt ago

that is the real question here. What possible reasons do you have for needing a private subverse for internal use? If its for testing, that shouldn't be done on the production server in the first place

The_Raven ago

And where no one can hear you ping. This worries me because we already know certain mods are brigadier gangs. Private subs would only make them stronger and more malicious.

Der_Untergang ago

I mean you could answer the question.

BaldMiscreant ago

Sounds like he wants a dev sub that you can't gawk at.

jollux ago

If it were just that, wouldn't he say it? We would all be just fine with that.

daskapitalist ago

Because the feature can be developed multiple ways and have other applications than just internal collaboration.

truthwoke33 ago

Ok, I respectfully ask what, in your opinion, the benefit of private subs is to the user base of voat. I'm on the website very frequently, including site subs so honestly, yes I'm pretty confident in saying that a very small minority may be requesting such a feature. Thanks for your reply.

Though, to be honest, I don't trust anyone who has mystery investors. I just can't, it doesn't make sense from a business perspective.

CameraCode ago

Here's my feed back: If you need private subs to better organize voat, then great, do it. But keep it a private feature and don't release it to the general users

Exactly, if this feature is never going to reach us, why ask our opinion on it? private subs will do nothing but lower the quality of Voat and upset the userbase if given to users.

cthulian_axioms ago

I don't want to put words in Putt's mouth, but from where I'm sitting it looks like he's holding himself to the same standard he would hold other website admins. Transparency, even over seemingly trivial things, is something we should expect of any leader, even one as fearless as Putt.

BaldMiscreant ago

It could have uses with families, game developers, prepper groups, militias, etc that don't want their conversations to be public. We can't rely on anything outside of in person contact for that without five governments knowing what your favorite color is.

downton-stabby ago

Internet is anything but private, and never will be. Any attempt to do so is just an illusion.

PuttItOut ago

Added some context to the post to address where the idea stems from.

I can't believe I'm going to say this but I agree with everything you said. To build on your thoughts... The Vote feature that will soon be released will be restricted heavily, and I can see the same course of action if we develop out Private subs.

truthwoke33 ago

I will say I'm glad to hear you've been working on improving the vote system and I'm interested in seeing what you release.

Native ago

Stop attacking puts, he is looking to improve features. No everything is a great idea and hence why he is asking. Tone down your rhetoric it's not needed now

SaveTheChildren ago

REEEEEEEEE 'mods are gods ' go back to plebbit

Native ago

I've been here longer than you have

137 ago

Put it on your resumé

weezkitty ago

It isn't an improvement if it's most likely use case is abusive. It is abused on Reddit. We don't need that shit here. Full stop

Native ago

I didn't say it was an improvement. I have no opinion, what I did say is that there's no need for over the top autistic rhetoric.

Tzitzimitl ago

over the top autistic rhetoric is the only effective method of doing intangible shit

Native ago

lol other than not working being 100% effective

WhitePaladin ago

then stfu

Native ago

Oy vey

sakuramboo ago

Unless all users can interact with a subverse, there should not be any affect to SCP/CCP in said subverse.

PuttItOut ago

We already have many settings that stop the accumulation of CCP/SCP in various subverses, this would extend to this feature if developed.

No points in restricted subverses, so no farming would be possible (in theory, not considering abuse and work arounds we haven't shut down as people are very creative).

Demonsweat2 ago

Creating farms for personal gain.

Thatsthewayitwas ago

Simple, private subs don't geneate upvotes on a global level. Private subs can be viewed by everyone but can only be interacted with by group members. Usernames are blocked out for non members. They can still be found using serch or random function.

deathhand ago

Everyone would end up raw from the circle jerking

tendiesonfloor ago

Don't worry, your CP subs will be fine.

Diggernicks ago

I've never answered a PM here. Never will. If you've got something to say to me do it publicly. I'll do likewise.

totes_magotes ago

He's a coward. You call him out on his shit, he downvoats you. Leaves a comment maybe if you're not the type of person to keep engaging and insulting and downvoating his pathetic ass.

SpottyMatt ago

In my mind, this is the biggest concern over private subverses as you cannot really maintain meaningful transparency of any sort while still allowing meaningful privacy.

Does voat's general population of users have real use cases for private subverses? If not, consider not making this feature available to the general population and keeping it internal.

Crensch ago

What about direct messages?

SpottyMatt ago

Direct messages are 1:1 communication and literally an order of magnitude more difficult to abuse.

You might have bad actors doing nefarious things with each other over direct messages but it's much more difficult for locii of bad actors to grow when there is no mechanism to broadcast a message only to the in-group.

I can't invite you into my direct message conversation with another Voat user, I have to have a separate conversation with you and perhaps relay messages by hand.

Crensch ago

All right.

Anyone can make a free discord and link to these things. IRC, Poal, Phucks, etc. Basically the same thing - why not have the convenient feature for others here, so those of us shoahed to this website from leftist strongholds have an easier time of congregating?

SpottyMatt ago

In my mind there is significant risk associated with hosting not-publicly-visible Internet communities on a platform.

Since there are plenty of other popular and successful platforms that offer this, I don't see a strong need justifying Voat undertaking the risk.

Crensch ago

If the dev has a good reason for it for admin purposes, and the functionality can be there, why not?

Even private communities elsewhere can be censored, and having them here doesn't increase any risk over having them elsewhere.

Seems a bit like a "no guns allowed" sign, to me.

SpottyMatt ago

If the dev has a good reason for it for admin purposes, and the functionality can be there, why not?

For the reasons I and others have already expressed,

having them here doesn't increase any risk over having them elsewhere.

that you don't agree exist.

Seems a bit like a "no guns allowed" sign, to me.

As much as "no doxxing" and "no child porn" are, and yet, those signs are still posted.

Crensch ago

The batteries ins? What don't I agree exists? And how do you equate those two things with my analogy or what's actually going on here?

A no guns allowed sign prevents a legal and law-abiding citizen from exercising their rights on that property or in that City. A moratorium on private sub versus does the same thing. The reason for these is because they could be misused. How the actual fuck could doxxing or child porn ever be legal or a right or something convenient for law-abiding people?

MisplacedMan ago

It only seems convenient to those who want to game and abuse the system.

Crensch ago

Ok. Couldn't possibly be convenient for others?

MisplacedMan ago

If you have any ideas on why such a thing would need to remain private, I'm all ears.

Off-site private groups can already be created on other apps, so... If one wants to use a private subverse on Voat to communicate with other people, rather than journaling or whatever, you might as well do it on Discord or Facebook, regardless of intention.

Crensch ago

If you have any ideas on why such a thing would need to remain private, I'm all ears.

"If you have nothing to hide, you have nothing to fear from our intrusion into your privacy."

Are you suggesting here that you've found no use for the direct messaging functionality on Voat?

Off-site private groups can already be created on other apps, so... If one wants to use a private subverse on Voat to communicate with other people, rather than journaling or whatever, you might as well do it on Discord or Facebook, regardless of intention.

"Yes goyim, join more honeypot sites because you can totally talk about everything you want to talk about there and not get censored!"

Come on, dude. Even "private" messages get censored on those sites.

MisplacedMan ago

You've already tried that angle, multiple times, in this thread. It doesn't work.


Crensch ago

Linking to your own thread as evidence that I've "tried that angle, multiple times"?

Did you learn to argue on Reddit, or something?

CameraCode ago

I think there is a use for private directly messages. The two can be implemented or used separately from eachother.

Crensch ago

Private direct messages already exist.

AbyormenitePiranha ago

This feature will make voat into reddit only if the administrators force selected subverses to be private. It is logically impossible that providing more freedom for subverse mods will cause less freedom.

SpottyMatt ago

This fear is not that this will cause less freedom.

The fear is this this will provide an easy and accessible mechanism for abusive behavior to grow undetected on Voat.

fuckmyreddit ago


Can't you make a sub Voat. I cant remember the technical name, but there's something, maybe its called a subdomain? Maybe we could have two layers. Put NSFW in the subdomain? Would that work for our angel?

I dont like changing this vibrant and interesting website at all. It is truly unique. It is special, a word I use with no irony in this case.

If you could tell us openly who our angel is and/or what he is trying to achieve it would help us come up with the best solution.

  • Do they want to hide the Haters (Jew Haters, Muslim Haters, Negro Haters) so they can monetize the site?

  • Do they want original goats and haters gone?

  • Do they want us to stop talking about something?

  • What was the convo that triggered this "solution"?

  • Do we actually have a say or is it a fait accomplise (like the angel) and you're a slave to The Man?

Remember, we dont know if our angel is best buds with James Alefantis or Donald Trump. We have to rely on your judgment in this. I hope you will keep the integrity of the site. I want you to keep your paycheck, but dont sell us out for pennies. Voat is a precious gem. Do what you can to keep it the bastion of freedom it currently is, if only for the Britbongs who need a place to speak. Everything on the web is recorded. Even people with VPN protection can be traced, so there is NO SUCH THING as a private conversation.

If the angel is trying to spiff the place up for biz purposes, make a subdomain called Voat Under The Rug for inconvenient truths and other realities that are usually swept under the rug, things Google Ads won't like. But, make it obvious that there's a subdomain and make it easy to find.

TheBuddha ago

But... I fear change!

fuckmyreddit ago

No, it sounds like our angel wants to monetize Voat or the government is putting pressure on the site. Give the angel his money back. Cant we donate enough to keep this going?

knightwarrior41 ago

so chairwoman kung pao as the angel of voat? holee fook

neogag ago

Meme phrases like "fear of change" completely bypass what the change actually consists of. "Change" must be the most abused word ever in this kind of context.

TheBuddha ago

Lurk more, newfag.

neogag ago

You sound just like the famous hacker 4chan. I'm sure nobody can tell you're wearing dad jeans.

TheBuddha ago


I'm already dressed in my stage clothing.

neogag ago

Break a leg (literally) (but not really) (good luck).

TheBuddha ago

LOL I already have a smashed femur.

neogag ago

I had no idea. How'd that happen? In any case, I hope you have a speedy recovery.

TheBuddha ago

LOL I am not sure how you could have missed it. I poster tons of pics, including me in the hospital. (I'm not the least bit worried about being doxxed.)

In October, the 20th to be exact, I was involved in a spectacular car wreck. Note, I do not call it an accident. It was the only possible outcome.

I was a passenger, egging the drunk driver on. The police report says we left the travel lane at speeds exceeding 120 mph. We went through a telephone pole, some trees, some more trees, and then we smashed into a big tree and a giant rock. The car was torn to shreds and in three distinct pieces. As in, completely torn off.

We left a debris field that looked like a plane crash.

It looks like a car that's gone through a crusher, to be quite frank.

It was a nice car. It was a Mustang GT350. It had racing harnesses and a built in roll cage.

That's why I'm alive.

I broke a bunch of bones, but the most serious was my femur. It broke right at the head, where it turns into the ball. I broke some ribs, a heel, and was bruised over 80% of my body.

Truth be told, it was a pretty damned good day, until we left the ground. It was still not bad, until we went through the telephone pole.

Would you like to see?

It'll be a 12 to 18 month recovery.

neogag ago

I am not sure how you could have missed it

I only ever browse the front page and our paths almost never cross. I don't know very much about you other than I probably disagree with you on most things.


That's crazy. Drunk driving is retarded, as is being egging on a drunk driver from the passenger's seat.

Would you like to see?

Why not.

It'll be a 12 to 18 month recovery.

Despite the immense stupidity that led to this accident, I wish you a speedy recovery and at the risk of sounding significantly older than you, I hope you learned a lesson.

TheBuddha ago

I'm the first to admit I make bad decisions. It's what I do.


neogag ago


TheBuddha ago

Oh yeah. It's painful. They give me a ton of drugs.

The bill is well over a million dollars now. I don't give a shit. The car was well insured, as it used to be a nice car. I'm also not worried if it exceeds the insurance. I've got a few bucks.

I get the best care available. We even flew in a surgeon. My many guests and I ate things like lobster at the hospital. I had a private ward until like the last two days.

It sucks, but I do my PT. I'm healing rapidly. They'll be teaching me new gait mechanics.

It's a small price to pay for the many bad decisions I've made. I don't really let it bother me. I sure as hell won't let it defeat me.

For a while, it was touch and go as to if I'd walk again. Last night, I stood on stage for 2.5 hours and entertained over 1,000 people. I'm not going to let a smashed femur stop me.

neogag ago


I see.


Good. Best of luck!

clamhurt_legbeard ago

Pfff... Let him heal the first broken leg first.

talmoridor-x ago


PuttItOut ago

You make a point that's hard to argue against.

truthwoke33 ago

And with this, you've immediately demonstrated, again, that you plan on replying to softball questions only.

Putt, honestly man, from me to you, why? What do you get out of this?

PuttItOut ago

I was typing a response to you. Patience. I only have one keyboard you know.

dontdoxxmefaggots ago

he deleted his post like the coward he is

truthwoke33 ago

No, I moved it to his reply to me. What I wrote above was deleted here.

dontdoxxmefaggots ago

nah, you posted literally 8 minutes after putt's sticky post saying he's only responding to softball questions

you're a colossal faggot