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Nadeshda ago

Thank you so much for doing this Clammy you are the best... I put some time aside to practice my recording tonight hopefully planning to be on time for this wonderful submission then I heard through @peaceseeker bening me that Mick aka @puttsmum is really not well...

Read here@

He asked me to sing him a song, but every time I tried to sing I cried, voice went funny i had to tweak it and heck I probably projected my own stuff on top of it too. I think I figured out some stuff with my recording gear though which was super useful!

I posted the song here:

I very much look forward to digging more into your post tomorrow as I am cream crackered (tired) but I am super dooper happy you are here.

Have a wonderful nights rest... :)

clamhurt_legbeard ago

wow heavy stuff

almost as heavy as a big 308 battle rifle

i remember hearing a while back he had stuff going on but i guess hes feeling less good than usual now

Nadeshda ago

Another battle riffle to look into, cool! :)