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gabara ago


heygeorge ago

It’s not @crensch’s fault he’s a ban happy faggot. Zyklon did this to him. And everyone else that didn’t spew jam over srayzie milkers or virtue signal enough about someone else’s behavior.

SearchVoatBot ago

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SearchVoatBot ago

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SearchVoatBot ago

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Crensch ago

I told a woman that had her nudes leaked "hey, nice tits" instead of being a stoic dick about it, or wailing with her like a beta.

When the "immune system" of Voat chose to side with a username that walks, talks, and acts exactly like a Jew, that threatened her children with rape multiple times daily for over a month, I turned on them and started wrecking the narrative that they were the good guys.

Then, when handed the reins to her subverse because her real life identity was doxed, I banned every username that had anything to do with the doxing and threatening, and any username that pushed a similar narrative.

They lost their minds, their control, and their reputations in order to defend a (((chosen one))). To this day they tell me how certain they are that the one threatening to rape and murder a child constantly for over a month isn't really a pedophile.

I have the audacity to declare that non-pedophiles don't threaten shit like that... and they don't support people that do.

Tl;dr: went against a (((chosen one))) and ruined the system that enabled him to threaten rape and murder irl with impunity.



twistedmac11 ago

Sorry, I tried so hard to bite my tongue, but I just have to correct you on one thing: you didnt just tell srayzie "hey nice tits", you messaged @kevdude like a complete cuck and told him you were "unsteady" after seeing her tits. Lmao

Crensch ago

Oh hi, PG shill!

Ask yourself real quick why you think someone would do that just out of the blue. I bet you won't get the right answer, but that's okay.

I have to wonder why somebody would go out of their way to defend somebody destroying a forum that is there to investigate pedophiles.

twistedmac11 ago

1) still not a shill

2) why someone would do what exactly?

3) who am I supposedly defending now?

Crensch ago

@vindicator he forgot who he is. Or he's one of those accounts that multiple people log into.

twistedmac11 ago

I'm still confused. How does that address any of my questions? I haven't forgotten who I am, although you can't seem to remember what I've told you a hundred times now: I'M NOT AN ALT. Your reading comprehension skills need some serious work. Write it down if you can't remember because I'm not saying it again. You try to act like you're smarter than everyone, but you just sound stupid.

Crensch ago

I've told you a hundred times now: I'M NOT AN ALT.

The lady doth protest too much.

twistedmac11 ago

So me disputing your accusations is me protesting too much? Lmao. You'll twist anything in order to fit it into your narrative, won't you?

Crensch ago

Ladies and Gentlemen of the jury, I present to you @twistedmac11's constant defense of ESOTERICshade: Here's a good one where he does EXACTLY what ESOTERIC does constantly. Nearly word-for-word. "mods suck except THIS one that I want to like me right now." Showing up helping ESOTERIC's known alt.

twistedmac11 ago

@think- was a good mod. I'm not allowed to like one mod over another?

And at the time, I didn't know rarepeeks was ES. Funny how you get amnesia when it comes to me telling ES to fuck off after his alt was exposed. But again, you'll do anything you can to push a narrative.

Crensch ago

Funny how you get amnesia when it comes to me telling ES to fuck off after his alt was exposed.

Exactly what an alt would do when his main was caught having alts.

Funny how you think that somehow proves you're legit.

twistedmac11 ago

eye roll

Keep on pushing your narrative. You'll still be wrong, and I'll still be here.

Edit: formatting

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

This is for you

#NeverForget that mine was the first cock that fat slut wanted to suck, explicitly because I told her to shut her fat slut mouth and that women are an OBSTACLE to progress, as Qtardism confirms.

"teehee no i don't want dick pics....hey why haven't u responded??"


She sent me ur pics too

Cringsche at work

Cringsche in spare time

While i appreciate the practice posting this for @don-keyhote gave me, none of this is amusing to me.

Vindicator ago

Cringsche at work

Interesting. So SWMBO, are you saying that you support forum sliding in v/pizzagate with posts on indirectly related stuff, like any and all child rape?

I have to say, you supporting this surprises me.

auralsects ago

The entire basis of PG AND JewAnon is old/ intergenerational Satanic cults, a person of interests background is BY DEFINITION relevant, ESPECIALLY religious background.

You know who loves to obscure ethnic and religious motivations for behaviors? Fucking kikes.

You smug gaslighting piece of subhuman shit, brah if I fucking ever was gay enough to step foot in Canada...



Vindicator ago

LMAO. You hide behind a skirt to make your whiney posts for you.

Your narrative here certainly is gay. We've always examined people's background on PG, religious or otherwise.

DonKeydich ago

You hide behind a skirt to make your whiney posts for you.

Says the greasy kike who brigaded all my accounts and banned me from the sub on blatantly bogus grounds ("impersonating a user") LOL

Remember when you tried to claim cannibalism wasn't part of pizzagate?

LOL EVEN 3 YRS LATER there's no proof of cannibalism, certainly not to USE ON NORMIES.

What's redpilling them rn in MSM, faggot? JEW PEDOPHILIC BLACKMAIL

Whereas basically every single person posted in PG is a kike and I demonstrated for yrs how research hours yield exponentially higher returns if approached on that basis, which is why all you shills started to discredit me in the first place.

Then with Qtardism and Crayzies implosion the brigading I received for telling women to gtfo cuz they are naive and push drama was ALSO roundly vindicated, LOL

I'm the best, there's nobody better than me, a pimple on my ass has more manhood than you and is less transparent.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

@don-keyhote asked me to post that for him, I felt that he deserves a voice in this thread, and that i owe him that much.

I don't know if you'll remember how hard it was to get that info out in the beginning. Getting abromovic up and past the first round of mods was almost impossible, until the bad ones started being weeded out.

And don't even start with me on 'bad Mods', cuz you know there's been a few.

Vindicator ago

I felt that he deserves a voice in this thread

Poor Donkey. Is there some reason he can't speak up for himself?

I don't know if you'll remember how hard it was to get that info out in the beginning. Getting abromovic up and past the first round of mods was almost impossible, until the bad ones started being weeded out.

And don't even start with me on 'bad Mods', cuz you know there's been a few.

Yes, there have. When pizzagate first came to Voat, there was a whole group of good mods who knew all the various research leads and that Abramovic and Spirit Cooking was directly related. We investigated Abramovic in r/pizzagate, right before the sub was banned. But those mods were doxed and driven off the site, just like srayzie and abortionburger were, using almost exactly the same smear tactics. They we got a bunch of mods put in place by "ProtectVoat" who didn't know shit about pizzagate and limited research down to a very narrow scope. I spent the first year digging deleted threads out of the trash and helping users rewrite them so they complied with the rules.

Interestingly, when I look up the thread that screencap is taken from, it's pretty clear @Crensch isn't saying "don't talk about Jew involvement in pizzagate" as Donkey and you are claiming. I note you failed to include his other comment in the thread:

Don't encourage non-pizzagate stuff here, please. Kikes are nigger-tier organisms, most Voaters are keenly aware of it.

The post itself looks like it was nothing but a "Shut it down. The Goys Know" meme. It was nothing but a link.

Again...I'm really surprised you are supporting shitposting to v/pizzagate.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

just like srayzie and abortionburger were, using almost exactly the same smear tactics.

I hate to break this to you, Jews are incapable of investigating themselves, they lack empathy and self awareness. Since when do we allow the criminals to investigate themselves?

As a matter of fact, look what I found! Here's your Ass, oral sex, helping do just that

He's an ass, no question. Fucking armyseer, what a joke.

After Yiff and Pizzathrowaway were driven off, we got a bunch of mods put in place by "ProtectVoat" who didn't know shit about pizzagate and limited research down to a very narrow scope.

Yes, and if Voat had decided to boot PG, it would be the same shit show that the Q subs have turned into. PV was a necessity, at the time. You don't need them, haven't needed them since they were dumb enough to mod Witchy-Poo and Fagos.

Interestingly, when I look up the thread that screencap is taken from, it's pretty clear @Crensch isn't saying "don't talk about Jew involvement in pizzagate" as Donkey and you are claiming. I note you failed to include his other comment in the thread:

What part of delivering a message for someone with negative CCP = "Donkey and you are claiming"

I stated my intent.

I note you failed to include his other comment in the thread:

I wasn't given his other comment.

The post itself looks like it was nothing but a "Shut it down. The Goys Know" meme. It was nothing but a link.

Again...I'm really surprised you are supporting shitposting to v/pizzagate.

You need to show me where i protested that being deleted before accusing me of supporting 'shitposting PG'. Otherwise you are making false accusations.

You can type in circles all you want. But you know that is untrue.

Vindicator ago

I'm not making a false accusation. Donkey's "Cringch at work" link protested Crensch deleting a shitpost. But he didn't have the balls to post it, you did.

You posted it, not Donkey, even though he clearly was capable of doing so, since he replied to me in this thread also. Furthermore, he's fully capable of making new alts, or using one of the thirty he already has. He doesn't need you amplifying him. You are choosing to repeat his claim that @Crensch censored Jew discussion in PG.

A post, incidentally, that was just like rarepeek's out-of-context screencap drive-by smears of @argosciv.

So: you've made yourself the herald of Donkey, using the tactics of EsotericShade.

Only two logical conclusions, here. A) You support and align yourself with him and his lies or B) He has kompromat on you, too.

I wasn't given his other comment.

You sound like liberal sheep. Do you only do your master's bidding?

I hate to break this to you, Jews are incapable of investigating themselves, they lack empathy and self awareness. Since when do we allow the criminals to investigate themselves?

Apparently, you do! You are defending spreading Donkey's lies, pushing the idea that his shitpost about Abramovic was censored, and justifying it because the original founder of r/pizzagate was Jewish so we're supposed to listen to a guy who won't stop talking about his own dick....

Yet Donkey is Jewish. What the actual fuck.

Don-Keyhote ago

You posted it, not Donkey, even though he clearly was capable of doing so, since he replied to me in this thread also.

You need +5 CCP to post links you RETARDED FAGGOT, LOL!

pushing the idea that his shitpost about Abramovic was censored,

It wasn't my post but thanks for casually accusing people of being alts with zero evidence, typical gaslighting tactic everyone can see thru, yawn

And you haven't explained how it's a shitpost. One of the top voted threads was swordfish showing Luzzatto is from a Jewish family, which by your and Cringsches standard should be "completely irrelevant" too XDDDD

You'll never win against me, CUCKNADIAN. Get that through your fucking head already jfc. That's why you had to BAN me and then call ME a coward elsewhere LOL

Yet Donkey is Jewish.

Yep and black and a tranny, that's how I can spit truth about KIKES, NIGGERS, AND WOMEN, I have inside info whereas you just defend all 3 because you're A DUMB FUCKING BOOMER who should neck himself REAL quick

Vindicator ago

Heh. You sound triggered (((Donkey))).

It was a shitpost because it was nothing but an image link of a meme. There was no content to the post at all. It wasn't research. Which is why you posted a screencap instead of a link to the removed submission, which clearly showed Crensch was merely trying to prevent off-topic, low-quality forum sliding.

You need +5 CCP to post links you RETARDED FAGGOT, LOL!

Is it because you're Jewish, or negroid, that you think Voat rules shouldn't apply to you?

auralsects ago

You're such a low-IQ faggot that even your shilling is transparently formulaic:

Heh. You sound triggered (((Donkey))).

  1. Chuckle smugly at beginning to give impression that you're in control despite getting completely blown the fuck out as everyone can see

It was a shitpost because it was nothing but an image link of a meme. There was no content to the post at all. It wasn't research.

The title described scrubbing of a POIs biography, image gave proof of it. You're saying that a single sentence of reiteration in the post body somehow makes all the difference, which everyone knows is a retarded thing to say, making you look like a desperate faggot.

Which is why you posted a screencap instead of a link

-2. ascribe motive as if I'M the one w sthng to hide rather than the kikeshill who DELETED THE POST LMFAO

What a fucking CLOWN, as I've always said, YOU'RE SO BAD AT THIS XDDDD.

Crensch was merely trying to prevent off-topic, low-quality forum sliding.

That cuck loser never actively modded PG, literally jumped in to axe a thread abt Jewish ritual murder which subsequent research confirmed to be basically the entirety of PG

Is it because you're Jewish, or negroid, that you think Voat rules shouldn't apply to you?

-3. More inane strawmen to distract from having been clearly BTFOd: i didn't complain abt the rule I debunked your accusation of cowardice (which didnt even make sense to begin with)

You. Are. No. Match. For. Me. You. Kike. Faggot.

Vindicator ago

Says the guy who idolizes his own wee wee. LMAO

If your BS was convincing, you wouldn't need a woman to be your megaphone.

DanKeyhote ago

Your Talmudic word games don't work on goats so give it up kike:

  1. Theres no "hiding behind a skirt" nor "megaphone" on a forum, just sequential lines of text. Next time I need to post a link I'll just DM YOU to do it, tho I guess the same criticism of needing assistance from a woman would apply

  2. If YOU weren't a scared little pussy you wouldn't ban and brigade me to limit my posting

  3. By failing to address except with pseudo-confident kikery+snark you have conceded yet another debate, you should have just abandoned it w/o a word as usual to spare urself some embarrassment

Vindicator ago

I kicked your butt, and you know it.

Under different alts, you have submitted rule breaking posts for which you had multiple alts banned in the past, after which you continued to shit all over Voat's User Agreement. I banned you at the request of multiple contributing users who were fed up with your jihad against pizzagate with nasty attacks against women and children.

It was clearly the right thing to do, as your little list shows. You expect to excrete your vile spew without consequence, and whine about "brigading" when everyone in v/pizzagate thinks you should be expunged and vote accordingly (talk about Talmudic word games. You're a pro!). You then make sock puppet accounts to neutralize the effect of those downvotes, making a mockery of Voat's entire system of speech. Moderators who ignore this are seen as complicit in your persecution of the subverse. When we hold you accountable and ban your alts you try to use the situation to smear moderators for censorship.

You're nothing but a pathetic, typical liberal who thinks he's above the rules -- an oven dodger. Pretending to be a critic of Jews so you can creep around in a goat costume simply can't disguise your own Kikery. Your whole history testifies against you. You're a fraud.

DanKeyhote ago

Lmao "Liberal" STFU BOOMER

Nobody voted me out, I am loved and adored. Your + Cringsches hit piece threads got ratio'd into next week and it's still inexplicably stickied for new users to be hoodwinked by your calumnious confabulatory kikery

Vindicator ago

Nobody voted me out, I am loved and adored. Your + Cringsches hit piece threads got ratio'd into next week and it's still inexplicably stickied

Well, well, well. Would you look at this! And to think I was about 80% convinced by @shewhomustbeobeyed and srayzie that I was wrong about you being an ES alt. And here you are admitting it. LMFAO

@Crensch @darkknight111 check out Donkey complaining about the ES sticky not reflecting how much he is adored.

darkknight111 ago

When you truly think about, Sharia and the Talmund are not so different.

Both devalue life. Both hate individual freedom. Both advocate rape. Both advocate pedophilia. Both advocate treating large swathes of humanity as not human (basically at least half of the human race for Sharia). Both embrace hate.

It is said that Pedohamad saw “an angel of light”. What guise does Satan take?

Funny that Donkey says jews biologically lack empathy. Guess he was talking about himself (and where he gets his psychopathy from).

As I say, psychopaths (ie Donkey) are good for only one thing. Being put in the oven.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

I don't get it, Vin. I don't see any admission to being ES.

I have tried very hard to see @Don-Keyhote and @ESOTERICshade as the same person, I just can't. They are different. Donqi is young and funny. ES is a drunk and boring. I don't think others think they are the same, do they? Pretty sure most of the submitters of PG think they are different, idk. If you really think that ES is a donqi alt then I guess you should ban him like the others. Since I assume that is your goal here.

ESOTERICshade ago

He knows i'm not Donkey. He has tried this shit 100 times. If I didn't exist he would have to invent me so that he could evade details and blame someone for his faults. I'm half the people that stand up to him and refuse to back down, according to him.

ES is a drunk and boring.

I used to drink a lot but I don't anymore. I quit that shit. Its too destructive.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

Donqi is a riot, he makes me laugh. You, not so much. but you can cause hysterical giggles at times.

Don-Keyhote ago


I like how you always think A-HA, caught him slipping, he forgot what account be was on!!

This is like the 5th time too, and in fact it's the same basis Cringche put me in that thread to begin with XDDDD

Can't even make this stuff up, how fucking retarded you are

Vindicator ago

@MolochHunter see parent

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

When I agreed to post this for @Don-Keyhote, the only restriction I gave him was I had to be able to stomach it. No problem admitting that all I checked for is that I wouldn't be posting child pornography and that i thought it was FUNNY that donqi asked a girl to post that. I'm still laughing.

Wake up vin. You're in a shitposting sub.

And this is fucking hilarious

Have you looked for my DM yet? Did you find it? It's there, you know.

Vindicator ago

Wake up vin. You're in a shitposting sub. now you're LARPing as Zyklon_B. "All is satire." Got it. SWMBO endorses calumny against pizzagate survivors and mods as long as it's in shitposting subs.

Have you looked for my DM yet? Did you find it? It's there, you know.

You claim it exists, but have given no evidence of that or even a date. Why would I waste my time pouring through months worth of messages for a needle in a haystack. Prove your own smear.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

Here's all the interaction I have KNOWINGLY had with ZB. Don't. Even.Try -

And GG said he responded to me on her acct once.

You claim it exists, but have given no evidence of that or even a date.

YOU have proof what I say is true, I'm sorry your friend is worthless pathological liar, but she is. Some broken things can't be fixed, we must accept. You guys quit trying to rehabilitate the reputation of a DOXXING VICTIM, who brought her own house down on her head, and I stop sympathizing with HER VICTIMS, who you all seem to have forgot. And if you think that I'm afraid of @Don-Keyhote having something over me, you're an idiot. He doesn't betray his frenemies. @heygeorge @EricKaliberhall

Vindicator ago

So, you can't present any evidence of your alleged DM. Okiedokie. :-)

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

So, you can't present any evidence of your alleged DM.

No I can't, I most definitely deleted it. I used to delete my DMs that upset me or didn't have anything important in them for me to save, since I used DMs to my alt to keep archive notes it makes for less clutter in the outbox. I have since learned that it is unwise to do, so I keep them all now. I did keep the DMs I sent @Don-Keyhote, asking him about the picture those are from 6/20/19, the DM to him after seeing srayzies hubby is from 7/1/2019. I do not remember when my DM to you was, in relation to those 2 dates.

You are wrong if you think i'm going to worry about you accusing me of lying, when you hold ALL the proof I didn't. Because I don't believe that you would lie against me. No matter how angry I have made you. I won't believe that.

You hold the knife, vin. @heygeorge @EricKaliberhall

argosciv ago

/me just walks in door, somewhat intoxicated.

/me notices his name in a long comment mention

/me reads everything to ascertain context

/me is not sober enough for this shit.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

/you need to stop abusing alcohol, tobacco and magic mushrooms (only alpha males earn that right)

/you have no place in a conversation with adults

/you never sober enough to be taken seriously

/you too afraid to answer a girl

Until you grow some balls, put on your big boy pants and answer my questions.

Your opinion is irrelevant.

@vindicator is a stupid fuck for thinking an unrepentant satanist is good for anything more than target practice.

Cowards die many times before their deaths;

The valiant never taste of death but once.

Of all the wonders that I yet have heard,

It seems to me most strange that men should fear;

Seeing that death, a necessary end,

Will come when it will come - William Shakespeare, Julius Caesar

/you are a coward.

How does it feel to die a little inside every time you make up a lie about someone?

I've always wondered if there is actually any physical discomfort to destroying your own soul.

/you should read Dante.

argosciv ago

/you too afraid to answer a girl

Yeah wrong. This has nothing to do with fear, nor your gender, no matter how hard you try to paint it that way.

I just find you and your constant need to rely on the gender card and baseless accusations/inferences of misogyny, along with parroting of proven-to-be-subversive users, to be completely and utterly irrelevant; it's infinitely easier to just ignore you especially when your best attempt at being civil is nothing short of condescension from someone who, despite her thinking she's infallible, doesn't know me from a bar of soap and wouldn't be able to begin to understand me even having known me a decade.

Stroke your meek ego all you like, I stopped caring what you have to say the moment you showed that you'll side with subversives if it means you get to push the #ArgoscivManBad narrative (however genuine your hatred of me may or may not be).

Nothing will ever get through to you, because you think you can't possibly be wrong about me. That's your hang up and why I don't bother responding to your inane faggotry 99.99% of the time; this reply is a courtesy not because of a notification but because I was doing a check-in before sleep.

I may have been intoxicated earlier, but that doesn't mean I can't sufficiently express just how insignificant your petty behavior is to me. You'll reply to this with some other canned response, probably call in the downvotes, whatever. I know how wrong you are about me, you don't and probably never will – so do whatever ya gotta do to make yourself feel better.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

Honey, I don't think you're bad. I think you're LOST. You're projecting your own inadequacies onto others, again. Unlike you, I have no problem being proven wrong, it's happened before, it will happen in the future. I also have no problem with apologizing for being wrong.

But you will have to stop falsely accusing people who hurt your feelings before i do anything but consider you a liar. Or are you now saying that all the accusations you made in the past against all the people who you think are your friends now, are the truth. You don't get to have it both ways.

Crensch ago

@vindicator remember when I mentioned it was odd for twistedshill to be here?

Either shewhowantsdonkeycock is comment stalking me, or she was alerted like twistedshill.

Vindicator ago

This whole submission is just a set up, as usual. Typical baiting.

Crensch ago

Sure, and the comment of his specifically pinging me. Many keks.

twistedmac11 ago

I wasn't alerted, you idiot. You're just spinning your wheels now. Keep going, it's hilarious.

Crensch ago


Someone has a dog in this fight. Many keks to be had.

Crensch ago

So donkey sent her dick pics? Bet that hurts your feelings.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

Not in the least. But i bet if he had, she'd have left her fam for him.

He's that glorious, and she's that dumb.

Did @Vindicator ever tell you bout how she spoofed donqi on an alt and posted a pic of her hubby, claiming it was donqi self posting? I remember the pic. Even described it to vin before her hubby was doxxed.

She was fixated on donqi for a long, long time, she used him to garner sypathy and support, til she found ES, that is.

Vindicator ago

You told me Donkey posted a selfie and then deleted, not that someone posing as Donkey posted it.

How very interesting you are changing the story now. Ooops.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

I also sent you a DM, the VERY MINUTE I SAW HER HUSBAND, and realized that she had tried to make people believe that @don-keyhote was mulatto. Did you confront her with that? Bitch wouldn't answer any question i asked. Wonder why?

Donqi doxxed himself to me to prove he's white. I made him prove himself because she lied. And I'm sorry for that.

Vindicator ago

LOL. Your narrative is breaking down. Here you are, pushing the narrative you are now trying to pin on srayzie:

"I was wondering when the bling-wearing shit for brains mulatto moo-slum would turn his attention to me. I'm so flattered."



shewhomustbeobeyed ago

Yep, I said that. That was when I was functioning under the assumption that srarzy hubby was donqi. I have since learned, that worthless cunt plays games with EVERY SINGLE PERSON SHE COMES IN CONTACT WITH, no exceptions. none.

Donqi knows what i did, i apologized to him. Do you think srayzie apologized to him? How about her HUSBAND, do you think she apologized to him?

Has that BIG FAT FUCKING CUNT apologized to anyone for the damage she's done? Come on vin, why don't you share with us all the heartfelt apology she wrote you.

Why don't you investigate the fact that she NEVER did anything but push disinfo in PG.

Vindicator ago

The only DM I ever got about Donkey's pic was from you, and it said nothing whatsoever about srayzie or her husband. Should I try to dig that up for you to refresh your memory?

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

I think if you check your DMs from me after srayzie got doxxed, you'll find that i did in fact tell you, the minute i figured it out. I would never have withheld it from you. Why would i when i wanted you guys to quit defending her and let the women of Voat take over. She could have been fixed, if only YOU FUCKING MEN HAD STAYED OUT OF IT.

But NOOOOOOO, Witchy-Poo's White Knight Brigade rode in and fucked it all up.

I'm not lying, vin. I did tell you. I can understand if you tl/dr what i wrote, but I did, none the less. If you missed it then that explains a few things to me.

Yes. I told you about the pic I saw 2yrs ago, yes i told you it was posted under a donqi alt that i couldn't recall. It got deleted, but i saw it. When i saw srayzies husband, i almost threw-up at having been played by her.

I don't really think you want to play 'reveal the DM with me'. I have learned that that is very wrong. Please look back, if you didn't erase, it's there.

DanKeyhote ago

Um, tap the brakes there bitch, "made me" do sthng?

And a dick pic isn't a dox except insofar as it's truly a unique and unmistakable specimen

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

And WHITE too. Ultra-Britetm

Aww boo, I know you wanted to show me that thing all along, I just had to give you a Darn Good Reason.

Crunchy said you showed the Witch. I don't believe him.

I wonder if the Witch showed off her own little collection of dicpic? Don't you?

Crensch ago

Not in the least. But i bet if he had, she'd have left her fam for him.

He's that glorious, and she's that dumb.

That's some hard-on for him. @vindicator.

Crensch ago

You really are desperate for my attention, aren't you?

I'm not entirely sure how something embarrassing to all Christians in any way is humorous in this context.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

Wait, haven't I seen you claim to be humorless before?

You might want to ask @Vindicator about how xtians are joyful people, capable of laughing at themselves, as well as others. You see, we know who gets the last laugh.

Message from @don-keyhote #3

You the Jew who worships donkeycock

Okay donqi, this one ain't even funny. Pick up the pace, or I won't do no more favors.

Crensch ago

@vindicator isn't it strange how twistedMac shows up in a thread like this?


Vindicator ago

It is indeed rather odd.

Rotteuxx ago

I told a woman that had her nudes leaked "hey, nice tits" instead of being a stoic dick about it, or wailing with her like a beta.

Nice attempt at saving face there, I guess having values is an optional thing depending on circumstances. "Hey lady, you're behaving like a slut but who cares, nice tits !"

When the "immune system" of Voat chose to side with a username that walks, talks, and acts exactly like a Jew, that threatened her children with rape multiple times daily for over a month, I turned on them and started wrecking the narrative that they were the good guys.

You mean you created a sub dedicated to your tantrums, the only thing you wrecked is your supremely important online rep.

Then, when handed the reins to her subverse because her real life identity was doxed, I banned every username that had anything to do with the doxing and threatening, and any username that pushed a similar narrative.

No, you banned anyone that butthurt you.

Stop lying retard, the logs are public.

They lost their minds, their control, and their reputations in order to defend a (((chosen one))).

Holy sheep shit, if this isn't the definition of projecting, I don't know what is.

You lost your fucking mind, you had no self control, you were throwing tantrums left and right for your (((chosen one))), the spaniard jewess.

To this day they tell me how certain they are that the one threatening to rape and murder a child constantly for over a month isn't really a pedophile.

What does that have to do with pedophilia ?

I have the audacity to declare that non-pedophiles don't threaten shit like that... and they don't support people that do.

Oh I get it, you were faggitly trying to insert a shitty strawman in here.


Tl;dr: went against a (((chosen one))) and ruined the system that enabled him to threaten rape and murder irl with impunity.

No, you got cucked by a jewish slut and went to bat for her. You thought you were all high and mighty but got brought back down to earth pretty fucking fast.



SearchVoatBot ago

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Crensch ago

Oh look, The King of white knighting and giving pussy passes!

Just like with your Damsel in Distress, I'll get to the rest of your shit to your comment later.

Rotteuxx ago

giving pussy passes

That's a new one, can't wait for your written diarrheal diatribe to see what it's aboot.

Crensch ago

Pretty sure it's not new.

gabara ago

Beatle is Jewish?

Crensch ago

He sure acts like one. Didn't you see my posts on him?

gabara ago

He never demanded money

Crensch ago

gabara ago

heygeorge ago

You seriously checked out during that whole thing, huh? I’m not reading any of that bullshit, but wut

gabara ago

I hate it when friends fight

heygeorge ago


gabara ago

That's what @crensch said, and he's a nazi

Gothamgirl ago

Literally wearsvNazi clothing, tattoos on his arms... Also blonde hair blue eyes.

heygeorge ago

Oh sorry, I don’t speak @crensch babble. Does this confirm that @shizy (aka @srayzie’s alt) is a pedo.

Rotteuxx ago

You mean shizy wasn't her daughter, a fatty marrying a even fatter Mexican... just like mommy ?

heygeorge ago

Oh wow, I hadn’t considered that. I hadn’t really put that much thought into it, really. Didn’t @shizy threaten @gothamgirl’s kids over and over, and dox her alleged address? Pretty fucked up. An I imagine that @gothamgirl isn’t so fucking naive as to use the same name over countless internet forums linked to actual photos and personal information.

Gothamgirl ago

I have no more photos of myself on the internet. I use Gothamgirl on here, YouTube, and only.

The Gothamgirl on Poal isn't me.

Shizy did make 1 threat against my kids. Their crew used an old picture of mine, in memes repetitively.

gabara ago

Can we all be friends with @crensch again?

21574629? ago

Time heals all wounds. He seems lucid today.

gabara ago

I want to be friends with @crensch again

heygeorge ago

See top: Qtards cannot take personal responsibility. @Crensch blames the Jews for everything (typically Qtards just blame ‘evil Dems’ but this is just a slightly more specific form) including... well, see above, specifically his own actions. Also, am I reading above correctly, and the response to ‘leaked’ tit pics* is to hit on @srayzie?

LOL @trigglypuff and @expertshitposter check this out

*The official story used to be that crenschiepoo was privy to these pics prior to them being publicly shared. Interesting tidbit of retcon. @nothereforpizza take note

ExpertShitposter ago

Crensch ago

Also, am I reading above correctly, and the response to ‘leaked’ tit pics* is to hit on @srayzie?

Oh, what's the proper response, exactly? Hysterical and ashamed woman gets tit pics leaked and you say... what?

"Oh, you poor woman"

"Oh, you slut"

"Oh, that's, like, totally rape!"

"Oh, ok"

*The official story used to be that crenschiepoo was privy to these pics prior to them being publicly shared. Interesting tidbit of retcon. @nothereforpizza take note

Funny because they were never shared publicly for some reason. The 'public' ones don't look anything like her, and you faggot kikes just decided to run with it anyway.


NotHereForPizza ago

Quit fucking pinging me you faggot.

heygeorge ago

I told a woman that had her nudes leaked "hey, nice tits"

Holy fucking beta orbiter

NotHereForPizza ago

I'm not retarded like all of you are.

In fact, I know that all of you are just stupid fucking normies that don't know Kev works for Google and that Justin was just fucking with all of you this entire time.

You probably don't even know peaceseeker is just a jesuit...

heygeorge ago

Kev works for Google

Everything else I got, but I didn’t know this about @kevdude.

gabara ago

@crensch has good tits

gabara ago

srayzie was worse than amalek

heygeorge ago

LOL! Voat was a better place during Amalek.

gabara ago

It was a lot more fun.