ESOTERICshade ago

I am curious as to who shared the pics she sent to us with him.

Nobody did. The pics she sent me were much milder than the ones she sent you three. I know that just from the description of the pics. Srayzie doesn't even remember what she sent me. So when she sent you three those pics she obviously ramped it up. My pics were not as good as yours. Its actually pretty funny.

Vindicator ago

She leaked PMs between her and I. Many of those were taken out of context.

So, why don't you demonstrate the context, then? It's totally in your control. Why don't you?

I am stating that not caring whether or not you believe me.

Oh? Then why are you downvoting me every time I ask you to prove your hypocritical calumnies? You can't stand looking in the mirror I'm holding up to your face.

All you have is tit pics from a girl who will never fuck you.

LOL. I've been married to my delightful high school sweetheart since you were in grade school and am fully satisfied. Try again.

Vindicator ago

No, I gave two reasons I thought you modded her to PV.

How about the link to that DM? Can't seem to come up with proof of that questionable behavior, really, can ya?

All you've got is quibbling pilpul. Color me shocked.

Vindicator ago

I think you're glitching. She provided tons of context for everything I ever saw her post. So much that she had an army of bots chasing her all over Voat and Twitter for a year.

Why don't you link to this alleged "selective" "out of context" PM.

Crensch ago

That's what happens when you ban everyone who disagrees with you.

You mean people that don't post or comment there except to start shit? Yeah, I tend to ban usernames like that.

The actual users? Kek. They love me. Find someone that didn't like my banning them that actually posted good content there.

You can't, because there are none.

I never had control of anything.

I know that's the narrative you want spun, but everyone knows you were the guy that would get mods and subs wrecked unless you got your way. Ever notice how so many other subs are banning people constantly now? Kek.

All you faggots had to do was destroy zyklon with your "immune system", but you wouldn't do it to another (((chosen))).

Go on now get your last word and pm your betas about how you "won". I honestly feel bad for you because I remember who you used to be.

I've been gloating about your loss of power and reputation on this site since I took it from you. How does it feel to be impotent?

Vindicator ago

You: "It was only her subsequent behavior that made me think she was capable of something like that."

I ask again: What subsequent behavior specifically? You clearly had some in mind when you made that claim.

Vindicator ago

All the glitches I've seen have come from you, Kev. For a long, long time.

What "subsequent behavior" exactly would make you think srayzie would a) tell the mod team of PG not to go after ES because he had embarassing material of hers and then months later b) create a sock account using those pics to slander her to the PG mod team? Please demonstrate some evidence to support this thesis.

Vindicator ago

Still pushing the same lie that srayzie controlled the sock that sent those pics, eh Kev?

Why did you mod her at "Protect" Voat, if you thought she was running sock puppets?

Crensch ago

I deleted the link from the strange account. Told her I did. She said you and vin saw it. Then she sent me a link to tits from her account. The pms got staggered and I opened it because it was above the pm where she told me she was going to send it. Saw tits. Deleted them. Then told her I did because I considered it cheating.

That's not what you're stating in that comment. Try again, backpedaler.

Nothing I just said contradicts anything.

It's post-hoc rationalization/gaslighting. Not buying it.

Yeah that went both ways. But she stabbed me in the back, as did you.

I stabbed you. She did no such thing. She had no idea when she took those screenshots if you were a good guy or not, but she started trusting you a lot afterwards. I just kept getting more and more suspicious.

And in the back? I told you what was going to happen. You stabbed all of Voat in the back, and kept twisting the knife as we all marched to the beat of your drum.

The censorship in GA did not stop the harassment from zyklon.

Neither did almost nobody on this site going against him despite my expose on him. Would've helped if that "immune system" had actually worked like one, instead of it just being your SBBH faggot buddies.

That was always my point.

The immune system was Zyklon et al. Everything I thought I was defending with you was horseshit, and was designed specifically to allow him and everyone else to shit wherever they please. Like niggers moving into your white neighborhood.

You believe a lot of things about me that are not true. There is nothing I can do about that.

Funny how I have a lot of good reasons to believe those things, and not a lot of good reasons to disbelieve them. Your word means fuck-all. You have nothing of substance, just like the rest of you and zyklon's crew(s?).

A work promotion IRL has left me with a lot less time to be on here so it is pretty much a moot point anyway.

More like your power here is gone, and you can't think of a way to get it back. Or maybe that was the impetus to get you that nice promotion so you'd stay away from the place where you spent so much time and effort building a reputation only to have it ruined because you and your buddies that you defended fucked with people that fight back.

Guess what, loser? GA is an amazing place for the users now. Zero complaints from them, and a few compliments peppered here and there when they remember what it used to be like when big bad Kevdude was ultimately in control of who posted there and who didn't.

Crensch ago

You take her word for everything.

When did she lie big like you, ES, GG, Zyklon, or any of your Scooby-Gang?

You assume that I am the only one she shared that with. I don't remember receiving it. If she sent me it she sent me it. But you assume I am the only one because she told you. right?

She trusted very few people with that. You were one of the users here she thought of as a closest friend/ally.

Actually both.

Try again. Either you delete "strange" links, or you saw them and deleted them because you consider it cheating.

You have your version of the context, I have mine.

Yeah, but only one makes any sense given the evidence. Libtards have their context, but it doesn't make them just as likely to be right.

Vindicator ago

Actually both.

Try again. Either you delete "strange" links, or you saw them and deleted them because you consider it cheating.

And that, my friends, is called stepping on your own dick. LMAO

Crensch ago

You imply that any of us knew about him having a network at the time. And that preventing mods from abusing their mod tools is "fucking things up".

Oh, I can dig all of your odd behaviour up, like asking us NOT to go after him, and how you seemed to know his playbook, and how he gave you access to his account to "prove" something to all of us. Should I do that?

I didn't lie about any of that.

Oh yeah? Which is it? Do you delete pms from strange accounts containing strange links? Or did you delete them because you have an IRL gf and you consider that shit to be cheating?

She has you and others. Outside observers question her dox of GG and her compulsive sharing of personal social media.

You mean how she didn't dox GG at all, but Zyklon did, and she took that info that was still up while GG was WITH Zyklon, specifically sanctioning that info still being up there by her choice to still be with him?

GG is a compulsive liar, just like you, ES, and most of your zyklon crew.

A video you claim she sent me and only to me. I never posted that.

No, a video that would not have been found or posted to any social media of hers that she had screenshots of sharing with you before that?

Yes. We know your entire argument is based on a belief that she never lies and that the context she gave for selective pieces of conversations was complete.

The only one of any of you backing up any of her claims. None of you do. That's also something you all have in common. Just a CNN-style "take our word for it, we're the authorities" type bullshit.

Man, I'm so glad your shitheel monkeys decided to kick up the dust, I'd forgotten so much, and I've even found new things wrong with your stories as we go.


Vindicator ago

I've even found new things wrong with your stories as we go.

Isn't it interesting how that works? I've noticed a few things, also. Kev modded her to PV after ES sent the pics. He's claiming she ran the sock that sent those pics, yet he made her a mod to "Protect" Voat. That leaves two possibilities:

  1. Kev is lying about srayzie controlling ES's alt so people won't realize he fucked over a fellow goat who was a child rape survivor and drove her off the site, or
  2. Kev is cool with trolls who use sock puppets to try to break mod teams of important subverses moderating "Protect" Voat -- which is eerily similar to the ElectroLumus/@she operation.


Crensch ago

Srayzie didn't work with BuilderAnon and his shadow cabal of Redditors to fuck this place up, and lie about it to everyone.

Srayzie didn't lie about seeing those tit pics the first time around.

Srayzie doesn't have multiple users from the Zyklon/ES faction falling all over themselves to keep her username squeaky clean.

Your current scapegoat claims it was all from social media, but a video link and a story about her brother were not and would not have been there for your scapegoat to find.

Your side is nothing but lie upon lie, and if nothing else, that is what you all have in common.

I tend to think it's much more than that.

Crensch ago

Crensch ago

That is actually a valid question.

Written by @kevdude

@Vindicator look at the damage control. ES fucked up royally, like he always does, (Because he's an overemotional Jew.)

Gothamgirl ago

I figured if I start talking to them like gutter trash, eventually they would go away maybe? Idk whatever. I haven't slept in 2 days so Im not in the best of moods. I think they're all bots anyways, have a great night.

gabara ago

ha ha you have nothing on me and it irks you


Crensch ago

There was personal information dropped that you would never have gotten from any of her social media.

It's funny how you always show up to defend Kev when I call him out for that.

Crensch ago

No, it didn't. Nice try, though.

gabara ago

Careful now, @Rotteuxx is my countryman.

Crensch ago

He's a massive cuck, and dog-piled on the victim of a doxxing/threatening campaign.

gabara ago

Any goat that cannot handle Voat without a bodyguard really won't thrive here anyway. srayzie would have left Voat by now anyway. Why are women like @Empress and @Trigglypuff and @GeneralDouche and @Le_Squish able to handle Voat but Srayzie and @gothamgirl needed a chaperone?

Crensch ago

Srayzie didn't need anyone. Her IRL was doxxed.

Don't know who or what GG's chaperone is. I'd have thought it was zyklon. Dial?

gabara ago

GG is protected by m_1 aka flacco, a friend of Zyklon IRL. A mexican. Evidence:

I tricked Flacco into thinking I was Dial Indicator and he shared that

Crensch ago

What is that supposed to be?

gabara ago

That's M_1's skin colour, he"s a mexican

Crensch ago

That's some nasty skin, not sure what it proves, though.

gabara ago

I just want everyone to be friends again.

Crensch ago

Except I did. TBH I wish I hadn't. After you all turned on me because I wouldn't go along with your powertrip I would definitely have dropped them.

You couldn't even keep your own story straight, moron. I JUST posted about that, or did you miss it?

Yeah and you still got it wrong. I'm still here.

Your power is gone. Your narrative is gone. The only ones that give a fuck about it are your pet dogs that stuck around.

Nah. She doxxed herself. I had nothing to do with that.

We all know better. We all know why GG and kat jumped on grenades to place the blame at literally anyone else's feet but yours.

Confirmation bias is fun. You cucked so hard dude. And everyone saw it. And you just keep doubling down.

It's okay, you lost. We took some casualties, but some subs here are better places because of what I did.

Crensch ago

Probably because you have distorted the facts and the timeline. Srayzie turned on me because I wouldn't back her censorship and leaked selective confidential PMs to spin a narrative. So I hit back. You're just mad that I stood in the way of your desire to powertrip.

You mean the PMs she sent to me in October of last year that she asked me not to drop? Oh, man. Who's spinning a narrative? Her real tit pics hadn't been spread all over the site, but she was worried you would... oh, and NOBODY believed you just deleted them; you lied about that, and we all knew it.

Every ounce of what I did was to try and see if some part of you would be the decent human being I wanted you to be. You're not. I really wanted to believe otherwise. I acted any which way I could to try and wake you up from your stupor; I dropped those PMs because it was never going to happen, and you needed to be destroyed.

You turned on her because of something she sent to me 6-7 months before because she was worried you might not be legit.

You helped doxx her with info she'd only shared with you.

Confirming you were exactly who I found you to be in the end.

ExpertShitposter ago

You cant meme because you are a crypto leftist. It all ads up. @Rotteuxx @heygeorge

Crensch ago

I duno, looks like it fits right in with the standard fare, here. Don't you think?

Rotteuxx ago

This logic is infallible

Gothamgirl ago

@Rotteuxx the cuck forgets he's a cuck!


Crensch ago

I think I'll take that as a compliment.

If that's how it was intended, cheers.

Gothamgirl ago

Don't flatter yourself fool.

Crensch ago

If you were half as smart as you think you are, you'd see that even if everything you all accuse me of is true, Rotteuxx is by far the bigger cuck - and I have evidence of all of it in that link.

But you're not.

Gothamgirl ago

You admitted receiving titty pics from another man's wife. You are on here daily, protecting another man's wife, thats pretty close to the meaning of Sancho.

Your constantly attacking others with book long posts. I would like to believe your are trying to clean up the place, and have good intentions, but I am not sure you do.

I definitely am not the smartest on here, but I am no pushover either.

Crensch ago

You admitted receiving titty pics from another man's wife.


You are on here daily, protecting another man's wife, thats pretty close to the meaning of Sancho.

I don't speak TacoNigger. That other man's wife did nothing wrong, and was doxxed off this site for her troubles.

Your constantly attacking others with book long posts.

Evidence. Supporting evidence and links that show that I'm not full of shit like you and your ilk's 3-line replies of nothing but claim after unsupported claim.

I would like to believe your are trying to clean up the place, and have good intentions, but I am not sure you do.

That's because you're female, and not a very smart one at that.

I definitely am not the smartest on here, but I am no pushover either.

You're right, and you're wrong. Sorry, but you're really not very intelligent at all. I've caught you numerous times destroying your own narrative because you can't keep your story straight.

Gothamgirl ago

You don't speak taconigger, but you certainly protect one lol, and if given a chance you already admitted you would kill her family for being "Invaders" sicko.

I can admit my flaws, but destroying my own narrative lol, I don't owe you any truths at all. I might not be the most intelligent, but I sure know how to keep you angry, and writting about me constantly, stalker. Shit it's been like 2 years, yet you are so ineffective, you still can't run me off here. Your will never be over it, lmao. As matter of fact you are scorned and damaged over my trolling, you will never be the same person you were before.

Crensch ago

You don't speak taco nigger, but you certainly protect one lol, and if given a chance you already admitted you would kill her and her family for being "Invaders" sicko. Who can't keep their stories straight?

Protecting one? She was doxxed off the site. She didn't deserve it. I am the result of SBBH/PV's actions. Not one of you is a good person, and I have no problems calling you out for that.

You do realize there is a shit load of taco niggers in the military who protect you and this land, right?

They need to be shipped the fuck back to TacoNigger land. Maybe if they create a country worth living in, they won't need to be here. But they're taco niggers - average 90 IQ, which WOULD be barely enough for a society, except they have significantly less altruism in their genes, so they live in shithole countries, and are trying to turn the US into a shithole country with their presence.

I can admit my flaws, but destroying my own narrative lol, I don't owe you any truths at all.

Nah, you don't owe me anything. But you could save yourself some embarrassment and maybe have SOMEone that isn't already on your dole believe you if you did keep your story straight.

I might not be the most intelligent, but I sure know how to keep you angry, and writting about me constantly, stalker.

Except you ping me or show up out of the blue constantly, and I pinged you this time because I got sick of being the only one not engaging first.

And this time I wasn't actually attacking you, but you sure as fuck came in like you had something to prove. You're a clown.

Shit it's been like 2 years, get over it, youre ineffective, and a failure.

You'd know all about failures. Your life is one. Your health, your love life, your halfbreed subhumans...

You can't run me off here weakling, you will never be over it, lmao

Are you projecting your own intentions onto me? Not sure where that came from.

As matter of fact youre extremely scorned, tormented, and damaged over my trolling. You will never be the same person you were before. Should've left my kids out of it, faggot.

Your kids are subhuman scum. When the race war happens, they'll be gone like the rest of the high-melanin shithole-apes.

Gothamgirl ago

SBBH/PV's actions, that's not me moron. I never used those subs or hardly chat with those people at all. They were Zyklon's and Skrayzies friends.

You do realize the taco niggers (Mexicans) were on this land before your garbage dna right? Some didn't have to hop a border, ever.

My child defends your shitty life, and can take your life faster then most people on the planet, being a Sapper

for the Army and all... You know that red castle Q speaks of... My kid is one of those for life 😆 and you are just an internet crybaby.

Race war? Are you fucking 2? It's gonna to take more then 5 of you smacking the keyboards to accomplish that one, dear. There is never going to be one, especially in America, Americans are to lazzzy and to diverse. Might of worked in 70's and 80's, but most people were to busy getting high... Same as today, and those people are white.... Have fun with that pipe dream

There is an effective civil war going on currently.... The so called "elite" vs the poor "us"

Yes I like to clown around, but you dude, are a circus animal and your side kick was the freak show.

You'd know all about failures. Your life is one. Your health, your love life, your halfbreed subhumans...

My health is not my fault and I am strong I beat death a few times.

I didn't fail at life I retired at 30, I got that life most people dream of lulzzzz...

Who needs a love life when I am content with myself. Besides most men are diseased riddled disgusting whores. Plus if they can't teach me new things then they don't intrigue me.

Crensch ago

You do realize the taco niggers (Mexicans) were on this land before your garbage dna right?

And they did nothing with it but sacrifice each other to blood gods and roll some rocks together into a pile.

My child defends your shitty life, and can take your life faster then most people on the planet, being a Sapper

Diversity hire. Nobody would hire spics if they didn't have to. Spics wouldn't have lives here if they weren't paid by white man's taxes to be here thanks to the Jews.

for the Army and all... You know that red castle Q speaks of... My kid is one of those for life 😆 and you are just an internet crybaby.

Your kid is a subhuman. Not really sure it's possible for a white to be worse than that, for any reason.

Race war? Are you fucking 2? It's gonna to take more then 5 of you smacking the keyboards to accomplish that one, dear. There is never going to be one, especially in America, Americans are to lazzzy and to diverse. Might of worked in 70's and 80's, but most people were to busy getting high... Same as today, and those people are white.... Have fun with that pipe dream

Whites have always been the minority. We're also the only ones that can innovate and march like the Nazis. Your taco nigger offspring will be too busy trying to rape someone or taking a siesta to do anything.

My health is not my fault and I am strong I beat death a few times.

Can't say that was the smart move, given your life.

I didn't fail at life I retired at 30, I got that life most people dream of lulzzzz...

Every morning you wake up to a cave troll in the mirror. One that couldn't get a white man, so fucked a Mestizo subhuman.

Who needs a love life when I am content with myself. Besides most men are diseased riddled disgusting whores. Plus if they can't teach me new things then they don't intrigue me.

I knew you were blustering when you told me you had a love life that didn't involve you getting beat like a side of beef, and your wallet used liberally, as well.

Gothamgirl ago

Beat like a side of beef wtf? Your nuts...

I had 1 relationship with a white guy who walked away with about 36k in my assets yes, people make bad decisions. I don't make mistakes twice.

Crensch ago

Only reason you could land a white guy is because you gave him 36k worth of stuff, you stupid cave troll. Only a mexican would be stupid enough to leave you with any baby batter.

Gothamgirl ago

I never been with any Mexican that's your best friend Srayzie, jeeez are you drunk? It's kinda early.

I only date Americans. I dated (not slept with so don't get it twisted) 5 people in my life 4 were white, and 1 Puerto Rican.

Crensch ago

I had 1 relationship with a white guy who walked away with about 36k in my assets yes, people make bad decisions. I don't make mistakes twice.


I only date American only. I dated (not slept with so don't get it twisted) 5 people in my life 4 were white, and 1 Puerto Rican and we were 15 when we meet.

Really I thought a few joined the military, work hard, and love this land also. Everyone has their own beliefs I guess.

They didn't build shit. Whites invented over 95% of everything you see around you, and that's only because of stupid shit like the Chinese who used gunpowder for fucking fireworks.

Mexicunts would still be living in their nigloos and pueblos if it weren't for whites, and everyone knows it.

"but muh hard work"

Dig a ditch, Taco. Repeat what whites did for thousands of years before you, Chalupa.

WHOAH so much value added to white countries!

Gothamgirl ago

So isn't this a conversation you have with Srayzie and her family then?

I know what whites have created.

My family has fought in wars, for white countries since the beginning of time literally, Including the woman.

Crensch ago

So isn't this a conversation you have with Srayzie and her family then?

Why the fuck would I have a conversation about that with her? Much less her family?

I don't care about the narrative you pro-zyklon-threat faggots spin about me, but at least try to keep the reality from the wild claims you want to stick when you're arguing things.

How stupid. How, exactly, do you think that conversation would go?

Gothamgirl ago

Why the fuck would I have a conversation about that with her? Much less her family?

Cause they're the taco nigger Mexicans you keep refering to lol.

I thought you were were pro Nazi so doesn't that make you pro Zyklon b in reality?

No one I know of, threatens you at all.... I am beginning to think you have some underlying psychological issues, and this isnt funny it's boring, Zyklon had issues too, what's with you dumb Nazi wannabes anyways? Outcast in society I guess.

Again have a great day, everything's going to be alright, ok window licker. If you continue to write I will just slam the memes on you. I don't need carpal tunnel syndrome to be effective.

Crensch ago

I bet you can not name 1 thing in life you changed about yourself, to get off the Jews system of slavery.

I bet there's not a single day you like what you see in the mirror.

You admit zyklon is a druggie, and his behavior shows him to be a pedophile. There's nothing Nazi about him. And the Germans should have won.

Instead, the Jews won.

Gothamgirl ago

What a brilliant nonsensical anwser.

I am not zyklon he is on Poal. Stop talking to me about him. I haven't spoken to him since July 3rd.

and his behavior shows him to be a pedophile.

When did all this happen second week in June.

No dummy both sides were the Jews, Hitler was ultra'd and recruited while in hospital recovery, after being shot in leg. It was also pretty much the beginning of eugenics, and you live in a fucking fantacy land.

Rotteuxx ago

[–] Rotteuxx 4 points (+6|-2) 6 months ago



Holy fuck, 6 months on and you're still butthurt, whining like a little bitch through tantrum posts and juvenile insults like "half-breed soyboys that have a feminine penis, or something".

Sad... and boring, this is a shit tier post of warmed up nothingness.

Props to @theoldones being the first one to comment, KeK !

heygeorge ago

Lol, meanwhile Crensch cucked himself to a married woman over grainy titty pictures that shook him to his core. Anyone who didn’t virtue signal hard enough got put on the naughty list. Lol that’s incel level. @trigglypuff @gabara

gabara ago

And I STILL have not gotten to see said fat tits

Rotteuxx ago

Sadly I believe Crenschypoo suffers from terminal incelitis.

Advanced symptoms include :

  • Angrily projecting one's own weaknesses.

  • Throwing online tantrums that nobody gives a shit about.

  • Reverting to childish name calling.

  • Idolizing the only woman who's ever gotten close to you through smut pics distributed on a massive scale.

heygeorge ago

only woman who's ever gotten close to you through smut pics distributed on a massive scale.

The extended distribution of the smutty pics is what really makes it funny! I just realized I directly responded to @crensch by accident, which goes against my personal policy of attempting to fill a cup which is already full.

I think he was trying to prove he is not a deflector by doubling down on deflection, then acting like there is something ‘started’ by posting an observation.

Crensch ago

The extended distribution of the smutty pics is what really makes it funny!

The ones that aren't her? Yep! It's funny all right.

I think he was trying to prove he is not a deflector by doubling down on deflection, then acting like there is something ‘started’ by posting an observation.

You mean how you talked about how it was suspicious that I started this, when depending on where you draw the lines, either you or @trigglypuff started it?

Top kek.

heygeorge ago

Srayzie sent you Kev and vindicator smutty pics of someone else? Lol the beta depths just sunk even lower @rotteuxx @trigglypuff @gabara

And it seems that by calling out a qtard trait (inability to take personal responsibility) it’s somehow my and trigs’ fault that crunchie is sperging. Fucking lol it doesn’t get much more stupid, even on Voat.

The extended distribution of the smutty pics is what really makes it funny!

The ones that aren't her? Yep! It's funny all right.

I think he was trying to prove he is not a deflector by doubling down on deflection, then acting like there is something ‘started’ by posting an observation.

You mean how you talked about how it was suspicious that I started this, when depending on where you draw the lines, either you or @trigglypuff started it?

Top kek.

Crensch ago

Srayzie sent you Kev and vindicator smutty pics of someone else?

No. You stated "extended distribution". Guess what wasn't extended distribution?

And it seems that by calling out a qtard trait (inability to take personal responsibility) it’s somehow my and trigs’ fault that crunchie is sperging. Fucking lol it doesn’t get much more stupid, even on Voat.

You mean in this comment where you still have a hard-on for me?

Nice gaslighting, but the record is there for all to see.

Crensch ago

Meanwhile @kevude, after admitting to getting a PM sent to both @vindicator and me, stating something along the lines of "Look what your mod has been up to" with links to the pics claims he never looked at them and deleted it right away!

Such a STOIC man! Not even looking at links sent to him about what his mod has been up to! That's not suspicious or anything, I'm sure.


heygeorge ago

So you are saying that srayzie sent you, vindicator, and kev the same tit pics in the same PM.

Further, by continuing to deflect, you are continuing to verify my posit yesterday: Lack of personal responsibility.

Interesting that you’re stirring the pot today, while @vindicator is putting in work to elucidate the suicided banker’s ties to Epstein. Curious.

[–] Crensch 48 seconds ago (edited 29 seconds ago)

Meanwhile @kevude, after admitting to getting a PM sent to both @vindicator and me, stating something along the lines of "Look what your mod has been up to" with links to the pics claims he never looked at them and deleted it right away!

Such a STOIC man! Not even looking at links sent to him about what his mod has been up to! That's not suspicious or anything, I'm sure.


SearchVoatBot ago

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Vindicator ago

Srayzie did not send the pics. They were sent by an account mocking the username of one of srayzie's friends.

I knew the pics were out there in the hands of ES for a couple of months prior to them being used, though, because in the process of warning female pizzagaters whom I noticed him grooming that I thought he was dangerous because a number of accounts he'd groomed previously had suddenly self-deleted, she begged me not to give him too much hell because she had already given him what he wanted.

For the record, none of the pics posted by the Gangs of Voat were even close to the pics sent to us three, which were neither grainy nor unattractive. That evening, srayzie was having panic attacks because she was in the public eye as the head of Voat's Q subverse and was worried the pics would be posted and Q would find out and be disappointed. I urged her to hold her head high, tell how ES had lured her in with a tale about also being a recovering alcoholic who got jilted and was feeling suicidal and needed cheering up. I wanted her to let everyone know ES had them before he could use them to bring her down. But she didn't believe Voat would have her back. Back then, I thought you guys would have. But she didn't buy it, so @Crensch @Kevdude and I gave her our word of honor we would not confront ES about it and we would let her decide when and how, if ever, to make the situation public.

Turned out Kev not only had no honor, he thought it would be fun to leak the news to Zyklon_b who had threatened her kids. Kev was having so much fun fucking srayzie up he even claimed that evil piece of shit was victimized by her. One of the most disgusting things I've ever seen anyone do to someone who trusted them. Especially given the fact that ES wouldn't have even had the opportunity to do it except for Kev, because I would have banned him. We documented ES using socks to vote brigade and silence many users in PG long before the pic incident, but Kev would not allow me to ban him from the subverse. He promised a "Voat Immune Response" if I did, and tried to get me involved in a bullshit trolling operation involving CSS fuckery.

Of course, when I called Kev out for his lies about srayzie's pics, he or his minions created a fake account in my name on Paol to smear me, and when I posted about that in ProtectVoat, he pulled the Reddit-mod moves he always bitches about in a sissy attempt discredit it. This was a great service, because it made it completely clear to me, Crensch and a number of others -- several of whom promptly resigned from the PV mod team -- just how corrupt Kev is, as well as those who protect him.

One thing I have not be able to figure out is why Kev -- knowing everything he knew about srayzie and obviously thinking she was a POS who should be subjected to extreme forms of punishment -- made her a mod of ProtectVoat? Haven't been able to figure that out.

ESOTERICshade ago

For the record, none of the pics posted by the Gangs of Voat were even close to the pics sent to us three, which were neither grainy nor unattractive.

Funny how the pics she sent me were NOT THE SAME pics she sent you, @crensch, and @kevdude, innit? Wonder how that happened? She tripped herself bad when the fucked up that false flag.

Vindicator ago

How exactly would you know? This was the first time I've ever given any description of the pics I received.

ESOTERICshade ago

How exactly would you know?

It was so easy a kindergarten child could figure it out.

  1. I knew I didn't send them.
  2. She set it up with a "poor me i'm afraid ESO will release my pics" two days before she did it.
  3. The verbal description of the pics you three guys got didn't come close to matching the pics she sent me, anyway.

She did it because I was busy exposing Q as a psyop and she hated it. Maybe she relapsed and got back on drugs and alcohol. I couldn't tell you exactly why she did it, but she did. I ask her by email why she did it and she wouldn't deny it.

Either she did it herself, or somebody else she plays sex games with did it. I'm betting on her. One thing is for sure, I didn't do it.

Vindicator ago

No one gave a "verbal description" of the pics we received.

She set it up with a "poor me i'm afraid ESO will release my pics" two days before she did it.

Oh? Where did this happen? Link, please. You're lying.

She did it because I was busy exposing Q as a psyop and she hated it.

Try again. When those pics were sent, you had long since been exposed in v/pizzagate as a shill targeting multiple users and involving them in activity designed to get them site-banned by Putt for violating the Voat TOS. You were lurking around in v/GreatAwakening defending it against QRV and NeonRevolt. You weren't "busy exposing Q" at all.

ESOTERICshade ago

No one gave a "verbal description" of the pics we received.


Oh? Where did this happen? Link, please. You're lying.

Two days before she sent the pics she messaged yall saying "i'm afraid ESO might release my pics." Deny it. Go ahead.

targeting multiple users and involving them in activity designed to get them site-banned by Putt for violating the Voat TOS.

You have a vivid imagination.

You were lurking around in v/GreatAwakening defending it against QRV and NeonRevolt.

Yes I decided to help her defend her sub. Guess that means you are just full of shit when you keep saying I hated her.

You weren't "busy exposing Q" at all.

Been doing it since day one, EXCEPT, when the QRV invasion happened. I decided to put down my Death To Q Sword for a few days and help her out. You ascribe a lot of motives to people's actions for which you have no evidence.

Since you are always barking for "evidence" from people, you should bring your own, or stop making claims. YOU and crensch got played by her. Yall bought her bullshit but the rest of Voat didn't.

Between believing her bullshit and believing Qanon is a super secret intel agent that is wrong more a broken clock, been a rough year for you pal.

Crensch ago

Funny how the pics she sent me were NOT THE SAME pics she sent you, @crensch, and @kevdude, innit? Wonder how that happened? She tripped herself bad when the fucked up that false flag.

And how would you know that, exactly?

ESOTERICshade ago

And how would you know that, exactly?

From a simple verbal description of the pictures. She simply fucked up and couldn't remember what she had, and had not shown me, because she has sent so many pictures to so many people in her life, she got confused and couldn't remember. She herself freely admitted to doing that on the internet on a regular basis, ya know...

Crensch ago

From a simple verbal description of the pictures.

You mean kevdude's "flappy Jew tits" comment?

Kek. He showed you, didn't he?

ESOTERICshade ago

He showed you, didn't he?

No he didn't have to. He has more integrity than that. It a LOT easier for me to know that the pictures were different, and that she did that shit herself, than you would ever imagine.

Crensch ago

No he didn't have to. He has more integrity than that.

Man, that is some dick sucking if I ever saw it.

@Vindicator, so many of these usernames seem like they are required to keep kev's name squeaky clean. So many jump in when I kick that particular hornet's nest. Vouching for him as such a good dude.


Vindicator ago

ES vouching for you is like having Zyklon among your friends. Sort of like calling Herpes a "cold sore".

ESOTERICshade ago

so many of these usernames seem like they are required to keep kev's name squeaky clean.

As usual it is a lot more simple than you make it. Most of Voat trusts Kev and hates you. Its not complicated.

Crensch ago

Kek. More of voat's active users voted to put their trust in me than even you could muster counting your sock puppets in PG and every sbbh troll combined.

Guess I should post that BA stuff again for all to see.

Crensch ago

So you are saying that srayzie sent you, vindicator, and kev the same tit pics in the same PM.

Vin and I confirmed it was the same to each of us. Kev claimed to have deleted it right away.

Further, by continuing to deflect, you are continuing to verify my posit yesterday: Lack of personal responsibility.

Like that of your buddies @zyklon_b, @Trigglypuff, @Rotteuxx, and @kevdude?

Interesting that you’re stirring the pot today, while @vindicator is putting in work to elucidate the suicided banker’s ties to Epstein. Curious.

I think it's curious that I didn't start this.

If you're talking about today, @Trigglypuff did 9.7 hours ago.

In the past two days? You did. Same link.

theoldones ago

people shouldn't doxx people off websites and threaten to kill their kids, dickhole

ExpertShitposter ago

ya well it was zyklon who did it, not rotty.

theoldones ago

well rotty is still a cunt when he decides to open his meatflaps

ExpertShitposter ago

so throw some candy in then

Gothamgirl ago

Little 5'3" me controlled a convicted white supremacist felon? Are you fucking serious? Some of his actions, made me actually terrified of him...

heygeorge ago

I see you are paying your virtue signaling tithe.

theoldones ago

fuck your claim of virtue signalling, some people have principles.

heygeorge ago

fuck your claim of virtue signalling, some people have principles.

That’s not a claim. It’s a factual observation.

Look, let me use an analogy, although this may be too abstract for you: I don’t think someone should be shot over an attempted robvery of a convenience store. But if the shopkeep (instead of peaceably acquiescing to an armed robber) decides to threaten with a knife... well, they might get shot and die. What you are doing here is equivalent to blaming a bystander shopper in the store for not doing enough to prevent this tragedy.

@gabara @madjackchurchill @expertshitposter @trigglypuff @puttitout

theoldones ago

That’s not a claim. It’s a factual observation.

fuck you. srayzies kids got doxxed and peophiles were pinged onto their location. death threats were made on her and her family and her kids. PEOPLE WERE GOING TO ACTUALLY SHOW UP AT HER DOORSTEP.

give one fucking reason the srayzie doxxing wasnt unacceptable, i dare you.

ExpertShitposter ago


No the were not.

sirRantsalot ago

boys! boys!

Gothamgirl ago

Fuck you, and fuck him if that's what he thinks. Maybe you 2 should get a room and quit your bitching.. Stop stalking me @theoldones, your not my type, faggot.

heygeorge ago

I knew you would be unable to grasp the analogy. Also, you took my comment about virtue signaling completely out of context.

Of course that whole shitshow was fucked up and unacceptable. I’ve said this plenty, enjoy today’s VS tithe.

But we don’t get ourselves out of a sinking boat by grabbing a pail and pouring water into it.

[–] theoldones -1 points (+0|-1) 4.6 minutes ago (edited 2.9 minutes ago)

That’s not a claim. It’s a factual observation.

fuck you. srayzies kids got doxxed and peophiles were pinged onto their location. death threats were made on her and her family and her kids. PEOPLE WERE GOING TO ACTUALLY SHOW UP AT HER DOORSTEP.

give one fucking reason the srayzie doxxing wasnt unacceptable, i dare you.

@gothamgirl is a crazy, abusive, insane, black-hearted whore, and go ask beatle what she's like if you think im incorrect.

theoldones ago

rotteux when not making keychains and talking instead, he should stop talking.