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sirRantsalot ago

Stop bitching about putt. Go make your own site.

Crensch ago

Stop bitching about putt. Go make your own site.

Above written by @sirRantsalot

You tell 'em!

Oh wait, did you meant that for me? I wasn't bitching about it. I was reminding @kevdude and his gang of SBBH faggots that doxx and harass people off this site that the current moderation tactics of /v/GreatAwakening are specifically sanctioned by the owner of this site. So..

I guess you could tell him to go make his own site?

sirRantsalot ago

That was zyklon, man. Don't paint with such broad strokes

Crensch ago

No, no. That's kevdude, claiming comments are not to be deleted. Zyklon was the troll, kevdude was the good-guy wrangler that kept all those "evil" mods in check by claiming to be taking the high/ideolotical road.

Brush up on your Voat history.

sirRantsalot ago

I'm been trying to learn the truth about voat for years now. Is it run by the feds? What's all the talk about being a paid shitposter? Why do guys like you constantly bitch?

Crensch ago

Constantly bitch?

Why is it that the people that complain about others doing things that aren't right are the ones thought of as the 'complainers' or 'constantly bitch(ing)'?

Ask yourself that. There's a group of users here that, ostensibly, are shitposters, but that's just a front for what they really do, which is COINTEL the hell out of this place for their leftist/globalist/kike overlords.

sirRantsalot ago

okay. stop right there. who specifically are you talking about in sbbh? i dont even think kevdude is a sbbh person. i'm in there regularly and those folks you accuse of being enemies of the american people are my friends. @heygeorge is american. @gabara is canadian. buddha......maybe. but i think hes just an uppity east coaster. @redcobra . @friendshipistragic . @ShitsInHoneyPots . @TheOldOnes . @nadeshda . even nutty @zyklon_b . ive corresponded with them for a very long time under different usernames. @drstrangegov , @platos_allegory , @poorlydrawnhorses (i believe thats it) they are good people. and my friends. you had better have good evidence for your accusations. i havent seen ANY evidence that these guys are anything other than what they seem to be. and that was my sole purpose for infiltrating sbbh. I looked through histories and comments going back to the beginning. I am a stereotypical american. loud, obnoxious, talented, and patriotic. i love my country and i hate to see it raped. i have a hard on to find, expose, and punish anyone who seeks to harm my people and my home. you're barking up the wrong tree. heres what SBBH's problem is with Q. those fucking goalposts. i had one metric of success for the donald trump presidency and Q's legitimacy. the arrest of the clintons. that is the source of the rot. comey flat out said she wont be prosecuted because of who she is. that rubs me wrong, see. until those evil pricks are locked up, the rule of law is broken. and without the rule of law. you have anarchy. and anarchy is weakness. so anybody who tells me to "trust the plan" obviously just wants me to sit quietly while they do whatever it is they are gonna do. i'm not trusting the plan BECAUSE I NEVER HEARD A PLAN.

Crensch ago

even nutty @zyklon_b . ive corresponded with them for a very long time under different usernames. @drstrangegov , @platos_allegory , @poorlydrawnhorses (i believe thats it) they are good people. and my friends.

If you think zyklon is good people, you are a poor judge of character.

@TheOldOnes might be the only one on that list that is a decent human being.

Let's start there.

sirRantsalot ago

zyklon is.......damaged. he went too far but thats between him and the guy who owns the site. and putt booted him. i know what motivates you. you're special. you're the chosen one. if someone gave you power you'd make things ship shape, right? so you bitch and you plot and you make little machinations, all in the service of getting a little more power. you know who else thinks like that? commies. we know that commies like to project their misdeeds onto others. maybe YOU are the glownigger. but i dont have any proof of that. i was just seeing how you liked being accused of something so terrible. calling someone a liar is a shitty thing to do. dont be shitty.

Crensch ago

so you bitch and you plot and you make little machinations, all in the service of getting a little more power.

@heygeorge admits to starting all this, this time around.

Show me where I haven't been pinged to something for my "bitch(ing) and plot(ting)" to occur here.

we know that commies like to project their misdeeds onto others.

Like this?

i was just seeing how you liked being accused of something so terrible. calling someone a liar is a shitty thing to do. dont be shitty.

I tend to back up my accusations. What do you see your buddies doing when they attack someone?

sirRantsalot ago

i wont pretend that theres not something stinky on voat. but i'm inclined to think its the guys who go around calling each other "patriot" (seriously........i cringe when someone addresses me thusly. not because being a patriot is a bad thing, but because you guys call everyone that. to me it sounds like comrade) patriots arent people that get a fuzzy feeling from our flag. they are people who have sacrificed for the american people. not fucking keyboard warriors. now that i think about it the only person i see attacking others is YOU.

Crensch ago

i wont pretend that theres not something stinky on voat. but i'm inclined to think its the guys who go around calling each other "patriot"

Funny how they don't go around silencing and doxxing those they disagree with.

(seriously........i cringe when someone addresses me thusly. not because i'm not a patriot, but because you guys call everyone that. to me it sounds like comrade)

Sounds like a personal problem.

patriots arent people that get a fuzzy feeling from our flag.

No true scotsman fallacy.

they are people who have sacrificed for the american people.

One definition.

they are people who have sacrificed for the american people.

Every white has sacrificed their wellbeing for "the american people" sold to us by Jews.

Whites are the only people that matter.

now that i think about it the only person i see attacking others is YOU.

Your buddies helped doxx a woman off this site.

Remember one comment above where I linked you to @heygeorge admitting to starting all of this?

I suppose in your book that's not attacking someone?

And literally the last 2-3 months of zyklon's account is nothing but him attacking innocent users.

Step your game up. Your narrative has failed at every turn.

sirRantsalot ago

i dont have a narrative. i'm just talking to a frustratingly obstinate person. you're wrong about my friends. that is all.

Crensch ago

Yeah, except I back up (at least most) of my claims about them with evidence. Something your "friends" don't ever do. Ever. Not even a little. They just make claim after claim until you believe it, like CNN does for the normies.

sirRantsalot ago

THERE IS NO EVIDENCE that can be believed on the internet. and if you think ANYTHING on the internet can be trusted youre a goddamned fool. trust the plan, my ass. thats exactly what the baby fuckers would say. why should we trust Q? why should we trust you? i can just imagine you saying the word "normie" with a sneer. you nasty, horrible little man.

Crensch ago

I use their own words against them, idiot.

I don't say "trust the plan", faggot.

sirRantsalot ago

faggot, huh........welp. i said my piece. fuck you very much.