Crensch ago

It's not on me to go find your first post to get the context for your embarrassing misuse of a word. It's on you to provide that context. You still can't do it, which suggests you know that your position is weak and you really have no way of saving face.

Crensch ago

Projecting your own flaws onto me again?

Humans support their claims and provide context for the words they use to communicate ideas.

Guess what subhumans do?

They blame miscommunications and errors of their own on anyone else they can find. And when pressed to support their claims, they hand wave the person to some vague area of text and expect the other person to do the work of proving them right.

Crensch ago

I have no problems grasping the concept of introspection. You have problems providing context for your misuse of words that doesn't make you look like an idiot.

It really is a pattern with you morons, you make all the claims you want and support none of them, but everyone else needs to support everything they say.

Crensch ago

It's really not. It just shows that you're barely literate and have no idea what words mean when you use them when trying to sound smart. Kind of like a nigger.

Now you're trying to act all sage and wise like you know something I don't, but you provided absolutely zero context for your use of that word that would make it in any way valid.

VoatContainmentGuard ago

Jew beaner tits or GTFO

Crensch ago

You lack the introspection to see your own flaws. Reread this thread and try to find the hypocrisy in your own words

Nice post hoc rationalization of a scathing indictment of your literacy level.

You made a claim and I called you on it. You couldn't support it in any way shape or form.

Crensch ago

When you misuse a word, looking up the definition tends to help you not make that mistake again in the future.

ExpertShitposter ago

he's like a kid who has to have the last word.

Crensch ago

You're like a kid who has a buddy that threatens to rape and murder children, scaring their mothers, and he is still your buddy.

Crensch ago

Jesus moshe your lack of introspection here is pathetic. @Expertshitposter

You don't really know the definition of that word, do you?

Crensch ago

More deflection. Absolutely no support for any of your arguments. Unlike almost literally every claim made from this side.

Crensch ago

All I'm reading is a bunch of pilpul, and an implied concession that you cannot support your words.

Crensch ago

So, you can't support your words? That is what white people do when their claims are challenged.

Know what Jews do when challenged?

"Look here and prove me right! It's all right there, and you are deficient if you can't see it!"

Crensch ago

Ok, kike,

You were mean to someone I liked and not mean to someone I disliked, hence q is real

Show me where I said this, suggested it, or hinted at it.

Crensch ago

Aww, is the little kike hurt that her strawman was knocked down by someone else, and not in the direction she wanted?

You worked hard on that, didnt you?

Crensch ago

I'll take, "What is a strawman fallacy" for 100, Alex.

Antiracist10 ago

Crensch not knowing what a strawman was is Exhibit F here.


Click the archive link and then search for strawman to see idiot Crensch call an ad hominem a strawman.

@bojangles @eagleshigh @trigglypuff @heygeorge

ExpertShitposter ago

You are also legally allowed by governments of any country to eat your own shit. Doesn't mean you should actually do it.

If you do chose to eat shit, expect that people will hate you, and possibly beat the shit out of you in a back ally for being a degenerate.

Its called vigilantism.

Crensch ago

Vigilantism is what I did. You all made reasonable discussion impossible. You all jumped on that zyklon bandwagon; those that claim they didn't sure did fuck-all to show support to his victims.

Freedom of assembly with people only you want around you. Freedom of the leader of that group to make decisions based on that. Freedom of whites to assemble away from niggers and other subhumans.

Guess what your crew proved to be?

ExpertShitposter ago

Nah, we are the freedom fighters, you are the terrorists.

Civil wars are great. We should kill Qtards.

Crensch ago

Most Qtards are white, and not liberal.

Looks like you picked your side.

ExpertShitposter ago

Any white who is not pro ethno-state is an enemy bigger than a jew. As it is his voting power that is preventing the final solution.

Crensch ago

Guess what subverse was headed that way before your boy Zyklon ran off their most outgoing and hard-working researcher? You know, the one asking if we were lied to about the Holocaust right before he started?

Guess what's happening now?

Fuck you. Defend your people that are waking up, or lose them forever because you demand a fully-made nationalist out of people that just realized they were lied to all their lives.

ExpertShitposter ago

That whole sub is full of boomers. They will never change, they simply must die off. Only the zoomers can save the world. Nobody even complained about you banning z-man. Also, sarzy was a literal jewish whore who is married to a mexican nigger and made 56% mud babies.


Crensch ago

That whole sub is full of boomers. They will never change, they simply must die off.

Thanks, Oprah.

So realizing the media was lying to them their whole lives, and rejecting it to become Qoomers isn't changing? Kinda weak for an argument.

Only the zoomers can save the world. Nobody even complained about you banning z-man in particular, but the other bans.

How do I know any number of you aren't zyklon? Especially if you spout the same kind of horseshit he did? Or you hate Q and he did everything he could to destroy it on this platform?

Also, sarzy was a literal jewish whore who is married to a mexican nigger and made 56% mud babies.

Yeah, never seen any evidence for any of that, actually. Sounds like something zyklon came up with, and as usual, you all marched to the beat of his drum.

But you have a literal, admitted, race-traitor in GG, half-nigger Le_Squish, and a halfbreed something in buddha.

I don't see you all clamoring to insult, doxx, harass, and threaten, or dogpile with those that are over it.

ExpertShitposter ago

They rejected the TV jewish psyop, to accept the internet Jewish psyop. Wow, big progress. Israel is truly our greatest ally, as is any based black trump voter.

She was doxed to hell and back. Pictures of her with her mexican husband his mexican name. It was spread through anon subs after putt started banning. I knew she was a jew, but even i was kind of shocked. They usually push the niggers onto white girls, but she married one. This explains why despite pretending to be pro freedom of speach, she never actually yelled "nigger" on voat.

Don't know anything about ethnicity of people in SBBH, GG and Le barely post there, and sbbs is not a political sub anyway. I don't know about Buddha's ethniciti ether. He is a rich boomer who does not wish for the final solution. But he also does not lead a sub of boomers, telling them the zoomers are wrong. He just plays his guitar and answers math questions, and shitposts random thoughts. This is why nobody picks on him.

Crensch ago

They rejected the TV jewish psyop, to accept the internet Jewish psyop. Wow, big progress. Israel is truly our greatest ally, as is any based black trump voter.

And you somehow think that that won't lead to many of them rejecting anything that doesn't align with reality? As opposed to the alternative of what? What do you think was going to happen instead?

She was doxed to hell and back. Pictures of her with her mexican husband his mexican name. It was spread through anon subs after putt started banning. I knew she was a jew, but even i was kind of shocked. They usually push the niggers onto white girls, but she married one. This explains why despite pretending to be pro freedom of speach, she never actually yelled "nigger" on voat.

1) why are you still spreading information she didn't provide herself to this platform?

2) where is the evidence that she is a Jew? Did she claim it herself?

Don't know anything about ethnicity of people in SBBH, GG and Le barely post there, and sbbs is not a political sub anyway. I would have no problem with niggers online if all niggers physically lived in niggerland. I don't know about Buddha's ethniciti ether. He is a rich boomer who does not wish for the final solution. But he also does not lead a sub of boomers, telling them the zoomers are wrong. He just plays his guitar and answers math questions, and shitposts random thoughts. This is why nobody picks on him.

So she did something you didn't like, so that gives you the moral justification to dox her off the site.

Your justification of her being a race mixer really has nothing to do with that, because if that was your impetus, you would have every reason to have a problem with niggers on your board.

And even if she is a Jew oh, you have literal niggers on your board.

So what you're telling me is you're only going after her because she did something you didn't like, not because of those things.

ExpertShitposter ago

1). I am rebel. Ha.

2). No but its obvious.

  • jewy face
  • jewy nose
  • obsessed with sex
  • likes to talk about it publicly all the time
  • racemixes
  • pretty much never mentions jews unless pushed
  • leader of a jewish psyop movement

3). I didn't dox shit. I was helping her till she went full bitch mode. I've posted pm's to prove this. The so called niggers in SBBH are not atempting to be leaders of a supposed "pro white, conservative moment, that will result in red pilling". A race mixer jew being in that spot is ridiculous.

Think of it this way. A nig existing within nazi Germany as a tourist Vs. a nig being head of NSDAP.

But once again, stop blaming me or anyone else for what z-man, and GG did. At worst you can say we were passive. That we had the right to be.

SearchVoatBot ago

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Crensch ago

2) No but its obvious.

It's really not. Nobody was able to prove she was a Jew. Whites can be sex addicts, who talk about it publicly. And she made the Holocaust submission all on her own.

And nobody has proved that Q is a Jewish psyop.

I didn't dox shit. I was helping her till she went full bitch mode. I've posted pm's to prove this. After that all i did was mind my own business.

I don't believe that for a second.

"Minding your own business" but here trashing her. Inconsistent.

The so called niggers in SBBH are not attempting to be leaders of a supposed "pro white, conservative moment, that will result in red pilling".

So again, you don't like what she says or does. Nothing at all to do with her race or that of her family.

A race mixer jew being in that spot is ridiculous. Think of it this way. A nig existing within nazi Germany as a tourist Vs. a nig being head of NSDAP.

How many people followed her orders?

But once again, stop blaming me or anyone else for what z-man, and GG did. At worst you can say we were passive. That we had the right to be.

No, not really. Nearly every one of you has taken a swing at her. Apparently either never hearing the phrase "kicking a man when he's down", or just not caring because she owned a sub you didn't like.

Sounds like nigger behaviour to me. Or Jew. I'll let you choose which you happen to be.

ExpertShitposter ago

Any right wing movement not focused on white ethnostates is a jewish psyop. Without segregation, there is no salvation. Call it Q, Alt Light, Turning point USA, whatever.

It's not about command, its about controlling the narrative. Keeping them focused on "the libtard democrats", who were "the reeeaaaaal nazis", while making sure they don't see ethnicity, especially jewish ethnicity. Keep the blinds on the horse, and an apple on the stick in front of it.

Mentioning the holodox is the perfect cover. Gives one credibility on voat, while not actually steering the conversation to the jews. Who is gonna hate the jews over a single lie about some historic number of victims. No one. Meanwhile their real crimes are kept off the discussion board. And nobody questions or susspects you, because you once yelled "holodox not real".

You should read up on historic use of "pretty girls" as double agents. From women like Cleopatra, to various famous double agents of WW2.

Crensch ago

while making sure they don't see ethnicity, especially jewish ethnicity.

Again. So many are more awake to this than ever before. Once you disconnect from MSM, you don't really have a choice but to see these things, because you're looking for whatever else they lied to you about.

You should read up on historic use of "pretty girls" as double agents. From women like Cleopatra, to various famous double agents of WW2.

You should read up on my post on zyklon, and how you and every one of your sbbh faggot buddies did fuck-all to attack him or even defend his victims when he's very clearly either Jewish or on the dole.

You should read up on kevdude who worked with a reddit cabal to shape Voat and its ideals early in PV history.

You should read up on srayzie and tell me she deserved what happened to her because you don't like her movement.

You should also read up on how she supported nearly everything she claimed with archives and screenshots, and how literally everyone on your side has nothing but CNN talking points they parrot over and over again with fuck-all for logos.

ExpertShitposter ago

did fuck-all to attack him or even defend his victims

That's what i've been saying all along. We were neutral. Because we didn't agree with his behavior, but at the same time, you don't just turn your back on your buddies. So put in a tight spot like that, you compromise by being passive and hoping things turn out OK. Its called loyalty.

Sarzy should have followed my advice 1 year ago, when i warned her that namefagging and picfagging on twitter, and right wing movements don't mix, and that it's gonna end badly.

But she wanted attention, and would not listen. Maybe because its her (((job)))?

SearchVoatBot ago

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SearchVoatBot ago

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SearchVoatBot ago

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Crensch ago

That's what i've been saying all along. We were neutral. Because we didn't agree with his behavior, but at the same time, you don't just turn your back on your buddies.

TIL Expertshitposter has buddies that threaten rape and murder on children multiple times daily, scaring the mothers.

I dont have buddies like that.

Know what I'd have if my buddy did that?

Not a buddy.

So put in a tight spot like that, you compromise by being passive and hoping things turn out OK. Its called loyalty.

It's called something very similar to ADL.

Sarzy should have followed my advice 1 year ago, when i warned her that namefagging and picfagging on twitter, and right wing movements don't mix, and that it's gonna end badly.

Blame her because you had a buddy you were "loyal" to.

But she wanted attention, and would not listen. Maybe because its her (((job)))?

Convenient how she's a stupid woman that got doxxed one paragraph above, and how she is now a Jew earning shekels.

Just spitwadding to see what sticks?

ExpertShitposter ago

He was not like that before. He was on voat staring 4 years back. In the last year he started doing meth and fired his brain.

The rest is just your shitposting and autism, im not gonna respond to that.

Crensch ago

I'm trying to understand exactly what would motivate someone to continue being buddies with a guy that is threatening rape and murder of children to the point that the mothers are actually concerned for their well-being.

And I honestly don't give a fuck what they're on.

heygeorge ago

by being passive

I was less than passive, as @brennkommando can attest. And I wasted a lot of time communicating with both parties (and various others) about the bullshit. A troll can be starved or they can be fed. This time the troll ballooned into meth/alcohol fueled insanity.

ExpertShitposter ago

It was like a dumpster fire. You can hardly handle the smell, yet you cant look away.

Vindicator ago

You should also read up on how she supported nearly everything she claimed with archives and screenshots

Ding ding ding! This, right here, is why she was driven off Voat. She was a first class shill killer and therefore a serious threat to the subverters of Voat.

Redcobra ago

What exactly are you trying to say?

Redcobra ago

Non , ive already read those. (Well I guess I’ll have to check for updates) what are you trying to convey with post title?

Crensch ago

Just a message to @kevdude and his SBBH lackeys that want to run roughshod over every sub on this site.

Redcobra ago

Now I don’t know, but I think .by calling essentially everyone who posts at sbbh kevdude lackeys it keeps things too open to interpretation.this should be a beef between users not “gangs”.Whatever . I’d also add that I don’t think putt sanctions bans/deleting .but rather that a mod is free to rule his sub the way he sees fit.anyway why don’t you remove bans and let bygones be bygones.

sirRantsalot ago

Stop bitching about putt. Go make your own site.

Crensch ago

That didn't work out like you thought it would, did it?

sirRantsalot ago

It didn't work out in any way that I can see. What are you getting at?

Crensch ago

Oh, just that kevdude is one of those (((untouchable))) usernames here. You just said something that was completely turned around to show that you disagree with him.

It's okay, they might show mercy on you this time.

Crensch ago

Stop bitching about putt. Go make your own site.

Above written by @sirRantsalot

You tell 'em!

Oh wait, did you meant that for me? I wasn't bitching about it. I was reminding @kevdude and his gang of SBBH faggots that doxx and harass people off this site that the current moderation tactics of /v/GreatAwakening are specifically sanctioned by the owner of this site. So..

I guess you could tell him to go make his own site?

sirRantsalot ago

i have a feeling if putt was around he'd hang out in SBBH just because the people there are hilarious.

Crensch ago

I know for a fact he wouldn't, but I can't prove that. So enjoy your masturbatory fantasy.

sirRantsalot ago

masturbatory fantasy. yeah. its official. i dont like you, and i suspect you are a disinformationist doing his regular projection thing.

Crensch ago

Literally one side with links to words said by the users themselves contradicting their claims, or links to the comments they're referencing contradicting their claims, or any of dozens of other ways of showing that I'm not lying, but they most certainly are.

... but I'm the disinformationist.

Got it.

sirRantsalot ago

good. you're a smartie!

sirRantsalot ago

That was zyklon, man. Don't paint with such broad strokes

Crensch ago

No, no. That's kevdude, claiming comments are not to be deleted. Zyklon was the troll, kevdude was the good-guy wrangler that kept all those "evil" mods in check by claiming to be taking the high/ideolotical road.

Brush up on your Voat history.

sirRantsalot ago

I'm been trying to learn the truth about voat for years now. Is it run by the feds? What's all the talk about being a paid shitposter? Why do guys like you constantly bitch?

Crensch ago

Constantly bitch?

Why is it that the people that complain about others doing things that aren't right are the ones thought of as the 'complainers' or 'constantly bitch(ing)'?

Ask yourself that. There's a group of users here that, ostensibly, are shitposters, but that's just a front for what they really do, which is COINTEL the hell out of this place for their leftist/globalist/kike overlords.

sirRantsalot ago

okay. stop right there. who specifically are you talking about in sbbh? i dont even think kevdude is a sbbh person. i'm in there regularly and those folks you accuse of being enemies of the american people are my friends. @heygeorge is american. @gabara is canadian. buddha......maybe. but i think hes just an uppity east coaster. @redcobra . @friendshipistragic . @ShitsInHoneyPots . @TheOldOnes . @nadeshda . even nutty @zyklon_b . ive corresponded with them for a very long time under different usernames. @drstrangegov , @platos_allegory , @poorlydrawnhorses (i believe thats it) they are good people. and my friends. you had better have good evidence for your accusations. i havent seen ANY evidence that these guys are anything other than what they seem to be. and that was my sole purpose for infiltrating sbbh. I looked through histories and comments going back to the beginning. I am a stereotypical american. loud, obnoxious, talented, and patriotic. i love my country and i hate to see it raped. i have a hard on to find, expose, and punish anyone who seeks to harm my people and my home. you're barking up the wrong tree. heres what SBBH's problem is with Q. those fucking goalposts. i had one metric of success for the donald trump presidency and Q's legitimacy. the arrest of the clintons. that is the source of the rot. comey flat out said she wont be prosecuted because of who she is. that rubs me wrong, see. until those evil pricks are locked up, the rule of law is broken. and without the rule of law. you have anarchy. and anarchy is weakness. so anybody who tells me to "trust the plan" obviously just wants me to sit quietly while they do whatever it is they are gonna do. i'm not trusting the plan BECAUSE I NEVER HEARD A PLAN.

Redcobra ago

You called? I mean @‘d me hi buddy what’s going on ?

sirRantsalot ago

i'm sick of this guy running everybody down.

Nadeshda ago

Yeah me too... :/ I’m very glad you are here btw...

Redcobra ago

Ok ..well fuckin rights bro. I’ve enjoyed your comments thus far.this almost deserves its own post in mildly entertaining lol.

heygeorge ago

@crensch really is this retarded. Goddamn I stirred the pot this time. The truth cuts deep.

Ask yourself that. There's a group of users here that, ostensibly, are shitposters, but that's just a front for what they really do, which is COINTEL the hell out of this place for their leftist/globalist/kike overlords.

Crensch ago

You mean how you constantly ping me for no apparent reason? "this time"


It's ok. I don't mind bringing up stuff from the past. It won't change anything for the better for any of you, but I DO find nifty tidbits that I missed from before, like kevdude not being able to keep his story straight.

And I get nice proofs that you are a lying, gaslighting piece of shit. So there's that.

All you all have is:

1) I saw tits that were nice

2) From a user whose face is attractive

3) A comment from the lying, Voat-manipulating, can't-keep-his-story-straight kevdude about "flappy tits"

4) Fake pics that were posted publicly to everyone

5) My modlog

Nothing has changed to make your position any better since the beginning.

sirRantsalot ago

wasnt she married? doesnt some part of you want to find a nice corner to sit quietly in? i mean, if i were sexting with a married woman i'd be forced to reconsider what kind of person i was, and i certainly wouldnt be bragging about it. i'd be ashamed. have you no shame?

Crensch ago

wasnt she married?


doesnt some part of you want to find a nice corner to sit quietly in?

You mean like everyone wanted to do, but kevdude and the SBBH trolls would attack them for doing so?

i mean, if i were sexting with a married woman i'd be forced to reconsider what kind of person i was, and i certainly wouldnt be bragging about it.

The tit pics were sent to me, @Vindicator, and @kevdude from a username none of us knew. Before that, @srayzie was telling @ESOTERICshade to piss off, and he was getting angry - she knew he had tit pics of hers, and she was worried about him leaking them. Guess what happened?

i'd be ashamed. have you no shame?

Ashamed of getting tit pics sent to me? No. I'm also not ashamed of finding them praiseworthy. I don't know her situation, but apparently she's comfortable enough to share them with SOMEone here. Why would I feel the least bit odd or awkward about it?

ESOTERICshade ago

Wrong. I was never mad at srayzie. I just drifted away from her because all she talked about was Q and I was not a Qbert. Proof that she sent the tit pics herself is that she sent them to @kevdude TWICE. She false flagged me with that shit because she was mad at me for exposing Q as a psyop.

As usual you have it all backwards.

Crensch ago

That's not proof of anything other than a woman you betrayed felt exceedingly self-conscious, and didn't believe for a second that kevdude didn't look at them. She wanted to make sure he did to try and elicit a compliment since she was hysterical and felt awful about herself.

I don't have anything backwards, alt-user/vote-manipulator/consensus-cracker.

sirRantsalot ago

i think you need a new hobby. being a dick to your fellow voaters is a shitty one.

Crensch ago

heygeorge admitted to starting this. Is that not being a dick? You're really not very good at this.

sirRantsalot ago

never claimed to be. i'm better at other things. all i'm doing is defending sbbh because youre constantly bitching about them. if i'm doing it poorly, so be it. at least i'm doing it.

Crensch ago

You don't even admit when you're proven to be wrong.

There's a guy that is starting a verbal argument, and happens to be wrong. He has this really buff friend that is totally "i got your back bro, no matter what" tier.

You're BackBro. You're defending your buddy even when some part of your idiot mind realizes you're wrong.

sirRantsalot ago

I have my peoples backs when retards harrass them. on voat and in the world. only a shithead would see this as a personality flaw, shithead.

Crensch ago

Yeah, but I'm not a retard, and I'm right far more often than not... and far more often than your buddies.

You're really not very smart, it seems.

sirRantsalot ago

i never claimed to be. you must not be very smart if you thought i was.

Crensch ago

even nutty @zyklon_b . ive corresponded with them for a very long time under different usernames. @drstrangegov , @platos_allegory , @poorlydrawnhorses (i believe thats it) they are good people. and my friends.

If you think zyklon is good people, you are a poor judge of character.

@TheOldOnes might be the only one on that list that is a decent human being.

Let's start there.

sirRantsalot ago

zyklon is.......damaged. he went too far but thats between him and the guy who owns the site. and putt booted him. i know what motivates you. you're special. you're the chosen one. if someone gave you power you'd make things ship shape, right? so you bitch and you plot and you make little machinations, all in the service of getting a little more power. you know who else thinks like that? commies. we know that commies like to project their misdeeds onto others. maybe YOU are the glownigger. but i dont have any proof of that. i was just seeing how you liked being accused of something so terrible. calling someone a liar is a shitty thing to do. dont be shitty.

Crensch ago

so you bitch and you plot and you make little machinations, all in the service of getting a little more power.

@heygeorge admits to starting all this, this time around.

Show me where I haven't been pinged to something for my "bitch(ing) and plot(ting)" to occur here.

we know that commies like to project their misdeeds onto others.

Like this?

i was just seeing how you liked being accused of something so terrible. calling someone a liar is a shitty thing to do. dont be shitty.

I tend to back up my accusations. What do you see your buddies doing when they attack someone?

sirRantsalot ago

i wont pretend that theres not something stinky on voat. but i'm inclined to think its the guys who go around calling each other "patriot" (seriously........i cringe when someone addresses me thusly. not because being a patriot is a bad thing, but because you guys call everyone that. to me it sounds like comrade) patriots arent people that get a fuzzy feeling from our flag. they are people who have sacrificed for the american people. not fucking keyboard warriors. now that i think about it the only person i see attacking others is YOU.

Crensch ago

i wont pretend that theres not something stinky on voat. but i'm inclined to think its the guys who go around calling each other "patriot"

Funny how they don't go around silencing and doxxing those they disagree with.

(seriously........i cringe when someone addresses me thusly. not because i'm not a patriot, but because you guys call everyone that. to me it sounds like comrade)

Sounds like a personal problem.

patriots arent people that get a fuzzy feeling from our flag.

No true scotsman fallacy.

they are people who have sacrificed for the american people.

One definition.

they are people who have sacrificed for the american people.

Every white has sacrificed their wellbeing for "the american people" sold to us by Jews.

Whites are the only people that matter.

now that i think about it the only person i see attacking others is YOU.

Your buddies helped doxx a woman off this site.

Remember one comment above where I linked you to @heygeorge admitting to starting all of this?

I suppose in your book that's not attacking someone?

And literally the last 2-3 months of zyklon's account is nothing but him attacking innocent users.

Step your game up. Your narrative has failed at every turn.

sirRantsalot ago

i dont have a narrative. i'm just talking to a frustratingly obstinate person. you're wrong about my friends. that is all.

Crensch ago

Yeah, except I back up (at least most) of my claims about them with evidence. Something your "friends" don't ever do. Ever. Not even a little. They just make claim after claim until you believe it, like CNN does for the normies.

sirRantsalot ago

THERE IS NO EVIDENCE that can be believed on the internet. and if you think ANYTHING on the internet can be trusted youre a goddamned fool. trust the plan, my ass. thats exactly what the baby fuckers would say. why should we trust Q? why should we trust you? i can just imagine you saying the word "normie" with a sneer. you nasty, horrible little man.

Crensch ago

I use their own words against them, idiot.

I don't say "trust the plan", faggot.

sirRantsalot ago

faggot, huh........welp. i said my piece. fuck you very much.

m_1 ago

You all drunk...

m_1 ago

Feeling brave tonight? Must be weird for you to post outside of your safe space.

Can I get unbanned from GA?

Crensch ago

Puttitout sanctions comment deletions. Directly sanctions them.

m_1 ago

Yeah. So what? He also sanctions mods banning users for no reason.

Crensch ago

You're right! He does! Someone should ping @kevdude!

m_1 ago

Show you are a better person and unban me from GA.

Crensch ago

Eat a dick.

m_1 ago

You sure like to say that. Are you hitting on me?