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Crensch ago

Apprarently debating with the stupidest person I ever met, so I have no additional reply.

What an embarrassing mischaracterization, and even exaggeration were it remotely true.

Maybe you can go get some remedial education from a nigger, because you're dumber than those fucks.

Maybe you don't like being shown to be wrong. I posit that the more intelligent would be happy to be proven wrong on something. I know I am.

Say what you need to say to help you sleep at night, I guess.

antiracist ago


@Crensch is an idiot.

Teehee 2=0 because Krauss told me so. Teehee, Stephen Hawking is an atheist so I am too!

"You don't even understand null hypothesis, or apparently, epistemology." ~~~ Idiot Crensch

"Philosophy is garbage for the weak-minded." ~~~ Idiot Crensch

"I don't know if you saw where I compared his logic argument to Euclidean geometry, but he seems stuck at "the angles of a triangle add up to 180 degrees!" and is unable to process a triangle on the surface of a sphere." ~~~ Idiot Crensch

Logic don't real cuz non-Euclidean geometry.

And you pretend you're on the side of logic. Fuck you idiot Crensch.

Exhibit A that Crensch can't work a dictionary: Soundness

Exhibit B that Crensch can't work a dictionary: Cues

Exhibit C that Crensch can't work a dictionary: Philosophy

Exhibit D that Crensch can't work a dictionary: Deserves

Exhibit E that Crensch can't work a dictionary: Morality

Exhibit F that Crensch can't work a dictionary: Strawman

Exhibit G that Crensch can't work a dictionary: Dialetheism

Exhibit H that Crensch can't work a dictionary: Pragmatism

Exhibit I that Crensch can't work a dictionary: Necessarily

Exhibit J that Crensch can't work a dictionary: Absurd

Exhibit K that Crensch can't work a dictionary: Necessity

Exhibit L that Crensch can't work a dictionary: Claim

Exhibit M that Crensch can't work a dictionary: Knowledge