Crensch ago

Apprarently debating with the stupidest person I ever met, so I have no additional reply.

What an embarrassing mischaracterization, and even exaggeration were it remotely true.

Maybe you can go get some remedial education from a nigger, because you're dumber than those fucks.

Maybe you don't like being shown to be wrong. I posit that the more intelligent would be happy to be proven wrong on something. I know I am.

Say what you need to say to help you sleep at night, I guess.

antiracist ago

Maybe you don't like being shown to be wrong. I posit that the more intelligent would be happy to be proven wrong on something. I know I am.

You CAN NOT address P2, idiot. You are WRONG!

@eagleshigh @SarMegahhikkitha @heygeorge @iamashill

antiracist ago


@Crensch is an idiot.

Teehee 2=0 because Krauss told me so. Teehee, Stephen Hawking is an atheist so I am too!

"You don't even understand null hypothesis, or apparently, epistemology." ~~~ Idiot Crensch

"Philosophy is garbage for the weak-minded." ~~~ Idiot Crensch

"I don't know if you saw where I compared his logic argument to Euclidean geometry, but he seems stuck at "the angles of a triangle add up to 180 degrees!" and is unable to process a triangle on the surface of a sphere." ~~~ Idiot Crensch

Logic don't real cuz non-Euclidean geometry.

And you pretend you're on the side of logic. Fuck you idiot Crensch.

Exhibit A that Crensch can't work a dictionary: Soundness

Exhibit B that Crensch can't work a dictionary: Cues

Exhibit C that Crensch can't work a dictionary: Philosophy

Exhibit D that Crensch can't work a dictionary: Deserves

Exhibit E that Crensch can't work a dictionary: Morality

Exhibit F that Crensch can't work a dictionary: Strawman

Exhibit G that Crensch can't work a dictionary: Dialetheism

Exhibit H that Crensch can't work a dictionary: Pragmatism

Exhibit I that Crensch can't work a dictionary: Necessarily

Exhibit J that Crensch can't work a dictionary: Absurd

Exhibit K that Crensch can't work a dictionary: Necessity

Exhibit L that Crensch can't work a dictionary: Claim

Exhibit M that Crensch can't work a dictionary: Knowledge

Crensch ago

Handy link I still had up from earlier.

Tons of shit like that that I've come across.

Also, tweets and google searches mean more than all the polling being done, so what, exactly, is your argument?

Crensch ago

Oh, like I said, it might be announced that the cunt wins, but it will have been stolen. Period.

Crensch ago

No, I base it on the way the polls are done now, and what the polls don't count. Basically, the "scientific" polls get more inaccurate as time goes on. "random" participation gets lower and lower each year, and, especially this year, there's a lot of fear about being found out as an X supporter (trump, obviously,) - why would you give that information to someone that could then come egg your house, or stalk you on social media?

Sorry, entirely too many reasons to go through, tbh. That bitch has nowhere near the viewers on any live stream, orders of magnitude less retweets, the google searches show people wanting to change their votes, and "vote hillary" dropping to near zero some days ago, among other key phrases.

The guy packs out any place he holds a rally, and she can only snag a few thousand at the very most, and barely a hundred many times? No way are first-time voters going for her, and those are absolutely not counted on any of the polls that map draws from.

"have you voted in the last 2 elections?" "no?" "ok, you aren't likely to vote then, thanks for your time" <--- that's more or less what they say.

con77 ago

I wave signs for Trump at busy intersections. Supporters outnumber detractors 30 to 1.

Crensch ago

That is so insanely wrong, I don't even know where to begin.

No fucking way the map will look anything like that without serious, serious vote manipulation.

Sans MASSIVE voter fraud, the don will take almost every state.

Joe_McCarthy ago

Basically Hillary is a less than 2-1 favorite the weekend before the election. If you had told me Trump would be this close I would have gazed in disbelief.

Quaestorr ago

Still, he apparently doesn't have a big chance to win. I hope people, when they're polled, don't dare to admit they will vote Trump, so that Clinton's prospects show up exaggerated.