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zyklon_b ago

i been to cotton eyed joe in knoxville and now stuck in head

TheBuddha ago


zyklon_b ago

i love fiddles

TheBuddha ago

It kinda depends for me. Sometimes, they're too squeaky.

zyklon_b ago

if u was from these hills youd probably like it more

TheBuddha ago

Maybe. I don't much like the violin, either. The only real difference between them is how they're played.

zyklon_b ago

i aint into that queer shit

TheBuddha ago

I also don't like much female bluegrass singing, for much the same reason. There are some exceptions, but I generally do not.

zyklon_b ago

i agree i more into copperhead road or alabama type shit

TheBuddha ago

Copperhead Road is a pretty good song.

zyklon_b ago

we jamming country here today. been on death metal like 9 days

TheBuddha ago

I should cover a country song sometime. Maybe some Garth Brooks.

zyklon_b ago

garth or alabama or conway twitty or davild allen coe will for certain be popular amongst the demographic

TheBuddha ago

We did do Sweet Home Alabama.

zyklon_b ago

brooks and dunn is kewl as fuck as is chatahoochie

TheBuddha ago

I used to play some Alan Jackson.

zyklon_b ago

i cannot these ppl that h8 om country

TheBuddha ago

Some of it is okay.

zyklon_b ago

i like it too bro

bro.the legend of beatlejuice on voat has grown exponentially . the qtards know me now bro. i think am at pinnacle of fame on this platform

TheBuddha ago

Now, you just need to convert it into a paying job!

Hold QRV ransom unless they send you money.

zyklon_b ago

i aint the money loved type of dude

im da one eyed dog havin beer drankn 10 kids having n party erryday for life type guy i reckons

TheBuddha ago

Might as well get paid. You can afford even more beer and kids.

zyklon_b ago

i aint need nuffin frum noone buts unc sam komrade. errybody else can get poked up


TheBuddha ago

Just think of all the extra drugs you'd get to do.

$3500 per month and you'll let them have their sub.

zyklon_b ago

well foe $4000 i would stop forever

rubs hands togarher...