drstrangegov ago

lots of deleted posts. looks like a battleground in here.

C_Corax ago

There's an upper limit to how much I can be bothered looking up and archiving and for the most part it is lost in time anyway. So "proof" will at times be a strong indicator at most. We'll start with the part about scandinavian being gay which is self admitted.

https://voat.co/v/news/738389/3611832/10#3611832 http://archive.ph/fzGQl

https://voat.co/v/MeanwhileOnReddit/707299/3445831/10#3445831 http://archive.ph/OAYlW

https://voat.co/v/MeanwhileOnReddit/694393/3386014/10#3386014 http://archive.ph/oEUSe

https://voat.co/v/askgoat/762618/3752221/10#3752221 http://archive.ph/kbxK6

https://voat.co/v/news/813802/4035232/10#4035232 http://archive.ph/EiP2D

As for how I tied him to viking83 on Reddit. Well let's just say there was a very public disagreement on the Danish subreddit about its political leaning. To the point where viking83/Scandinavian created his own. Much like he has claimed the 3 Danish subs here on Voat so he could control the narrative. And of course there was the highly unusual situation where he managed to shoehorn himself into /r/TheDonald's mod team.. What is a Dane doing in an American sub?

Anyway as you might expect on a left leaning site like reddit, someone did some digging into the mod team and found out he had also been a mod of something else in the past.. This is where I struggle a bit with evidence as viking83/scandinavian got very busy deleting his account! I did find something that should allow you to put 2 and 2 together..



As to my interest in it? I just find it hilarious that the "bastion of protecting Voat" was made by Kevin Spacey. "I'm not a pedophile, I'm GAY!!"

I used to go by @Shumway now that you ask.

Pinging @zyklon_b, @totes_magotes, @ExpertShitposter, @WhiteRonin I know you enjoy a good shit show. Allow me to deliver.

zyklon_b ago

bam bam

totes_magotes ago

Doing God's work, son.

ExpertShitposter ago

@Scandinavian u a pedo feget brah? I'm gonna kill you with a gun.

As we have learned in the past year, there is a very close link between faggotism and pedophilia. Memeber that video where almost every gay dude in a bar said his first homosexual experience was being raped as a 13yo kid? There is something in the gay brain that sexualizes kids. Maybe its hard to have one type of mental illness, and everything else in your brain is 100%. SO most fags end up pedos as well.

In any case, @Scandinavian you must be gassed out of existence by Scottish bagpipes filled with @zyklon_b

C_Corax ago

Been sitting on it for a while not knowing if I could be bothered to press the issue, but pedo mod viking83 and @scandinavian are 100% the same. I could share more, but it would come with the implication of being in Danish and things would be lost in translation.

The fact that he flew from Denmark to NY and had an experience with the gay scene there should tell you all you need to know about him.

C_Corax ago

Did you know @Scandinavian used to be known as viking83 on Reddit. You know the guy that made PV?

I'll skip you a bit of history, but he was one of the moderators of "young ladies" on Reddit. He has since defended that because he is gay and couldn't possible be interested in young women..

C_Corax ago

Well.. You do need an army, you just don't like saying it out loud that SBBH is the hammer and everything that gets in our way is the anvil :)

SandHog ago

Looks like I missed out on some entertainment.

349023095sdfl ago

he Fat Jew @Dial_Indicator


349023095sdfl ago

lmao they deleting comment @freshmeat @puttiout

jklsjas8347895 ago


here is user Trigglypuff in true form

jklsjas8347895 ago

The Fat Jew

proof that im jewish please? you named after after outrageous fat cunt meme whore

Alcoholics_R_Us ago

That ridiculous selfie you posted a while back proves you are a FATTY.

jklsjas8347895 ago

SRS /v/protectvoat is organized brigades @puttitout

european ago

Conquest by womb. Confirmed muslim

349023095sdfl ago

hes not tho, more lies by an alt

jklsjas8347895 ago

hes actually not, more lies

gabara ago

I love how much they pushed Discord after they spammed the Voat chat to death, and then it was revealed that Discord was owned by SJWs using it to dox conservatives. @freshmeat BTFO!

349023095sdfl ago

you faggot, you sure you want to tango?

freshmeat ago

SBBH spammed old voat chat, @engelberthumperdinck even did @Puttitout's job for him and made a fix for Beatle and experts spam. Looking back on it SBBH was desperate not to have any platform on Voat they cant abuse. Yall made it too annoying for Putt to deal with your minor bullshit that he just got rid of it entirely.

Discord may have homosexual furries running it but it works very well as long as you dont break ToS. It's still nice having a place to chat that you can't shit on.

gabara ago

Nah, it was you. That's why you accuse us. Nice try.

jkasdfhk7732 ago

I love how much they pushed Discord

when you they you mean me

after they spammed the Voat chat to death

lies, it was a result of voat chat being spammed we moved

nd then it was revealed that Discord was owned by SJWs using it to dox conservatives

proof as kevdud would say

gabara look, i dont want to but, you are lying. I will not put up with this.

I could fuck you over hardcore, you know this.. im giving you a second chance. rescind

C_Corax ago


Not defending dial or the downhill lifestyle path that he's clearly on. He's his own worst enemy.

jklsjas8347895 ago

Not defending dial

you know shit about me, at least im honest

jkasdfhk7732 ago

pops out of his ass

yeah free speech is a bitch isn't it when you cant downvoat it to shit @puttitout

kkasdfa88934 ago

coordinating in that JIDF Discord of theirs.

lies @generaldouche

not in discord fucker, nor is womb

jkasdfhk7732 ago

actually womb hasn't been in there like a year or more @freshmeat can confirm

just more @kevdude lies & conjecture

zyklon_b ago

dude womb raped a kid in 1990

lord_nougat ago

He has never even made any attempt to disprove these allegations!

zyklon_b ago

@drstrangegov was brainwashed and driven mad and as soon as i find who turned him (((gay))) i will gas em then rape n then do it again....

lord_nougat ago

Well damn, I wish I was the one who turned him gay.

All I did was fart in his general direction a little bit.

zyklon_b ago

@drstrangegov asked to be pinged 6 gorillion times in honor of the chosen ppl

lord_nougat ago

L'chaim to him!


zyklon_b ago

you can have him

kkasdfa88934 ago

its funnier because everyone knows it the truth

zyklon_b ago

Kill it with fire and this

Reaffirm held beliefs: The confirmation bias identifies how people readily read information that confirms their established opinions and readily avoid reading information that contradicts their opinions.[24] The confirmation bias is apparent when a person confronts deeply-held political beliefs, i.e. when a person is greatly committed to his or her beliefs, values, and ideas

kkasdfa88934 ago

kek, im a 13 year old

kkasdfa88934 ago

do you ever tell the truth faggot? or do you just dream about me all night long?

kkasdfa88934 ago

Have another drink Dial.

sober fuckface, more lies

kkasdfa88934 ago

I was wondering when you would show up to "defend"

yeah that what you do when you have good conscious, womb hates me, but i will stick up for him. because I know you are a piece of shit


kkasdfa88934 ago

completly sober fuckface, and pssst im still very active

your rPV (JIDF) coworker.

@generaldouche @kevdude lies @puttitout

gabara ago

@womb_raider is the laughing stock of Voat

Alcoholics_R_Us ago

I thought Dial the Alkie was - or are they the same person?

gabara ago

We suspect they are all one person. It's hard to tell them appart they all get drunk at the exact same time.

349023095sdfl ago


kkasdfa88934 ago

i disagree with this

jklsjas8347895 ago

lol the silent -1

kkasdfa88934 ago

I will defend @womb_radier even tho we dont get along.

The only only one stirring shit is you, you fucking cunt. once again trying to organze brigades SRS style @puttitout more fucking proof that kevdude is a pos faggot'

"how fucking dare womb has his say on a topic" you fucking whore

-iron fist

theoldones ago

open new porn tab