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Scandinavian ago

Don't forget the influence of Truvada - a HIV treatment that's now being pushed as a pill to take every day if you don't have HIV; supposedly protecting against infection.

I can tell from first-hand experience that this has had a profound effect on the hook-up environment among gay men in NYC. Goodbye, condoms.

I usually don't slut-shame; lord knows I've fucked everything and everyone that moved, but these pill whores are carrying diseases we didn't need to worry about just ten years ago.

Typo ago

You aren't wrong. The article says that HIV is down but doesn't attribute it to Truvada. However, the drug serves as a preventative measure and not an educational one. The logical conclusion would be that it will lead to a rise in other STDs since unsafe sex isn't addressed. It's extremely unfortunate.

YourDumbWhat ago

Can't any of em aside from AIDs and the herp be treated with antibiotics or special shampoo?