daskapitalist ago

15 out of 5? What is this, pokemon? Gotta catch em all?

YourDumbWhat ago

What do I remember about sex ed? Some guy in an AIDs costume running around a baseball field. As far as I could tell, sex was this thing people inexplicably chose to do in order to get infected with various life-long illnesses.

YourDumbWhat ago

Just who are the "whores" in this scenario anyway

Charlie Sheen

Vvswiftvv17 ago

interesting factoid....guess who runs a lot of NYC sex education workshops in school? Planned parenthood.

Tb0n3 ago

Humans aren't unthinking animals. We have the ability to make choices, and if those choices are well enough informed we can make the choices that lead to us leading longer and healthier lives. Even among married couples you see condom usage, but it doesn't mean they don't love each other. It just means that they don't want to have fucking children. They can become just as close as those who do not, and possibly more due to the active role they take in each others' health.

Tb0n3 ago

You sure it's not just coincidental due to changing tides in society? Pretty easy to confuse correlation with causation.

Tb0n3 ago

You can't give away (get rid of completely) AIDS. You can abort, adopt a pregnancy.

Bill_Murrays_Sandals ago

I don't even want to google what the hell that is.

Tb0n3 ago

Kids aren't a death sentence.

Tb0n3 ago

Not as much as they do when you DON'T teach kids sex. Kids figure it out. It's natural, but condoms aren't.

Tb0n3 ago

All that needs to be emphasized is safe sex with condoms. Remind people that pregnancy isn't the worst STD out there. A lot of people really seem to think "she's on birth control" gives them carte blanche to go bareback. Or that treatments are just as simple as not having to do any.

Tb0n3 ago

What is this, 1950? The problem is sexual education.

Unreasonable ago

Going back to the Tuskegee Syphillis experiment, the Government has been trying to promote promiscuity and the spread of STI's for a loong, loong time. It is a form of population control, causing a destruction of the family unit and increased mortality. Also increased promiscuity promotes social discord. Communism/socialism/fascism type organizations use it, akin to Huxley's description of manipulation of sexuality in his books.

'Going to the orgy tonight?'


Thank goodness for the I'm too tired stage of my life!

pray_the_gay_away ago

This is why I stopped using grindr. I have gotten so lucky, caught 2 curable STIs in the past, but thankfully nothing permanent. Not going to let that happen again.


Bill_Murrays_Sandals ago

Maybe I do?

Bill_Murrays_Sandals ago

Is the other one your vagina?

Bill_Murrays_Sandals ago

Didn't Charlie Sheen visit New York last year?

Scandinavian ago

Don't forget the influence of Truvada - a HIV treatment that's now being pushed as a pill to take every day if you don't have HIV; supposedly protecting against infection.

I can tell from first-hand experience that this has had a profound effect on the hook-up environment among gay men in NYC. Goodbye, condoms.

I usually don't slut-shame; lord knows I've fucked everything and everyone that moved, but these pill whores are carrying diseases we didn't need to worry about just ten years ago.

Typo ago

You aren't wrong. The article says that HIV is down but doesn't attribute it to Truvada. However, the drug serves as a preventative measure and not an educational one. The logical conclusion would be that it will lead to a rise in other STDs since unsafe sex isn't addressed. It's extremely unfortunate.

YourDumbWhat ago

Can't any of em aside from AIDs and the herp be treated with antibiotics or special shampoo?

babimbang ago

Those figures are taken directly from doctors reporting incidences of such diseases, as required by law.

mcwilshire ago

*Number of gay New Yorkers with STD's sees modest increase

GoogleKnowsBest ago

Welcome to the new Tinder age

ForgotMyName ago

Hijacking top comment to say - Condoms don't instantly mean no STDs. Some STDs can be contracted even with one (like herpes). It lowers the chances, but it's still a possibility. I'm not saying it's not worth it to use one, just that it's not 100% guaranteed to protect you. That's why you A) get tested B) only screw other people that have been tested C) ask other people if they've been tested before you screw them. If you can't handle doing C because it's "too awkward" then maybe, just maybe, you shouldn't be having sex with this person.

123_456 ago

But the problem here is whenever you tell people to stop whoring themselves they scream "EARGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH SLUT SHAMING!"

Is there something wrong with having a little shame, and keeping it in your pants once in a while? Jesus. Talk about over-indulgence. People tell you not to fuck around for a reason. It's so you don't get diseases. There are a number of deadly diseases in existence. Do you want to die for 3 minutes of fun?

Somali ago

Found the ASL

Amateur_Wizard ago

Hey man, exactly.

My dick is a reward. It's not a foregone conclusion. It keeps the power balance in my favor, and if I introduce the fact that I as a man, am not a slut... the woman can't come back with "nuhuh, neither am I"

you short circuit their brain. Then you have to take the pussy when YOU want it :)

they dont call me a wizard for nuffin

Somali ago

Wizardchan's finest right here boys and girls. Learn while you can.

MrPim ago

Do you want to die for 3 minutes of fun?

At this point in my sex life I might make a deal.

Maxcactus ago

Why bother if it is only going to last 3 minutes.

YourDumbWhat ago

Oh, it won't last nearly that long.

Bill_Murrays_Sandals ago

3 minutes. Tippity toppitiest of kekkles

babimbang ago

And this hedonism is being encouraged by a massive advertising campaign on busses and subway telling people to "Play Safe" with "PrEP and Condoms", on posters featuring attractive young people.

While using condoms is good advice, better advice is to exercise self-restraint. Let's face it, promiscuity does not come naturally, and that is why drug and alcohol abuse is so prevalent in the new culture of "hooking up". When you've had a few drinks, or snorted a few lines, you lose your inhibitions and and the related caution, and forget to put on a condom.

One interesting side not about PrEP, the use of AIDS drugs as a prophylactic against getting infected -- Studies have shown it is effective in stopping AIDS infections, but that 30% of participants contracted some other STD during the study.

TheDude2 ago

babimbang ago

in cooperative species, helping is more common when promiscuity is low.

Promiscuity is a sign of a non-cooperative, i.e. broken, society.

Ghetto_Shitlord ago

I was about to say, but yes, it is the exact opposite.

greycloud ago

i think that a lot of these men aren't sleeping with men, instead they are sleeping with craig's list hookers in an unregulated industry. too bad prostitution isn't legal.

gosso920 ago

"I know, right? - Eliot Spitzer

ElectricBlankaHadou ago

Truth bomb.