Student cleared of rape still not welcome at his college (
submitted 9.1 years ago by skymod
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Scandinavian 9.1 years ago
You're - wrongly - presuming it's about guilt. About facts. It's not.
It's about power. It's about showing guys can be booted off campus/the workplace/the team any time a hysterical woman doesn't get what she wants.
The solution to this isn't violence.
Totenglocke 9.1 years ago
The solution is to develop male only businesses / social clubs and eventually leave the bitches fend for themselves.
CANCEL-CAT-FACTS 9.1 years ago
Like a gay bar?
Amadameus 9.1 years ago
Feminists have been bashing gays for a while now. They know what a threat it presents to allow a male-only culture to exist!
Am gay, can confirm. They have no power over us and it pisses them off. We don't need them and nobody would believe their false rape accusation made against us.
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Scandinavian ago
You're - wrongly - presuming it's about guilt. About facts. It's not.
It's about power. It's about showing guys can be booted off campus/the workplace/the team any time a hysterical woman doesn't get what she wants.
The solution to this isn't violence.
Totenglocke ago
The solution is to develop male only businesses / social clubs and eventually leave the bitches fend for themselves.
Like a gay bar?
Amadameus ago
Feminists have been bashing gays for a while now. They know what a threat it presents to allow a male-only culture to exist!
Scandinavian ago
Am gay, can confirm. They have no power over us and it pisses them off. We don't need them and nobody would believe their false rape accusation made against us.