Yep. This is also why they don't want to cure the "rape epidemic" by teaching women self defense or avoiding Muslims, etc. They need rape in order to feel victimized.
In a twist, the accused student is now suing his accuser for $500,000 in damages, alleging the accuser knowingly published false statements on her social media account. She had also circulated the online petition, although she did not create it.
Good. Sue her ass. Wake these bitches up. Pardon my German.
Why is it that in the united states of America, you are considered to be responsible for your actions when you are drunk, unless you are a woman and it involves intercourse? This makes absolutely no sense to me. If she wanted to avoid all of this then she shouldn't have engaged in sexual behavior while intoxicated. Simple.
If I kill while drunk, I'm a murderer and will be punished as such. If I rob a bank while drunk, I'm a bank robber and will be punished as such. A woman has sex while drunk, and instead of being loose, she was instead raped.
Because alcohol is magical like that; it inhibits your decision making ability, but if you are a female, it completely removes all decision making abilities and renders you a retarded 4 y/o.
It's either that, or, CALL ME CRAZY, that feminists have built a system that absolves women from most, if not all responsibility (unless the crime is beyond the pale).
If it's a contract then neither party can be considered to have signed. The man in this scenario was drinking too, yes? Why is he considered to be responsible and she is not? The law is inherently sexist. It's abhorrent.
Well, if he wins the $500,000 defamation suit and sends that money to Zimbabwe before it is federally taxed and never return to the US, he'll have achieved far more than a degree from Roanoke would have ever helped him.
Well shit, after coming over here to go to college and better yourself, aka the American Dream, and have this happen to you instead? I'd gtfo too, I can't blame him at all!
Am gay, can confirm. They have no power over us and it pisses them off. We don't need them and nobody would believe their false rape accusation made against us.
CrudOMatic ago
Ever notice how being despised is a vital part of any despotic movement? Christianity, Islam, Feminism...
Quawonk ago
until proven innocent.scumshine ago
Yep. This is also why they don't want to cure the "rape epidemic" by teaching women self defense or avoiding Muslims, etc. They need rape in order to feel victimized.
Browngaijin ago
Good. Sue her ass. Wake these bitches up. Pardon my German.
Vaati ago
They don't wonder. They just reached the wrong conclusion.
selpai ago
Why is it that in the united states of America, you are considered to be responsible for your actions when you are drunk, unless you are a woman and it involves intercourse? This makes absolutely no sense to me. If she wanted to avoid all of this then she shouldn't have engaged in sexual behavior while intoxicated. Simple.
CrudOMatic ago
If I kill while drunk, I'm a murderer and will be punished as such. If I rob a bank while drunk, I'm a bank robber and will be punished as such. A woman has sex while drunk, and instead of being loose, she was instead raped.
Because alcohol is magical like that; it inhibits your decision making ability, but if you are a female, it completely removes all decision making abilities and renders you a retarded 4 y/o.
It's either that, or, CALL ME CRAZY, that feminists have built a system that absolves women from most, if not all responsibility (unless the crime is beyond the pale).
Running_Bear23 ago
Well I believe you're not responsible for contracts signed while under the influence.
selpai ago
If it's a contract then neither party can be considered to have signed. The man in this scenario was drinking too, yes? Why is he considered to be responsible and she is not? The law is inherently sexist. It's abhorrent.
Moonbat ago
I think I'm comfortable with how this one turned out. And I hope he wins his lawsuit to boot.
pitenius ago
Well, if he wins the $500,000 defamation suit and sends that money to Zimbabwe before it is federally taxed and never return to the US, he'll have achieved far more than a degree from Roanoke would have ever helped him.
LetsBeNakedOutside ago
Well shit, after coming over here to go to college and better yourself, aka the American Dream, and have this happen to you instead? I'd gtfo too, I can't blame him at all!
DoucheBagMcGee ago
Haha, bitch got sued for libel. About time.
spookybm ago
didn't say he won.
nomenimion ago
I'm sure the liar is still welcome.
weezkitty ago
How the fuck is that acceptable?
pwn ago
And pray for a male judge.
scumshine ago
Male judges are typically the fuckers who let women get away with murder. White knight syndrome goes to the top.
pwn ago
I want to argue with you but I haven't been to America in years and the judicial system is way different in the country I'm in.
IamaRealEstateBroker ago
Why the fuck is that a picture of University of Illinois Campus when this person is at Ronaoke ?
the_spectre ago
College campuses are fungible.
Tecktonik ago
For a lawyer this is probably true. "We won the case and got 2 campuses in the settlement."
Sydviciouz ago
God that's so...just pathetic.
EarthGleaner ago
.., and true.
lifesaver101 ago
and attention-"whorie"
microlyfe ago
remember, all misandry does is hurt male feelings /s
BottomLine ago
I'm blown away most that the feminists are attacking a guy from Zimbabwe. That shit wouldn't fly in Sweden.
the_spectre ago
Yeah it would. Unless he's Muslim.
Scandinavian ago
You're - wrongly - presuming it's about guilt. About facts. It's not.
It's about power. It's about showing guys can be booted off campus/the workplace/the team any time a hysterical woman doesn't get what she wants.
The solution to this isn't violence.
Viropher ago
One of the Marx brothers had a famous quote-"Everything is about sex,excep sex.Sex is about power."
Totenglocke ago
The solution is to develop male only businesses / social clubs and eventually leave the bitches fend for themselves.
Chodder ago
Sounds like a very successful business model in all other aspects as well.
the_spectre ago
MGTOW hard, die free.
CrudOMatic ago
Gays don't have to MGTOW - that's built in.
Sydviciouz ago
Or how about a cool people only business / social club for cool males and cool bitches only.
Like a gay bar?
Angusvigerous ago
Too many fag hags in gay bars.
thatguyiam ago
Amadameus ago
Feminists have been bashing gays for a while now. They know what a threat it presents to allow a male-only culture to exist!
Scandinavian ago
Am gay, can confirm. They have no power over us and it pisses them off. We don't need them and nobody would believe their false rape accusation made against us.
ToFat2Fish ago
If that's what it takes. I'll suck a dick for freedom.
CrudOMatic ago
...and hot jizz...
Konekko ago
I'd do it for much less
ToFat2Fish ago
You should pm me sometime ;-)
ThisIsMyRealName ago
The hero we deserve
JaggedxEdgex ago
Everybody back to the pile!
MotherfuckingSausage ago
Thank you for your service.
0fsgivin ago
common_sense ago
are you niggas serious or joking
CrudOMatic ago
watitdew ago
demi_god_dylan ago
The only appropriate initial response to this is what the fuck.
MegaMan ago
And feminists wonder why people don't like them.
Quawonk ago
They don't care if they're liked, all they care about is having power over men and they still do.