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Scandinavian ago

While I don't go around fucking animals, I'm always willing to defend behavior that isn't harming anyone from the masses' puritan outcries.

Why? Because I'm a gay man. Not many decades ago, homosexuality was classified as a mental illness.

Some people are into things you aren't. As long as we can eat animals, surely those unfortunate enough to want to fuck them, can.

123_456 ago

This is stupid 'logic.'

With two gay men it's consensual.

With a man and animal, how do you know what the animal is thinking? How can you verify in words it's agreed to? Bestiality is animal rape. You're throwing in the eating animals thing here, but a lot of people don't eat dogs. Or horses. Those bestiality people are fucking dogs and horses. So what is your point?

Also: Two wrongs don't make a right. You're basically saying, "OK. You eat them, so you can rape them too!"

l23r ago

sticking your dick in a consenting mans ass isn't hurting anyone... unless you don't use lube.

but how can you seriously argue that there's no harm involved in fucking a non-human animal?

Scandinavian ago

Nobody can argue there is or isn't harm involved - except, I guess, judging by the animal's reaction. That's how we judge animal cruelty as well and that's already illegal everywhere.