26870691? ago

One team and another are on the same side? https://voat.co/v/whatever/4166995/26868461

26752572? ago

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26752536? ago

This submission was linked from this anonymous v/askvoatanon comment.

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26515077? ago

Muhammeds mom was a jew and so was his first wife. Since his mom was a jew that means he was too. He was also from petra, not mecca. These are even flip sides of the same coin, they are the same side of the same coin.

26609742? ago

Malcolm X a violent jihad nigger shot and killed by other jihadi negroids @PhilKDick @ploymroph @Shotinthedark Why would anyone cheer for these dumb mohammedan negroids? https://voat.co/v/videos/4139770/26607411

26611945? ago

Who the fuck is cheering?

26610481? ago

Fuck the zionist kikes but why the fuck is that faggot /u/AR47 @AR47 wanting to taking it up the ass form some islamist Negroe?

26610593? ago

Boogaloo doo doo da doo

26611114? ago

Why are the Fags sucking the cock off the Jihad Nigger?

26611994? ago

Why would it matter what anyone else does.....

26616092? ago

Spike Lee works for Degenerate Bolsevik Kikes @shitface9000 in his book he never names the jew , Spike Lee has been trying to tell America lies about this nigger jihad he was like some Moses or George Washington or Jesus or some crazy bullshit. @3whuurs a freak show jihadi nigger wearing Spectacles is still a jihad nigger @gugt567hfdt Here's another one /u/1anddone @1anddone another fag sucking the cock off that jihad Monkey- X-Malcolm-Orc

26609993? ago

The Jihad Essay?

I called Malcolm X a rapist in nigger history munf report when I was little.


So this was a decade or so ago but when I was in english class with one of those Neil Degrasse Tyson intuhleckshual nigger n sheeit. The groid asked us all to pick a shitskin to do an essay on for Nig history munff. This was when I was a bit more of a participant in nigger propaganda as I was younger.

Anyways I ended up having to do a report on Malcolm X so being new to the internet I searched google and found a site similar to this I think. I was unfamiliar with what some term as troll sites, or anything that doesn't follow the propaganda. I ended up just copying most of what was on the site for my essay and ended up presenting it to class.

I can't remember what exactly it said, but it was a lot of MX being a terrorist and having Rapist (which i though was a rapper never hearing the word befor) blood from his father and a murderer. Man the look on that nigger teachers face was hilarious when he ensued in a chimpout and started going off like a monkey at first.

I didn't know what was going on at first because I was uneducated on the nigger but now looking back this was pretty hilarious. And this was long before the whole Obongo election disaster.

26609874? ago

Malcom X was a dumb nigger shot and killed by his jihadi friends @KebabAndNoseRemoval Do you worship negroids due to Blacked Pornography or because of that retarded Spike Lee movie?

26609830? ago

Does @ploymroph support criminal niggers?

26609856? ago

i presented information to you that, IF YOU WERE ABLE TO DO ANYTHING, you could use to save your disgusting excuse for a body atleast somewhat. keep practicing that JU DA ISM, goy

26610264? ago

Why do Americans worship that jihadi Monkey- X-Malcolm-Orc guy?

26609911? ago

That retard /u/ploymroph @ploymroph is BLACKED a fucking hopeless cunt. BTW Open Borders for Saudi and Israel

26609887? ago

Fuck the Zionist Jews, Fuck islam and fuck the NiggerKebabs ... why do morons like you have to pick flavors of shit?

26609914? ago

USE BLACKS AGAINST SHOES, or get eradicated like the good little shoedaism practicing goy you are, goy

26609940? ago

Fuck them all, I wont pick sides when the choice is a bunch of Anti-american shitbags. I perfer the old Chinese philosophy... The enemy of my enemy is STILL my enemy.

26609954? ago

bigshoe made YOU your own worst enemy, goy karp

26616195? ago

Why are you guys cheering for that jihadist Monkey- X- Malcolm-Orc? @yt4cz9

26617118? ago

Anyone that names the jew so publicly has some redeeming qualities.

26609792? ago

@BulletStopper @Niggersayer fucking pro-islam fags are BLACKED Do you see @SurfingNinja @Mmmmkaybitch @AnotherGrayman these morons sucking the cock of the islamist negroe LMFAO

26610104? ago

Don't tag me in your faggot ramblings.

26610242? ago

Why are Glownigger people Cheering for Monkey- X-Malcolm-Orc I thought the Pakis and Turks had moved on from voat?

26610373? ago

False equivalence.

They're not cheering for niggers, they're cheering against kikes.

Morons like you who aren't able to distinguish nuance end up having brain farts and thinking you're smarter than you really are, calling out what you believe to be inconsistency while in actuality just revealing your own ineptitude.

26610752? ago

This ^^ EXACTLY. He thinks he’s so smart but he just sounds like a drunk know-it-all bar fly.

26611101? ago

Why do you support nigger islamists?

26611437? ago

Ummmm, pretty sure that nigger Islamist was killed back before I ever had a chance to support him you fucking shit-for-brains.

26611339? ago

Your broken record faggotry doesn't work on us.

26610458? ago

That Malcolm X topic is a fucking trainwreck. Somebody explain why we're suddenly getting people cheering for the islamist negroe ... did we get a lot of islamist negroes join voat or something? @Jigganiggaboo @holaymackal ? @IronCrusader88 ? @ardvarcus @GuyWhite

26614195? ago

Not really sure why im tagged in this this.

26610407? ago

Nobody on Voat really likes criminal kikes. BUT Why the fuck are you cheering jihadi Monkey- X-Malcolm-Orc guy? Do you watch a lot of those BLACKED pornos or something? Do you like to suck the cock off the islamists?

26610058? ago

Omg, you are such a funny little bitch.

26610261? ago

Monkey- X-Malcolm-Orc wanted to shut the sale of Alcohol because an old Kike dwarf thing opened shop Niggertown and Negroids too lazy to run their own damn store...and suddenly every voat retard supports this Niggers Sharia Law, and Nation-of-Islam calls to shut down sales of alcohol

26610355? ago

Is this New World Ebola? Sounds like that miserable fuck.

26616166? ago

That jihad nigger X ...and Ebola? @Dark_Shroud It's hard to explain ...They're talking about you boy. But you're still the same /u/New-World-Ebola @New-World-Ebola

26616141? ago

Why do Americans still worship that jihadi Monkey- X-Malcolm-Orc guy? or Is voat full of negroid and turks... @con77 @DirectPressure ? @Finsterbaby ? @Chimpfighter @arniecuntingham

26619275? ago

What do I have to do with this?

26618006? ago

did CNN tell you that?

26616162? ago

Malcolm Xcrement

26610327? ago

Omg, you need to find something better to do with your time than try to “call out” people who happen to find the video of what Malcom X said to be based. I don’t fucking study Islam nor do I give a fuck about it. He called out the Jew, which is why I said what I said. But you’re such a tough guy, trying to look smart about something that’s really not that deep. Go fuck yourself.

26609983? ago

Uh what is this faggot shit

26610030? ago

The US education system is Pro-Islam, Pro-Kike and BLACKED

26611086? ago

He didnt like kikes...big fucking deal...Negroid Malcolm X went to jail, then converted to the terrorist Nation of Islam religion, changed his name, and quickly learned the schizo psycho shit in that crap book the Quran or Koran then as directed by a Arabic demon Elijah Muhammad stated naming himself after the pedophile terrorist prophet moohammad /u/SurfingNinja @SurfingNinja He was killed by his own islamic negroids, three of the men subsequently arrested have been identified as being members of the Nation of Islam.

26610023? ago

Something about, kikes and kebabs....Guys cheering for this Malcolm X are fucking pro islam retards or their brains or done from watching all those Blacked pornos?

26609786? ago

learn how to use information, goy.

26609817? ago

These pro-islam fags are also BLACKED fucking idiots LMFAO @RebornChrist /u/RebornChrist ! @Apathy /u/Apathy

26610883? ago

Only a bot would have posted this.

It has no place or audience here.

Get a soul, we can help.

26512486? ago

Look at the nose on those cocksuckers...gives hoover vacs a run for their money. <Good meme.

26756109? ago

the only good thing left is the guitar sub? https://voat.co/v/QRV/4067059/25993970

26676034? ago

Open Borders for Saudis and Israel? https://voat.co/v/14Words/4147010/26674040

26670213? ago

credible until they quote a sand nigger imam ? https://voat.co/v/HDLunited/4146352/26668754

26511803? ago

And they're allowed to lie about their religion to "protect it" from the goyim. Making them defacto satanic. Children of the father of lies.

26512710? ago

Aus will fall? https://voat.co/v/news/4129791/26511808 A media of global fake reports and an MK-ultra brainwashing science backed up by war mongering banks and psychopathic psychologists? In Afghanistan the mohammedans they force little boys to dance while boys get dressed up like girls, the pedo prophet of islam himself may have raped animals, probably had sex with his dead aunt and dressed in women's clothes...all there inside the Quran or Koran and other so-called holy islamic text if you happen to read a translation of it. Look at the old roads and symbols, why do both Kikes and Muzzies feature and the nations and new kingdoms many of them old colonies of the British Empire, the old Anglo-Dutch corporations. In the newspapers and tv broadcasts now you have Crazed psychos who pushed a bunch of tranny babylon and transexual baphonet bullshit, the perversion, the control the psychology/psychiatry industry? Old roads across Arabia, Greece, Egypt, Rome and Babylon, the off shoot cults Freemasonry the Jewish Occult and the Shriners praying to amhomet and the Society of Jesus (aka Jesuit order) can be seen as having more or less evolved from the Knights Templar, and the Jesuits most likely also had a hand in the creation of the Scottish Rite of Freemasonry. What were those symbols on the Epstein property...Some have said Symbolism will be their downfall.

What is the Skull and bones, the sisterhood and frat boy blackmail rituals at college and uni...Black Nobility refers to an old dark gay mafia, faggots, criminals crooks and back stabbers that rose to power almost becoming Kings across Europe and of course when they arrive in the America's their gay blackmail stone rituals from Babylon arrived with them? If a group of good people can get together so can evil people. The problem currently is it doesn't seem there is a flock of good or righteous people together in our governments. Currently its , hollywood weirdos, the anti-American tax dodgers, jew supremacist, saturn cult , faggot pedophiles , the war mongers, bolsevik globalist commitards, serial killers and miscellaneous evil. Finders cult and Franklin scandal, Member the gay escort that visited the White House? Pepe members. Masonry today...What exactly are " shabbos goy " ? perhaps you know what goy means, but not shabbos goy. Most masons today are part of the club, they move in ignorance, wash dishes, sweep floors, they do not see the Demiurge rituals on the other levels, the Luciferian symbols in other ranks, maybe are the soldiers of Satan and do not even know it. There is that CAA talent agency building, you should see the symbolism above by plane or helicopter or satellite view, a member of the notorious Soda Pop Club, where child actors Corey Feldman (messed up), Corey Haim (overdosed) and other pre-teens were repeatedly, horrifically abused, Alyssa did an excellent job of hiding, and deflecting any knowledge whatsoever of this situation.Who was she was dating at the time? Both Corey’s. We worried she might slip and tell a real abuse story or too, but our girl has kept her cool.And that incident with River Phoenix? Well she’s remained mum about that all these years as well.The human trafficker ring?Its Charlie Sheen. You ever go to a stange place to buy some keyboard or guitar, ever enter a strange old dusty books shop, ever take your car into a body shop and feel like you were transported to another planet? All the employees in some of these Odd Fellow Lodges have worked together so long they've created a normal that isn't anywhere near normal. They become freaks. It happens in different work places and the people in them get married and not married, have or don't have kids and pets and live in places according to the perverse normal set by their long term employment in one place that isolates them from normal. Why the mohammedan rituals, why pray from pagan Arabia, Masonry also takes many ideas from Jewish kabbala. References to building of Solomon's temple & other construction projects. Jesuit Occult started out as a different name, perhaps as assassins for the Vatican Bank well over a thousand years ago. Blackmail and Extortion has been centralized ever since. A reminder of Talmudic Jewry with their Shabbos Goy's was there a link between the Jew Occult, Mohammedanism and Bolsevik Communism, a Politico-Occult-Judaeo-Masonry Chart compiled by Leslie Fry illustrates how a Jewish masterplan for world domination is linked to Judaic, Masonic, Occult, and World-Political organizations. Is there another step above again, freemasons/illumanitati are obviously kike controller? Why the weirdos in the British family, Prince Charles, Prince Andrew etc, time to end Dual Citizenship and start looking into what Maxwell was really doing and drug tests. Often.

26520495? ago

You've been awake for a while too, eh?

26511647? ago

I will never give up pork. Bacon, pork chops, Southern style ribs, and pork roasts are all staple foods. We buy whole pork loins on sale, cut them into chops and roasts, shrink wrap them, and put them in the freezer. Beef costs so much more that I can't buy as much of it. And I get tired of chicken.

As Emeril says, "Pork fat rules!"

26573196? ago

26752328? ago

cheering for that jihadist freemason Malcolm Xcrement? https://voat.co/v/askvoatanon/4140711

26511615? ago

False choice fallacy

26511591? ago

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26511590? ago

Nuke Israel (Do it, Q!)

26511631? ago

There are lots of Turks and Pakis on voat, the blobalist kikes are here too @6843153 Both are cancer. Crypto kikes and crypto muzzies ... but ... why would anyone support the pedo mohammedan terrorists? @poopdawg15 ? @She2002 ... @ploymroph /u/ploymroph ? https://voat.co/v/books/4129757/26511104

26511708? ago

always nice to be pinged

26611805? ago

Check out Cyclops looks like the IED didnt just end up with him losing his right eye but he went full retard losing part of his fucking brain or something? https://voat.co/v/HDLunited/4140132/26611327 the moron also believes islam is some kind of special race or special ethnicity, Crenshaw harshly criticized then-candidate Donald Trump's "insane rhetoric" toward Muslims and "hateful" speech, where they Arabs dicking him up the ass and preaching Koran shit into his brain, as he was flayed out KO'ed with his eye ball missing?

26611880? ago

He's big into Methodism, it goes back to York, to Canada and this weird Empire dude named William Black. As a group they seem as corrupted as Jews, Muzzie and the pedo criminal Roman Catholics, the Methodist part of him probably supports their open borders human trafficker agendas and all that Mystery Babylon masonic shit from Church of England an the British Empire. He's probably corrupt like all politicians and doesnt want the US to pull troops out of Syria.

26611823? ago

Daniel Reed Crenshaw takes it up the ass form the jihadi sand niggers but he also takes it up the ass from the Kikes....fucking fool....btw Open Borders for Saudi and Israel

26511774? ago

Did you know in the USA you have websites like Date Herpes Blacks or Black Herpes Dating dot com https://i.4pcdn.org/pol/1553817109801.webm