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Doglegwarrior ago

Name the jew armed guard immediately comes in and ushers the guy out! It is fucking insane how much the jew brainwashing has power over America. Fucking ZOG!


500five ago

I just talked to a devout Christian, he mention he was a Christian 3 times in the conversation. No way is that guy going to see that kikes hate him and that other people from other countries live by being devious and do not share his Christian values.

I swear there are many kike loving faggots these days.

GeneralDisposition ago

I know, I'm confused about these guys. I don't think they're born again true believers, I just think they're off key cultists. I've met devout catholics the same way. They don't know what the bible says(..) about jews or their modern iteration-pharacees. Priests who go about in long flowing robes to be seen of men.. Pleasers of men rather then GOD. Seek out disciples and make them more of a child of hell. I'm paraphrasing here. They don't do any actual real study for themselves and are so lost. There are way too many evil people opening up churches to get rich and laid.

MikeyMo123 ago

That "armed guard" has a family and an address. As does this fucking kike on stage. Why not find it and share it?

Doglegwarrior ago

Don't think we are allowed to dox people or call for violence

BasedWolf ago

Yeah, and the retarded thing is, faggots like this say this shit not because they genuinely don't care if their race and culture is destroyed, but it's because they're so brow beaten and afraid of being called rayciss by liberals.

Shitlibs/jews have such a stranglehold over public discourse that they've created this pavlovian response in most people, where being considered a racist is worse than being killed.

jthun2 ago

No Crenshaw is one of the world economic forum's young representatives. He can be found on some of their promo materials.

He's a giant fucking fraud.

illuminalto2 ago

Go tell the Qs.

They need to open their eyes.

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Lol and they say they support free speech. We support free speech goyim......oy vey, just not that!

HeavyBrain ago

Oh no you have free speech its guranteed, its what happns after the free speech....


hahahaha, classic

Mmmmkaybitch ago

Upvoat for your comment, but more importantly, your username.


Mmmmmkay bitch

CantWaitToGetAPizzaU ago

My names good too


sure I guess if you hang around SBBH

Nukeisrael ago

Literally nobody actually believes in free speech and that’s good. Child porn shouldn’t be allowed on TV. Faggots and niggers also shouldn’t be on TV. There is no such thing as free speech, just power as usual.

UncleDoug ago

Freedom of speech has literally nothing to do with paedophilia, bestiality or whatever fart passed through your brain just now.

You currently have the ability to voice your opinion here without the need for fear of censorship or punishment. Advocating for the death of freedom of expression is akin to telling the world you want to be gagged.

Freedom of speech does not, nor ever has been defined by the ability to advocate for criminal or fraudulent behaviour.

If a law exists saying you can't defame the filthy mongrel rat kikes, freedom of speech is our last bastion to voice your concerted opinion on naming the Hebe and its plan.

If someone wants to fuck your kids and the ZOG government makes it legal to do so, then freedom of speech, to voice your objection is again our last bastion.

jthun2 ago

Nonsense, several court cases have dealt with the issue of obscenity and free speech. There are clearly organizations like NAMBLA that advocate for relaxation of child porn laws on the basis of freedom of speech and freedom of expression.

To say that it has 'nothing to do with it' is brainless. If the Jews had their way, all forms of degeneracy would be allowed.

Olivefigs ago

Hmm ok makes sense

Ken_bingo2 ago

Exactly. It is a morally bankrupt value that is very convenient because if it falls, so would the rest of the corrupt parts of our civilization, and nobody wants to live through that cataclysm. So they just smile and take the blue pill. That is what free speech is about. Ultimately, without blasphemy laws, your culture has a very short expiration date.

Nukeisrael ago

Look at the pearl clutching boomer retards who have never actually sat down and thought about anything in their entire lives. I bet I could sum up their political beliefs easily without even trying. “Free speech, capitalism and the constitution is the best thing ever!” Morons. They don’t understand how power works and think cucking while taking their little moral high ground is how you win. Boomers had it too easy for too long.

Olivefigs ago

Your words read a lot like Striker

Ken_bingo2 ago

Amen, brother.

CharlesVI ago

Just because the retatarded courts see things like pictures (child porn) as "speach" that is clearly not what it was meant to mean. It would be along the lines of free expression if that was the case. The point was that anyone should be permitted to articulate an argument. But hey what the fuck ever I'm talking about how things should of been. In modern horse shit land yeah your right. I'd just like to remind people that you should not bee and do not need to be.

Nukeisrael ago

“Not real free speech.” Cope more, my point stands that free speech is something that allows subversion and was meant for people in the 1700s when the biggest debate was tax rates and shit. No, child porn and child sex shit should be fucking banned and not tolerated. You are literally standing by an ideal that you’re enemies do not play by and they want you shut down. This “high ground” moralizing and believing that “the one with the most morality wins” is bullshit you’ve been taught to believe by fiction. In reality the most powerful wins and right now you are losing by sticking to your retarded 300 year old enlightenment outdated bullshit. You kill your enemies and you prevent them from subverting you’re people.

BasedWolf ago

Intelligent people will always freely debate and discuss ideas. What they're talking about applies to the common retard. Normies and midwits are just automatons that are programmed by MSM and mainstream academia. With all the access to info we have in 2020, do you think the average normie is actually more informed than some Medieval peasant? They may be able to quote and parrot more talking points, but they don't actually think any harder or understand any more.

I'd say 90-99% of people need to be led by the hand like little kids. That's why fascism is the answer and not libertarianism. Fascism is akin to a patriarchal household, libertarianism is like a street gang.

Ken_bingo2 ago

Your argument fails to directly address reality. You can't have a society that functions on abstract but not-codified values, if it is full of various kinds of niggers. Eventually people are going to have to chose what kind of world they deserve to live in.

CharlesVI ago

Seperating actions from speech doesnt seem that abstract to me. Let me see if I can help clarify the idea. Burning a flag is not speech. Saying america is terrible and should be disbanded is. Same message but one is only words. Saying I hate that stupid fucker and wish he was dead is of no consequence without a followup action like stabbing the person. The stabbing part is not speech even if you are using it as a method of expressing your hatred artistically or whatever BS they come up with.

Regardless I even acknowledged the idea that this was more of an ideal world scenario than a real one. Is it that upsetting to be mildly disagreed with?

TripleZ ago

You're a goddamn idiot. Shut the fuck up you retard.

Nukeisrael ago

Literally nothing I said is a lie. Full on free speech would be allowing literally anything including talking about trannys and child rape on TV. You’re a retarded boomer faggot who hasn’t thought through anything in his entire life. You’re fighting against something that wants to destroy you and is willing to break all of the rules and you’re sitting back and following the rules like a good little conservative. You’re a moron. Books on trannys and child sex shit should be burned and never allowed to be published. Free speech is literally something nobody actually likes, at the end of the day it’s all power and power decides what goes and what doesn’t. Kill yourself 90 iq red team worshiping boomoid.

Olivefigs ago

He is a boomer

Ken_bingo2 ago

Here is where I would slow clap.

Seventh_Jim ago

U mad bor?

ThisIsMyRealName ago

Free speech as long as it isn't hate speech

111MrGuy111 ago

Free-speech is hate-speech.


Were libertarians!! We believe in freedom! Just not that freedom!

Ken_bingo2 ago

There is not one tenet of lolbertardianism that has any intellectual integrity.