26490736? ago

That's a proud Dad, I reckon.

26489274? ago

he will be forever considered a hero

and the kikes he killed are all child molesters,

can you say coincidence

nah, God decides!

26488521? ago

Where is this kid going to be able to face 12 impartial jurors? Poor bastard.

26502720? ago

Fox and Black Rifle Coffee Company hate him? https://voat.co/v/news/4128772/26502162

26502929? ago


26488168? ago

Mods job is to prevent what people like @Larry_C want to induce...the ‘Qanon violence’ meme.

Funny, the guy talks about us incessantly and can’t stay away from our board yet we don’t care enough about the ideology he’s associated with enough to mention him at all.

Imagine not trusting the plan when Active Duty military goes into a foreign country and REMOVES their property and they don’t do Jackshit about it. Only proves how desperate people like @Larry_C and his band of tryhards are.

26490832? ago

Top kek? these kinds of posts are for soap box niggers https://voat.co/v/SoapBoxBongHits/4003664 , https://voat.co/v/TheAnimeReich/4123252

26487526? ago

All qiggers need gassing asap.

26498202? ago

26487508? ago

Hell doesnt exist

Nor God

Or Q

26487336? ago

Im sorry, can someone explain it to me like I'm retarded? Without strawmanning or excessive witty banter?

He killed 2 people who were acting like animals...they were also Jewish (I don't care what they were, but it seems to be a huge deal to you guys here)

He is wearing a shirt for a company that is Veteran/Jew-owned; which is lighting you guys up again.

So which is it? He is a good American who put down 2 animals, or, he is a MOSSAD agent in a childs disguise?

I just don't understand what it is you're getting at...?

26487928? ago

it seems to be a huge deal to you guys here

It’s not. None of the people talking like that are pro Q. They’re shills trying to make us look like nazis.

Ask them about how the globalist bankers all supported Hitler’s nazi party. They hate it when we recognize them for what they are.

26487575? ago

KEK shills gonna shill Fren. The only thing the shills are getting at around here is: "Look Q movement is racist, just like we said it was."

It's just the classic tactic of gaslighting because IRL we all know "Patriots have no skin color."~Q

Free Kyle! Let freedom and the Human Right of self defense RING Frens! (kek) [They] can fill our boards with racist words, but [they] can never, take, our, FREEEEEDOOOOMM!!!"

26487917? ago

q movement is racist

I wish.

26487256? ago

Yeah, fuck QRV moderator. (What's going on with QRV moderator again?)

26487398? ago

I have the same question.

26488548? ago

The mods tried to UNHERO our boy kyle a while back by posting a sticky that called him a crazed murderer racist trump demon (or words to that effect).

We handled it though. Like 2 billion downvotes in a day and they took it down (literally everyone started calling the mod shills and downvoting the post)

Hi Mods.... how embarrassing for you.

26489178? ago

Is that why your hero is now posing with (((our enemy))).

26489747? ago

Someone in your chain up to your boss is a jew. If not, I guess you win and can laugh all the way to the bank...aw snap.

26489847? ago

Yeah my boss is probably a jew, but I don't get out of jail and immediately go get photo ops with controlled opposition.

26494911? ago

Lol, it kinda reminds me of (((Tommy Robinson))). I still think QRV mod was right on the point.

It was disappointing to see /v/GreatAwakening mod who tried to take advantage of the situation.

26495901? ago

Fuck mods, this is America.

26487057? ago

Glad to see the kid is ok.

He was locked up with animals but hopefully was kept out of gen pop.

26498124? ago

Seems the Q anon mods didnt like that kid, bashed him, supported the rioting mob that were after him?? and whats with that Coffee company? https://voat.co/v/news/4128225/26497583

26487004? ago

Those two men look like pedophiles

26486989? ago


26486930? ago

Step right up retard one and allll.

Who wants their dumbass medal of stupidity, for promoting children go out and try to get themselves killed.

Make no mistake Kyle is a patriot.

A teenager should not have been in that situation, and its a perspective each and everyone of you retards should be taking into consideration.

So OP can Hoover crusty nutsacks....


Enough fuckin said...


Ommmmmmmmm ommmmmmmmmmmm



Have a Blessed Day Anons...

26486829? ago

O fuckit



Ya shilosa

26486820? ago

📣cigarette break📣

26486813? ago


26486810? ago

Usually doesnt happen on the same post, i usually have to spread my comments out by a few hours before Pepe hits me up like dat....

26486797? ago

Damn i love rollin with Pepe...

Thats my second trips for the day on the sam post...



Some frog love at ya broooo...


26486777? ago

Shall i sing it then

26486771? ago


26486764? ago

tooo short for ya...

Suck ta be you....

26486761? ago


26486757? ago


26486751? ago

That reallly sucksssss asssssss

Time limitsss.......

26486749? ago

Come on mannnnn!!!!

Time limits..........

Yall really know how to leash a trolllllll....

Grumble grumble growllll growllllll........

26486742? ago

Nigga pleazzzzzeeeee

26486739? ago

Think yer gonna come in here an stir shit up over some drama.......

26486729? ago

S cuz yeah see

I dont give two shit what others plea....

I argue this view.

The child never should have been where things could go askew

26486707? ago

Iiiiimmmmmm bbbbbaaaacccckkkkkk!!!!!!

Ill repost 625, dont fret.......

26486702? ago

"Ricky Schroeder"

I know he was a child actor, did a few movies as an adult. Don't know anything else about him.

Any of you know anything about him?

26486625? ago

Step right up retard one and allll.

Who wants their dumbass medal of stupidity, for promoting children go out and try to get themselves killed.

Step right up, im giving them away for free..... I dont want to....


26486649? ago

In a holding pattern at the moment. Lerlt this one sink in for a few minutes....

Ima get another cup of coffee and grab another cigarette, then troll your dumbass some more....

26486609? ago


Yay walked into a retard-a-shill hunt, an its weapons freeee. Weeeeeeeeeeee.....


26486602? ago

An i thought i was gonna be bored this mornin

26486596? ago

La di de da de da da la la la lo le do de la.....

26486589? ago

Someone tell him BRC is jew owned

26490779? ago

I'm not sure about the coffee but back in the days when almost nobody posted here and reddit, facebook, youtube was the only place, there were suddenly big efforts to shut free speech down .... cries out in pain as they strike you with all these guys in suits... Dannath says its just nerd rage but a heads up to a user websofslime and @Diane_Abbott @anticlutch @ARsandOutdoors @Mr_Wolf for giving names of a patriot food company and giving some context on what weird 4chan style shill shit happened back in the day ...they hired models to pose and take photos with guns but once you started to talk about Saudis, Black crime or Israel and make parody names they suddenly supported full censorship... but hey keep buying that coffee? https://voat.co/v/news/4127458/26490546

26490806? ago

Who remembers the coffee legal wars history @RM-Goetbbels @RageAgainstTheAmish ? @Mr_Wolf maybe people who support censorship /u/Dannath @Dannath can always fuck off back to reddit and facebook or some other shithole

26486588? ago

So how bout that foot ball game last night....

No game.....

Welll how bout that bSeballl game last night ......

No game...... Hmmmm

O wellll.

It waz something to type........

26491247? ago

Nice. With "nothing on" -- people will search.

26486584? ago

Damn this kid grew up in a minute, didn’t he? GLAD to see him out!

26487501? ago

He spent months in jail for defending himself and killing criminal Jews.

The Kenosha Kid grew up fast and earned his cred.

26486583? ago

Dont think you gotta break i just went to get a cigarette......

26486575? ago

Tweedle de dee tweedle de dumm dummm

Ready tondelete this shit yetttttttttt

26486571? ago

Have i said Fuck you yet? Hmmmm....

Yep loooks like i did.


I felt the need to emphasize the point...

26486565? ago

Dat shirt

26486562? ago

This Troll brought to you by :

Your Friendly Neighborhood House Troll.


Vitamon E oil. When the salty areas build up and the leathery skin starts ta crack. Vitamon E oil, it brings the stretch back....

Now back to our regularly scheduled troll.

26486542? ago

FUCK YOU............

26486539? ago




26489428? ago

The Larp Cosplay coffee company?

26489726? ago

Subject for a different troll.

26486533? ago


26486531? ago


26486527? ago

The point of it all is to defuse the time bombs developed in society over the decades.........

To get rid of manipulative elements within society like you that stir anger and discord.


26486515? ago

If it was sooo fuckin important that he be there why wasnt his father there instead......

26486510? ago


I love trollin stupid fuckin arguments...........

Trolls kinda live for them...............

26486504? ago

How many stupid moronic arguments are you going to try and put forth that justifies a teanager sporting a rifle in a warzone.

26489450? ago

The kid was about to get lynched the gun helped him survive the attacks.

26489714? ago

Yes it did. He kept his cool and pulled himself out of a bad situation, that he never should have been in


26491237? ago

It happened in the past and is thus unchangeable. Your argument doesn't hold water; watch it! :)

26499428? ago

If you dont know the past your destined to repeat it. Isnt that the old cliche...

26503588? ago

Yeah, there are infinite multiverses; and, our "higher self" plays many of them, in fact might play the "me game" many times. "It takes times; to do it right, child." (I made it plural. :) )

So we can actually change the past, by playing the game and making better choices, sooner. Neat.

26486493? ago

How stupid are you going to get with this you fucking nit wit

26486492? ago

Yeah dont put kids on the front lines......

26486485? ago

Nope just yer itchy assed house troll, tired of people spoutin stupid shit over stupid shit.

26486481? ago


Who wants ta call me a leftard.

Damn bro.....



Look again dickbrained sperm breath....

26486451? ago

No i think the qrv mod is sitting in some a/c douche nozzle.

26486444? ago

You q-nerds claim that q taught you to think with 2 braincells instead of one, i suggest you retards start doing it, or youll continue to get swept around by sheisty bullhorns....

26491231? ago

Digits also point out what to beware of

26491818? ago

Yeah i know....

Pepe is awesome like that...

26493033? ago

9 18 18

Yep! :)

26499452? ago

Yep 3 - 0 - 33.

Have a Blessed Day Anon.



Shadilay friend.

Edit : 52 weeks a year...

26503635? ago

Yeah also it's a "lop-sided palindrome" off by one digit, the second from either side; a 6 on the left, and a 5 on the right. Otherwise all digits match.

So that one would wobble.

The above 3033 reflects Biden's campaign's cell, 30330. Neat!

26486429? ago

Ill applaud every action taken....

I will not applaud a 17 kid walking onto a warzone....

26486432? ago

5th or 6th gay comment?

26486688? ago

MA-AM is with it today!

26486428? ago

Nothing gets leftard panties in a twist like this story. :D...especially the kike shills

26486894? ago

When this pic was posted he had not made bail yet, this pic is psy-op propaganda

26486969? ago

Can I has sauce please? I confuse

26488897? ago

You want a can of tomato sauce?

26486646? ago

God Bless Kyle, he was out there defending his Nation against lawless ANTIFA judeo-Communist.

26486415? ago

If Kyle Rittenhouse being out there was so fucking important.......

Where was His father......

26487383? ago

His daddy probably taught him how to shoot correct...that's where his Father was... which is why he's alive after the lynching and the other criminal jews, pedos and niggers are dead

26487658? ago

Race baitin fuck tard......

Anythingbto stir the shit pot....

Hate baitin race baitin fuck nut...

26487644? ago

Which is why he felt confident enough to go.

Im not trolling that. Im trollin tye suck ass drama fag...

26487369? ago

The tv soap box /u/friendshipistragic .... Don't Be a Menace to South Central Nigga While Drinking Your Juice, /u/TurdLord5000 Are you our daddy? cause our mommy our mommy said' You is our Daddy @heygeorge ? @Reverse-Flash ? @gabara

26487667? ago

Blah blah blah blah

26486411? ago

Where was his father. Where god damn it.

26486402? ago

Fuck off you retarded god damn shill.

Opportunistic ass wipes.

Kyle may be ok, by the graces...

But hes a 17yo patriot who NEVER should have been in that time bomb situation. 17 years old you dumb fuck.

A key point you drama fagging primates seem to gloss over because it doesnt fit the story you wish to sell.

You headline hawking fuckwads are no better than the shit media.....

26486498? ago

This childish drama is stupid, even /v/greatawakening joined to attack qrv board.

26486412? ago

Back under Mommy's bed with her collection of fuzzy slippers, ✡✡ fudgepacker ✡✡

26486455? ago

Don't forget the discarded dildo covered in dust-bunnies

26486387? ago

QRV moderator

You can just say kike

26487295? ago

Thoughts on the coffee company guys, the political twists n turns of voat seem endless @Cynabuns @madmalloy ? @SarMegahhikkitha ? @cheeseburglar @That_VoiceOver_Guy

26486248? ago


26497798? ago

I suggest to ignore this call for violence.

Is someone trying to manipulate and deceive you into violence? This is your reminder about those two related sticky discussions about ignoring calls for violence:

A call for Equal Justice Under Law is not to confuse with a call for violence

Q4737 at https://www.qanon.pub/#4737

Who Is Kyle Rittenhouse?

For those not familiar with Kyle Rittenhouse's behavior. He is:

Is Rittenhouse a "useful idiot"? Was he fooled into using violence? Will you be fooled into violence?

What is the Democractic Party’s Strategy?

One of the Democractic Party’s alleged primary strategy is to manipulate you into behaving with actions such as murder/violence/riots.

This is a speculation, what the Democratic Party's Antifa & BLM want the most is push your buttons to first get a reaction from you. Then second call you violent. After that tries to lie others into fearing you as someone with violent behaviors. Finally, the Democratic Party lie others into believing that they are the solution to resolve your violent behaviors. Which the Democratic Party covertly started in the first place ;)

If you don't react to their button pushing, if you don't murder, don't answer their calls for violence, and don't get pull into their riots, then THEY LOOSE. AND YOU WIN. It's that simple.

In other words, the Democratic Party's strategy depends on your reactions. They are DEPENDENT on you. If you react with violence then they win, if you don't react with violence then YOU WIN :)

Your Vote Matters


26488721? ago

The ((((((((((((JEWS)))))))))))) really know how to control op!

26488129? ago

The obtuse communist sympathizers that shill against American companies and Americans in general are ineffective...throw shade like a high school drop out all you want. I drink their coffee and enjoy it.

26488260? ago

I stop buying from them after they decided to jew Voat with their DMCA take down. Fuck them!

26488308? ago

So what? They want to protect their brand. Hold it against them as you should. I wonder if you hold that same criticism against Amazon, Google, Time Warner, Verizon, AT&T etc...which fund narco terrorism, fund globohomo agendas, and the overthrow of our election (just to name a few). None of them are Jews though amirite? If you’ve got principles stand on them uniformly.

26488359? ago

So what? They want to protect their brand. Hold it against them as you should. I wonder if you hold that same criticism against Amazon, Google, Time Warner, Verizon, AT&T etc...which fund narco terrorism, fund globohomo agendas, and the overthrow of our election (just to name a few). None of them are Jews though amirite? If you’ve got principles stand on them uniformly.

I minimize buying or using service from them. I strongly support non-jewish local small business. And I teach others to do so.

26488704? ago

Share that info. I’d like to know what alternatives for ISPs exist. (((They))) seem to buy up all the viable smaller providers..we all understand why.

26487544? ago

i had no idea. every.fucking.time.

26487261? ago

Yeah, everything's fucking jewish. Let's call everything jewish and get nothing done.

26487519? ago

Now you're catching on to the hive mind here.

Welcome aboard "patriot" !

26487572? ago

No, you're supposed to start hurling obscenities at me and accusing me of being a kike.

26487905? ago

Since I'm not severely mentally handicapped I shall not.

26486933? ago

two dead rioting jews at the hands of a kid with a black rifle.


26486818? ago

Ironic considering Kyle shot 3 Jews, killing 2.

26489285? ago

how it is possible that attackers were all kikes

26489684? ago

Thank God

26489318? ago

Antifa are kikes.

26487692? ago

It's not ironic if you realize you're getting played.

26487871? ago

Or he just isn’t aware/taught the truth yet.

26487898? ago

Kyle might not, but his lawyer most certainly does.

26487487? ago

This might come as a shocker, but not all Jews think and act alike. Most Jews are just born into it, and don't believe in the religion.

26489349? ago

Whatcha doing there rabbi

26489335? ago

Yes, jews are born into their genetics, which make them narcissistic, racist, psychopaths.

26489292? ago

but your herd mentaility is unbeatable worldwide

not even your younger brothers muslims can beat you

26488652? ago

Which makes it even more amazing how they all manage to suddenly come together and unite as one when its time to destroy white nations.

26488043? ago

It’s not about religion it’s about tribal affiliation.

26487879? ago

The person you are replying to posts the same anti jew stuff every day for years on end. His job is to make us look like nazis for newcomers.

26487585? ago

You're right. many Jews disagree with each other about the best way to subvert and destroy white people.

26487580? ago

Yet they still side with their community due having the strongest in group preference of any race.

26487504? ago

It might be true that "all communists are jews, but not all jews are communists," but I'm not about to waste my time trying to figure out which ones are and which ones aren't.

26489359? ago

Shoot them all it will save you a headache

26486785? ago

Freemasons and Jews put on an Alt-Light-Right stage show to confuse and amuse?

Here's how that one started it hit headlines on voat about 4 yrs back saying .Black Rifle Coffee Company Burns Starbucks -- Vows to Hire 10,000 Veterans.... then all of a sudden someone from the Coffe companies wanted to shut down voat, this was before all that voter stuff and Donald ban at reddit and before the pizzagate conspiracy guys arriving here. The amount they used get shilled here would say to me that they might just be a major 'anonymous' contributor to the funding of this website....about the time voat got its first anal.

Then came the 4Chan style SHIT POSTS

DMCA from Black Rifle Coffee Company ®


Hi, Daniel Hollaway - VP of Marketing at Black Rifle Coffee Company here!

I'm deeply sorry about the confusion we've put you through with this ill-communicated DMCA request. It never was our intention to upset our loyal coffee drinking fans or to put any stress on Voat's administrators.

We're working on executing a brand re-alignment strategy to more closely reflect our core values as a organization and a family. In keeping with that, we're changing our official Voat account to @NiggerRifleCoffeeCo. Please, direct any questions, comments or concerns you may have to our offical Voat account, and keep enjoying our products!

END Quote

a careful reading of the DMCA clearly shows that it was directed to voat.com, this is voat.co which has no affiliation with voat.com

I'm sure a company like NiggerRifleCoffeeCo understands that voat wouldn't want to be associated with some other entity that happens to share the same name.


600 + commets

""Well, considering the fact that my COO and I are both Jewish, I have a huge issue with people who compare us to or accuse us of being Nazis." - Black Rifle Coffee Blog, March 27, 2018.

There's something happening here...What it is.... ain't exactly clear

There's a man with a gun over there... Telling me... I got to beware https://voat.co/v/pics/4126638/26484235

26497809? ago


Are you going to try to divide people by their faith? I disagree with Evil behaviors. Such as dividing people by their skin color, or faith, or orientation, or gender. I agree with Good behaviors though.

If you choose to go on the road toward Evil behaviors I'll let you go there alone, sorry.

What are Good behaviors? https://archive.fo/EAywk#selection-1699.14-1713.104

What are Evil behaviors? https://archive.fo/uVDOP#selection-155.1-195.3

Patriot Orthodox Jews in New York Showing their Support for #Trump2020. Dancing October 7th, 2020.

20 seconds videos:

• Mirror 1 https://video.maga.host/videos/watch/3d79c057-6f71-44ec-8e53-09325cd13f7d

• Mirror 2 https://open.tube/videos/watch/ffa816c3-59b2-445d-b147-3291ec572a61

• Mirror 3 https://libre.video/videos/watch/74671235-387d-462a-9822-d5579dd7f305

• Mirror 4 https://tube.4aem.com/videos/watch/9207c78a-e0fc-4fb0-be4e-32f6fb8296fe

• Mirror 5 https://web.archive.org/web/20201008174359/https://twitter.com/SVNewsAlerts/status/1314019106446815238

• Mirror 6. Original at https://twitter.com/SVNewsAlerts/status/1314019106446815238


"We are proud Jewish Americans who reject the hypocrisy, anti-Americanism, and anti-Semitism of the rising far-left."

• Video 1 https://open.tube/videos/watch/c18c1e04-6255-4539-9535-dbcc88f850b8

• Video 2 https://www.bitchute.com/video/g1qeKQ4HJHFr

• Website https://theexodusmovement.com

• Twitter https://twitter.com/ExodusMvmnt

• Facebook https://www.facebook.com/ExodusMvmt

• Instagram https://www.instagram.com/ExodusMvmt/

• All Videos https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCbqJF6Qgp_NEbp_yT9YMmHQ/videos

Link for Preview


26488143? ago

Their ads aren’t degenerate. They’re military humor. We talk and think like that down range. Fault the dudes for being forever imprinted by war...yeah that makes sense. To a communist. Eat lead.

26489943? ago

They at Black Rifle Coffee get actors, video guys and girls to dress up with guns for their commercial adverts...however they do not support America's Freedom of Speech. They at Coffee company come to a site where people question Israel or criticize islam or mohammed and suddenly you now have the Coffee company legal team screaming Shut It Down!! and ready to burn the 1st, tear up the First Amendment to the United States Constitution?

26489413? ago

The cynical side to me says they seen an opening appear, maybe were a little patriotic and mostly fooled others took their money, they took the cash of old Fox viewers, conservative buyers of food and thousands of others who were going to quit leftwing neo-liberal political food brands...they seen an opening and did what they did for finance reasons.

Voat back in the day was a small website, you could see the same 3 or 4 news articles and very few replies or posts would appear for the next 2 or 3 weeks. Voat small and innocent, but was a bit like 4chan a little crazy underneath, it offered a free speech alternative to controlled shitholes like reddit and facebook, people here could post anything have been masquerading with screen names like TomSeleksLeftNut or PrinceCharlesIsPedo, or SatanicIslamicJews or FuckRonnieRaygun and "RealBillGates" saying stupid shit like "Black Rifle coffee is the best and totally not overpriced garbage!" ...but what happened was the sudden threat of legal attacks, censorship and lawsuits

I usually buy small and local and try to avoid most big brand names, I guess I found them funny, I dont know if they are real patriots or putting on a corporate stage show, they trolled creepy hands Biden but in the end they are foreign owned by investors and have ambitions to be another globalist brand ready to be bought and sold again and again by other alien foreign interests. You say they are for America and pro military but when do you speak for all your military, and that coffee company speak for all military humor or what military humor did they really use to support the USA? the Black Rifle Coffee Company humor at St Albert in Canada... NATO humor, the US Navy? the United States Airforce. The US Army? US Marines? Saudi humor? British HumoUr? or Israel humor or typical globalist humor you could find in any tv station around the world? did you know they admitted to being Israeli Jews before being American? They mostly gained national attention only because Starbucks was so degenerate and a worse option for American buyers, I liked some of their ads “Starbucks vows to hire 10,000 refugees,” and 'Black Rifle Coffee Company vows to hire 10,000 veterans' yet in 2017 interview with Vice News, the Coffee company founder Hafer commended Starbucks' hiring, the Jew praises Starbucks...did he cheer them on because they gave them money? so if Starbucks is a political enemy and corporate enemy so to speak then why would he kiss their ass? You can worship their 'military humor' if you want but only time will tell if these people are really your friends. Maybe they are pro-American some say a lot of its staff are former military but I seen many Conservative brands get bought out, change their minds and stab America in the back.

The BlackRifleCoffeeCo permanently deleted their profile from voat on 2018-10-10. A delete this would suffice to satisfy a company, but they were a strange one, its like asking 4chan jannies to go through their own archives and have persisted to have this user account completely wiped off of Voat (ghosted).

It also started to open up voat to all kinds of legal and lawsuits, subverse, a comment or a joke or username that infringes on a trademark has to be taken down if the voat site gets to receive a valid DMCA request from the trademark owner? This was the early days of voat and the days of the Wild wild west are gone thanks to BlackRifle and their Coffee?

26489365? ago

I'll fault you for fighting for Israel.

26489717? ago

Learned to fight. That’s the point.

26498182? ago

What did you really learn? There are two types of battle one is with missiles, it is hand to hand, it is with a handgun, an AK47; AR-15 a large-caliber Barrett rifle ...the other type of battle can be far more dangerous it is done by deception, it cripples a Nation State from within, is through jihad politics and the battle of propaganda. A cancerous Jew or Moslim can do far more damage inside a nation through politics, the so-called chosen people can lie to dogs or cattle, "It is permitted to deceive a goy (Gentile)." The Jewish may play Christians and Pagans and Atheists and non-Jews like Puppets, know their book it instructs that Jews may use "subterfuges" and lies to circumvent a Gentile. Then you have the other half of Arabia mohammedan, the Sunni and Shiite sand people of Arabia, Moslims when not in direct attack are told to use the lies of deception the lies of propaganda, Deceit they have four words for this Al-taqiyya, Kitman, Tawriya, Al-muruna, they lie without even blinking, it is normal to engage in deception. The pedophile terrorist prophet of islam Mohammed famously said, “War is deceit.” (Sahih Bukhari, Vol. 4, Book 52, Nr.268).

26501503? ago

You’re talking MILDEC. Info ops. I’m talking kinetic warfare. Visit Board Search and Seizure...close quarters (passageways on ships) battle. AH2 training, breaching qualification, SERE, and Expeditionary Combat Skills certification. That’s what I learned.

Jews aren’t in control over there. Arabs are. Jews scurry about trying to make deals that’ll keep them a step ahead...you give them way too much credit. We break up human/drug/illegal arms trafficking...that’s Iran, that’s China, that’s Russia. Nothing to do with any Jew. If we could remove our Shadow President and the Muslim Brotherhood we’d not have any of it. Jews are too lazy to pull any of that off. Seen it first hand. American Jews are not lazy. I’ve seen that first hand too.

26487513? ago

Death to Catholics first

26489361? ago

fuck of cunt

we will burn all of your worshiper places and restart the religions if needed

26488478? ago

Especially the god-damn Jesuits. Kiddy touchers the lot of 'em.

26488057? ago

That you /u/Diggernicks @Diggernicks ? MyPillow Mike Lindell and actor Ricky Schroder helped pay Kyle Rittenhouse's $2M https://voat.co/v/GreatAwakening/4127012/26487594

26486916? ago

Thanks for breaking it down! I came after pg so wasn't aware. Your'e saying it's a message to us goats? It isn't hard to figure out we like Kyle ova hurrrr

What might the msg be? The brand of an enemy kinda spoils the purity of celebrating - is the message "don't be overly happy about it?" Or "Kyle is still surrounded by the enemy?"

26486999? ago

Exactly, what the fuck is going on here? Kyle is one of 'em or surrounded by one of 'em. Not good.

26487711? ago

Doesn't know what controlled opposition is

What do Kyle Rittenhouse, Elon Musk, and JonBenet Ramsey have in common?

26490343? ago


26489352? ago

they are smart but naive like children

and who tf is Ramsey?

26489832? ago

are you joking?

26486889? ago

He's not home yet they have to get 2 million in extortion, ....Someone a weirdo in bigTech has been spying and picked this image carefully...but the kid looks too young here....he has not been out yet they have to get that back of cash ready...so then what is black rifle? @FlappyJappy @anticlutch ? @MemeDropAcct ? @observation1 @Call_Of_Goat He defends himself from a mob and yet the Eighth Amendment of the United States Constitution prohibits the federal government from imposing excessive bail, excessive fines, or cruel and unusual punishments

26487044? ago

Black Rifle Coffee Company is a veteran owned and operated coffee business.

26488513? ago


No. It's a kike owned and operated business.

26500635? ago

Kinda like your booty hole huh?

26500822? ago

straight to jokes about asshole

The Fecal Fixation Of The Chosen Ones

26487056? ago

It's just like civilians wearing GruntStyle and 9Line Apparel. Pretty gay, but harmless. It's gayer when active duty wears that shit but oh well.

26486949? ago

He's home, imbecile.

26487201? ago

The 8th? The most downvoted post on this website of all time was the Q-Anon Kyle post..and the 8th Amendment of the US Constitution?? https://voat.co/v/QRV/3994300 minus -736 down votes

26487748? ago

Why is /u/TurdLord5000 @TurdLord5000 such a worthless soap box kike?