inner-city-youf ago

This would have been relevant about 10 years ago. Now that MS finally got smart and simply forked Chromium to create Edge, their browser is actually pretty good.

gabara ago

A lot of people still forced to use ie at work, buddy.

inner-city-youf ago

Hey Buddy, who cares? Also, any company that still requires IE (any version) has a worthless security team and they deserve what they get.

gabara ago

When you grow up and get a real job, you'll know that half the in house apps written in the past 20+ years all specifically require ie. <mic drop>

inner-city-youf ago

I've actually been a software developer for over 20 years and can definitively state that any new development effort that even considers supporting IE is doomed to failure. It's simply not done anymore as a standard industry practice unless there's a compelling reason. Also, of course an app written 20 years ago would require IE support you fucking retard.

gabara ago

New? You realize a profitable company will milk a 20 year old app? IBM still manufactures mainframes for crying out loud, and you can run windows on them even! You don't know what you are talking about so I can only assume you are a noob or a troll

inner-city-youf ago

Yes, they'll milk the app while having legacy developers upgrade it to support modern browsers. The market share of IE has been decreasing for 20 years and therefore it makes no business sense to not keep the technology compatible. I literally deal with this every single day. I'm certain you couldn't differentiate a float from a double without Googling it and as such, your input is worthless.

I also now understand all the gabara hate posts I've seen over the years. You're truly a dickhead.

gabara ago

while having legacy developers upgrade it to support modern browsers

inner-city-youf ago

The last resort of someone who's been bested. Post a meme. Congratulations.

gabara ago

I was laughing at the thing you said that shows you don't know what you're talking about, kiddo.

inner-city-youf ago

Legacy developers? Oh they're a thing - a huge part of the software industry. Just stop dude. You're embarrassing yourself.

gabara ago

They exist, on the unemployment line. Not profitable to employ them. Profitable companies just milk the old systems until they can move to the cloud. Checkmate.

inner-city-youf ago

So who moves them to the cloud? Oh that's right. Also, legacy developers in general work on many projects that include old code as well as integrating new code, thereby incrementally updating old systems. There's a thing called Agile development that I'm certain you don't know about, but feel free to Google it. Bested.

gabara ago

So who moves them to the cloud?

Pajeet in Bombay for $0.20 an hour.

inner-city-youf ago

Reliable Indian developers are a fallacy. They're all terrible, I've worked with a lot in person and remotely. Any competent CTO knows this and the trend of outsourcing as a result has slowly been diminishing.


gabara ago



inner-city-youf ago

Not understanding Slashdot is simply linking out to another authoritative site is literally depressing. Do you even know how Slashdot works?


gabara ago


inner-city-youf ago

Alright this conversation has come to its logical conclusion. Me being educated and an authoritative source of information and you devolving into replies like "Troll/10". Good day sir.

gabara ago
