23344429? ago

As crazy as this protest preacher sounds he might be correct in his own crazy way, it is possible there is something corrupt and dark under freemasonry. It is a cult and maybe as wicked and corrupt and criminal as other big chuches if not even worse, major masons have also been arrested in recent times.

23362550? ago

Germany is also a weird nation to look into for this criminal conspiracy shit? https://voat.co/v/whatever/3761039/23361312

23340666? ago

We need more of this!

But I would rather hear people calling out their treason, racketeering, gangstalking, human trafficking, inverted justice, crimes against humanity and children!!!

Call them out for the tangible crimes they commit everyday.

23343396? ago

islamic prayers, link to Rome and Jewish mystics

Masonic, Gordon Anglesea and he was involved with sexual abuse at a children's home, the investigation was led by a top government official and promptly closed.

All record of him on the freemason site was removed.

British cover up once more? Freemasons delete high ranking Pedophile from their website

'Assistant Provincial Grand Master in the Masonic Province of Hertfordshire'




This is crazy...all these secret societies need to go..

Here it is;


Re-Archived through Archive.is;

The Freemasons are part of the NWO and they are about traficking children and using them as currency. So what do you mean when you ask if they are protecting lodge members? They are a crime syndicate, why would they get their members involved in crime and world conspiracy and then let them hang out to dry when caught?



Shriner Mason ritual?

Opening rituals is about swore a loyalty to other brothers and helping a brother "no matter the cost" if I have understood it right.

pedophile husband (and fellow Freemasons) abused our 5 sons

If I had heard one more thing, I would have lost my mind. My lawyer told me to write down everything they said. I did. The children told of being sexually tortured, of being sold in the dirty bookstores of Kansas City”, “Daddy got money for letting men hurt us in the little rooms at the back of the store.”; they told of being forced to watch while other children were murdered“ They held our heads and made us watch , and they gave clues that matched newspaper articles about a missing and later found decapitated twelve-year-old local girl. I mourned that child for eighteen years, not realizing that she had been dancing on the streets of heaven ever since the moment of her death.

My five boys still have a hard time having it known. They are all amazingly successful men today.

After telling me their truth thirty-five years ago, they said: “Don’t talk about it, Mommy. We just want to forget.”

They are forty-one, forty, thirty-nine, thirty-eight, and thirty-six years old today–or thereabouts. I was thirty when I found out what had happened to them at their father’s hand.

I was a very young, but clueless, worldly, angry, lustful, undisciplined, and recently-saved Christian at age 23; and came from an atheist, secular humanist, generational Freemason background.

My parents were not Masonic, but all four grandparents were into the occult or Freemasonry to one degree or another. My father considered himself a Taoist and believed in phrenology after his Andover and Yale education.

When I was only seven years old, he told me that there wasn’t any God and I would have to make it on my own.

All the lights in the world went out for me then, because Jesus is the light of the world, and I chose to follow my daddy, my hero, into the darkness of his atheistic, secular humanist world. Although I had attended some Sunday school and vacation Bible school as a child, my father was my best friend, protector and idol in life.

The occult oppression in our home was so pervasive that my mother had a nervous breakdown and tried to end her life on many occasions–thirteen if anyone was counting.

My only sister, though a possessor of a master’s degree, has been in mental hospitals most of her life. We were considered one of the elite families in our area. Little do others know the hell and unhappiness that went on behind closed doors. Money doth not constitute a happy home! Nor does the occult.

We were each and all sitting ducks for the dark side. Money and even good health and good fortune are no substitute for a Christian life! They all fall very short of it!


In 1968, I met a guy, a student in psychology at the local university, and said to myself, “All this and heaven, too.” He was, of course, the handsomest thing.

Satan knew just how to package this stunning disaster. Little did I know! [Young women should not be sent clueless into this ugly, evil, world, but my father thought it best to let our minds remain vacant of any doctrine, wanting us “free to choose our own beliefs” when we became adults.

As an atheist, I had been taught to believe that everyone was good and had good motives. Little did I know!] Suffice it to say, I was quite messed up myself! And extremely unaware of many things.

This man who became my husband nineteen days after our meeting–I was looking for a wrap for my sin–and being married entitled one to sex.

He was actually honest to a point. He did say he had a record for child-molesting. In my ignorance, and knowing the lustful condition of my own heart, I reasoned that he must have just met up with a hot teenager. Little did I know!


23339893? ago

Y’all got a raging hard on for masons but you probably should be looking at order of the garter and the English masonry spinoffs. Your American masons are just dudes hanging out, maybe doing some fundraising for kids that need toothbrushes and shit. Those British groups are definitely up to something.

23343301? ago


The former Orlando leader of the Bahia Shrine in Central Florida was found guilty of one count of distributing child pornography under a plea agreement.

William Trey Rapp, 49, is the former potentate, or top leader, of Bahia Shriners. He'll be sentenced January 2 in a federal courtroom in Orlando and faces up to 20 years in federal prison.

The deal, outlined in a 23-page document, dismisses two other child-porn charges against Rapp, once known as Illustrious Sir William Trey Rapp of the Bahia Shrine.

The Bahia Shriners, a charitable organization, is part of an international nonprofit dedicated to helping families and children, especially young burn victims.

Shriners International also supports Shriners Hospitals for Children, a health system with 22 locations.

Fez-wearing Shriners also drive tiny cars in parades and participate in various community events.

A criminal complaint says the FBI detected a suspected download of child porn June 17 and traced it to Rapp. One of the videos showed a man attacking a 5-year-old girl, authorities say.

Rapp had about 600 images, according to his plea agreement.

pizzagate style conspiracy?

4 Children Murdered by Susan Welles in Ontario Childrens Hospital, covered up, tied to FREEMASONS

Redditor from SK: https://www.reddit.com/r/saskatoon/comments/3yf7jw/crazy_news_stories_from_saskatoon/ "I used to live on the edge of town. At night I would hear creepy medieval music and chanting from the forest. Saw people with hoods. One day me and some other kids went to investigate. We saw animals sacrificed on a podium in the middle of a pentagram. Wolves or Coyotes with axes in the gut, etc...this was the 80's. I wonder who these people that did this are today?"

the Nelles family is a Freemason family of note.


So what happened was Susan Nelles was caught 4 times with dead babies with this chemical level very elevated in their blood. The case was thrown out for stupid reasons after being messed with by this shady fuck, Charles Miller, got it blamed on "rubber tubing" which is known to be BS http://smithforensic.blogspot.ca/2011/12/susan-nelles-part-4-did-charles-smith.html

Here he is blowing off more kids deaths as accidents http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/dr-charles-smith-the-man-behind-the-public-inquiry-1.864004

"For 24 years, Smith worked at Toronto's Hospital for Sick Children. In the hospital's pediatric forensic pathology unit, he conducted more than 1,000 child autopsies."

"A pubic-like hair found on her daughter disappeared during Smith's investigation. It was discovered he had kept the hair in his office before police found it five years later. In the end, the charges against Waudby were dropped and the child's babysitter was convicted."

More on this scum https://www.thestar.com/entertainment/books/2017/02/19/detailed-account-of-pathologist-charles-taylor-scandal.html

Listen to this from the original article:

"Crown Attorney Miazga prosecuted parents falsely accused of sexual assault by their foster children. The sexual abuse claims against the parents were grotesque and outrageous, and included alleged ritual killings of babies and animals. The prosecution was continued against the families, even though the allegations were unbelievably preposterous. The children later recanted all allegations."

"By the spring of 1992 Martensville was reeling with rumours about a Satanic cult called The Brotherhood of The Ram that had police officers as members."

Mr. Blythe doing? Raping a woman at gunpoint and getting away with it "she did not wish the man to go to jail and she did not wish to continue with the matter for her own physical and mental well being." https://cdnc.ucr.edu/cgi-bin/cdnc?a=d&d=MT19670927.2.35


Then we have this at Hamilton's Sick Kids hospital http://collegequarterly.ca/2006-vol09-num01-winter/reviews/doughty5.html

This town is CRAWLING with freemasons. They have Hamilton locked down.

Brotherhood of the Ram vs. Brotherhood of the Snakes significance. Very ancient names to be using in some backwater Saskatchewan town

Brotherhood of the Ram... they were around until mid-1990's, shortly after the case was closed (time for a new name with all that publicity)

http://www.ewtn.com/library/NEWAGE/satan1.htm from 1997: "Among those which seem to have ceased their activity after a few years we find: Church of Satanic Brotherhood, Brotherhood of the Ram, Our Lady of Endor Coven, The Satanic Orthodox Church of Nethilum Rite, The Satanic Church."

23339220? ago

Oh yeah, quite the confrontation. I bet he wouldn't have the balls to join and then say that in their windowless chambers while all of them are in their hooded cloaks with their daggers out.

23343839? ago

This topic was down voted fast, who are the old guys in the little kids cars and what are those red hats for? @con77 @ORDOTEMPLIINTERNETIS ? @carmencita @HarlandKornfeld14 @Conspirologist

23343973? ago

Shriners. They pledge an oath to Allah when they join. I had a guy invite me to a masons meeting. he told me not to believe what I saw online. So of course I checked them out and said fuck that! He was pissed!

23343406? ago


The Freemasons, Hampstead & The McCanns

23339622? ago

And what have you done, Eunuch?

23339827? ago


23343879? ago

23344115? ago

Lots of reading during lockdown @flyingcuttlefish but many sides are watching? https://voat.co/v/pizzagateuncensored/3742739

23343993? ago

explain the mason rituals @bunnysupreme @theoldones @carnold03 @xolotltlaloc ?

23344009? ago

someone didnt like this topic, lots of down voting

23344266? ago

I get the feeling Great Awakening Q Anon is part religious movement? https://voat.co/v/QRV/3758870/23343382

23339182? ago

What a fucking moron.

23343434? ago

Jihadis prayer, the Jewish mystic Rome Vatican links and a Babylon ritual?



What better way to destroy a Church than to refuse to protect the most innocent among the congregation? Their young. What better way to attack the Priesthood? Prey on Seminarians.

Well now Francis has the public and worldwide approval of the Freemasons. Why doesn’t Francis denounce such a letter that praises him? SILENCE.

Freemasonry’s best kept secret of their higher orders is RITUAL SODOMY. The lower levels of Freemasons, do not know this. The lower levels are used to attract more members and create a social contacts for fund raising. We’ve all seen the Shriners advertisement on TV for children’s hospitals. Heart wrenching. Who doesn’t want to contribute and get a cute blanket as a ‘thank you” ? It is not until one reaches the higher orders in Freemasonry that the Occult is introduced.


****Albert Pike was Sovereign Grand Commander of the (Masonic) Scottish Rite’s Southern Jurisdiction from 1859-1891. He published a book called Morals and Dogma of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry in 1871. Citations from Pike’s magnum opus will be featured here : http://www.yogaesoteric.net/content.aspx?lang=EN&item=11076 “ **** Quotes from the article:

“Are Masons using their power and influence to try to spread homosexual “values”? Pike seems to be saying that Mason [adepts] engage in homosexual oral sex. He states that an initiate “commemorates in sacramental observance this mysterious passion; and while partaking of the raw flesh of the victim, seems to be invigorated by a fresh draught from the fountain of universal life... Hence the significance of the phallus.” (p.393)

Pike does not spell out what he means by “this mysterious passion”. But elsewhere in the book he twice notes that phallic worship is a part of their “Ancient Mysteries”.

Not only does homosexual sex apparently play a role in Masonry, but so do homosexual orgies. Pike, speaking in general of a newly initiated member, says: “he mingles with the crowd of Initiates, and, crowned with flowers, celebrates with them the holy orgies”. In at least two other locations in his book he mentions that orgies are associated with Masonic initiations. [Pike has a reputation for indulging in debaucheries as well as Satanic butchery.]”

Now, back to Pope Francis:

Pope Francis has been silent in his response to recent pedophilia claims. Silence on Cardinal Mccarricks offenses . Silence re: Viganos claims . Source: https://www.google.com/amp/s/townhall.com/tipsheet/briannaheldt/2018/10/01/archbishop-vigano-writes-second-letter-calling-out-the-popes-silence-on-the-sex-abuse-scandal-n2524370%3famp=true

And here’s another prelate whose abuse was covered up by Francis . http://voiceofthefamily.com/heterodox-cardinal-embroiled-in-child-abuse-cover-up-scandal-is-popes-special-appointee-to-family-synod/

Many sources claim Francis has been selected by Freemasons who influenced the papal conclave Sources:

https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/St._Gallen_Group http://www.lepantoinstitute.org/pope-francis-freemasonry-knights-malta/

        Interesting note for our Catholic and Christian VOAT members, In 1917, after the appearance of Our Lady in Fatima, The Freemason littered Rome with posters showing the Archangel Michael defeated on the ground trampled beneath a triumphant Lucifer. It was this action by the FreeMasons that prompted our courageous Saint Maximillian Kolbe, to publish articles against the NAZI propaganda. ( reminds me of people on VOAT fighting FAKE NEWS). Maximillian Kolbe went to his death because he traded his life so that another POW might be spared. [https://missionimmaculata.com/index.php/kolbe/martyrdom-of-st-maximilian](https://missionimmaculata.com/index.php/kolbe/martyrdom-of-st-maximilian)


§§§ The following questions are for those who wish to research. St. Gallen , Switzerland is possible a hub for freemasonry and pedophiles. There’s a group of Cardinals who call themselves St. Gallen mafia’ Pedophile preditor Cardinal McCarrick visited there many times .

You can listen to Dr. Taylor Marshall discuss it here.


I believe Pope Francis is a puppet of the Freemasons, not just an unwitting dupe

23339181? ago

Bless this dude.

23343553? ago

Freemason's Royal Order of Jesters is a bizarre group. They have been linked to human trafficking, prostitution, pedophilia, and other sorts of perversion I won't mention. Granted, Shriners raise a lot of money for children... but they have ulterior motives.


Australia has had it's share of pedo politicians and judiciary: Harold Holt, Don Dunstan (who had internally injured a young boy to the extent that the poor boy was airlifted back to a Filipino hospital rather than risk admission to a local hospital), High Court Justice Michael Kirby (http://www.theage.com.au/articles/2002/03/16/1015909912434.html)), Senator Bob Collins (http://www.theage.com.au/news/national/child-porn-court-date-for-exlabor-minister/2006/11/24/1163871599509.html)), Governor-General Sir Zelman Cowen. Any member of parliament who has raised these issues has lost their careers eg Franca Arena, Bill Heffernan.


That "ban" was always a deception. Freemasonry is controlled by the jesuits, so it's all a ruse. The Bible warns us about deceivers, and they'll lie about everything.

Occult, Santanism, Masonry, Symbols, and More. Mark Passio's


onepeterfive - https://archive.is/bVqYXwiki - https://archive.is/JT3tR and https://archive.is/vBtiI henrymakow - https://archive.is/mwWBL yogaesoteric - https://archive.is/eUS7C townhall - https://archive.fo/P1uEB voiceofthefamily - https://archive.is/R6OFZ lepantoinstitute - https://archive.is/857V rmissionimmaculata - https://archive.is/NDryR churchmilitant - https://archive.is/1uLMe geopolitics - https://archive.is/a9GtJcrc - https://archive.is/Pog2N wordpress - https://archive.is/QsCLH

Rome? They have an "official" position and a "real" position... kind of like Hillary Clinton....or a lying killer?

The Everlasting Secret Family and Other Secrets is the name of the movie. Acting is terrible; dialogue clumsy and stilted. If you don't want to watch, this is a breakdown: main protagonist is a senator who selects a schoolboy to become his lover/victim. The boy is then inducted into masonry. The senator also pimps him out to diplomats and a judge, who dies while being tied up in a BDSM game by the boy. The boy works out how to stay young forever. He becomes the lover of the senator's son, and so guarantees his place in the 'system'.

Back in 2010 we found (R) Rep.Gus Bilirakis from Pasco County, Florida was a member of this group. We tried to get into their next meeting, but were not able to. We went to the local newspaper, The Tampa Bay Times with this info, and they did NOTHING. Glad to see the Jesters back up for consideration.....of evil. Adding the link for all the doc I have here: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/84edi5joje0g9jd/AAC0tAd1tBvKp64jjN9Qw0Wba?dl=0

The relationship between Mormonism and Freemasonry began early in the life Joseph Smith, founder of the Latter Day Saint movement, as his older brother Hyrum and possibly his father were Freemasons while the family lived near Palmyra, New York. Nevertheless, in the late 1820s, the western New York region was swept with anti-Masonic fervor.

By the 1840s, however, Smith and several prominent Latter Day Saints had become Freemasons and founded a lodge in Nauvoo, Illinois, in March 1842. Soon after joining Freemasonry, Smith introduced a temple endowment ceremony including a number of symbolic elements that were very similar to those in Freemasonry. Smith remained a Freemason until his death; however, later leaders in the movement have distanced themselves from Freemasonry. In modern times, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS Church), the predominan -- [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mormonism_and_Freemasonry](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mormonism_and_Freemasonry)

a little digging and found out about the secret sub-group of the Shriners called the "Royal Order of Jesters" and apparently this group likes it's privacy and is all about "fun". They lost their 501(c)3 status in 2012 as a result, after an IRS investigation. They have been linked to pedophilia and during the investigation through the depositions of five Brazilian girls describe how one was left pregnant at age 13 after one such fishing trip. Fishing guides took pictures of Jesters having sex with minor girls and surrendered them to the Brazilian Federal Police. The fishing guides testified in the same case that the Jesters asked to be called “Masons” and for girls over 13. It is not yet known if these Jesters are among the twenty fishing customers currently under investigation by the Brazilian Senate.


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Royal_Order_of_Jesters "Whereas most Masonic bodies are dedicated to charity, The Royal Order of Jesters is a fun "degree," with absolutely no serious intent. The motto, "Mirth is King,” is sufficient to give voice to the purpose of the organization. The Royal Order of Jesters feel that there are times, after our hard work and dedication to family and mankind, when everyone should remember to laugh and appreciate the good work one has done."

23346906? ago

Thanks for the info...Lock em all up, and tear their wicked satanic places of evil worship down! Im so sick of these secret societies, there are too many to even keep track of.. I pray to God to tear their whole sick secret world down..Time the light of day was shed on these sick psycho pedo's..

23339166? ago

This guy is off his meds.

23343701? ago

Whata re they praying to?

The Shriners and The Royal Order of Jesters it appears that both orders are controlled by an exclusive branch of the Jesters named The S.O.B.I.B. The Arabic title translates as The 'Order of Brothers in Blood', the 'S' for 'Secret'

With only 254 members in 2008, this handful of men are said to dominate both the Jesters and The Shrine.

The SOBIB 'Confidential Membership Roster' from 2008 including members names and addresses can be found at the link below.

Let's get it before it goes; it's not archiving.

https://www.scribd.com/doc/6686825/Sobib-Directory //

Quick rundown of the S.O.B.I.B. - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VtgBdUtw26c

recorded the following members by state. Completed are - CANADA - CALIFORNIA - TEXAS, NEVADA, OKLAHOMA, NEW MEXICO & ARIZONA.

The others we still have to list.

Scottish Rite Cathedral (at least, on wikipedia), the page about the New Masonic Temple offers this little nugget: "The Temple’s history includes many prominent guests. It houses the former office of then-Senator and Freemason Grand Master Harry S. Truman prior to his being President of the United States. Charles A. Lindbergh was initiated and participated as a mason at the Temple prior to his renowned 1927 flight. In 1980, Escape from New York with Ernest Borgnine filmed a scene on the Temple’s steps. Borgnine, a Mason, attended Masonic meetings in the building.

perhaps we could also look into the past of the HIGHLY controversial former SLU president Lawrence Biondi who, towards the end of his 25-year presidency, had at least 6 no-confidence measures levied against him by either student or faculty governance bodies.

one has 3K places throughout the globe. Lord Help Us. Spread This Everywhere Please. EDIT: https://demolay.org/

the same statue that's on Alefantis' Instagram of Antinou: http://www.akg-images.fr/C.aspx?VP3=SearchResult&VBID=2UMESQM1C6SJL http://stateofthenation2012.com/?p=59940

Facebook site : https://www.facebook.com/moolahshrine There is so much on here. They are pictured with children and Col. Sanders was a member ..

Witches join the Rainbow girls or Eastern Star?

Freemasons have hundreds of different side orders and appendant bodies. This enables them to maintain the facade of being a respectable group, while the appendant bodies run drugs, pimp out children, and do political blackmail.

The Veiled Prophet Ball is related to the Mystic Order of Veiled Prophets of the Enchanted Realm (MOVPER), also known as the Grotto.

The Jesters operate 192 distinct non-profit corporations with variations of that name, presumably one per chapter although I haven't checked that. As Piscina noted, the vast majority date from Dec 1941, and nearly all of the rest date from the 1970s. Specifically, there are 27 that were formed in Dec 1978. I think this explains why SOBIB was created in 1979. I don't know exactly what was happening but the dates are too close to be coincidental.

Jesters contacts is based on nonprofit/tax exempt information that is of the online public record made available by the federal government as compiled by www.taxexemptworld.com:"

http://www.illuminati-news.com/Articles/145.html / http://archive.is/Lai41

Secret Society ‘Royal Order Of Jesters’ Charged With The Mann Act (Human Sex Trafficking)https://stevenjohnhibbs.wordpress.com/2010/06/20/secret-society-royal-order-of-jesters-charged-with-the-mann-act/ / http://archive.is/fq66m Whistler Blower Alleges That More Than 22,000 Shriners Are Involved In Human Trafficking (2003) http://ireport.cnn.com/docs/DOC-988338 / http://archive.is/qy5DxVideo of Rob McConnel Talk Show "The Shocking Shriners-Human Trafficking Connection" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VtgBdUtw26c

Shriner and former Potentate Ray Highsmith sentenced to 3 years - admitted to having not one, but two memberships to an online child porn site (2009) http://staffs.proboards.com/thread/5631/shriner-potentate-busted-child / http://archive.is/1DFm2The "Shriners" Used 71% of Charitable Donations, Approx $21.7 Million for Members Entertainment (1985) http://rense.com/general71/shriners.htm / http://archive.is/cptIk Prostitution, embezzlement allegations fly in lawsuits involving Clio-based Shriners organization (2013)(the article's comments are interesting too) http://www.mlive.com/news/saginaw/index.ssf/2013/06/prostitution_embezzlement_alle.html / http://archive.is/izNd9Judge Central Figure in FBI Probe, the S.O.B.I.B. and the Jesters' Half Million Dollar Weekend Parties (2008)Judge Tills travelled with a woman he had previously jailed on prostitution charge. The former state justice is a central figure in probe of activities of Buffalo Jesters and is a reportedly a member of SOBIB (Secret Order of Brothers in Blood). http://freemasonrywatch.org/judge.sobib.html / http://archive.is/rh39MThe Shriners' secret sub-group, the Royal Order of Jesters and prostitution, the Secret Order of Brothers in Blood. (2009)Three Jesters convicted after getting caught in an FBI human trafficking sting for taking illegal alien prostitutes to their weekend parties. http://aconstantineblacklist.blogspot.nl/2009/10/tax-returns-reveal-jesters-controlled.html / http://archive.is/4Vcz8Canada Police launch Shriners investigation (2001) http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/police-launch-shriners-investigation-1.264494 / http://archive.is/HYAVZ

23344719? ago

Praying is bullshit who cares they are talking to themselves. There is no magic take your medication.

23339603? ago

Fuck you. At least he is doing more than "trusting the plan".

23344030? ago

trans humanism the Baphomet cult from Babylon times? https://voat.co/v/whatever/3758772/23342223

23344167? ago

a whore of babylon now says she is good, can you believe or will you believe her? https://voat.co/v/pizzagatewhatever/3758526/23341034

23344216? ago

plancktonne? AJ infowars another form of cancers?

23339644? ago

Awe you're a sensitive tranny aren't ya. The guy is obviously insane, he is just shouting bullshit and he isn't winning anyone over, he is a fool, it's obvious.

23340213? ago

Some guy has the balls to do something. You respond by shilling of (((psychiatry))). You're the fucking tranny, faggot.

23343923? ago

an extremely evil woman named Gaetanne Antat ? https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/3754994/23320192

23344307? ago

if they can put pressure on Prince Andrew i guess the Maxwell woman may be in trouble? https://voat.co/v/QRV/3758880/23343238

23344148? ago

Science Papers? Abortion? Types of Bloods? https://voat.co/v/pizzagatewhatever/3749087

23340697? ago

I'm not a shill, this guy is some random idiot shouting at people in a parking lot.

How does that make me a shill.


One who poses as a satisfied customer or an enthusiastic gambler to dupe bystanders into participating in a swindle.

23340376? ago

All he did was further exemplify that Freemasons have more tact than fanatic overzealous Christians. The funny part of course being that some of those he was accosting were also Christians.

23339854? ago

I'd sooner befriend (and have already) freemasons over sanctimonious bigoted pricks like the bag of crazy behind this video.

23339083? ago

The Shriners?

23339090? ago

The Shriners, what are they praying to? https://www.bitchute.com/video/riBiNP5fR2Ko

23343785? ago

Moslems are also involved? Quote @Jem777 It is about the deeper control system. Peeling back the layers @HighLevelInsider told us to go down this road if we want change. These guys control the Royal Order of Jesters who are under federal investigation for child sex crimes.

Read @ArtificalDuality response.....of course Islam was created out of people faking Jewish roots. Khazar practicing Talmudic mysticism which takes you right into the Catholic Church as he explained...,the ultimate deception. quote - @paulf I've read the Shriner's initiation ceremony. The initiate pledges allegiance to Mohammed and Allah which surprised me I must say. I thought Jah-Bul-On was their thing but clearly as you go higher up, the rules get more fluid. ... also ... , a user @darkknight111 posted this on voat /v/pizzagate/ quote -

Given how Islam is infested with pedophilia and generally treats women as sub human, Islamic involvement in Pizzagate would not surprise me in the slightest.

Mohamad himself was a pedophile who married a 6 year old girl when he was at least in his forties.

Child marriage is morally acceptable in Islam, and these marriages are often forced in nature.

Honor killings and horrible atrocities such as throwing acid at their faces is acceptable should a woman or child refuse to go through a forced marriage.

In Islam, isn't considered rape unless it is witnessed by four males. Note that women don't count as witnesses because Islam views females as subhumans only useful for breeding. Hell, its standard for the VICTIM to be punished (typically death by stoning) for being raped, for being raped counts as adultery.

23344062? ago

More social media @gatoreric @CarpenterforChrist @EnlightenOne ? Can you believe a porno hooker smut merchant rent girl who turned tricks ... all controlled stage show and optics or does she now have a good side? https://voat.co/v/GreatAwakening/3758725/23341975