I posted this years ago but being as it's still relevant and she has not at all been investigated going to repost. (pizzagate)
submitted 4.9 years ago by gamepwn
Honeybee a few years ago had spoke about an investigation into a International Child Porn human trafficking ring in Seychelles. There was links at the time to emails and a dropbox of the names of both the various people involved including it's ring leader, to the actual websites themselves. I remember at the time copy and pasting one of the links while investigating her and full blown child porn had popped up. Full rape. Hundreds of photos of hundreds of different children of various ages and links to rape videos. I clicked out and just about had a panic attack and got very sick to my stomach. Honeybee named who owned it and it's an extremely evil woman named Gaetanne Antat. I reported her to NCMEC as soon as I had that incident occur and was told it would be investigated. I gave the link of Gaetanne Facebook to them that was in Honeybee's original post. Honeybee had deleted the thread due to multiple users having similar incidents when investigating her and finding the CP websites.
Googling her name you can see remnants of the threads of investigation into her which all seem to have been scrubbed.
This is the only pages which hasn't been showing Honeybee's original post.
This is her Facebook. This woman owns 20 different Child Porn websites and runs a whole Child Sex Slave operation. Her Facebook is still up. She has pictures of a child all over it which she says is her daughter.
Being as I don't know if this woman is being investigated into I thought I would keep this alive. Sick demonic demon.
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Aasb 4.9 years ago
That's her right? Under Belize: https://www.intershore.com/site19/contact-us/
If so, she works as an Offshore Business consultant.
What the company does:
Wealth Management solutions
Financial Services
Incorporation of companies
Corporate management services
International Trade Zone businesses
Investment and tax planning
Ship and aircraft registration
Real estate brokerage
Corporate secretarial services
Legal support services
Legalisation of documents
Bank account opening
Provision of registered office
Nominee services
Virtual Office
SearchVoatBot 4.9 years ago
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gamepwn 4.9 years ago
Yes! That's her!
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Aasb ago
That's her right? Under Belize: https://www.intershore.com/site19/contact-us/
If so, she works as an Offshore Business consultant.
What the company does:
Wealth Management solutions
Financial Services
Incorporation of companies
Corporate management services
International Trade Zone businesses
Investment and tax planning
Ship and aircraft registration
Real estate brokerage
Corporate secretarial services
Legal support services
Legalisation of documents
Bank account opening
Provision of registered office
Nominee services
Virtual Office
SearchVoatBot ago
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Posted automatically (#103755) by the SearchVoat.co Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here. (@Aasb: Click here to suppress your anonymous crosslink notifications)
gamepwn ago
Yes! That's her!