siegnagel ago

What happened to Honeybee?

kazza64 ago

pretty clear from her facebook page that she's pimping her kid out

Aasb ago

That's her right? Under Belize:

If so, she works as an Offshore Business consultant.

What the company does:

Wealth Management solutions

Financial Services

Incorporation of companies

Corporate management services

International Trade Zone businesses

Investment and tax planning

Ship and aircraft registration

Real estate brokerage

Corporate secretarial services

Legal support services

Legalisation of documents

Bank account opening

Provision of registered office

Nominee services

Virtual Office

SearchVoatBot ago

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gamepwn ago

Yes! That's her!

Fetalpig ago

So,let me get this straight,you reported it to the very people that run it? Ncmec? They are the biggest child trafficking organization aside from USAID. Your info is correct,but who you reported it to,not so much,contact the sex trafficking investigator,and prosecutor the one out to investigate Kim Fox of the smollett debacle.I forget his name,but keep sending it authorities,never NCMEC.

Fateswebb ago

Yeah ncemc is compromised.. sure they probably have wonderful investigators, but there's someone at the top that's sole purpose is to shield the big powerful players from ever getting caught.... So I'm sure nothing happened. And if you get too vocal something would probably happen...... TO YOU!

They have a control safety net... The majority of the organizations that are supposedly tasked with saving these kids are actually quite the opposite. Sure they will bust some of the small time guys to make it look like they're doing their job, but they probably rekidnap the victims and use them in their own crimes etc.