23321391? ago

Why has nothing been done about the governors banning the hydroxychloroquine?

23315887? ago

Theme 82 led me to a uranium one page(s) of drops... 45 drops... just saying

https://qmap.pub/ the QAnon Posts link at the bottom of 82 took me there.. 45 , then looked at open windows. 82 unread messages COMMs come in many ways.

23315677? ago

Navy COMM compliments of WWII #USNavy pilot Chuck "Dancing Chuck" Franzk "can't stop the feeling." Q726 Over the TARGET.

Q https://qmap.pub/read/726

Begets Theme 82 the BIGGEST scandal The Uranium One (U1) deal/scandal will go down as the biggest coverup in US history. The Obama/HRC Russian reset provided the clearance and pathway to complete the U1 deal. The U1 deal supplied Iran/Syria and NK with the raw uranium to produce nukes while also reducing the US uranium supply by 20%. A U1 FBI informant, under heavy protection, has revealed these details to congress behind closed doors.

23315046? ago

the truth will shock the world. that we are being gamed. we already have martial law, small and medium businesses have been effectively destroyed.

People are going to BEG the federal govt to take over healthcare, food, shelter...everything.

we've been had.

23321036? ago

Certainly beginning to look like that


23314947? ago

small and medium businesses are dying on the vine. We CANNOT last any longer. something needs to be done NOW!!!! I went from 120+ employees to 5 in 3 weeks, my orders got cut in half for the rest of the year from luxury retailers. one customer with 100million dollar revenue is near going out of business. We are already in economic ARMAGEDDON.

23312919? ago

So Q is suggesting Pelosi fast tracked the articles of impeachment so the known-to-fail distraction would be at the ready, then she held onto them until January 15 when the "marker" first case of the China virus was announced. This would tie up the Senate while the China virus was wreaking havoc on the nation, causing an economic collapse and loss of Trump support.

There are several things very wrong with today's posts.

  1. Every human being walking around on planet Earth knew the articles of impeachment were DOA in the Senate. Why, because everyone on earth are geniuses? No, because Mitch said it 1000 times on television. This would not distract the senate long enough for a virus to spread across the nation.

  2. Pelosi didn't time it to give the Senate as little time as possible to call witnesses. The entire Senate knew it was bullshit, that's why Mitch didn't call any witnesses. Not because of Pelosi's timing.

  3. Everyone on Earth, (possibly even the Amazon rain forest tribes at this point) knows the WHO works for China and ran interference for China allowing the China virus to spread. Q didn't need to bring that up. It's no more enlightening than big pharma and Bill Gates suppressing cheap medical cures in favor of expensive deadly vaccines. Again, everyone walking around on planet Earth already knows this. If this was some astonishing revelation to you then raise your hand and smack yourself across the mouth because you're a fucking retard. If Q is seriously trying to reach the lowest common denominator as these recent 'duh' posts suggest then Q needs to get off 8Khun and get on reddit.com/r/politics.

  4. Everyone always says, "when Q goes silent that means patriots are on the move. I actually prefer when Q goes dark because that means things are happening." But every time Q comes back from being silent we're way off the path on another tangent without closing out the previous discussion and the "things are happening" crowd never has an independent thought about some kind of closure. Today no mention of the supposed tunnels, the "children", the empty hospitals. Nothing. Just BAM, look at these fictional movie props from Resident Evil and Predator. The "things are happening" crowd with an attention span of 8 days completely forgot about everything Q discussed before going silent. I'm starting to think "done in 30" means our attention span.

  5. If Q is busy then just post "patriots on the move" or something like that. But don't patronize us and lead us around in circles with 'duh' posts.

  6. This last one is really going to blow your mind or piss you off. When you know of a credible threat to harm the public (China virus), you know the identities of key players involved in the criminal conspiracy but you let it play out for whatever reason, what does that make you? Yes that's right, an accomplice in those deaths. Q should probably stop posting suggestions that he/they knew of the China virus being unleashed beforehand ("scare event necessary") because despite the threat being exaggerated the deaths are very real. And if Q in fact did NOT know of this threat beforehand that literally paralyzed the entire world, then just as the mid-term elections proved, Patriots most definitely are NOT in control. Therefore any suggestion that this dangerous naivety play out beyond the election should be met with great skepticism and vocal push back by even the most ardent Q supporters.

Look, I'm not claiming to be some genius working for secret military intel with a UFO-level security clearance. I'm just an average joe. But I just easily destroyed Q's narrative today. What pisses me off the most is, I shouldn't be able to so easily destroy everything Q posts about. Sorry guys.

23321268? ago

Spot on. We clearly don't have it all. Half the country still hates Trump. No round up of the "bad actors". Constant attacks by the left with no recourse. They have no problem walking the street. MSM able to continue the brainwashing and inculcation. This is one long drawn out Elect Trump/re-elect Trump campaign.

23317396? ago

Excellent post. You are not the only patriot here who now feels they’ve been had. If Q and team “have it all” and are “under control” then why did they let this systematic destruction of our economy happen? Is it part of “the plan”? I am tired of hearing that bullshit. We have been had. The only arrests will be us who still stand for Liberty and the Rule of Law. If a miracle should happen on 4/10/20 I will eat my shoe and rejoice but more likely I expect to be sent to the “re-education camp”.

23319745? ago

Agree. I would so love to be proven wrong. I would love to have someone shove a phone in my face with video footage of arrests being made and saying "told you so shill faggot." I would eat my show as well. That would be the best tasting fucking shoe in the world. But as most people in the movement concluded on their own, this week really was the culmination of 3 years of Q posts and this week was supposed to be the final final final storm. And it didn't happen.

23313773? ago

Shills being paid by the word now.

23321174? ago

Please tell us how they are incorrect. Starting to think the shills are the ones questioning real thought.

23309348? ago

"How do you HOLD HOSTAGE PUBLIC AID in exchange for National 'ballot harvesting' law adopt?

How do you appease radical left 'knowing' SANDERS drop out coming?



Regain power by any means necessary.


The truth will shock the world....

The world is waiting with bated breath, PLEASE unleash the Kracken and shock the world! We can take it, no matter how bad it is.

23309183? ago


Manager of Cannibalism website, Raven posted this in 2018

23307371? ago

Celebs unhinged, have they attended jeff dahmer style dinner parties ? all signs point to yes just by the menu jacket

23306676? ago

Wow, you Q fags actually believe this shit? Apparently Q-flu was totally had by hoax sites intended to shock people into veganism. Sheesh.

23306907? ago

God wins

23329329? ago

God wins. Q is a fraud.

23306650? ago

God bless and the Q team!

23306425? ago

"Light At The End Of The Tunnel" - POTUS Sending Coded Comms.


23305929? ago

Drop 3917 anyone else having trouble getting on the second site that was posted ?

The first one was disgusting, I can only imagine what is on the next site. WFT !!!

23305871? ago

oh yea and Richie from Boston is calling patriots along with James True as Mossad he's dividing patriots. i mean Dont look at me but call everybodys a Spy !

23305504? ago


The federal government is choosing which businesses will survive and which will fail. Note that oil & gas aren't getting any bailouts...

Ottawa will continue to strangle our economy until we separate. They truly don't want to see us succeed.

23305320? ago


Shills buried this post last night:


23305274? ago



23304948? ago

Q can toss some Henry Kissenger and Spirit cooking to the unwashed conspiracy masses.

This doesn’t help a nation under soft martial law and people going broke and business shutting down. Saying oops our bad, Fauci and company goes back to business and Bill Gates goes to his child porn castle. Enough.

23304808? ago

Infiltration instead of invasion. -JFK, (((secret societies))) speech.

23304664? ago

Kissinger, architect of the New World Order and as anti-American as Osama bin Laden.

23304382? ago

There is only ONE PERSON, blessed be his name, who can/could tell the CCP to release a pandemic virus on their own people and the world.


Not Trump?

Not Bubba?

Not Putin?

Not even Soros?


Who has the most to lose if DJT wins again?


Who could possibly ensure Biden won the [D] nomination?


23306261? ago

I'm thinking you're thinking Hillary. But is she a puppet or a principal?

23312663? ago


23314422? ago


23308734? ago

Sounds like he's describing Obama, but I disagree. Obama was a puppet.

23304152? ago

Trump: very very happy PASSOVER / passover said three times. hidden meaning?


23304137? ago

Weird it says Sanders drop out coming? When he already did today. Does this confirm these drops are times or delayed?

23304443? ago

Q said "How do you appease radical left 'knowing' SANDERS drop out coming? HOLD HOSTAGE PUBLIC AID in exchange for GREEN NEW DEAL?"

That is one phrase where Q explains de D/DS 'playbook', i.e. how this Covid scheme is/was designed to (among other things) mitigate potential backlash from angry Bernie supporters, knowing that he would not make the cut. At least that is how I interpret it.

23308755? ago

That's one way to keep them from berning Milwaukee to the ground, but I thought they wanted that.

23305010? ago

Yep I read it too quick. Thanks

23303913? ago

1st US covid case began showing symptoms on the 15th. Same date as referral to Senate.


Did not seek medical attention until 19th.


23303843? ago

Question. This http://orthomolecular.org/resources/omns/v16n14.shtml Proves that vitamin C hardens the body to catching this, yet Q or POTUS will not mention this known solution to the #bioweapon from China. Our surveillance must tell Q that China has been using Vitamin C to defeat the virus, and yet our Q mentions nothing to patriots but shit we ALREADY knew in 2017. FUCK OFF Q until you prove you want people to live free.

23303756? ago

[D] Party....

D is in kill brackets..

The democratic party is not expected to survive what is coming?


23306332? ago

What Roth reply?

23303747? ago

regarding 3914. It shows 10,11,12. Any chance that is to mean April 10,11th and 12th?

23303573? ago

Vote by mail. It would be the effective end of actual democracy in the US in favor a completely rigged system where "those pesky plebs" can longer vote for "unapproved" candidates.

THAT is why the Deepstate released a biowepon in Wuhan markets. EVER find it suspicious we just closed the entire world down for a virus that only kills 5% of people already deathly sick? I would understand this lockdown if Corona was as deadly Ebola.

But the entire purpose of the Wuhan bio-weapon is to push mandatory, no-ID, no security, no verification vote by mail. There would be nothing to stop them from flagrantly stuffing ballots.

All I can legally say here is... Patriots need to start buying guns, ammo, and armor while they still can. And don't forget the trauma kits, everybody always forgets to make sure their health is covered in their...ummm...crisis preparations.

23308797? ago

The argument against it being an intentional bio-weapon is that there would have been no way to judge how fast the spread would be or how high the mortality rate would be. That could never be known in advance.

23313351? ago

Yes there would be a very solid guess because the Wuhan lab was doing a ton of research on SARS Corona viruses in humans. Now wxactly how fast it would spread would be hard to guess, but their research likely meant they knew very well about how lethal the virus was, and what could be used to treat an infection.

And so the perfect "false flag" bio-weapon is lethal enough to incite panic, but not so lethal that it starts killing healthy, productive workers 20-55 years old. Also even more perfect if something like HydroChloriQunine effectively treats the virus so the elites know they will not die of the virus even as they try to get the drug banned for use in treating the sick among plebeians.

23315495? ago

What you get in a lab, or computer simulations, is a range of potential outcomes for both spread and mortality rates. As demonstrated by the variance in the "models", that is a very wide range.

Also, since we are in conspiracy theory territory, wouldn't they design a virus that was more deadly to white people, not less?

23303355? ago

Q, I'm an atheist patriot. I sincerely hope your Armor of God thing is helpful in some way though, to get this republic fixed and justice served. If an archangel floats down and starts smiting traitors, that could be some interesting evidence for the existence of a god.

23309166? ago

For some reason your message really touched me. God Bless you, Patriot. 🙏

23308094? ago

I used to be an Atheist. The way I see it is think of God as energy. Everything is energy. You give thanks to God or The Universe, for whatever you want in life. Once you've thought it in your mind, and you give thanks to the Universe for you having it, so shall you receive.

Good luck to you.

23308822? ago

Atheists don't exist. An atheist KNOWS there is not only no God, but no possibility of a God. Nobody has that knowledge.

23302955? ago

It's time to get this fight started.

23303619? ago

Started? It's been going on for years now, it should be almost over.

23302832? ago

15 | Silent war (some gets out).

165 | Small example of the ongoing silent war.

166 | Small example of the ongoing silent war.

1030 | Coincidence or silent war?

3825 | The Silent War Continues….. 3 points in unit +1 point +1 point

3837 | The Silent War Continues….. 3 points in unit +1 point +1 point

3843 | The Silent War Continues…. 3points in unit +1 point

3856 | The Silent War continues… 3 points in unit

3883 | The Silent War continues.. 1 point + 1 point

3899 | The Silent War continues.. 1 point + 1 point

3909 | The Silent War continues.. 1 point + 1 point

sometimes the first three points seems like a unit instead of three single points.

C_ontinues vs c_ontinues

any ideas?

23303298? ago

that's what qmap.pub shows me.

AND THAT is what an anon posted on 8kun what looks like a countdown:


23302607? ago

15 | Silent war (some gets out).

165 | Small example of the ongoing silent war.

166 | Small example of the ongoing silent war.

1030 | Coincidence or silent war?

3825 | The Silent War Continues….. 3+2points

3837 | The Silent War Continues…..

23302182? ago

This is supposed to be a highly advanced military operation?

Ok, boomer.

23305705? ago

Biden is supposed to be a presidential candidate?

Ok, millennial.

23303166? ago

Perhaps you can use your finely-honed video game skills to help.

23303794? ago

Your projection is telling.

23303932? ago

What? You sound like you may be an adult, what are you talking about?

23302175? ago

Why don't we arrest some fucks?

23303800? ago

Because Q is a larp.

23302122? ago

23301725? ago

What's 6+?

23301579? ago

Some of you are way too focussed on your assholes....faggots need to grow up.

23301446? ago

Here are some backups of the video linked in 3913 (Bitchute is still processing the new video, so give it some time):



23301436? ago

Blah blah blah... I thought we had it all.

23301106? ago

This is now officially the most shilled thread ever, must have really hit a nerve.

23301445? ago

No, this is what happens when you allegedly have it all but can't do shit with it. We are fed up.

23302420? ago

So you talk about stretching assholes when you are fed up? Ever consider we might be in this situation because people spent too much time stretching assholes?

23305647? ago

Does anyone else do scat play? My wife started gagging at first, but now we make it through the consumption phase just fine?

23301786? ago

and this little piggy went we! we! we! all the way home.

23300907? ago

GREAT Video from Matt



23300752? ago

From Q 1249 themes Pompeo COMM

https://qmap.pub/themes/read/13 Shills would chant lucky guess Again and again Play that funky broken record again shills

23300737? ago

[6+] = little over 6 more months of the silent war until 2020 elections....

23300849? ago

Q posts have several meanings. The reference to the Nov elections certainly could be in play.

23305670? ago

QAnon is a Trump re-election Psy op confirmed

23300972? ago


He also dropped:

“Read and discern for yourself”

And the last drop stated: “Think voting”

They are in a war all the way to the polls.

We are in a war all the way to the polls.

23302650? ago

Their timing is off for that. If they wanted to impact the election they should have done this a month before not this far out.

23307156? ago

My answer to your point (my take):

They fully expected (hoped) that the Wuhan Flu criss would roll into the Summer and into the Fall...the democrats and main stream media [one and the same] are doing everything in their power to prolong and over-hype the present situation. President Trump is heading them off at the pass...as fast as possible, and with Military precision.

The bottom line is that we have to fire this economy back up ASAP.

23308877? ago

The MSM/Dems screwed up the talking points too much before flip-flopping on their narrative for me to believe it was planned all along. I think once the virus came, they saw it as an opportunity to maybe turn the tide.

23300640? ago

I almost made a post yesterday, but I didn't cause I figured I would be called a "dateFag". With that said, did anyone else notice there were 10 days of darkness for Q? Count the days yourself, 28 March through 7 April = 10 days. Just a thought.

23301673? ago

What about Hatch Act? Isn't that one time Q didn't post bc it's illegal for MI to do so. Aren't we in a situation like that now?

23300583? ago

hydroxychloroquine [key]

Is this our keystone??

23301064? ago

I know there are more — But the denial by some and acceptance by others of hydroxychloroquine is definitely important. Also they say the DS doesn’t make a virus without a cure so that’s exposed. The entire media jumping on board with the CV19 drama in order to steal the next election and make President Trump’s successes disappear like the jobs and the stock market... So yeah you just convinced me! Big Key to all that the DS has used FF for and who else is involved!

23300899? ago

Perhaps, but I think the WW central banks are the key and the U.S. Fed is the keystone.

23300411? ago


Prayer works!

23302138? ago

No it doesn't.

23303973? ago

Yes it does, you obviously don't.

23305659? ago

I’m Praying For BOJOs swift death from the hoax virus

23305888? ago

karma for you coming. Maybe you will be the next CV19 victim for your nasty thoughts. Did you think about that? Be careful what you wish for.

23310061? ago

Karma is a fake you heathen piece of shit

23300386? ago

Looks to be a GREAT DAY of enlightenment

Which opens the door to another biblical Friday

Which opens heaven's gate to the GREATEST EASTER EVER !!

Q/Q+ the GREATEST tag team EVER

WHAT TIMING https://twitter.com/Screaming1Eagle/status/1247917167213006849

23303982? ago

POTUS didn't mention Easter casually and he knew it would be too soon for churches to be full. Easter is important.

23304063? ago

He also mentioned opened for BUSINESS which got my attention

I'm old fashioned and Sundays were SPECIAL

Easter Sunday was way SPECIAL. POTUS is focusing on Easter

metaphor for _________ this multi-dimensional clue game is Awesome

Add to it, that the msm is kicking their own A$$E$ and we get to watch...

AND the Best is yet to come... Let me tell ya, when the Holy Spirit visits; quite the rush.

23303670? ago

Why the greatest Easter ever? Hyping things only makes for disappointed people.

23303743? ago

Depends on what dimension that you are in. PS GREATEST EASTER EVER

23301728? ago

More bullshit. Yawn.

23300328? ago


23301995? ago

Here, now stop your bitchin, get off the computer, clean your room (and mom said to change your tampon you winy little bitch.)



Failed Gubernatorial Candidate Andrew Gillum Arrested During Meth Orgy in Hotel Room


Clinton's Evil Princess Pal SENTENCED TO 13 YEARS IN PRISON


Saudi Arabia “detains” 298 Government Employee’s on Corruption Charges


US arrests 600 Mexican cartel members in one of the largest ever raids




Obama’s Homeland Security IG Indicted






Harvey Weinstein guilty




DNC Vice Chair Who Called Obama His Big Brother is CAUGHT STEALING FROM TAXPAYERS








Top Aide SENTENCED TO PRISON in BRIBERY PROBE of Ex-Hillary Clinton VP Finalist Picked by Podesta


Democrat Politician ARRESTED for STEALING from Charity for Disabled and Elderly


PANICKING Democrat Politician SENTENCED to PRISON, BEGS Trump for Pardon


Democrat State Senator RESIGNS After FBI RAIDS of Democrats in Chicago


Democrat Mayor BEHIND BARS in Dallas Testifying Against Donor to Gillibrand, Beto, Castro




Mississippi Mayor ARRESTED, Faces 100 YEARS BEHIND BARS


Democrats PANIC as FBI CHARGES Lawmaker & Daughter, Something Strange Happening in Maryland?


FBI CHARGES Democrat Mayor After 'FIRST WAVE OF ARRESTS' for Corruption Investigation in Ohio


Top State Democrat ARRESTED as Trump Attorney ROUNDS UP Corrupt Politicians in Chicago


Brooklyn Supreme Court Judge ARRESTED, Faces 45 YEARS BEHIND BARS


Anti-Trump Intelligence Agent ARRESTED for TOP SECRET Leaks




Democrat Mayor PLEADS GUILTY and RESIGNS for Defrauding Children's Charity


GRAND JURY INDICTS Democrat Council President, FBI Confirms Probe of Democrat Councilman


23306711? ago

i love it when these faggot shills get a lesson !!

23312752? ago

LOL, yeah, it is sweet. I am looking forward to higher level arrests, but looking at my list here, they are pretty much all politicians, so something is being done. And I liken this to taking down a mob or other large syndicate - You start taking in the lower hanging fruity, then work your way up. That does seem to be happening.

23313093? ago



Section 1. Findings. (a) There is credible evidence that leads me to believe that (1) Beijing Shiji Information Technology Co., Ltd., a public company organized under the laws of China, and (2) its wholly owned direct subsidiary Shiji (Hong Kong) Ltd., a Hong Kong limited company (together, the “Purchaser”), through acquiring an interest in StayNTouch, Inc. (“StayNTouch”), a Delaware corporation, might take action that threatens to impair the national security of the United States; and

23318212? ago

That is certainly a big move, but one that should never have been done in the first place. They were literally selling America to the highest bidder. And in part, they were preparing to start WWIII.

And of course we took that CA port back.

Thanks for the post, reminder and connection here ;-)

Fruits are a fallin

23318414? ago

Thanks for the links. So, we have an executive order basically stating that a National Emergency won't end on it's anniversary date if a condition is met, which was done and in 3rd article. But why would Trump want to end this? I can only think to show the people it was engineered - Go back to work everyone. Anyway, he can't do that now or can he?

Yeah, I know they are clearly boosting Kung Flu numbers. And Trump in the video implies that he knows something bad about Biden that Obama knows too and that is why he hasn't endorsed Biden yet. What is the connection to the story here? We all know the sniffing and touchy feely nature of Uncle Joe around kids. Unfortunately the stories that go along with that, well, they go along with that. Everyone knows here. Thx again.

23322619? ago

its for an cyber attack that has been ongoing tho its not stated who but if you put the pieces together id say China.

Weather we like it or not a war has been sprung with x types of attacks!! im sure its bait tho and Trump sees it. so well see how this plays out.

23306041? ago

Make this it’s own post Anon!

Nice work!

23300305? ago

According to Q drop 133, [6+] refers to Soros.

Propaganda is his forte.

We are witnessing a battle for the minds of the people.

Discern for yourself.

Enjoy the show.

(Seriously, be patient. Know we are on the winning side. Trust the plan. ENJOY. I know that there are times where being joyful and appreciative are the last things in our minds. Develop the habit of joy, knowing that we win. Trust the plan and enjoy the show.)

23300241? ago

Wow so Austin was jailed and posting stopped, now he was released and posting continues.

Q identity exposed

23309680? ago

Then he will be Seth Rich'd or Arkancided. He made himself a target. No worries, Q posting would still continue after that event.

23302862? ago

Not exactly.

23300095? ago

OK, so are the "patriots" going to put a STOP to MAIL IN VOTING?????

I am guessing that they are NOT and that we will be looking at a stolen election in November.

Member when Q told us "Elections are safe?"

23302159? ago

Lol. Patriots actually do something. Most Qtists are slugs.

23301084? ago

He was referring To the last 2018 elections. And who is to say they aren’t still safe? Doesn’t mean that the DemoRaTs still won’t try dirty tricks.

23301432? ago

I suppose the Republicans would have to cave into that cunt Pelosi in order to get it passed, but do you trust the republicans that much?

23302155? ago

I trust and have faith that POTUS will be POTUS for another 4 years. And that the Republicans will have control of the Senate and possibly the house as well.

You see, this is their fear and desperation showing. Along with the fact that they have a new topic of impeachment every time their latest drama wraps up.

That’s the # 1 sign that we are still WINNING.

23306045? ago

Those Orange County House seats are looking like they should go red in 2020.

23300332? ago

I member.

23300088? ago

ARRESTS OR GTFO. If a hammer is ever going to drop, now is the fucking time.

23300080? ago

https://archive.ph/w8lRE :

Donald J. Trump on Twitter: "Republicans should fight very hard when it comes to state wide mail-in voting. Democrats are clamoring for it. Tremendous potential for voter fraud, and for whatever reason, doesn’t work out well for Republicans. @foxandfriends"

This has been an automated message.

23300040? ago

Silent War requires Silent Warriors. Durham is a Silent Warrior

23305597? ago

Should I take a plan B if my gay BF cummed in my asshole?

23301399? ago

Id love to let a man like Durham finish in my asshole

23302199? ago

I'd like a shotgun to finish in your asshole.

23302265? ago

Double barrel

23299991? ago

What does anyone thing 6+ means?

23300152? ago

Soros. Anon above in comments linked to Q drop 133.

23299946? ago

Q has only put "key" in [brackets] once before, on March 28, 2018 drop 967


23313462? ago

Heh. Q has done a lot of things, foo.

23304243? ago

The 2D chemical structure of hydroxychloroquine kind of looks like a key IMO.

23305919? ago

That type of comment would be better served with a link added.

23299832? ago

Check out all that information that only the highest security clearance would be privy to....

23300398? ago


Link to 7pg CDC document stating testing is not necessary to list cause of death as Covid19.

23299827? ago





It's going to be HISTORIC!

Planned long ago.


Within the next 21 days BIG BIG BIG HAPPENINGS are going to take place.



[Next week]

[Next week]

[Next week]

Suicide weekend?



It's happening.



Happening now.



Watch the news this week.







Treason doesn't pay well in the end.



Enemy @ the Front Door.

USSS 'stay' alerts prevent travel.

A Week To Remember.



The 'Scaramucci' Play

Temp hire to remove embedded 'untrustworthy' staffers?



Temps can be very dangerous to those who are targeted.

Think Whitaker.



Good home for ex /GA/ Redditors.

In the coming weeks it will be important to have one central location (non 8ch).






Suicide weekend?

Hands up?





We are in control.

BIG week ahead.










Time to move on.

Big week ahead!






Godspeed, Patriot(s).

Stay strong.

Stay united.

BOOM week ahead.



Peace on the Korean Peninsula isn’t big news?

Should we drop a #MOAB on that?

Timetables shift.

[Next Week].



What will next week hold?




Next week.






Watch the news this week.



Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!

[Next week]

Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!

We warned you.

You are stupid.

Can you sleep?

We can help.








Read slowly and carefully.

Will become critically important in coming weeks.

Continue to track those who are resigning across all platforms.

Where there was once darkness, there will now be LIGHT.


Side-by-Side Posts vs. Actual News.

Show: Future PROVES Past.

BIGGER next week.




Next Week - BIGGER.


We LISTENED [20/80 />/ 40/60].



BIG news week?

Future proves past.

What news was unlocked?


Good job migrating.

/qresearch/ confirmed.

Removed post to keep it less public.

BIG week.

This was needed.

Be ready.



Follow the MONEY.

Loop Capital Markets.

Happy Hunting.




Loss of power/influence.

Good time to prosecute.

Just wait until next week.

You are all Patriots.



1&2 confirmed.

You will need for coming weeks.

Put it this way, six attempts were made to silence the witness scheduled to appear tomorrow.

Special operators on guard.


23300097? ago

You Shills are shilling pretty hard today, huh? Must not be an essential worker. Kek

23300806? ago

That doesn't make sense

23301024? ago

What doesn’t make sense is why most of you spend so much time dissecting the trees looking for the forest....

23299783? ago

So Biden cheated Super Tuesday and immediately after we get this virus.

23300933? ago

I let my boyfriend cum in my asshole. Should I take a plan B so I don’t get pregnant? I’m a man btw, TE HE HE

23299773? ago

So it looks like Q isn't in jail. Austin oh Austin...

23312115? ago

See all Wins of the Day


Latest Wins of the Day (April 8th)

TOTAL deaths in the US this March, from all causes, is 15% lower than each of the last four years. Weird. https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2020/04/strange-total-us-deaths-march-2020-actually-15-average-prior-four-years/

NY Gov Cuomo used to panic that he needed 30,000 ventilators and the 3,000 sent to NYC by the feds wasn’t enough; NYC is using about 100 of them and that number is declining https://nypost.com/2020/04/08/de-blasio-nyc-only-using-fraction-of-ventilators-of-what-was-expected/

US Army field hospital assembled in Seattle for expected surge of hospitalizations will be dismantled because it was not necessary after all https://www.seattletimes.com/seattle-news/health/coronavirus-daily-news-updates-april-8-what-to-know-today-about-covid-19-in-the-seattle-area-washington-state-and-the-nation/

Boris Johnson improving https://news.sky.com/story/coronavirus-boris-johnson-improving-and-sitting-up-in-bed-says-chancellor-rishi-sunak-11970630

Schiff outed for leaking letter about intel to the media before sending it to DNI Grenell https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2020/04/07/dni-grenell-schiff-politicizing-intel-community-by-leaking-staffing-changes-concerns-letter-to-press/

Sanders finally drops out of race, putting all the focus on Biden https://www.foxnews.com/politics/sanders-suspends-presidential-campaign

Socialist Bernie Sanders wasted $160 million on his campaign https://www.breitbart.com/2020-election/2020/04/08/bernie-sanders-money-wasted-failed-presidential-campaign13115452/ but his wife got rich reaping profits off every ad he placed https://nationalfile.com/bernie-campaign-funneled-millions-to-company-connected-to-bernies-wife/

Swing State voters pick Trump over Biden to deal with COVID-19 matters https://cnsnews.com/blog/craig-bannister/zogby-majorities-important-swing-voters-say-trump-more-fit-biden-handle

Just 6% believe Biden is the best Dem to deal with COVID-19 crisis; 2% pick Schumer; 7% pick Pelosi https://justthenews.com/politics-policy/warning-biden-former-vp-near-bottom-survey-ranking-democratic-leadership-during

Trump Admin is the first admin to name a white supremacist group a terrorist organization https://www.dailywire.com/news/trump-administration-first-in-history-to-label-a-white-supremacist-group-terrorists

Trump daily approval poll shows 3% uptick this week https://www.rasmussenreports.com/public_content/politics/trump_administration/prez_track_apr08

23307052? ago

For extortion

23306939? ago

from: doglegwarrior

these drops had nothing relevant in them that someone with Q level access could provide. I think someone has taken his mantle and is just posting filler until he returns from his secret op (cover is a fake arrest)...

23305519? ago

It's getting to the point where you can tell what's true and what isn't, based on how angry the shills get.

For example, the shills were FURIOUS that anyone doubted he was Q. They also get absolutely LIVID if you call the Wuhan flu a hoax (like it is).

23306055? ago

QAnon was just proven fake in my eyes. The Facebook page he linked to with the cannibalism is from the video game company Capcom promoting Resident Evil 6.


23311647? ago

You know everything there is know about that farm and their operations? You know the owner? You've been to the location? Any underground ops? Tell me everything you know about them, you seem so fucking sure so you must have a ton of info?

23311677? ago

You know everything there is know about I don't understand that part, is it a code?

23306900? ago

Sheesh, did you see what Q said right above that link?

"Did you think 'spirit cooking' was just pretend?"

It's like you faggot shills aren't even trying these days. Pathetic!

23306936? ago

Pizzagate researchers debunked the cannibal club website years ago. No matter what you people try to do the truth will ALWAYS come out:


23307724? ago

I don't see any debunking. A few people assert it was linked to a book based on there being a same name. I also note some people assert it was linked to a video game.

"debunked" kek

23308583? ago

Notice the shills are attacking the spirit cooking with pizzagate level ferocity when it first broke??

23309331? ago

Oh yes, I have!

23306609? ago


What better place to hide reality, behind fantasy.

23306657? ago

Cannibal Restaurant Was a Hoax by Vegetarian Activists - Eater


23307772? ago

There's no credible link anywhere in the article between the websites and this restaurant.

23305499? ago

Made bail, obviously. Duh.

23303194? ago

Nobody is

23301076? ago

Latest Wins of the Day (April 8th)

  • Boom: 34 Trillions Invisible Arrests.

  • 100 Trillions Adbucted Children Saved.

  • 8 Days of the 10 Days of Darkness Done!

  • Invisible D5 Habbening!

  • Invisible Red OCtober Habbening.

  • Invisible Hoolywood Arrests Habbening.

  • 20 000 Billions Invisible DS Sent to GITMO.

  • 200 Billions Invisible Military Sent in the NYC Invisible Tunnels To Save Invisibale Children.












23300672? ago

This was his deadman switch

23300776? ago


23301364? ago

Please Daddy, it hurts my butthole. Slow down.

23302257? ago

It’s okay Austin, you’ll get used to prison life.

23299984? ago


23312111? ago

See all Wins of the Day


Latest Wins of the Day (April 8th)

TOTAL deaths in the US this March, from all causes, is 15% lower than each of the last four years. Weird. https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2020/04/strange-total-us-deaths-march-2020-actually-15-average-prior-four-years/

NY Gov Cuomo used to panic that he needed 30,000 ventilators and the 3,000 sent to NYC by the feds wasn’t enough; NYC is using about 100 of them and that number is declining https://nypost.com/2020/04/08/de-blasio-nyc-only-using-fraction-of-ventilators-of-what-was-expected/

US Army field hospital assembled in Seattle for expected surge of hospitalizations will be dismantled because it was not necessary after all https://www.seattletimes.com/seattle-news/health/coronavirus-daily-news-updates-april-8-what-to-know-today-about-covid-19-in-the-seattle-area-washington-state-and-the-nation/

Boris Johnson improving https://news.sky.com/story/coronavirus-boris-johnson-improving-and-sitting-up-in-bed-says-chancellor-rishi-sunak-11970630

Schiff outed for leaking letter about intel to the media before sending it to DNI Grenell https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2020/04/07/dni-grenell-schiff-politicizing-intel-community-by-leaking-staffing-changes-concerns-letter-to-press/

Sanders finally drops out of race, putting all the focus on Biden https://www.foxnews.com/politics/sanders-suspends-presidential-campaign

Socialist Bernie Sanders wasted $160 million on his campaign https://www.breitbart.com/2020-election/2020/04/08/bernie-sanders-money-wasted-failed-presidential-campaign13115452/ but his wife got rich reaping profits off every ad he placed https://nationalfile.com/bernie-campaign-funneled-millions-to-company-connected-to-bernies-wife/

Swing State voters pick Trump over Biden to deal with COVID-19 matters https://cnsnews.com/blog/craig-bannister/zogby-majorities-important-swing-voters-say-trump-more-fit-biden-handle

Just 6% believe Biden is the best Dem to deal with COVID-19 crisis; 2% pick Schumer; 7% pick Pelosi https://justthenews.com/politics-policy/warning-biden-former-vp-near-bottom-survey-ranking-democratic-leadership-during

Trump Admin is the first admin to name a white supremacist group a terrorist organization https://www.dailywire.com/news/trump-administration-first-in-history-to-label-a-white-supremacist-group-terrorists

Trump daily approval poll shows 3% uptick this week https://www.rasmussenreports.com/public_content/politics/trump_administration/prez_track_apr08

23305563? ago

Who wants to see some close up home made pictures of my penis later?

23310025? ago


23300920? ago

Has anyone else casually stretched their own assholes with a speculum?

23316461? ago

Im all business

23301784? ago

"Depends", what is a speculum?

Enjoy the pun.

23305158? ago

That pun is a real stretch.

23299723? ago

So basically:

  • the dems are still cheating their assess off and in bed with China
  • Q was silent for ten days
  • The silent war countdown is still paused at Defcon 2
  • There are six more somethings to kill kek

23308715? ago

[F] for Foreign.

23303595? ago

Pandemic as full false flag or something worse coming?

23302167? ago

[F] could also stand for "fake".

23301073? ago

Or [D][full]F][F] means corona is the FF? We knew that before. Meaning of [full]?

23302413? ago

I thought that too when I was writing this up, but I couldn't figure out what full meant either.

23305843? ago

Some interesting synonyms for "full": Thesaurus.com

23300872? ago

Full FF...riot attempts led by all the Democrat released prisoners? They aren’t afraid of jail like crisis actors BLM/ANTIFA are.

23303648? ago

.... you stupid people...

THERE ARE NO CRISIS ACTORS. There never were. The Deep State just killed ordinary Americans because to them, people like us are nobodies and our lives don't matter.

I just can't wrap my head around the logic that the people believe the people who rape infants to death and drink the blood of human sacrifices, would think that killing 5000 nobodies in NYC, or several dozen "nobodies" in a Vegas concert is just too wrong to contemplate. And because somehow these baby-raping satanists would somehow think that massive convoluted plan with an extreme chance of being exposed is somehow more attractive than just murdering their own country men for optics.

23305557? ago

The victims are real.

The freemasons who give interviews to media afterwards are crisis actors.

23304855? ago

Bullshit. There are proven crisis actors worldwide. Look at the whitehats & the gas attack "victims", Las Vegas, Sandy Hook.

23305774? ago

The White Hats are one of the best proofs of a DS.

23304238? ago

And the adds...calling for crisis actors?? And the lull in BLM activity post Michael Brown when Soros bux didn’t come through? Are you really going to make me dig that info up?

Do they kill real people...fuck yes they do. Do they also employ fakers...fuck yes they do.

BY ANY MEANS NECESSARY. It’s their creed. They want power back.

23303759? ago

I think it's both. Whatever is most expedient for them.

23300946? ago

I’d live for some big left wing black man go full on RIOT MODE on my asshole

23305537? ago

If course you would. You are a follower of the Q.

23302379? ago

‘I’d Live for some’ ......oh, 50 cent Chinese shills...why don’t they at least teach you the vernacular...

23300906? ago

Could be! Shit I wouldn't put anything past these DS clowns. Imagine that they got their hands on a mini nuke!

23318673? ago

Imagine that they got their hands on a mini nuke!

They did: several. But they were disabled by higher forces. (Some actions can't be permitted.)

23320968? ago

Oh any sauce for that? I don't recall that.

23300926? ago

They believe in By Any Means Necessary....I wouldn’t put it past them.

23299713? ago

Stake the vampires Q

23299706? ago

NOTHING in Q's post today told me anything I didn't ALREADY know via Twitter Anons and Youtube such as Amazing Polly, x22 report, etc. It's now at the point where Q's posts are BEHIND what Anons ALREADY know. C'mon, let's step up the game a little here please. This is OLD news to anons. No, arrests can not be talked about. We understand that. WHO is corrupt..we know that. Fauci and Birx are corrupt...we know that. WHO is run by a genocidal maniac...we know that. Biden was given the front runner status...we know that. D's want vote by mail..we know that. So what is new here???

23312410? ago

I was kind of disoriented when Q came back and didn't mention the alleged tunnels, the "children" or the empty hospitals. Just came back after 2 weeks silent and completely changed the topic. BAM, cannibalism out of left field. I'm like really? We're not even going to attempt to close out the last 2 weeks? The 3 year culmination leading up to 4.10.20 Biblical Easter weekend. Just comes back and says, "look at these Resident Evil pictures". I'm sitting here in quarantine and my stale PB&J sandwich just fell out of my mouth due to absence of BOOM.

23303708? ago

"The world will soon understand. "

23303691? ago

This is for all the freshly Red-pilled staying at home for the Democrat lockdowns.

Also this is a post put up while Alex Jone's "I'm actually Q" shill is in jail and unable to post.

23305528? ago

I've been a bit busy the past few days and missed the Jones' lackey story. Did anyone actually believe the claims of him being Q? Even for a second?

23302410? ago

Good job anons.

Simple confirmation.

23301030? ago

exactly what i thought when reading the new posts. except [6+].

23300881? ago


Kinda monotonous...boring in a way.

23299887? ago

Q isn't just posting for savvy anons...he's posting to the people who are just discovering Q and are going in fresh. Perspective, dude...

23305606? ago

Q is trying to desperately cling onto the “followers” he has been hemorrhaging.

23309604? ago

Idiot...Q has no "followers". This ain't Twatter or Instagroom...

23304790? ago

Yup, I just got a friend from childhood to go check out Qmap.pub videos and directed him to drops. One by one, we red-pill.

23305709? ago

Until he realizes nothing Q predicted has happened

23306259? ago

Then they go into posts two years old to try and match up with current events.

23306267? ago

It’s be hilarious if it wasn’t so sad. LOL

23304269? ago

There are also plenty of wild theories about the China virus that have been circulating on QRV. These drops put them to bed.

23305573? ago

The wild theories are that the Wuhan flu is dangerous in any way.

You are correct, Q's posts have put these wild theories to bed. The Wuhan flu is as harmless as the regular flu, if it's even real at all!

23305701? ago

Bojo knows it’s a hoax

23305887? ago

Bojo's case further proves it's a hoax. With such a low hospitalization rate, what are the odds that the pro-Brexit PM needs to be hospitalized?

23303444? ago

At this point I wish I was the guy hired late in the day by the farmer.

23300977? ago

people who are just discovering Q will find tons of info in the internet.

23300956? ago

TY! Great point!

23300014? ago

I was about to the say the same. For people new to Q the drops need to confirm what is happening now. Not future proves past kind of things

23305690? ago

I finger my asshole every night, bigot!

23299964? ago


23299921? ago

Then they see the track record of 900 days and no arrests and promptly move on to something else

23308031? ago

Epstein arrested.

Weinstein arrested

These were highly connected mossad assets.

Also you are a faggot.

23305577? ago


23299687? ago

Bout time Elvis

23299667? ago

So it was deliberate.

23300009? ago

In regards to 5EYE wouldn't Qteam have intercepted this WHO/Gates plot? Are we letting the Ds just play this out to their demise? My fear is, they will stop at NOTHING. This Birx lady has a daughter who works for Gates. If Rs dont wrap this shitshow up, we are headed for hell on Earth.

Amazing Polly


23304014? ago

Birx' husband was Bill Clinton's front man. Birx has tied with Ukraine and Yovanovitch (sp?l

23302050? ago

Intercept what? They own the media and are making a Corona Virus into Bubonic Plague.

23301240? ago

We're heading to hell in a bucket, but at least we're enjoying the ride. Bob Weir et al, 1987

23299656? ago

Countdown still at 2..

23312704? ago

6+ billion dead

23300816? ago

[6+] = a little over 6 more months of the Silent War until 2020 elections

23300197? ago

I'm thinking that [6+] means: still more than 6 months away from something happening...it's all so tiresome.

It doesn't really feel like patriots are in control. I know Q is 'real', but what is Q 'really'? Everyday feels more like a psyop. I am on the verge of losing everything, and I'm supposed to sit here fingers crossed "watching the water"?

I served my country in the U.S. Army, I know where my allegiance stands. So if you reply 'shill', fuck you nigger.

23306294? ago

Well, technically Q is real, but at the same time Q is fake. See?

23302799? ago

Look man, I am living in EU, we are totally fucked here, I am VERY CONCERNED people will starved to death because we are still in the pocket of this psychopaths, evil, satanists scumbags. I am waiting for the shit to hit the fan in US because there is no hope for us in EU until America is freed. So you see... we have no much help from the governments, it's bollocks what they are reporting about financial help for small businesses, we are running out of money and waiting for America to go back to work first so the rest of the world will follow. I've never been more stressed in my life...

23307267? ago

You dumb fag. They won’t let you all starve. Then there won’t be anyone to leech off.

23302380? ago

Q appears to be a group of 12 with Q+ making 13.

23318769? ago

Q stated "Less than 10".

I think he/they actually meant "Fewer than 10" (being grammatically correct) but maybe Q doesn't have a copy editor to check his/their posts. Anyway, it's not 13.

23302154? ago

6+ is Soros. Drop has him in kill brackets.

23300922? ago

agree. is voter-id or no voter-id the problem? wait till election day? sad. declass everything and end the joke of democracy. end it all. would cause civil wars worldwide? so let's get started.

23300837? ago

And yet..here you are...

23300496? ago

There no way a faggot like you served. No soldiers I knew in the service acted like such a bitch.

23311258? ago

He’s probably a POG. A cook or a driver. Lmao

23302604? ago

Naw, I saw lots of little bitches make the cut through basic. I guess you were one of them.

23301956? ago

That was a pretty funny reply man. lol

23301414? ago

Shut up Alex.

23299998? ago

[6+] in the kill box




23307228? ago

Boris began an investigation into Soros. Then promptly ended up with COVID.

23302249? ago

I wonder if Q means The Blue Forest in Belgium?

23300654? ago

This is helpful

23301408? ago

for me too.

23299938? ago

Good question, I noticed that too.

23300885? ago

Who wants to see a picture of me stretching my asshole?

23301344? ago

The more you live this life the worse it will get.

Try for your own good a day without a single perverted thought. Just try.

You decide if this mind full of crap is the way you want the rest of your life.

Repent and God will heal you.

23301378? ago

I praise moloch. Christ is a faggot

23303387? ago

I knew you couldn't do it on your on.

You've made your choice.

Choose again before its too late.

23302400? ago

Why don't you offer yourself as a sacrifice then?

23305618? ago

I’m not a virgin or a child so it wouldn’t count

23299879? ago

you're a fucking moron

23304632? ago

Thanks, Cutie Pie.

23299974? ago

Eat a snickers or seek out a hug, stranger.

23300721? ago

My adrenochrome supply is almost gone

23299903? ago

Why such hostility?