21747465? ago

Brexit wasn't scheduled for Friday the 13th, that was just the UK general election. Brexit has been delayed twice, and is currently scheduled to occur on the 31st of January 2020.

21723589? ago

Wow those ‘boots’ take such clear video and audio.

Game set match

Your ancient cult ‘wears no clothes’

21721859? ago

Their last stronghold will be the porn industry.

21721505? ago

Power of prayer spititual battle happening Too

21721005? ago

Played this game the other day called "The Witches House". It's a horror game about a girl who tries to survive a demon infested house.

The reason I'm bringing this up is a small tidbit that caught my attention. The center of the story is a witch who performed all types of attrocities, mostly sacrificies. The way it worked is that she would kidnap small children and sacrifices them to the demons in exchange for magic powers.

The demons in that game aren't physical entities. They rely on their witches to feed them in exchange for magic. And this whole thing got me thinking... isn't it kinda the same in real life. I don't know who the author of the game is, but he/she has a really good grasp on how the real world occultism works.

Thought I'd share it here.

21720819? ago

No, I figured they needed a little more time to blackmail the dems in trump areas to vote for impeachment.

21719973? ago

They really wanted the Trump curse.

21719376? ago

Ah, shit! I did NOT realize that! I knew it was a Fri the 13th, but didn't make the connection to the vote

21718911? ago

Also realize that power can be used for good. No evil thoughts or sacrifice but by being prayerful, in thoughts of thankfulness and reverence for your fellow man. They have kept us ignorant of the influencing power during certain days. The info is out there but oculted by all kinds of satanic garbage.

At these alignments full moon dates at unique times, soltices, Halloween etc. there is more spiritual power ( dark and light). Use it for good. Just because they have corrupted it for their purposes, the power is there for both light and dark intentions... USE IT. BIG POWER DAY COMING UP IS WINTER SOLSTICE. pray for POTUS, USA, honor and give thanks starting then through new year. Feel then send the power!!!!

21718909? ago

They had the rapture of descendents of the Planetary prince back in

august. The demons(aliens) that ruled this planet have been extracted by the forces of Michael. The Satanist have physical power but they do not have spiritual or invisible power. They cannot affect the minds of men. Things will be better Trump probably knows all this and is working with the good aliens(Michaels agents). Love God , Love your neighbor, Don't be violent unless you have to be violent.

21717765? ago

Hey yeah I'll buy that

21717406? ago

only 3hrs between e/w coasts

21716987? ago

These people need to be behind bars for a very long time.

21716862? ago

You fags crack me up

21716861? ago

so they could sacrifice themselves? I guess that's fine with me.

21719107? ago

No, (((they))) sacrifice kidnapped children by slaughtering them the Kosher way.

21719151? ago

I thought we were talking about the vote this morning, because that was definitely a self sacrifice moment.

21716588? ago

Seems more like to me the white hats lead them to this day (Patriots in Control) because it's supposedly bad fucking luck.

21716265? ago

September 11, 2001

6666 days later

December 12, 2019

full moon at 12:12 AM

21746566? ago

This is what I was thinking too. 1212 on 1212 full moon pre empted and cancelled the satanists.

21721624? ago

Two Towers, two articles of Impeachment. They just can't help themselves ... Symbology will be their downfall ...

21720526? ago

1+2 = 3 thus 33 revealed.

21716866? ago


21716220? ago


Jesus H! You people are gullible, incredibly STUPID and just CRAZY as loons!


oooga booooga!!!



YOU CRITICIZE mUSLIMS, BUT you stupid fucks aren'T

even up to the 13TH century yet!|

21717116? ago

try harder bitch!

21716553? ago

People do and say a lot of things I don't like. I don't roam the interwebs looking for them to read what they say and yell at them in all caps.

21716532? ago

A Larp?

A long time ago Q said that General Flynn would be ok. That they will take care of Patriots.

It looks like Flynn will be ok after-all. No one would have expected that way back then. Unless of course you had knowledge of facts not yet in the public domain.

I admit the OP is saying things they can not back up. I take issue with your LARP comment. If it was, it would have been exposed long ago. I mean if Shifty can expose private calls of journalists and Congressmen than the intelligent committee would have exposed Q. If he was a LARP anyway.

Too many proofs for it to be a coincidence. Mathematically speaking.

21716485? ago

Suck it hotwheels

21716133? ago

Full moon was Thursday. 12/12. That’s special


21720554? ago


Thus 33 <

21717491? ago

12/12 at 12:12

21716118? ago

That's a very disturbing thought, because it makes perfect sense. Try that on your average normie and you definitely end up in the X-Files folder in their heads. They'd think you were nuts. Lots of work to be done on the awakening yet.

21716049? ago

full moon was on Dec 11 at 8:12 pacific time - but wash dc time it was 12/12 at 12:12 am. They like those repeating numbers. But still not the 13th.

21720566? ago

12:12 = 33

21716192? ago

Technically, each phase of the moon lasts only a brief instant. But to our eyes a full moon can last for a few days. It looks full for about 3 days. For Wiccans the period of the Full Moon lasts from about 3 days before to 3 days after the actual full moon.

21716606? ago

According to Buffy the Vampire Slayer lore, the werewolf effects last 3 nights total. 1 before, 1 during, 1 after... LOL!

Joking aside, when evil people meet to come into agreement using curses and rituals, they can tap into frequencies that affect stuff. And The Wall Street Journal even investigated it a few years ago. Some of the biggest believers are science-trained doctors and nurses who work in hospital emergency rooms!

21717087? ago

nice buffy reference bro

21716043? ago

12:12am EST on 12/12/2019 is technically still the night of 12/11 for most people.

You are a day off, shilljew.

21716195? ago


You don't even know who's side you're on.


21718052? ago

Its very simple, shilljew, false gods and false demons.

Yes, the democraps are evil, but sitting there like you are getting 10 cents a post talking about false demons... eh, you're not smart enough to bee good or evil, you're just pathetic.

21719997? ago

Who's side are you on? I don't think you know.

21715868? ago

Satan can't save them, because God is on the Patriot's side.

21718275? ago

The Light can never be overcome by darkness.

21716551? ago

I don't even think bechonging their dark deity will work anymore.

21717219? ago

Revelation. This gets worse.

21716954? ago

Dont kid yourself

21717173? ago

You bechong me at your own peril. No one bechongs me. Especially the god of the jews (satan)

21718477? ago

You cunt punted yourself dumbass

21715854? ago

Wouldn't midnight of friday the 13th been last night? Tonight will be midnight, friday the 14th. And the full moon was yesterday, the 12th, today its now a waning moon of 97% illumination.

I think you might need to recheck your sources on this one.

21716230? ago

To the naked eye, the full moon lasts about three days, but in reality, it is a full moon for just an instant before it begins to wane. But why even debate this? Look outside and what do you see? What appears to be a full-moon. Anyway, to wiccans a full moon lasts three days.

21716887? ago

Look outside and what do you see?

Less than a full moon, but I'm also an amateur astronomer so I wouldn't expect most people to notice that.

But my other point still stands, it won't be midnight of the 13th tonight, but the 14th.

21720015? ago

The point should be about the Democrats not wanting to vote on the 13th and why? But you got stuck in the woods searching for the forest.

21721015? ago

Ya, I'm not the one stuck in the woods here, lol. So much crazy here...

21732691? ago

Are you sure?

21720587? ago

They didn't want to vote on the full moon, as not only did they have other rituals to perform, but energetically, the full moon diminshes something, and the new moon builds up something. That's why Anon. <

21715678? ago

The was at its peak on midnight of the 12th

21716939? ago

No,it was at its peak at 12:12 on 12-12-19

21721823? ago

So that is 33 appearing twice. <

21722296? ago


21717480? ago

6666 days after September 11, 2001

21718480? ago


21715338? ago

It's not a full moon and take your fucking meds.

21716226? ago

^ seems like something a shill would say. They always go on about "meds"

21716237? ago

^ seems like something a mentally unhinged person would say 'cause they've got a shitty grasp of reality

21716690? ago

You seem very agitated by this thread and the people in it to an unreasonable extent. Why is that?

21716774? ago

I'm not agitated, just blunt because you're all retarded. My goal is to stop the spread of disinformation.

21720595? ago

You mean we are dead right. <

21718277? ago

you mean your job. the goal is to be paid. you dot believe in what you post. you will never change us. you have a failure for a job.

21718321? ago

You're retarded. You really are. No, I'm happily retired, thanks. You, on the other hand, can't even speak the language.

21718349? ago

its called a typo gramps

21718409? ago

No, it's called gibberish.

21718564? ago

to you yes cuz you are too old to be able to work out it was a typo. you dont even understand the movement. you are so stupid you think we give a fuck what you think. you have no life you spend your days on a subverse you dont understand trying to change our minds...why? wtf do you care? go away useless. kill yourself

21718579? ago

See? More gibberish. Your impotent rage is gonna make you cry pretty soon.

21718664? ago

rage? you dont know what that means. oh well. enjoy the 3 pennies you earned. dont spend it all in one place lmao

21718702? ago

You can't be that dumb.

21715363? ago

It Is a full Moon.. whatcha talkin bout Willis?

21715408? ago

No it's not. That was like yesterday, or maybe the day before. I forget, but it's gone by. The moon is now waning. It's only full for a single night and, as I understand it, only actually considered full for a pretty brief window and not even the full night.

21715421? ago

So it's 99% full moon.. so fuckin what... go back to sleep. Your not ready for any of this.

21715436? ago

So it's not full - also considering it's a 28 day cycle that means it's not 99% either.

Your stupidity isn't my fault. Blaming me for it is not actually going to help you. I'm not asleep, I'm smart - or at least aware of reality.

21716369? ago

I went outside last night and it looked like a full Moon to me ... so fuck off!

21716384? ago

That doesn't make tonight a full moon. Are you 5? Is that really your peak level of intelligence?

21716630? ago

Not tonight you fool. Midnight, Friday the 13th happened last night/this morning at 12AM

21716686? ago

That was still not the full moon. This isn't complicated. You're arguing against actual facts and calling me the fool. It's not even up for debate. This isn't something you get to have an opinion about, it's either a full moon or it isn't.

21716477? ago

It will be close enough... and the 13th... they really don't care about your "precisionfagging"!

21716492? ago

You are so disassociated with reality that it's baffling. The things you believe...

I'll give you a hint: This sorta thinking is why you're unemployed and live off family or disability. And, no, it's not the world's fault - you're just delusional.

21715719? ago

Not disagreeing.

But are those satanic idiots clever enough to study astronomy and understand how long a full moon really lasts? Near enough is good enough? Also, when waning first starts or waxing is not quite complete, the moon still looks full. As old as most of those fuckers are, they probably have piss poor eyesight and think, "Looks good to me. Let the ritual begin."

21715764? ago

You really believe there's a cabal of satanists who are doing sacrifices?


You do realize there's zero substantive evidence for that belief, right? You are a lunatic if you believe that. Like, certifiable and belong in a mental hospital kind of lunatic.

21720617? ago

Really? Fuck off idiot. <

If A Crazed, Cannibalistic, Satanic, Zionist, Child Raping, Pedophile, Globo Homo, Doomsday Extinction Cult, took over The World, and all it's Wealth, would you notice? Time to wake up.


Mirrors of Truth - The Truth about Satanic Gang Stalking - 'o-o' <


Decoding Satan's Child Minions - Greta Thunberg - A collection of material gathered by NMBRFG 'o-o' <


Satanic Sanhedrin of Warlocks


Satanic Riutal Abuse - The REAL story - From Fiona Barnett


Ninth Circle Satanic Child Sacrifice Cult ceremonies - Popes, Vatican, European and British Royal Families - They are ALL in on it and will be brought to justice

21715800? ago

These QTards are literally gullible boomers

21716035? ago

My, my, someone struck a nerve by calling you all idiots.

21715269? ago

That demonic shit stopped working when I woke up.

That's why they are scared shitless. Their 'power' doesn't work any longer.

Someone learned to drive this thing.

21717193? ago

I would thumbs up you but I don’t want to take it off 17

21716542? ago

The satanic pedo left lost but the satanic pedo Tories won.

We have to remind them they only won because of the honest Brexiteers by removing the worst.

21715370? ago

It's a wonderful time to be alive! Thank God!

21715792? ago

Praise Moloch

21715821? ago

Go home Killary, you're drunk.

21715842? ago

Praise orange obese pedovores! KAG2020

21717586? ago

Notice he only posts this shit on anon boards. Pathetic coward.

21715899? ago

The shills have given up completely.

21715966? ago

My global submission limit is up in 43 mins. Get ready to see some loli CP on NEW

21718395? ago

You have a VERY low IQ. So sad.


21718405? ago

Check out NEW

21716044? ago

You’re sick

21716969? ago

nah, sickness could be an excuse for those types

21716065? ago

It’s called free speech tankie

21716152? ago

It's called being adolescent.

21716081? ago

That's child abuse, not free speech dumbass