21304032? ago

He ain't our savior.

21303694? ago

Check this out >

Ninth Circle Satanic Child Sacrifice Cult ceremonies - Popes, Vatican, European and British Royal Families - They are ALL in on it and will be brought to justice


If A Crazed, Cannibalistic, Satanic, Zionist, Child Raping, Pedophile, Globo Homo, Doomsday Extinction Cult, took over The World, and all it's Wealth, would you notice? Time to wake up.


Mirrors of Truth - The Truth about Satanic Gang Stalking - 'o-o' <


Decoding Satan's Child Minions - Greta Thunberg - A collection of material gathered by NMBRFG 'o-o' <


Satanic Sanhedrin of Warlocks


Satanic Riutal Abuse - The REAL story - From Fiona Barnett


21303631? ago

When are folks going to wake up to the biggest sham on Earth?

The Church of Jesus, the Body of Christ, is a purely spiritual entity that was birthed on Pentecost in Jerusalem. It is not, nor has it ever been, the Roman Catholic Church. It is not, nor will it ever be, an institution.

"Come out of her, my people."

21303663? ago

According to this article/timeline, Benedict XVI is STILL the Pope. In 2012 there was a Vatican Coup and Benedict stepped down; he was threatened/forced to do so.

21303534? ago


February to May: Benedict having received a canonical brief demonstrating his renunciation was invalid as regards the petrine munus, tacitly accepts it to indicate canonically that he knows he is still the Pope, and politically, that he is under duress not to speak."