21150372? ago


Tough shit.

LMAO what a faggot boomer

21150508? ago

Your DNA needs cleansing.

21151299? ago


21145191? ago

Nothing big happened. No, Impeachment will Happen 100% guarantee.

21144888? ago

we all have the hopes and prayers that we do take back the county from the bad actors in this horrible movie that has claimed so many lives.

21143520? ago

Worth noticing: at the time of the Al Baghdadi attack there was a tropical storm over Israel. That was the first time as far as I know there was a tropical storm there.

21143332? ago

I think your assessment is a well thought out and good one. However, don't let your guard down! There is still Iran, and it does not seem North Korea is quite wrapped up yet. Although Kim has not tested nukes lately, he keeps launching "projectiles" to indicate a deal has not yet been reached, although I am confident one will be, but until then, it is a possible Deep State route to their ends. Also, it seems they are moving to try to rule us via the large corporations now with their declaration that the goal of companies consists of "social responsibility" and not just profit. So keep on your toes Anons. They will never stop, but can be contained if we maintain constant vigilance.

21142792? ago

Anons are getting confused. The text of Q918 says nothing of there not being a dry eye.


You are learning.

How many coincidences before it becomes mathematically impossible?

Wait until you learn who has been talking to you here.


21147967? ago


21142541? ago

Promises int he DARK, Up in the Air...Jane Blond iii paperwork completed today return paperwork coming today ... response by Monday ... A reflection of Rebel Yell DUE on 11 7 ... Against all odds the Angels 4 Mind Over Matter shout like a thunderclap from July ... still decoding the timeless eQuations this decade know I AM not MAD that WWiii has been stopped ... enjoy today's fireworks everything lOOks to be primed for a very large BANG... Here I Go Again... Melania it's HOLLOWeen YoU get the last laugh LOVE 4evR :)

21142354? ago

"Future proves past."

21142000? ago

What happened to no outside comms?

21141786? ago

That is not what Q918 says. This is Q918:

You are learning.

How many coincidences before it becomes mathematically impossible?

Wait until you learn who has been talking to you here.


This was prior to the proof that confirmed Q+ was Trump. That is what was meant byt his post. Not sure why you would make up a Q post? Are you related to Adam Schiff?

21140836? ago

whoa... just when i thought i couldn't be date-fagged again... you go and totally redeem yourself! Man, can't wait for friday now

21140832? ago

Starting this Friday 1st of November 2019

21140818? ago

I have been saying for 2 or 3 days now pelosi and schiff neck where in contact and cahoots with baggydadi. Now there are discvered cables from the state dept circa 2011 and we know who was SoS during that time. And this is also near the time of the Benghazi treason. Many of Lybia's weapons found their way to Syrian rebels, aka AQ and ISIS.

This now brings us to a week before the mission, pelosi and schiffneck went to Afganistan 😉 end up in Jordan and maybe even in Syria. There is chatter about two mugs found with certain congress critters finger prints. Not sure bout that, but for me, the line about they found baggdadis where abouts from one of his captured wives dont geehaw with me. Me thinks it was interceptd coms. From piglosi and schiffneck.

21140816? ago


Q !UW.yye1fxo 10 Mar 2018


10 Mar 2018 - 10:40:33 AM


I swear Trump is killing me here. HAHA He keeps putting out clues he has already talked to Kim


You are learning.

How many coincidences before it becomes mathematically impossible?

Wait until you learn who has been talking to you here.




21140785? ago

Qtard overload.

21140603? ago

Not what Q918 says.

21140435? ago

Who do you think is taking too us in that Q post?

21184472? ago

I think it is Prez Trump from the future!

21140342? ago

Just saw that they are looking for crisis actors on Nov. 2 in Seattle.


21140397? ago

It's too late for them now. The world is watching and staring.

They have lost their control.

21140676? ago

One of the pictures looked like a small explosion. They said it is in Seattle, but I have no idea.

21140153? ago

Arrests or kys

21139876? ago

How do you come to the first on Nov?

21139856? ago

Yep. I think something VERY major just happened and it feels to me like a disconnect of major WW DS comms...? Underwater cables that StaffAnon had mentioned 2 months ago. https://voat.co/v/QRV/3419497 And my reply to that thread https://voat.co/v/QRV/3419497/20522073


21139521? ago

21145410? ago

Cropped image, the unplugged cable is bottom center, not shown.

21145584? ago

Came from an MSM site. I shoulda known better.

21139294? ago

I see a post like this every time something happens. It refers to: THIS is IT, "it's habbening", the war is won, the battle is over and the arrests are coming.

Then nothing. Facts rule the day, not chest beating. Let's see what happens on Nov 1rst. My guess is your post will, like the others, fade to black and be forgotten. I'll only beat my chest once the actual arrests of the deep state have been made. Everything else is just fake news. Your entire post could essentially fall under fake news. It's a dime a dozen. Yawn.

I do agree though, the military dog & his unit are heroes. I love and value our military and their silent efforts to safeguard America's families and children.

21139208? ago

Bump for All Saints Day.

21139021? ago

Dont bet on dates bud....I've been following Q for 22.5 months. Date-Fagging always fails.

21138766? ago

Let’s get this party started. If it’s Friday, I want to see it happening. Let the fireworks light up the sky.

21138717? ago

If you type enough shit some of the obscure generalisms are just that. Hope and change fill in the blank as you go circle jerk.

21138967? ago

They the people have woken up to pieces of shit like you running the country. You mean nothing to us and your opinion is worth even less. Kindly fuk off and perish.

21138634? ago

Yay, more "its happening" predictions. I'll believe it's happening when I see it happen. I don't need prediction #589 to keep my hopes up. All these do set people up for disappointment.

21138450? ago

Aint done yet,not even near it.

Its not about POLITICS and never has been.

Gen 3:15

Thank You Please Drive Thru.......

21138061? ago

The moment DJT & MT came down the escalator, I blurted out he had my vote even before he spoke. I am single now as a result, and my kids have not spoken to since that day (Hillary was too conservative to them, if that fills in some details). I went from ~300 FB friends to 7, within a week. I am tired, and weary now. In God & DJT I will trust to my last breath. Please Q, while I still care about something, .....

21143189? ago

So sorry for everything you’ve been through. There’s a lot of us out here, sometimes hard to find. If you ever feel up to it, volunteering with vet orgs, a political campaign or compatible religious org is a nice way to meet people who might have a brain in their head until the truth drops. Sending love & support. God bless!

21142911? ago

Bless you patriot. Thank God my wife is with me. My kids and friends still think I'm nuts but they just want to live life in ignorance (bliss). I quit FB and all social media. Use twatter just to receive POTUS twats. No Drudge. No Fox. No news media at all. Don't even listen to RUSH anymore. Voat, Youtube news sources and Rantingly are my daily updates now. Weekends are strictly for myself so I disconnect.

21155501? ago

Sounds like me :)

21205866? ago

O.o pretty 5’s and 1s

21140824? ago

Hillary too conservative? shudder

21139464? ago

Much 3 patriot.Stay frothy.

21138977? ago

You will be vindicated.

21484084? ago

And whom arte thou? If i ring the bell . Am i worthy? No names just themes. We will know by the way you carry yourself.

21485889? ago

There will be no doubt.

21138422? ago

Still not sure what all the intentional fires in Kalifornia are about and now closed Jew embassies. But one thing is clear, Trump completely fucked up the evil plans they had for us.

21138013? ago

or it's a re-election stunt, notice the similar timing to Osama's execution during Obongo re-election?

21137920? ago

Good theory but he was just a spiritual leader, right

21137838? ago

There may still be one nuke loose:


Obviously I can't vouch for these tweets but there may be substance to them. The Israelis are clearly freaking.

21137835? ago

So no Nov 3rd false flag in Seattle?

21139323? ago

we all know about it now, so it wouldn't be a false flag.

21137699? ago

Just wait until [insert date here]

Then it'll all be over. The last line is cut!

July, the month the world learns!


My bad sorry

Red wave!!!

Wait fuck my bad again

Dealth blossom1!!!!!!1!!!!!!!

There we go. Amirite comrade patriots? This time will be the time it all happens.

21146510? ago

WAGAWAGAWAGAWAGA patriots groupthink

does mental gymnastics to ignore trump being a Zionist


must believe or shill

21137419? ago

Israel has nukes. Until they don't, this isn't over.

21137365? ago

I'll believe it when I see. I've been let down too many times. Trust me, I hope this is all true. I hope it is, with all of my heart. After all, I really don't want to have to go through with the race war and the eventual unending reign of terror by the jews and their blackops advanced antigravity aircraft.

21137328? ago

FISA brings down the House.........hmm, that would certainly impact this impeachment nonsense. Bye bye Nancy?

21137309? ago


21137182? ago

Thank you Patriot and God bless you. President Donald J. Trump, Melania, Q team, and everyone else involved in destroying this EVIL, are truly Angels sent from God, as well as American Patriots and HEROES 🇺🇸

WRWY and truly-WWG1WGA!!!

21137155? ago

I always hoped Q918 meant Kim was posting too. How rad would that be if he was a shill etc shitposting lulzing

21137063? ago

WWG1WGA 😁👍❤️😊

21137004? ago

The only thing that would make me cry is JFK Jr. That would be a heavy one. Heavy indeed!

21136926? ago

CA fires are the DUMBs war going on now below the ground. White hat military has located the "gold vault" and will take it over. Getty DUMB, is being taken down, the most satanic place on earth. CA is the most satanic state there is. See the list of all DUMBs in the usa. Most horrific experiments are going on in them, all to be blown up and wiped out. There will be no DUMBs left for the criminal cabal to hide in in USA. They will all run to DUMBs in other countries. The cabal plan was to hide in the DUMBs with slaves and elitists, then nuke the rest of us. Then, kill off the survivors. Georgia guide stones: Keep population to 500 million, to easily control. It would have been hell on earth. You must know about the DUMBs, to understand what is vile enough, to make people ill, it's all in the DUMBs. Like area 51 and Colorado airport. 113 DUMSs in USA, that's a lot of work.

21138419? ago

They've been blowing up DUMBS in Germany since last year.

21137685? ago

What is a DUMB? I know that's a straight man setup for a joke, but seriously, what is it? A deep underground something something?

21142596? ago

Seriously look up Phil Schnider. He talks about DUMBS and many other things. He is one of the few people that I actually believe. There were several attempts on his life because he was spreading information someone didn't want to be known. He eventually "committed suicide" by strangling himself with rubber tubing.

21143670? ago

Thanks for this info, I will.

21137720? ago

Deep Underground Military Base

21138903? ago

Thank you!

21136908? ago

It is like I am being purposefully teased. A military helicopter flew about 400’ directly over my house a few minutes ago. On top of that they just installed a popcorn machine in the kitchen at my work yesterday. GOD has a sense of humor.

21140865? ago

At least I wasn’t drinking coffee when I read that!

21137859? ago


21136905? ago

I still think Q is Melenia. Trump married bimbos, then he grew up and married his equal in intelligence. Wouldn't q post 918 make you tear up if you knew it was her?

21140412? ago

What if Trump confessed that he was infertile when he married Melania and that Q was Barron. What would that imply?

21139826? ago

I think trumps playboy gimmick is a ruse, think Bruce Wayne.

21138453? ago

Could be. The cabal has exploited and ravaged the peoples and nations of Eastern Europe. Time to end it.

21137717? ago

I have thought that too.

21136875? ago

Q918 is an interesting number, first bearing resemblance to the 7918th day, but also because 918 takes you to position 2222 in Pi, sandwiched between two 559's 559 918 559

21139593? ago


You are learning.

How many coincidences before it becomes mathematically impossible?

Wait until you learn who has been talking to you here.


21139505? ago


21136869? ago

Previous poster is correct, imo. Financial reset will not happen until after the election. Until then Trump will make the failing central bank economy appear healthy by using the same BS indicators that the elites have been using for years. They can't call him out on it, because Trump would just tell them that he's using the same indicators they've been using for decades.

Buy silver and/or gold. Start stocking up. You can get 100 ounces of silver for eighteen hundred bucks right now.


21136761? ago

I dont know about that, the jew embassy in ny just gave of a radioactive warning and thats right after all the jew embassies everywhere closed shop.

21136720? ago

I'm sick of all the idiots that get on here claiming that "this was their Last hope!".

Think back, how many times has some fool declared "it's over! We won! That was their last chance!" BS! That was not their last gasp!

But what this post is is demoralizing when they come back with the next "last chance"! People read this and think it's over then tomorrow, it's not over! Then folks are let down and feel depressed about it.

Don't believe this crap! It ain't over until they are all swinging or locked up for life!

If I had a grand for every time somebody declared "that was their last hope" I'd be a wealthy man! They have lots more to come so buckle up buttercups!

21136688? ago




21136647? ago

If you don't think that our Military, Q and DJT along with countless others aren't real American Heroes, something is very wrong with you.

Hear hear!!

21136624? ago

Sum Of All Fears

21136571? ago

until the fed is done, gold is back on the table, an updated bill of rights gets drawn up, old land current shit laws abolished, taxes are made simple and optional, Israel becomes a gulf, govt is sized down, copyright and patent laws are unfucked, and a whole lot more, not much will change. It all starts with us right here. before the internet is completely used a weapon against people, let's use it to organize and come up with solutions....then implement them. we are many "they" are few. when are you cunts ready to take back what's ours? I'm here waiting...

21205968? ago


21484102? ago

And this refers to .... i know D1 what about D5 in regaurds?

21136514? ago

I hope you're not just date fagging because there's a whole lot of traitors to hang.

21136469? ago

Yet Nazifaggots still hate Trump.

Or should I say, DNC trolls?

21136316? ago

Bagdaddy hid something..

21136296? ago

Ok, seriously the cables (Red) is SIPRNet...simple google search will provide what that enclave is. Yellow=TS/SCI possibly JWICS. They planned this in a bubble so the venue to see it through was probably very much adhoc and

Probably in the middle of a capital equipment replacement cycle. I am as anxious and forward leaning as the rest of you faggots...I wants my habbenings and I wants em now but let’s continue to be the cooler heads they’ve prevailed to this point. Trump and the Patriots are clearly calling the shots. The Dems are incoherent and listlessly meandering BF the political plains. Soak it up and know (((they’re))) tortured daily, slowly, like they’ve done to the innocence and altruistic in our world for decades. Bleed em slow.

21136290? ago

Donald Trump is a narcissist and for his retirement hobby he decided he wanted to become the greatest president of all time, so he did.

21140844? ago


I don’t think it’s possible to be a good president unless you’re a raging narcissist, with a pinch of humility.

21136280? ago

This is a troll

21136279? ago

Did they knock their agent provocateur off the board? Now Israel needs a new scheme to keep US involved?

21136272? ago

You're so full of shit your eyes are brown. Nothing is "off the table", from dirty bombs to impeachment. You're not fooling anyone.

21136242? ago

Hope so, but will not let my defense down. Drive them into oblivion.

21136156? ago

The communists beat by the German Shepherd Dog, LOL how appropriate!!!

21136110? ago

Good thing about TDS...

They post things that they don't know to make a stupid point so images of code are everywhere.


Sorry.. long way of saying.. here is the wires unplugged image.

21136063? ago

When will they reveal WingMakers and Time Travel, I wonder?

21146749? ago

thank you for convincing me not to look

21136042? ago

Oh cmon. No way was he their LAST hope. Just dumb

21136011? ago

How many will lose faith after yet another fanfic date passes

21135971? ago


21135898? ago

If this is true.... And I mean really is true. It is so much larger than this. You are thinking so small.

21135889? ago

God Bless President Donald J. Trump. If there was ever a Nobel Peace Prize to the Infinite power, the man deserves it. I love America so much, and to see my home reaching its fullest potential is the most Divine gift that God has ever granted all of us! Thank you GOD!

21135860? ago

I'm kinda afraid of their nukes. Even if they lost their guy, they can just launch them (((themselves))). A bunch of diplomats are running home to escape the Fallout. I'm afraid of their biological weapons as well. I just... I guess we can pray? I hope I'm wrong, that's for damn sure.

21135845? ago

Someone did something?

21135833? ago

Thanks OP.

God Bless. Makes me want to get my glass bong back from a friend I lent it to.

Fire in the hole.


21135782? ago

Just curious, but if that was really the DS plan why wouldnt they just put a new puppet in and give gim the launch codes?

21135770? ago


You are learning.

How many coincidences before it becomes mathematically impossible?

Wait until you learn who has been talking to you here.


What makes you think that you can put words into the mouth of Q?

You do not have that right

21139837? ago

That's basically the same thing I asked here: https://voat.co/v/QRV/3492933/21134984

21141742? ago

yeah, and you're right, don't let people twist Q's words.

21135709? ago

This post makes a lot of sense regarding several habbenings. You can even feel it in the air, a tension that's been building for so long, right on the brink of exploding into the human consciousness. If POTUS tells us something big just happened, you can bet it's FUCKING BIG!

21135731? ago

DJT has been walking and talking like he just had his enormous brass balls shined up for show.

Yes, this is what we've been waiting for.

21140857? ago

You're not anybody special, you're just a Qtard trying to rally the troops with false hope.

21135836? ago


21135694? ago

datefagging is no good. we gotta be patient

21135611? ago

They can still crash the markets

21135639? ago

That's exactly what I'm counting on patriot. We've got that covered.

21146535? ago


LARPing like you're involved, gtfo

21146592? ago

Involved? I'm the entire reason this is all happening patriot.

Guess you don't read the bible much do you?

21146661? ago

I'm the entire reason this is all happening patriot.

HAHAHAHA. Thanks for that. That was good.

Guess you don't read the bible much do you?

Actually, I do. Along with other religious texts. I look for the truth behind the literal, though, unlike Christians.

21146791? ago

Then you know why I've returned then right?

21146975? ago

Why you've returned? Bitch please, you're LARPing. You aren't enlightened anymore than any others here, you just think you are. Humility and accepting you still have a LOT to learn are the only way to continue on your journey of truth. Shit like this is narcissistic, misleading, and makes you look like you're a disinfo pusher.

21135590? ago

Medal of Honor live stream.


21135574? ago

Why so much anger and hate when someone posts something like this? Sure the datefagging could have been left out but I look upon it as an encouragement post to keep going keep fighting. Instead of snippy remarks if you don't believe what the person says counter them with your own proof get a dialog going. This board reminds me of a bunch of grumpy old men sitting on rocking chairs on the porch yelling get off my lawn.

21138654? ago


21137806? ago

Right? Shut the fuck up! If you can’t respond nicely to OP’s post....then zip it.

21138395? ago

Only thing worse than a shill is someone telling someone else what they can & can't do on the internet. Let me guess you want government to make the mean typing people go away on -insert platform here-?

Get the fuck out of here with that shit...

Free speech, the good and the bad.

21138783? ago

You of course are free to your expression, and so am I. And if I want to tell you to zip it, I shall.

21205886? ago


21137099? ago

It's shills. Who else dedicates time to something that makes them this butt-mad?

21135511? ago

People always talk like Q is a he. And maybe he is. But I can't think of anyone that would really surprise us more than finding out "he" was a woman. I've heard that Melania is very intelligent...

21135610? ago


21135545? ago

Q is a team of the finest men and woman God could assemble.

Personally I probably owe my life to them. They are solid, God loving men and women of all races and nationalities.

A few of them are Angels. Very dear old friends of mine I've been told. It still seems my memory isn't waking up as quickly as the rest.

But I do have a ton of faith that it will.

21484108? ago

They fight behind the scenes to make sure we survive.

21145408? ago

Sounds like you have been asleep -- and have recently awakened. Can you elaborate?

21146324? ago

Let's see if this rings a bell with you.

"He will be hidden among you, even he will not know of his true nature until I awaken it in him"

Kinda really cool. And to think, I was once very reluctant to look after and guide a man and his soul, after all, that's what free will is all about.

"His name will not be Jesus, but the 'the Judge of Man'"

Find a name that means that, and you've found my new name. Wait until you hear my middle name.

God has a tremendous sense of humor. So do I. Thanks for coming here. Thanks for being here with me!

Q woke me up. They are literal Angels, sent to save those that need saving. We are in very good hands patriot.

21151875? ago

Here goes:

"rings a bell" -- WWG1WGA = JFK

"once very reluctant to look after and guide a man and his soul" -- could be JFK Jr before staged death.

"His name will not be Jesus, but the 'the Judge of Man'" -- gematria = I never left I just have forgotten myself -- JFK Jr

"Q woke me up" -- Q team staged your death to save your life. -- JFK Jr

Q post 918 = R

That's the bell that rings with me!

21154447? ago

Sadly no.

21138675? ago

Angels? -- That's weird -- are they called "The Watchers"?

21146720? ago

Those are the ones we are after.

No, my Angels mean business, soon the "watchers" will be no more.

21147705? ago

Glad to hear you are after The Watchers. I've read about them in Enoch. Besides Enoch, can you recommend any extra-biblical ancient books that we should read -- (perhaps books that should have been included in the canon, but were not)?

The Bible says Jesus will return to Judge mankind. Q has referenced the angel Michael who is the one who throws Satan down. Are you referencing the war in heaven?

21148306? ago

Many many questions.

Yes. You pick where that goes, the yes that is.

Now you wait for the proofs to come your way.

Biblical. Watch the world change.

21141707? ago

Yes a specific group ... the fallen angels.

21139821? ago

Book of Enoch. Powerful.

21139517? ago

Hair is standing st8 ^

21135848? ago

WRWY...God Bless the USA

21135492? ago

I'm with you and am a major qanon supporter, but datefagging is absolutely unacceptable. Datefagging is a shill and troll tactic tbh. Stop it.

21135568? ago

Did I say I was datefagging?

Have faith, after all, that's why you came here.

You were called.

21142919? ago

There will come a day when a datefagger is correct. This seems like a good one to me.

21136138? ago

Did I say I was datefagging?

No, you didn't "say" you were datefagging, you were just datefagging.

You mentioned November 1st..... Why?? Trying to get people's hopes up, only to be let down when nothing happens?

21136800? ago

We have thicker skin than that, OP's just acknowledging what many of us are feeling. Put down the nihilism, take a load off.

21135462? ago

They're going to shift the conflict from the Middle East to the US. The CIA will start funding (forming) "terrorist" organizations that will be mockeries of the extreme right, accelerating the conflicts to spark a civil war.

21138493? ago

I have a feeling Soros's Antifa army is waiting for instructions from György.

21489328? ago

Are you talking about Gyorgy AKA 11811 from Metropolis? 7/26/9792 BC to 7/26/2020 = 11811 years

21146662? ago

"gee, orgy"

then again

"g, or g?"

21205940? ago

You got 3 6 for telling thier secrets.

21208126? ago

Unfortunately, that means nothing. It's only the digits at the END that mean anything. (I know; I was reprimanded for similar behavior recently.)

See https://pepethefrogfaith.wordpress.com/

21208220? ago

Whom ever reprimanded you knows nothing.

21208350? ago

Hey stupid fucking piece of shit, learn the fucking rules!

They used that sort of language on me. And, I learned the rules. I had already read the URL I posted so I am ashamed that I initially learned the rules wrong, from a good source!

21208427? ago

Shill do us a favor find a rope. Cussing at me for no reason. Spots are hard to get rid of why as a lion i have none, yours wont wash off.

21208561? ago

Kill myself? And you fancy yourself what? Some sort of, non-demon?

21208589? ago

Its your rope do whatever. Yup not like you at all.

21208598? ago

You are asking a human to send their soul to satan, and you think you're "doing it right"?

Go fuck yourself, a thousand times. May you live in interesting times. May you live, long time!

21208717? ago

You infer so much b.s is coming out your ears, your not all there, are you?

21208799? ago

Nobody is all there, there's a whole lot of space between the particles. But what the fuck are you talking about now? You're an asshole, you are wasting time here, you are encouraging suicide, and you're doing life wrong.

But whatever, keep doing you!

21209075? ago

No worries faggot.

21209124? ago

You should have a whole lot of worries in fact!

Do you know that for each soul that you convince to suicide, it counts against you? Do you know JUST HOW MUCH each "achieved suicide" counts against you?

Have you seen the end of the movie, "Ghost"?

21209175? ago

Your retarded.

21135613? ago

There won't be a civil war. Once the truth is brought into the light, for the world to see, any action will be towards their removal from office at all costs.

Even the crazy vaghat wearing cat ladies are going to blow a fuse when they here just what their maven has been up to behind the scenes. It's going to get real ugly.

Armor of God is your best bet patriot.

21205922? ago

Can we tell them ( cat ladies ) aliens took over thier brains with bugs?

Post 144

21135638? ago

That doesn't mean the CIA won't do what it can to cause it, schlomo.

21140592? ago

Q drop 1664:

There will be no civil war.

Coordinated MSM hysteria designed to instill fear - change narrative.

21135687? ago

Q has the comms. They are dead in the water.

Pelosi was trying to arrange the last ditch effort through ISIS.

That, as you know, was neutralized. They are done.

21139490? ago

We got it all ! comms was step one D5.

21138892? ago

I pray you’re right so this country can begin to heal

21138596? ago

I'm curious as to how this will be communicated to the masses, especially since so many brainwashed people won't listen to, or believe anything POTUS has to say.

If all goes as you say, and there is no civil war, then Trump and Q team have pulled off the greatest and most complex operation of all time.

21135774? ago

Q has the comms

You think the CIA is retarded enough to give up?

Q has nothing, because he's a Mossad psyop; WE have the power, and WE will fend off the enemy, and WE must stay watchful to fend off the future efforts of the CIA. Hilariously, you will never admit this because you don't belong to us and you are devoted to deception, shillfag.

21136815? ago

Why so opposed to optimism?

21146401? ago

Optimism != truth, and this clearly reeks of a pacification psyop.

21146536? ago

Nihilism is a disinformation psy-op, this is first and foremost a spiritual battle.

21146672? ago

Both are disinformation psyops. Fuck optimism and pessimism, truth is what's important.

21137111? ago

You're merely talking to yourself at this point.

This conversation is over.

21137398? ago

You don't get a cuppa for every reply?

21135418? ago

It's going to be Biblical!!!!!!

21135291? ago

I was a Bernie supporter in 2016. I thought I was Bernie or Bust. I knew without a doubt that Hillary would be the worst thing for this entire world. I took that annual mandatory security training for more than two decades. I sort of thought that Hillary and Trump was in it together to get Hillary elected. I voted for Trump in the hopes to still keep her out of office.

I was so sick the night of the election. I knew she would win and my stomach could not take it. When I woke the next morning to learn she lost, I was overjoyed. Not that Trump won, but that she lost. I was giggly all day.

Trump slowly grew on me. When I found Q, he grew even more. Every day, I love him more. I've even started back with a relationship with God in the process. After all, if Trump won, God must exist!

Anyway, for some reason, deep down, I have felt that something big is about to happen within the next few days. Tomorrow or Friday or this weekend.

So, after reading this. Perhaps, its a real spiritual thing going on. I'm really excited about this.

Thank you for sharing. I'm out of popcorn.

21157245? ago

Suicide weekend?

21157364? ago

Someone die?

21140260? ago

All glory to our Lord Jesus Christ. I'm glad to hear you answered His call. I always suggest the book of Romans is a good place to begin. It is all about Gods law, HIS government, and love for humanity.

21143726? ago

I have read the Bible, cover to cover in a three different versions years ago.

I guess you could say, I've written the word on the tablet of my heart. Proverbs 7:3

21144325? ago

Awesome. I'm working on reading the entire thing myself, almost there.

21139348? ago

90 days is tomarrow, so 11-1 Q will be back. 8 khun operational. On the day the numbers say. Boom time.


21137421? ago

I agree with u...Once they pass the impeachment vote tomorrow, something huge will happen to totally screw (((their))) news cycle...

21136717? ago

I've even started back with a relationship with God in the process.

Me too! So many of us!

21139400? ago

I believe i saw “him” reserect from solid rock ! In febuary. Fully grown. Not in a manger this time.

21136137? ago

trump & jfk jr were very close. i beleive wether jfk jr was killed or faked his death, that pissed off trump to the point he spent over a decade planning to set things right

21135580? ago

fuck Patriot

you described my day from back then

big smile alll day and week after DJT won

After all, if Trump won, God must exist!

21138277? ago

What a great fucking morning... the morning when I realized we did it, we sent Trump into enemy territory to kick some evil pedo deep state communist swamp ass.

So far I am not disappointed, were just getting started.

21153074? ago

I couldn't go to sleep until 3am election eve, had to make sure, and I just loved seeing all the MSM talking heads incredulously trying to make believe there must have been a mistake, and the Electoral College would vindicate their loyally held belief that "she" was the chosen one. The constant urging of electors to right this wrong began immediately the next news cycle and even after all the electoral votes were taken.

21136177? ago

On one hand, I was grinning like the Cheshire cat inside when I got to work, and then I saw all the sad faces of my "high tech" educated idiot co-workers, I kept my usual stoic demeanor and went about my work, happy that we had dodged that disaster.

On the other hand, I saw the TDS insanity in the eyes of those people that surrounded me and I think it was the first time I realized how far into trouble as a country we really are.

21152866? ago

It did not take long for them to begin wailing and gnashing their teeth!

21138818? ago

Same here. They had internal emails where I work telling people to keep calm and that "we're disappointed", etc.

What a crock of shit.

I was GIDDY, but I kept it in and just kept telling myself, fuck all of them.

There is going to come a time where their disappointment is in realizing how much they bought the lie.

I can't wait. It's going to be awesome.

21138358? ago

We are living in a different reality than they are. Until the media is no longer an arm of the deep state that problem isnt going away.

21135985? ago

I conceived my son after hearing the news that night.

21142774? ago

Way to fucking celebrate anon, I tip my hat to you!

21143206? ago

Thank you, it’s a true story, he’s two years old now. I just thought we would have this vaccine stuff figured out by now but sadly we don’t and now we have to make some difficult choices.

21144126? ago

There are Dr's who will not push the stuff. Also, if your state law allows it. Exercise your right to file an exemption waiver with the school. We chose to be very selective with vaccines for our first child. One vaccine, meningitis. Bad reaction. No more. Second two children vaxx free. All academically gifted. Good luck and please refer back to this thread if I can offer any guidance.

21144255? ago

Thank you for adding to my comment anon, it’s a very stressful situation for wifeanon and I, we lose plenty of sleep over it. Your experience of your child having a bad reaction set me at ease with regard to the decisions we made up to this point to not vaccinate. A little scary because I also have a 5th grader in school and worry about meningitis, pox, measles etc. The thought process of having a child was that we could bring him into a world of truth and would know clearly what vaccines if any to allow but it hasn’t panned out yet and it’s very frustrating and stressful.

It’s funny u say that your children are academically gifted because all of my sons immediate family have independently commented on his intelligence. He could rattle through a book with 8 basic colors and name the colors as I turned the pages when he was 14 months old but there’s so much more that I could say but we don’t have time. Do you think that not vaccinating children especially at a very early age may allow them to be smarter somehow? I kind of do.

On another note as far as school..... if potus doesn’t have things straightened out by then, I’m planning on committing to homeschooling. Here in Michigan, we currently have religious exemptions so children can attend school without vaccines but I don’t think it will still be allowed in a few years when the little guy will be starting. It’s probably best to keep him for the satanic Rockefeller re-education system anyways.

A final question for you..... have you had to go through any bad viruses or infections with your unvaxxed child? If so, how did u handle it?

21152223? ago

As best as I understand it, all vaccines cause some cerebral swelling to some extent. Some children suffer more, some less. Each time causes damage. My daughter at one year old suffered extreme anti-biotic resistant ear infections, a known possible side effect of the meningitis vaccine she was given. After weeks of crying nearly nonstop through the night, she had to be taken in for ear surgery for drainage tubes. This is quite common in small children and can cause permanent hearing damage. This was the worst infection of any kind we've ever experienced with any of our children. Our pediatrician had told us that in Syria, where he was from, vaccines were considered beneficial, but here in the States, the odds of contracting any of the serious diseases vaccinated against was akin to winning the lottery. Add to that he said all of them, with the exception of some of the meningitis strains, were all treatable. So, Anon, in context, going unvaccinated probably isn't really as risky as we are conditioned to believe. I had both Chicken Pox and Mumps as a child. My immune system is probably stronger for it. If I could find a pox party, I'd have them attend.

If you have the means to have an adult stay home and home school, I would not discourage you, but you would not be the only one sending an unvaccinated child to public school. I understand it is getting far more common all the time.

My advice. Understand the fear you experience is a conditioned response. The pro-vaxx bullying that you experience online is astroturf. The doctors and nurses who tell you how stupid and irresponsible you are for not vaccinating your child have drinking problems, engage in risky sexual behaviors and smoke cigarettes on their breaks. Trust your gut. Water Treatment, Sewer systems, Personal Hygiene, Refrigeration, all have done more to prevent the spread of disease than any vaccine.

21141643? ago

Bet it was a beautiful baby ;P

21143202? ago

He is, thank you. We wanted to wait until we knew we would have a wonderful world to bring a child into rather than having him born into slavery like a lot of us were.

21137136? ago

wow! good for him Q!

21135459? ago

The entire world is revolting against the elites. Only God could have done that.

Spiritual is the essence of this movement.

21152825? ago

Amen, brother.

21142642? ago

Q 11-11 scalar waves shook the earth rang like a bell 17 sec intervals. Maybe associates of god.

21146575? ago

the day i had a groin pull, i remember it well

21143777? ago

Maybe? :-)

21148646? ago

And the 777 apear ! 4+3=7 11

21135365? ago

I know exactly what you mean about that feeling of something about to happen. It's definitely palpable. My mother, a woman of frighteningly astute observation (she is some sort of psychic. I've got some stories, but I don't necessarily believe in all that, hence the description above...) has been on the fence about all this but the last few days her "radar" has been going batshit and she's convinced that something major happened the other night and it's been building since.

21140323? ago

I had a client like that, a psychic "medium". For a couple years leading up to 2015, she kept saying the energies on Earth are changing, shifting in a major way. I don't partake in divination, but those conversations are standing out to me lately. I was always like, yeah yeah...now I'm like wtf she was right.

21137985? ago

I believe some people do have a more psychic connection and I trust their psychic radar. Report back to us if your Mom feels anything else!

21137744? ago

Oh yeah! I felt it when I saw Lindsey Graham give a press conference after bagdahdi was killed. His voice was shaking and I thought he was going to cry.

I love all of you Patriots. So much! My brothers and sisters we are one. And thanks most to God above. Thank you for setting your children free and waking us up.

God Bless all of you.

21153098? ago

The didn't tell him either! LOL!

21138849? ago

He probably was going to cry. Lindsay talks a good game, but he's got a lot to lose in this when Trump wins.

There are many who are invested in keeping the war machine going. And he's one of them.

21135354? ago

Congratulations on your relationship with God. Read your Bible every day and apply it to your life. Be proud to be a Christian. I'll see you in heaven. God bless.

21137587? ago

remember heaven is all around you, but only for those with eyes to see.

interestingly when you act like it, you expect it, you find it.

21146555? ago

does your stomach growl at relevant times? while reading your comment, mine did

21135235? ago

This Al Baghdadi guy was rushed to be buried at sea, just like Bin Laden. I would assume this guy is either not dead, or he never existed, just like Bin Laden.


Fake and gay.

21136891? ago

Through his whole presser while he was doing it live, I thought he's really talking about the underground war that's been going on in CA this whole time finally turning that corner and coming to fruition/victory.

We've been hearing the gun fights for a couple of years now, last week there were a series of small earthquakes after the booms when the tunnels must have caved in, there was also cell phone footage of fire coming up from the man holes in cities miles away from the Saddleridge fire when it first started.

21136252? ago

Burial at sea is a stretch of the imagination. Scenario - blown up and buried under pile of rubble. Body (parts?) dug out, medically tested and ID confirmed, remain stuffed into body bag and dragged of the tunnel. Carried to a waiting Helio(?) that separated (?) from the raiders and headed for the coast and sea (?) to dispose of the body bag (?) with baghdadi's remains. What are the chance it would somehow wash ashore?

21135465? ago

You are gay and fake.


21136117? ago

I agree you but responce did sound like a fag (I'm not him-above)

I was called years ago and now the great awakening I'm starting to realise why.

Trouble is taken me King time to find out....

Peace yo.

21135411? ago

Exactly. Another "buried at sea" theatrical fakery.

It was complete and utter baloney when Obama pulled that stunt.

And it is complete and utter baloney with Trump.

Too many people on this board are living on drunk hope, like how liberals before them fell for Obama's "Hope & Change"

The only thing different this time around is that Hope & Change is being fueled by an anonymous internet poster rather than by the MSM.

21135500? ago


21135598? ago

Trump said "Captured"

21135617? ago


Hasty "Burial At Sea" & Other Baghdadi Raid Details Eerily Parallel To Bin Laden Death Mythology

21135175? ago

MOAR OF POPCORN!!!!!1!1!11!!!!!1!1!ONE!1!

21135797? ago

Has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like?

21138765? ago

Less of bongwater for you.

21135367? ago


21135058? ago

Hahahahaha nope

21135015? ago

Lol at this delusional Q-tard nonsense. You sound like a deranged cult member convincing himself the cult leader is real.

21135356? ago


21135244? ago

NPC, you are so precious. Those are the words "mainstream media" use.

We are the news now. Since you are here, try and educate yourself. Cheers!

21135098? ago

So tell me again why you come here?

We are very real. Don't worry, you'll feel it soon.

21135265? ago

They have nothing better do in their mommies basement.

21134984? ago

Not sure where this 'not a dry eye' talk comes from, but #918 doesn't speak of this, only "Wait until you learn who has been talking to you here."


21138572? ago

If OP really is who I think it is, then yes there will not be a dry eye in the house. I'd love to see this and for those not crying to go nuts over it. lol

21140422? ago

It can't be JFKjr. And if it was, then I would fear that part of the Bible about many antichrists. I would not be content, I'd be terrified.

21135382? ago

Who on Earth could be that important? use some common sense.

21138638? ago

JFK jr is the Only person that would make me cry tears like that. Sorry, but Jesus is not the one showing up on Friday. So I will wait and get my confirmation on that day.

21135790? ago

On Earth? Who is that important? No One. Stop glorifying mere Humans.

And according to Q, JFKJr is not on this Earth: See https://qmap.pub/read/3391 and https://qmap.pub/read/2611

21136385? ago

If someone is in witness protection, they are dead.

21138126? ago

whitey bulger?

jeffrey epstein?

21138211? ago

One I think everyone missed... John Perry Barlow

21139176? ago

OP was talking about his bong...

21135337? ago

Meaning, if you REALLY knew who was taking to us...

For example, if it was Jesus, would you not cry? Tears of joy, or fear???

21138662? ago

Thanks for the laugh...Q is Jesus...typing furiously away on a keyboard somewhere

And OP is clearly of the female variety to add the whole "not a dry eye" bit

Seriously...where the shit did that come from?

21136108? ago

Both are appropriate.

21136686? ago

I think every emotion is. But BRING IT!

21135699? ago

Jesus doesn't need a computer or the Internet to communicate with humanity.

Furthermore, it's NOT JFKJr at least according to Q. See https://qmap.pub/read/3391 and https://qmap.pub/read/2611

21205849? ago

What would he use then? A loud speaker like AJ?

21135818? ago

Don't forget

Disinfo is necessary...

21135941? ago

Yes. I recall that being mentioned.

21138093? ago

plot twist

get in the boxcar

21135389? ago

this fucker would have tears of fear

21135431? ago

Only a guilty conscious would. Maybe tears of awe and respect?

21146484? ago

we're all sinners

21147416? ago


We need an impartial sinless judge.

We need God.

21135275? ago

Just as a thought experiment.

Suppose POTUS introduces us to "Q" at a White House ceremony.

Let us suppose, again, purely as a thought experiment, that the person that comes up to the lectern is a man the DS tried to kill, but who has been in hiding for many, many years.

Let us further suppose (thought experiment, again) that the man at the lectern identifies himself as the son of a late POTUS, one who did not die a natural death.

Let us say then, that this man then starts laying out a case for treason, villainy, greed, blackmail, warmongering and MURDER, among many other charges, against many of our most well-known politicians, diplomats and bureaucrats.

And that AS HE SPEAKS teams of deputized Marines were sweeping up these criminals.

Now, THAT would be a GREAT FRIDAY.

I remember, after starting to hear about Q and learning the things we've learned thinking to myself "Somebody will need to give a speech explaining this all." I knew it could not be anyone who is already polarizing, so who might that be?

Who indeed?

21142171? ago

Who indeed?

That would be one of the greatest moments of all of time! a story that will be told 1,000 years from now. I wish/hope it could be true. The USA could use an honest unifying voice, that nobody could deny.

To write the story of Camelot would require him to serve as Trumps VP and then 8 years as President himself. Maybe, just maybe, 12 years more would be enough to cleanup the whole mess.

21205811? ago

Moments. I saw monuments. And boom lets build a monument like mt rushmore for Trump !

I can see the Reeeeee s abound when we announce this.

21138041? ago

As much as if pains me to say, John John is dead. Listen, I would LOVE for him to still be alive, but he is not.

21138293? ago

Just a thought experiment.

21138600? ago

Okay, yeah, as a though experiment - You are right that everybody (both Republican and Democrat citizens) love JFK, Jr. and would listen to him. But, that would be us older folks who know who he is and remember him dying. The younger people wouldn't care.

21153214? ago

What would be perfect would be any evidence of foul play to take him out, irrefutable evidence.

21138591? ago

"JFK Jr is alive" has been flogged here many many times.

Its not some brilliant 'thought experiment' you came up with (whatever that means)

It's just you regurgitating some crap you read here before.

And I use the word CRAP because Q has specifically told us that he is dead and to let his memory rest in peace ffs

21146472? ago

Q also said "disinfo necessary"

21205823? ago

What about post 144?

Conspiracy ST.

Was that misinfo too?

21208109? ago

4 days is a really long time

21136902? ago

We can never know who Q is and POTUS can never acknowledge what happened because state secrets were revealed. Unless proper declassification procedures were followed, this is actually an impeachable offense.

21153182? ago

POTUS can declassify any state secret he has access to.

21146464? ago

Q has said we will learn, so, you're wrong...

21137716? ago

Bs pres can Declas wutever he wants wenever he wants. Giving to agentseas is just a courteazy

21136873? ago

It's Jeb! isn't it? Everyone is getting a little turtle!

21136147? ago

Why would jfk jr lay out all of these crimes? What would make him be a person that everyone believes like those brain dead leftists?

21136594? ago

Leftists idolize JFK. One brain dead leftist I know, this guy (in his 70's) literally has meltdowns and runs away like a crying baby when you mention Trump, but his home office is a replica of JFKs, including pics. He idolizes JFK, but thinks Trump is destroying the Constitution. On the other hand he has a common last name from Springmeier's illuminati so even if the JFK/Constitution act is crap, it would be a faceful of catastrophic cognitive dissonance for him to find out that Trump and JJ were best buds.

21136107? ago

Just tossing this out there, I have seen a fuck ton of tabloid magazines with JFK Jr. on the cover lately. Nearly every time I go to the grocery store there are one or two at least.

21138256? ago

Not only on tabloids, but also on TV...lots of stories keep poping up.

21137620? ago

this is actually, possibly something.

21137106? ago

Good share. Keep eyes open

21136055? ago

That would give "Good Friday" another definition.

21135548? ago

Denzel Washington might ....

(thought experiment, again)

21138680? ago

Whats a thought experiment?

21138920? ago

So apparently a "thought experiment" is the same thing as "hypothetical"

Used by people that don't know how to use the word "hypothetical" correctly I guess

21135413? ago

Who indeed?

not a Kennedy

21138084? ago

Trump himself

21135377? ago

Jfkjr? Maybe... but he was just a man.

Show me JESUS so i can have solace KNOWING this is the day of the Lord.

That said, if jfkjr went back in time, and was the actual Jesus, then ok. That'll work.

But burden of proof of time travel would lie with them.

21140807? ago

You know, there’s a story about JFKJr, that when he was asked once if he would go into politics he said no, that all the politicians he knew were nice in front of a camera but horrible people in real life. Instead, he wanted to focus on “being a good man” in life, off camera.

Although I believed Jr was alive for awhile, I don’t think so anymore. So sad I lost that hope.

21142842? ago

OP here, I actually agree. But time will tell. Guess I am open either way.

21146437? ago

oops, logged into wrong account

21135436? ago

Considering Jesus was born back then, JFK Jr. time travel is out.

21135827? ago

Jesus disappeared... from all known writings.

Till he was an adult..

21140383? ago

Junior better not have been 33 when he died.

21136337? ago

Jesus also healed the sick, raised the dead, came back to life after being killed, and was the Living Word of God.

JFK Jr. couldn't do that.

21136672? ago

I don't disagree, but remember, Jesus said they were healed because THEY BELIEVED.


And that WE ARE ALL GODS...

take it for what you will

21136858? ago

Jesus never said we were Gods, he said it's written in their law that they are gods, and if scripture can't be broken then how can they kill him for blaspheming God by saying he's Gods son.

Jesus was pointing out they were hypocrites.

21138048? ago

He was telling them by quoting psalms.

21137908? ago


21135343? ago

Friday was always a dog

21134967? ago


21134921? ago

Let your hopium pipe cool down a bit, brah. Wow

21135110? ago


My bong is industrial sized and well used.

Try it sometime.

21136196? ago

Dude... You have to say "tobacco water pipe" or we will ask you to leave if you say the "B" word again.

21146395? ago

we're now in a recreational state so you nanny staters can just nanny nanny boo boo!

21137635? ago


21136746? ago

Oh yeah?

Bongo bong

21134847? ago

Israel is toast

21138409? ago

I can only speculate what led to them closing their embassies but it has to be an existential level threat.

21134914? ago

Yes they are.

21138336? ago

Why did Israel shut down their embassys? Do you know?

21140384? ago

They simply have run out of money. Our money.

Do you realize that we send them 7.5K every minute of everyday?

That's 450K an hour x 24 = 10.8Million USD per day.

No more. Enough is enough.

21140129? ago

probably to keep all these dual citizen (American/Israeli) criminals from seeking asylum

21134880? ago

I can't fucking wait!

21134846? ago

You idiot

He was just an asset being retired

Who created ISIS ?

Look that up newbie !!

21134941? ago

Obama created ISIS. Funded it with taxpayer dollars and redirected weapons.

CIA driven under the direction of Mossad? Close enough for an amateur?

I've forgotten more than you'll ever know about the subject patriot.

21136470? ago

You know what the biggest wake up call for me was..? Our former PM Theresa May proudly stated that the British Government sold billions of weapons too Saudi Arabia a couple of years ago.. Then I discovered that many of those weapons found their way into the hands of isis and used against the Iraqis, Syrians, Afghanis etc..

Then we have the London and Manchester shootings by none other than those scary Islamic terrorists isis.. But hang on, our government is selling weapons to SA and those weapons are finding their way into isis hands and being used against us in London, wtf?? Big aha moment when you realise that those shootings, bombing etc are designed to make it look like they're from foreign terrorists but are actually domestic likely with the full backing of someone in government to install fear into the population.

Lost my vote after that realisation. And that was the beginning of the rabbit hole that led to Q and the reality of how the world really works. What a ride it's been so far and given the way things are evolving and becoming exposed, something tells me it's all now just about to kick off in a big way..!

21137333? ago

Governments are just coroporations (companies). They are not for the people. They make it look like so, but its not. They are in it for themselves. They create it so they can control us like sheeps. They create the system, and blame us because we're using the system. Their logic is we can choose not to be in the system, but it's bs because if you do that, the government comes at you.

There was also that london bombing. Check it out, was about 3 or 5 yrs ago I think. Check what the police was doing before it happened. Cross check the crisis actors photos with other false flag events. Staged to the max.

21135077? ago

OK....but who created Obama? He never did a damn thing that wasn't approved or promoted by Valerie Jarrett, his bizarre live-in counsel, a black American born in Iran to hardcore communist parents and raised with Islam.

21135872? ago

obama and his fellow creatures are all a product of the British crown.When POTUS was in London he let them know their reign was over.Their three seats of power London (money) Washington (military)and Rome(religion) were finished. There was no bowing or kneeling by POTUS or FLOTUS only subservient fawning from the queen. Read Jim Hutchinson for a better understanding of the unGodly evil that is the queen and her cousins the bushes. http://www.sxolsout.org.uk/zreal1.html Best wishes all

21135226? ago

VJ is just proof that the MB is the exact same thing as the CIA/Mossad

21135410? ago

It proves The Planet of The Apes was right... <

21135116? ago

The Russians Created Obama.

Who created Russia is the question now you must ask yourself.

21135408? ago

The Bolsheviks?

21135472? ago

And who, controlled the Bolsheviks? Who funded their revolution?

21135643? ago

house of Rotshild

Founders of Israel

Ashkenazi , Crypto Jews and

keepers of Bloodline

21135670? ago

Now we're talking.

21146599? ago

Pharaonic bloodlines. The same people who have hidden the truth behind religion for so many years....yet I see you in here quoting Christisn phrases like the armor of God. Either you're woke or you aren't.

21146663? ago


21146683? ago


21146783? ago

And here is another AI bot.

Easy to spot. Hard to get rid of.

21146931? ago

Lmfao, so now I'm an AI bot? Fascinating, do continue. This is entertaining.

21145590? ago

Those who say they are Jews, but are not -- They are a synagogue of Satan. Did Jesus confront members of this group when He turned over the tables in the temple? Khazarian Jews are fake Jews who are very evil. Are Ashkenazi Jews also fake Jews?

21137275? ago

Reptilians are the puppet masters. Evil cabal is just their puppets.

21137150? ago

in the last 500 years same as above

4 brothers story

21135586? ago

Non orthodox Jews if the history books have any merit.

21135276? ago

They used to be the USSR. Now they call themselves Russia!

21134959? ago

Forgotten more than I’ll ever know??

I seriously doubt that.

You are clearly too far up your own asshole to LEARN

21135127? ago

My asshole and your head have a lot in common I guess.

Have a blessed day patriot. We are on the same team.

21134886? ago

NONAME is ded

21134843? ago

I hope you are correct, but I want to see solid changes. The fucking Illuminati satanic symbolism is still on our dollar bill, and DC is still a corporation. Perhaps we did win, but we have a lot of cleaning up to do. And, we have several generations of people who were not properly educated. It is not fair to them, so that needs to be fixed.

21143920? ago

The people who need fixed will turn to video games, the A.I. is controlling everyone with a cell phone. The time has come for the simple minded humans among us to be entertained with flashing video screens. I am going to be a farmer.

21146285? ago

Farming sounds good. I got some land a few years ago.

21140755? ago

The Cables on the table in the WH was a picture showing them they have the cables. Two red ones (guessing those to be highly classified lines) were unplugged. They know who is in charge. (sorry, I cannot find the picture)

Here is the picture sir ma'am



21140817? ago

Yep, saw that the other day. Any idea why the Israeli embassies are closed? That is pretty odd. I read that it is the first time in their history. I hope they stay closed.

21139178? ago

Contrails which disappeared for a few weeks after July 4 are back with a vengeance.

21138262? ago

Friday is All Souls Day.


21137344? ago

We didnt win a war. We may have won a battle. The war will take years. And you'll know when it's coming to an end because there will be casualties everywhere

21138879? ago

Thick and thin ....

21137963? ago

Probably. Our enemy will not go out easily or without a fight. I believe they are not even human, or maybe they are hybrids.

21205775? ago

Post 144

Google conspiracy ST.

21206044? ago

Q post 144?

I will look.

21206130? ago


21207784? ago

SETI? Not sure what else it could be.

I just watched the latest X22 Report. At the 30:50 mark, there is a suggested definition of covfefe. It involves Nimrod and means “In the end we win”. I thought it was a password to a CP server and Trump was trolling them.


21207841? ago

Did you read the wiki?

Conspiracy ST. Star trek. Episode.

21208418? ago

Oh, geeze. I saw that link, but thought “That’s not what he is talking about.” Lol. Sorry, I am not a huge ST fan. My mind was thinking something else. I will go read it.

21208469? ago

99 % will choose not to accept it.

44000 feet hmmm.

Human biome. What is it where did it come from? Secrets of the universe.

21209653? ago

That is where my research has taken me. I guess I should pay more attention to Star Trek. I was expecting some Annunaki source or something similar.

21213997? ago

Thank you! I will look.

21136928? ago

You need to remember that it's not are dollar it's as you said "The fucking Illuminati satanic symbolism is still on our dollar bill, and DC is still a corporation." So I know that you know the DC act of 1871 but the 1803 or so " No law repugnant to the Constitution is valid. USSC. Bsafe.

21135943? ago

Trump was raised right

He isn't doing shit

21136265? ago

Serious question here. Why do you suppose the Israeli embassies are closing world-wide? That is very strange. Do you think there will be an attack?

21136693? ago

These events appear to have left Israel vulnerable and they know it.

Was Isis a pawn in the mid-east Israel just lost? Maybe not a pawn, but a queen?

We just dont have the information.

21136327? ago

There's going to be a backlash against kikes for what they are about to do

21136421? ago

What are they about to do???!!!

21136427? ago

nuke seattle

21139366? ago

That is not good.

21136488? ago


21136707? ago


a German guy decoded the Simpsons

21137142? ago

Ah, ok. I will look.

21135310? ago

POTUS is trying to hold the central banks from failing until after the 2020 election. If he brought it down too early it could affect the election.

21138286? ago

The Fed is able to crash it's system any time they choose. Trump can't stop it if the Fed decides to pull the plug. I assume Trump and the Fed are working under mutual agreement, because the consequences of the failing Fed system won't be pretty for the Rothschilds either.

Trump has been knocking himself out trying to get industry to come back to the US. He's cutting US funding world-wide, confiscating funds from illegal, criminal organizations, draining the swamp and prepping for a new system to be backed by hard assets -- no more fiat money that can be wildly manipulated by the Rothschild Central Banks. And, when Trump implements the new monetary system, that cuts off a huge Deep State revenue stream. I hope it's sooner rather than later.

21136183? ago

I'm not so sure about this. I think the financial collapse is the start for martial law and this leads to mass arrests -> reset Fed -> Goldstandard. This financial system with the dept burden is just a brake pad for prosperity. To wait after the election would mean to loose an other year economically. I suppose it starts somewhere between November to February.

21136680? ago

I'd say April

21134953? ago


Thanks for being here with me. You have no idea just how very special each of you are.

Chosen. Best of the best. Spiritual giants. Mental transmitters of thought.

You're much more than just patriots here.

21141202? ago

Law of One?

21138374? ago

Al Baghdadi was their last hope. They had one last chance with him launching an all out attack...with Nukes.

This is crazy-ness. NUKES? You think ISIS has nukes? The guys who got their ass kicked by the Kurds with US support? You think they chose not use nukes while the Kurds and Iraqis gobbled up their caliphate in Raqqa and Mosul? Or do you think ISIS got more powerful when they were on the run?

How do you get from ISIS to Nuclear war?

And who exactly is THEY? Who want nuclear war? just the boogey-men in your head?

Baghdadi has been A injured for many months and B was never their military leader.

Now that he has been killed, they have used the last bomb in their death blossom. The Cables on the table in the WH was a picture showing them they have the cables. Two red ones (guessing those to be highly classified lines) were unplugged. They know who is in charge.

WTF does this even mean? So ISIS has nukes but only Baghadi can use them? Makes no sense.

And the network cables are color coded. Yellow is Top Secret and Red is Secret. They use laptops with stickers with corresponding colors....i.e. you should never use a yellow cable with a red laptop.

Something huge happened alright. We just won the battle and possibly the war. They will now take impeachment off the table, mark my words.

Is this who you mean by they? Ay Caramba.

And you're dreaming my friend. Impeachment will proceed at full steam. After the embassy bombings in 1998 Clinton bombed several factories said to be connected to Bin Laden. Not only did impeachment keep going, but Clinton was accused of only bombin Al Qaeda to distractr from the Lewinsky scandal.

pleasant dreams, my friend.

21137447? ago

dude. i'm seriously getting misty eyed here. the thought of being vindicated for YEARS of being called "that crazy guy" screaming from the rooftops that monsters hold the reigns......it hasn't been fun. but if its true this mess is being cleaned up, then you guys have been through far worse. if this is true......thank you. if this is true......god bless you. please, God, let this nightmare be over. please bring these...…..demons to justice. watching them walk around in all of their arrogance is almost too much to bear. i'm not just talking about the ones on tv. they are EVERYWHERE.

21140177? ago

God wins, brother.

"Then I saw a new heaven and a new earth, for the first heaven and earth had passed away, and the sea was no more. I saw the holy city, the new Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband. And I heard a loud voice from the throne saying:

“Behold, the dwelling place of God is with man, and He will dwell with them. They will be His people, and God Himself will be with them as their God. He will wipe away every tear from their eyes, and there will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain, for the former things have passed away.”

And the One seated on the throne said, “Behold, I make all things new.” Then He said, “Write this down, for these words are faithful and true.” And He told me, “It is done! I am the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End. To the thirsty I will give freely from the spring of the water of life. The one who is victorious will inherit all things, and I will be his God, and he will be My son."

  • Revelations 21

21140222? ago

revelations. so......do you THINK its that time? or do you KNOW its that time?

21140407? ago

I see it like this.

Imagine a fist pushing against a rubber sling. The sling is the only thing holding the fist back from propelling forward.

The lost and asleep are the fist, pushing hard toward a one-world nanny government, as foretold in Revelations. The rubber sling = patriots and freedom lovers around the world. We are the only thing holding the world back from a Globalist era.

We know that, at some point, the fist will propel itself forward, and then Jesus will return. The sling will be removed.

Will it be removed via divine intervention (rapture) or via violence? I don't know.

Imagine if all Christians were removed tonight. It would be blamed on aliens ("they were holding humanity back") and everyone left would be happy those pesky conservatives are out of the way.

The fist propels forward.

I think the rubber sling will be removed in the imminent future. The world is primed and ready for it like never before.

21484036? ago

No sir god will use probability and mother nature to rid the earth of those not worthy. Its also natures way to cull the weak. Sense humans only have other humans as in self predatory. The Cull has to happen also organically. Galatic super wave. < hand of god for planetary reset. 600 made the last one odds are lucky isnt enough.

21140472? ago

wow. amazing analogy!

21137424? ago

Thank you. I've always had this feeling. Some of us are here as mental antennas to increase the surrounding vibration. Everyone here has a purpose, even if they think they aren't doing much.

I'm anticipating your return, and humanity's return to a sane world. Much love.

21137304? ago

Right On Patriot!

21136882? ago

I feel it.

Who do you thinks been talking to us (Q918)? just curious.

21143769? ago

you know who it is. Ask your heart.

21149258? ago

918 adds up to 18 - Letter R. Just sayin.

21149426? ago



21137318? ago

Me too

21136832? ago

Yes, we get it, we are higher dimensional ET's incarnated as humans to experience the transition and help out.

21484051? ago


Post 144

Comspiracy ST.


Oldest know creature.

Immortal jellyfish.

^How to transport dna? Stored in side a box jelly and sent with out dna inside. The bugs on our bodies the biome feeding off our bodies over millienia, all we had to do is send the ship with our dna protected by jellyfish in water <radioactive shield. Follow the water. The biome will survive. Us as fragile didnt the seeds of,life sent though the cosmos. The more you know.

21490940? ago

How is jellyfish DNA important to us?

21496357? ago

Our dna shot into the jelly as a repository for long term storage. Untill we arrive on other side of universe. Water is a shield from radiation. Take care.

21136766? ago

Wow, you just made a bunch of us feel really freaking great! Thank you for that, and thank you for being here too. WWG1WGA

21136762? ago

Friday is my wife's due date (homebirthing, yo). Imagine that. born into a new era? I should think of a commemorative middle name

21137292? ago

"Trump" of course!

21136658? ago

So right on

21136192? ago

We'll know the fullness of that Truth soon enough. OP is right. There's a lot of cleaning up to do.

A whole new Age of Exploration has just been opened to us in every aspect of our culture, world, science, and more. It all needs re-examining and the poison purged. Our sense of humanity has to be healed.

What does a world without Luciferian demons running it even look like? Everything we know is wrong. I'm utterly excited. This has given me a new lease on life. I have purpose and agency. The world is OURS. There will be no more institutions built around every human endeavor meant to keep us out.

21152773? ago

Right, Patriot!!!



21143144? ago

What does a world without Luciferian demons running it even look like? There are many deceptions in this world right now. Deceptions that have taken hold of so many people throughout the earth. Satan has used his powers to deceive the people into following him instead of the One true God, Creator of heaven and earth and Jesus Christ our Lord and Saviour. Until Jesus Christ returns demons will be running around.

21146305? ago

There are many deceptions in this world right now. Deceptions that have taken hold of so many people throughout the earth.

Including you, Christian.

21148311? ago

I am under no delusion my friend. There is far more evidence that Jesus Christ lived on this planet than to believe you became a man from a monkey. I can give you a bible and if you read it daily fir one year your entire life will change for the better. You will have found your purpose for breathing. It changes people’s lives because it is the words written down from your Creator.

21148855? ago

I've read the Bible, along with other religious texts. I have no qualms about the existence of God. What Christians don't understand is they take the word literally when the Bible has multiple deeper meanings behind its words. It's what you've been taught to believe, I get it. But you've been misled.

21141356? ago

I saved your comment to look at it again in the future. I sincerely hope you are right.

21138760? ago

Friend, I am glad you are here.

21135882? ago

What makes us special?

21135876? ago

I'm not from the states, but I'm rooting for you. I'm glad for Trump.

21137571? ago

I'm not from the states

WW means World Wide, anon.

You're as much a part of this as anyone.

21138339? ago

Yup. QWW

21136486? ago

By the looks of Hong Kong, Paris and all across the world, this is a Global Awakening.

21137294? ago

Canadian checking in. Firmly sleeping here. Will check back later, but they're snoring.

21137646? ago

I live here amongst (conservative) bug-people. A fairly surprising number of them have no problem shittalking about the latest foibles of our short-eyes in chief, how the Browns and All-Blacks are going to do this year, and if little Asian women are anti-schematic for not wanting to wax Jessica's balls.

21135755? ago


21135331? ago

Thank you so much Sir. <

21135481? ago

This is precisely how legendary tales are born. People just like you.

The world owes all of you.

21135609? ago

Wow. I am humbled. It is such a great privilege to be here and know about all of this, in advance from the beginning. My life has meaning others cannot comprehend. I thank God too. I serve at the pleasure of The President. <

21135303? ago


(Where the galaxy goes one, the galaxy goes all)

Peace and love patriot

21139106? ago

We. Have the levers. For spaceship earth. I know how to altar course. Kek.


21139072? ago


21137261? ago

POTUS is the guardian of our galaxy.

21135060? ago


21135134? ago

Indeed patriot.

The Squall is here.

21152733? ago

WHITE Squall!

21139064? ago

WWG1WGA= world wide god one with great awaking.

Tips hat.

21146705? ago

Waves and nods head!


21148673? ago

What was on that boat? A bell perhaps? Hmmmm interdasting.

21149033? ago

My Father had a ship's bell installed on his home. It was placed at the very top of the roof. A vistor was required to pull the rope upon entering the entryway to announce their arrival on board.

It could be heard at my house over a mile away on clear mornings. No other house I know of had a ship's bell on it, mounted up so high on the very peak of the roof. He was my best friend and God how I miss him daily.

Thanks for that. Tears are streaming down my face right now. They are tears of sadness mixed with the joy of knowing who I am, and who my Father really was. Probably a little more information than you bargained for, but as close to the truth as I'm allowed to stray.

When you finally hear of me...smile, you are my friend. This movement would be nothing without people like you with Hearts as big as your own. You truly heard God's call, and you answered.

21149219? ago

Hair raising for me reading your reply. I was gifted somthing so big their are days im not sure my heart can take it < we seen him walk from solid rock i wasnt alone it was in febuary. After i seen a star appear above the same mountain. Itll be a christmas to remember. Sincerly 40 yr athesist no more. < way more to the story. Id like to put the dates togther, im not sure i can. Series of events.

21149467? ago

You're in the right place if you expect miracles to happen :)

21137379? ago

I hope he is ready to dance. Let's get this party started!

21134825? ago

Very interesting post. Where do you get this information?

21134804? ago

They knew HE would return

Q918 Pretty much sums it up. If you only knew who you were talking to on here, there wouldn't be a dry eye after reading this

oh look, its R LARP

didn't you feel foolish after 7/4/19 passed and you were wrong about that?

21134851? ago

The Earthquake? Wasn't wrong about that, it happened when my ship docked.

Can you be more specific?

21134901? ago

Can you?

21135061? ago

Hahaha...nope. Have faith.