21139868? ago

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20902310? ago

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20540529? ago

From the very beginning of the article: "A $330,000 underwater observatory has gone missing from its location off Germany’s Baltic coast."

There's that "33" number!

20532820? ago

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20530824? ago

Can't we just release info on Congress' slush fund to pay for the silence of those they rape?

20527523? ago

McCarthy was correct, but he was also wrong in that Communism was a utopian concept that was totally unworkable. There has never been a Communist nation not will there ever be one. Marxism wasn't Communism. Marxism was a form of Socialism that dangled Communism as a carrot to lure Useful Idiots in. Communism was an ancient Greek form of community government similar to colonial America's Merchantilism failures. Under Communism, everyone is absolutely equal, has an equal vote & voice, is the government, equally produces, participates in their military defense, gets an equal share, and they all feast or famine equally.

The problem is people learn that they still get an equal share whether they work or fuck off. This spreads like a virus and the community self-destructs. Combining even 2 communities corrupts Communism as one will have more votes than the other. This quickly devolves into Socialism where some become wealthy elite Bolshevik leaders and the rest their Prolitariate slaves.

20527287? ago

Fake Staffanon seeks attention. The end.

20526497? ago

Someone told me that every time someone calls him racist, he finds a little extra money to donate to the Trump campaign.

20527279? ago

That's funny. Hopefully he gets called racist a lot.

20538967? ago

He's a white man, so...

20526312? ago

Retort: I have a question for you: An environmentalist, is an environmentalist anti environment? A proctologist anti asshole? Is a dentist, anti tooth? Is a biologist anti biology? Is a scientist anti science? Is a nihilist anti nothing? Then why is a racist anti race? I celebrate race differences, I embrace it, and wanne keep it that way. But you are the real nihilist for wanting to do away with it: annihil-ist.

20527307? ago


20526301? ago

You are full of shit. Your language gives you away. Your ROLCON is very, very laughably weak.

20527320? ago

Ok, then don't read what I say. Thanks.

20525971? ago

Guys....you forget...WE THE PEOPLE rule not these staffer idiots.

20526179? ago

Did anyone state otherwise?

20528295? ago

No but you come here and sow dissent and fear. You so few who rule have no idea...you think because your "Educated" you know. Stop leaking and do something besides sucking up to useless swamp creatures. Q already completed its main mission...it took years to bring down the USSR rulers....yet today most Russians are better off. The only thing government does for me is take my hard earned money.

20528351? ago

Alright, thanks for your input.

20528484? ago

It takes 5-6 half ass snipers to take out the power grid, the government has zero idea on how many guns are in the hands of the people. You really thing race-baiting is going to influence the election bahahaha. How many days of food supply do you have? Oh and if the dem's take power and try to force their shit down our throats it will be civil war. So stop yapping about who you useless do nothings are jerking off. We don't give a flying fuck. AMERICANANON.

20529055? ago


20525711? ago

I'd say it's time to own the racism. I want my leaders to be more racist than I am, but not against white people as they are now.

20525546? ago

we don't have to dig to deep to find the racism in the Dem party but then again the masses will never see any of it because the DS own the news networks ALL of them including FOX except OANN which is not free with all cable providers,but i have do that DS owned liberal piece of shit AT&T that provides OANN, the only reason i keep it for now when i get rid of it ill pay the $10 a month for OANN since i refuse to watch any DS owned mockingbird news networks including that turn coat FOX.

20525145? ago

Bring it on! Racist now means "hey you made an argument I can't refute!" - we must turn it into a badge of honor.

And anti-Semitism into the ULTIMATE badge of honor.

20525130? ago

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20525129? ago

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20524768? ago

Thanks, anon :)

20524219? ago

How can any of this be true if patriots are in fucking control and we’re watching a fucking movie, Q??

20524063? ago

ummmm dems have been doing that since 2016 ..

give us some real tangible info man.

20523071? ago

Wouldn't a staff anon be keenly aware of grammar?

20526200? ago

I'm sorry the academic paper I submitted on this board wasn't to your standards.

20523033? ago

you don't know the difference between "to" and too" and you used "but" twice, incorrectly, in the same sentence.

you're either a shill or a perfect representation of the level of intelligence of people on "the hill"

either way, go fuck yourself and I wish to God I was given 5 minutes alone with you to beat the ever-living shit out of you.

Get a life, faggot

20523022? ago

Dude, keep the nuggets coming my man!!!

In this Q drought, you are like an oasis bringing fresh news.

Had no idea about that underwater station until you posted it.

Thank you!!!!!!!!!!!

20522953? ago

thanks so much for

20522906? ago

I feel like it's getting to late

I feel as if it's getting too late

20526207? ago

Written on mobile, please forgive me dear lord of grammar.

20522786? ago

Can you edit your original and post verifying this is you? Shills have been working hard lately.

20526213? ago

Will do later today when I go to lunch.

20522571? ago

If true then what a desperate move. Dems are so fucking pathetic. TRUMP2020!

20522329? ago

bump for interest. underwater comms station? ULF?

20522245? ago

Wait to they subpoena the "not listening" phone and alexa data. Man would they have a lot on me.

20522073? ago

The first thing I thought of when I read this was the program Obama put together called "Hurricane Electric". Big League Politics did an article on it..

‘HURRICANE ELECTRIC’ Exposed: Fusion GPS Had Access To Obama FBI Surveillance Database https://archive.fo/vdZOQ

I wouldn't doubt this is where [they] came up with the name Crossfire Hurricane. Do you remember when Obama said we needed a civilian security force just as powerful, just as strong, just as well funded as our military? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tt2yGzHfy7s

And how he created his Digital Services Group to make the Government more 'tech-friendly'? https://archive.fo/StA2f

So imo this was the building of the WW cabal network connections designed to bypass NSA detection. Or more likely the beginnings of replacement of the NSA (think Snowden?).

Q3024 https://trello-attachments.s3.amazonaws.com/5d76ff1b5a1a6a7a41a238dc/555x372/23b3c63e6db4b9b37dcc40ea2beba1c8/image.png

Q3023 https://trello-attachments.s3.amazonaws.com/5d76ffc54a71283dd1955ffa/555x619/034b95329ae8db617acb3afd73dd222c/image.png

Q3020 https://trello-attachments.s3.amazonaws.com/5d77008168d113486ca91f95/555x453/da1857581f6174632fced866fa5291b7/image.png

Q2767 https://trello-attachments.s3.amazonaws.com/5d770116dd8c987a11deba79/555x191/792076def170e1f34f84eca0869ec9c2/image.png

Q2657 https://qntmpkts.keybase.pub/#2657


NSA targeted?

Where did @Snowden work prior to NSA contractor ACCEPT?

What SENIOR LEVEL GOV/C_A OFFICIAL rec @Snowden for NSA contractor OFF/TAR position?"

Q2612 https://trello-attachments.s3.amazonaws.com/5d77025799b1cb8903b434b9/444x270/4bb827273760cd7857e6a4711ad93fb1/image.png

I think you get the idea right?

I'm guessing that this underwater data center was possibly communication network (tunnel) between cabal nations, not a scientific water research project. I did a video at the time on my yt channel piecing together the concept https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LDoJ6jzdI. I know, it's GW but if you set aside the fact that he purposely infuses disinfo and confuses the players (calls black hats white hats and visa versa) and is mossad and just focus on the meat of the info, it really does give a picture of what was probably going on. Imho.

Now what I'm wondering now is who StaffAnon is talking about when he says they are "freaking out" about this missing data center. Who took it? Black hats to hide evidence? Or white hats to collect evidence? My gut tells me the white hats took it and the black hats are freaking out. Of course this is just all my gut. But it was first thing I thought of when I read this....:)

21139869? ago

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20537943? ago

Adding link for context of where this conversation is going https://voat.co/v/QRV/3417394/20536594

20526076? ago

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20524334? ago

I'm confused, because there's rumors that Pence is in trouble for going upstate east side (new Hampshire?) Over this underwater thing and that Trump called him back to the W.H immediately and something about a plan to assassinate Trump on July 4th. So that would lead me to wonder if the black hats took it OR Pence went running up there because he knew something was wrong. Now I'm beginning to think it was a secret cabal communication thing.

20525317? ago

I had heard the rumor that Pence did that turn around bc of possible assassination attempt but didn't realize it was over this underwater thing. This StaffAnon post here is the first time I'm hearing about anything about an underwater data center.

I don't know what to think about Pence. I hear all the talk about him being pedo and black hat etc but my sense is that he is a white hat so..I have no idea what to think of Pence.

20522069? ago

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20522068? ago

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20522057? ago

By the way, if you need help digging for dirt on the enemy as you say, did you ever consider asking us?

It couldn't hurt...

Would probably be best to provide a list of those who you need dirt on.

Not saying I'm cut out for it personally. But there are those in here who are. And if it helps MAGA, that's probably the only incentive needed...

20526230? ago

This has been discussed! I'm for it.

20521904? ago

THEY'RE NOT A RACSIT!!!!!!!!!!!! I PROMISE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

20521820? ago

Hi, also we have JQAnon here, feel free to ask me any questions you may have about the Jews.

20523260? ago


20521549? ago

So the dems are running around trying to project their racism onto the republicans. There's nothing new there. Doubt the public considers "racist republican" allegations more abhorrent than the racist pedophile democrats. The public is more interested in resolving the drug and human trafficking issues. "They thought the public would follow the stars." They thought wrong. StaffAnon needs to reset his/her moral compass.

20521008? ago

thank you for you service!

20520694? ago

Underwater "observatory"--right. Probably some gear for passively tracking Russian subs or signals.

20520665? ago

Personally I think they've much more than shot their wad on the racist stuff. Little or no response is probably the best response. Just a roll of the eyes and a smile sounds about right.

20520578? ago

Avenue Q - sing along with the broadway cast

"Everybody's a little racist"


20520516? ago

Thanks for the link to the underwater cable story, I must've missed that on CNN, I'm sure they spent 18 hours covering it, right?

20520529? ago

Haha, I don't know, I haven't spent much time in the airport recently.

20520427? ago

With regard to the underwater data station, have they ruled out Godzilla, megalodon, and aliens? Maybe the Chinese have a ship with a hollow underbelly that pulls in other vessels.

20520540? ago

My first thought was fishing trawler, is that the right word? The ones that drag nets everywhere and grab fish. But apparently it's been ruled out.

20520423? ago

Doesn't James Cameron have access to a sub

20524889? ago

And let's not forget about good ole Ghislaine Maxwell with her "subversive pilot" (submarine) license and also a helicopter pilot. I'm still convinced Epstein has/had a sub.

20520290? ago

From: doglegwarrior

The Qanon hate me or the shills do told me to kill myself and warned i was on a list that if Q wins that i will be hung... wether all those people are shills or trolls i dont know.

That being said the Qanon message is one i 95% agree with and thanks for the info will be watching to see if it comes true.

20520199? ago

I guess we'll sit back and take it up the tailpipe while trusting that good ol' "plan".

20520165? ago

Shows how out of touch they are. Short of lynching on film while in blackface, I don't think screaming racist for some dumb thing 30 years ago moves the needle any more. If that is the best the left has, we really are winning bigly.

20520227? ago

It kept Ray Moore out of office.

20526323? ago

Special election in neither a presidential nor midterm cycle...

20527328? ago

No one said it was.

20523271? ago

I mean, the dude was a suspected pedophile...I don't think it was the racism issue.

20526241? ago

I'm writing on mobile, it Autocorrected

20529823? ago

Alright, well, hey thanks for all the nuggets man. I know you are busy, but clearly intelligent, so here are some questions I have for ya. No pressure, just curious what you think:

  • Based on what you are hearing, who do you think will be the Dem nominee for president? Does the establishment have a preference?

  • What are your thoughts on Mitch Mconnell?

  • Since you are familiar with Q, do you ever anticipate any arrests being made?

Obviously, no need to answer if you dont want to. Just curious to hear your thoughts. Thanks again man. Keep those nuggets comin!!! We appreciate it, especially in Q's absence.

20530336? ago

1) Republicans want Biden because he's easy to beat in the end, Dems are looking to Warren to save the day.

2) He really does not like Trump and is party first. There's a good chance he will not be reelected due to a huge scandal brewing back at his home base.

3) Not until 2024 if Trump stays in office. No one is going to risk their reelection campaign and the appetite for these investigations is slimming down. Everyone in Trump's world is going to spend the next year playing defense, we are all already gearing up for it and it's going to be a shitstorm. The house Democrats have 10 miles worth of paperwork on other scandals outside of impeachment for almost every member of the Senate and house. Long story short, I don't think so.

20520151? ago

I'm betting Graham/McConnel on the confederate flag, although its been widely speculated for a long time that Graham's gay but personally I think that'd help him election wise nowadays.

20520233? ago

No comment.

20520171? ago

It probably would. It's pretty openly known he is gay and likes to hit on staffers.

20519962? ago

"Second, there is about to be a MASS push to call out as many R members as possible for being racist"

Seriously where the fuck have you been for the last two and a half years.

Stop misleading people with old news and making them think you have some sort of a breaking scoop. You’re a fucking fraud.

20520014? ago

Wait and see, and please use reading comprehension.

20520036? ago

I read just fine. Don’t ever insult me to make your fraud bullshit look credible.

20520123? ago

But do you?

20519883? ago

Its time to stop denying being racist and start explaining to people why we are.

20521238? ago

It is not racist to expect everyone to respect each other and each other's property. It IS racist to have tiered expectations for standards of attitude and behavior for different demographics.

20520057? ago

I'd love to hear your thoughts.

20520183? ago

I don't know much, I just think all of this q bullshit is connected to a certain group of people who you are not allowed to criticize. It's a fucking movie designed to draw you in and make you think that the good guys are winning, when in all actuality, we are being set up for the final death blow. The shitbags knew after 2012 that people were getting pissed and started to organize. Well, let's pacify them with the "plan", so they'll go back to being good little sheep...

I know the deep state is big, but this should have been handled already. Other countries who went through similar ordeals, had their countries cleaned up in a mere 2 years, only to destroyed again by the elite... It's a show... It's NWO 2.0, with updates.

20521153? ago

Other countries ... cleaned up in a mere 2 years, only to destroyed again by the elite Why play wack a mole when you have the chance to completely eradicate the players?

20523110? ago

Good point

20521266? ago

Hmm interdasting.

20519980? ago

The idiot is a fucking fraud looking for attention. He has "teenage girl syndrome."

20521277? ago

If you project you lose.

20520032? ago

I don't doubt he's connected.......to jidf

20519872? ago

"They're gonna call republicans racists..."

Ooooohhh aaaahhhhh...as opposed to what they are already doing?

So what. Unless you have people on camera saying the "n word", it doesn't mean shit.

If voters cared about the left's incessant claims of "racism", Trump would have never been elected in the first place.

20525186? ago

You are so correct.... Fuck. I hate government.

20524907? ago

Yeah, if that's the Dems' big plan - more throwing around the "racist" accusation, then hand them the microphone more please! LOL! That worked out so well for them with Killery in 2016.

Let's welcome them sealing their own defeat again. The more they unjustifiably scream "racist" at anyone and everyone, the more Americans call "bullshit" and tune them out. The divisive Dems have overused that word so much that it has become totally meaningless, which is really sad because it used to have weight and significance condemning true racists.

20523282? ago

YES!!! This! This should be the game plan!

One thing I would add -- NEVER explain. Tell the GOP to never explain. They should just do what they need to do, and then it's done. And never explain a thing. If the morons in the MSM ask, just move on to the next question.

20520070? ago

A lot of videos and photos exist and are being trashed right now on both sides.

20520101? ago

Then I guess you guys better get the goods on your enemy. Again I say, ATTACK!

20520150? ago

This is in the process. If goods are to be got, they will be.

20521880? ago

Sorry if I'm being a dick. I know you're staff, hardly the boss. I just get frustrated watching the leaders of my party act like pussies.

That said, it sounds like you guys actually have something to worry about, so I suppose I'll take your word for it. Which is disappointing, to say the least.

20519854? ago

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20519809? ago

What about Kamala Harris and her supporters calling Donald Trump a retard and then getting offended at THEMSELVES for using the word Retard?

Is that not the definition of FUCKING RETARDED right there?

20520080? ago


20519766? ago

Awesome. The best thing we can do is create a # or movement that is larger than theirs, but targeting Democrats and anything racist that they've said before their movement against the R's takes place. That way, when they start their social justice warfare against the R's, the effect will be diluted and have almost no impact. They'll be copy-cats and nobody will listen.

20519712? ago

It's time to stop giving a shit. Whenever I get called a racist for pointing out black crime rates or Jewish media and banking control i just reply with "So what? Do I get hit by lightning now?" And this causes more immense butthurt than the original statements I made did every single time. They can't stand their precious buzzword failing. I care about my own people first and foremost and I don't feel the slightest bit of guilt about it.

20519681? ago

Well I hope the niggers, kikes, wops, chinks, spics, rag heads, bitches, hoes, and retarded kids take note of this racist post when I run for office.

20521977? ago


20519667? ago

I'd say that there's been a mass push underway to call out R members for being racist for quite some time. The Lefties have pretty much expended their heavy rounds early on, and their remaining rounds are increasingly small caliber duds. are more and more turning out duds. They're Winchester. Done. Kaput. By going all ape-shit spitting shit-flinging crazy, they've shot their wads, and very little credibility remains. So, bring it on, I'd say. The more the better.

20519573? ago

I believe in you staff anon. God bless and protect you. Keep up the amazing work.

20519474? ago

The cable being ripped like that is interesting to me. You'd think that an operation meant to remove a station like that would cut the cable before removing it.

20524920? ago

That Russian sub (where around a dozen top-ranking Russian military leaders died in a fire on 7/2/19) was a specialty sub that did underwater geological mapping and just so happened to also have cable-cutting devices on board. Wonder if there was/is some type of plan in motion to disconnect/disrupt international telecom cables.

20524960? ago

I believe this is mixing two separate stories. Those cables were definitely not cut. Something grabbed that unit and simply moved away... I can't explain how I know it but I feel it was extraterrestrial.

20536627? ago

Oh, good call! =-O

20519693? ago

Me too. What shredded the cable like that? It looks like it got caught in a propeller. Otherwise something ripped it out and that something had to be strong.

20521388? ago

That cable isnt that strong. Sinserely cable annon.

20519401? ago

maybe the the Boknis Eck observatory was starting to show that climate change is a lie... or that the grand solar minimum is actually happening.

or some redneck scrapper stole it and its been melted down by now.

20519885? ago

I love the idea of some guy in a john boat drinking natty light hooking it with an anchor and dragging it to a recycling center.

20520468? ago

the shit I see some of my neighbors dismantling... it could happen. LOL

20520514? ago

In my hometown there's these two brothers that are known as the local wrecker guys, I used to be able to see into their backyard from the attic of my parents house and the stuff I saw there was mind blowing. Washers, cars, chicken coops, sheds, docks, shopping carts, telephone poles, mannequins - but the weirdest is the endless flow of baby car seats. Just so many of them. I have no idea what they were doing with all that shit, but it constantly vanished and new stuff showed up.

20522608? ago

Car seats have to (should) be destroyed if in a vehicle wreck. Stack up at towing and salvage yards typically.

20519385? ago

Oh no! Not """""racism"""""!

20519299? ago

Nothing happened to the Virginia racist gov who wore blackface, who’s nickname was cricket

20524922? ago

That's because he's a Dem. Nothing ever happens to them.

20519286? ago

It's long overdue for the GOP to start reminding Americans, especially young Americans the racist history of the Democrat Party. Compare the Democrat's KKK to the Democrat's new KKK AKA Antifa. The racist Democrat Party hasn't changed, they've only put on a different mask.

20521728? ago

"It is open secret among many Negroes that the Rev. Martin Luther King, if he were to speak out on the subject, would probably indicate a preference for [Republican Richard] Nixon over [Democratic nominee John] Kennedy," The Reporter magazine noted in October 1960.


20524474? ago

Going off of memory here so check the details...

Prior to JFK getting elected, MLK was a republican. MLK was arrested I believe in FLA (?).

MLK's family reached out to Nixon to see if he could do anything. He didn't or couldn't.

They then reached out to I believe JFK's father, asked for help. The father said he could if they could deliver the black vote to JFK.

Prior to that most blacks voted GOP because of the KKK and Dems position on blacks.

They got MLK out of jail, and the black vote was delivered to JFK.

After JFK's murder, LBJ signed the Civil Rights Act, and the Dems have hung their hats on that since.

That's when LBJ was quoted saying "I'll have those niggers voting Democrat for the next 200 years".

(Side note. FBI docs from informants stated LBJ was in the KKK)

What they fail to mention is after JFK's murder, the Dems held a SUPER MAJORITY in the house and senate meaning they did not need 1 GOP vote to pass any bill, yet the Democrats were so against The Civil Rights Act not one would bring it to the floor for a vote.

LBJ had to get the GOP to bring it to the floor and still had to fight to get enough dems on board.

LBJ's plan worked and black have been voting Democrat ever since.

So when the Dems say the parties switched, this is what they are trying to refer to. This is the counter point to that none sense.

When they say the GOP is racist, remind them of this and the fact the NRA was founded by conservatives to help protect the newly freed slaves from the likes of the Dixiecrats and the KKK.

Watch their heads explode when you tell them being anti NRA is pro KKK. Which the Democrats have always been.

20519284? ago

“The Boknis Eck observatory was established in 2016 and was operated by the GEOMAR Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel, a marine research institute located in the German port city Kiel, and the Helmholtz Center Geesthacht, Germany’s largest scientific organization. Various instruments attached to the observatory actively monitored changes in temperature and salinity and tracked concentrations of certain elements in the water.”

Any sciencefags know what salinity levels in water effect? Or what does rising or falling levels of salinity in the ocean do? My thoughts are that this may be an attempt to prevent the good guys from being notified of some incoming weather or oceanic FF event?

20519907? ago

From the report I read, Salinity greatly decreases as ice caps melt due to the amount of new fresh water in the oceans locally. This can create problems because the densities are very different. But, the ocean is a really big place.

20520490? ago

And the ice is melting from volcanos under ice sheets. 40 plus eq karmedec islands as just one proof if you look youll find the rest inc antarctica. All caused by nutrinos from the glatic superwave. Why so many volcanos and eq? How about the planetary increase in wind over the last 30 years... i know you already know.

20520520? ago

It's also just hotter. This year was the hottest year on record, period.

20520657? ago

Ps heat doesnt rise it radiates. How hot is it atop of a mountain or at 40000. Feet no significant heat increase to warm ice. and everyone knows when you add heat you get more snow more moisture = more snow.

20520616? ago

Snow in may and june in usa. With waning sun spots. Its hotter! Or wait the ice in the artic that is never reported. The loss of magnetism no the poles havent moved. And records altered? Even if the pressure is higher and heat islands everywhere its hotter. No proof in hotter. I wont call you a shill but man made global warming only exhist s in cities, nobody will call for elimination of cities. Sun is responsible for climate via the universe. And a cycle like a clock every 11 years every 400 then every 12068.

20519506? ago

Salinty levels change the wattage in the ley lines which change the electromagntic force of our magnetosphere.( but more interactive by solar and glatic winds, but created from harmonic resonace) Which is just a shield . Just like our sun. Hmmm cant release the rest here tho. Above science is certainty.

20519744? ago

So harmonic resonance is altering our magnetosphere which in turn will change our shield. What's the rest?

20519979? ago

No harmonic resonace is most of our shield. Its reacts to things like salt or salt like structures in various places. Also reacts to charges produced from the sun and glatic waves. Ever see the inside of a rotary engine? Why throw a ball in a spiral? What is a trorrid? Jews knew they named it torrah. Lots of clues everywhere. Start with words anyalize what root words mean, its why the left wants to change the words so badly, to hide the meaning of the universe. N pole s pole... what do they mean. Hiding in plain site. Why say polarization. . Glasses are polarized hmmmm can give you clues but would take all day to teach this and your brain would fry aling with mine afterword. Its a lifetime of observations for me.

20519221? ago

Ahahahahaha No you're not Staff Anon. . You are not staff of anyone. Let's see. So far you have claimed to be a NYT reporter fired, an Attorney and Fireman.

Seek help shill.

20519202? ago

LARP away asshole

20519049? ago

Thank you StaffAnon. You are very brave.

20519047? ago

Fuck off mossad

20519024? ago

You know the funny thing is when we allowed them the reigns of goobernment, they ran it into the ground. Its simular to the mgtow movement. Sit back and poke fun at their failures. I think untill they learn to be humble and realize they need us more then we need them, then no deals. Im a all or nothing personality. Honestly this is the core of what we are after its nice living in titanium houses. Why should anybody whos learnt and sacrificed give up what we learned to those who, arent worthy. It applies to every faccet of life

20518968? ago

"Of course I'm 'racist'. How oblivious would you have to be to not be 'racist'?"

20518926? ago

Thanks for the report.

20518919? ago

I never cared what celbs say cant imagine ill start now. As for the reporters who are wanaabe celbs. What a joke.

20518866? ago

Well let fire back rooting all the communism out as a bigger story. Meme up you crazy faggots.

20518801? ago

Why should we care about a piece of equipment or a Republican's reputation when the truth about 911 is still secret for almost 2 decades? Hundreds of thousands of people and trillions of treasure wasted.

Time's up---time to do the right thing. It's witch killing time.

20519930? ago

I have an intern, she was born after 9/11 and thinks of it the way I think about Vietnam, just a weird thing that happened a long time ago.

20522730? ago

Minors can be Congressional interns? Seems a bit dangerous.

20526249? ago

She's in college and skipped a grade, the rules only state in college. I believe AOC has a 16 year old intern.

20520134? ago

History matters. Ask the Hebrews...

20520144? ago

To be fair, ask anyone.

20518790? ago

We should return the favor. For instance, proven fact Chuckie Schumer hates Catholics. If someone could find an additional Catholic Bashing incident by the Senator....

20518714? ago

The MSM Spin turned the public against McCarthy. He was outing the (((Deep State))) of the day.

What is needed is this tactic used against MSM mouthpieces. Every un-American thing they have ever said or done. Every social Faux pas.

20518713? ago

Thanks for passing that along StaffAnon, much appreciated!

20518686? ago

WHAT DOES a deep stater have to do to get arrested? rob a bank in broad daylight? DEMS through Dinesh Dsouza in PRISON for a minor campaign donation charge. Geez, we got TREASON, DELETING GOVT DATA etc.....and nothing.....

20519019? ago

Spellfag here.

Cannot ignore this one. I think you meant "DEMS threw Dinesh DeSouza in PRISON..."

I saw right through your mistake immediately.

20519064? ago

A huge percentage of humans are below or in the area of average IQ. There's little we can do to fix this.

20521478? ago

yea, like 50% of humans are below the average IQ

20519572? ago

Spelling is a psyop. A method of controll just like any other. Just stating that it does says your iq is under 140. And we cant fix that.

20519635? ago

It is, sadly. Perhaps we should set the cutoff at 130.

20519759? ago

Man you just barely got into the tread. Can we pull your leg for fun and call you faggot. Lmao

20518613? ago

Thank you staff anon.

20518594? ago

All of this aside, what's happened to declass? What's happening with all of the investigations? It seems like weeks now since any of the spygate/declass information was being discussed except for JW and Tom Fitton. That being the case, in my mind the democrats are being successful in their distraction attempts. Let them call us all racist, who gives a rats ass. Our people need to start acting more like they do when they're accused of something- not a care in the world, don't even address it and let it die a quick death. I knew this shit was going to happen..next thing you know, its November 2020 and we're dealing with election fraud, etc and all we hoped for is forgotten, investigations are closed, nobody is held accountable and the status quo resumes without as much as a scratch.

20519944? ago

Read what I said above about it.

20519141? ago

Have you seen the fbi and cia declass? I mean trumps realeasing scaler wave tech and telsa documents. Comon this shit is nothing compared to these relaeses. If you take out the privacy of top tech then thier power collapses from within and politics will only follow. After all politics is only mans ego fighting itslef as manifest into reality. Haha epstiens grave is unmarked. Maybe his name will be whiped from history too. Then just any linage togo. Accountablity is on us, its only us that can make the choice to wash history clean.

20518419? ago

Thanks, StaffAnon, keep us updated.

weighing roughly 550 kg and 220 kg,

The weight is kind of meaningless when underwater. There is an upward force equal to the weight of the water they displace in volume. That's why boats float, even if they weigh more than 550kg. Not trying to say it is normal, just pointing out that weight doesn't mean anything underwater.

20519471? ago

Not trying to say it is normal, just pointing out that weight doesn't mean anything underwater.

This may be the single most qtarded thing any qtard has ever said. Fucking wow dude

Are you trolling? You must be trolling.

20520466? ago

Maybe you don't understand how weight works underwater?

Or perhaps you are just an insultbot that just throws insults with no understanding?

20524337? ago

Yeah, I'm the one with no understanding. Bahahaha

20519736? ago

This may be the shillest shill crap ever. Ever wonder why a toddler can move a 2000lb floating dock?

Density clearly matters when determining an object's weight underwater. A fucking rock weighs 1/3 less when underwater because of it's density.


20520359? ago

Nope, not trolling. You're actually this stupid.

Next you're gonna tell me you have a degree in physics or hydrodynamics or something, right?

I'm sure a toddler can totally move a 2000lb floating dock with ease. He'll just sling that shit around like nothing, because there's no such thing as inertia anymore!

A fucking rock weighs 1/3 less when underwater because of it's density.

A fucking rock that weighs 550kg on the surface, assuming it weighs 1/3 less underwater as you say, is still 367kg of "meaningless weight" to maneuver underwater.

If "weight doesn't mean anything underwater", why do so many shipwrecks litter the oceans, never to be recovered? Weight doesn't mean anything underwater! Just send a few guys down there to pick it up and walk it back to shore!

Hey, since weight doesn't mean anything underwater, go for a quick swim and bring me back the biggest rock you can find. Since weight doesn't mean anything underwater, it should be a pretty big rock.

Unbelievable. Please tell me you went to college for this shit so that I may mock you.

20521964? ago

You push a 1000lb sunken lead weight, I'll push a 1000lb floating boat. See who makes it 200 yards first. OK now, dipshit? You think all that inertia is going to stop me? Dumb motherfucker.

You mush be a fag because your cranium is filled with cum from sucking all those dicks.

20524363? ago


You...you just blew out your own argument!





If "weight doesn't mean anything underwater" then I should be able to haul ass with a 1000lb sunken lead weight.

20524448? ago

This might be news to you since you're such a dumb twat, but I'm not the original poster and never said "doesn't mean anything". But you're still too fucking stupid to understand how displacement works.

20525074? ago

Not trying to say it is normal, just pointing out that weight doesn't mean anything underwater.


20533737? ago

I'm not the original poster

I'm not the original poster

I'm not the original poster

You complete dumb fuck

20537224? ago

Lol oops

I'll give you that one

20519319? ago

Weight is not meaningless under water. Where did you learn science? Oh, you didn't.

20520496? ago

Weight is meaningless under water. Mass and displacement are what matter.

You could pick up a 2000 lb weight with ease under water if it displaced 2000 lbs worth of water, right. It would be buoyancy-neutral. The weight would be zero. See how that works?

20522028? ago

I can't pick up 2000 lbs whether it's under water or not. If you tie a concrete block to somebody and throw them in the ocean, they will drown. The water doesn't magically make the concrete block weightless. It will drag the person down and they will drown. This is cold, hard reality.

20525352? ago

An Ohio Class submarine weighs 16,750 tons. Put it in the water and it doesn't sink, does it? You put it in the water and it lowers down until 16,750 tons of water is displaced by the hull. It floats. How do you go under water? If you add 2000 tons of water to the ballast tanks, making it weigh 18,750 tons, the sub will finally just barely slip below the surface. It will have neutral buoyancy. It will not go to the bottom, although it may drift there. There is no force making it drift up or down.

20526649? ago

You're a fucking idiot. A submarine floats because it's hollow and mostly air. Fucking dickwad.

20527217? ago

You're a fucking idiot. A submarine floats because it's hollow and mostly air. Fucking dickwad.

That's exactly what I just said. Not sure what your point is. The dry weight of a submarine when on land doesn't tell you anything with about difficult it is to lift when it is in the water. What matters is the overall density, not the weight. Density is mass divided by volume.

In my original comment, I merely said that the weight of missing object isn't really relevant to the question of whether it could be easily moved. You'd have to know the dry weight and the volume.

20527692? ago

So I said "you're a fucking idiot," and you reply "that's exactly what I just said." I'm glad we're on the same page and can finally agree on something. Have a nice day.

20529889? ago

Have a nice day.

You too!

20521353? ago

Yup two airbags filled with certain gas attached and a mini sub no issues to overcome. Just need das i.q. Over 12. It was towed to another location.

20518930? ago

Europe Baltic Sea

20518354? ago

Interesting about the underwater cable....not much chance it wasn't foul play!

Researchers say the observatory, composed of two racks each weighing roughly 550 kg and 220 kg, was far too heavy to have been dragged away by an animal or swept up by currents. Further raising suspicions, the observatory was set in restricted waters, accessible not even to local fishers.

20519630? ago

It doesn't look like a clean cut, is it possible something snagged it by accident? Whatever happened it took a lot of force to shred that cable like that.

20518967? ago

It studied temperature, nutrients, salinity, the speed of water flow, and concentrations of chlorophyll and methane bye bye went €300,000 ($330,000) Boknis Eck underwater observatory

20519807? ago

It also measured radioactivity, sunlight reach at depth, local animal population density, all kinds of stuff.

20521288? ago

Did sombody say sunlight!

20520038? ago

They say that's what it does, but what does it really do? Probably something much more sinister.

20520113? ago

Not everything has to be sinister ... but, it probably is.

20518248? ago

We always appreciate you, anon.

20518197? ago

The missing deep water observatory is certainly intersting. I would not be surprised if it tied into the missing russian sub. Red october as q said.

The media shilling racism... Geeze so nothing new then? The purificatiin process towards the new liberal orthodoz religion continues. The sledding is getting tougher for them since no one trusts them already and calling ppl racist is losing value.

20522350? ago

I was wondering about this.

Started thinking that this would be a good way of hiding a cache of hard drives. An inaccessible location hidden under the guise of scientific equipment. They sure don't need the sensor array to be that big and heavy for their stated purpose.

Could this be a deep state server with all their blackmail data?

Could it be the server with all the MK ultra files on the handlers and targets?

The official story doesn't account for someone going to all that trouble for a sensor array! Also doesn't account for all the panic it has caused in dc according to staffanon.

20519792? ago

Shulmqn resonance. Fuck Jews.

20520485? ago

Schumann resonances

20518916? ago

It got misplaced? How do you lose something so big?

20519804? ago

The article said it just vanished and that it was far too big to be a wave or ocean critter.

Just going off memory but that russian sub was some kind of special deep sea recovery type thing.

20520556? ago

The water is too shallow there for a sub. It's like 40 feet.

20519568? ago

The report I read said it weighed almost a ton and was the size of two fridges. It's really interesting. There are a lot of diplomatic bags being passed around town right now.

20519914? ago

Diplomatic bags need to end now. As does diplomatic immunity. And secret Congressional slush funds used to pay off their misdeeds.

20518187? ago

Fire at (((their))) ankles?

20518064? ago

Only $330k. Doesn't seem much given the context of high pressure marine equipment.

20519813? ago

The information, or ability to cut it off is more valuable than the equipment.

20519640? ago

Still, who took it and why?

20518055? ago

Why does name fagging always get upvoted in this community? Proof or GTFO

20518558? ago

I don't disagree.... but I'm willing to give benefit of the doubt. We shall see what develops and make a determination then.... on the other hand, what if this is a psyop to determine the strength of this community when given info? Could be easy tracked to see where the info here appears in the wild. Just a thought.

20518053? ago

Thank you! Please keep us posted and ignore the shills.

20518037? ago

the left has NOTHING but fake claims of rayyyyycissssss

20519974? ago

So far I have seen several pictures of current Senators with confederate flags or in black face in college that have not been released yet.

20526344? ago

Governor Kay Ivey is going through this right now.

20520388? ago

Mix of dems and repubs i assume.

20520437? ago


20520760? ago

Ill bet more dems lol

20518004? ago

was the undersea data cable tapped for spying? someone removed the evidence.

hmmmm does ghislane have a deep sea submarine permit?

20519598? ago

I don't believe she had a current permit, but she had passed several sub qualifications and definitely had the skill to pilot one. Do you pilot a sub? Steer it?

20520613? ago

It's 'pilot'......or 'vroom the sub' while making had gestures.

20526277? ago

I will stick with vroom!

20520312? ago

Can you say drone? Or russians sense they are in every bush.

20517987? ago

When will we call them all out for being dual citizens of israel?

20519668? ago

So, interesting you bring this up, I received a memo a few weeks ago about this exact issue. The dual citizenship issue is very similar to the LDS vicarious baptism issue. If you are jewish, born from a jewish mother, you are automatically a "possible" citizen of Israel. But, to get full citizenship you have to live there for a year, and if under 19 serve in their version of the national guard.

The LDS vicarious baptism is basically those kooky folks just baptising mass amounts of people after they die, including famous people. So, both Anne Frank and Hitler were baptised into the LDS church after they died. Anne Frank is in Mormon heaven now. Enjoy!

20520225? ago

That sounds like a bunch of jew babble.

20520246? ago

Um ok.

20519452? ago

Never so long as AIPAC has a death grip on national politics and their puppet-master hands up the RNC's and DNC's collective asses.

20517939? ago

One defense to this offense would be to dig the Democrats social media for rayciss remarks and create a meme for each congressman/senator. Between kkk affiliation and other misdeeds it seems the Dems have far more to hide than the remaining Republicans.

Another, far better defense would be to just pull the pin and do a full DEC[L]AS. The media would be overwhelmed and "rayciss" accusations pale compared to treason, sedition, murder, child abuse, pedophilia, etc. Even now, we've been called rayciss so often it has little meaning anymore.

20519554? ago

On the Hill the discussion of Declas is no longer happening. It was a huge issue a few months ago, then just kind of fell apart. I went to many meetings where it was discussed how much could be released, what would be covered, and then nothing, it just stopped being talked about or on any agendas.

20520280? ago

It served its purpose. This is bigger then politics. This is all life on earth.

20521026? ago

It served it's purpose LOL.

  • john mccains legacy is still intact.
  • the obamas are buying a multi-million dollar house where they will live happily and without fear.
  • trump and barr are protecting the clintons because its been nearly three years with no indictment or evidence releases

20520297? ago

I'm not sure what you mean.

20520794? ago

Except the tesla shield will protect us from the radiation crustal displacement will still occur. I know planet earth is no longer moving in its original path too. Oh they havent told you.

20520749? ago

https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/North_Magnetic_Pole (Read the part with header geomagnetic reversal ) www.amazon.com/gp/product/1883218101/ref=x_gr_w_bb_sout?ie=UTF8&tag=x_gr_w_bb_sout-20&linkCode=as2&camp=1789&creative=9325&creativeASIN=1883218101&SubscriptionId=1MGPYB6YW3HWK55XCGG2

Make sure you read the reviews. And the whole discription. World in Peril: The Origin , Mission & Scientific Findings of the 46th / 72nd Reconnaissance Squadron

A.) https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=hL9OHXw_-A8YouTube B.) https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=jTUJ7GtEx0YYouTube C.) https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=wvjJqIXYT1wYouTube


11 years = 60 light years divided by speed of the blast. I presume what we are seeing now is the start or precusor to what is coming.

20537287? ago

Can you please expand on this more anon? Do you have links to explain this further that aren't videos?

For those of us who won't / can't watch videos.

Thank you in advance.

20544600? ago

Very cool. I will check these out. Thank you anon.

Is there anything else to look for in addition to red skies at night / in the morning?

Grid.. Do you mean like the scalar wave clouds.. are they related?

20547948? ago

Absolutely related. Sun and moon halos. Find a way to earth while you sleep, and super earth in large source of mineral water. ie lake or river spring fed, take nacent iodine. It will open your dna. Then the hiden information inside can spill out. No radiation contamination. The signs are everywhere. Stars / milky way in the same place? Do we travel in a stright line? Any devations? Headaches .. can be seratonin related? Before an e.q. We have a shield but protection from day to day is important. They will only turn on-the shield when we really need it . Ty tesla. What causes the wind? Crustal displacment will still occur. Tc god speed. Haha i prob shouldnt say any more.

20519889? ago

Which proves exactly nothing. Have you even read Q? What makes you think those 'all-important' Congressional members have any clue as to what's going on? They're a bunch of idiots - which is why they ran for office. True doers and innovators stay the hell away from politics - they're too smart for that. Must suck working for a bunch of corrupt losers.

20521154? ago

You win a door prize for second place comment of the day. Fortunately we are all out of trophys so you just have to accept an appology in true leftist fashion.

20520135? ago

You're about half right.

20518656? ago

Everything you suggested makes too much sense. The Republicans would never go on offense to fight for what is right. Declass is probably not going to happen soon, if at all imho.

We've really got am anemic group representing us. It's sad and so pitiful.

20518762? ago

far more RINO's than Conservative Republicans

20519424? ago

Oh, for fucks sake.

Shut up moron

20517938? ago

Would account for the resignations we're seeing. Leftists have been very agitated with Trump's successes; it's set their cause back by a decade...or more. Their celebrity slaves are no doubt being programmed on what to say, when to cry, etc., as we type.

20517908? ago

Post a picture that only someone inside can get. Without doxxing yourself. Simple request. Use magaimg.net ( will strip info from photo)

20530637? ago

This comment was linked from this anonymous v/QRV comment.

Posted automatically (#62627) by the SearchVoat.co Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here.

20524874? ago

not often someone delivers, ill have a beer to you OP.

20526235? ago

Let me know when you're in DC!

20536739? ago

i will never step foot on US soil, too many fucking niggers man.

20521098? ago

Who gets their hair done there?

20526266? ago

Any paid member of the house or Senate can get their hair done there, add a pretty steep discount.

20526493? ago


20521181? ago

No answer . I dont even know whom your talking about. But im curious.

20521874? ago

Sinema is a congresswoman.

20522436? ago

She's got the herps, they say.

20522702? ago

Serious? You josh..

20522806? ago

Treat all as satire...In Minecraft

20522811? ago


20520358? ago

Holy shit, OP delivered!

20520431? ago

You have to have a full pass to get to that part of the building.

20517897? ago

Believe this guy is legit or not, seems like the response is easily divided amongst anons. Split the D congress members and start digging. Have it all in pocket to overwhelm their attempts with counters. Bring down the whole house.

20517832? ago

ppl ask legit questions on questionable actions / quotes from POTUS or Q : "shills !!"

A LARP post random stuff : "thank you!""

20519674? ago

To be fair, I am being called a shill as well. Have a good night!

20519727? ago

Good night? Aren't you in DC? Also, why would a missing underwater observatory cause such a big fuss on the hill. Pieces are missing.

20520209? ago

Yeah, the sun is down kiddo, what do you call it when that happens? Post-morning?

20524787? ago

Ahhhhhh. Right on. I live on the east coast. Working in a different time zone and slipped my mind. Thanks for the updates

20521358? ago


Are you Biden?

20526259? ago

No, I just think kiddo is hilarious.

20520434? ago

I appreciate your posts, I’m not sure I caught whether there’s a real sentiment about Q on this hill.

Do people know that Qs legit AF?

20520445? ago

It's hotly debated among staffers and very much ignored by the members of the house and senate.

20520743? ago

To be a fly on the wall of a Pelosi / Schumer “Q is a LARP” echo chamber.

The madness.

20519747? ago

Or just getting off here because people are attacking you and calling you a shill?

20517797? ago

Thanks for the info. It'll be interesting to see if my Congress person is one they go after, She's an R, but definitely has RINO tendencies. (edited to fix a typo)

20517794? ago

The word "racist" has been abused so much that it has now lost all meaning and is useless as an insult. The Dims have once again overplayed their hand and few people will take this seriously.

20522932? ago

The Boy That Cried Wolf.

20521831? ago

Respond with

"Democrats are racist. When a Democrat sees face, a Democrat sees race."

20520545? ago

It is triggering to those on the left, though, so the word reboot still holds power for the dems

20519670? ago

I get called racist all the time. I just reply "so what? Do I get hit by lightning now?" Not giving a shit about it triggers them more than anything.

20521815? ago

Respond with

"That's your Leftist cadance call: 'Choo wayziz, choo sexziz, choo xenophobe . . . one, two, three, four, ream your gaping asshole more.' "

20522106? ago

Haha. That reminds me. One, two, three, four, how many niggers are in my store? I know you're stealing.

20520112? ago

same here.....i just look and say 'yup' throws them off their game lol

20519915? ago

Bahaha yes

20519487? ago

This is actually false. You may think that from your own perspective, but a majority of the American public is still extremely sensitive to being called racist or shown that a person is racist. I guarantee that if Biden or Pence were on video dropping the N-word, they would shrink from the public very quickly.

I believe what you are doing is seeing the entire picture through your own lens.

20520825? ago

That’s because they’re cowards. Racism is a fact. Blacks and browns have IQs a standard deviation lower than whites and East Asians and IQ is 50-80% heritable. The white race has created essentially every benefit of modern civilization and when we get attacked our coward so-called “representatives” shrink away in fear. Every Republican faggot on the hill supported censure for Steve Kings harmless and true comments and if they get brought down because they’re racists then that’s fantastic poetic justice and I hope it happens. The Republican party has to be destroyed and replaced by something that actually represents their constituents, aka, white people. Quit being reactive and take a stand for once in your miserable lives. Hell, it’s not like they can win any elections anyway, the demographics of the country have already shifted too much. Might as well do the right fucking thing and stand up for your people.

20523005? ago

muh bloodline purity faggotry alert.

20521437? ago

But we have got to stop playing by the rules of the democrats. I refuse ever to use the word black American, white American or any other classification. You may be right that if you took all the blacks, and all the WASP, and all the Asians, and you gave them an IQ test, blacks may come in last, WASP next, and then Asians. So are you arguing that we should setup a class system where Asians are placed above WASP, and WASP and placed above Blacks. And then are you furthermore saying that smart whites exist in a class above less smart whites and so for and so on.

The only classification I go buy is American, and non-American. And being a natural born citizen in my book, does not necessarily mean you are an American.

20524213? ago

blacks may come in last, WASP next, and then Asians

That's hilarious, China and SE Asia have not come close to testing all their toothless peasants.

Asians are not very bright people compared to Europeans, most of the products they make were invented by us.

20519587? ago

Right. But that would be ACTUAL racism. I think he was saying that people are getting smart to their bullshit and "racism" as a simple insult when there are no facts has lost its effect. Or some of it anyway.

20519332? ago

Especially if they start throwing it all over just to see where it will stick. No credibility left. They are outrageous.

20519499? ago

This will be extremely targeted to maximize Senate wins.

20520860? ago

So? You’re going to lose the Senate anyway. If not this time, then the next. And it will be permanent because you faggots let too many darkies into the country. Try not sucking Jewish cock and take a stand for whites. You won’t win but you might actually do something good for the world.

20519248? ago

Disagree...Theyve done this to us so their actual racism gets a free pass...They weaponize the word to desensitize people to the fact that they are racists...

20518901? ago

Every move they make is like a 10 yo its not even a fair fight its more like spanking your child and sending them to thier room.

20518718? ago

Hopefully the Republicans in Washington realize this and don't cowtow in an effort to avoid being called a racist.

20519508? ago

They do not at all, there is panic over the rumors about what is building right now. They have us researching everything they've ever done on video and radio going back to their high school days.

20523358? ago


20520871? ago

Then don’t fucking resign. It’s not that fucking hard.

20519419? ago


When do republicans not cuck after being called "racist" or "sexist" or whatever?

They're going to bend over and take it up the ass just like the fake opposition they are.

20520882? ago

Yup. They’re faggots and I hope a whole host of them get taken down by this. Then maybe they’d grow a set.

20518632? ago


20517768? ago

If you are legit than you are greatly appreciated. God bless you Patriot. 🙏🏻🇺🇸

20517735? ago

Please feel free to call me a shill or whatever

That sounds really Canadian to say, therefore you are a . . . . .!

20519984? ago

Please feel free to explain how that sounds Canadian? I was born several thousand miles from there.

20523105? ago

It was a joke, sorry it didn't fly. Canadians are stereotypically overly polite, apologetic, and almost welcoming to derogatory remarks.

20526246? ago

How dare you attempt humor!!

20520317? ago

Are you going to the movie screening at national press next monday?

20520417? ago

Hmm, are you Jack Cashill or Joel Gilbert himself?

20520376? ago

The travon hoax?

20517724? ago

Thank you Staff Anon we appreciate it.

20518904? ago

Let's look at the science missile and satellite boys not politics, Experimental Subs in Russia, Europe, China, Japan, a Coral World under water Israel, Ichthyander Project was an old USSR idea the first project involving underwater habitats in the Soviet Union, a NASA Underwater habitat they also test Neutral Buoyancy Laboratory (NBL) and have NEEMO, an acronym for NASA Extreme Environment Mission Operations, La Chalupa was operated off Puerto Rico, Helgoland underwater laboratory (UWL) and an underwater habitat built by Dräger in Lübeck, Germany, SEALAB I, II, and III were US Navy projects experimental underwater habitats developed by the United States Navy, Continental Shelf Station Two was Jacques Cousteau he died in 1997, also Sub-Biosphere 2 is the original self sustainable underwater habitat designed for aquanauts Phil Pauley he makes floating solar farms and is a British designer and futurist. Did somebody suddenly lose an underwater city?

20519334? ago

What do you think about square lightling?

20519323? ago

Or https://vault.fbi.gov/nikola-tesla

Or https://www.cia.gov/library/readingroom/docs/CIA-RDP96-00788R001900680014-4.pdf

I mean talk about taking the wind from the faggots sails. Or just use a white squall. Kek

20521365? ago

Found "Q" in the C_A doc: https://magaimg.net/img/8xbf.png

20521543? ago

Nice find ! Time for a screen shot. Now find the contractor, w 400 subbies. Hint hes got an s accent. Stay tuned. Marf out.

20517711? ago

Please keep as much info that you can coming. I look forward to hearing more.

20517698? ago

call out as many R members as possible for being racist

This seems to be going on already. I'm even being called a racist. Anyone who isn't a democrat is called a racist.

20519689? ago

I was accused of supporting Nazis. All they have is name calling. Truth never issues forth from their lips and I have to assume that somewhere in their physiology, truth will emerge.

20520260? ago

If 11 11 didnt wake them the consious overiding the subconsious, sadly will never happen. Why do you propose after the earth shook like a bell we mysterialy have all these world wide riots happening? What is a bell used for? Perhaps waking people from a transe or hypnosis? It couldnt be.

20519620? ago

i used to be a lefty liberal

and when i heard some of the history of the Republican party,

and some of the history of the Democrat party,

i was very confused

but then i learned about "realigning elections"

and "conflation"

and then i understood how things got all mixed up

if Democrats launch a campaign to label Republicans as "racist"

i say that Republicans ought to answer with something like "Republican Party History Month"

and if the liberal lefties knew the history of the Republican Party...

and if the liberal lefties knew the history of the Democrat Party...

some might do what i did.

i just didn't want to associate myself with the Democrat Party anymore.

and it wasn't simply not wanting to be associated with the Democratic Party,

but i didn't want to be associated with a lot of the ideas, words, slogans, etc

the buddha allegedly said,

"if you want to know the truth, simply let go of your own views"

if you see yourself as a liberal, conservative, democrat, republican, man, woman, black, white,

your views are colored by how you see yourself.

if you can disassociate yourself with the labels, words, parties, slogans, etc

then you will see things differently

at least thats what i think the buddha meant :/

20522704? ago

But they have convinced their sheep that their was a Big Switch that took place, which is a big lie.

20519840? ago

Good words.

I'm an ex-Bernie supporter.

I might call myself a Free Thinker, If I had to label myself.

Because there are plenty of Republicans and Democrats I don't care for.

20522273? ago

stupid socialist? what may I ask drew you to Bernie? Was it the free shit? You dont want to work for what you get? Is that it?

20522982? ago

People were just tired of the normal choices. At that time, most were opposed to Hillary and Trump was not being taken seriously. This is Jan. to Feb. of 2016.

I am not the ex-Bernie supporter above, but I followed the election in 2016 because a good friend of mine was all excited for Bernie. I paid attention because I was curious. I noticed that Trump was doing well and so was Bernie, but the MSM kept saying Hillary was doing great. People were showing up to see Trump and Bernie, not Hillary. You know the rest. The events of July 2016 sealed the deal. Hillary had to be destroyed. The Podesta email dump in October 2016 really woke people up.

20523425? ago

still haven't told me what the draw to Bernie was besides laziness wanting 'free' stuff

20524192? ago

People were tired of the typical choices we are given. Bernie and Trump were considered to be outsiders.

Free stuff, my ass. I’ll work you under the fucking table, motherfucker.

20524245? ago

what else did bernie offer?

20524367? ago

Nothing! He is a fucking pussy, and there is no doubt he was compromised a long time ago. They must have him on video doing something. It just took people some time to see it. I noticed that the people I despise were lining up against Trump, so I went with him eventually.

If Trump betrays us, then he needs to be held accountable like all the others.

20524403? ago

none of them are ever held accountable, but I agree about Bernie

20530663? ago

Bernie should have sided with Trump. He did not because he is a NWO traitor.

20519713? ago

The democrats these days are like watching the founders of the KKK trying to ride their horses with their new hoods...


20520192? ago

Haha, I knew what clip this would be before I clicked it.

20522701? ago

Yeah but I know you sat there and watched it again.

20519433? ago

Correct, and not surprising. My point is there is a very large organized push coming that will dwarf how it has been going lately. It's going to be spearheaded by a certain group of House members that are out there buying domains and pitching stories to journalists.

20523189? ago

Get that news about Schumer and NXIVM and Epstein out. Play the game by their rules. The GOP needs to stop playing nice and start playing to WIN.

20519876? ago

They want to take over the narrative in the news ans media. They don't want people talking about their own racism, fraud and so on. Projecting much?! They want to drown Omar/ AOC/ indictments/ and so on with their "racism campaign".

20520206? ago

What about the irish tho. How can they project on a race who cant be shrunk? Ooops they forgot about them.

20519873? ago

Oh great... Just when we thought it couldn't get any worse.

I've had it with these people. Thanks for the info, please keep it coming.

20519788? ago

Nobody is gonna give a fuck. These Uncle Tom Wolf crying retards have cried racist wolf so many times nobody gives a fuck anymore. The TV makes you think people care, but nobody on the street gives a fuck.

Tell your idiot bosses in congress to turn off the fucking TV and talk to actual people.

20520177? ago

You win the internet today! Kudos no trophy awarded tho. I kill me.

20519925? ago

The democRat establishment is still living in their glory days from the 1960's LBJ days. They don't have a clue about what's really up in 2019.

20520229? ago

It is always 1969.

20519839? ago

Amen to that.

The racist label has been so overused it is no longer effective. Read a thread by a BLACK conservative who was - you guessed it - called a racist. He said he's been called many things, but this was the first time he was called a racist.

20518880? ago

Wear your scarlet letter with pride. Call me crazy ill wear a nuts hat.

20519597? ago

A large Red Letter C would do it! Not partisan, but CONSERVATIVE.

If it's not broken, don't fix or change it.

Yeah yeah, some things do fixing, but mostly the people need a change in all power cells in America.

20517670? ago

Porn anon here. How’s the parking deck?

20520977? ago

Parking deck anon here - sergeant at arms says pretty empty top lots now

20521086? ago

That’s good to know.

20517655? ago

Thanks - all insider insight and info is very helpful. Please keep posting!

20517652? ago

Communists don't have points or principles, only pretenses meant to enable their crimes.

The show is a distraction. Those who aren't complicit would call them on it.

20517621? ago

Did the missing data collection unit measure radiation?

20519580? ago

I believe that was one of hundreds of data points it collected. I can check tomorrow, I have a full spreadsheet of what it gathered on my work computer.

20521457? ago

Radioactive elements can often be traced back to their source. This information is often closely controlled -- or destroyed. Just wondering........

20521881? ago

Holy sheet, ty for your comment just gave me an piece to another puzzle.

20517545? ago

It's appreciated, thanks!

20517515? ago

Interesting, thank you!

20517506? ago

Second, there is about to be a MASS push to call out as many R members as possible for being racist

While the Democrats have a Kill The Jews Caucus. And they celebrate them.

Why can't Trump or any random low level officer deploy the army under AUMF? The Deep State / AntiFa is literally the Bin Laden network. They were working for Nawaf Obaid out of the Belfer Center. An old memo on them: "This faction of Muslims have declared war on the United States, Israel and any other country they deem as an enemy of Islam." It seems pretty straightforward. Why is nothing being done about this?

Are you doing anything to try to split the Democrats? Is anybody aware that Bernie Sanders fired his staff and replaced them with Hamas? Is there somebody in a safe district who can tell the national party to fuck off? Are there any donors who are getting tired of funding this shit?

20517798? ago

POTUS is walking a tightrope. What he does actually matters. His enemies want him to do certain things. He can't play into their hands. Hitler did that.

20519576? ago

So he can't name the enemy and offer them the chance to get out with part of their hides intact.

20517765? ago

Trump playing military dictator is exactly what the left wants, even if he would be justified in doing so. Trump is allowing them to slowly destroy themselves in full view of the world and that is a good strategy, even if everything you learn in the process angers you greatly. You haven’t seen the worst yet.

20519722? ago

Absolutely this, behind closed doors, many wish for that, but it would certainly be a disaster politically. Though, among R Senators there is a lot of discussion that Trump might not run for a second term. I've heard this directly from at least 5 people. The current belief, which has been discussed amongst WH Staffers is that Trump has been reviewing the ability to create his own media outlet that would build in something like Twitter, YouTube, Fox, and whatnot complete with his chosen anchors lead by Hannity. I have had discussions with some IT people that talked about working on this project in secret.

20519545? ago

The worst yet will be when their skin falls off and you can actually see the demon. That's the part I'm waiting for.

20519779? ago

Anderson Cooper is already pretty close to that.

20521304? ago

His brothers name was copper, dont slip you live in a high rise. Smh

20519737? ago

I sit in many many meetings with people from both sides of the house. I have yet to encounter a lizard person or demon, mostly just assholes.

20519216? ago

Agree hes shown great restraint not putting is in single war sense in office. Promises made promise kept. Long live the trump dynasty.

20519012? ago

But are they actually destroying themselves? This strategy doesn't work if they're gaining more power and taking more control, which they appear to be doing.

20519816? ago

Appears by what metric? How loud they cry? They certainly aren’t gaining judges or the economic sabotage they want implemented.

20520719? ago

By everything happening out in the real world? You could look at the front page of v/all to see some examples. What you'll rarely see is conservative wins. How about Texas going blue as soon as this next election? How is having one of those dims become our president (due to blue Texas) spinnable into a win?

How about those "become a faggot" school books for kids? Another win?

I could go on all day with these. 50,000 illegals caught at the border just last month... How many got though the gaping holes? Is skimming 50K off the top really a win? Is them not fearing death or imprisonment evidence of our domination?

Give me some examples of our wins.

20524355? ago

All the stuff you read about here has been happening for years. You realize that, right? So which is better: knowing, and public discussions, or not knowing, and public ignorance?

I think you are bright enough to know the answer to that.

20519293? ago

Don't believe the fake polls.

20519439? ago

What polls? I read news and comments and watch videos from a variety of sources. What I keep seeing is leftists winning again, with conservatives just complaining about it.

WIRE: Booming Texas May Usher in Dem Win in 2020...

This is not a fake headline. We know Texas is flooded with illegals and regular mexicans. Also, that judge who just blocked Trumps immigration policy... This is not winning, IMO. Continuous daily losses.

20519771? ago

Texas is a HUGE concern in the House and Senate. Most people from other parts of the south have already written Texas off as a major loss. If you look closely at the districts, they are turning blue VERY fast. Many employers, especially ad agencies and other types are moving to deep red parts of Texas and bringing their SF and LA employees and their families by the droves with promises of very cheap housing and the chance to flood Texas blue.

This is actually happening and happening fast. Why do you think Beto and the mayor of Austin spend half their time talking to companies in LA and SF and Portland and Seattle. What do you think they are doing there?

20519869? ago

You don't have to convince me. Average house on a street in my town is currently $920,000, and not all areas of California are worth the money to the paid-servant class. And Texas doesn't seem to be doing much about it. So much for "conservative" areas.

20518761? ago

I agree with your assessment. I think one of Trump's hallmark achievements has been to force the left to reveal who they really are and what they really want to do.

20519199? ago

Hes a master baiter they cant resist the shinny lights. No disrespect there lord emperor.

20517682? ago

Bernie Sanders fired his staff and replaced them with Hamas?


20519782? ago

I've seen no actual evidence of this.

20520995? ago

Linda Sarsour joke I guess

20517434? ago

Keep it up. please continue with the updates.

20517389? ago


20517775? ago

lol don't be a dick/cunt

20519029? ago

Please feel free to call me a shill

Helps to read the post.

20520000? ago

That's exactly why I commented. Maybe a 'smartass' would've been more appropriate.

20519992? ago

I Lol'd.

20517366? ago

Thank you. Looking forward to your update. Stay strong! WWG1WGA

20517342? ago


20519091? ago

At the end of a cable in the ocean where you can't guard or defend it? I'm betting it's not a weapon system.

20522863? ago

True. What then?

20517245? ago

This will be an actual McCarthy-like witch hunt

McCarthy was correct. Commies were infested all over the US government. So it wasn't a "witch-hunt"

20522885? ago

McCarthy never realized that the people “helping” him were communists. McCarthy was duped.

20521810? ago

90% of the people that McCarthy went after were jews. McCarthy knew about the jew, and that is why they stopped him. You would be so fucking blown away if you realized all the jews that tried to instill communism here in the US, and all the jews from the US that helped install communism in Russia. Like it is the most intense jew-pill you will ever take when you read that list. Read White Power by George Lincoln Rockwell. It's not even about "White Power", it's really all these insane stories how deeply these subversive jews have dug themselves in the United States. Like I was shocked, and I had already known a SHIT TON about jews before I read that book, and my mind was still completely blown.

20520802? ago

The Trump-Roy Kohn-Joe McCarthy connection is intriguing as fuck.

20520890? ago

Agreed. If Trump is legit, I wonder how long he has prepared for this role

20519395? ago

I was not offering a judgement on McCarthy or his thoughts and motivations, just the feeling around it and the craziness it caused on both sides.

20519294? ago

if McCarthy had only Named The Jew instead of calling them Commies

Synagogue of Satan

20518724? ago

Communism was the boogeyman to scare people into falling in line and going along with the neoliberal agenda. The capitalists were getting tired of socialist unions asking for things like pensions and raises so they used communism as a punching bag to disable every non-capitalist aspect of our country.

20518238? ago

At some point in his investigations McCarthy had a moment where he was like "WTF they're all jews."

20518362? ago

Why do we have to put up with your stupid mu-jooo garbage on every single thread?

Why don't you take up a more legitimate and moral hobby, like compulsive masterbation? Oh wait, the Muh JOOOO stuff probably already triggers that.

20519396? ago

"Just let me keep my head in the sand reeeee"

20518685? ago

Why yes jews are also predominantly involved in the pornography business glad you mentioned it.

20518041? ago

I recall the college instruction on this subject, by my professional propaganda professors, who wanted to lead us to believe that McCarthy was a bad bad man and caused many innocent people to be unjustly persecuted. If you wrote anything contrary to the party line in you're term papers discussing the matter, your grades were going to have a bad day.

20519406? ago

To be fair, or offer perspective, I went to an Ivy League University and wrote a paper about how McCarthy was trashed in the media unduly and got an A.

20520950? ago

Maybe he shouldn’t have put two gay Jewish lovers on his staff who ended up sabotaging the operation. Did you write about that?

20520060? ago

Glad to see that there is some objectiveness in education somewhere. I didn't see much.

20520097? ago

I think it really depends on how you present yourself. I was the head of the college republicans and never backed down from anything from any professor. Most people bow to professors because they're scared of their grades. I was given a few bad grades for opinion and I took it to the dean and fought it and won all five times.

20520211? ago

Well done.

20519707? ago

Any other universal mysteries, would you like me to figure out i got time right here right now? Kek

20519662? ago

I went to high school and gratuated in 3 years. But wrote no significant papers. But i have figured out advanced particle physics, and i know what the sun is. Just by studying nature and d calsifying my petuatary gland living naturaly as possible. Smiles at you.

20523391? ago

How’d you decalcify it?

20524665? ago

Nacent iodine. Filtered water. And moved away from pollution. No gmo no nuclear plants. No flouride. Anything with an ine or ide is radioactive. Its not easy its a life choice. Life long health. 6 subs on atlantic floor dont eat from it either.

20531850? ago

6 subs on the atlantic floor? what do you mean? and THANKS!!

20532245? ago

Well they are radioactive but thats classified. Take care patriot.

20521100? ago

What is the sun?

20521213? ago

Im going to break it in a more public forum to reach max numbers sorry. Think frequency. Think magnetoshphere. Cant say more.

20522853? ago

You should probably use spellcheck if you want to be taken semi-seriously.

20519802? ago

chill out dude. there are smart people who went to Ivies and smart people who didn't. everyone with half a brain understands this. OP was just stating what his specific academic experience with respect to analyzing McCarthy in a classroom entailed.

20519823? ago

Im chil why are you white knighting? Nor minding your own buisness. Are you a closet liberal?

20519926? ago

no, but I also went to an Ivy, and seeing as how you're attacking him for solely that reason, I intruded and corrected you. It's as simple as that.

20520090? ago

Ps try a library.

20520862? ago

Itt: an idiot who thinks ivy league universities don't have libraries

20520955? ago

Says The idiot who spent money for a lefty edumacation when you can get a free library card or walk into any uni library for free. You still lose and my soul is still mine,

20525482? ago

tbf the OP did nothing but stated that the wrote a paper on McCarthy that was historically accurate and well received. Everything else was assumed by you. You know literally nothing else about the OP except that he wrote a paper on McCarthy and went to an Ivy, yet you immediately assume that person doesn't realize they're part of a rigged system (which he said nothing about - this thread doesn't even have anything to do with the education system), or anything else regarding wasting money (just so you know, merit-based scholarships do exist, even for Ivies - I know because I got one and DIDN'T have to spend any money on a college education). Just stop. You aren't convincing anyone that you're more educated.

20531070? ago

And why are you so butthurt faggot? Its like you believe in your own self delusion so fully that only you and only anybody whith an ivy school can speak. Lol my high school was a better education ffs, 96 for an a. Idgaf what you think pocket liberal. Real men dont give a fuck. What dont you get i wasnt attacking him fucking moron. Its probably why he didnt reply but you on the other hand.Your ego is so huge it gets in the way of attaining anything important. Now shooo fly find some more shit to swarm over. How about you ask me what i was attempting instead,? But you couldnt do that cause it goes against every genuine human quality you lack.

20520074? ago

Lol you obviously wasted alot of money. You cant even see when someones been attacked. I smiled or smirked didnt call names nor threw tomatoes. When i attack everyone knows its not subtle. The day you correct me will be the day the sun doesnt shine which by my calculations is 10.25 more years. Take care faggot.

20518029? ago

@joe_ mccarthy

20518255? ago


20518017? ago

the left STILL projects lies about McCarthy being a fake attack dog with no credibility when he actually did. They are downright evil.

20525348? ago

What about Trump's references to McCarthy in relation to the Mueller investigation?

21113467? ago

Can you link me to the reference you're talking about here? I think it could explain a lot via my belief that Mueller is a white hat.

20520045? ago

the (((left)))

20519088? ago

Yet they have actually fallen into a Russia hysteria that dwarfs the very real concerns of McCarthy. They are irony itself

20517836? ago

McCarthy was totally right!!!!!!!

Yet more proof that this is all a parade of faggots pulling a shit show of nonsense!

20517766? ago

Right wing lie.

20518234? ago

That's quite the counter-argument you got there...

20517844? ago

It's easily verifiable that in the 1980s Soviet defectors came to the USA and they all claimed McCarthy was right. Read a book once in a while. Like any listed as sources here:


20517661? ago

Right? McCarthy got a bad rap

20521629? ago

Bad rap? He was an American hero who was slandered and dragged through the mud by Hollywood commies. He was ridiculed for his war record, slandered for the so called McCarthy hearings, and is still demonized in public education to this day. The mere fact that McCarthy has not been vindicated in the public consciousness is proof enough that corruption still reigns supreme.

20523137? ago

Well said anon

20518603? ago

I believe the Vernona Papers vindicated him

20519526? ago

Also the actual court transcripts, which were 100% reversed from what the media clamed.

20519070? ago
