If staffanon is right, then we need to get in front and show how the left is racist. Get your memes out now before they get started. (voat.co)
submitted 5.3 years ago by politicalatheist8
johnjacobjingle 5.3 years ago
Alphaqwrong 5.3 years ago
Has staffanon been correct? Seems like intensifying race hatred is what Dems do best though
1010101010101010 5.3 years ago
I've been reading their stuff for a while, and a lot of what they said has come around.
heygeorge 5.3 years ago
Yes, why wait for a carefully orchestrated and planned (time wise) reveal when we can waste time lobbing accusations about bullshit distractions instead of paying attention to what’s really happening
Great idea
johnjacobjingle ago
Alphaqwrong ago
Has staffanon been correct? Seems like intensifying race hatred is what Dems do best though
1010101010101010 ago
I've been reading their stuff for a while, and a lot of what they said has come around.
heygeorge ago
Yes, why wait for a carefully orchestrated and planned (time wise) reveal when we can waste time lobbing accusations about bullshit distractions instead of paying attention to what’s really happening
Great idea