21158339? ago

What if Schiff and Pelosi met with al-Baghdadi (much like McCain did)? They could have been surveilled and this led to the killing of the ISIS leader? Is this the reason Pelosi essentially gave the gavel to Schiff and why they escalated the impeachment vote/inquiry? Maybe their goose is cooked and they know it?

These people are stupid

21159225? ago

There is no rational explanation for why a seasoned political animal like Pelosi would turn the entire Democrat Party and the 2020 election over to a guy who has as much dirt on him as Schiff. The public doesn't like Schiff, doesn't trust Schiff and won't forget that - after the "I have evidence of Trump's collusion with Russia" - he has become synonymous with trying every trick and artifice to undo the 2016 election.

So why would Pelosi turn it all over to a guy like Schiff? The only answer I can come up with is because they are limited to a short-fused hail Mary and unless they can score with dirty tricks very soon, it's all over anyway. This reveals that (1) they know they will lose the 2020 presidential election, (2) they know they can't retake the Senate, and (3) they know that Trump will accomplish his promise to drain the swamp.

We don't see as much progress as insiders like Pelosi are aware of (even though we've seen lots of progress in the last few weeks, especially the last week), so if she's panicking then you know Trump and Barr and Durham are very close to end game.

21153359? ago

Dang, I had totally forgotten this one: Trump posed for a picture at his desk with a poster on the tabletop, "Sanction Are Coming" and it showed the date, "November 4" https://files.catbox.moe/u9a3pp.jpeg

Convergence seems to be happening folks.

21152954? ago

Nov. 1 all saints day...

21149063? ago

I am receiving more questions with regards to Epstein, bunch of my friends (liberal californians) are scratching their heads wondering why Tekashi69's news cycle received more attention then the actual crimes Epstein is tied to.

They are finding out a lot through Reddit themselves, but its becoming more and more evident to them that they should think twice before taking the media's word on things.

Opinion on #26: Fuck the fed, they are keeping housing prices up until 2020, I know, but damn would I love for prices to come back down to what >50% of the US population can actually afford. (Sorry boomers, your fake sense of security in your home values wont last much longer.)

21148889? ago

Very few are Red Pilled. Not even the Q-tist's are truly Red Pilled. You just think you are Red Pilled. 100% guarantee there will be ZERO accountability.

21147916? ago

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21145717? ago

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21145672? ago

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21145531? ago

A lot of people are waking up. And fresh you tubers just vloggin in their cars waking up thousands of people. Jericho Green being a great example. And Owen Benjamin

21145102? ago


21144641? ago

You seem like a dumbass fag to me.

21144562? ago

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21144093? ago

No no dam. Nothing. They are defeated but we should be afraid of regrouping and media influence

21144071? ago

I have to remember to get some more beer before the storm.

21143590? ago

President Trump is in control. I have to laugh at how he is always 12 steps ahead of them all. His trolling is a master level. His game has become a lot more on the offense and I believe we will see the dam break very soon !

21143540? ago

Smoke and mirrors.

Pray to God against the ped o vores.

God is the only one who can deliver us.

21143529? ago

II Kings 6:16 "And he answered, Fear not: for they that be with us are more than they that be with them."

21143493? ago

Great thoughts

21143389? ago

If something happens this weekend I’ll be happier than a faggot in a dick tree!

21144206? ago

thanks for the reminder of the rape trees found in that makeshift camp...

21144282? ago

My faggot cousin lives on a dick farm. Imagine how happy he is?

21143283? ago

Great post, OP!

Just wanna add a couple of pointers I've been seeing floating around that I think matter/is related:

  1. Durham turns the corner to grand jury stuff.
  2. Al-Baghdadi killed.
  3. ISIS's #2 is killed.
  4. Announcement that we got all sorts of intel from raiding al-Baghdadi, including origin stuff about ISIS.
  5. The raid on the elusive al-Baghdadi happens just days after Pelosi and Schiff were in Syria (and WHY are they in Syria when the only thing on their plate is getting Trump? Not kidding, they have no legislative agenda at all, so that trip HAD to have been about slowing Trump down).

*There was not only documents but Cables found, for those who dont know cables are secure, official, state-level communications.

The implications of this alone is massive, there are also roumors these are all the way back from when the Witch ran the State Dep.*

*Then you have the Pelosi & Shiff adventure, I believe this to be the goodie in all this.

Some great Anons have dug out some interesting coralations between the timing of their visit and the time Bag-Daddys location would have been found out...*

What if they where the ones who lead us to him? #justasking

21143251? ago

I see it for sure. I think your assessment is accurate. Unlike many, I could detect the underpinnings of habbenings over the last year, building slowly to where we are now.

21143225? ago

@OP - Check into Pelosi and the Presidio - who did she sell it to?

Trump cant make the wave any bigger - that's why he needs you, You need to make the wave bigger.

Here - read through these.. (if you want)

1998 : MIKHAIL GORBACHEV: From the Presidium to the Presidio.


Sep 25 1995 : Gorbachev Foundation's S.F. Meeting / Celebrities, scholars to discuss world's future


Ebola, Death, Gorbachev & The State of the World


( 15 April 2006 : SCIENCE: Scientist calls for death to humanity - http://newsweekly.com.au/article.php?id=2439 )

21143165? ago


21143149? ago

You forgot to add: Epstein coroner claims autopsy shows his death was a Homicide.

21143108? ago

Exactly. All the people here who have complained "nothing's happening" have been blind. There has been a gradual groundswell toward this moment. We are almost there.

21143057? ago

Right on brother, great summation!!

21142857? ago

Don’t forget, famous pathologist, suspects that Epstein was murdered.

21142823? ago

Too many of them for Gitmo to hold. Thank you BO for building the 're-education' camps. As for Trudeau I think that elections was definitely meddled with. Faux voting for sure.

21142569? ago

I appreciate your simple and concise list. I have knowledge on them all, but your list, all pretty made me happy. Thank you.

21142335? ago

We all see it.

However, this point "McCabe dismisses his wrongful termination lawsuit against the DOJ and FBI" is incorrect. McCabe has simply agreed to having his FOIA suit against the DOJ dismissed, because the DOJ provided the documents requested in the suit, so it's now moot.

21142259? ago

yawn... wake me up when Hillary s in jail. thanks

21142228? ago

It’s called the storm, because it’s definitely not calm anymore.

21142149? ago

For the record, the majority of the public voted Conservative in Canada, however due to ridings and all that crap, Trudeau got a minority.

21141547? ago

Isreal closes embassies soon after isis intel collected(isreal never targeted?)

21141224? ago

The plot twist is crypto destroying the usd.

Just you wait .... hyper inflation of a national currency... patriot act, repeal of smith Mundt modernization act

21140943? ago

I hear the humming of a big machine. It seems to be getting closer. Yea, that's the fucking Trump Train!

21140759? ago

This is a terrific list!!!!! You really are a great professional. Great work! Thanks so much!

21140540? ago

Smoke and mirrors, the infestation that has been unleashed cannot be undone. Do you really think a crusade in this day and age is possible?

21140416? ago

Hey OP, who are you, and why aren't you interacting with all these comments?

21142110? ago

Not sure what you mean here. I'm quite happy to start the discussion and read the comments.

In any event, I left something off that is a little less tangible, but as important as anything else on my list. It's the way the media has utterly abandoned any attempt to appear neutral. I know, I know, that ship sailed long ago, but I'm talking about the DEGREE of bias. It has ramped up to flat out ridiculous heights. It used to be that Maddow and Tapper and Acosta and Scarbrough and a few others were the truly hysterical ones, but now just about EVERYONE is hysterical and making no effort to do journalism. Even many on Fox are hysterical now more than ever.

So it's this escalation into insanity that tells me something is coming. Everyone feels it. Let it be so.

21144358? ago

Glad you are 'interacting' now with the commenters. Good stuff.

21140347? ago

Big add: NONAME executed!!!

21140169? ago

Sure, but other than that, nothing is happening!

21140168? ago

That was all in the previews. Wait until the Feature presentation.

21140063? ago

TY for confirming my thoughts! Excellent post! It sure appears things have sped up finally. The people I have been red pilling for over the last year and a half are truly starting to see what I have been telling them and our now saying there is nothing that would surprise them anymore. I honestly think the awakening is expanding faster than anyone can imagine.

21140014? ago

Thank you for reminding us. October was a great month!

21139877? ago

This is the death blossom.

Too much to block.

21139807? ago

Sir, nothings happening.

21139636? ago

I'm not counting on ANYTHING happening. If it does, I'll be one of the happiest people on earth.

21139621? ago

Great post. And a great list of all the things I have seen too.

21139557? ago

Massive fires in California

Deep state response?

Just waiting for Trump to be blamed.

Your list is great news

21139447? ago

Don't forget: Kanye, "my mom and dad got to vote for whomever white Democrats told them to vote for." And, 'they're making us kill our babies.'

21167253? ago

Yes! Kanye is a game changer. I didn’t see that awesome album coming. Jesus is King!

21139692? ago

damn important statements for a black music and culture icon to make.

kanye is more influential than jay z ever was. that faggot

21139397? ago

You detailed it much better than did I last night. There's too much to be revealed, and everybody has been waiting a long, long time. Even normies are asking questions. They're ready. Drop the bombs. Drop one every day or every other day. Keep slapping them down hard and watch the majority of American citizens applaud loudly.

21139381? ago

from: doglegwarrior

we all see it but we understand the masses are fucking idiots and we live in clown world. the jews at any moment cant flipna switch turn the propaganda on and brainwash the morons.. come in we all knew 9/11 was bullshit.m we all new another jew war in the middle east was bullshit.m wmd. yellow cake. etc etc.. the biggest protest in history.. guess what 19 years later 22 trillion in debt the jews own every aspect of media.. culture.. sports.. entertsinment... THEY STILL CUT OUR BABY BOYS DICKS UP AT BIRTH FOR FUCK SAKE!! and u think something is going to change? they will start openly killing anti semites as soon as they can.. will u still speak out when u know fellow goats are being murdered for questioning our overlords? our hook nosed middle easter fucking kike overlords?? men are cowards most of the time

21139180? ago

You forgot the hype of Seattle football game doom on 11-3. The date shown in a lot of tv and movie predictive programming (like all that was exposed after 911), and a ton of numerical alignments for those into understanding the esoteric dark ritual. The date is now matching a bunch of deep state exposing, which leads to deep state fuckery. I am filling the tanks this weekend.

Research it if you want to go deeper.

21148030? ago

yeah just saw a couple threads on Seattle, here and on FB,

so someone is trying to get the idea out there...

21139074? ago

I’m I level headed person

browses voat

Take your meds scitzo

21139046? ago

Haiku time kiddos so gather around.

Arrests happened yet?

Not a sign of them coming

Get the fuck out then

21144144? ago

no season, haiku FAIL!

21141585? ago

A work of art, friend.

21144283? ago

I wish I didn't have to post about no arrests but here we are.

21140261? ago

Arrest them yourself or STFU shill

21140700? ago

I'm not the one you should be angry with. Who has the authority and power to make these arrests?

21144462? ago

You do. We all do. It's called a citizens arrest. The difference is that I trust the plan that the patriots will take care of it. but shills

only care about is causing dissension and division in this movement. So I don't expect you to do anything - at all - that moves the needle toward good, instead shills just care about perpetuating the evil in the world and maintaining the status quo. And in many cases it's because they are criminals - like pedos - that are scared shitless that the forces of good will soon be exposing their sick and twisted fucking perversion and crimes against the innocent. THAT'S WHY you're here.

21144591? ago

You talk of citizens arrest as though it's something logistically easy to accomplish. We're talking about a global network of elite and powerful individuals with unlimited bankroll. How many have you arrested so far? The answer is zero so my next question is how do you plan to go about initiating an arrest?

You and I are on the same team but the difference is I have much less patience for the process and less faith in this network being removed. I'm all for unity, cohesion, and cooperation in the movement and genuinely want the end of all crime, suffering and conflict but until a single major arrest happens, GTFO is the only response.

21146024? ago

No, it's not the only response. Nice try attempting to cover you shilling. Instead of recognizing ALL THE ACTIVITY that is going on and the WINS by the patriots, you instead wish to focus on... well... nothing / shilling. I get it. I want "major" arrests too. But as a veteran, I also understand warfare. I was trained in it. I know that as a soldier, I am not fully aware of what the commanders know. That is by design, otherwise... well you (hopefully) can imagine how it might be otherwise.

Bottom Line: We are AT WAR, and you (shills) do not DECIDE when, how, what or why the battle plans are executed. I suspect you know this already which is why I point out your shilling as a ploy to divide and discourage. But I also understand that your scared, your paranoid and maybe (if you are smart) realize that your on the wrong side (as a shill) focusing in on lies. (i.e.) "Major" arrests - as if this is some benchmark of success. There have been thousands of arrests (that would not have happened under Hiltery / your side) and EVERYONE knows that the small fish are rounded up first so they can give up the goods on the next level up. But shills don't care about that, they just shill.

Thank you for confirming my point! You took the bait by saying that arrest are difficult and sensitive based on the amount of evil in the world. That's the fucking point. At this point it is taking hero's in the military to step up and clean up the mess. A mess that has been centuries in the making, and well over 100 years in the USA.

Bottom Line: You saying your "only response" is a shill response is fucking lazy and wrong.

I don't know why I took so much time and effort explaining this to a shill. My hope is that others might see this and recognize the BS fucking tactics being employed by the enemies of this movement. Fine, don't believe in Q, that's totally your choice. But by coming here and shilling you're showing who you really are. The ENEMY of the patriots. So please be prepared to pay the consequence of your actions.

21146355? ago

You're making quite a few incorrect assumptions in this response and are off base but I'm not going to waste time trying to convince you. I'll just say that the majority of Americans are completely brainwashed by MSM and absolutely no comprehension of this invisible war nor any progress being made. The point of arrests or GTFO is that until major players are brought to justice or major Intel drops are made that have to be broadcast to the masses, nothing has changed for them and the state of society only continues to deteriorate. Your small fish analogy is irrelevant here because according to Q, they have everything on everyone, right so what's the strategic advantage of waiting on rounding up major players? There's alot at stake, including the 2020 election, and the dominoes need to start falling sooner than later.

I'll wrap this up by saying I appreciate your service and replies and genuinely hope that you are correct that things are coming to a head. I'm neither a patriot nor a shill and simply want everyone brought to justice for their crimes against humanity, which is why arrests or GTFO is so relevant. Godspeed.

21146643? ago

Thanks for the thoughtful response.

I'll close by saying that the Patriots are in control, and I trust that they are executing the plan that WILL lead to major arrests and the cleansing of our country (and the world) of these evil people. Pointing that out the way you do lacks honesty, context and is therefore irrelevant.

21142209? ago

Executive Branch. Are we at war?

21139045? ago

Shhh. This isn't habbening. It is all in your head. Have a nice martini. Settle down. Watch the ball game. Forget about it .... Your eyes are very tired...your lids feel like lead weights.....sleep, little sheepie .... don't let that bad orange man scare you...

21139037? ago

We all need to Pray for Trump and the Team. In the END God wins - but how many can be saved by exposing this evil in our midst? It is up to us praying and actively finding ways to communicate with people.

21139014? ago

Add UN tornado going on.

21142118? ago

Yes, good addition.

21138992? ago

QRV thinks they "see" everything.

Not saying you're wrong about anything, but keep a healthy dose of skepticism about connections between events.

21138955? ago

Been following all of the events however I never listed them, thanx Patriot. My opinion on Canada; Q said 'nobody escapes this' & PQTUS always places deepstate actors in leadership positions and then flips the script on them. There's a possibility the white hats allowed him to win keeping him close in the public's eye only to drop the hammer making him feel the PAIN. JMHO.

21142437? ago

Makari (Greek word)

21138913? ago

level-headed professional

lmao just wait until you learn about the kikes


21138901? ago

  • Michael Baden coming out saying Epstein was murdered.
  • Dems calling off impeachment vote
  • Rumor that al-Baghdadi's items included communications with US State Dept
  • Flynn case getting postponed again because DOJ lawyers can't get their lies straight
  • Halloween. Boo!

21138833? ago

Damn right! Anyone who isn't a Leftist shill and who has half a brain can see this tsunami. You could even add more to your awesome list and it still wouldn't be complete...lol Here's a few more...

28 Death of Cummings etc

29 California fires/power outages

30 Resignation of D's (most recently Katie Hill (nude images with staffer)

31 8kun about to go live

21138830? ago

Yep. Tsunami.

21138802? ago

Great post OP!

21138771? ago

Nicely organized well crafted post Anon! A very pleasurable read of WINNING!

I think the general populace is sufficiently educated (+/-critical mass) to withstand high level arrests now. I pray it starts this week (and if it aligns with the first Q drops it would be the ultimate Q proof!). Otherwise, we may have to endure another year of these people walking freely to be and do evil.

21138686? ago

Arrests or GTFO

21140277? ago

Arrest them yourself shill or STFU

21148876? ago

When all your hopium runs out, withdrawal is gonna be a muh fugga.

21148903? ago

Mama's still calling for a clean up on isle MS-13. Better get going cuck bouy.

21138656? ago

But Trump isn't really doing too much for us. You could make the case he has been co-oped

21140288? ago

I can make the case that you’re a fucking cocksucker.

21138641? ago

Things are always weird.

21138520? ago

Any day now, right? I am positive that this Friday will come and go, just like the other 160 or whatever. Of course someone here will back-fill some event and say it must have been tied to Q.

All of this "evidence". All of this "proof". Nobody can tell me one goddamn thing of consequence that will happen by 2020 in relation to Q. Not one.

If Q was real, and "had everything they need", and were "over target", and was able to take down CIA satellites, and was allied with the President, they would be able to keep up a simple anime imageboard. Not to mention, they would have arrested some top democrats by now. But no, they got silenced, because this was never more than just a prank gone wrong.

If this was real, wouldn't they have stopped Hillary from eating babies by now? One of the first posts was that they had taken her Passport and she was headed to GITMO, but now it's morphed into "well Q might be more about the journey..." bullshit.

Wake up people. Nobody is going to jail but trump's circle. It has been 3 years and Obama and company are palling around in the Caribbean. Epstein was allowed to kill himself (or was killed) under Barr and Trumps watch, and still nothing has come of it.

This is not real. Come back to your friends and families. I would respond to every single one of you, but this echo chamber website only allows me to post once per 24 hours. Is that really a website that will challenge your beliefs? That will show you the truth? No. This is a bubble. A deep, dark, bubble that is isolating you from your life.

21140319? ago

Panic in pedo-shill land. LMFAO@U

21138640? ago

A deep, dark, bubble that is isolating you from your life.

Not really, just about everyone I know knows about Q and is eating up current events. No one believes the fake news anymore.

This narrative might have worked two years ago but now everyone knows it is just a matter of when.

21141694? ago

Exactly this.

It's all about critical mass and we're well on our way.

21138490? ago

I'm telling you, it's a show. A soap opera. The drama is all staged, and it's reaching a denoument, then it'll start over. It has tens of millions of fans and hundreds of billions of dollars of revenue pouring in. Staged. They're all actors.

21145591? ago

if they're 'actors', they're getting their scripts from Trump...

21139605? ago

Go on...

21138392? ago


Wow. Even normies have to see this.

21138387? ago

Great summary, OP. I happen to agree with you especially on the points you mentioned. I feel like things are so "pent" up, that a damn has to burst soon.

21138383? ago

Red Oktober...

21138367? ago

Excellent post. Salute Patriot

21138361? ago

Not even half of it

Folks gonna learn what real shit,hitting a real fan looks like.

Folks still to MSM minded and social media brain washed to see past a headline.

No one stops to think anymore,just regurg the talking points and roll to the next crisis.....

21138330? ago

  1. Black males approval of Trump up to 47%.

Niggers and kikes LOVE Trump, yay!

21140325? ago

Yes, you do.

21138489? ago

Everyone loves Trump.

Well, unless you have TDS or being paid to hate him.

21138312? ago

The veil will soon be lifted and the whole world will see and know the truth.

21138456? ago

How do you know this?

21138551? ago

Oh, I'm not an insider or anything. This is just what I've felt and believed for a while now.

21138301? ago

I feel it too. Good summary of recent events.

21138288? ago

Increase your supply of food, water, ammo, fuel. The last desperate act will be to initiate war to cover their crimes.

21138267? ago

Epstie's brother hired a med examiner that claims injuries were more strangulation rather than hanging...and being reported on MSM.

21138255? ago

Shit be a churnin'

21138241? ago

Black males approval of Trump up to 47%.

LOL you fucking cuckold

21138323? ago

African Americans vote. Getting them on board the MAGA train is a good goal to have.

21138515? ago

True, then send them to africa once we've got the power

21140482? ago

Fuckoff troll

21138693? ago

Divide shill, or dumbass racist ?

21139935? ago

He or she or it sounds like BOTH!!!

21138223? ago

I like your list! Don’t forget about the blackouts in California and the arson fires. Definitely feels like the storm Is upon us. Hopefully Friday doesn’t disappoint.

21138213? ago

You are a level headed professional who is not brainwashed by the MSM who carries the Left’s agenda in their pocket. How dare you?

Here is how it is.

If the MSM did not exist in America and the 5th Estate offered fair and unbiased reporting, this country would have:

  • Trump with super majorities in both Houses on Congress and the mandate to pass everything he ran on by now.
  • All the arrests would have been already been made - including Clinton, Hussein, Clapper, Brennan, Comey, etc., etc., etc. Gitmo would be full.
  • There would be no trade wars with any other countries as Trump would have won by now.
  • 20 million illegals would have been deported by now, and a wall would have been built from sea to shining sea. Immigration is completely under control.
  • Healthcare is completely fixed and everyone is happy.
  • An eight day is added to the week - a holiday for all - and called America Wins Day.
  • The Democratic Party is destroyed and slintered into a dozen tiny radical left socialist sleeper cells that are heavily monitored.
  • And all kinds of other stuff.

But because about 60% of America has their opinion of Trump and this Administration shaped by the propaganda arm (MSM) of the Left / Dems you don’t know what the fuck is going on in your own country. And that’s the saddest thing about all this. America is the smartest and most successful country in the world and we are intentionally being held back from attaining out greatness by the Left.

21138755? ago

This smart and successful country is about to spend its current military budget 760 billion on interest payments...next year. If you knew your neighbor was maxing his credit cards out and was living the dream, new car caviar, four star daydream but had no intentions or plans on how to pay it back other than ribbing people at gunpoint. Would you call that smart and successful? How long is that smart and successful neighbor going to last?

21138803? ago

While there is fiscal logic in what you say, if you decide to take a year off and spend nothing... you will not recognize the world in one year from now. That is if we are still alive.

21142028? ago

The... Fed... Money... Is... Fake.... Loaned into existence. Impossible to pay back. It's all so tiresome

21138948? ago

Sorry I'm not quite following. There is no fiscal logic in raking up debt so high one years interest payments could pay for the largest most expensive military in world.. So I take a year off from buying non essentials what could possibly change. Unless we, all of us, stop buying shit then they system would nosedive and the carnage would make the human world no less recognizable than at similar turning points of history.

21144098? ago

i think what otheranon meant was -- if we don't spend on our military so that we can use it in this soft civil war, then a year from now we will be in a much worse police state than the one that popped up around us while we were sleeping

21144815? ago

Sure. But that by itself changes the whole smart and successful idea.

On another note do you think the military will fire on the American people who are engaged in Civil Disobedience and active kinetic protest?

21138251? ago

And all kinds of other stuff.

you got NOTHING!

21138508? ago

We have you here posting.

21138203? ago

I’ve learned something from this whole Q thing, and that is, have the winning demeanor of Bill Belichick. Maybe a smirk here and there, but don’t get overly excited with each turnover and touchdown. Just calmly expect it, and if we win the big game, then go ape shit.

21143555? ago

Both Bill B and Tom Brady have been Trump supporters since before the 2016 election, up in Massachusetts, which is just a little to the Left of California.

21144064? ago

Right? Give us our fucking plastic bags back!

21156033? ago

No !! Because people far far away from here put thier plastic in the ocean.

21138902? ago

Why niggers suck lol

21139202? ago

Triggered much? Don’t worry, you’ll find another wife.

21139227? ago

Yo bitch.

21139486? ago

Nah, my woman likes her man to have above a double digit IQ

Go troll some of those Antifa “girls”. Carefully though, you might find “something extra” down their. Not that you would mind.

21143180? ago

Fuckin retarded faggots. Fuck you and fuck niggers.

21139157? ago


^ A nigger, on observing the slightest form of verbal retort.

21139239? ago


21139839? ago

Meh, and just like that, I’m bored with you. Take this free time to sharpen your checkers and tic-tac-toe skills.

21143190? ago

I hate it when retarded people put me down

21139972? ago

i like turtles 🐢

21138657? ago


21138324? ago


21138185? ago

I feel it too. Praying it is happening now.

21138171? ago

It is a feeling I have had for some time now. While everything looks similar on the surface, underneath we have noticed changes every week as things gradually ratchet up.

I keep expecting it all to overflow at some point but instead the water level just keeps rising. Something will have to give eventually.

21138152? ago

I could give the Dims a dam, but I'm all out of damns to give right now, at least to Dims.

21139739? ago

So basically you're exhaustipated (too tired to give a shit).

21144056? ago

I think it's really neat that Bambi (I think it was Thumper who said it) had "twitter-pated" as meaning "being in love", which was decades prior to the creation of the social media site.

21140304? ago

Shills gonna boy-luv.

21138104? ago

IT'S THE FINALLLL COINTDOWNNNNNN. (from Europe, the band.)

21144045? ago

Worked at Microsoft in Cambridge, MA after Softricity acquisition. A co-worker shared that song (as .mp3) on an internal share, sent an email in response to a release countdown death march type announcement, and -- was reprimanded for it!

(This was before YouTube had every song in existence there.)

21138376? ago

Do de do, da do de do de do de doooo da duh de dew

Thanks, really needed that stuck in my head.

21138577? ago


21138087? ago

Friday, look for important tweet from POTUS. "My Fellow Americans, The Storm is upon us".

21139289? ago

When I see that tweet, I’ll know what it feels like to hit the Powerball.

I missed it somehow. What are the rumors about Friday?

21140948? ago

Some dude met a Fed today, undisclosed agency. They exchanged small talk, then the G Man noticed dude's Q shirt, looked at him and simply said "Friday." Hmmm.

21144789? ago

And now said post has been deleted by that OP... either a LARP or [doubtfully] was asked to take it down.


21141006? ago

Ok, thanks

21139224? ago

Kanye released his album to help people's souls to God in this trying time.

21138057? ago

Chill, Nothing will happen until after the election.

21138053? ago

oh yea - feeling that somethings moving forward and coming to a head soon...

21138052? ago

This cannot be stopped. I too am frustrated by Trudeau getting re-elected here in Canada. I am hoping that all of his crimes (FiveEyes helping the Dems spy on Trump) will be exposed and he too will be forced out. He is nothing but a pedo puppet of George Soros.

21150790? ago

Trudeau with a minority remember. The liberal party can no longer pass legislation without other the parties. Also I expect in this minority government we'll be back at the polls relatively soon.

21139683? ago

Hang in there. The Marines will be called up to NY state but the real target will be Toronto. No Hosers taken alive.

21138677? ago

Time for the fascists to answer for their evil.

21138660? ago

Hang in there. When Romney lost I thought we were doomed forever. I was literally in mourning for days. I couldn't believe I was going to be alive to see the destruction and demise of the republic, the "Great Experiment." I couldn't understand why other people were not as devastated (although some of my friends were).

Fast forward a few years and I have to say Romney losing was absolutely the best thing that could have happened. No Obama, no Trump. And Trump is the ONLY one on the planet who (with the help of whoever is helping him) could have achieved what he has and hopefully will. And when he does, awakening will spread like wildfire all over the world. In ways we probably cannot even begin to imagine. But every bone in my body says it is going to be good good good.

21142234? ago

I was beyond hopeless when Obama won in 2008, but with hindsight I see it was necessary.

21140825? ago

I knew Obamney was bad news, but was devastated when Dr. Ron Paul was swindled.

21147052? ago

He had so much momentum and the MSM killed it. I wrote in Ron Paul for President that year. Got a lot of shit for it. Didn't care. I was pissed.

21143070? ago

Ron Paul, the best President we never had. Maybe a Trump Rand ticket.

21139639? ago

Romney is a zionist cuck you dumb fucking nigger.

21139056? ago

and now we see Romney for what he really is - ranked among those that are our (the constitutional republic and its patriots) worst enemies

people use to say this a lot, but what an amazing timeline!

21138806? ago

Man, you summed that up perfectly. I was distraught after Romney lost and I couldn’t imagine how anyone could vote for Hussein after his first 4 years. It truly was a blessing in disguise that he lost, who knows we might not be here now. I’m really excited now too.

21140593? ago

He seemed to be beating Obama in the debates until he said "binders full of women" in the digital age. What a maroon!

21139456? ago

Romney had the Renegade on the ropes after the first debate...then he laid down like a dog.

21139091? ago

Romney's blazé attitutde is what pulled the trigger for our Patriots in the military. When Romney didnt give a fuck, they knew he was in on it. That's why Trump busts his balls so much. If we didn't take '16, Agenda 21 wouldve been a reality, and we wouldve had to fight for our lives...Never know...It may still come to that. We must be vigilant and step on every neck that opposes America 1st!!! Fuck those commie traitor scum pedos...

21140123? ago


21138780? ago

I voted for Bush dynasty 4 bloody times. Slow learner I guess.

21146777? ago

Unfortunately, #MeToo. You arrive to the booth, look at the names on the ballot, turn head, barf and punch. They owned all of us, farmed our votes, dramatically lied-because they too had a plan, and the UNIPARTY patted one another on the back and chose the next fag-fake-patriot to snow us all again.

21145320? ago

Well so did I. But was there a better alternative at the time - even if we'd know more about them? I still think they slowed the leftist/socialist agenda down.

21143266? ago

Be fair to yourself though. Who else did you have to choose from?

21143112? ago

What other choice did you have? Ross Perot? Seriously. We made the best choices we could with the options available.

21143064? ago

Right there with you, but now I’m awake too.

21140173? ago

Me too.

21140091? ago

I voted for


skipped Ford

skipped Carter


---------------Uniparty choices begin---didn't matter who we voted for


Bush again but he lost to his butt buddy Clinton


Bush jr.

Bush jr.

McCain and Romney. (good God..who would have thought they are worse than Barry?)

+++++++++++++++ end uniparty++++++++


+++++++++++++++ end uniparty++++++++

Its not completely our fault. We didn't know what we know now. Thank God for Trump and Q

21141966? ago

it is your fault, there were those of us that knew and we tried to tell you over and over and over, and in response you called us crazy, you called us conspiracy theorists. Fuck your attempt to divert the blame. You all were told repeatedly and you ridiculed us for telling you and trying to save the country. Fuck you

21143241? ago

Don’t forget how they called us racist for not wanting Hussein.

21140423? ago

Thank God for


21140565? ago

I voted for Mr. Internet Gore and thought he was smarter than GWB and was pissed with all the hanging chads. I still hate Bolton's mustache.

21139901? ago

I voted for Obama twice....my first two votes ever....18th bday and 22nd bday. I was so blind. Don't feel bad...we are all here trying to set things right. 🙏🏻🇺🇸

21142761? ago

My then 18 year old daughter had said to me that she was voting for Obama because he's promising Change. I asked what that change was and she said "I don't know, just change. Change is good"

"No change is not always f****** good, you retard! ;)

21140728? ago

i tried to but got shut down because my name wasn't on the voter rolls. It would've been my first time to vote for a president. Thank god it was preserved for Trump. Bt don't feel bad. To be awake you have to have once been asleep.

21140409? ago

It's good to see former Obama voters coming to their senses. Thanks for finally seeing the light.

21139238? ago

Consider the alternatives at the time:

Michael Dukakis

W.J. (Blythe) Clinton

Al Gore

John Kerry

Yeah, yeah, I even voted for Bob Dole. Lesser of two evils, right?

21142339? ago

Bob Dole voted for Bob Dole too.

Bob Dole.

21148508? ago

As an added unintentional insult to the man, I can ONLY hear that in Norm's voice.

21139181? ago

I'm so glad their shit is over with. How they fucking duped us all. Fuck all of them.

21145519? ago


21140391? ago

Yes, they duped over 3 million young adults, just out of high school, into going to war for a lie.

21138922? ago


21139011? ago

I feel like a pound, Metoo. Never again.

21138530? ago

Time for the Jews to answer for their evil.

21138287? ago


21138020? ago

This format looks much better than the wall of text you had before... good work anon

21137998? ago

Their dam has a leak, so plugging with a finger, but a new leak has sprung.

Better have survival suit handy with strobe light and whistle, might need it soon.

21137994? ago

Quality post mate, good on ya.

21141322? ago

Remember Earthlings: before the tidal wave sweeps in with thunderous force, the sea draws out and away, exposing the sea-bed.

The political sea has been testing our resolve for the last few years as it drew out: NOW, stand by for Neptune's return.

21139200? ago

Hijacking second top comment to point out that Reuters is already pushing civil war talk. Lefties are being primed for war. Saw an article on reddit (apparently Trump is trying to federalize police bc he wants to push against drug crime?) and the lefties all were saying that him federalizing police was the prelude to putting Dems in camps, lol. They literally can't ever stop projecting.

21159275? ago

What will they fight with? Dildos?

21146821? ago

From Q, drop #28:


What must be completed to engage MI over other (3) letter agencies

During the 1950s and 60s, federal troops and federalized National

Guard forces, accompanied by military intelligence personnel, were

deployed to help integrate Southern schools23 and to help deal with

civil disorders in Detroit in 1967 and other cities the following year

after the assassination of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.24 Throughout

this period military intelligence units also continued to collect data on

Americans at home who were suspected of involvement in subversive

activities.25 In the late 1960s, the Pentagon compiled personal

information on more than 100,000 politically active Americans in an

effort to quell civil rights and anti-Vietnam War demonstrations and

to discredit protestors.26 The Army used 1,500 plainclothes agents to

watch demonstrations, infiltrate organizations, and spread

disinformation. 2

' According to one report, the Army had at least one

observer at every demonstration of more than twenty people.28

The Army's activities were summed up by Senator Sam Ervin:

Allegedly for the purpose of predicting and preventing

civil disturbances which might develop beyond the control of

state and local officials, Army agents were sent throughout

the country to keep surveillance over the way the civilian

population expressed their sentiments about government

policies. In churches, on campuses, in classrooms, in public

meetings, they took notes, tape-recorded, and photographed

people who dissented in thought, word, or deed. This included clergymen, editors, public officials, and anyone who

sympathized with the dissenters.


Hahahaha, Trump has had MI infiltrate Antifa and all the dissenting local govts.

Always 5 steps ahead!

Please be true.


Well done. Picture being painted.

21139494? ago

Whenever the Left (and Reuters IS Left) talks about Civil War, remind them we grow all the food, produce the energy, manage the computer infrastructure, and get everything to you. We have almost all the guns and know how to use them.

They have lawyers and don't know which bathroom to use.

21140314? ago

yep. roadblock a few cities & see how fast it goes to shit

21151481? ago

Let them eat the Lawyers and Social Workers! Some of us in the Urban areas would need a way out. NRA membership card?

21152869? ago

A gun should do just as well as a card - prolly better!

21139700? ago

and and and their kids eat friggin' tide pods!

21139405? ago

Any U.S. veteran raised their right hand and swore an oath - that oath is still valid.

21165284? ago

I'm a tiny 50 year-old woman, but I damn well have the fortitude and will to fulfill my oath when the time comes.

21144286? ago

I do not recall ever being released from my oath. Nor do I desire to be.

21142840? ago

As is the oath I took every single day while in school. The Pledge of Allegiance.

21139661? ago

You're DAMN RIGHT it is!!

21140151? ago


21140218? ago

FugginADittyBag! ...if that is still a thing :D

21137983? ago

Nothing can stop what is coming. Nothing.

21137965? ago

And the upcoming one year deadline to the election. Could be, could be...