21144797? ago

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21142670? ago

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21142646? ago

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21141826? ago

And another guy said, you are a jackwagon.

That must mean you will own a station wagon soon.

21141833? ago

OMG... I just bought one!

21141172? ago

BlizzCon is this Friday, he probably meant that.

21141720? ago

He was totez WoW player.

21140853? ago

This is a speculation. Something significant and good will start this Friday 1st of November 2019. Related discussion and photo at https://voat.co/v/QRV/3492933/

21140741? ago

Sounds good to me. No matter what Pres. Trump releases, delivers, gets done etc. I am thrilled to be here to witness what happens whenever it happens. I'm soooo glad to see our Hero Dog get his Medal of Honor, great job Hero Handler!!! I'm glad POTUS keeps it all close to the vest and surprises us all with his terrific accomplishments. Thank you Potus Thank you from all of us. Excited and Patient, from a believer in you!

21140190? ago

Thank you, OP!

21140098? ago

So bad news for (((them))) comes out Friday Nov 1, Seattle FF on Sunday Nov 3, provides the distraction for the sheeple. Just a guess.

21140762? ago

Yeah, it sure looks that way.

21140039? ago

Not falling for date fagging

21140158? ago

Not trying to get you to fall for anything. Just relaying a word, with no context.

21140034? ago

Could be a Friday next year though KEK

21139638? ago

8-1-2019. +90 = 11-1-2019. Imagine that nothing happens on dates with 11 unless we consider 11 11. When the earth rang like a bell at 17 sec intervals.

Duh kek

Shadilay faggots.

21139589? ago

Have been following Q since a couple weeks after the first post. Predictions like this have come up many times. With that said, the timing right now would be impeccable and it truly does appear that all the pieces are set. My fingers are crossed that the world will never be the same.

21139338? ago

Thank you for passing it on, one never knows, WWG1WGA

21139262? ago

You are not divine, so kindly stop deceiving the idiots that only want some hope. You’re probably a banhammer retard.

21140176? ago

Not sure I ever claimed to be "divine"... just an odd series of coincidences that led to the encounter. What is a banhammer retard? I've been on Voat since the early days.

21140778? ago

It means commenter is a TMOR nigger faggot from Reddit.

21140900? ago

I don't even want to learn your comms NF.

Proceed to nearest dick and suck.

21141790? ago

I was talking to the dude you answered you stupid fuckwad.

Learn to use voat moron..

21141803? ago

Learn to use voat?

Use recognized English words maybe?

21141844? ago

So you cant read either? WTF!

21142033? ago

Read my new post. Haha. Point taken. You made a good point!

21140238? ago

Thanks for the share. We will know soon enough. Always hopeful.

21139258? ago

Noted. Thank you, anon.

21139233? ago

If shoes drop on deep state Friday, Watch Sunday for deep state attempt to pull out all stops.

21139058? ago

I have a couple years of blue balls from all this, so date fagging doesn't offer me much hope.

21140187? ago

Understood. And sorry. But... this is the first and (most likely) the last time anything like this happened to me.

21139975? ago


21138998? ago

👍 Thanks.

21138762? ago

Temper excitement for when we actually see a habbening habben.

Habbening to me would be Clinton swinging on a rope along with the whole cabal. Really deep and secret information coming to light, getting full exposure. Corruption within the federal government coming to an end, and traitors being fully exposed.

To others, a "habbening" can be something much more simple. I.e. somebody resigns, an important person gets indicted, etc.

This is what leads to disappointment and mockery. So the guy said "Friday." But didn't explain what to expect which is a problem for this post. A prediction is nothing if only a date is provided.

21140195? ago

"A prediction is nothing if only a date is provided."

That was my point. It was vague to begin with. And no context. Take it or leave it.

21138689? ago

I'll up-vote some Wednesday hopium.

21138720? ago

Honestly not even meant to be Hopium. Hence my warnings to not treat it as such. Was just too cool not to share.

21138507? ago

What was the general nature of the conversation? Did you say anything before he said Friday?

21138666? ago

I said "I guess it won't be long now."

After I thanked him.

21138488? ago

loud and clear, patriot.

21138485? ago

Well, it sends a thrill up my leg!!

21138075? ago

Fugg.... Happy Halloween!

21137952? ago

November 1 history

1 Nov, 1993 - Europe - Maastricht Treaty 1993 : The Maastricht Treaty formally starts, establishing the European Union (EU). By 1993, 12 nations had ratified the Maastricht Treaty on European Union: Great Britain, France, Germany, the Irish Republic, Spain, Portugal, Italy, Greece, Denmark, Luxembourg, Belgium, and the Netherlands.

November 1, 1950

President Harry S. Truman was the target of an unsuccessful assassination attempt by two members of a Puerto Rican nationalist movement.

21137903? ago

Cool story. Sounds like something the niggers at r/Qult_Headquarters would make up so they can repost and jerk each other off to.

21138683? ago

I'm jerking off to your comment right now.

Just need one more... Comment... To Qum!

21137885? ago

Filed this under It Never Happened already.

21138700? ago

Filed your comment under shit a basement dwelling assclown would say after rubbing their mom's feet.

21139115? ago

Filed your reply under hardcore projection.

21140206? ago

BRB, moms feet are swollen.

21137814? ago

Sunday will be nice, so will Wednesday and the Monday after.

21137802? ago

Seriously. I mean seriously people?

21137550? ago

One other person said Friday on a Podcast. DB?

21137523? ago

Let's all just hope. Except the shills here, y'all can go off yourselves for all I care.

21137517? ago

Half price candy?

21137546? ago

Sweet Justice™ brand.

21137422? ago

The difference is that you are just relaying an impression that you felt. You are allowing us to make our own interpretation. REFRESHING!

21137539? ago


21137376? ago

I'm good with Friday! Let's roll, be safe everyone!

21137272? ago

The Israeli Embassies closing was a huuuuge sign that arrests are getting ready to be made. Buckle up children , it's about to get bumpy I think.

Peace Y

21137186? ago

hell yea anon. good reporting out. be on standby for the next 'big happenings' tweet. fingers crossed.

21137138? ago

Where did you get your Q shirt from?

21137524? ago

Nothing special, snatched one up on an e-comm site for a Halloween costume.

21137081? ago

If this is 'true' my guess is Flynn goes free

Flynn knows where all the bodies are buried

Its begins there

21137559? ago

i think flynn will come later, to be to start it off

21137003? ago

Dannnnggg. I'm a very level-headed guy who has endured dates and predictions without getting worked up about them. But with all that's been happening, I'm finding this one to hit closer to my emotional core. Got to keep myself busy. And probably not a bad idea to stock up on a couple things too.

21137541? ago

We're in the same boat brother... trust me, I never thought I'd be 'datefagging' in a million years. Hence my numerous warnings to proceed with caution on this one.

21136685? ago

I think it will be about Flynn case being dismissed and with any luck, de-clas of some pertinent documents. Hope and change, baby, hope and change. What goes around comes around. Boomerang politics. Hey Obama, duck!!

21137575? ago

de clas will be the big bomb to back everything else up

21136586? ago

FWIW Friday drops are the easiest for the press to ignore.

21136463? ago

The air is effin electric. Han it has been building up to somekind of creshendo.

God bless us all❤️

21136262? ago

If i had to guess, I'd say 8kun will be up and running by/on friday.

21139756? ago

Yup just in time for Q and the news.

21136112? ago

There are more of ‘us’ than of ‘them’. Like you, anon, I’m here for the long haul but rays of habbening are always motivating.

21136054? ago

Is this JFK jr posting on here? Guy gets around.

21136599? ago

No, I'm afraid not. Last I checked, Q confirmed he was unfortunately dead.

21136038? ago

Honestly with the desperate impeachment attempts, they’ throwing everything they can at a tank and it’s not working. The tank keeps advancing, and is waiting for the right time to unleash hell. I’m of course saying NOW, but the time isn’t of my choosing. Anyone with discernment can see we are up against wicked people, so don’t expect them to stop, but they reveal themselves more each day.

21136051? ago

Everything they do fails.

21135908? ago

if you are trying to contribute to this thread, off yourself

21136611? ago

I'll consider it.

21135803? ago

Fuck FBI Fridays

21135768? ago

JFK JR's dogs name is Friday. Who is the hero whom captured Bad daddi ? A dog. Its not a date on a Calandar or a time , its a Dog. That dog meant the world to him. He's coming back to tell the world, nobody else can do it.

21135765? ago

If you fucking morons keep saying it's happening next week, and when nothing happens you say "well next week" maybe in 1,000 years you might get one right there Nostradamus.

21137593? ago

go pound sand limp dick

21137921? ago

I'll be pounding sand next week. But when that doesn't happen it will be the week after that.

21136634? ago

I'm not predicting jack shit. I'm fucking telling you what I heard the man say. There is no prediction. There was nothing attached to it. It may not even be remotely related to Q.

You fucking whining bitches make nobody want to post anything in here. JFC.

21138547? ago

Don't listen to losers. It's an interesting post and I am glad you posted it. Most of the comments here are positive. I think it seems more credible than some other date-related posts because there is definitely a lot going on in rapid succession. The rhetoric is getting more pointed not just from Trump, but from people like Nunes, etc. Feels like a tipping point for sure.

21138737? ago

Agreed. For him to even acknowledge me after seeing the shirt, was highly unexpected.

21135741? ago

Man, oh, man

My hands in the plans

Fan of the man

Sands in the plans

21135657? ago

Loose lips sink ships, why would you share information like that in public, much less post it online?

21138560? ago

Because nothing can stop what's coming. Nothing.

21135553? ago

It would be fitting for Q and Q+ to drop a big hammer on Thursday. “Trick or Treat”! But I’ll be OK with it happening Friday.

21135468? ago

It coinsides with brexit

21135435? ago

More datefagging bullshit

21135403? ago

I can't believe the patience I have learned following Q. I got side swiped Monday and I didn't even get mad at her. I said when she kept apologizing that life happens and what good would it do either of us to get mad at a obvious accident. Life is too short, I think I have a new friend, we shook hands and said well its nice to meet you and too bad it wasn't under better circumstances.

21135383? ago

He's gonna get you high cuz you ain't got no job and you aint got shit to do. Watch out for Deebo though.

21135292? ago

On odd day for maximizing the news cycle. Although on the other hand dropping a MOAB on the non predrilled public and avoiding two days of the media driving the narrative may be the whole point of doing then.

21135240? ago

QPost #16


31 Oct 2017 - 11:31:00 PM

Get the popcorn, Friday & Saturday will deliver on the MAGA promise. POTUS knows he must clean house (gov't) in order to 'free up' and demonstrate who has authority in order to pass important legislation. This was always the priority. Remember, AG Sessions cannot look like an impartial player that is out to get all former Obama team members as we need him for other important work. All will come into focus and for anyone to think POTUS is not in control is kidding themselves. Also, he's 100% insulated with zero risk of impeachment (fact).

21140315? ago

Popcorn √

Prayers √

21135293? ago

ooooooooooo my. I am a bit more on the edge of my seat now. "evil grin"

21135190? ago


21136651? ago

CopyPastaFag x 1,000

21137023? ago

10,000 characters

21135128? ago

Was this Federal Express? Happen to have a delivery scheduled for 11/1?

21135026? ago

It's been quite a week already, just to remind the Arrests orGTFO crowd.

  • Shortly after Pelosi and Schifty return from a treasonous trip to the ME, ISIS leader Al-Baghead and his #2 are killed
  • The good guys scooped up a ton of intel and evidence that setup the following:
  • The PM of Lebanon resigned yesterday
  • The PM of Iraq resigned the same day
  • Israel is closing ALL of its diplomatic posts worldwide
  • A well known Dem Congress Critter resigned in disgrace (rumors are that she took the fall to deflect from another much bigger fish about to be fried)

Red October indeed....wouldn't surprise me if something big caps it off and we hear about it all on Friday the 1st...

21139721? ago


21137054? ago

And...George Papa is running for the slut's congressional seat. WINNING!!

21135851? ago

She wasn't well known till she was naked brushing hair and hitting the bong

21135012? ago

I'm thinking FISA / declas ...

21136660? ago

Someone who thinks like me! Haha. That's my guess.

21134928? ago

How do you know he was a Q insider and not just a Q supporter like us?

21136675? ago

I didn't say he was a Q insider. In fact, I've repeatedly stated he wasn't.

I simply know who he works for.

21134922? ago

He is going to come on Voat for the Friday night jam session.

21134910? ago

I appreciate your enthusiasm, which only stems from the hope we all have. Have had, for me for two years. I want nothing more than to gather my family around me and say, see why I told you I hate Hollywood? And more. Much more than that.

We all can't wait for those around us to know what we knowb only then can healing begin in this great land. A true rebellion, a Godly revolution. Cheers to Friday, my friend. Keep up the fight, patriots never give up.

21134891? ago

Friday in the corporate world means one thing - release shitty news (forgotten after the weekend)

Monday in the corporate world means this - release good news and reap the reward all week

Why would POTUS release anything on a Friday that was good for patriots? I would pick Mon or Tues, personally. Either that, or they feel that most patriots work, and would give it more attention on the weekend (might get lost in weekly crap, less Times and Wapo people working on weekend so harder to spin with a skeleton crew?). Eh, maybe I just convinced myself Friday isn't too bad a day to drop moab.

21134866? ago

Wew, that's ok then.

Friday would be 1/11/19.

That means this won't happen:


21134849? ago

Good day to stay hunkered down, review your ammunition, clean guns, check batteries in flashlights, update everything in the bug out bag, have full tanks of gasoline and LPG.....

You know....standard living......

21134776? ago

Lines up exactly with the 1st 34 Q posts. To the day.

Thus weekend potus will make good on maga promise.

21134736? ago

Friday...IG report. This will change the whole narrative...the weekend Sunday news cycle will be a desperate spin fest!

21136692? ago

Tis my hope too Patriot... but again, apply salt liberally, it was a single word uttered by a single man.

21134858? ago

I bet they start some more fires in California

21134812? ago

This is what i thought strait away

21134654? ago

Hopefully something big. I don't like Friday news though; they always drop stuff they want to cover up on Fridays.

21134633? ago


Watch POTUS Twitter


2 Nov 2017 - 3:06:41 AM

Before POTUS departs on Friday he will be sending an important message via Twitter. God bless.

21134661? ago

The guy I spoke to has about a 0.00000001% chance of being in comms/inside group of POTUS. I'm the OP and I wouldn't even assume this based on what happened.

Would this be amazing? Yes.

Do I think this was what he was previewing? No.

21134714? ago

would be nice....so I thought I would look at Q drops to see if there was any link w/dates and "Friday" ...Q16 and 44 fell off the tree.

21134728? ago

That would be amazing... haha. If it lined up and the hammer dropped this quickly. I'm just assuming we're going to need to see a wave of reports and foundational awareness first.

21134786? ago

no pain if it doesn't happen. just at the site of "Friday" shills will be shilling. Q16 also references impeachment.

21134625? ago

see date


MAGA Promise


31 Oct 2017 - 11:31:00 PM

Get the popcorn, Friday & Saturday will deliver on the MAGA promise. POTUS knows he must clean house (gov't) in order to 'free up' and demonstrate who has authority in order to pass important legislation. This was always the priority. Remember, AG Sessions cannot look like an impartial player that is out to get all former Obama team members as we need him for other important work. All will come into focus and for anyone to think POTUS is not in control is kidding themselves. Also, he's 100% insulated with zero risk of impeachment (fact).

21134556? ago

Are they going to trap the satanic pedovores on Halloween night as they try to hold their disgusting rituals? Their symbolism will be their downfall. I can wait until Friday!

21134631? ago

I wouldn't go quite so far... I'm thinking more in line with a certain report.

21134548? ago

Sound just like that chance encounter fag that posted a chance encounter with a young activated guardsman and spewed some gitmo bullshit the other day. Faggotseznuhuh.

21134627? ago

Yeah, but, this wasn't that... haha. Seznuhuh all u want NF!

21134430? ago

If it raised your antennae, I'll go with it. We'll pray for something positive happening.

21137544? ago

When the Spidey senses tingle the Spidey senses tingle.

21134413? ago

How can he be an insider. I was pretty sure it was "no outside comms"?

21134440? ago

Not claiming he was part of the Q team (That was the specific warning against outside comms)... but, he does work for a very pivotal dept. that we're all waiting on.

21146901? ago

DOJ is what we're waiting on.

21134400? ago

Does anyone of the Q post # for “[Friday and Saturday night, get popcorn]” or something to that affect?

I was coming through the 3000’s but can’t for the life of me remember when it was posted.


21138447? ago

QPost #16


31 Oct 2017 - 11:31:00 PM

Get the popcorn, Friday & Saturday will deliver on the MAGA promise. POTUS knows he must clean house (gov't) in order to 'free up' and demonstrate who has authority in order to pass important legislation. This was always the priority. Remember, AG Sessions cannot look like an impartial player that is out to get all former Obama team members as we need him for other important work. All will come into focus and for anyone to think POTUS is not in control is kidding themselves. Also, he's 100% insulated with zero risk of impeachment (fact).

21139374? ago

Thank you!

21134722? ago

Q3079 ?

21137349? ago

Friday search in QMAP also brings up #666 which has some very interesting Parallels with recent events. Referencing teams (world series?), APACHE ( take down of AlBagdadi?)Truth Must Be Exposed Before Arrests, Public is vital ( impeachment procedures?) There are other parts of this that line up with the current situation.



5 Feb 2018 - 10:16:50 AM

Why did the #Memo drop a Friday [& before the SB]?

Did this seem strange to you?

Watch the news.

Rothschild estate sale [Black Forest].

Stock market DIVE [666 - coincidence?].

Soros transfer of wealth.

Dopey FREED.

Marriage for POWER, not LOVE.




News unlocks MAP.

Think Mirror.

Which team?

THEY don't know.


These people are EVIL.

Still don't believe you are SHEEP to them?

20/20 coming.





Can we simply arrest the opposition w/o first exposing the TRUTH?



21134360? ago

No outside comms.

21134347? ago

Interesting. This will be fun if something happens on Friday, but I won't be disappointed if nothing happens.

Staff Anon was vindicated, after all.

21137357? ago

He was not vindicated. He made a post basically revealing that he doesn't know a damned thing. He is 0 for 4 right now.

21138024? ago

Horseshit. He warned us something big was coming and that everybody was bracing for impact. It was this idiotic attempt to impeach him based on the Whistleblower.

You have no reason to attack staff anon.

21138502? ago

Watch. Im gunna make a post like i'm staffanon and ya'll won't even realize it's me LARPing. Everyone is on comms kids.

21140555? ago

I think you should take a moment to reflect on how gay your above comment is.

21142400? ago

It's to prove a point. You motherfuckers don't even have a way of verifying its staffanon everytime. Or any time.

21137112? ago

How was staff anon vindicated? He predicted a resignation on Monday not on the weekend

21140402? ago

...and he said it wouldn’t be katie hill. 0 for 4.

21134322? ago

TY for your post!

21134302? ago

Every little nugget of info helps. You never know....someone else might have gotten some info and kept it to their self for fear of shilling. Maybe your info is a piece that would almost finish the puzzle of someone else. I am glad you shared. Thank you! Sooner or later the big arrests WILL start. All I can say is...glad I haven't broken into MY popcorn yet. My head is spinning there is so much news. State officials getting arrest in Chicago and Ohio and NY...it IS happening. Trump and his team are spiking the football (Dilley). Flynn is days away from seeing all charges dropped. Big things really are happening my friends. Let's be kind to each other...sit back ...relax and enjoy the show. WWG1WGA I miss Q

21134329? ago

Thanks Patriot! LFG! I hope this has some sauce on it.

21134213? ago



Your wait is over!



21137584? ago


21135135? ago

So, the day after the House vote on an impeachment inquiry. Very interesting.

21134198? ago

Stop datefagging date fagger

21134344? ago

I'm just sharing what I was told by someone who works for the good guys... take it, or leave it. Hell, he could've been referring to a report on fraudulent postage stamps for all I know? Calm down shit licker.

21134177? ago

Let's hope we all have something to talk about on Saturday ... something YUGE :)

21134365? ago

That's the hope!

21134149? ago

Ah..datefagging....here we go again

21134112? ago

Then if something does go down on Friday, get the hell out of Seattle!

21134315? ago

I totally agree...something will go down in Seattle. I think it's either a volcano or earthquake. Nov 3rd

21134783? ago

another jet stolen, doing remote controlled loops

21139707? ago

Kek. Meh feels tho? No such thing happend. §

21135777? ago

rip SkyKing

21134069? ago

which Friday ? 1/4/2030 ?

21134375? ago

Yes. That's the one.

21134031? ago

Did they mean this Friday, there is one every week ya know!

21133961? ago

It's like Christmas. I see a package under the tree. However, I have to wait for Friday to open it.

I just love surprises!

21133874? ago

He listens to Rebecca Black's song "Friday."

21133896? ago

He did say "Alexa" first... I think you're onto something!

21133862? ago

He was just letting you know about that actor from the movie Friday had died

21133875? ago

Fuck... [pours out some of the afternoon 40 oz]

21134808? ago

relax fren

21133814? ago

So, Thursday

21133887? ago

Since when does the Federal government deliver anything a day early?


Monday if anything.

21135124? ago

It was probably planned for today, that's why it will happen on Friday.

21138454? ago


21134065? ago

If people are being rounded up and arrested, it will happen a day early.

21133727? ago

Popcorn!!!! MORE POPCORN!!!!!! NOW!!!!!!!!!!POPCORN!!!!!!!!!!!

21133756? ago

We can only hope. I have so much popcorn.

21133693? ago

Friday is 11/1... That feels right to me lads

21137491? ago


21134742? ago

So did the last 100 predicted dates.

21136020? ago

And yet, here you are.

21138146? ago

He has to be here if he expects to get paid!

21135637? ago

Gee, what could be the purpose behind your post?

21136990? ago

I'm optimistically hoping to be proven wrong.

21134577? ago

The Day of All Saints.

21135640? ago

and 502 years since the kick off of the great reformation

21133745? ago

I hope so... would be cool AF to have been given a hat tip in person.

21135359? ago

Number 111 symbolizes the principles of spiritual awakening and enlightenment, high energy, inspiration and intuition, self-expression and sensitivity.


21133610? ago

Gotta get down on Friday

21134180? ago

It all makes sense now. Rebecca Black = Black Friday. IT'S HAPPENING!!!!

21134566? ago

All for a larp ???

21138817? ago


28 Oct 2017 - 2:33:50 PM


Hillary Clinton will be arrested between 7:45 AM - 8:30 AM EST on Monday - the morning on Oct 30, 2017.

21133832? ago

Sick. Now I have that in my head. Thanks for that.

21133550? ago


21133704? ago


21134511? ago


21134535? ago


21133591? ago

That's all I have to report. Haha.

21133699? ago

No, I'm telling you it will be this Friday as well. People will start going down rapidly.

Either by the hands of justice or their own. Suicide Weekend rapidly approaches.

DJT has been very cocky lately. He's only cocky when he's won.

Oh and he also knows the Savior is an American. God kept him really hidden for fifty years.

Q918 Patriot. Enjoy the show. Christ has returned...and he too is a Patriot, just like you.

21134528? ago

who is the saviour?

21134828? ago

And ruin the surprise?

He is in Ca. That's as much as I am allowed to say.

43 Million in Ca if you count the illegals. Needle in a haystack.

He's safe.

21134757? ago


if you don't know by now.... then you'll never never know

21134147? ago

so why is it that you think it's specifically going to start this friday?

21133482? ago

Thanks for posting anon. Anons have learned we must be very patient. Big things happening every day now, just not the top arrests. We are watching a movie, so I will look forward to Friday, but won't be freaking mad if it's not what I want.

21136050? ago

Nov 1st is New Year's Day for Satanists, a great day for them to experience a new reality.

Getting even farther in the bushes, a prophetic colleague of praying medic, about a month ago, said he had a dream indicating the 1st of November (2019) would be a BIG day.

Finally, way out in the field, my (barbarous relic based) retirement fund has been hammered since 2011, terrible paper losses. Yet, I have been told by my own invisible friends that Santa Claus is coming to town - meaning a significant positive change in my finances before Xmas. So maybe significant changes in the financial system are coming this year as well.

21141052? ago

PM has been claiming that god speaks to him in his dreams and tells him details about what's coming.

No outside comms. Be careful who you follow. Mental illness.

21141776? ago

Anon may have been insinuating that he "had a dream" (was told something) as opposed to actually having a dream.

21137395? ago

That's very interesting. There was a guy awhile ago telling all the Patriots never be at home during the holiday festive season. They will know where you are, and take you out. All Patriots will be taken out, so never be at home during the holidays eg Thanks Giving.

Imagine switch it around. It's the satanist turn. Fingers cross, and hope for the best. Originally I thought Trump would reveal Q, but this is also a good angle.

21133557? ago

Exactly. My guess is related directly to the dept he works with. Which I intentionally didn't divulge. No matter how upset Anons get with my lack of substantiation... just in case it's a legit drop. I don't want to ruffle any feathers.

Patience is key. 99% this is nothing. But... I can assure you he was legit.

21139594? ago

If this is true than it makes me really sad.

After all that we have been through and witnessed, there is NO WAY that we will have advance knowledge when the big moment hits. If "WE" know then "THEY" know, which is not how it will work. The people that will be pulling this off are not going to say a word to ANYONE! ..at lease I'd hope they wouldn't.. hello!!.. "Military Planning at It's Finest"

I'm guessing you're a crafty shill.. sounding convincing and all.. banking on the natural anticipation growing here because of the date coming up (same thing happened last year).. and now we will start saying "Friday" to those on the fringe that don't fully understand and then further the same scenario that equates to .. "but it was supposed to happen and it didn't so it's just a conspiracy theory!"

21142647? ago

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21140256? ago

Why would this make you sad? NOTHING was predicted. He simply said "Friday"... he didn't say what. There's no reason to immediately assume that's the "big moment". I wasn't speaking to a member of the Q Team. My guess is that something MAY be dropping on Friday in the sense of a report/announcement, but, certainly not any large scale maneuvers or hammers dropping... there's no way that would be nonchalantly hinted at to someone like me w/ no clearance. Nor would I post it on here if I did have clearance.

I can assure you I'm not a shill.

A shill would promise something. I'm relaying a fucking word that was said to me by someone that works for a pivotal department.

That's all.

Take it or leave it.

"but it was supposed to happen..." WHAT was supposed to happen?! I didn't suggest anything was happening. I provided a day of the week.

21141128? ago

NOTHING was predicted. He simply said "Friday"... he didn't say what. There's no reason to immediately assume that's the "big moment" ... "but it was supposed to happen..." WHAT was supposed to happen?! I didn't suggest anything was happening. I provided a day of the week.

Sure, you didn't pin anything down.. Friday could mean anything. But knowing our hopes here, if you sound believable to us and we repeat it to those that are unsure if Q is real, and then nothing happens on Friday, they will then think it's just crap and be deterred.

Shills have to be crafty nowadays. But if you're not a shill.. cool.. WWG1WGA! Keep in mind in the future that datefaggin sux.. and yes "Friday" is technically datefaggin!

The sad part is because I honestly hope this isn't true. Not the Friday part.. if that's true.. awesome. But it would be sad if someone involved with this would risk a mission to just someone in a Q shirt.

21134451? ago

Can't say the same about you tho

21134459? ago

Nope. Or anyone on here for that matter.

21135653? ago

Including you.

21136002? ago

And you.

21136706? ago

And me. Wait. We did me.

21137429? ago

KeK. Thanks for the post OP, just got home from work, first read of the night. Starting off with chuckles is nice. Thanks for sharing the experience you had.

21137345? ago

And you!...oh fuck

21138730? ago

I just got here, who the fuck is this 21137345? guy....

21133349? ago

I won't disclose location, images or any identifiable information.

But today I had a chance encounter with...

It's interesting that this isn't the only story I've seen posted starting with the same words, and also trying to datefag.

21133381? ago

I'm simply passing along what I heard. Not trying to do any datefagging... there was nothing else attached to the day.

As I said, take it or leave it.

I never thought I'd post anything like this. I'm very anti-datefaggotry myself.

21133424? ago

Uh huh.

21133421? ago

I'm not trying to datefag, as I tell you all some mystery government official told me "Friday". Grt da fuk out or substantiate your claims.

21133475? ago

How would you like me to substantiate it?

Posting the picture I took?

Not very Anon of me.

Take it, or leave it.

21134264? ago

I'll leave it then. Thanks for wasting a post.

21134452? ago


21133407? ago

I'm very anti-datefaggotry myself.

Obviously not enough to not post this unverifiable speculation. Nobody who knows is going to break opsec either faggot.

21133441? ago

What opsec is fucking broken when you just say "Friday" you dumbdick?

Take it, or fucking leave it.

I'll assume you are leaving it in that case? Haha. Move along now dildo swallower.

21133467? ago

What opsec is fucking broken when you just say "Friday" you dumbdick?

Nobody in the know is going to tell you, a random loser when missions are going to take place you fake and gay nigger.

Move along now dildo swallower.

Jew detected, always with the sexual degeneracy.

21133519? ago

"missions"? mmmmk. That wasn't my guess.

Hint: He wasn't wearing camo.

21133319? ago

Thanks for the report anon

21133338? ago

Yessir. This is being downvoated instantly. With a BS shill reply within 30 seconds of me posting.

21137037? ago

All the shills have now is fingernails ripping at the walls closing in upon them. A world of shame and then federal confinement or worse for their heroes and heroines who have led them down an open sewer. I don't like to cuss, but I say FUCK 'EM, AND THE GREAT BIG GREEN HORSE THEY RODE IN ON. In the USCG, we would say they are the type of people who would be awarded the Silver Fid and the Golden Marlinspike.

21140275? ago

Served on the Chase WHEC 718....You?

21137572? ago

Fuck yea! LFG!

21136462? ago

I could understand why people have downvoted this. Not only has every datefag attempt failed literally 100% of the time in QRV, but Q himself has directly used misinformation to pretend a certain day would have big happenings when it was really wasn't...

So yes we understand that you aren't specifically making any prediction for Friday, but it's better to just live in the moment than wasting time thinking about a single vague word could mean for your future...

21135332? ago

within 30 seconds of me posting

within 30 seconds of my posting

21136719? ago

I was trying to insert Leprechaun dialect!

[Cries in rainbow tears]

21137573? ago

Saints preserve us!

21135363? ago


Grammar Nazi.

Had to work a Nazi comment in somewhere.

21134434? ago

I'm no shill but I feel the same way, I kinda wish you didn't share this. Just in case.

21137426? ago

Dont be a bitch. Toughen up princess. Need to know and share everything. Document everything.

21138764? ago

"We're surrounded!"

"Good. Now we can fight them from ANY direction"

21134555? ago

Nothing can stop this. Nothing.

21142590? ago

There can be hiccups and setbacks though

21134391? ago

Can you snow me the bs shill post that was within 30 seconds of your posting?? Cant seem to find it.

21133587? ago

Think that's the Shit Hole Ham Bammers working overtime today.

21135727? ago

Dude! The banhammerers aren't doing anything like you describe! Wtf are you talking about! @heygeorge @gabara @nadeshda etc etc. What is this narrative being spun?

21135759? ago

People who believe Q and 95% of the unsubstantiated bullshit here deserve to also believe other bullshit.

21141839? ago

As I have said quite a few times ... I whole heartily believe it is not the banhammers doing this.

These are globalist shills ! banhammers are more lovable fun-loving trolls.

Trolls would rather troll comments and posts then downvote for no reason.

21143239? ago

Of course. I am a one-man upvote brigade. I don’t want any lolcows comment restricted.

21133276? ago

Your reply and image drop was impossibly fast. Nice try. I hope you enjoyed that $0.50 you just earned.

21133353? ago

For the first ~2.5 minutes, more often than not, a new post is only visible in v/all/new. After that it becomes visible in the new listings of the subverse it actually was posted to.

With that in mind, the above user commented 2m 36s after you made your post.

21133410? ago

Actually, ~80 seconds after my initial post. With an image at the ready that the same user has been spamming in multiple threads.

21133472? ago

With an image at the ready that the same user has been spamming in multiple threads.

So they're clearly active with the link in their clipboard or a click away?

Actually, ~80 seconds after my initial post.

I'm very tired, allow me to math again...

Oh fuck I see what I did... I was looking at your timestamp. My bad dude.

Still though, there's often a brief period where a post is only visible on v/all/new, so the user is probably actively browsing that and both fucking with you and genuinely postulating that, if your story is even true, the other guy was also fucking with you.

Frankly, I'm not putting stock into anything like this - I'm sure you understand.


21133494? ago

Absolutely understand that! I wouldn't put any stock into it either. Shit, I still don't even believe it, and it happened to me. LOL.

And again, it was a single word/day. Nothing at all attached to it.

21133512? ago

Yes, well, if something significant were to happen you could possibly claim a "successful datefag award" of +1 internet.

21133580? ago

LOL. I'll take it!

Seriously though, just sharing something epic that happened to me while rocking a Q shirt. The coolest part was, the mention of "Friday" didn't occur until he saw the shirt.

Even still, my datefag +1 award can never been displayed, as we are all Anon on /QRV. (Semi-Anon at least)

21134649? ago

Any we won’t have to wait long to find out.

Enough time for that Costco popcorn run.

21133602? ago

Hence why the award is just a +1 internet; symbolic :P

21133608? ago

Make it a +2 and you got yourself a deal.

21133635? ago

I... ummm... deal for what? Sorry but that really doesn't work here lol.

21133661? ago

[Was joke]

21133696? ago

[Is tired]

21133810? ago

git then

21133845? ago


21134853? ago
