21161846? ago

Only a few hours left anon...tick tock. What say you when nothing happens???

21162367? ago

I'm not the one that posted "Friday". Not sure if that anon will see this.

21163463? ago

my bad dude, was just too anxious to talk shit to that guy i guess

21161514? ago

only Boomers believe in heroes.

21156345? ago

Don't push dates, only setting yourself up for failure

21154920? ago

A good reminder. I read your posts. I decided not to get too upset over these types of date posts and the big one today with the Ritual Abuse diatribe that got all the kind people responding even though the OP just got on as registration opened up. Many holes in their 'story' that incorporated every form of abuse rolled into her life. Even though she was on drugs most of it, she was suddenly articulate after what I would assume was very little opportunity for schooling/education/prose. She/he probably just needed the SCP and got a boat load.

I'm confident that Pres Trump will continue on with the plan and his work as he always does. We will know when it's time. The methods are working and fun to see people go crazy with being stumped and caught. Carry on Mr. President. We are with you all the way!

21155036? ago

Good point.

And you see how easily we are swayed, even here! The human populace in general are very naïve and can be easily manipulated.. which is how these criminals have been getting away with this shit for so long. I often wonder if we could ever lose this trait. But then that would mean we don't trust anyone. What kind of a world would that be? I could get deep here so I'll just end it now. :)

21153344? ago

Lindsey Graham stepping down Grassley taking over. Durham has empaneled grand jury in Connecticut. Pain is coming. Friday

21149420? ago


21147266? ago


21147253? ago

Who fucking cares.

21147196? ago

I took the post for what it was and nothing more. He didn't say anything WOULD happen on Friday, just that "Friday" was what someone told him.

There wasn't even ANY context given for the "Friday" comment.

I, for one, don't put any reliance on dates, especially one given on an anon forum, but I remain hopeful and appreciate the poster relaying his experience (if it did happen). What others say or think is their prerogative. I'm not going to dictate that they shouldn't say something because someone else doesn't want to hear detractors using it to discredit them.

Nobody knows what will happen from one day to the next. So to use that as an argument to prove a point is irrelevant. Detractors are still going to try to discredit; no matter what. I'm confident enough in my own beliefs and discernment that what others say or think of them is of no concern to me.

21146432? ago

This post has my vote for most useless and irrelevant sideshow on the entire forum. Great job posting to your super cool comments twice inside the post. We really needed a breakdown of your genius plan to save the board.

21146385? ago

You should research the Jehovah's Witness religion. This is exactly how it got started.

21145817? ago

the OP Did write an apology post and didn't even mention the original subject matter to bring it up again. Not sure a shill would do that.

21149872? ago

I've already acknowledge to OP that I understand there may be truth to his story. We just have to be more careful in the future to not let "it didn't happen" situations to occur.

I didn't see an apology post.. can you link it?

21151061? ago

21145735? ago

dayfagging, it's like datefagging without numbers.

21145730? ago

Every Friday is a good day, lots of shit happens on Fridays, we don't need anyone to tell us this, but I like positive thinking. Now if this post had said "nothing is happening, blah, blah, blah", that would be negative and I don't do negative.

21145548? ago

Appreciate this, you are not incorrect!

21145418? ago

So much effort for one troll post lol. Y'all are really funny to watch, unlike other goats I love y'all here, endless entertainment.

21145180? ago

That post was written like a creepypasta on the chans, just looking at the title it SCREAMS fiction. Lots of unnecessary details to hide the lie, a concrete date to specifically date-fag.

It's got all the signs. If it was a shill, likely many positive comments saying it's true or likely could also be shills.

21145010? ago

The only thing that is happening is the Trump Impeachment.

21144765? ago

It smelled like shill.

21144727? ago

But today is Thursday. :P

21144604? ago

He/she never said anything would happen. He/she just told a story and told people to take it for what it was worth. It is people like you that intimidate others from even telling others what they've seen or heard. I'm sure you will call me a shill but there were many of us that were grateful for his post and are grateful for others like them. I've always felt that those who get so upset with what they call "date fagging" are people who got their hopes up before and then were so disappointed that they now project that possible reaction onto everyone else. You need to get over that. A whole lot of us never fell into despair. We just moved on to the next story/pattern/thing to investigate. And for all you know, these things could be intended to be deliberate disinfo for the black hats reading these. So why can't all of you "date fagging" haters just chill?

21149742? ago

There are many of us who understand that sometimes a date may or may not mean something.. and we trust the plan and carry on. We're in it for the long hall.

But there are many eyes here that are still unsure what to think. The shills here pounce on these type of situations to discourage those that are unsure. Datefaggin can hinder our movement. It happened last year 10-30 and 10-31.. and the aftermath of "it didn't happen" probably discourage quite a few people. I've seen some post that they are done with Q because something didn't happen.

All I'm saying is we need to be more careful.. especially sharing with outsiders!

21144469? ago

Here's what I think about OP and his datefagging.


21144452? ago

Honestly. Who cares?

Lighten up Patriot.

21144350? ago

good looking out...I have a habit of passing by datefaggers....did that and was disappointed once...not again - trusting the plan.

21144344? ago

"hue hue believe me he is legit" - fuck off. Mere speculation shill. Stupid. No sauce, just story.

21144274? ago

I read and commented on the post, the OP did not datefag, he only related a conversation he had and the reaction of the guy to his Q shirt, was just one word, "Friday" OP stated he was not saying something would happen, just that he found the comment interesting and was giving a recounting of his thoughts and reaction. You however appear to be calling him out as a liar and datefag, you seem to be "shilling" or whatever. Leave it alone, we will see what happens and take it from there.

21144173? ago

I can discern for myself, thank you. This post sounds like some dork finally got his bully moment to stand up on a cafeteria table to chastise tommy.

21149801? ago

Sure you can discern for yourself.. congrats.

But it's a good idea in this movement to think of others too.. you know.. WWG1WGA.

I just want to stop the discouraged posts when something doesn't happen.. which you or I wouldn't do.. but those that are unsure will. Even shills jump on that too.

21153733? ago

Shills love to discredit, which you achieved. The op deleted said post.

21144118? ago

Fuck off faggot.

21144040? ago

The original post didn't read right... I have already added a grain of salt to my pile.

21144038? ago

For the record OP... it was YOUR comment that initiated my deletion. Unnecessary risk.

21144001? ago

I'm the OP... so, I'll say it again. I deleted the post because it accomplished nothing. Did it happen? Yes. Does that mean anything? No. I'm not willing substantiate it, and even if I did, that could telegraph something we're not supposed to.

So... Since posting that proves nothing unless I'm willing to post images (I'm not)... It does more harm than good. No matter the context or substantiation.

21161553? ago

your post reaked of ego. you're a peon grabbing at crumbs.

21162413? ago

I'll disagree with the first part. But, agreed to the 2nd.

21149543? ago

Ok I understand.. if it truly happened to you.. awesome.. and if I were you I'd probably want to share it here too. I appreciate there isn't much more info you could give.

But we all have to think through some of these situations. I was pointing out this one because how easily a shill could do this. We do not need anymore.. "it was supposed to happen and nothing" in this movement. I witnessed it last year on these days. When nothing happens, we get posts of others that are discouraged, saying they're giving up on Q, (probably more concernfag shills). So while it's obvious we want to share these.. we have to remember the shill factor every time.


21154315? ago

Now that this has faded... and "I appreciate there isn't much more info you could give."... you have no idea how badly I want to post the pic. But... I'll wait!


We'll wait and see what happens. Don't want to dig my psuedo-anti-shill-but-kinda-still-doing-what-a-shill-would-do grave any deeper!

21147482? ago

I appreciate your frankness. I didn't take it as datefagging. Just something to look forward to as a heads up. For anyone to take it as more than that is their gullibility. I don't put a lot of reliance on anyone's predictions. I do like to hear of others experiences and insights; and hope we will continue to have the freedom to express them.

21147664? ago

Agreed 100%. My decision to delete wasn't because of the haters... it was purely to eliminate any risk of telegraphing.

21144893? ago

I'm on your side. I read it, and it was just info you passed along. I found it interesting.

21145000? ago

Thanks... yeah, I can see how people classify it as date-fagging... and I deleted it simply because it actually happened. So, I don't want to be part of the problem. Hence, deletion.

21145803? ago

Some people want exact detailed layout of Trumps plans, where I am more, that would be cool if...

Friday will be here regardless of if anything happens. Who knows..

21143926? ago

FF Seattle. 11/3.. Breaking of the first seal.

Cap it.

21146466? ago

First seal ? First Seal was broken awhile ago. After every Seal breaks knowledge to Gods Elect Increases.

After first seal broke there was a change in some Christians

Some bible organizations formed that held different beliefs and were attempting to remove the paganism from mainstream from their own beliefs

Seal 1: Counterfeit to Gods Kingdom : Think of a world political organization that was dissolved, and got renamed (L of N to UN). As the white horse and crown symbolize, promotes peace and is someone with power. However, the bow reveals the intent of conquering thru deceit.

Seal 2: Think WWI. Red horse. Take peace from the earth = Worldwide War

Seal 3: "…a black horse! People working hard for little profit. Inflation thru greed !

Seal 4: "…a pale horse! This is where we are ! Kill a fourth of the world's population through war, famine, greed, etc.

One World Government from which appear (A) and his subrulers ?

Seal 5: "I saw under the altar the souls of those who had been slain for the word of God and for the witness they had borne"

(A) persecution of the witnesses, this is their final mistake and hubris. Dark to light otherwise. Fear of Exposure.

Seal 6: Judgment comes ! "shaking" "skys darkened" "blood moon(s)" Stars fallen from heaven <-- war in heaven cast down with their worshippers.

Seal 7: silence in heaven for about half an hour <-- Calm before the storm, Preparing for battle.

Next is trumpets !

21149272? ago

Like I said 11/3 FF in Seattle is probably coincidence.


21149398? ago

No ... Not coincidence ... planned.

We have been thru many of these

21150029? ago

Compare that jpg with what is written. Doesn't seem right to me, seems off.

While the first part about humanities actions breaking the seals is spot on.

As can be seen in above post where I explain the seals.

The Bowls/Vials are the plagues not a seal.

What world power has a military of 5 million ? That is on the other side of the Euphrates.

Possibly not Russia ! Even tho they have a part to play in our times. Are part of the composite beast.

21143825? ago

If nothing happens Friday the Qtards comments will fly!

Who cares? Grow a thicker skin and settle in for the long haul.

Stop caring what muh Trump-Russia-Ukraine conspiracy theorists think of you.

21144245? ago

butbut, the demons, they don't like me!

21144642? ago

Right? It's a fucking compliment

21144677? ago

exactly -- took me a while, too long perhaps, but at least i'm still on the right side of the grass!

21144720? ago

It's a fine line to walk - not letting our capacity for virtue, integrity and deep desire to be used against us, while still maintaining it at our core.

21143771? ago

That's a shame. I leave every comment on my posts ...good and bad

21143632? ago

Psh, yeah, everyone knows that's actually going to happen SATURDAY.

21143475? ago


21143203? ago

Datefags are 1/1024th the problem of Nazifaggots.

People come here for the first time and see a datefag name a date that doesn't happen, if they have common sense they'll work it out that Q never actually said that.

People come here for the first time and they see QRV hijacked by a bunch of Nazifaggots disparaging minorities and Jews -- that is the bigger problem by far.

21144150? ago

I doubt many are coming here for the first time. At this point those who are awake, are awake and the the rest are still getting their daily programming from the cia media.

21143252? ago

Yup, I'm glad that no one pays attention to what goes on here. Otherwise this place would be giving the Q movement such a massive black eye so as to render it a liability to their success.

Voat's irrelevancy negates the damage it could to to rational people, thankfully.

21143106? ago

One day a shill will get it right. It will happen when it happens. Timing is everything.......

21143059? ago

Ignore the date setters. They are always shills.... even if they don't know it.

21142998? ago

How many fucking times do I have to say it? If Q didn't say it specifically, then FUCK IT, and anyone saying it.

Anyone who thinks otherwise can suck 8kuns' dicks.

21144433? ago

Even if Q did say it (e.g. HRC passport flagged, Podesta arrested), do NOT datefag.

Q wasn't making predictions, he was creating a movement.

21143007? ago

Wow.. multiple dick 8kun!

21144558? ago


21143128? ago

I'm not racist, but if you have EIGHT KOONS, well, I feel bad for Piper....

21143763? ago


21146167? ago

relax snowflake...it'll all work out

21142949? ago

what happened to fisa before the end of this month?

21144121? ago

Not sure. Let’s wait until the months over though?

21142862? ago


I prefer Qberts.

Beep Boop.

21144837? ago


21142856? ago


Thors day...

blah blah blah...

when do we start gassing jews?

21144170? ago

Friday..... jesus aren't you following along?

21142839? ago

I saw the post, and yes i know what you mean, i wont be date fagging to any normies, it only makes me look bonkers when nothing habbens lol though i know a lot is habbening, just that i dont have the heads up on these things, so il just wait for the unveiling as it happens in real time. cheers.

21149956? ago

Datefagging on here makes your whole community lose face with the rest of Voat, QRV has simultaneously gotten better and worse over the last 6 months, at least most of y'all are JQ woke now but the fact remains that y'all have a problem with attracting Low IQ mongs who don't know when to shut their stupid mouths and embarrass y'all, Q, the President, nearly the entire right wing, and Voat.

Q and the entire Qmunity has pretty bad rap these days because of so many idiots who do nothing but spew and consume disinfo because they are only really here to LARP as Secret agents, "anonymous", and "patriots" but in reality these folks just attract trolls and disinfo like OP describes. I'm an 8ch /pol/ack marooned on voat until Odin or 8kun goes live because 4/pol/ is trash, the stereotype of y'all attracting unintelligent older folks(Qtards and Qoomers) who have no fucking clue how active measures or operations work and keep falling for dumber and dumber bait conspiracies propped up by glow niggers and mossad (like Flat Earth) you guys kept falling into psy-ops and disinfo so constantly their disinfo worked and alienated you from actual /pol/acks who could advise you on the deception like me who did try to bring you up to speed on the practical shilling efforts of our enemies but I was shouted out the door by idiots who could not take constructive criticism.

Now I'm hoping the tides have turned a bit considering y'all actually upvoted OP, hopefully QRV is now willing to listen to caution from someone who has experience in all of the types of operations /pol/acks have been running since Obama took office, I'm not proud of that many of them these days either because half of them were contrived glownigger ops that got late period anons to help destabilize the mideast for the purpose of empowering the new deepstate/zionist stratagem we are suffering through now, most of my work involved packaging/translating useful info, mostly from the anarchist cook book and our enemies playbook to help protesters in the Arab Spring and the Maidan, wouldn't you know it destabilizing the mideast which seemed like a great idea at the time because "fuck islamic governments" was actually a huge mistake which created a smoke screen for the invention of ISIS and the invasion of Europe, most of us weren't JQ woke back then. What I'm saying here is that you should heed the oldfag /pol/acks because our warnings come from experience.

If I could give you one thing to improve QRV the single most important thing for fighting Disinfo and glowniggers is proper comment IDs like image boards use to prevent samefagging, they wont make you impervious but they will give you a fighting chance at catching interlopers in action. The only person we can Identify in this comment section is going to be OP because even though his numbers will change with every post he will always have the same purple ID in this thread so long as he doesn't use an alt account, this means low effort shilling, trolling and disinfo for him in the comments would be more complicated and if he slips up he could be caught samefagging which would invalidate his comments in the thread. To make this happen you would need to ask Putt for help but what it would take at minimum is making sure the anon posting keeps the same random numbers for every post you make from the same account in a given thread. The best solution, but unlikely if I know Putt, would be color coded(for speedier Identification at a glance) names which keep their numbers and colors in a given thread and a second alphanumeric that only mods and admins can see which would be randomly generated for the user's IP so even if they have sock accounts their fuckery can be detected(I imagine some users would have family or roommates with voat accounts also so mods would need to be paying a lot of attention to see if this is genuinely shilling and disinfo or an actual coincidence but I would say keep that IP alphanumeric site wide for anon subs and system subs after implementation).

With Better anon ID's you will better learn the 6th sense most /pol/acks have developed for detecting the intention of an anon poster spotting real shills will become far easier for seasoned users.

Good luck sorting y'all's shit out.

21142925? ago

Cheers to you too!

21142833? ago

I’m happy to have downvoated that kike

21142770? ago

Date setting is wishing. And if wishes were candy and nuts, what a merry Christmas we would have.

No, not setting a date. 🙄

21144231? ago

dates go with nuts

just don't eat too many!

21144718? ago

Always bring your nuts on dates. You may need them.

21142656? ago

"He said one word... "Friday."

Who said this?

Dear OP, we can't read your mind.

21144673? ago

The post was a person telling the story of meeting with another person who worked for a federal agency (he wouldn't name). When the federal person saw the posters Q shirt, the federal person said "Friday" as they walked away. There was more, but I don't remember specifics and I don't want to misquote the poster. The poster was in no way saying something would happen on Friday - they were just sharing information. The OP of this post, however, is trying to make a big deal of it.

21142668? ago

I linked it here in this post .. https://voat.co/v/QRV/3492812

It's about a now "deleted by author" post from last night that needs attention, especially to those who may have read it and/or commented.

21142680? ago

Unfortunately I can neither read deleted posts or read your mind.

Can you tell us more, or is it a secret?

21142731? ago

Ok.. I getcha.

OP of that post claimed he was talking to some federal employee and when this employee noticed OP was wearing a Q shirt, he ended their convo with the word "Friday". Said it may not mean anything but of course this is totally datefaggin.

And as you can see by the comments.. a lot of people believed in it. Of course a few others called it out for datefaggin.. but either way.. I think we all need to learn better ways to handle this shit.. I mean if he is legit, how cool to get a tip like that.. of course you'd want to share. But how does it look on our end. It should only be taken as a shill post. Because otherwise it could end up a ding on our movement.

21143248? ago

But he did state that he is not claiming to say anything would happen. He simply wrote what he claimed happened in the conversation.

I did not take his comment as date fagging and I am one of the first to call someone out as one. You, on the other hand come across as am intolerant anti free speech leftist antifa type bully.

21142783? ago

Eh, we'll find out on Friday... it's good to know so we can keep an open mind and watch for other possible habbenings, but it's hardly worth too much effort because we'll know soon enough.

21142695? ago

The original OP wrote that, after having noticed the OP's QRV-ish type shirt, a govvie-LEO-type individual said, cryptically, "Friday." The implication is that something significant will happen 1NOV. This OP responded.

Now you are up to speed.

21142741? ago

That's another way to put it! ;)