What does it feel like to know you wasted 2 years on this. (QRV)
submitted 5.1 years ago by 3494224?
Q started 2 years ago this week. I came back a few days ago and was STUNNED that you idiots were still around. Hillary is still free and Trump is interviewing lawyers.
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21147903? 5.1 years ago
wow you're such a liar. you didn't leave and come back, you've been here the entire time like a STALKER...
and if this is what 'wasting' time got us; https://voat.co/v/QRV/3493248
then we are STOKED and READY to DO IT AGAIN!ππΊπΈπΊπΈπΊπΈπΊπΈπΊπΈπΊπΈπΊπΈπΊπΈπΊπΈπΊπΈπΊπΈπΊπΈπΊπΈπΊπΈπΊπΈπΊπΈπΊπΈ
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21147903? ago
wow you're such a liar. you didn't leave and come back, you've been here the entire time like a STALKER...
and if this is what 'wasting' time got us; https://voat.co/v/QRV/3493248
then we are STOKED and READY to DO IT AGAIN!ππΊπΈπΊπΈπΊπΈπΊπΈπΊπΈπΊπΈπΊπΈπΊπΈπΊπΈπΊπΈπΊπΈπΊπΈπΊπΈπΊπΈπΊπΈπΊπΈπΊπΈ