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21134984? ago

Not sure where this 'not a dry eye' talk comes from, but #918 doesn't speak of this, only "Wait until you learn who has been talking to you here."

21138572? ago

If OP really is who I think it is, then yes there will not be a dry eye in the house. I'd love to see this and for those not crying to go nuts over it. lol

21140422? ago

It can't be JFKjr. And if it was, then I would fear that part of the Bible about many antichrists. I would not be content, I'd be terrified.

21135382? ago

Who on Earth could be that important? use some common sense.

21138638? ago

JFK jr is the Only person that would make me cry tears like that. Sorry, but Jesus is not the one showing up on Friday. So I will wait and get my confirmation on that day.

21135790? ago

On Earth? Who is that important? No One. Stop glorifying mere Humans.

And according to Q, JFKJr is not on this Earth: See and

21136385? ago

If someone is in witness protection, they are dead.

21138126? ago

whitey bulger?

jeffrey epstein?

21138211? ago

One I think everyone missed... John Perry Barlow

21139176? ago

OP was talking about his bong...

21135337? ago

Meaning, if you REALLY knew who was taking to us...

For example, if it was Jesus, would you not cry? Tears of joy, or fear???

21138662? ago

Thanks for the laugh...Q is Jesus...typing furiously away on a keyboard somewhere

And OP is clearly of the female variety to add the whole "not a dry eye" bit

Seriously...where the shit did that come from?

21136108? ago

Both are appropriate.

21136686? ago

I think every emotion is. But BRING IT!

21135699? ago

Jesus doesn't need a computer or the Internet to communicate with humanity.

Furthermore, it's NOT JFKJr at least according to Q. See and

21205849? ago

What would he use then? A loud speaker like AJ?

21135818? ago

Don't forget

Disinfo is necessary...

21135941? ago

Yes. I recall that being mentioned.

21138093? ago

plot twist

get in the boxcar

21135389? ago

this fucker would have tears of fear

21135431? ago

Only a guilty conscious would. Maybe tears of awe and respect?

21146484? ago

we're all sinners

21147416? ago


We need an impartial sinless judge.

We need God.

21135275? ago

Just as a thought experiment.

Suppose POTUS introduces us to "Q" at a White House ceremony.

Let us suppose, again, purely as a thought experiment, that the person that comes up to the lectern is a man the DS tried to kill, but who has been in hiding for many, many years.

Let us further suppose (thought experiment, again) that the man at the lectern identifies himself as the son of a late POTUS, one who did not die a natural death.

Let us say then, that this man then starts laying out a case for treason, villainy, greed, blackmail, warmongering and MURDER, among many other charges, against many of our most well-known politicians, diplomats and bureaucrats.

And that AS HE SPEAKS teams of deputized Marines were sweeping up these criminals.

Now, THAT would be a GREAT FRIDAY.

I remember, after starting to hear about Q and learning the things we've learned thinking to myself "Somebody will need to give a speech explaining this all." I knew it could not be anyone who is already polarizing, so who might that be?

Who indeed?

21142171? ago

Who indeed?

That would be one of the greatest moments of all of time! a story that will be told 1,000 years from now. I wish/hope it could be true. The USA could use an honest unifying voice, that nobody could deny.

To write the story of Camelot would require him to serve as Trumps VP and then 8 years as President himself. Maybe, just maybe, 12 years more would be enough to cleanup the whole mess.

21205811? ago

Moments. I saw monuments. And boom lets build a monument like mt rushmore for Trump !

I can see the Reeeeee s abound when we announce this.

21138041? ago

As much as if pains me to say, John John is dead. Listen, I would LOVE for him to still be alive, but he is not.

21138293? ago

Just a thought experiment.

21138600? ago

Okay, yeah, as a though experiment - You are right that everybody (both Republican and Democrat citizens) love JFK, Jr. and would listen to him. But, that would be us older folks who know who he is and remember him dying. The younger people wouldn't care.

21153214? ago

What would be perfect would be any evidence of foul play to take him out, irrefutable evidence.

21138591? ago

"JFK Jr is alive" has been flogged here many many times.

Its not some brilliant 'thought experiment' you came up with (whatever that means)

It's just you regurgitating some crap you read here before.

And I use the word CRAP because Q has specifically told us that he is dead and to let his memory rest in peace ffs

21146472? ago

Q also said "disinfo necessary"

21205823? ago

What about post 144?

Conspiracy ST.

Was that misinfo too?

21208109? ago

4 days is a really long time

21136902? ago

We can never know who Q is and POTUS can never acknowledge what happened because state secrets were revealed. Unless proper declassification procedures were followed, this is actually an impeachable offense.

21153182? ago

POTUS can declassify any state secret he has access to.

21146464? ago

Q has said we will learn, so, you're wrong...

21137716? ago

Bs pres can Declas wutever he wants wenever he wants. Giving to agentseas is just a courteazy

21136873? ago

It's Jeb! isn't it? Everyone is getting a little turtle!

21136147? ago

Why would jfk jr lay out all of these crimes? What would make him be a person that everyone believes like those brain dead leftists?

21136594? ago

Leftists idolize JFK. One brain dead leftist I know, this guy (in his 70's) literally has meltdowns and runs away like a crying baby when you mention Trump, but his home office is a replica of JFKs, including pics. He idolizes JFK, but thinks Trump is destroying the Constitution. On the other hand he has a common last name from Springmeier's illuminati so even if the JFK/Constitution act is crap, it would be a faceful of catastrophic cognitive dissonance for him to find out that Trump and JJ were best buds.

21136107? ago

Just tossing this out there, I have seen a fuck ton of tabloid magazines with JFK Jr. on the cover lately. Nearly every time I go to the grocery store there are one or two at least.

21138256? ago

Not only on tabloids, but also on TV...lots of stories keep poping up.

21137620? ago

this is actually, possibly something.

21137106? ago

Good share. Keep eyes open

21136055? ago

That would give "Good Friday" another definition.

21135548? ago

Denzel Washington might ....

(thought experiment, again)

21138680? ago

Whats a thought experiment?

21138920? ago

So apparently a "thought experiment" is the same thing as "hypothetical"

Used by people that don't know how to use the word "hypothetical" correctly I guess

21135413? ago

Who indeed?

not a Kennedy

21138084? ago

Trump himself

21135377? ago

Jfkjr? Maybe... but he was just a man.

Show me JESUS so i can have solace KNOWING this is the day of the Lord.

That said, if jfkjr went back in time, and was the actual Jesus, then ok. That'll work.

But burden of proof of time travel would lie with them.

21140807? ago

You know, there’s a story about JFKJr, that when he was asked once if he would go into politics he said no, that all the politicians he knew were nice in front of a camera but horrible people in real life. Instead, he wanted to focus on “being a good man” in life, off camera.

Although I believed Jr was alive for awhile, I don’t think so anymore. So sad I lost that hope.

21142842? ago

OP here, I actually agree. But time will tell. Guess I am open either way.

21146437? ago

oops, logged into wrong account

21135436? ago

Considering Jesus was born back then, JFK Jr. time travel is out.

21135827? ago

Jesus disappeared... from all known writings.

Till he was an adult..

21140383? ago

Junior better not have been 33 when he died.

21136337? ago

Jesus also healed the sick, raised the dead, came back to life after being killed, and was the Living Word of God.

JFK Jr. couldn't do that.

21136672? ago

I don't disagree, but remember, Jesus said they were healed because THEY BELIEVED.


And that WE ARE ALL GODS...

take it for what you will

21136858? ago

Jesus never said we were Gods, he said it's written in their law that they are gods, and if scripture can't be broken then how can they kill him for blaspheming God by saying he's Gods son.

Jesus was pointing out they were hypocrites.

21138048? ago

He was telling them by quoting psalms.

21137908? ago


21135343? ago

Friday was always a dog