20468919? ago

Did you see they deleted the video of Redpill78, Trureporting & Vorhies that I mentioned in my video that I was going to critique in part 2? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YikhGpyp1Pc&feature=youtu.be&

Lucky I had downloaded it...;) I will be uploading it soon to my channel but I will cut out the first 45 minutes that they are chatting while waiting for Vohies to arrive.

20475433? ago

That didn't take long! YT deleted your Part 2 video within the last 30 minutes. It was available when i added the link to this thread. Did you copy to bitchute or other platform as a backup?

20475570? ago

It still there for me https://youtu.be/tBCf7q24V0A

20476148? ago

My mistake. Saw the first few seconds and thought it was unavailable. I adjusted t=4 (sec) to skip to where you begin. All is good (for now).

20475893? ago

Try it again. Clicked your link, "Video Unavailable" for me.

20475155? ago

Video Part 2 now added to QRV thread.

20469760? ago

I've been consumed by a C_A tweet on QRV the past 2 hours. Contains a picture with 11 books, I researched, posted links to 10 of the eleven (one has a blank book cover on it). Now that is done and poßted, anons are reading book review comments on Amazon ...

Didn't know they cut access to those files. Great you backed it up. Are you posting videos elsewhere in case YT cuts access to this series about Zach? Bitchute? Should I watch for part2 tonight?

20466191? ago

Julzee doesnt even mention zech says the shooter was a male, heavy set. Her whole video was just harping on stupid shit that doesn't matter while leaving out vital information.

20468654? ago

The heavy set guy he described was 20ft from the body on the ground with the red stain. He assumed the heavy set guy shot Nasim but clarifies in the npr article that he was mistaken. He is not describing Nasim as heavy set. He's describing who he thought shot Nasim.

20466255? ago

She talked about that toward the end of the video where she mentions he referred to the shooter a couple times as "him", " his". When Zach talked about the "stain" on shooters shirt instead of the "blood" or "wound". She mentions the shooter was a transexual.

20466288? ago

She didn't say anything about zach saying 'heavy set' which is the most important detail. The shooter was very slender. If I were to apply to same logic she applies to zach I'd say she's a shill who's job it is to lead people astray onto things like art, symbols, and easy to remember cab phone numbers.

20468608? ago

julzee here. Maybe I heard wrong but I thought the heavy set person he was describing was the crazy guy that he 'thought' was the shooter who rambled on and on 'are you going to shoot me'. There are two ppl he mentions seeing. A body on the ground (which would be Nasim with the stain on 'his' abdomen) and the guy standing 20ft from the body (heavy set) who he assumed was the shooter. Am I wrong?

20468790? ago

2:10 "Can you give me a description of what that shooter looked like?"


He looked like he was a bit heavy set, I didn't rezognize him for youtube. I would have guess he was 5'9 but it happen so quickly that, the details are a little fuzzy still"

20468853? ago

Yes. There are two people he describes. One is the heavy set guy who was screaming 'are you gonna shoot me' who he 'thought' was the shooter who was standing 20ft from the body on the ground. He was describing what he later explains as a crazy guy who he 'mistakenly' took to be the one who shot the person on the ground. The person on the ground was Nasim who he also describes as a man but does not say she was heavy set. 5:5?

20468892? ago

Where does he say he was mistaken? So no breadcrumbs then?

20469014? ago

The NPR article. Let me find it. It was linked on another thread. https://voat.co/v/whatever/3409092 YouTube Software Engineer Describes Seeing Altercation In Building Courtyard

"When I approached the courtyard, that's when I heard a commotion. I heard a man yelling out, do you want to shoot me? And about 25 feet away from him was somebody on the ground with an apparent gunshot wound in the stomach. And he was bleeding out of his shirt. And he wasn't moving. And I didn't realize that he had been shot. I just was like, what's going on? And..."

"CORNISH: And this is on campus. So do you know if these are employees involved?

VORHIES: This is on campus, yeah. I didn't get a good look at the man other than I heard that he was yelling to somebody that I didn't hear, do you want to shoot me? And I was - I froze. And at that point, the door that separates the courtyard from the street swung open, and a police officer entered with an assault rifle. At that point, I realized this was not someplace I needed to be."

"CORNISH: Did you see the shooter?

VORHIES: I thought that I had because I thought that it was a guy that was the shooter but, you know, never saw a gun on him. And now it turns out that there was a woman who was - who's the shooter. And so what I believe that I saw was the man arguing with the shooter, who was a woman."

20469154? ago

Interesting. No idea what he's talking about then when he mentions to listen to his description of the person who was shot. Nothing really stands out.

20469857? ago

What stands out to me is that he describes the shot person (Nasim) not as bleeding but as 'a red stain on his abdomen'. I would think that were you an innocent yt employee who just saw a dead body on the ground who had just gotten shot your first words would be I saw blood, not a 'red stain'. So this tells me that he's telling us that he left crumbs during that interview meaning I think that it was a FF..? It was a red stain (fake blood..?).

He also says to listen to how msm describes it. He only told the reporter that he saw possibly gun shot in abdomen. But while he's digging in his phone for the video to give her she recaps what he had told her only she adds 'shot in the chest 'and' abdomen'. She added a detail that he never told her.

He also said 'reconcile' how he had described the shot body vs how msm describes the shooter. Vorhies describes the body as 'he'. Msm said it was a 'she'. So it tells me that he was again leaving another crumb that Vorhies was a man not a woman.

20466474? ago

I think her summary was focused more on the questions that she had for Zach from her previous video.Was "heavy set" mentioned in the local news interview? Later Zach contacted her in comments section of YT, she got some answers from him which begat new questions that Zach wouldn't answer, for now. In the earlier video if I remember correctly, while Zach was interviewed by local news, he was calling the shooter "he" and later "she" at different points. I assumed he thought he saw a she but the official word is that it was a he, so he went with that (I guess). In his description of the shooter after shot and on the ground.

20466038? ago

The intresting information is overshadow by the cringe.

20465439? ago

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