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20430691? ago

He made a comment on this video addressing it. Seems extremely plausible

20432056? ago

New dialog between Julzee2 and Zach -


Thanks for addressing this Zach. I don't think anyone believes no shots were fired. We're all pretty much aware that FF doesn't mean innocents don't get hurt, killed, or unintentionally involved for real or that the shooters aren't real. Some are, some aren't. Some believe you to be one of them unaware of what was going on at the time and working at this place you happened to get caught up in the FF. But you've got to understand given this environment we live in where we've got to question EVERYTHING that it's pretty shocking for us to find out that you were a witness like this. Yet you never once mentioned it in any of the many interviews you've done. Of course it makes us naturally question it.

We see a freeging DS symbol go by in the background (cab w/phone # 333-3333) during your witness interview, the 10 lonely comments on a year and 1/2 old abc7 video and now your interview with redpill with a weird symbol-looking creature in the background? Come on Zach seriously. You've got to at least explain what the heck is that and why have it behind you when you know all this weirdness is going on all around us. What does that art mean that you sit behind you? Do you not see how this would look to us given as you say the 'like really weird' stuff we experience?

And how in the world is addressing it on twitter any different (less distraction)?

I in now way have questioned whether the current info you release re: Google leak is valid or not. It sounds like it totally is. What really has me upset about the whole thing is the fact that we had to find out that you witnessed this FF by accident over a year later..? Imo the silence just made it worse. Now we have to question whether you were privy to this FF and part of the acting team or someone unintentionally caught up in it? Especially now that it seems you are hinting that you know more but don't want to get into it bc it will distract from the leaks part. Given that I don't know what you know that also does not make sense bc you having knowledge of a Google FF I would think would 'add' to the enlightenment of the Google corruption!

Would you be willing to answer our questions here? Seems much more private than twitter.

2 hours ago (edited)


Truth Fairy in da house!

Zach: i just wsnt to say that i am a believer and u can see, given you work at Google, not an unlikely reason for you to be there, that you were interviewed. Was the google shooting a FF? Yes likely imo but it's not like i think you are behind it. Just there, at your job. The other crisis actors are hired by ad (listen to today's x22 btw for NY and Nevada) and have appeared at seversl FF events or even mimic each other's lines for God's sake.

But i am also incredibly intuitive. Heck one can say as a counselor, and business and financial consultant, is part of the job and i think not only is he not lying, the way he want about the google whistle-blower sutch, he was brilliant about how he went about it. But many people would do what he did. Keep in mind two questions

1. Who is he up against? Deep State and the MSM

2. What did he gain, lose? He lost a lot... And for what? Nothing. He is hanging on to money, which has other ramifications plus integrity... Who do you think is going to hire him now? Income? Friends? He just became a social pariah ... Sorry to be so glib about this Zach.

Ps, i would love to talk to you offline but i have my iwn concerns about safety and i, too, have been targeted.

1 hour ago


Ask him what the damn image is behind him during the redpill interviews. Pretty stupid thing to have there with a bunch of anons looking at ds symbolism 24/7 the past 2 1/2 Does it not look like hair made of pedo symbols? And Egyptian-looking stone-face weirdo with eyes shut..? Wtf seriously? Look, I'm not saying that I don't believe him on the google dumps. Obviously google f#cks with us and does all that Zach says they do. And with veritas behind him it's almost silly 'to' question his authenticity. But why make things worse by interviewing in front of such an odd thing that's sure to make people uncomfortable and force paranoia that need not be there?

1 hour ago

Zach Vorhies


I just lost my entire comment so I'll just be brief:

I have talked about this shooting briefly in another video interview recently. I didn't talk about weird aspects of the shooting because in the grand scheme of things it doesn't matter in comparison to the leaks which affects literally everyone. The normies won't respond well to it, hence I won't state it here but I've given enough crumbs to get the sleuths started. The main lie that the msm told is staring you right in the face.

As far as the number 333-3333, have you searched for this number on the internet? It maps to YellowCabSf.

As far as the symbol you mention. Go check the FBI database and see how different their symbol is from what you think you see.


1 hour ago


@Zach Vorhies Ugh I hate when that happens. Could you please link me to that video where you talked about the shooting? Maybe hearing what you had to say about it will give me/us better understanding.

And yes, another sub said he looked for the number and did not find it as a valid in the US but apparently he was wrong..?

Can you please explain what the thing behind you is or is supposed to represent to you? I hope you understand why I have the attitude that I have. Given what we've all been through and have discovered these past few years it's almost as though you are inviting it! All this weird symbolism from crazy people who like to harm children and pull off FF's full of 3's, 6's, shoes etc, can you not see how positioning yourself in front of that thing would possibly produce such a response? If you want people to trust you and hear your intended message about Google then please try to be cognizant about other unintended messages that you may be sending in the future by 'not' having weird ds looking stuff in view so we can focus on your interview rather than wonder wth is behind

Look, I hope that you are a real whistleblower and 90% of me believes you are. I can't imagine how difficult it must be for you and the dramatic change to your life because of it. I do not intend to degrade your heroism AT ALL but you've got to admit things are a bit weird for all of us in these times. We can't trust ANYONE or ANYTHING anymore. It's prudent for us to question and that's what I have to do until things make sense to me.

It doesn't make sense how exposing Google's corruption is more important than alerting the public to FF's and unnecessary deaths is. Especially when Trump/Q already have Google under control for our future via EOs and IBofRights etc yet people are being harmed in FF's and policies enacted to take our guns away are in progress..? Seems like both issues could be addressed simultaneously. But I understand that you and 'influencers' have discussed this and determined that FF's are not as important to alert the public to. I get it. But it's odd how you and your influencers are now acting like Q giving crumbs instead of just coming out with it. Wow. Why not have your influencers give the info out instead of you if deviating from your focus of censorship is more important? They're already deemed conspiracy theorists anyway and them giving the info out won't interfere with your mission right? Seriously just doesn't make sense.

12 minutes ago (11:15PM EST)

20440424? ago

For context maybe you could add Zach's original comment to the top of thie..?

20465437? ago

Hi Julzee2! OP here again. I didn't get a YT notification though I am subscribed, but I saw your summary video p1 on Zach. Its posted in QRV now...

20466804? ago

Thanks OP..:) This should keep things a bit more organized. I still can't find the 8chan hearing...ugh But I'm looking in between real life distractions so not on my game at the moment.