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20430672? ago

Ok this is getting weirder. Zach replied to me in my comment section on this video. Here is what he said.

Hey everyone, this is Zach Vorhies who is featured in this video.

I wanted to come here and give you my statement on everything that happened. First off, I considered doing a video response but after talking with some influencers we came to the conclusion that this story would be a distraction from the Google leaks so I'm instead going to talk about this here and maybe a few other places and hopefully this will be sufficient to answer questions. If it's not, you can find me on twitter and send me a message.

Q: Why is Zach the only one on camera?

A: Google has a strict policy on talking on camera about Google and requires employees to have a chat with PR as standard practice. Obviously this situation is out of the ordinary but the Google policy probably was the main reason employees don't want to talk to the media. Also most people don't like the camera to begin with. A group of camera people were located at Traeger Av and Bayhill Dr (94066). Employees walked by and NONE of them would talk to the reporters who were asking questions. I was likely the 200th person that the camera people saw. No joke. As I was walking by I made eye contact with one of the many reporters and they took that as a sign to ask me what happened... and unlike all other 200 people before me I responded. Also I've been on Television before (Americas Greatest Makers, and a Kickstarter) so the camera is something I'm very comfortable with. So you can imagine what happens next when someone finally is willing to talk about what happened on camera. Camera people swarm me and I become the go-to person that everyone world wide is calling.

Q: What about the false flag allegations?

A: Shots WERE fired. So the shooting did in fact happen. My co-worker Jared Gray was eating lunch at the time it happened. He realized it was a shooting situation when the bullets shattered the window near him. He ran out. As far as the shooter... yeah it's weird. Like really really weird. I've already been down the rabbit hole on this and if I make public statements about the situation then it can lead to a distraction... because it's that weird of a story! If one wants to go down that rabbit hole then listen VERY closely to my description of the person who was shot. Then read the msm reports. Then look up the pictures of the shooter Nasim and reconcile.

Please keep focus on the Google Leaks and not make this more of a story than it has to be. I gave up my 260k / year career and risked being black listed so that you can know the truth about what Google is doing to subvert democracy.



I am not satisfied with his explanation but will give myself time before sharing my thoughts on why.