20222686? ago

The entire modelling business is for precisely that purpose.

20219739? ago

Would not surprise me if they were selling underage girls right in front of our eye.

20218031? ago

Matt Lauer married a VS model.

20221628? ago

Matt Lauer is a VS model.

20217958? ago

Interesting article. take it with a grain of salt, I don't know the website. K Jenner said that Victoria Secrets models are the prostitutes of the illuminati. Article from 2017.


20217956? ago

Satanic VC was implemented for the sole purpose of perverting our young girls. Even the name Vic Sec, is about the queen vic dressing up as a woman who was a man. Their claim to fame is pushing tranny models "Nasty girls". 6 million satanists in the US. We need to round them up for crimes against humanity.

20229969? ago

6 million? I thought it was 270,000?

20217920? ago

Wow. The things we've just dismissed as normal are likely crimes right under our noses

20217715? ago

Trump has owned several pageants. You do the math.

20216532? ago

All you have to ask yourself is "What do the Jews get out of this?" Then you'll know.

20216597? ago

Unfortunately u r correct anon. les Wexner is a member of the mega group, with Edgar Bronfman and a few other very powerful Jews that meet twice a year. He/they get a lot out of this...... money, power, andrenchrome, underage sex slaves, slaves, adult sex slaves, influence for themselves and for future generations of Jews like them. Unless we stop this, but to do that will require re-educating the American and global public and we can’t do that right now with the way the msm continues with their agenda.

20216213? ago

I believe that all the modelling agencies and Hollywood is a front for trafficked sex slaves. If the are promised ultimate career in these industries to buy their silence. That's why so few are coming forward. They meet rich powerful husbands, help with careers, lots of money, travel, they are seduced into that life.

20218640? ago

Wait until you dive into the rabbit hole of the Miss Universe (and "teen" universe) pageants.

There's some sick fucks running that shit.

20218504? ago

Fashion has lots of Mason symbol? Pet Goat II Explained https://vimeo.com/98322280 ??

20215572? ago

I think it's just for "show" to make it an event. If they just walked down the runway in lingerie it would be pretty old hat (for some!) pretty quickly. So instead, they have all these over-the-top costume things going on to make it unique and give it an appeal.

20216034? ago

Appeal to whom? Folks who really like peacocks? Halloween junkies? I’m calling bullshit on this theory, no offense. Anyone who was looking through the TV guide and saw Victoria secret runway show and is interested is either a perverted man or a woman who likes to wear lingerie. Why try to appeal to an audience that doesn’t buy your product (lingerie in this case)? Your comment doesn’t make sense, again no offense tho.

20222570? ago

That's okay, you don't have to agree. But it's the same with regular fashion shows. They put on all of this over-the-top "stuff" to make it into something. How many times have you seen a piece in the news mocking something ridiculous that a model is wearing? It works in drawing attention to it and they get the free exposure and publicity of their brand in doing so. But you've got to remember that the Victoria's secret show has become an event in itself because of all of that bullshit added on top.

20215296? ago

ding ding ding!! that is absolutely what they did. the fashion show audience was FILLED with filthy rich men who were more interested in the clothes than the women. Your wife might not be woke enough to realize that most fashion shows are filled with conceptual pieces that are in no way intended for mass sale or everyday wear- generally they exemplify the aesthetic but in this case they would definitely be using their own preferred imagery. Here's a great article from a former aspiring model: https://nypost.com/2019/07/14/inside-the-victorias-secret-pipeline-to-jeffrey-epstein/

20214926? ago

Yes. And I've wondered the same thing myself all these years. When you read interviews with "retired" models they often talk about the drugs, sex parties, and not remembering long stretches of time. It's possible they've all been drugged a lot in order to be a part of these "parties." It's also possible they aren't sure themselves what really happened. In a drug induced state (think Angel dust, Ecstasy, Date rape drugs) you forget what happened or never were fully conscious enough to know. Sauce - I was victim of a date rape drug. NO idea what happened, only know the aftermath of what happened, which is still too painful to discuss...

Now that we've seen the M.O. of RayRay Chandler - the way she sold her slaves through her "modeling agency" - this is not the least bit out of the question, Wexner is a real POS

20217750? ago

Rachel Chandler's MySpace, voat attacks https://voat.co/v/QRV/3387591/20217489 Glow Nigger Proxys

20214773? ago

The interviews by the victims who are suing now Epstein's estate, stated in interviews on the radio that the recruiting and drawing the girls into the trap occurs right out in the open via gifts, compliments, and suggestion. Like the proverbial frog in the slowly increasingly hot water, they are slowly immersed into it until when they realize it, it is too late.

20217687? ago

Notice voat dies goes offline and 5 countries by fan base (number of requests): Russian Federation, Thailand, Indonesia, Ukraine, and Brazil!

20214760? ago

What’s worn on the catwalk is not necessarily what makes it into stores dumbass.

There’s critical thinking and stupidly. You chose the latter.

I’m guessing you’re a misdirection shill.

20215926? ago

[They] think the normal everyday person is stupid and would never in a million years believe that what the OP describes is possible because people will look at it from the perspective that you just proposed.

20214619? ago

They can't risk putting slaves on an international broadcast. Somebody who recognizes them as a missing person could contact police.

They use lots of accessories in those shows that they don't sell in stores. In recent years, they have used elaborate wings, for example.

20217732? ago

Chandler's MySpace, Is This Photo From Epstein's Paris Apartment? https://voat.co/v/QRV/3387591/20217441 Have you ever been to Paris? Literally all of the buildings look exactly like this.

20214279? ago

Did you ever think: It wasn't a runway show, but an Auction?

THINK deeper than just the surface. Yes, they do have huge balls.

20214590? ago

Epstein had a Paris mansion ?? https://voat.co/v/QRV/3277533 The cross still stands. So what really happened?? It was declared a random accident before the Fires were even put out?

20213988? ago

Poor kids. I had a friend who aspired to be a model, she would eat tissue paper to stay thin.

20214550? ago

Jah-baal-On ? https://voat.co/v/QRV/3135857 Three families combined form the NWO (House of Saud, Rothschild and Soros). Through many generations, their bloodlines have accumulated mass wealth and power.

20213958? ago

Wow... Total mind fuck. Never thought of the run way as a dinner selection for these people. But it makes compete sense.

20214752? ago

Q708 - 10 Feb 2018 - What's going on in Asia? With pic posted from Bangkok.

Anons then found: International gang arrested with billions worth in Bitcoin

But always figured there was more to that Q post.


20213715? ago

I've got some anecdotal evidence on this OP. I knew a guy a long time ago who was a serious fashion model. He said there is one way and only one way to get work in that industry. It wasn't a problem for him because he was a homosexual. But that's the facts.

20217111? ago

I knew a woman who told the story of a man she dated in college (1960’s). After college he went to Hollywood to try and make it as an actor. A couple of years later he was in town and they met for dinner. He said he was told he had talent but had only gotten bit parts, but he was also working for a studio. His job was to “entertain” big name producers.

Fast forward a few years and he was now the star of a prime time television show. They met up at a class reunion and once they were away from the others she asked if he still had to perform his previous job’s duties. He said to her, “I don’t have to do that anymore.”

He had paid his dues.

20214533? ago

American singer, songwriter and actor Billy Ray Cyrus once said his family was under attack by Satan, also claimed David Lynch and the Devil wanted to destroy his family??? https://voat.co/v/QRV/3291460/ ?

20213832? ago

I knew a straight model that was sent overseas to do cougar escorting.

20213691? ago

Jesus Boomer Christ you need to get back on your meds.

20214467? ago

the Babylon Mason religion? https://voat.co/v/AskAnon/3082570 he was 15 and she was 39 ?? babylon elites have blackmail on? isle of Saint Martin? globalist French politician, ex Nigeria and a former Banker of the Rothschild & Cie Banque

20213685? ago

Vic Sec has a child line that sparked massive push back. They had a runway show and everything - rather disturbing

20214484? ago

The Extreme Jew and Mason, is there a link .... Shriners, Freemasons, and Islam Connection...Have you ever wondered why there is so little resistance to the Muslim invasion into this country? https://voat.co/v/AnonTalk/3058915/17607387 Shrines & Jesters run more localized blackmail rings.

20213613? ago

Look closer some are trannies

20214517? ago

Transgenderism, the homosexual agenda, transexual is pushed by elite Baphomet worshipers, it connects to an older religion from Babylon, Jew Occultists, Rome & Bacha bazi of Afghanistan https://voat.co/v/QRV/3279811/19198194 Baphomet is transgender. Any coincidence?

20213504? ago

Victoria's Secret used a transgender model waaaaay back in 2007/8, not for runway but for the clothing in the catalog. At the time it was very unusual and now, come to find out what "Victoria's Secret" actually is..... coincidence?

20213216? ago

Does it really go this deep? I hate to say it but I think this is the PAINT on the surface of the submarine that is the deep state... You are scratching the paint my friend. I don't mean this as a negative to you either in any way but you really have to expand your mind to grasp what is going on. Here is some mental workouts for ya... Read all this shit... Its short I promise



20213160? ago

im sorry i just want to drop this rant here it seems like an okay spot :) :) :)


Man I gotta say... I love being in a place where people can openly call homosexuality for what it is:

a motherfucking goddamn MENTAL DISORDER.

It is NOT FUCKING NORMAL to put ones PENIS into an ASSHOLE.

No matter how many Luciferian rainbow faggots try to lie to us and go against God (God wants penis into vagina to make more babies, its fucking logical) and the other dude is a faggot who wants penis into ass which is counter productive and disgusting, proliferates diseases because... ya know... its just not fucking natural, its AGAINST nature, so you fucking deserve to have your dick rot right the fuck off if you put it into someones elses shithole. Fucking disgusting.

These same fucks are the ones promoting anal, bdsm, bisexual, gay, tranny, ALL OF IT.

I just love you guys.

I love that you love the truth just like I do.


20219124? ago

I've got a really interesting WTF to have a look at when it comes to channelled sources.

The is a guy Calle Daryl Anka who just so happens to work in Hollywierd who channels an entity called Bashar.

Most of the info is pretty good but there has been occasions when "Predictions" have been made that haven't come true etc.

Anyway, one of the latest things to come for this channel was that everyone needs to vote in the next election but it seemed to imply that everyone needed to for anyone other that Trump.

To me the vibe coming from the entity was one of fear which is interesting in itself, but for those of us that have done a lot of work in the spiritual realms know that these entities feast on fear, terror, blood etc

For me the impression was that the entity that channels through guy was Terrified of loosing it's food source if all of the Satanic Pedo's get rounded up because they will loose the bulk of their food source.

I will post a link to the video in here a bit later...

20215299? ago

Have to agree with you. [[[They]]] own all the porn sites. Gradually the anal stuff has become front page and the norm. Suddenly young girls are saying they "love anal" or will do it because, well most women are really really really stupid about men and they think this is how they will find their prince charming - being willing to do whatever he wants. Truth is, for a female, anal is painful, horrid, no upside, no pleasure, extremely damaging in the long run. Most importantly, (and I can't find the article that just spoke about this on here) Anal Sex is all about SUBMISSION. It's about subordination. It's a psychological tool used to control the person on the bottom. The psych article I was reading talks about how subtle and damaging this is. Does the "bottom" (if male) have a different kind of orgasm due to pressure on the Prostate gland? Yes. It's that "pleasure" for the male that makes them a willing partner in submitting themselves to the other. For the female, the submission messes with their mind and their self-image, self-confidence, and self-assuredness. It's a very weird and almost unconscious response. I'm a woman who unfortunately had this done to me without my permission. I don't know how to explain it other than compare it to Stockholm syndrome. I didn't want it, hated it, but then found myself submitting to the guy far too long. It took a tremendous amount of will and strength to pull away from him. Months afterward, after I had healed from it, I could clearly understand what the Psychologist was saying and why this tool is used to subjugate people. Think of how this happens in prisons. Often it's revenge as well as subjugation. Prison warden told me white prisoners are more often victims of rape by nonwhites as a "payback" sort of thing.

Thing is - I realize a few guys on here are going to protest. "My girl says she loves it!" or "It's something we do together and increases our love for each other..." Whatever. Check in with her a year after you break up... just saying, women often don't tell our men the truth about why we do what we do. Sometimes we don't understand till later. I'm just agreeing with the rant above. My personal experience as well as research on the topic after my experience nearly caused me to Thelma&Louise myself.

20219227? ago

Um, energetically things like anal Alex can open up energy channels that can help higher plains of consciousness which may explain the churches banning of the practice while they do it themselves.

Look up Anal Sex and Tantra.

As far as I'm concerned, the less repressed people are, especially girls about their bodies and their sexuality, the better.

From a healing perspective, any sort of repression can have a devastating effect on a person, especially if it comes from shame.

Many of the people that do this fucked up shit had the same fucked up shit done to them when they were growing up and for some reason, some of these people will propograte the Traima to the next generation....

20221972? ago

It is specifically used in Satanic Rituals. I'm not interested in having THAT channel open.

You've been decieved

20217186? ago

Underrated post.

20213398? ago

Fucking KEK! Your post cracked me up.

20212838? ago

I suppose they wouldn't have a 'show' if people wouldn't watch the garbage they pump out.

20213102? ago

Babylon Symbols on their Sabrina and other shows https://voat.co/v/anon/3117644 Masonic musician Pink' aka Alecia Beth Moore

20212679? ago

Does it really go this deep? How far back does it go?


20214772? ago

and the Welfare state? https://files.catbox.moe/ptehdi.jpg

20212415? ago

Disgusting isn’t it?

This is no longer their world. We will take back everything they stole and distorted for their agenda.

20212966? ago

The guys at hollyweird, the political elite, the media they want open borders & keep saying the US is a 'Judeo-Christian' nation, Prussian Lodge, Thule ... and Voat names them Every Fucking Time!!


we know the masons were infiltrated by the illuminati which is a composite of the jesuit/tempars (weishaupt), the sabbatean-frankists (jakov frank) and the rothschilds (amschel), who was both knight of malta (templar) and a frankist.

the sabbateans originate from alamut, afghanistan, where they were known as the hashashins (assassins), but the mongol invason pushed them out and they moved to turkey and became the bektashi (they controlled the janissaries) and later the sabbateans, the salonica donmeh and their political arm, the young turks. sufi gnostics. they were responsible for the armenian genocide. jakov frank was initiated into sabbateanism in turkey and spread it in the balkans and eastern europe.

the german rudolf van sebottendorf was also initiated into the sabbatean order in turkey and upon his return to germany he founded the thule society. the german nazi party came out of them and so did karl haushofers vril.

want to add that shabtai zvi, the founder of the sabbatean movement was joined by a lot of spanish and portuguese marranos who fled the iberian peninsula because of the inquisuition. the ones who stayed converted to christianity and joined the templars to explore the seas, engage in slavery, pirating, and the discovery of the new world. thats why the skull and bones is using the jolly roger.

the shabtai society is right there at yale too the skull and bones hq is as well

the marranos who went to turkey were also forced to convert, but this time to islam.

ooh i must add, that david ben gurion and yitzak ben zvi (who changed his name to zvi in honor of shabtai zvi) also went and studied/lived in turkey and got initiated. their specific kind of zionism is the labor zionism, the only jewish org that survived and cooperated w the german nazis.

the masons were fine otherwise

additionally, the frankfurt school started there exactly becauses thats where jakov frank, eve frank and the rothschilds lived

also some think the rothschilds are edomites. hence the red.

i can flesh this out if anybody is interested and provide sources..

20216557? ago

That's a lot of adjectives and fancy misnomers for "Jews".

20215014? ago

Yes yes, please make a complete post with sources. I need this!

much appreciated!

20213130? ago


20212530? ago

We MUST..... for the sake of the future of humanity.

20212350? ago

The old woman? https://voat.co/v/QRV/3131598 She wears the jewel of a Horned Creature?

20217246? ago

That's a man, baby.

20212339? ago

It goes much, much deeper.

20217315? ago

Hello angel of darkness.

20212379? ago

Masons, Jihads with Shriners and Jews ... is there a connection? https://voat.co/v/AnonThoughts/3055877 millions of Dollars, Shekel, Pounds, Euro $$ ££ have been spent on this Propaganda acorss the West, Why? .......... and Who do you think it benefits?

20214299? ago

The Mason's are the good guys. It's Opus Dei we fight. They gave the Mason's the bad name. Opus Dei keeps everyone off their tails by distraction.

20216980? ago

OTO infiltrated satanists only want power.

20216442? ago

BS they are Luciferians.

20215607? ago

^^^^ knows nothing about the mason's

20216302? ago

^^^^ knows nothing about the mason's

^^^ Can't even spell Masons.

20217043? ago

Changes nothing little coward with few keyboard friends.

Your just like your dad,it must really suck huh?

20215958? ago

Yes. I know nothing of the men and women that keep me under strict watch 24 hours per day.

Sorry, my bad.

20216068? ago

So once you’re a mason they keep a watch over you 24/7?

20216076? ago


20216087? ago


20214938? ago

Question - are the Masons and the FreeMasons the same? Everything I've read about the inner workings of the high level Freemasons indicates they are most assuredly NOT the good guys.

20214972? ago

The Mason's want no spotlight. The other occultist organizations find it easy to use the Mason's as their scapegoats time and time again.

The mason's hold a very well guarded secret.

20217083? ago

Good job holding your worthless secret while all of humanity is enslaved.

Truth is only useful is it is made known.

"Good" masons are the most pathetic slaves. Keep eating your 11th degree shit cakes.

20217009? ago

Mason's is possessive. Try Masons instead if interested in sounding plausible.

20214852? ago

Kind of like Hydra within S.H.I.E.L.D.?

20216334? ago

STOP putting an apostrophe in "Masons", ignorant anons! Making us all look like fuckwits just because you don't understand English.

20220858? ago

you replied to the wrong comment. you are referring to the comment I replied to, not my comment.

20214139? ago

Cui bono?

20212274? ago

Rituals, initiation into the Occult ...before it was kind fringe, underground but Everywhere you watch, the cremony, the music teens & kids go to, its everywhere now? In the movies in the Tv shows? https://voat.co/v/anon/3070669

20214728? ago

VICTORIA'S SECRET Parent Company Board of Directors Want Answers! They Hire Outside Private Detactive firm to Probe Epstein Involvement with Company, the island & Blackmail? https://voat.co/v/QRV/3352785/19904114 Victoria secrets uses prison labor, look it up. Very disturbing.

20214447? ago

Music videos done by the top pop artist like Katie Perry and Lady Gaga look occult ritual stuff going on to the hilt

20214977? ago

anyone notice they might be throwing Katie Perry under the bus? Quite a few reports of lawsuits and legal problems for her. That's how they control them. As soon as they start to believe their PR, [[[They]]] pull the rug out from under them

20212173? ago

It may well be some kind of satanic display, but the fact that they don't sell it in stores doesn't necessarily support that. It's industry designers coming up with stuff to impress their weird little insular community. Ostensibly, it should be more like a concept car, where the design might be a bit outrageous but its characteristics are likely to inform design choices for the rest of their line. But it ends up being more like modern art, where it isn't about coming up with something that is actually visually appealing in any way, but impressing people who are so wrapped up in their retarded world that bad starts to seem good.

20216452? ago

One year the motif was angel wings. No big deal.

20214948? ago

+100 for >impressing people who are so wrapped up in their retarded world that bad starts to seem good


20216794? ago

In one respect the VS shows are the same as other fashion shows. The designs on the runway are nothing like they get watered down to for everyday people. High fashion just doesn't get worn on the street, and ordinary folk can't afford it anyways.

20213340? ago

Excellent, balanced, perspective.

The value of Occam’s Razor is grows more apparent as Gossamer theories are spun from increasingly thinner threads.

20212364? ago

They still have you nice and trained. OP is awake. You are still somewhat groggy. WAKE UP!!

20212323? ago

Whore of Babylon https://voat.co/v/QRV/3289250 The Mystery Babylonian Religion? 'Once woke there is no going back.'

20213389? ago

http://archive.is/eohGG Biggest redpill archive ever compiled. Enjoy

20217050? ago

Link broken?

20217740? ago

Works for me. Try different browser

20211902? ago

Search, David Hamilton

20212152? ago

Are the models instagram and they still got old connections on old social media sites like myspace Chandler at Epsteins Paris apartment? https://myspace.com/306140959/mixes/classic-my-photos-439472/photo/167342015 ? https://myspace.com/306140959/mixes/classic-my-photos-439472/photo/167342020 MySpace girl, try Adrianna Ross: https://myspace.com/xoxoadrianna/photos. I know you'll notice the reflections in the mirror. Mata Hari? Marcinkova? B Vickers wife? the race cars and sports? the pilot... mc2 on myspace? which leads to brunel ... Comet Ping Pong on Myspace, connections and photos https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1509542 , Majestic Ape Myspace. Dig while you can. https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1457286 Amanda Klienman 2005 MySpace photos https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1450571 mirror, archive save it?

20211855? ago

Check out crazy days and nights dot net

Rumor is they are pimped out, current models. So yes, they’ll make money too. If I was a wealthy man, that’s all I’d do. VS models.

20213652? ago


20214060? ago

Oh yeah baby. Now you’re talking

20213392? ago

Even the ones with schlongs?

20214069? ago

Ah...a mouth is a mouth

20212868? ago

Can't get a real woman so you'd pay for a half emaciated half silicone injected drug addict? LOL

20212924? ago

I can and do get my fair share. But you and I would never be able to get a silicone model specifically from VS without a ton of money. You know it, I know, Alexa knows it, so I shot alexa.

20212968? ago

Wouldn't want one, and you couldn't 'pay me' enough to dip my wick in one of those nasties.

20212971? ago

I respect that. To each his own.

20212715? ago

Paying to fuck women? That's pretty pathetic.

20219263? ago

At some level, everyone pays to fuck women...

The reason people pay women for sex isn't for sex, but for her to leave you alone afterwards....

20212799? ago

You pay to have a Victoria secret model. That’s what I specifically said.

20212921? ago

So you can just have her there to look at?

20212947? ago

No, I’d go Epstein on her ass.

20213003? ago

So, paying to fuck women. That's pretty twisted, and desperate.

20213073? ago

Uh Victoria secrets models. Is there anything higher than that?

20213181? ago

Whatever makes your tiny willy wiggle. I wouldn't pay a woman for sex. A woman who would accept it would likely be a boring bimbo. Not my idea of a good time.

20213209? ago

I’ll admit it. Yes, if I had that kind of wealth I’d specifically want a VS model.

20213263? ago

Real men don't pay to get fucked. That might make sense to you when and if you ever grow up.

20214080? ago

You haven’t gone down the rabbit hole far enough to know exactly what I’m referring to. It’s okay though. Keep tunneling and I’ll be here for you when you have questions. Trust me, I’ve got people further down the hole than me and I’ll reach out for some guidance from time to time.

20214633? ago

I've been awake since JFK in '63. I know plenty. I just don't pay women for sex. Apparently, you do, or would.

20214767? ago

Yes. I said in my original statement that if I had that wealth I would do exactly that.

20212336? ago

https://voat.co/v/QRV/3185313 "In the 1990's, as the hotel was being refurbished, engineers noticed discrepancies in the blueprints. They discovered a majestic Masonic temple hidden behind false walls."

20212236? ago

They still have old active myspace sites?? @NinaSparrow @Conspirologist ? @mintmachine @allonthesameteam @Jewed

20221533? ago

Thanks for the ping! Will have to see if there's anything interesting there :D

20212077? ago

Will do. Unbelievable.

20212034? ago

I see Google has corrupted the search feature on that site. To the point of miss direction and out right skulduggery.

The post is recent and damned if I can find the right key strings to find the articles. At lest two heavy ones with a lot of comments.

20217167? ago

Don't use Google.

20217436? ago

The website is coded under license to google. So not using the site is what Google wants?

I have DogPile which is dependent on the same Big Tech that Google manipulates.