Phoneaccount1 ago

Bottom of the album says "go get your kids". Ermmm.

Also posted by the 4th dimension. Worth a look.

Nana66 ago

This is where I posted comments about Sasha Lord and then I found Huckenpahler

Werwer12 ago

They caption this photo with "Our inspiration comes from other sources". It appears they are taking a picture of the sky in the late evening. This goes along with the theme pointed out in previous Voat threads with Aliens painted on the walls. It's strange that they believe in that stuff.

quantokitty ago

Great find! More innocent fun. Nothing weird going on as everyone eats animal intestines while naked and then documents the innocuous event by having their picture taken and posted to social media to celebrate the occasion. Why anyone would find this suspicious calls into question the potty-minded observer and not the jolly group of animal intestine eaters that write songs praising Satan.

zzvoat ago

This is really amazing, E2301! I like their old logo - looks like the all-seeing eye.

Because you're obviously really good at this, you might want to go into Tony Podesta's Facebook page and rifle through all his friends. Maybe you can just login, go to his page and access all his friends. If not, here's a back door:, which I got to by clicking on the guys name in this picture that someone else found:

Trumpedupeconomics ago

The comment: "you STOLE another one" makes me so sick

l23r ago

Check out this picture collection titled Obama 2008.

GoHeadBeGoneWithIt ago

what about it

l23r ago

Most businesses don't align with a particular candidate because they don't want to alienate their customer base. The ones that do support a particular candidate usually don't also have ties with... other stuff... that is asociated with the candidates political party (Not saying the Republicans hands are clean either!)

B_dog ago

Pizza over the crotch, masks, some kind of weird animal sacrifice, feast, or something, and everyone is naked. Just your average French synth pop band family restaurant sort of thing I'm sure.

I never knew I was an old prude until I saw what Alefantis likes for music and art. I only used to listen to the Lords of Acid, like Bing Crosby compared to what Alefantis associates with.

Nice digging. When I clicked the Buck's MySpace page an ad for Astroglide popped up. Perfect. Just perfect. Puke.

l23r ago

Lords of Acid, like Bing Crosby

Haaahaha! XD I know this is a serious topic, but I needed that laugh!

Element2301 ago

It occurred to me as I was thinking that there probably has to be a mass exodus from facebook and google happening soon, that it happened with myspace and all the stuff left on facebook would just sit there for years to come, like myspace is doing now. That got me interested in seeing if maybe they still had their myspace site up and maybe that would provide some connections or weird photos.

I've just started to look at it, there is also one for Bucks fishing & company and James Huckenpahler. He is a friend to this weird "this is pop" band that immediately gets your attention with some photos of what appears to the band naked wearing masks while eating what looks like intestines of an animal. There also seem to be 2 effigies of small babies involved in the photoshoot.


Actually I found the entire photoshoot (including pictures not on their myspace, again nsfw) Songs about Satan, 666, Kill'm'll... not very surprising really.

Not sure how relevant and I doubt this band is somehow connected to the ring but at least it's consistent that they are connecting their profiles to this stuff.

David Hagedorn used to be a chef at buck's fishing & camping - Later became a food critic for the Washington Post

I am trying to get some screenshots as well as archiving some of this stuff. Hopefully others will contribute to this effort.

I've been checking out these accounts too:

Obama shrine at fundraiser at Comet Ping Pong:

Even if the photos on CPP myspace are less bizarre than the instagram accounts they are still weird. Like this f.e.: This is not appropriate for a kid-friendly restaurant to post on their myspace:

B_dog ago

Even the first song, "Sheitan" means Satan in Arabic. Usually spelled "Shaitan" by English speakers. There is a 2006 French horror film by that name as well.

Alefantis and his friends sure know what they like. And they stick with it.

GoHeadBeGoneWithIt ago

Fuck Shaytan!