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17056529? ago

we know the masons were infiltrated by the illuminati which is a composite of the jesuit/tempars (weishaupt), the sabbatean-frankists (jakov frank) and the rothschilds (amschel), who was both knight of (templar) and a frankist.

the sabbateans originate from alamut, afghanistan, where they were known as the hashashins (assassins), but the mongol invason pushed them out and the moved to turkey and became the bektashi (they controlled the janissaries) and later the sabbateans, the salonica donmeh and their political arm, the young turks. they were responsible for the armenian genocide. jakov frank was initiated into sabbateanism in turkey and spread it in the balkans and eastern europe.

the german rudolf van sebottendorf was also initiated into the sabbatean order in turkey and upon his return to germany he founded the thule society. the german nazi party came out of them and so did karl haushofers vril.

17734419? ago

Nickelodeon, the BBC, Fox, Playboy, Vogue, Hollywood, Scientology, Immigration, NZ churches, Carribean, Music Industry, 'Uncle' Terry, Jeffery Epstein, Eric Schneiderman, Allison Mack.