Stormtrooperx52 ago

"Designer babies from Nottingham not only rock, but they also feed Apes" Top right picture after selecting the photos tab. Looked up "Designer babies from Nottingham." Apparently they had a test tube, lab grown, human baby for dinner? Wtf. Check this out---

vector3rector ago

Amanda Kleinman info + Directory

*Brothers death summary and mother's professional information is available there in the comments section.

*9 Year journal and travel comments available under the /pastshows/tab.

srayzie ago

I was gathering stuff on her the other day. Do you know she used to be an 8th grade teacher??

Artlife ago

And wasn't it for a special education (or whatever you call it nowadays) class ? At least that's what I thought someone else had posted.

srayzie ago

I'm not sure about that

LtSilverFox ago

Good old MySpace. If you know of any other useful dinosaur social media sites that were used back in the dizzzay let us know

JoeBidenIsCreepy ago

Through her/his connections I did go down a path that led to this band that blatently sports the boy lover logo . ... ... its probably nothing tho.