19996692? ago

Bill has Secret Service around him all the time so are they white hats keeping him under casual arrest or are they black hats who keep his dirty dealings secret? Same with Obama constant Secret Service team around him. If the two ex-presidents are to be arrested their SS teams would do it and take them for interrogation.

19995794? ago

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19995604? ago

You're not losing it OP! Good work!

Remember the BC [Border Collie] "dead dog" from 7/28?

https://voat.co/v/QRV/3357706 ("dead" could be metaphorical - i.e.., removed from circulation)

Both the 7/29 OPs AnaThemaDC twitter thread and the 7/29 GLP post in the notes below (posted within 20 minutes of each other) put the arrest on 7/26/19 at 8:30 am (no time zone provided but can be discerned from location reported - Thule AFB, Greenland - assuming they were both referring to local time).

During Bill's "last"(?) stage appearance, on the evening before his (unconfirmed but reported) arrest, he reportedly said,

"I'll remember this day for the rest of my life."

https://yle.fi/uutiset/osasto/news/fridays_papers_bill_clinton_in_finland_zombie_salmon_and_first_jackal_sighting/10894678 (discussing Bill's travels on 7/25/19 in Finland and Aland).

I wonder what was so memorable about his Finnish visit? Did he know his arrest and execution were imminent?

Is the "rest of [his] life" very short?

Will he be "put to death" too?

And did he know it for sure and/or did he just know it was inevitable?

[If he re-surfaces tomorrow, the last line still applies!]

As an aside (or not), the article reporting on Bill's Finnish (finished?) adventures, also notes that "the first ever jackal makes its way to Finland." (Photo and all.)

The Jackal (1997) is a movie about a joint operation between FBI and MVD (Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation) in which a hired gun known as "The Jackal" is hired to target an American.

www.en.Wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Jackal_(1997 film)

19993782? ago

Hard to believe that whoever it is they actually have is BC. He’s a current global player, not just in American politics, BUT also in American politics. He’s the King of the Dems.

There would be a press conference if he were arrested. This kind of arrest would warrant a presser to explain the charges he faces. They do more for less relevant people.

He’s probably simply staying out of the limelight.

19993368? ago

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19993236? ago

Can you do a threadreader app on that first twatter link? Fascinating. On another note, I vaguely remembered hearing BC had gone vegan. Found these ....apparently a doctor in Santa Rosa California challenged BC to become Vegan back in 2014 or thereabouts. Research on him shows doc is a 7th Day Adventist and a bit of an idealist. He doesn't appear to have any idea who he was dealing with... just saw this as a family in trouble because of their diet. Wonder if he ever figured out the "meat" they were eating wasn't from Mickey Dee's






19992953? ago

Why doesn't this post have more upvotes? It's pretty fucking convincing despite the fact that I am taking it with a pinch of salt.

19993645? ago

I think it's definitely interesting. The possible origins is what makes one question the legitimacy. Some want undeniable sourced proof, which we'll never be able to give them. But the more that I check into this, the more credible it's looking.

19992807? ago

Not being flip,but I wonder how you make vegan mac and cheese?

19993355? ago

easy peazy - you use fake cheese. Almond or coconut milk. https://veganheaven.org/pasta/vegan-mac-and-cheese/

19992174? ago

I think your decode is correct.

19991436? ago

Cut the "fbclid" portion out of URLs. That's a tracker for Farcebook.

19991674? ago

Cheers! Didn't know that.

19991200? ago

"Ever since a quadruple bypass surgery in 2010, Clinton has followed a strict vegan diet that excludes meat, dairy, and eggs and uses very little oil." Could be BC's meal request. Could be a lot of people's, though.

19993321? ago

DrMcDougall.com has a lot of BC stuff. Posted some links above. Apparently was the doctor that worked with BC after surgery. The vegan diet is the McDougall Diet, which doesn't even allow avocados. It's supposedly why BC lost so much weight so fast. Had a friend on that diet and she lost 35 pounds in 6 months and kept it off. Much healthier than me now!!

19991155? ago




19991011? ago

Its all fantasy. No one has been arrested. Nothing is going on.

19993767? ago

Well then, you can stop panicking now since nothing is going on. You wouldn't be here if it's all fantasy, now would you?

19993809? ago

Of course I would be here. Laughing at ziotards.

19990849? ago

7/29 Hillary retweets weirdly spaced: What Are You Going To Do (WAY GTD - way guaranteed?)

Original tweet was from Chris Murphy, who retweets another weird list-style offering from Michael Skolnik on 7/29: Bar Home Office Airport Temple Church College Mosque... (Barack Hussein Obama at...)

May be coincidence, but seems a possible code.

19997592? ago

Interesting. Good find. I see what your saying, possible coded messages. Could be nothing, like you said, but nothing should be overlooked as well. At this point, for me anyway, everything they do is worthy of suspicion. Here's the retweets:

Chris Murphy


U.S. Senator from Connecticut



Other possible meanings for GTD:

GTD=Global Terrorism Database

GTD=Getting Things Done


CCM=County College of Morris

CCM=ccm-ct.org - Connecticut Conference of Municipalities

CCM=Certified Case Manager

All Caps:


The "BHO" is what makes this stand out. Otherwise, it wouldn't seem significant to me. By this being in response to a terrorist attack (and attempt to enact stricter gun legislation to go after our guns), there were a few other letters that stood out as well. What appears to misspell "Psych" and "CCM" possibly could be Certified Case Manager. We know many of the terrorist FF have been by those with psychosis and who were on psychotropic meds. And Q questioned something about who were treating those who were committing some of these terrorist attacks. The attacks that the left would, right on que, immediately spew the evils of guns (not the person who used the gun) and try to enact more gun legislation.

Could be:

BHO AT C C M C H (Certified Case Manager Children's Hosp?) N N PSYHC (Psych?) MBS (Mohammed Bin Salmon?) M P M E G

Just my lame attempt to make something of what could be nothing.

Both of these retweets were referring to the terrorist attack at Gilroy Garlic Festival.

19990767? ago

I think that's what the "AMERICA IS BACK" q drop was about on the night of july 29th. It's also the date that POTUS first started using the #KAG hashtag on his twitter.

19990371? ago

Interesting, because I came across this post yesterday. Who knows if it's actually legit or not.

godlike dot com/forum1/message4100474/pg1

19996254? ago


19990787? ago

I think that was the origins of this. I found a twitter thread about it and just put it in a post with a few extra bits

I honestly don't know if it's true or not but it all ties together really easily.

19993299? ago

Since we're doing research, I fell into a rabbit hole a few days ago looking at posts by this guy - http://mileswmathis.com/bio.html Anyone know anything about him? He's not a fan of POTUS or Q. Sees conspiracies and faked deaths around every corner. But as they say, sometimes the crazy ones are the only ones who are right. Thought there might be a gem or two of truth in his stuff. Not sure I'd want to live in his head.

20000681? ago

I'm still down this same rabbit hole. Thanks/s. Here's something that stood out.

At about the same time, I was reading a biography of Lewis Carroll. Carroll distinguished very special days in his journal by giving them a white stone. His boating party with Alice was one of these days, of course.

drawing by Arthur Rackham

In the 1990's I also had an Alice. Her name was Tess, and I did some 50 drawings, paintings and sculptures of her in that decade. She was seven when her mother, one of my agents, brought her over to the studio by chance, and I understood that I had been sent a gift by the Muse. You can see her all over my portfolio.

20018615? ago

yeah, maybe I'll do that. Sent him a note, We'll see how he responds. He gets attacked a lot apparently. But his research and conclusions are pretty interesting and compelling. An hour into it and you wonder if anything you've been told since birth was true.

19998379? ago

Quite a remarkable person from the link I looked at. Not only talented in many fields across different areas of interest, but one who questions the many long held theories in scientific research. He's one who sees inconsistencies, seeks answers, and comes to his own logical conclusions. He doesn't hold to the establishment mantra and is forthrightedly (did I make up a new word?) making waves across many spectrums he questions the given narrative of. Usually I find critics to be depressing, but I find him fascinating.

Added later: Since 2013 Miles has also become known as the foremost fake-events researcher on the internet, blowing the cover of literally hundreds of major stories throughout history, all the way back to the Crusades. In 2013, his art counter-criticism morphed and expanded into a more general historical criticism, taking him into areas never before tread by an honest researcher. Discovering at that time an admission by the CIA that they had been in control of Modern Art all along, Miles finally put 2 and 2 together, seeing that most of accepted history had been managed in a similar way. This led to a linking of his art criticism and his science criticism, since he proved that both art and science—and everything else—were being managed by the same people for the same reasons.

I do think he is wrong about Trump and Q though. although, I didn't see where he commented on either.

20018682? ago

He indicates she is the daughter of one of his agents. Didn't see any signs of bad stuff going on. He's an iconoclast, but I don't think he rolls that way. The greatest problem with the cretins who are "running the world" that we're hearing about is they have shifted the narrative so much that we can't even just see innocence anymore. They've profaned sex, love, spirituality, friendships, trust... you name it. Of course, that's the actual definition of Satan: "The adversary who makes you question who you are."

His work is so brilliant, I would hope I'm right about him...

19990348? ago

"Thule" air base huh? Going to see the nazis i guess.

19990186? ago

Trump mentioned 'hot' quite a few times at the rally today.

19997622? ago

And he wasn't referring to the weather either.

19990066? ago

The twitter thread also states that we should all be prepared to see our news being reported by people we don’t know on 7/30 so... not buying their logic.

19989934? ago

Same with Barry. Where is Obama? If we don't see them in the public eye, then Patriots have them.

19989782? ago

That news apparently originated from GLP (see link), which is a boomer conspiracy site. The chans concluded the news is bullshit but its still something to store away just in case.


19994761? ago

Actually, the time stamp on the Twitter feed posted by OP is 20 minutes before the GLP one - assuming time zones are the same.

Virtually the same arrest info (7/26/19 + time) but different (not contradictory) associated and/or complementing details.


19997666? ago

Thanks for confirming the timestamps.

19993901? ago

I agree something to store away. And try to verify, I haven't seen it debunked other than by it coming from GLP (site needs to come with warning before anyone clicks on it), which is a conspiracy (some conspiracies turn out to be true) site, known for infecting your devices with bug tracking.

19989440? ago

I believe it. I’ve been thinking about it since that “for to” hint.

We want to see all of it, though.

If we can’t see all of it it’s Justice denied...

19989430? ago

Interesting decode. I'm not sure what conclusions can be drawn from this, but I think you are on target that there is something going on with BC, and DK.

19989308? ago

A whole pinch instead of a grain? Ok. This is an interesting theory to keep an eye on. I agree that this may be a happening. Now do Hillary.

19989288? ago

Pretty much the conclusion I came to when I posted this 5 days ago...


19989257? ago

Freakin' nazis again. Thule Airforce, as in the Thule society under nazi Germany. As in Ultima Thule. Maybe a reference to Antartica? It reminds me that cover from the Economist magazine:


19993488? ago

Wow interesting cover. Mirrored. Mona Angelina=Angelina Jolie, possibly? Is that an armadillo next to her? Stork with UPC baby(?) bundle? The man with hat kinda looks like the Botanist, Leonard Dyck, https://thenypost.files.wordpress.com/2019/07/leonard-dyck-132-1.jpg?quality=90&strip=all&w=1236&h=820&crop=1 who was murdered in Canada aong with the young couple. https://nypost.com/2019/07/26/father-of-two-allegedly-killed-by-teens-in-canada-was-on-solo-camping-trip/

19989729? ago

Ultima Thule in this case has nothing to do with Nazis.

19989779? ago

It has everything to do with nazis.


The Thule Society identified Ultima Thule as a lost ancient landmass in the extreme north, near Greenland or Iceland,[15] said by Nazi mystics to be the capital of ancient Hyperborea.

19994152? ago

This also ties in with Brett's post about it getting hot.

Lorna Brett twitter feed - Recent anti Epstein posts and talks of powerful men "quaking in their boots" Last post is a random one about the weather, heat coming from Europe to Scandinavia (Denmark) into the Arctic (Greenland)


A lot of "hot" tweets lately, some aren't just referring the the weather.

19993320? ago

Interesting Nazi reference. I found this while looking through the many different references to "North Star".

The full brutality of the Nazis is revealed when a German doctor (Erich von Stroheim) uses the village children as a source of blood for transfusions into wounded German soldiers. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_North_Star_(1943_film)

Also the Polaris card in the tarot deck as pointed out in response on HRC Twitter:


And then the obvious references for slaves making they're way North to freedom with the underground railroad. Sorry Hildabeast, there'll be no escaping for you!

19989082? ago

I hope Bill Clinton is losing it. Time will tell. Greenland is a relatively safe place to hold him though.

19989080? ago

A sound compilation of connecting the dots, except for the "93=BC" part. A couple of notes:

Nunes' tweet said "Corn ready for to be cut" (the "for" part is important to the alleged "42 = Bill Clinton" connection)

I think the "93 = Bill Clinton" part (based on one of his 8 years in office??) is quite a stretch.

19992887? ago

[–] 19989322? 3 points (+3|-0) 5.7 hours ago

9-3 is the date trump is in Denmark

Yep. Just checked after viewing your this post. Definitely the most logical explanation.


19994472? ago

This is soooooooooooooooooooooooo good!

19994372? ago

Bingo! Now this connection is something I can definitely get behind!

19989423? ago

93 is the year he was sworn in, not that that means much.

19989417? ago

Bill Clinton was inaugurated in 1993.

19989099? ago

Yep, that's a bit tenuous, I agree. But dk is the country code for Denmark so it's half good:)

19989138? ago

The "DK" part was VERY strong - I agree! Especially tied into the trip Bill took on Lorna Brett's plane!

19989322? ago

9-3 is the date trump is in Denmark

19993242? ago

Holy crap - now THAT is trippy! I just got goose bumps! =-D

19989061? ago

One more tidbit that coincides with HRC's 7/30 tweet about her friend who died:

7/29: John Podesta re-tweeted this 7/29 tweet by Lauren Peterson:


Lauren Peterson‏ @lcollinsp Jul 29

Heartbroken to hear that @HillaryClinton’s lifelong friend Betsy Ebeling passed away. I had the good luck to work with Betsy on a few pieces she wrote about their friendship; she was one of the kindest, warmest, most upbeat people I’ve ever met.

19988959? ago

Lets just hang loose. A lot of noise out there and we are being swamped with info and disinfo. Do not let the shillturds deter you. Keep digging. Find evidence Bill was out of the country. If possible. Im working on Pelosi's dad ties to mafia and murder of JFK so we have so much going on.

19991040? ago

Pelosi was able to get a Fiat deal with Italy. She has connections in Italy, I'm just not sure exactly with whom.

19999074? ago

Mafia most likely. Her dad, the former mayor of Baltimore was known to run with them.

19992218? ago

Probably family mob connections.

19990051? ago

Read, "Dr. Mary's Monkey"

19990193? ago

^ yes definite read.

19990105? ago

Thx 👍

19989461? ago

Im working on Pelosi's dad ties to mafia and murder of JFK.

If you are on that track of research, then you might be interested to know about a deep rabbit hole involving Jack Ruby, his family, and their connections to HRC father (daddy Rodham) and the law firm that connects them all together, along with a particular pilot.

19989943? ago

I remember Ruby. Watched him shoot Oswald. My house with extended family went berserk. My Grandpa was fit to be tied for two weeks. Thanks for that tip. This is going to comeout.

19990938? ago

That was my great awakening. I was a teenager, and my dad, a high level mason said to watch, they will have Oswald killed before he goes to trial so they can drop the case and let the real perps go free. So I was fully expecting it. Never trusted the 3 letter agencies since.

19988974? ago

Bill was out of the country last week in Scandinavia


Check plane ID about 4 mins in - It's Lorna Brett's

President of America Bill Clinton makes a short visit to Aland Islands (Åland). On Anders Wiklöf birthday party and Östrersjön foundation 30 years anniversary he makes a visit and a speech.

19989039? ago

Now, its getting gooder. 😄