20704080? ago

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19990031? ago

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19989291? ago

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19955427? ago

sporadic Alzheimer's, or ADAD groups,

19955412? ago

hadad Hadad, Adad, Haddad or Iškur was the storm and rain god in the Northwest Semitic and ancient Mesopotamian religions

19955377? ago

that is the White house phone # I called, he was busy.

19946332? ago

It makes sense, this must have been what that border collie tweet was about the other day. BC Bill Clinton. It's possible he's already dead.

19945563? ago

All this recent chatter about corn and farm makes me think C_A farm?

19945393? ago

I haven't checked myself, but there was a post on here last night saying that all the prominent dems had deleted anything connecting themselves with the Clinton's, including everything from the 2016 elections. If this is true, I'd guess we're about to see the arrest of a former president. Ya know, since a president can absolutely be indicted after he serves his terms. <~~Mueller made sure to answer that question masterfully during his hearing. And remember!!!.... No one is above the law, not even the president! LOL I live for the days where they each eat their words.

19945994? ago

ETS seems to think that it's just a distraction.

19943889? ago

cia = farm

farms grow corn [assets]

bill = a cia asset

cut the corn = kill bill

19944435? ago


19943228? ago

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19942840? ago

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19941460? ago

Corn, farms, baby farms?

19942820? ago

Could be, but I think the cabal calls them 'gardens' iir

ie: The Little Mermaid, Urselas soul garden, Chris Cornell 'audio SLAVE' and 'sound GARDEN' (slave garden), Husseins portrait

Basically a satanic twist on the garden of eden. The cabals way back into paradise..or so they think.

19940121? ago

And Q said "Farm produce" under Nunes tweet link. Oh yes, Obama and Clintons are all farm (CIA) trained (even bred) DS agents groomed to serve their masters.

19942828? ago

Thats right, the nick name for the clown headquarters is the 'Farm', right?

So is it produce, or produce? Vegetables, or results?

19937971? ago

recall Q's code again. [ 93 dk]

notice 2 spaces in front of 93. This indicates it is a year. 1993. What happened in 1993? Bill Clinton takes office. Another tie into the Nunes double confirmation. "for to" 42. "be cut" Bill Clinton. that makes it a triple confirmation. now about that dk?

19938370? ago

Maybe stretching a bit now.... but why not.

DK D=4. K=11. or 1+1=2.

42=BC again.

19938147? ago

Interesting. Keeps piling on!

19935900? ago

If it is like a reference to how it would be used in the bible it would mean something like the corn must be ready to be cut

19934448? ago

Didn't Comey tweet about corn too?

19935551? ago

Yes. Him in the field

19934274? ago


19933631? ago

I just saw the video of Nunes interview with Bartiromo this morning. They discussed the Mueller report. I noticed Nunes backdrop was looks like a John Deer tractor and other tractors.

19936535? ago

hmm... a "dear john" reference?

brennan? kek

19933802? ago

Ha, lovely!

19933383? ago

Not to muddy the waters, but what about David Corn?

Very outspoken critic of President Trump, neck deep in the Steele dossier, TV pundit, writer for Mother Jones, and has worked closely with Isikoff for years. They even wrote a book together how Trump was compromised by Russia.

Maybe David Corn is the next goon to be brought under the microscope.

19943697? ago

Well, with Papadopolous just announcing that his 10 grand was paid by CIA, perhaps the dots lead in this direction indeed.

19934296? ago

This is good speculation, just as good as anything else here. Maybe he has some cia ties or contacts. So far the 'Farm' comment has always related back the cia somehow, that's why I believe there is a cia tie here.

19933810? ago

Something to bear in mind.

19933338? ago

"Nothing can stop what is coming" ~Q. This has been stated several times and it seems to me that what is coming is much bigger than what is laid out in front of us. It has a biblical feeling to me, but that's just how it makes me feel. For the non-religious, an asteroid strike, Yellowstone blowing, X-class Solar flare, but something on a scale that is beyond human control. Anybody else get that gut feeling when reading that statement?

19933819? ago

It IS Biblical.... even according to Q. Search the term.

19939779? ago

The question is what part of the Bible, there are many cataclysmic events described in the Bible.

19942899? ago

You are correct, there are several 'end of the age' events mentioned (ages of the zodiac, not the end of the world as KJV incorrectly translates from the original)

Jesus came to warn the Jews of the impending end of THEIR age, Aries the sacrificial ram, and THEIR destruction which occurred approx 40 years after Jesus warning to THEM, but Jesus also mentions the final judgement as well. Jesus came to put an end to sacrifice. [THEY} continues their ways of ancient Babylonian sacrifice, just as Daniel said they would.

We are at the end of the age of OUR age, Pisces. Jesus taught us to be FISHERS of men, hence the 'Jesus fish'. This age will be suddenly and forcefully ended by a 'stone' cut not by human hands, that will destroy Babylon.

We are at the end of the time when satan [THEM] aka false Israel, is loosed from the pit, post 'millenium' or 'thousand years', which is NOT a literal thousand, its a poetic way of saying 'a long time' that is used many other times in the Bible.

the time from of 1946-1948 is one of the most critical brackets of time in human history, the events that occurred during that time were incredible. Everything from people born, to nations created, to Roswell, and many more.

What we are witnessing, imho, is the FINAL judgement, or the great white throne judgement, also known as the 'day of the Lord', or Day of Days.

The Lion of the tribe of Judah, from the line of David, is worthy to loose the seals.

Learn history. Learn where Judah migrated to. What animal is POTUS depicted as? His lineage?

The cabal cares about bloodlines.

So do the good guys.

20005974? ago

Very cool how the religious perspective lines up with the esoteric.

These few weeks are considered the Lion's Gate portal, with really powerful energy being brought in. POTUS has Leo (Lion) as his astrological rising sign also, FWIW.


We in the spiritual groups have been told this is a period of time when mediation, prayers and love are of utmost importance in determining how the future events unfold.

19943775? ago

Nice writeup, good job!

19943708? ago

Nice post. Yes, this is biblical.

He’s (POTUS) the Lamb.


19933473? ago

yes, was thinking the same thing... has been a lot in the news... volcanoes, earthquakes, solar minimum, asteroids.

19939870? ago

Those are the type things that "nothing can stop", and Q has mentioned Biblical implications on many occasions.

19933264? ago

Q gave us a timeline already. There is a sequence that will take place. IG REPORT comes FIRST.

19933195? ago

Great work, Patriot! Thank you! This makes so much sense.

19932812? ago

I think it's a warning. Nunes is saying they're going to go forward with declass next week, and if the cabal wants to try to "one up" them with a false flag, Q-Team is going to then "one up" that FF with a big Bill Clinton revelation. Moves and countermoves...

19932632? ago

for to = 42 = Bill Clinton

Corn = PopCorn

It's Popcorn eating time peeps...

19936515? ago

and/or "pepes" :)

19932070? ago

For those mentioning Bill Clinton, sorry we're not jumping up to the big dogs just like that. Besides, I believe his justice will be delivered via the Epstien case, not declas.

The declas of course, is in the context of Russia gate. Q mentioned Farms as the first word of this post. In previous mentions of 'farm', he was referencing the c_a training site Camp Perry, where Nellie Ohr supposedly attended while learning to speak Russian. I think the first part of declas will touch on this. Although Q followers are already aware of this info and c_a connections, it will be news to most of the public and also ties directly to Fusion GPS and the intel gathering (spying) done on the Trump campaign.

Recall during the Mueller "testimony", he claimed to know nothing about Fusion gps. This is absolutely absurd, as they were the key player that ties the dnc to spygate, but Mueller and team had to remain ignorant of this fact in order for their narrative to survive. This info will display the coordinated efforts between c_a, fbi, doj and fusion gps, and also show how the Trump tower meeting was a complete setup. When the info is released, it will be transparently clear how dnc tied operatives illegally conspired to prevent a Trump presidency.

19938854? ago

Agreed that Bill Clinton is probably not on Q's list soon, but he is a liability to the DS now. Epstien will destroy any legacy he might have had. Sacrificing him now saves him the pedo conviction and diminishes Epstien TV nommie interest. Could be a FF.

19938976? ago

That is true. Since they weren't able to kill Epstien in prison, maybe they will move on to other prominent connections to try and sway the narrative. Bill sure as hell could have a lot to say, may make sense to eliminate him, but there are so many others, how much can be gained by taking out just one. Well, it would also help to keep others quiet if they want to live.

19936460? ago

FWIW, a large portion of the public has read Stephen King's horrific writings.

Firestarter specifically mentioned "The Farm", and I'm sure other books have as well.

Many "normies" are going to understand "The Farm" et al...

19936782? ago

I agree with that. The concepts are simple enough, the importance is in the details.

19931987? ago

I was thinking that "Corn ready for to be cut" = "Corn ready. Four to be cut." That would mean four people are about to be cut down.

19933845? ago

Another interesting way of looking at it.. thank you!

19931891? ago

Didn't 1414 show up yesterday also?

19933852? ago

Where? How?

19954965? ago

19955029? ago

That's a link to my OP?

19955260? ago

was confused, forgot what I was doing, I am going through external data storage to see if I saved it. if not there? I'll try and figure out where I saw it. it was the day before your post I remember that.

19956754? ago

I really like to know, thanks for digging!

19955161? ago

then why did you ask where I saw it? It could have been somewhere else? I downloaded a lot of pages that day, I will look some more places.

19955012? ago

Thanks for getting back.. ill read it now!

19933962? ago

I saw it last night on something, I will see if I can find it.

19934235? ago

That would be awesome... further proofs

19931638? ago

Could be references to the Bible. References to the Harvest, separating the grain from the chaff, and reaping what you sow. Q drop 3525 says: "Was the corn ripe for harvesting?", obviously referring to the same thing.

19931694? ago

Exactly, that's why i posted this!

19931589? ago

Comey talking? Could give up a lot on the Clintons,email scandal etc,email content?

19931443? ago

Check the replies to his tweet.

Might be something in there worth noting.

Just saying.

19931707? ago

I can't, on the run the next few hours, if you got anything geek free to add

19931814? ago

Look for Alfred E. Newman.

Remember the Tweet from Potus regarding who would you like running the country?

I'm only giving you low hanging fruit, but put the pieces together. Where is Nunes from?

Read the Book of Enoch, Ethiopian translation. I'm literally now giving you the primer to the puzzle.

This is going to be a glorious week patriot.

God's already won, we just have to find out how he did it!

19933873? ago

OP here. Im currently rereading it actually!

Do much of it appears to be about potus, and the current situation.

19934360? ago

You'll get there. When it hits you, you'll know.

19935746? ago


  1. In those days the Lord bade (them) to summon and testify to the children of earth concerning their wisdom: Show it unto them; for ye are their guides, and a recompense over the whole earth. 2. For I and My Son will be united with them for ever in the paths of uprightness in their lives; and ye shall have peace: rejoice, ye children of uprightness. Amen.

19935574? ago

Can you please explain Alfred E Newman? (Neuman)

Is it something to do with the New Man? Aka resurrection?

19939117? ago

Not bad at all.

19939498? ago

Nunes is from Tulare. Unsure about that reference. Though.

19939702? ago

San Joaquin Valley.

Just remember that. The Southern San Joaquin Valley.

Oh and one more thing Q918

serial brain knows the endgame.

It's biblical.

19942921? ago

San Joaquin = Saint Walking


Hebrew migration.

Scot free.

Line of David.

Lion of Judah.

Worthy to open the seals / unseal / DECLAS at his leisure, when the time is RIGHT.

Armageddon is [THEIRS] to lose.

Revelation = DECLAS

Great White Throne Judgement NOW.

19944088? ago

You're the only patriot that has gotten this far!

Great job!!

19944482? ago

Those with eyes to see?

Also, Im not the only one...there is at least one other on Voat that I know of, and Ive discussed this with that anon in the past, cause I have posted lots of threads around this topic. Maybe it was you, if not it was another, which would be good, cause that means more are starting to realize..

Anyways, thanks! Hope to chat in the future..

POTUS opened the "Door of all doors"...

Do you know what that means??? ;)

19944918? ago

We can't spoil the surprise completely can we?

You have enough to figure it out.

Just remember that Kobra Kai was defeated.

Edit: Now you really have it all. Even the name.

Do not share if you figure it out. That wouldn't be nice.

Trust patriot.

19945199? ago

You mean Cobra Kai, the TV show, correct? Not Kobra Kai?

Im assuming it was a typo..

19945327? ago

Now you're getting somewhere.

Who was the hero?

19946072? ago

That's where im gonna hit a wall, I've never seen it and don't have yt red.

Im guessing it's not ralph machio, maybe one of his students

19946558? ago

Watch the movie.

You'll understand.

Besides, I always had a crush on Elizabeth Shue.

19947345? ago

I try and see if there a way to watch it, but I don't think it's on typical streaming services unfortunately.

I can only dig with available means

19936438? ago

or seinfeld

19932277? ago

Yeah, because we have nothing better to do than solve "puzzles" from anons who fancy themselves important as Q and can't fucking spit it out.

19932535? ago

Patience. It pays well.

19936431? ago

sure, in the meantime, aw fuck it

19932228? ago

Thank you.

19931290? ago

What does the [ 93 dk] stand for in drop 3525?

19931715? ago

See reincarnated ET twitter account

19932675? ago

Looks like twatter suspended the account. What did it say.

19931546? ago

not sure but Q post 93..

QMAP: [#93] Hillary Clinton a Puppet


d = 4

k = 11

411 = which is used to get information.

19931957? ago

I think it was within a few days of the 2016 election that HRC said, as if with a sudden realization, "They were never going to let me be President". This was almost a year before the dawn of Q, but this struck me as strange; I wondered then, "who is the 'they' to whom she was referring"?

19930965? ago

Corn or no corn - I still says Arrests or GTFO.

19936416? ago

well gtfo then, there's been arrests!

19937132? ago

Hillary, Obama, Comey, Rice, Schumer, Pelosi, Mueller, Holder, Valerie, Huma, Awan bros etc.... are too busy having a good time and are thoroughly enjoying your tax dollars.... no one has even so much as put a finger on them yet...

19937578? ago

heavy those goalposts must be

19930849? ago

I thought it was related to “farms” as q was posting about prior . Plus the old tweets by comey in a corn field were defiantly a message/code. Then last night comey tweets after Q and mines.

19932082? ago

Are there farms in the wikileaks emails?

19932629? ago

CIA = “The Farm”

19930778? ago

For what its worth, this type of corn in Nunes' tweet is a field dent corn.

Dent corn is ready for harvest when the little indent you can see on each kernel forms.

This is due to the milky starch in the corn solidifying and drying.

This type of corn is usually ready for harvest in late fall like October November time-frame.

Certainly not in July.

Field corn is currently flowering and just starting to form it's ears so at least in the US there isn't any corn that looks like that in the fields.

19945379? ago

Then where does all the corn that is in grocery stores come from? Isn't corn available year round everywhere?

19935204? ago

Nunes is from California and there is two full growing seasons in California. They would not sync with the rest of the country on harvest times.

19935810? ago


19934329? ago

I dub thee cornanon.

19999254? ago

Kek. Best laugh of my day.

19936405? ago


19940054? ago


19931874? ago

Wrong. Most of the corn I've seen has full size ears nearly ready for harvest. Of course we haven't had much rain at the right time, so most of the corn just has a grain here and there. Most farmers around here are going to lose money on their corn this year.

19931845? ago

'The corn is as high as an elephant's eye, and it looks like its climbing clear up in the sky. Oh what a beautiful morning..." Oklahoma, Broadway musical.

19931285? ago

Interesting. I was wondering why the corn was dented. lol.

19931234? ago

Fall harvest, pray your flight isn't in the winter?

19931127? ago

Where I live the corn is dry almost ready for harvest.

19930644? ago

Real corn, in most places in the Northern Hemisphere that grow it, is about a month away from being ready to be harvested.

19992568? ago

If any of the crops were even planted (re devastating floods)….

19931302? ago

Interesting insight.

19931047? ago

More like 2mo. When you plant 40% of the nation's corn in June instead of April/May, things get delayed big time down the line.

19943577? ago

yep, the floods delayed the corn in the midwest, and the drought forced the corn to be replanted in the southeast.

19930952? ago

The general term corn refers to any hard grain. So visualize a scythe clearing a ripe field: "The thicker the grass, the easier to mow".

The maize of the New World was denoted as 'Indian corn', which shortened to simply 'corn' in America.

19930690? ago

"If those days had not been cut short, no flesh would survive"..

19930527? ago

Doesnt it bother anyone that the above passage insinuates that God intentionally raised a chaotic world of filth so he can justifiably press then and drink their blood bc they were "ripe"???

19930657? ago

1- God didn't raise the world. Free will.

2- The judgement is symbolic, they will die by the means they killed. They drink the blood of innocents, they will be given their own blood to drink. In other words, they will be exterminated because they CHOSE to defy the LIGHT.

19932283? ago


19931614? ago

I just dont think this is revelations, sorry. And I dont think revelations is talking about the true god... it seems like a vengeful jew god that tried to highjack jesus.

19931795? ago

God the father demands justice for unrighteousness ! All the Bible says this. Jesus his son sacrificed himself to pay the price to create righteousness for those who are his. Revelation Judgment is for The unrighteousness ie the unrepentant who are not redeemed by Jesus’s sacrifice.

19931602? ago

The fruits are ripe, harvest them sinners and let the blood flow!

19930596? ago

It makes me laugh they quote from the KING James bible. God is not of this cabals religion, but rather something we feel but will not understand until we stand with him once again and say, God damn I was so wrong, my bad, can I still get through those pretty gates.

19930645? ago

King James bible was written by James I of England. You know, the one after Liz the First. It is only a retranslation of the scripture and you want to trust a British monarch with the gospel? Written 1500 years after Christ?

19931962? ago

Ignorance, pure ignorance. King James didn't "write" the Bible. He hired the best biblical scholars he could find to gather the original manuscripts that were available and put together the most accurate translation they could. Even now, new ancient manuscripts are found which prove the KJV to be more accurate than other translations.

If you have an older printed copy of the NIV version, look online now and compare the online versions with the printed versions. The NIV, as well as other versions, are being changed for some reason, even omitting entire verses. They can't get away with that on the KJV because there are so many millions of copies, and all of us older people have memorized so many verses. So I don't trust the other versions, but I trust the KJV to be the most accurate translation in English.

19936384? ago

it has changed

denarius / penny

wolves / ?

there's a third, i forget, it's been a while since i studied mandela effect

19938631? ago

Mandela effect is just people who, for some reason, have faulty memories and latch onto irrelevant evidence. An example of this is the one about how many seats were in the car Kennedy was in when he was shot. People try to use a photo from Life as evidence, but fail to see that it was clearly noted to be a staged scene with a handy car, as the real car was locked up for legal evidence.

I remember things they way the actually were, and I document things. If I don't remember something clearly, I don't claim that I do and try to say that I'm right and the rest of the entire universe has somehow changed to make me look wrong.

I collect information from older sources. I have tons of old books, sets of encyclopedias, etc. I have old Bibles and scans of even older ones.

If something has changed in the KJV, cite the book, chapter, and verse.

19930495? ago

I really want to know if other Q followers are embarrassed when they see this kind of stuff.

19930791? ago

No, not embarassed, but the bible has been translated, mistranslated and politically edited so many times that it's impossible to take any of it seriously. It's a pity because I suspect that it holds many clues about what was written originally.

19930489? ago

3354 The STORM has arrived

MUELLER hearing a tactic meant to delay (H) report?

(H) report release necessary prior to [C]omey release?

(H) + [C] = D

D = the start of the mass awakening (WH, ABCs, State, Foreign, ……)

Post D comes many I's.

19930716? ago


What are the powers of Huber / IG (H)?

19930620? ago


DECLAS pre or post IG report?

[Comey] pre or post IG report?

C comes before D.


19930396? ago

Comey standing in the field: he's going to be "cut down" with the crop...?

19930675? ago

The great harvest takes MANY... one will be taken, the other left.

Stay in the light, be left behind to inherit the new earth.

19930323? ago

I have been leaning to Comey. His tweet standing in the cornfield and...Q ref. Him as Corny or it was POTUS.

Billy Bob goes well for me. He is the Ahab for Jezebel. Jezebel was more in charge. Albiet behind the scenes. Bill is soft and would sing like the fat lady.

19931653? ago

This is quite literal. Read Johnathan cahns book. The paradigm.

19938340? ago

Yep. I have. 👍

19972087? ago

Stunning read.

19930758? ago

Who is this Albiet person?

19938342? ago

Last name Einstein 😉

19936349? ago

you'll never know; behind the scenes

19930193? ago

I think it is a reference to Comey. Remember his tweet with a picture of him standing in a field of corn

19930243? ago

Yes, it appears both.

Maybe Comey leads to DECLAS (C before D)

Which unravels the CF first, and everything else shortly after.

All this will happen so fast...like a D5 avalanche.

19930047? ago

Swing away! Oh how the mighty will fall.

19929997? ago

I think Bill's a good one to start with because many people have been conditioned to the rape allegations etc

Take him out first and you get to hillary then obama before they wheel out big mike for 2020

Although I say that, I think there will be many different investigations running in parallel.

The Russian shit and epstein will also be going on at the same time

Just my thoughts......

19930052? ago

You’re right!

19930150? ago

The only thing is, how do you get to Bill without something new? All of the accusations have been in the public domain for a long time. They need something big to go for him first, there's other's with more recent crimes.

Bill's been keeping a low profile. But again, more people are aware of his crimes so maybe it's better to pull him in before HC and BO, there's still too many people that think those two are whiter than white.

Another thing that makes me wonder if it could be Bill is that Trump mentioned the rape stuff a lot during his campaign, maybe he was planting the seeds back then?

19944347? ago

This is something new.

Yes, the 'rape seeds' have been swirling around BC for many years - but not of children, and not the Satanic aspect.

19949894? ago

So start with the adult rape then bring in the child rape later. I really don't know, just thinking aloud!!

19943855? ago

I'm thinking if it is Bill it would be over Epstein and his traveling there. Could connect to Clinton Foundation.

19932683? ago

Bill's exploits on Epstein's plane/island?

19932557? ago

Sexual predators like Bill don’t have control over themselves and they can’t resist something they’re not supposed to do. My guess there is plenty of recent crimes. I really think he’s a smart target because the public has already been introduced to the idea over and over again.

19932035? ago

Imagine if every past president pardoned all their buddies of all crimes before leaving office, and then sealed it away under national security.

Meaning Trump and team can't prosecute anyone for past crimes. Only crimes committed after Trump took office.

Maybe the reason for the long delays in arrests is because they are needing to devise a plan to get these DS bad actors caught in new crimes. Perhaps that is easier than the process of removing a presidential pardon.

Just a thought.

19935311? ago

Things like this would be sooo much easier if we invalidate BHO's presidency.

He was a complete illegitimate president!

Everything he did should not count!

19930829? ago

Clinton Foundation

19930516? ago

JE link anon.

19931687? ago

Epstein and Rachael Chandler

19929956? ago

Then, what is corn?

19930565? ago

Popcorn because we are about to see a Comey - Corn - Farm(C_A) connection?

19930943? ago

The corn used is a field corn, dent corn. It's used for it's starch. The starch is used to turn into all sorts of corn derivative products (bourbon, high fructose corn syrup, glycerins, etc.).

It can be harvested to eat when in the milk stage but it wouldn't taste as good as the corn you find at the grocery store.

It can be roasted like popcorn but it wont pop in the manner youre used to.

There are particular varieties of corn called "popcorn" which are suitable for popping.

The corn in Nunes' twat is not that variety.

19930948? ago

It's also milled and used as corn meal, hominy, or corn flour for chips, tortillas etc.

19930041? ago

An artificially man made 'vegetable' that can be dried and popped? A modified grain, that was never intended to be? Think WHEAT and TARES.

19929990? ago

A farm/Farm produces corn/CIA niggers

19930086? ago

Yea, I went to post about Farm, then got my bits fondled.

19929910? ago


19929893? ago

for to = 42 = Bill Clinton

be cut = bc = Bill Clinton (confirmation)

19948521? ago

And don’t forget Border Collie

19929941? ago

I didnt catch that, yes, it appears to be a double confirmation! Thanks...

19929826? ago

I wanted to post this yesterday as soon as I saw it, but Voat was under attack...better late than never!

19935094? ago

Great post!

19935557? ago
