19946102? ago

The sooner this comey-nite amalekite is rotting in a prison cell / before hell; the better for humanity;

killary jezebel-ite was right, "they will All Hang."

D5 = Divine Justice for these innocent lives.

19945833? ago

There are no coincidences.

19944464? ago

With Comey’s corn field picture, is this a message for “The Children of The Corn”, a Stephen King Story, to mobilize?

19944476? ago

Mr. King was looking pretty horrible in a recent picture

19943918? ago

Here is Wes Pruden's original article with that title.


Wes Pruden died 12 days ago. I don't know the cause of death. He was 83.

Garlic Bullet comes from a mafia movie The Saint Valentine's Day Massacre. The idea is that if the bullet has garlic on it, the person will die even if the damage from the bullet is not fatal. There is no evidence that this is true or false.

19944426? ago

Especially if the person is a Vampire

19943492? ago

Their false flags are getting lame.

19943541? ago

Yeah.. and since we understand their comms and symbols, it's easy to point it all out.

And their karma isn't being absolved anymore because of it.

Symbolism is quite literally their downfall now. Karma is piling up because we SEE

19943296? ago

A signal of some sorts.

19943283? ago

Is this in reference to the garlic festival shooting?

19943317? ago

Yes, and the Corney tweets