19995797? ago

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19995606? ago

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19959849? ago

any update on this since the ddos attacks? Haven't seen him anywhere. Nothing on Twatter for 8 days

19942230? ago

Maybe RBG?...

19942216? ago

Hmm, [Ch]aser, a girl dog, hmm, maybe [Ch]andler is coming into the picture?

19942712? ago

What are the capital letters in the headline that don't begin a sentence?

19960373? ago

Interesting system of coded messaging. Upvoted. [BC].

19942011? ago

Because "Border" is capitalized? It's a common typo for the second word after a one letter capitalized word to also be capitalized. I think y'all are reading into this.

19941722? ago

A picture is worth a thousand words. The pic of [BC] and Rachel Chandler on the Lolita Express? Worth at least a thousand words.

19941477? ago

I can always count on QRV for a daily dose of retardation.

19941437? ago

I see BC and HC faking their deaths to live a rich, sick life on some shithole island surrounded by poor, ignorant natives who will give them their children to be "flown off to a great life in a great country". Unfortunately, they will never be heard from again.

19941240? ago

Fellow Christians... what was that now?

"Two will be taken, three will be shaken" ?? Or was it three taken, two shaken? (Mark Taylor)

19940706? ago

What is to say this isn't a coded request for a hit on Trump? He is more keen on protecting his border than any collie ever has been.

19941384? ago

They haven't succeeded yet.

19940282? ago




19940192? ago

I don't think Bill Clinton is dead.....Yet but his public health is gonna start to rapidly decline.

19940283? ago

Wasn't that in a Q drop?

19942028? ago


19942242? ago


19942293? ago


19940340? ago

Yes but I don't remember which one.

19940033? ago

Yes, because a 15 yr old dog dying is SOOOOOOOO unusual!

19940978? ago

But it was a world-famous dog.... that no-one ever heard of before.

19941083? ago

They totally fabricated this 8 years ago so they could drop ambiguous hints about Bill Clinton for stupid people down the line, right?


19941012? ago

I’ve known about this dog for years. Tons of videos of it on YouTube and all kinds of news stories. You people are fucking retards.

19939964? ago

I did a little digging on Nunes' tweet and the picture of the corn, to see if there were any connections to the Clintons. I found this. Make of it what you will:


19939953? ago

B Clinton is not dead. They will fake their deaths to avoid the death penalty.

19941394? ago


19940191? ago

or sent to Gitmo to live out their lives in miserable isolation.

19939932? ago

According to Mike Taylor, out of the 5 presidents before Trump, 3 will be taken and 2 will be shaken.

The 3 that will die are supposed to be Carter, Bush and Clinton.

Interesting if true

19940058? ago

He said that about the Supreme Court Justices.

19939992? ago

Mark Taylor.

19939713? ago

"Learn our comms," Q said. At the same time, we were learning theirs. If this is true, I'm gonna be blown away.

19939656? ago

Get fucking help. Do it tonight.

19939654? ago

This seems spot on. Pun intended.

19939305? ago

or... mans best friend is supposed to be his wife.. perhaps BC bff is dead.. hrc?

19939259? ago

could be.. supposedly slick willie was a rhodes scholar.. considered some of the worlds smartest.... "chaser". like bill chased the girls.. .. boy oh boy id really like a solid answer.. ask Q to confirm

19939089? ago

If not he is sick. Bad sick and dont expect to see another well day. Remember Q posted on "failing health."

19939067? ago

Can someone post the original link? My 'puter says catbox is malicious

19938970? ago

"Trained to understand a 1000 nouns"

A 1000 points of light?

19938613? ago

What better time to have a Presidential funeral then before the SHTF.

19938612? ago

Q executed BC I believe. 80/20 ild rather have the meat than the fat but what can you do? They control it all.

19938602? ago

DS using their M. Birds to send out the latest signal. BC decided the whole JE thing would expose him and took the easy way out.

19938722? ago

I have this weird idea that these people when they take the blood oath to join this fuckin cult they agree that if the cult ever needs to sacrifice them then they have to be willing and his time was up.

19937920? ago

Looking forward to hearing more about BC! Funny how this has made me vengeful.

19937830? ago

Hannity will release Hillary locked up and Bill dead of suicide from 2 bullets into the back of the head. He was always the weak one.

19939121? ago

I vote it was a head scarf from a door knob.

How the hell that work anyway? 🤔

19939302? ago

Killed some other way then dragged and hung from a door knob. Left posed like that as a message to others thinking of doing what the recently deceased had done.

19937785? ago

Well if he flipped and was going to testify against Hillary, then yes, he probably did die. Everyone does that are going to testify against Hillary. 2 shots in the back of the head, suicide, LOL.

19937739? ago

Are Rhodes Scholars trained to follow their handler's commands? Asking for a fren.

19937568? ago

"Every dog has its day." --Q1649

19937533? ago

The 1000 is keyword. 1000 winds = JFK?? = assassination???

19941068? ago

It’s because the dog actually knew 1000 words.

19942704? ago

NOUNS not words faggot.

19942741? ago

Nouns are words.

If you’re going to be a pedant try not also being a retard. Those don’t really mix well.

19942773? ago

"nouns" are a code. "words" are not. Why would the newspaper say nouns instead of words? Why exclude all the other words he knows to lower the number? Most dogs only know verbs. Use logic. Learn the code.

19942832? ago

It’s the same headline they ran about him his whole life. The dog is mostly famous for being able to find objects by name, not how many commands it knows. So it would mostly be nouns.

19938363? ago

Actually underneath the 100o nouns is 1022 nouns, so it depends where you look in what number. It is definitely intentional

19938188? ago

Break the CIA into 1000 pieces and scatter them into the wind

19938786? ago

1000 points of light? Lights out?

19941375? ago

Noun: person, place, thing. Frequent traveller?

19937801? ago

Hmmm.. Interdasting.

19937281? ago

I'm thinking this. and the 3525 post by Q are related. I get the B C connection, but the Comey in the Corn Field... Ready to be Harvested.... Maybe the B C is a call for a FF from a big Boom about Comey..

19995933? ago

Corn Field = Clinton Foundation

19937403? ago

Oh shit good brain ya got

19937175? ago

Named Chaser bc he chased skirt??

19938987? ago


19938966? ago

Good pickup. Maybe chased child's skirt even.

BC definitely made headlines world wide, that's for sure.

Noun example: That woman.

19937065? ago

I'm sure Chaser was a good boy, but Skidboot was one-of-a-kind.

19937003? ago


19939103? ago

And the "dogs" ate her. 😉

19936856? ago

Well they used up Bush Sr. already for a FF. I guess it was Bill Clinton's turn. They'll release it when they need to.

19938599? ago

Sr was was executed for treason.

19936831? ago

And now just seeing that Obama unfollowed HRC on twitter and deleted all her tweets, seems like something is up.

19939727? ago

That was in 2016. Old fukin news.

19939143? ago

I thought he unfollowed her in 2016. Also, I don't think this dog is a reference to Bill Clinton. The dog knows >1000 words, while Bill had to ask the meaning of "is".

19942690? ago

Learn code faggot.

NOUNS not WORDS. Not verbs. Not adjectives. NOUNS. Do you know what a fucking noun is? It's a person, place, or thing.

You're telling me a dog doesn't fucking know verbs? Like STOP. GO. COME. Roll over? Basically every shit a smart does DOES know?


Does the code make sense now?

19939338? ago

Didn't ask the meaning of.

Nigga what else is worth a thousand words?

19939336? ago

"The dog knows >1000 words" thats a bullshit cover story to run a border collie dog tweet. be honest, you've never heard of "Chaser the Border Collie" before today nor has anyone else in the world.

19941393? ago

The dog was featured on TV years ago - owner would say a word and dog would correctly retrieve it from the house, barn, pool etc. Everything from a type or color of ball to a particular kind of tool. Was fun to watch. Dog was super smart and loyal so it is a shame Chaser would be used as code to describe BC - why not some dumb "weiner" dog?

19953148? ago


19938972? ago

Enough with the coded messages already and allowing these perps to die peacefully.

All these scum bags (Clintons, Bushes, Obamas) need to be raked over the coals in TELEVISED TRIALS otherwise the masses will NEVER wake up.

The guilty need to be shown to the world, in all their scummy detail at a leval 10x the NUREMBERG TRIALS.

That is the only way true justice, true healing AND LASTING CHANGE can occur.

If the Q team is actually executing perps secretly or fumbling the ball while the CIA eliminates their own problematic operatives, then all of this is a waste of time.

19942302? ago

And let's not leave out all those oh-so-critical 100+ new federal judges that are imperative to be put in place before anyone can be brought to justice, which makes no sense because:

(A) All the people that WE care about going down should be heading STRAIGHT to military tribunal and tried for treason/sedition/war crimes/crimes against humanity etc. - NOT going to a run-of-the-mill regular civil court.

(B) And how many high-profile criminals ever even actually GO to trial with a judge? 5%? 10%? The first time around, Epstein got a sweet plea deal via Alex Acosta (obviously due to pressure from the FBI Director and/or the clowns) and Epstein didn't even get charged with a federal crime, then he spent 13 months of free-all-day and just had to show up at night before "lights out."

It seems like everyone in Hillary's orbit (Cheryl Mills, Huma Abedin, etc.) got immunity deals without even handing over any information used in prosecuting ANYONE. Andrew McCabe was documented as being guilty of several crimes by IG MIke Horowitz, yet a year later, we've seen absolutely nothing about him ever facing charges, much less going to jail.

The Awan brothers got plea/immunity deals and neither of them are in jail. Hussein's chief counsel Gregory Craig was indicted in April. but I haven't seen/heard anything on that case since then - my guess is he'll just skate too.

Jussie Smollett got his charges dropped with insane amounts of evidence against him (although federal charges might appear at some point). Kevin Spacey got his charges dropped. Harvey Weinstein didn't spend even 24 hours in jail, if memory serves.

NXIVM leader Keith Raniere actually went to court and was finally charged, but everyone else involved got plea deals and didn't go to trial. None of the election officials or corrupt SOBs involved in rigging the 2016 and 2018 federal elections were ever arrested, much less charged or serving time. Even Broward County's queen election fraudster still has her effing job!

I think my point has been made. What would be even more gut-wrenching is if the rumored "blanket pardons" for everyone who matters in Hussein's administration is actually true. If that really happened, then we'll all be dead by the time our country ever sees any real justice or the DS/cabal is ever dismantled and annihilated, IMO.

19939382? ago

I actually agree with this.

19936811? ago

This, plus the Nunes "Ready for to be cut" (42 - BC) tweet, feel like something is up!

19941293? ago

Link required

19940098? ago

Does the ready for part mean anything?

19940399? ago

I mean, maybe [they] are ready for BC to be cut? Idk

19939561? ago

Yup i posted that op this morning, this certainly does line up!

19941906? ago

What post?

19942837? ago



I wanted to post it the day before but couldnt cause VOAT was being baaaad.

19943026? ago

thanks patriot

19943185? ago

Sure thing..

19938626? ago

That was obviously a coded message. BC is Dead.

19941356? ago

I agree. Too scary to allow him to sing.

19938952? ago

Yeah. Chaser, for chasing poon so much.

19938717? ago

Please did!

19938792? ago

Worthy of beer and 1 bag of popcorn, shit no butter, wait I got it. Starbucks has free butter pats. Goona need two. OK no microwave so just put the bag in the pan with oil... Should work.

19943949? ago

microwaves harm food, good for you!

19937788? ago

I thought the for to was weird. Thanks.

19941491? ago

Where was that?